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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    Cheri such a sad story about Ethan. I agree the ole man goes into the deliverance tent. We will teach him a lesson!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2006
    Good evening all - I've been in the spa tent since Christmas dinner was over and am now feeling like coming out. Too many posts to read so I hope everyone is doing well.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    Putting some logs on the fire to keep all our sister warm. Prayers to all in need you are all on my mind. Hugs!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Susan, you're such a sweetie. Thank you. I edited my venting, i got a little carried away. lol

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's

    CheriTart: Dahling, that mental health tent ain't as bad as it sounds...I was the sanest of the bunch...scary, huh...and very well received, what with my gossip about you and my handfuls of xanax lollipops...

    I see we have someone on the other thread here questioning the reasoning behind this forum...I had to respond.

    My son's been hogging the computer these last two days with his new Xbox Live thingamajig that he got for Christmas...

    DebC: Woo hoo girl! I told you! I just love it when I'm right...and when anyone gets good news!

    Liz: Sorry about your MIL...why is your BIL so against Hospice? Maybe he's still in denial? It's so hard. I still catch myself revisiting my dad's last days this time last year. But I will never question our choice for Hospice. They were wonderful, and we were all able to be with my dad in his home. It was a peaceful (albeit emotionally excruciating for us) passing.

    Risetolife: Welcome, welcome, welcome...I am Stage IV...I do hope you're not, but even if you are, you're still living and we're all here to make it easier and more fun for you! That pain that mysteriously went away...very likely it was stress and anxiety...nothing we haven't all experienced. I'm so glad you felt comfortable enough to share it. That's why we're here. Keep posting. This is your dumping ground. Anything goes here. Come to Jezza's; join me for a cocktail! If we bring Cheri, we're more likely to meet men...(she's...uh...experienced...).

    NS: You put a new spin on "thick headed" hahahahahah...Where is Pennylane posting about her scans? I haven't heard from her in a long time, but I think of her often...

    Amy: Whew! Thanks for checking in! Happy Holidays to you...

    MB: I'm glad to hear you're husband is doing well...been thinking about WW myself...have had nothing but junk all week...

    Ok, it's 4 AM, have to go to DMV early then onto chemo...

    Counting down to the 13th and our pajama day in NYC...I am serious about the pajamas, I hope you realize this...Mena...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone! My goodness is was a busy night. While you were all talking up a storm last night, I was passed out in bed! One too many glasses of wine, but thank goodness I dont have a hangover this morning.

    Im listening to the early morning news and Denver is getting blasted with another snow storm. 4 inches and hour right now! Airport is closed down. Sending hugs to anyone that lives in Denver. Here we go again. Right now they are predicting it will be rain in Chicago. I will take the rain over the snow anyday.

    All I can say is TGIF! And then another 3 days off. This week-end will be much easier for me. My hsuband is playing at a pub the whole week-end. I have decided to go with him on New Years Eve. Spent the last 2 New Years Eve's at home. Celebrated with the television - or wait a second, I think I slept through last New Years Eve. Now this is a biggy for me. Still have anxiety with crowds, but its slowly going away. Think I will put my dancing shoes on and enjoy the festivities.

    Ya know, we have an old fashioned junk man who drives around and takes things before the garbage men arive. I just watched him load our old refrigerator on his truck. Now he is one strong man. Picked it up without blinking his eyes. So that refrigerator is history

    I just ran to get a piece of paper. My husband is so funny. He says "what do you need paper for" I say - "to take notes" he says "why" - I say "you wouldnt understand."
    So im giggling under my breath here.

    Jeannie: Im glad you went with your gut instinct. Good luck with the Femara. Im hoping the side effects will be less.

    Kristen: I was so glad to see you. Was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing. The results of the Holter monitor was great news. I too am on Lexapro, but many are on Effexor. The Lexapro not only helped me cope with all this stuff, but it helped my hot flashes too. So how many more rounds of chemo are left? Geez! I remember when you were first starting. And look at how far you have come along.

    DebC: Whew, another anxiety ridden week done. Now you can really party for the New Year. I was so happy to hear about the B9 scans!!

    Michelle: I see you snuck in and brought Champayne with you. Oh yummy. I did enloy it.

    Susan: Its there a song about "Magic Carpet Ride." Darn, darn, darn, Amy and I got caught. And we though we were fulling ya - sneaking in and using it while you were sleeping. Ya gotta watch that Amy and me. So now we have an official tent for it.

    Jezza: I was in the hoochie tent last night. Did ya see me? I was the one drinking glasses of wine like they were water. Then stood up and said, excuse me all - I must go to bed and pass out.

    Lisa: I sure did enjoy the smores and champayne. Sure was fun celebrating B9 news.

    NS: These migraines must go. Wondering what is causing them and Im so glad you have doctors appointments to get all of this addressed. We miss you when you are not here.

    Liz: Yes it has been a stressful Holiday Season for you. MIL in and out of the hospital. And when she isnt in the hospital, the family running around trying to make sure all is ok. Can you MIL talk. I wonder what she wants with regards to Hospice. It makes me crazy. So many people dont realize Hospice is all about Quality of Life! Anyways, Im wondering if this time you will have her go to a snf for some rehab before she goes back home. Good luck and hugs to you. I cant really tell you what is going on, but our Dear, sweet LauraB is struggling right now. Im hoping she will come to the circle wagon.

    Jeannie: Good luck at the oncs visit today. My next appointments are PS 1-3-07 and onc 1-15-07. Then in February Im off to get my port out.

    Cheri: Darn, darn - ya know curiosity killed the cat. Whining is allowed here. So Im glad you at least got to get those feelings out before you edited your post. Sometimes just writing it down helps.

    Vickie: Im sorry your feeling blue. You have every right to feel the way you do. 2006 was a stinker. But its almost over - and 2007 is looking good. So hang in there. And dont you ever stay away, cause yout think it will bring us down. These are the times you need us most. And the trunk thing was one scary story. Whew - glad you got out safely.

    Margaret: So nice to see you again, and you look so pretty and relaxed. The spa tent since Christmas? Oh my, that sounds great. I think I will be going there after work. I need a manicure and pedicure. It has only taken one year, but my nails which were destroyed by chemo, are back to normal again. Think I will get a french manicure. Anyways, it was good to see you.

    Mena: Good to see you again my dear friend. You must have stuck your head out of that tent when you finished the last xanax lollipop. Oh we need Debc to make more!!

    OK - once again its time to go. Shower and work are calling my name - very loudly as a matter of fact. I hope you all have a wonderful day. See ya later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning All,

    I went to bed at 3:00 a.m. this morning and rolled out of bed at 5:30, took a Bayer Back and Body (I hope my head and back will let me move soon). The 2 daughters are flying the coop today - the vet is leaving this morning (with Jake and her 2 cats). The Air Force daughter is leaving this afternoon. I baked all night so I could send goodies back to the base for her crew because they are working the New Years Eve shift. I am going to send some non-alcoholic bubbly stuff so they can toast to the New Year.

    Thank goodness the housekeeping patrol is not in my area – my house will need a serious case of cleaning when my kidlets leave. I would be under arrest if they took a peak inside this house!!! I had to climb over boxes to get to the study. DD that has divorced has moved half her house into mine. NOT GOOD. I don’t have room for my house. I think a good cleaning and donations to goodwill from my closets are going to happen soon. Thank goodness for Wellbutrin. I think it has helped me survive the last 3 weeks of JAKE. Jake thinks he is human. He gives me these sweet eye looks - right before he chews something!!! He is awake and whinning at the bedroom door as I type, but I AM NOT GOING TO LET HIM OUT. He actually sleeps in the bed with the vet daughter, one cat sleeps on her chest and the other cat sleeps above her head. She said one of her fellow vet friends has 6 dogs and 8 cats,2 birds, and 2 turtles (because one was lonely). YIKES, I am not inviting this friend here to my house for the holidays.

    DebC - Oh my gosh, I am crying because of the good news. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, news.

    Kristen, I take Bellemine S (bellegral) at night and 75 mg of Wellbutrin in the morning to help with hot flashes. I was post menopausal before my bc diagnosis, on femhrt replacement therapy and had to stop femhrt because I was ER+. The bellegral and Wellbutrin have cut the hot flashes down to about 10 a day. There is always a window between doses that will enable the hot flashes to return. I am glad they are helping you with the flashes. It is great news about the monitor.

    To all who need prayers, please know that I join hands with all of you in the circle. I keep you close to me all day and offer prayers all day long.

    I gotta go, the Bayer back and body has kicked in and I can move; need to get dressed, wake the girls, say goodbye as they leave for their respective states, even go to work (hey, its payday so I need to show up about 11:45 a.m.!!!!!!)

    Jake is leaving today, Jake is leaving today!!!

    I am thinking of all of you and holding you close. Prayers are being said for all……

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    Good morning Circle girls! I am rounding up the chuck wagon a little late today.... my 9 yo slept at my SIL last night so hubby and I slpt in a little and now I am a little off.......I am off for the next4 days, I don't know what to do with myself(shop maybe)

    Jake is a bad bad boy but I am a sucker for cute doggie!!!!

    Kristen hope today finds you well!
    Mena I hope you Sue and Theresa have a great time! sounds like fun!!!

    Madison I think I need some of that Bayer back and body.. I have been so sore lateley!!! my you have you have had your hands full!!!

    I am hoping everyones scans and tests came back well!!
    let's hope 2007 can be a great year for all of us!!!!
    have a good day!! I try to check in throughout the day to see how everyone is. there are so many posts that if I don't, I can't keep up and miss so much!

    I have 3 really close friends and a sister who I am close with but none of them have ever had anything major to deal with so it is really hard to talk about the bc with them, it is really nice to be able to come here every day and know that you all are here and get "IT". Thanks
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited December 2006
    Wow! So many post,it is hard to read them all.

    DebC- I am so happy for you. Time to celebrate! I'll bring the wine. I was givin 6 bottles of wine for Christmas. I think they are trying to tell me something.! I will bring them along to share with you girls.
    Madison- My house could be condemed as well. Maybe the wine will help me over look the mess.
    Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    DebC, congrats on your wonderful news!

    Vickie, wow, you certainly do have some interesting automotive adventures. Here’s hoping for a long stretch of boring car rides for a while!

    NS, sorry about your headache and hoping that it is nothing. I am glad you are getting it thoroughly checked out! And I just said a prayer for Lisa 40 and Pennylane for good results!

    Liz, sending you extra hugs to help you get through this tough time. I will pray for your family and your mother-in-law.

    Jeannie, good luck at the onc appointment! Keeping my fingers crossed that it is uneventful!

    Mena, glad to see you! Hope you are feeling well! And that the trip to the DMV doesn’t leave you feeling not-so-well! LOL

    Nicki, sounds like you will have an enjoyable New Year’s Eve! I plan to stick close to home, but my neighbor is having a party so I may go over there at least for a little while. I have 10 taxol/herceptin treatments left, then it will be on to rads, herceptin every three weeks, and tamoxifen. So far the taxol/herceptin is much easier than the AC, so I am thankful!

    Madison, glad to hear that the Bayer is working! You sure have had a houseful for a while! You are probably looking forward to some peace and quiet!

    Michele, I know what you mean, none of my close friends really understand either. I try to be really upbeat all the time, and I think sometimes it makes them think that this is really no big deal. Then, if I do whine from time to time, they look at me like I am crazy. But here, everyone understands! And it just helps knowing that there are others in the same boat! I am thankful for and the circle girls every day!

    I did not fill my Effexor script yet (was too tired yesterday), but had a rough night with the hot flashes last night so I will make sure I do it today! So far no remarkable side effects from treatment #2 – thank goodness for that!

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Morning girls,

    Wow, Denver is getting blasted again. I sure wish some would move over my way but by the time it gets to me its all rain and thunderstorms.

    Deb-mazer is still licking her chops from the cinnamon rolls. She has also asked all kinds of questions about Alaska weather because I think she has decided you are a better cook than me. I told her she couldnt handle it and it would put her further away from distorted humor and she stuck her lip out and started to pout. Decisions, decisions! Woohoo,,just so you know I enjoyed several beers in your honor last night for the B9 results.

    Susan, Man, I thought I was sneaking that carpet out and you never knew. I feel like I just got busted like when I was a teenager thinking I was sneaking so well to only find out my mother knew all along. I guess having a special parking space for the carpet will work out. If you need Mazer to take you shopping just yell.

    Kristin-I am an effexor girl. Love it! I definetly know when I have skipped a day and everybody around me does also. It took a few days to kick in when I started taking it so give it time. Glad you are handling your treatments ok.

    newvickie-thanks for stopping by and checking in. You dont want to get all of us worried or you will look out your window and see a big wagon train coming to check on ya. Nothing worse than a bunch of worried women.

    madison-congrats on Jake moving out today. I know you will miss your kids as they move out but probably some mixed feelings there since Jake is leaving also. Give Jake a big ol' squeeze for me and in 10 years he will settle down,,i promise!

    Michelle-glad you got to sleep late. Its always nice to get to do that every now and then.

    hello Joy, welcome to the circle.

    NS-glad you have some appointments to figure out the headache thing. Hopefully they will figure it out soon and you can move on with life.

    risetolife-stage 4 here also but I am not like Mena,,I promose,,lol. Glad you felt welcome to come here and talk. Its a great place and very addicting.

    Menaaaaaaaaaaa--x box live. My son does that also. Geesh, how can they sat that long and play those games?!? I just dont get it. Glad you survived the mental health tent. I would have dropped by to see you but I was afraid they would keep me so I stayed far far away. Hope your chemo goes well today. By the way, you posted before Nicki but I did notice you had not been to bed yet but I think that might count. Thats about the only way I could post at that time of the morning also.

    Liz-sorry about your sil and all that you are going through.

    Margaret-glad to see you stepping out of the spa tent. Your skin is so shriveled up for staying in there that long. Better get close to the fire.

    Cheryl-thanks for adding some logs on the fire. Its actually been cooler here on my end of the circle and the fire feels nice.

    Woohoo-got my water meter purchased yesterday and now just waiting for them to come out and set it. Its amazing how the small things in life are exciting here lately. First a septic tank and now a water meter. Now you all know why I didnt visit Mena in the Mental Health tent. The secret is out. $550.00 bucks for the water meter. It must be gold! I gave them 550.00 and they gave me a blue stick to put in the ground where I want the meter set. Somehow, I think I got the bad end of the deal.

    ok gonna go search for a picture of my wild australian cattle dog. I looked up Kelpie and they are different but both very high strung. cute as a bug and the most loving thing but loves like a wild bull. Shes one big muscle too which doesnt help. ok off to look for some pictures. I know I have a puppy pic of her but maybe I have a more recent one.

    bye for now. Amy
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    ok heres Bandie

    Bandie as a pupster-dont let the cute looks sucker you in.


    Bandie kissing Mazer


    Dark picture but this is her also.


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Cheri it's ok to vent. that guy is a creep.

    Madison, you are a great story teller. we have several CGs who are. I think you will miss Jake when he is gone.

    Liz, sending you hugs.

    NS, they will figure out how to help you. Promise.

    Amy and Chemo, of course I caught you. I've been sick, not stupid. LOL

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Well Nicki,

    I think we have been busted,,dangit! Maybe we should have snuck in and got the magic carpet before we started drinking. I can hear us now,,shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! BE VERY QUIET,,SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Drunks cant whisper ya know?!?

    Oh well, we sure had a good time anyway.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    Hey CG's...I'm trying real hard to get Kate101 over here and into the Hoochie Wagon. I owe her a drink or seven. Please give her a grand CG welcome when she gets here. I unintentionally upset her and I feel like crap about we're gonna get drunk together. Everybody's welcome!...Mena...xo

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    No worries mena!
    This forum is such a wonderful gift to us. Anyone who reads this thread from the beginning knows this. Change is hard and sometimes people need to adjust. We regular posters were surprised by BCO being so wonderful giving us our own forum- I can onlyimagine what people who didn't read/post here must have thought.
    I hope Kate will join us and anyone else too. Read the Welcome post and everyone will see what we are all about.

    It's all good!!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2006
    Thank you all fo rjust being here and being so slefless in your welcomes. I am fairly new but not new to bc. My dad had bc and two of my best friends too. they are survivors but not dad. no more boohoos today. My family on his side including me, tested BRCA2+. i am taking steps to so all the prophylactic measures possible. I have experienced all the things someone who has bc has, without the rads or chemo. Howver, I am starting tamox therapy next month , so i will be back very soon to fill you in.
    See you tomorrow morning! What a great way to kick off my days now.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    Beth welcome! you are so brave! this is a great place to be for support and info!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    I am anonymous again, bad bad Jake!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mena, glad it was the Mental tent instead of Dental. By the way, did they release you or did you escape? I caught that crack about me being experienced, you Harlot!

    Nicki,I think it's great that you're going out on New Years Eve! You go girl. Kick up those heels and have some well-deserved fun.

    Madison, admit it, you're gonna miss Jake. Your house is going to be so quiet when your dd's get gone. Just relax before trying to tackle your house. Then take your time.

    Beth, welcome! You'll find alot of compassion, kindness and just plain fun here.

    As far as New Years Eve, it's enough celebration for me just to see 2006 be gone! Last year over the New Year week-end, my dd was having my 3rd grandson. He was born on Dec.30th. I was in the delivery room with her & he was actually a beautiful newborn.(other 2-not real pretty) She brought him home & that's how we spent our eve. My dd is going through a hard time right now. One month & one day later the baby (Gavin) died with SIDS. I tried to revive the little guy but it was just too late. My daughter just about lost her mind. It was shortly after my first chemo treatment and the funeral was a blur. It's all so sad. So tomorrow my grandbaby would've been 1yr old. My dh went up to the cemetary which we have to pass on the way to town, and put up 2 little night lights on each side of the head stone. He was strong, healthy & beautiful. And we're not to question? Anyway, 2006 can kiss my a$$!!
    Thanks for letting me vent girls. I'm just worried about how my dd is going to handle the dates.

    GOD Bless,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Oh my gosh Cheri your story brought tears and cold chills to me. I am so sorry for your loss and always feel free to vent here.

    Beth, a big howdy to you. Pull yourself up a chair or a piece of wood and set by the fire. I myself prefer a chair because that piece of wood starts to hurt the ol butt.

    Speaking of butt, whoever asked,,yes that is my precious little ass that I posted. She is a 9 month old baby donkey and full of pi$$ and vinegar. But, you all stay posted because when my little mazer gets old enough her and distorted humor will have the fastest mule that has ever been on this earth.

    OK I am sitting here waiting for Kate101 to arrive because I want my drink. Where are you Kate101???? Did you get lost in the spa tent. Just ask Margaret about that,,she got lost and stayed for a week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited December 2006
    Hi CG's - I've been lurking and reading posts but not posting. Denver is WHITE!!!!!!. We got about 9-10" in the city last night (on top of 2 feet last week). Supposed to snow on and off through atleast tomorrow night. Don't remember what the total accumulation is supposed to be. All you can see is white!!! Hubby and I actually got a sitter to go out tomorrow night and now we might not get to go out. Kind of bummed about it. We hardly ever get a sitter for our 8 year old. Actually the past few days have been hard. I've been real emotional. My knees and knuckles have been hurting worse the past couple days and the neuropathy is getting worse instead of getting better (I've been on Arimidex for 5 months now). Last night the pain in my hands woke me up - heck, something wakes me up a few times everynight even with 3mg Lunesta. I see the onc the latter part of January, so will try to hang on till then. I've taken 4 ibuporfen and it does not help with the pain!!!
    My dh and dd went up to the mountains for two nights this week and had a wonderful time together and got a little skiing in. Miriam told Craig that this past year has been the worse year of her life and she is hoping that 2007 will be better!!! Miriam is so sweet - always knows when I need a hug and kiss. She is so wise beyond her years. Coming home yesterday they hit some black ice on the highway and had a close call - hit the guardrail, but they were okay. DH was scared, and if Craig was scared then the roads were really bad. Thank goodness I was not in the car with them!
    MB - thanks for chatting with me the other day - I am making my list of questions for the PS - don't know when I will call, but I will eventually. Hour dh continues on the mend.
    Nikki - I love reading your posts - 20 dd is in the western suburbs in college. I am hoping to make a short visit to her over the MLK weekend if I can get a good fare at the times I want.
    AlaskaDeb - hip hip hooray for your good news!!! Thanks for organizing the card exchange. I love receiving all the cards - they brightened up my day each day they arrived.
    Cheri123 - my heart goes out to you and your family regarding your little Gavin.
    Mena - I don't wear jammies - too hot at night - can I show up in my little camis and big girl panties!!!
    Newvickie - hope you are feeling a little bit better. Your Nathaniel is such a gentleman!
    MargaretB - thanks for your kind words the other day.
    Well, I haven't taken notes, and I know I have left so many people out. No new years resolutions for me - the last time I wished for something - to loose 10# and get through menopause - it came true - but through this darn BC. So my wishes are for feel good days, good health and only good news in 2007 for my family and to all of you and yours. Thanks for being here.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006

    This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.

    1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
    2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
    3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
    4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyoneJ, even if they don't like you.
    5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
    6.. You mean the world to someone.
    7. You are special and unique.
    8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
    9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
    10. When you think the world has turned its back on you should take another look.
    11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

    My sister sent this to me. I liked it so I thought I'd share it with my friends. Some of you may have already seen it, but it's worth another read.

    Best Wishes
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Thank you, Amy & Karen.

    Karen, maybe you should ask your dr about Lyrica. My neurologist started me on it about 3 months ago, and it's been amazing for me. I already had neuropathy before I started chemo, my onc told me it would prolly make it worse and he was so right. It's odd though, I take 100mg 3xday and it doesn't make me drowsy during the day but I take the last one at bedtime & I've slept so much better. Just a thought, but I think somebodys dh takes it. Can't hurt to ask your dr.

    Good Luck
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2006
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the circle, but Deb's welcoming thread made me feel comfortable enough to finally jump in! I've been trying to catch up by reading the last couple of pages of posts, but please forgive me if I can't remember which tent I'm supposed to be in! I've had a tough week, so I think I'll head to the drinking tent first!

    Cheri, your story about Gavin brought tears to my eyes, and I hope that your daughter is able to find the strength to get through the day tomorrow. I'll be thinking of your family and wishing you peace in the new year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to the circle!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone! TGIF yipeee - Im home and off for 3 days. And oh boy, the circle was busy today. We are such a talkative bunch.

    On my way to work I was listening to a radio station. Whoopie Goldberg is the host. Now I dont really like her, I know some do, but she sorta irritates me. Anyways, so she has on the woman, and I didnt get her name who was talking about her book "Beating Cancer." So as I was listening, I went hmmmm this is sorta interesting. They quoted the most remarkable statistic. 49% of women who get breast cancer and do not have insurance - dont survive! Caught my breath. And I havent checked it out yet, but is her web site and she said she has directions where people can go for free mammograms all across the USA. So now I guess Im like her. Then I put on my Mama Mia CD for the rest of the ride.

    Madison: Awww see you got suckered in by Jakes eyes. Your gonna miss him, admit it!! I hate to see him go, I really enjoyed the "Jake Destruction" stories. Only glad it was you and not me.

    Michelle: Boy you really said it. Most people dont get it. This is my salvation. Its the only place I can really be honest and fantasize at the same time.

    Kristen: 10 more? Hey baby, your getting there. You are where I was last year. There was no way I was going out in a crowd while I was getting chemo. That was the intellectual me. The physical me, said go to bed and sleep sleep sleep - which I did. One year ago I was bald, and now I have the cutest hair style. So you are gonna get there. But hey, you could come to our party tent. Gotta have big plans for the new year.

    Amy: YOu are just too funny. I can picture our Mazer the Tazer pouting! Lol its a pretty funny visual. Distorted Humor has been doing something new! He is now smiling, showing his teeth, just like Mazer. Oh what an influence she is on him. Yeppers, we got busted with Susans magic carpet. Have to find some new things to be michevious with.
    The picture of your pupppy and Mazer is adorable. I guess Im gonna have to go back and find the pic of Distorted Humor again. hes getting jealous that Mazer the Tazer is getting all the attention.

    Susan: This is definitely one of those laugh out loud moments and DH wants to know whats so funny. Oh lordy how do I begin to explain the magic carpet, Amy and I sneaking and using it while you were sleeping. Nope - he will put me in the mental tent. Mum is the word. My lips are sealed.

    Menaaaaa! You are a sweety and we love you. I mean, what else would you expect - we locked you in the mental tent and wouldnt let you out. Forgive, forget, love and move beyond

    Beth! Its so nice to meet you. And welcome! welcome! welcome. What an incredible history. Sometimes we forget that bc is not only in women, but men. Sorry about your dad. I also tested positive for BRCA2. Lost one sister to Ovarian cancer and my older sister was diagnosed with bc 3 months after me. She is like you, got it diagnosed early enough so she went on hormone pills. Im so glad your here. Now we need to find you a tent. We have so many. The spa tent, the medic tent, the fruitcake tent, the mental tent, the pity tent - and so many more. So set yourself down and enjoy. Tonight, Ill meet ya in the hoochie tent, would like a glass of wine right about now.

    Cheri: Oh what a sad story. 2006 shu go away and dont come back another day.

    Amy: Oh Distorted Humor just go so excited. 9 months old? He is patiently waiting - well not patiently but he is waiting.

    Karen: OMG! You guys are getting buried. 2 Holidays week-ends in a row!! Hope you get to go celebrate the New Year with your hubby. Being from Chicago, I can relate to being snowed in!! The skiing with your husband sounded like fun though. Ive heard that Lyrica and neurontin are good for neuropathy. 800mg of Ibuprofen is like the prescription dosage of Motrin. Maybe you need something stronger.

    Sue: Oh Im so glad you came to the circle. My eyes lit up when you said lets have a drink. No use trying to catch up from the past, just go forward from here. So we need to find you a tent and name it. This could get interesting. BTW I love the picture of your dog. Is his name Gus?

    OK ladies, I gotta go. Husband and I are having big time computer competition and guess what - he won. I will see ya all in the morning.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes and prayers. I truly appreciate them.

    Jeannie, how did the onc appointment go?

    Sher, how is the grandson? What did the doc say?

    Margaret, you spent quite awhile in the spa tent. Hope you’re okay. Your skin looks wonderful!

    Mena, my BIL says he’s not giving up on his mom. I’ve decided to step back and let the sons/daughters take care of all this. If I’m asked my opinion then I will express it. I have several friends who work for the local hospice so if/when the time comes I know she’ll be in wonderful hands. I’ve been looking for Kate but haven’t seen her yet.

    Madison, I bet your house is extremely quiet now. Bet you’re really going to miss Jake. LOL Bayer Back and Body huh? I take the Bellamine S also. I sleep like a baby when I do but the Lexapro has really cut my hot flashes down a lot.

    Michele, glad you got to sleep in. Sometimes we just have to do that. I totally understand the thing about people not getting “it”.

    Joy, hmmmm you did receive a lot of wine. Thanks for offering to share.

    NS I hope your headache is better.

    Kristin, you’re headed down the home stretch. I’m glad this is treating you better than the AC did.

    Amy so glad you got your meter. Sounds like you’re getting everything taken care of. I can’t wait to see your pictures when you’re all done. I love the picture of Bandie and Mazer.

    Susan, how are you feeling? Hope things are improving for you.

    Beth, so nice to meet you and welcome to the circle. So sorry about your dad. I’m so glad you joined us.

    Cheri, I’m so sorry about Gavin. That is so sad. I’m sure he’s watching over you and his mom during this stressful time. Big hugs to you both. I love that list and am so glad you posted it. I have saved it this time.

    Karen, Yikes! Denver is getting hit again. A friend of mine was snowed in there during the last storm. He ended up buying a truck and driving home. Um I forgot to mention he owns the local Ford dealership so I’m sure the new truck is now for sale. LOL Be careful.

    Sue, welcome to the circle. Sorry you’ve had a rough week. Come into the inner circle and we will surround you with love. Think I may join you in the drinking tent. Oh is that the Hoochie tent?

    Nicki, I must confess I am so jealous! You’re getting to go out New Year’s Eve and I know you’re going to have a wonderful time. Good for you. You go girl. Have a drink for me. I slept through last year also as I was still bald and in chemo too.

    MB I just looked at my pedometer. I've taken 6385 steps since 1:00pm today. Hope you and your DH are well.

    I’ve missed many I know. Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so glad I have you guys. Thanks so much.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hello All,

    I can not tell a lie...I did cry when that bad Jake left...

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Oh Cheri, how sad for your family, praying for you and little Gavin I don't blame you for kicking 2006 to the curb.
    Bless you, love Tina
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Ok ladies...please don't was me.