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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    ppfftt...I had to find a really fancy toilet that you would never see in a police station to post after posting that I stole the one from the police station...I figured with the way my luck runs the friggin toilet police would believe it and come arrest me!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hey All,

    Don't we have a tent we can hide Vickie and the toilet in....the toilet police will never find her (I mean all of us -remember Vickie we are in this together sister)....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Oh my lord, its the friggin toilet police. And they are chasing Vickie. Also seems as though they have their eye on Madison. But if we are gonna hide the toilet seat, make sure and tell Deese where. Seems like she always has problems finding that darn outhouse.

    Thanks the the morning laugh. Im out to Michaels. Gotta get a new craft to work on. Ive only just started my 3 days week-end and Im bored.

    See ya later

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey Vickie-

    Did you get some fuel to get up and running with some heat? I seem to remember that most fuel oil furnaces will run on diesel fuel...could you go get 5 gallons of that from the gas station to get you going?? Make sure and ask someone if that will work…I don’t want to be responsible for a big explosion in your basement...What a pain…Good luck and kick some butt!

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    You all are the best. You make my day. Have I ever told you that before? I have this vision of Madison and Vickie running from the police carrying a toilet and Nicki trying to find a place to hide them. Too Funny. Another laugh out loud moment brought to you by the Circle.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006

    Nicki - I did get up at 6:30 but forced myself back to sleep - got up around 9...yeahhhhh...felt good

    Vickie - what a bunch of crap - hope you and Nathaniel stay warm the next few days...that can be fun - I did that during the blizzard of '77 for 3 days - was home alone (everyone else was stranded somewhere) and had two dogs and a fireplace - no power, no heat other than the fire. Did a lot of reading by candlelight and ate a lot of hot dogs in the fire!!

    Madison - good idea about logging off (which you now can't read!) - while I love (and miss) thunderstorms - they can be pretty hairy at times...

    I am also LOL with the vision of toilet police chasing Vickie and Madison...

    Have fun today everyone!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Quick, Vickie and Madison---we'll hide you over here in the Pissy Tent! (Well where ELSE would you hide a toilet?!?)

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh ladies...I'm always good for a laugh. Love to make you all laugh.
    We are staying warm and camping out in the living room, having fun. Making cookies and watching television, coloring and just playing around.
    shhhh....the toilet is hidden in the pissy tent (LOL good one Jeannie)...someone please tell Deese.
    HI DEB...I was so happy to hear your wonderful news. NED are WE!!! I could go get kerosene but it's outragously expensive at the gas station and your only allowed to get 5 container to put it in...gas station is 15 miles away...wouldn't know how to get the furnace started again and hate to call my family (again) but we are fine and dandy.
    Someone hang a sign over the pissy tent that says "PMS tent" man would dare enter there and our toilet will be safe till tomorrow night!
    Susan and Ginny...I am so laughing at your vision of me and Madison running around with the toilet and Nicki looking for a hiding place!!! Nathaniel thinks I'm nuts...crying one minute, laughing the next. He told me I'd better stay here today so I can laugh.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2006
    You ladies are too funny this morning. I'm sitting here trying to make myself take my tree down. Have to do it today so I can have lots of room in my tent for Sun. night and our open house. I think my contribution will be tiramisu - we have this restaurant that makes the most awesome tiramisu - neither my hubby nor I like tiramisu and we can eat a whole tray of this one. Then I'll provide coffee, regular and decaf, with some Bailey's for those who would like it.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...didn't take it's all off the top of my head...which most of you could probably rest your elbows on...

    Karen, YES, cami's are jammies! And, well, big girl panties...they're just, sure...I'm into anything with a stretchable waistband...all the more to eat, my friend...

    Cheri, you never told me about your sad...I understand, kinda, tomorrow night, last year, was my dad's last night here on Earth...

    Madison, you're a sucker for that dog and you know it...I think you should get one.

    Gus and Beth, welcome to the Wagon Circle...The Hoochie Wagon's for drinking, The Medic Wagon is for, well, medical attention...the Fruitcake Wagon is for nuts...the Mental Health Wagon is for...uh...Cheri...what else? We have a Spa Wagon hosted by Ginney, my Deliverance Wagon for wayward, selfish or otherwise idiotic husbands or others that piss you off, the Pissy Tent for when we're in pissy moods...oh and a PMS Wagon -- speaks for itself, and no men allowed...I'm sure I've forgotten some...poke around...

    I think Cheri may be in the process of setting up an escort wagon...

    MB, how is hubby?

    DebC, how are you feeling these days?

    Puppy, sorry about that phone call...will call you later...

    Tracey aka snowmen/thongs...don't you dare stay away...

    Amy, he wanted that Xbox 360 so bad...It was given to him by several family and friends...there's no way I could've done that alone! It was over $400.00! That's nuts. He's got a sister who's only 11 that I had to give Christmas to, too, you know? And she wanted PSP...she got it...

    Liz, I'm so happy to hear you've got some Hospice pro's to rely on. That's great. Really.

    Margaret, Nicki, anyone I missed because I didn't take notes, yell at me later...have a great day...Mena...xo
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    Wishing a fannnnnnnnnnnntastick New Year to ALL.......filled with nutin but grrrrrrrrrrreat tx news, ooooodles of love, prosperity, kindness for ALL.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    Michelle is that you again???? LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    That had to be Michelle...I think that Jake the puppy got left behind and is sneaking around behind her eating her screen name, shoes, clothes, etc...she just hasn't noticed him yet.

    OH's your gold heated toilet...all for you...enjoy
    I noticed that the seat is we have a man lurking around here LOL.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    I am going to the pissy tent. Can you say leaking roof? Yep, that bad thunderstorm hit and my oh my did my roof leak. Up, down the attic stairs I went with buckets ... YIKES, Happy New Year roofer.....First thing Tuesday I have to be on the phone getting estimates (which isn't easy in our area post Katrina and Rita). I knew we had some damage from the hurricanes, but had no idea it was this bad. No retail therapy for me today, no-no, just a new roof. RATS!!

    Don't toilet police usually wear leather boots.....If you want I can get Jake back from Bamma, post him outside the tent with the toilet - no one with leather shoes or boots can get past him..he loves leather....but ladies we may have to wear wooden shoes or tennis shoes to get in the tent.......

    Gosh, darn, I am still mad about my roof.

    I'm in the pissy tent.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    ohhh crummy buttons. so sorry. I'll fix you a nice cup of hot chocolate and you can get warm by the fire.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Thanks Susan,

    I'm a gonna spike that hot chocolate, if you don't mind.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Madison...I'm so sorry. I had to replace my roof this summer but I was lucky, my brother is a contractor so I got contractor prices on the shingles and he put them on for me...I could send him your way...he'd love it!! I am relieved to hear that your ok though.
    I think borrowing Jake for New Years eve is a great police allowed...they can have their toilet back after our flushing party. It's in the pissy tent right next to you and you can use it to flush your roof and your frustrations starting now.
    You without a roof, me without fuel oil...boy are we a pair.
    Cheer up sweetie...we love you.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    Do you think we can get the pissy tent, the drinking tent and the toilet tent right next to each other...and build like a tunnel to go back and forth??????

    Can we Mena??????

    It is short sleeve, barefoot weather in Louisiana, I'll send some heat up your way...our airconditioners are running in the house.

    Take care and stay warm.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    We have the toilet in the pissy tent (we hung a sign over Pissy tent to say PMS tent to keep the policemen away LOL) and we'll put the fruitcake tent tent and the hoochie tent on each side with the mental health tent in back and tunnels all around.
    Maybe we need a big circus tent for New Years Eve so all our tents can be under the big top! I'll see what I can come up with.
    My brother said that you may have just lost a few shingles that need replacing...maybe not the entire roof...praying for that.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    ok...moving all tents to our new HUGE circus tent for New Years Eve...we get the best of all worlds under one roof...
    Now we need some performers...any suggestions (I know someone who will want Bruce Springsteen)!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Heres some entertainment...he stole the curtains out of my wagon and tried to escape...he's gonna have to drop those curtains to hold the mike and sing to us though LOL.
    Bon Jovi
    I'll bring the fireworks too...hope that doesn't lead the police to our secret circle party.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    I wanted to say a big Thank You for all the kind words about my grandson, Gavin. Today would've been his 1st birthday.

    Denise, glad to see you posting. Hope you found your way to the outhouse. Course there's been a couple of pottys on here today, so they should be easy to find.

    CherylCy, I took Neurontin for a few months but it didn't do me any good, so my neurologist put me on "Lyrica" and it works great. No more burning on the souls of my feet. Just a thought, you might ask your dr. & see what he says.

    Vicki, I bet Nathaniel is enjoying your "adventure" without the furnace. Sounds kinda cozy in your living room in front of a fireplace with the smell of fresh baked cookies. I was so worried about you when you said you didn't have any heat, but I feel better now knowing you're alright. I'd sue the pants off the oil co.

    Mena,dear,Mena. You wrote you thought I was setting up an escort wagon. You're confused..uh..again. I said I used to have an Escort Station Wagon. But you may have an idea there. I know plenty of primo men I could hire. And in every western movie I ever saw there was always a place to..ahem.."relieve stress". Of course, they'd be the cream of the crop. We'll see what the other ladies think. Now, why don't you & I take a little stroll arm in arm on down to the Mental health tent. I really don't think we should stop by the Hooch tent first this time. (I got a little mixed up about where I'd left you last time) In fact maybe we could both use that tent. Ya think? You checked out the sexiest man thread lately?

    Well girls I am more than ready for the Potty Flushing tomorrow night. Got my list, and it's a long one. Oh what fun to flush 2006 away & out of our lives! And you all don't forget to eat your black-eyed peas on New Years Day. It's for good luck in the coming year. It's kinda like the lighting a candle thing, just think what COULD'VE happened last year if I hadn't eaten mine! OMG!

    Funny, though, some of us live in different time zones. Although, that way there won't be such a line at the Potty Flushing. lol

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    For Cheri
    Steve Martin
    Better hid him from Mena though! LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    For Mena...leave my Bon Jovi alone missy!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    OMG! Stevie come to yo mama!! He's Soooo cute and Funny, too! Mena, you got your own man, don't be sniffing around here trying to snatch mine. He may not be some young, pretty-boy heart throb but he makes me throb! Uhh, my heart throb, of course. TeeHee

    Vicki, I love ya girl! You're always thinking of others, but you know you do have to keep an eye on Mena when it comes to men. The poor dear.

    Cheri & Steve (you know my maiden name was Martin)
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Our tent set up is starting to sound like a hamster run. The pissy tent really should be next to the hoochie tent anyway---easier to find in a hurry, especially for Mena!

    Bon Jovi has a curtain fetish?

    Denise-----so glad to see you back! Talk about the Energizer Bunny----you should be doing the commercials.

    Cheri---I add my words of comfort to all of the others about your grandson. My family lost my niece to a violent death a few years back. I know that is different but I can offer you a little advice. So many people expect you to "get over it". No one "gets over" the loss of a child but learning to live with it is a resolution. It will come with time----but you will never forget, and you shouldn't.

    Vickie---I'd sue Suburban. Letting your oil run out is a contract violation if you pay them ahead of time. Doing it over a long weekend and then not having a way to give your money back is just plain awful customer service. If the person you talked to has a boss "on vacation" then she should have called a regional office and gotten them to sign a check and express it to you. How are you supposed to pay for more fuel oil, anyway? You have a small child, it's a holiday weekend, it's cold and you have no heat, for crying out loud!!! OK---Jeannie, calm down. I was a trainer for State Farm and we pounded the idea into all of our customer service folks that you did whatever it took to get the customer what they needed (and don't anybody complain to me about claims---I was agency! As far as I can tell, nobody likes claims, no matter what company they are with.) Now I'm retired and I don't have to think about that stuff any more but crappy customer service still makes me nuts.

    Black eyed peas? Honey, this here is Syracuse, where I am probably the only non-Italian in town (except for the Irish and Polish folks) and it's strictly lentil soup on New Years Day. The lentils represent coins and affluence and good luck for the coming year. But then, I'm German and grew up in Milwaukee where herring in sour cream was the traditional New Years dish---I think that represents slimey stinky fish in abundance for the coming year!

    Looks like everything is going into the Big Top for the coming year---how appropriate!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    This is from the girl down South - for New Year's day:

    You have to eat black eyed peas for health

    Cabbage for wealth

    Wait, I had bc this year and I sure am not wealthy, so

    maybe I have been eating something I haven't liked for years - darn

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Ahahaha you all are just too funny. Now lets see hmmmm herring in sour cream sauce. That happens to be one of my husbands favorites. And they say you are what you eat so - he is one slimey, stinky fish! Shhhhh dont tell him I said that.

    All these good lookin men are making me crazzzzzy. I love our tent with tunnels and a gold toilet too. Thank you very much Vickie.

    I got this vision. Each time we flush something down that toilet tomorrow its gonna get bigger and bigger. Instead of it being the Amazing Collosal Man (remember no men allowed) it will be "The Amazing Collosal Toilet" and after tomorrow it will be chasing the toilet police instead of them chasing us. Its gonna be one gigantic toilet seat shuffling through the forest when were done.

    Toilet seat hidden in the pissy tent, now thats funny.

    Madison: Sorry about the roof leaking.

    Have a great afternoon. Ill be back later.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Black eyed peas AND cabbage? Oh dear. Methane maybe, but not health and wealth!

    And I forgot (someone asked---think it was Nicki). Onc visit went well. Have new RX for Femara and high hopes for predictable joints---having to learn a whole new way of holding a pen since the trigger thumb kinda messes things up. Maybe the insomnia will go away? Could I be that lucky? Maybe I should eat lentil soup AND black eyed peas AND cabbage AND herring. Maybe things would be the same except I wouldn't have to worry about contagious diseases since no one would come near me! Two appointments for MRIs on successive days in early February and then done until April. Hopefully can go to Florida the second week in February with nothing pressing on my mind. What a novelty!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Jeannie...Suburban has always been know for their terrible customer service and underhanded practices. I am so incredibly angry with them. 7 to 10 days to get a refund of my money is not acceptable and I am calling the main office on Tuesday and demanding an immediate refund...with interest. I simply can't wait that long...I have to get fuel oil. I have prepaid for the past four years and NEVER had to call for delivery. I still can't believe that they told me I was COD...????? can I be COD when they have 1364.00 dollars of MY I missing something here?
    My boss would shot me if I gave customer service like that...seriously!
    Black eyed peas, cabbage,etc...ewww. I have a 25.00 gift card to Friendly's so Nathaniel and I are going to see how much ice cream we can eat for 25.00!
    Ok...some of you missed the party tent...back up a page...we have one huge tent with all our little tents inside...all in one place so we can all be together New Years Eve...any more requests for "entertainment".
    I miss Peggy...she was good at finding the great pics...where are you girl...come out and play.