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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    And here it is...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I decided that we are flushing 2006 down the toilet. All the fears, stress, anxiety, unhappiness, ex husbands (it's a magic toilet...will never plug up), chemo flashbacks, surgery flashbacks, radiation flashbacks, appointment cards, copays, medication receipts (ok ok...if you need them for tax purposes I understand)...whatever you feel you need to flush on New Years eve...bring it on and we'll toast as we flush it all away...close the door on 2006 and refuse to look back...all gone and flushed away.
    I have it hidden in our New Years Eve tent...make your list.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Was gonna post a crybaby story, But now I can Laugh my way to bed!!! Vickie, Thank You!!!!! talk to you all in the morning, Cheri, I don't even have words to say, Please give Your DD a big cyber ((((HUG)))) from me. Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Have been super busy all day both at work and home. Got everything done for the last day of the year at work, got Nathaniels toy room totally cleaned out and organized, he's giving tons of toys away tomorrow and we now have room for his new stuff...yippeee, no more tripping over toys in the living room.
    Cheri...hugs to you and your family...what a sad sad thing ot have happen and I am so very sorry.
    Madison...I KNEW you were gonna miss that puppy!!
    NS...thanks are such a wonderful writer.
    Mena...I don't think you were rude at all...your just too darn sweet to be mean intentionally.
    Darn...should have taken notes but I can't go back without losing my post and I'm beat!!!
    Promise not to stay away...I would love to look out my window and see a wagon train arriving though!!! Wouldn't that be the most wonderful sight!!!
    Be back later or in the morning after I take notes.
    Love you all sisters
    OH...I had an uneventful ride home! YIPPPEEE...I want totally boring rides home for all of 2007...please God!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Awww Puppy...glad I made you laugh..hugs to you.
    I've decided to divide my time between our new hoochie wagon (how'd I miss that) and the mental health wagon since Mena is handing out Xanex lollipops. Best of both worlds!
    I went back and took notes...hate to leave anyone out. are surely having wild weather. Please be careful out there. We have only had snow twice so far this year which is very unusual for where we live!
    Cheri...I missed your vent...darn. I hear your pretty experienced with the men, wanna send one my way when you have him trained LOL. Thanks for the it.
    Welcome Sue...good to see you!
    Welcome Risetolife...glad your here, we will keep you safe.
    MB...where are you and how is hubby feeling? You are missed.
    Jezza...where are you and are you ok?
    Nicki...working on kicking the blues and anxiety and feeling a bit better...whew. It's been a rough couple of weeks and I will be relieved when my oncologist appointment is over and done with!
    Michele...yes we always get "IT" like no one else does. Isn't it wonderful to have a place to go where everyone understands so well how you feel.
    Amy...OH, I love the pics of your cute!
    Susan...How are you feeling? Been thinking of you and hoping that you are healing and feeling better. Did they give you a new diet to control it?
    Welcome Beth...I ALWAYS start my day here...even if it means I'm late for work LOL.
    A pajama that sounds like fun...hope we get to see some pictures!!! Pretty please.
    Ok...really tired and need to hit the hay...sleep tight ladies and don't let the bedbugs bite!
    Seriously though, sweet dreams to you all
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Hi Everyone

    Vicki I did post earlier But had a visitor half way through and ended up losing my post..inactive or something!'re doing well with the pedometer..they become addictive too.Good to see you visiting the Hoochie Wagon. I've got cases and cases of supplies coming for New Years Eve. I hear Nickies coming so don't want to run out...only joking..

    Amy your dog is wonderful. Looks a lot like mine did. Mine was actually a kelpie/blue heeler cross. Google blue heelers. I think thats where Australian Cattle dogs originated..crossed with kelpies and dingos. Such smart dogs!The dog I have now is a sweetie but pretty dumb.

    Cherie..will be a hard time for you around New Year. SIDS is so sad,so sudden. I feel for your family.

    Well lots of sales on now so I'm going shopping....

    You're probably all asleep anyhow!

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006

    Oh I just checked the time...its not as late as I thought over there!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    Vicki I am flushing all my worries and anxieties!!! Thanks I need that!

    and now Good night to all, prayers to all, pleasant slumbers!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Madison, I bet you DO miss Jake.... but maybe we can get our screen names back now!

    Susan, did you find out if you have mono yet??

    Kristin I hope part two of your tx is treating you well! So sorry about the hot flashes though! I had ONE during chemo and decided i am never having another one- EVER AGAIN.

    Amy your dog looks like he should have a label from a toy store on him he is so cute!!!

    Welcome Beth! I am sorry about your dad. One of the first people to give me encouragement about BC was a man who had it. He was so dear. I hope you like it here! Have you picked out your wagon yet???

    Cheri that is the saddest story. I am SO SORRY!!!!

    Karen so good to see you here!!! And I hope you can find something to help with your pain. good luck in this new blizzard! I hope you have plenty of ice cream in the house!

    Sue/Gus- I am so happy to see you posting. Yep- the drinking tent is a good place to start!!!

    Hey Nicki, I have to check out that site. It sounds familar- isn't that the one like the China Study or am I all muddled again??

    Liz prayers for your whole family. Sometimes it is good to step back and let the siblings work it out. everyone needs the strong silent type covering their back now and then and I bet you are really a great support.

    Vickie- you are too funny girl!!!

    uh-oh- jake is back- he ate Michelle's screen name again!!

    I hope everyone who is going through a bad time finds some peace and some relief. I hope that our scan girls got good results. I hope everyone who sees this new forum wants to post here and join us and discovers how fantastic it is to be a Circle Girl.

    I am leaving a couple of you out - I have to make this one short because I can't sit up too long- but I love you all.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2006
    Liz and Amy – yes, the body is a little shriveled from a lot of time spent in the spa tent. Been with hubby 24/7 since last Thursday – I think I need another visit to the mental health tent but I’ll stop by the drinking tent and have a drink with Mena, Sue, and Kate101 will be there too.

    Cheri, your story brought tears to my eyes – I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Karen, good to see you posting,

    Sue, don’t try to go back and read – there are too many – when I miss a day or two, I just read the last page.

    Beth, glad you found us.

    Vicki, I wish your New Year's Eve tent was around in 2005, could have used it then; I will join you in flushing 2006 down the toilet and I hope 2007 is a prosperous and healthy year for all of us.

  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2006
    VERY FUNNY!!! I go have brain surgery and someone moves things around! The outhouse better still be in the same spot!

    You all are still very much in my prayers and heart! I could never thank you enough for your support!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I'm all for getting rid of 2006. Flush it. For the past two years I lit a lucky candle on Jan1. The last two years have not been lucky at all. I was threatening not to light one this year and the DH said "oh no, light it, light it!. Who knows how bad it would have been if not for those candles." LOL

    MB, I'm with you. I want someone to take the painted target off my A**.

    Karen so glad you checked in. Hope you are nice and warm with electricity, heat and internet access.

    NS, let see, if it was me, I'd be thinking, brain tumor, brain cancer, spinal meningitis or worse. You know, chances are it's none of those things, right? We love you and we are here when you need to vent. When is your doctor appointment? You'll feel better if you can talk to someone.

    Michele, maybe Jake ate part of your computer???

    Cheri, hugs to you and your family.

    Risetolife, you had your tests yesterday. Any results yet?

    As for me, I'm good. Not sick. Mono test is next week.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Dear Susan... you know me so well.
    I went back and took that part out of my post because I don't want to be a downer or scare anyone.
    BUT YES- when I looked up brain mets the syptoms matched mine completely.
    I wonder if the thryoid - possible cancer- thingy is doing it?? My old records have been lost forever. Looks like I wont get my get-out-of-biopsy-free card after all. I am filing a complaint with the hospital though. It was less than TWO years ago- not 32 years ago.

    I am glad you are not sick!
    So with the momo test next week- you better watch how many people you go kissing this weekend- don't want to start an epidemic!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    I just today realized something….Now don’t laugh at me…well, go ahead…laugh if you want…but here it is….

    I don’t have cancer any more. Seems simple doesn’t it? But truly, today is the first time I have really gotten it through my head…I don’t have cancer any more…I don’t have CANCER any more…I don’t have cancer ANY MORE!

    Amazing isn’t it? While checking out what eventually was diagnosed as shingles I had ultrasounds and cat scans of my liver, kidneys, and basically all my internal organs. I had chest X-rays and then a nuclear medicine bone scan. They all came back clean as a whistle. I was so excited that the doc said I don’t have mets, that it really didn’t sink in until today…I’m NED.

    Now I am going to go throw salt over my shoulder, find my lucky 4 leaf clover and horseshoe because I’m afraid because I said it out loud I have jinxed myself…but miracle of miracles, I don’t have cancer any more.

    Wonder how long it will take to really sink in??? It still sounds unreal to me.

    Deb C
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Oh no Deese is looking for the out house !!! quick someone
    get a flashlight I don't want the ground getting all squishy again ! ewwwww!

    G you know I love you, what ever this is , I am holding your hand in cyber space God knows you held mine enough times !! We will get through this we will !


    ps ...
    Flushing out the old year with Susan !! I think we should
    have a New Years Eve Potty at our party !! hee hee
  • gerbie
    gerbie Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2006
    Hi Everyone,
    I finished my last rad today and couldn't wait to move to this site. I was laughing at some of the comments. It will take me a while to meet everyone and learn your stories ...I can't wait.

    Alaska Deb, I am smiling with joy for you...what a feeling you must have..enjoy it to the fullest.

    Just wanted to introduce myself and I know you wonderful gals will show me the ropes...but I ain't roppin any cows!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Hi Gerbie, a great big Welcome! Congrats on finishing rads I finished mine this past Oct. & now on tamox. You'll vent,pray,cry & laugh. It's a wonderful place to be. It does take just a bit to get everyone straight but not long. So glad you joined in. There's alot of knowledge on this site. But we do get a little silly, that's what makes it fun. Keep posting!

    Deb, yes. You do not have Cancer. You are NED. Cool!!

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Oh my gosh Vicki I just saw the Potty for our party
    haahaahhaaaa !!

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Now I know what everyone means about not checking and missing so many posts. OK - so here's short but all my chemobrain can handle....

    Deb - YES - You don't have cancer!!!

    Mena - glad you're back - was looking for you in the decision tent...

    Susan - glad you're feeling better...

    Denise - happy to see you posting...hope you're recovering well...

    Gerbie - welcome!

    Vickie - I am all for flushing 2006 into oblivion...good riddance for me...

    NS - we are all here for you - please keep us posted...

    told you it was's bedtime and I have three days to sleep in - and not because of treatment - YAY!

    Hugs to all the CGs...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Deese I was so glad to see you post. Now don't overdo it. We ahve missed you and continue to pray that you heal quickly!
    And look Carrie's here too! You must be feeling better too!

    Welcome to Bethy, Garbie & Sue. Don't worry ab out trying to catch up to where everyone is, just read Niki's post in the morning and evening and you be able to figure out what's happening in the circle. She takes really good Notes!

    Kate we know you're out there! Come out come out where ever you are. Really it's a safe place to be. and we welcome everyone.

    OK many of you have mentioned the neuropathy and I was ignorant to what it was so I had to look it up. Especially when someone mentioned taking Neurontin for it. I take that but it was prescribed for the Hot Flashes. But after looking up what neuropathy it sure sound like what my feet and lower legs have felt like for months. Wonder why the Onc didn't say anything when I told her about it, she just upped the dosage of the neurontin? I think I'll put that on the list for when I go in to see the other onc,she's on maternity leave, in Jan.

    Niki, how long did it take to get to a theraputic level on the coumadin? They have changed my dose again. the third time 9 days. I sure do want it to get there so I can stop taking the shots every day.

    Wow, Karen I was thinking about you and all this snow. I'm so glad you posted to let us know you were OK. Be careful!
    Hopefully you'll keep your power and all the good stuff and I hope you can still go out with the Hubby!

    It's getting late and I'm so very tired and I have to be at work at 6am tomorrow, but my daughter is out of power again and needs to come pick up more firewood. So here I sit eating Frangos and visiting with all of you!

    Deb C yahoo! we are dancing with NED together!

    Going to go check out the hoochie tent, I can't partake yet but I need to check up on Niki!

    Throwing some more wood on the fire it's down right cold here!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Is this a 3 days week-end you ask? And could you sleep in late if you wanted to? Yes yes yes to both questions. But here I am. Like an alarm clock. And I must confess, when I wake up - I immediately think coffee/circle girls. Get all excited. So who could fall back to sleep? Well I know some of you could, but not this circle girl.

    Its funny, I am so lost now that Christmas is over. I was franticaly making presents - and now I dont know what to do with myself. Took my box of plastic canvas stuff last night and just started at it. Maybe I should start making presents for next year now

    I peaked outside when I let my half black lab, half border collie, all monster dog out. Cant see any stars - a cloudy day its gonna be. But its still mild here which in Chicago is a miracle. The weather report says that the big snow hitting Denver, is gonna be here New Years Eve and New Years Day, but in the form of rain. Im thinking about how things were only one week ago - frantic explains it best. At least a good part of this week-end will be relaxing, having fun, and of course eating every bit of goodie that is left over from Christmas.

    Madison: Ahahahaha I knew it. And Jake didnt want to leave either! Too much fun eating food he wasnt supposed to and chewing everything in sight. I found the cutest puppy. He is an old fashioned English Sheep Dog. Found this virtual doggy in our pet tent and snuck him in your tent while you were sleeping.

    Tina: Im so glad you snuck it. You always put a smile on my face when I see you.

    Vickie: Oh the sound of my laughter in this quiet house is - echoing. Thats so darn funny. Its perfect for the New Years Eve tent. And our dear PurpleMB is just gonna love it. Im glad its one that wont get clogged up, cause there is gonna be alot of flushing being done in that tent. Im running over right now! Its gonna take me a few trips to flush away everything that happened in 2006. And for 2007 I would like a gold built in warmer toilet seat. I plan on living in style this upcoming year.

    Puppyfive: Last night when I was sound asleep, I thought I imagined being woken up by laughter. It was you!!

    Liz: If only your brother in law could see he is not ready to let go is being selfish. He is really doing it for himself and not his mom. Good idea to step back and be there if anyone has questions. Hoping I see you in the hoochie tent you need a drink. And Im handing you one of those famous xanax lollipops!!

    Jezza: I love your new avatar. I can smell the aroma from the coffee right now. And Im laughing my arse off. You just better stock up. I prefer wine - Pinot Grigio to be exact. And plan on having lots of it this whole week-end.

    Im so confused this morning. So where is our party gonna be? The party tent with the chocolate fountain and other good things to eat, the New Years tent with our wonderful new toilet, or the Hoochie tent - where all the booze is (thats where I want to be). Maybe we should have an open house and we could visit all the tents. My contribution is gonna be Hot apply cider, made in a slow cooker with oranges, cloves, and cinnamon sticks. After its brewed for a bit, Im gonna pour in a bottle of Captain Morgans spiced rum. Oh it will be yummy to have a cup of it as we walked around and check out all the different tents and wagons. The punch will be located in the Hoochie tent! And watch out, Mazer the Tazer heard "cinnamon" and she will be trying to nudge everyone into giving her a little taste.

    NS: I havent checked out the site myself yet. Its Whoopie Goldbergs site. I was just so surprised at how supportive she is towards breast cancer. Its a funny thing about the China Study. For some reason I thought it was bogus or something. The last time I went to my surgeons office he had me sit in his office after the exam to just talk about where we go from here. Well low and behold, there was the book "The China Study" in his office. Hmmm this was about 3 months ago - I swore I was gonna get the book and read, then forgot all about it until now.

    Margaret: Hey Im with you. 2005 and 2006 will go down in history as the 2 years I flushed down the toilet and dont want to ever remember again.

    Denise: Oh my goodness its so good to see you. The outhouse is in the same place, but the toilet is gone. Did ya see Vickies post? One toilet seat stolen and the police have no where to go. Hee Hee Hee as Im laughing under my breath. But Ya cant miss the new toilet seat in the New Years tent. Its purple!! Glad your feeling better.

    Susan: Im so glad your feeling better. Light the candle. What a great idea. I might just do that myself. Get a special candle and only light it on New Years. I love new traditions. In fact, I might run around this whole wagon circle and put a candle by everyones wagon. What a site that would be.

    NS: Of course we think the worst. We always do!! Early on in my diagnosis I learned this darn disease likes to push you down on your butt and laugh at you when your trying to get up. After a few falls, I learned hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. The hospital losing your records is outrageous. So you have to go through invasive tests again cause of their mistake. I would not be a happy camper.

    Deb: ahahahaha, dont forget to cross your fingers and toes too. Being Italian, I am very superstitious

    Carrie: We have a New Years Eve potty. Vickie brought it, its big and shiny and purple too. I think there is gonna be a long line waiting to use the darn thing though.

    Gerbie: Yee Haw! Last rad and congratulations to you. Its gonna be a wild week-end here. Roping cows? Nope, but we might have you chasing down Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer. That horse and donkey get into everything. And if its edible watch out. And oh my I see Jake the monster dog running our way. Its gonna get wild this week-end.

    Cheri: Yes, we sure do get silly at times. Sometimes my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

    Ginny: Your too funny. 3 days to sleep in! Why is it when I have to work I want to stay in bed and when Im off I get up early. Shaking my head - I think I need to go back to the fruitcake tent for a bit.

    Cherylcy: Im a rare breed. It took about a month, but after raising up my coumadin to 4mg my INR was still 1.0! The therapeutic level my onc was looking for was 2-3. He looked at me in shock. Said I cant believe after 4mg you ar still at l.0 - but he left me at that dosage and I have done fine with my port ever since. Some people respond to lower dosages, and then there are people like me who seem to need large doses of everything, including coumadin. In the nursing world, it usually takes about one month to get therapeutic.

    So yesterday my husband went grocery shopping. Had to get me more coffee. So he says "wow, you went through that coffee fast." I just looked at him and said oh well. I neglected to tell him that all last week-end I had coffee brewing all day and was enjoying it with Baileys! The Baileys is gone too. But thats our secret. He will never know.

    Well its time to go. More coffee is brewing, have added a special Holiday blend of Cinnamon Hazelnut. Got some tea, hot chocolate and chicken soup too. So when you wake up you will have your choice. I realized I only have 2 more days to pig out on anything and everything. So I went a got us a pizza coffee cake. It is yummy. Has slices with blueberries or cherries, or apple, or pineapple, and for Mena cheese cake. Enjoy, Im grabbing a big piece right now. Gonna snarf it down and savor the taste cause as on 1-2-07 my healthy life of exercise, no smoking, and dieting begins.

    Enjoy your morning. I will check back later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good morning Nicki...I'm up too. I had really planned on sleeping in this morning but I woke up and was really cold. Nothing new, either I'm having a total meltdown volcanic hot flash or I'm cold. Layed in bed for a couple of minutes and face is cold. Stuck my arm out from under the covers and it was freezing!!! Yup...furnace not working. aaauuuggghhh. I hit the reset button and it started but shut back down again. Piled blankets on Nathaniel and sitting here waiting for the rest of the world to wake up so I can call for help.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Oh Wow! Good Morning Vickie. Come down to the campfire. Just threw on somemore logs and its pretty warm by the fire. Didnt see you sneak in while I was editing my posts.

    Darn Darn Darn, just like my refrigerator. So of all days the furnis decided to quit had to be the beginning of this week-end. I can look back and smile at my refrigerator episode last week, but I sure had a melt down for about 1 hour. Stay warm!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I'm bundled up by your fire in my mind but gotta tell nose is cold, my toes are numb, my ears are freezing! is on the way...thanking God for wonderful family and friends that always come through. Really hoping it's just a nozzle that needs replacing as they are under 5 dollars, which is about all I can afford at the moment! No meltdown yet...just going with the flow but who knows what will come when my poor furnace is dx'd!!

    DEESE...welcome and so happy to see you posting!!! all I can say.
    Margaret...this toilet will handle can flush 2005 right along with the rest of us flushing girls can flush anything you want. is NOT mets...I refuse to let it happen and believe me this hormone deprived crazy women will storm heaven for you all the way! I had migraines as a kid ALL the time...for days and weeks on end. Childhood was beyond stressful for me and it seemed that the worse I worried the worse the migraines were. Also had cluster headache and would lay in bed convinced I was simply going to die from the pain. My mother never took me to the doctor and after growing up and moving out the migraines are few and far between now.
    Hmmm...thinking that Madison is gonna need a puppy.
    gotta has arrived...yipppee..
    love ya girls
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH I AM SOOOO HOPPING, JUMPING, SPITTING, FIGHTING MAD!!! I am out of fuel oil. My fuel oil company has 1364.00 of MY money so I called them up and they told me that there would be a service charge to deliver today and I am have MY money...they have had my money since August as I ALWAYS prepay for my fuel for winter so I don't have to worry about it. I have always been automatic delivery and they said that they changed my account to COD and I have to call for delivery!!!!! Suburban is the worst company in the world to deal with and I should have switched to someone else when they bought out Agway but was too wrapped up in chemo at the time. I told them to send me MY money back and shove their business where the sun don't shine.
    Crap...what kind of business practice is that!
    Now I have to wait till Tuesday to get a new company and wait seven to ten days to get my money back from Suburban. OHHH...they don't know who they have screwed with this time. I will make sure that everyone I know finds out how crooked their business practices are! Several years ago when I lived with my ex we used them for propane and they constantly let us run out and we'd have to call them. Well we ran out one day and they came and filled the tank, when filling the tank the driver was putting 60lbs of pressure through the lines to push the propane through to the hot water heater, I went down to light the heater after he finished filling and it blew up...he never reduced the pressure! Third degree burns on my hand, burned my hair off, melted my shirt to my arm...bad bad bad. They came and took their tanks and acted like they didn't even know us. I had a lawyer who wanted to sue but sueing just isn't my thing and I let it go...wish I hadn't...I could have owned their stinking company now.
    I hate this company.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    HA...I called my sister who uses Suburban for propane and has had problems too...she called them and told them they would be picking up her tanks next week as she is switching to an honest, reliable service.
    Call me vindictive but I'm on a roll!!! Too mad to have a meltdown and just hormone deprived enough to be a b*tch!! Just might take a drive and see how many neighbors have Suburban tanks LOL!
    Got one foot in the hoochie tent, one in the mental health tent and reaching for the fruitcake any more Xanex lollipops, my thumb is looking pretty appealing at the moment.
    And where the heck is Lini!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's
    i havent been away just been in a little funk i guess!
    i like the idea to flush 2006 away to!!!!! thats one fancy toliet for the police station... hahahahahahaha
    oh yikes chemosabi hope your staying warm,, here is a extra blanket the think fuzzy soft kind and a extra pair of slippers... they are the fuzzy soft ones to! and yes i did get your christmas card just before christmas... hahahahahahaha
    alaska deb i am doing the happy dance with you! wtg girlfriend!
    funny thing happening when i move my head fast i am seeing stars, not sure whats going on but will get it checked out if it continues... and is it me but chemo killed my guts i think i must have that irritable bowel syndrome!
    well another day at work and man we are busy occupancy rate is just about90% full...we are pet friendly here and everyone and there dog is here to... big white ones. little yappy ones... medium fat ones and little puppy poops....hahaha its to funny!!!
    well i hope i can throw my funk out today and get it on!!!
    hope all is well!
    mena i am ok just in a funk will think of you tonight when i get home!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    OMG Vickie! How can they do that when they have your money? And worst of all, how can they change you to COD without notifying you. I would want my money back now and with interest.

    There has to be places you can call and report them. They basically turned off your heat without notice!! That in itself should get them in trouble.

    Maybe all the local newspapers! I would love to see it in the front page. Headline. "Breast Cancer Survivor With Young Son Left Out In The Cold!"

    And are they local? Can you go there and pick up a check?

    Im not the suing kind of person either, but this is ridiculous.

    Hang in there, we got ya covered here.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    We are under a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning here in Louisiana. We are supposed to be in a room with no windows…ha ha….. I have the upstairs and downstairs air conditioners running because it is hot and humid. Darn, I wanted some of that retail therapy today, but I really don’t want to venture outside in this weather. I don’t know if we will lose power, so here goes…….

    Okay Vickie, first one flushed down the toilet is your propane company. I hate problems on weekends, especially holiday weekends. Last time we had company in our house (three extra girls) the plumbing backed up all over my downstairs floors, yep can you say YULK…..on a Sunday, called plumber, bad bill…….bad memory….

    Karen1956, I LOVE COLORADO, but I wouldn’t know what to do with snow. My gosh, you have been getting some snowfall. Be careful. My vet daughter will be applying to the vet school in Colorado to do a 3 year residency. When she left for Alabama yesterday (wearing a short sleeve shirt, temps in the 70’s) she mentioned it would be fun to live where there is snow. I don’t know if a Louisiana girl would know what to do with snow.

    Amy, I’m a going to your house to play with the animals. There are too cute. I know you have your hands full feeding and caring for them. You got a stick for $550, yep, you got the short end of the stick……you and Vickie need to get together to go after these companies.

    Amy, my vet daughter always said she wanted horses, well………after doing an equine rotation at the school, she changed her mine. These critters have a mind of their own. She did enjoy working with the donkeys and sheep. When Katrina hit New Orleans and they evacuated the French Quarter horses to the Lamar Dixon Center in Gonzales, she was doing equine rotation, went to take care of them and fell in love with these fellas….she said they were so friendly, loving, would put their head on your shoulder and look at you with those big brown eyes…They were displaced, as well as thousands of other animals….The horses are now back in New Orleans, giving carriage rides to the tourist (If we ever get tourist back!)

    Okay, ladies who are going to stop smoking…I quit May 3rd, 2006….I was a SMOKER….in my car, always lit up when I was on the phone, I smoked cigs since I was 18 (and only quit when I had my 3 girls). My dh still smokes. I called myself a SMOKER, lived to smoke (you get the picture, loved to smoke) It wasn’t easy to quit, but it is doable. I started walking everyday (I know – kinda hard in the Winter). I used the Commit high dose Lozenge….sugar free suckers….was one mean b#$%@, even told the wicked witch of the office off one day…..I never was arrested for my meanness during this time (which surprised me ha ha), so……….you can do it, you can quit. I never, never, never thought I would stop smoking. I still can’t believe I am not smoking. My life and smoking went hand in hand…….If I can do it, any one can quit smoking. Remember you can vent with us when you are quitting…PM me anytime…gosh it is now easy, don’t let anyone tell you different, but as I said…it is doable…

    Liz, I am sorry about you mil….hospice was wonderful to us when my dh sister passed, absolutely WONDERFUL. It is a tough time right now.

    Mena, you got the Xbox….one of the hottest items this year…..there was one girl at our office who was a scramblin for that gift. You are one great MAMMA…..

    NS, has anyone helped you figure out what is causing your migraines. I had migraines in my 20’s and 30’s, caused, I think, by stress. There are many causes for migraines, and sometimes finding the cause is like finding that proverbial needle in the haystack. I know I have had headaches every day since I started hormone therapy, but they are headaches, NOTHING compared to one full blown migraine that can knock you on you’re a#$......

    Cheri, God bless you and yours for what you have gone through…, such tragedy…such love going out to you and your family…..please take comfort from the love you feel here.

    To all new here, WELCOME, pull up and tent, pop that bottle of champagne to ring in the new year….how awesome to ring in a new year with old and new friends. AWESOME……

    Okay, Jake is gone, daughter with Jake and 2 cats left, military daughter left, house is quiet (not totally cleaned yet).

    Jake ate: one oak breakfast room chair leg….to oaky for his taste
    One cherry wood plant stand…to cherry for his taste
    Chocolate chip cookie dough, yummy for the tummy –even managed to get a few cooked cookies cooling on the tray….
    Sugar cookie dough, yummy for the tummy (one less tray to send with military daughter to base), but I did save all the cookies I managed to get baked ...
    Two (2) tennis shoes, not that yummy because he didn’t eat the whole shoe…I guess no one, not even Jake, likes used tennis shoes…..
    One (1) coffee table book (personally autographed to dh), chewed on the edges, he must of thought it was okay, but not great because he only chewed one edge (why not two edges to have the darn book edges match)….. (shhhhh dh does not know about the book, don’t ask, don’t tell - don't put on coffee table anymore!!!)….
    BUT…we did find the perfect item for Jake……give him leather, as in boots and nice shoes, yummy, yummy and he did eat the whole thing…Leather seems to be his extra curricular activity of choice……

    Whenever I miss the bad Jake puppy, I will just pull up a list of destruction and then I won’t miss him anymore.

    Oh, my cat finally came out of hiding last night.

    The house is breathing a sign of relief, the chairs and furniture aren’t quivering anymore, and the shoes are doing a dance because they don’t fear for their life. Yep, I am kinda sad.

    Vickie, can I tell you again I LOVE THE TOILET….everyone, make a list, check it twice, doesn’t matter if it is naughty or nice……we are gonna flush that _____ right outta here!!!!!

    I need to log off the computer, the weather is really bad. Thunder is a little too loud.... I know I missed a lot of you, thinking of you....take care,

    Have a GREAT SATURDAY all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Ok...blatted about my fuel oil company and got that out of my system and boy are they going to get flushed. I just may call the local paper, that would put them in their place in a hurry. They are local but told me that they cannot write a check this weekend as their is no one available to sign it. OOOOO...this is doing wonders for my hot flashes! Have a little propane fireplace in the living room so me and Nathaniel are going to camp out and play till Tuesday when I can get a new company. Thanks Nicki...I know you sisters always have me covered.((()))
    Enough about me.
    Madison...oh my...please be careful. Tornado's scare the crap out of me. Hope you daughter enjoys the snow...I'm just glad we don't have any yet! I am going to try to quit smoking January 8th after my next oncologist visit...I heard there is a new pill to help you quit so I'm going to ask him about it.
    Gonna go bake some cookies...heat up the kitchen and make something with CHOCOLATE!
    Later sweet sisters