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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    Oh Jeannie...I am trying to plan a trip to Florida the second week of February too. Not flying out of Syracuse though...I can fly straight through from Elmira and it's cheaper. I hate changing planes!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    DO NOT FLUSH!!! The pictures of toilets & talk of flushing reminded me of my 2 yr.old grandson on his first attempt atimage potty training. He still do any better!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Goldilocks syndrom again!! First the pics were too big, now they're too small. Next time maybe they'll be just right. Kevin just turned 2 and he doesn't have a potty-training idea! He just climbed right on in. I WILL get the hang of this picture thing!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006

    My little Ethan. I did it!! I got it just right. OMG How I adore this little boy!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    We're driving---I LOVE road trips. We just get in the car and make it up as we go along. Have to be in certain places on certain days on the way down but plan on wandering all the way home. Boy, do I love being retired! And if the last 18 months have taught me anything it's to make hay while the sun shines----who knows how long the good health will last!

    Cheri---Ethan is a cutey---it's the freckles. And don't worry about the potty thing---usually takes until almost three for the younguns to get the idea! Sure wish I could remember how I managed to post a picture the one time it worked---you all would be besieged with cute grands pictures!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh my Cheri...he is just a doll! You must be so proud. He's never going to forgive you for that "potty training" picture though LOL!
    Oh Jeannie...I've driven down and back three times and no more of that for me! The last time I went down was for Sarah's wedding and drove staight through coming home...23 hours of driving!!! NEVER AGAIN. I get too stressed on 95 through Washington and Jacksonville Florida scares the daylights out of me...I swear they drive 80mph, bumper to bumper!
    Ok...I've posted way to much today...need to get the house straightened up, grab some blankets, pop in a movie and snooze.
    Sweet dreams dear sisters
    oh my it's only 7:42...I may be back...yup...I'm addicted.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Arrghhh! Just lost my post (my fault, forgot to hit continue!)

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Our own forum - wow! that's cool!

    Will catch up on my 8 pages (been gone since Christmas day!) tomorrow after a good nights sleep (I hope!)

    DebC - Your Christmas card was amazing! My son is doing a report on William Penn (isn't that a coincidence?) so I am letting him borrow the bookmark for a bit as he does his reasearch. Thank you for taking the time and effort to make such a beautiful card - it made my day!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi CG’s

    You guys have been busy today I see. I hope everyone is getting ready to bring in a New Year! I love the idea of flushing 2006 away. I’m making my list after I finish this.

    Vickie, call the Better Business Bureau for your state/city and file a complaint. What they did is totally unacceptable. I’m glad you have the fireplace to keep you guys warm.

    Madison, I hate tornado season around here. So sorry about the roof. I have a feeling we’re going to need one before spring gets here. It’s black eyed peas here also. But I think that’s because I spent the first ten years of my life in Southeast Texas. My husband thinks it’s the weirdest thing in the world. No way will I not do it. I’m afraid to see what would happen without eating them.

    Susan, I agree. These ladies (including you) always brighten my day. My family just walks by and shakes their heads when I’m laughing out loud at the computer screen. Told them they just wouldn’t understand. I didn’t want to try to explain it all. LOL I love that expression: crummy buttons!

    Margaret, I hope you got your tree down. I keep putting that off. Guess I’ll tackle that on New Years Day. Have fun at your open house.

    Mena, I’m impressed. I can’t remember all the tents we’ve accumulated here. Hope you’re well and I can’t wait to see you in whatever tent we’re supposed to be in on New Years Eve. Is that the Hoochie tent or the party tent? I know where the toilet that someone (can’t remember who) stole is.

    Deese, good to see you. Glad you’re feeling better.

    Jeannie, I hope the Femara works. Be sure and let me know. I know my oncologist is going to ask if I want to change when I see him the end of next month.

    Cheri, Ethan is so cute! Don’t ever tell him you posted his pic – he’ll kill you when he’s older. I started teaching my son to make sure the toilet seat was closed around Ethan’s age also. To this day, he still does it!

    Colleen, good to see you back! Rest up and then tell us how your Christmas was.

    Nicki, love the vision about the toilet. Have a great time if you decide to go with your DH. I had really thought I would like to go somewhere but staying home sounds good to me right now.

    Sher, did you get your DD moved? What did the doc say about your grandson?

    I’ll be cooking up some things to bring to the big tent tomorrow night. Nothing like having a good time with good friends.
    Ginny, so glad you’ve joined the circle.

    I’ve missed many I know. I hate this blasted chemo brain and I didn’t take good notes.

    Hugs and Prayer to everyone.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2006
    Wow, this thread moves fast -- especially if you haven't checked in all day!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I'm heading over to the hoochie tent as we speak. You do serve pomegranate martinis, don't you? Mena, if Kate doesn't make it to the tent soon, I'll let you buy me a drink instead!

    Nicki - That is my dog in my avatar, and his name is Rusty. I wanted to name him Gus, but I was overruled by my kids! So, when it came time to choose a username on, I finally got my way...

    Cheri - Ethan is adorable! I have a 6 year old, and he has the same little freckles across his nose and cheeks.

    NS - Add me to the list of ladies who has had cluster headaches and brain-splitting migraines for several days on end. I know that it is hard not to worry when the pain lasts for so long, and I hope you get some relief soon. My migraines actually disappeared after I had my first child. I don't recommend this treatment for everyone though -- children can produce a whole batch of unexpected side effects!

    Vickie - I can't believe the problems you are having with your furnace. Just when it decides to feel like winter here in the northeast, the furnace craps out! I love your idea of flushing away the events of 2006, and hope that there is room for me in the toilet tent on NYE! I'll bring my plunger just in case!

    Sorry to anyone that I've left out! It has been two years since I finished treatment, but my brain still can't hold more than 5 things at a time! Next time, I'll take notes!

    Ok, off to the Hoochie tent...


    P.S. Where does one get the Xanax lollipops?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi Gus...good to see you, Mena has the Xanex lollipops...boy are they good ones too! Yup...50 degree weather until you really need it and then it decides to be cold...just my luck. Won't need a plunger...this toilet is magic (swiped it from the police dept. LOL)shhh...don't tell. Swiped a circus tent to so we can move all our little tents inside and be together for New Years Eve. Think tomorrow I'm swiping the Times Square Ball...just you wait ladies this is going to be the party of the century!
    Where is everybody? Seem to be missing a bunch of ladies.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    hahahahahahahahahahahahahah omg!!!!!
    kids say the silliest things...
    i just told my youngest that mom is going to quit smoking cold turkey..... so she comes up and says ya right..
    i said really mom is going to try and she says so you can quit smoking if you eat cold turkey!!!!!
    how precious!!!!!!!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2006

    Where is everybody? Seem to be missing a bunch of ladies.

    They're all hiding under Jon Bon Jovi's curtain!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Otay Pankies-
    Just how early did we hit the hoochie tent today?????
    Please someone find that great pick of the rickshaw toilet we had posted pages and pages ago--- we can have it for us low tech folks!

    I have been lmao reading this thread tonight!

    Madison! I just had a new roof put on.. I FEEL SO BAD FOR YOU!! It is the worst! we got SEVENTEEN estimates!!! The ranged from $4,000 to $14,000. Make sure you CHECK that they are insured even if they say they are -- call up the state insurance board- we had three estimates from guys who had let their insurance lapse. And we also checked with the BBB on each one. They will also try to screw you out of the "cost of plywood" Get a firm number on THAT FIRST. otherwise they can add on another $2,500 without you even knowing!
    (gee I learned a lot about roofing this summer!)

    SUSAN! My favorite Susanword! Crummy buttons!!!

    Vickie- yessum, sign me up for the Boss!!!

    Cheri! What great pictures!!!!

    Jeannie and Vickie, you know syracuse is only five hours away from Long Island... I know this because my neighbor's parents live there and are always going there. hint hint nudge nudge

    Colleen where the heck have you been girl???? Good to see you!!!!

    Madison- I know all about black eyed peas for new years! We defintely need to have them!

    Oh Sue- thank you. I don't know if I will be trying the childbirth remedy! These headaches are different from anything I have ever had. And when I don't have them I have terrible dizziness. I also get blurry vision in my left eye. I see a neuro next SUNDAY... yes- a doc who sees patients on Sundays??!

    I spoke to a friend of mine who is a doc today about my old endo losing my records and he told me to call them one last time and ask to speak to the office manager and tell them if they don't find them immediately I will have to file a complaint with the state misconduct board. And then he said FILE the complaint because what they are doing is ILLEGAL.

    So I have heard two different things... one is it is bad luck to take down the Christmas stuff before new years and the other is it is bad luck if you don't. The latter one I heard on the Food Channel from that southern cook Paula. She said if you get rid of your tree before New Years, you get rid of the bad luck from the previous year- if you keep it up then the bad luck follows you into the NEXT year.

    SO?? What should I do? My mother used to say we couldn't take it down until the 6th of January.

    Is Paula's method the same thing as Vickie's flushing method???
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    UhOh...Sue caught me! I was cold so I just ducked under the curtain because it was warm...yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ***evil grin***

    You guys are too funny today. My hubby wanted to know why I was laughing so much. There is just NO earthly way to explain...

    Three days ago we decided to invite a "few" people over for New Years Eve. It is going to be a family included event..Karaoke in the basement, food, fun and frolic. I went to the store today to get food and drinks for the party and by the time I got home we started adding it up and realized we have invited about 50 people!!! Yikes, I hope they do not all show up! Actually, I love to have big parties and they don't stress me out. everyone is bringing food, so why not have a big crew? It should be fun

    I have TONS of things to flush at the big party...I'm glad the toilet won't plug up

    I have to go get some dinner...I'll be back later.

    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    NS - I've never heard the getting rid of the tree before theory. I was raised where you leave it up until after the first of the year. Geesh! What do we do? I darn sure don't need anymore bad luck.

    DebC wow! sounds like a fun party.

    Still making my list to flush.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2006
    OMG---I wasn't on for just a couple days and missed so much! I am just finshing up making a New York Style Cheesecake for my dh. He bought me a chocolate fountain (for him too, ya think?) and he said cheescake would be good to drizzle the chocolate over. Was that a hint? Anyway, I just burnt my thimb on the hot rack in the oven. This means I should be able to use the sympathy paly later (heehee). We are having 6 friends over for new year's eve and I am making an eye roast and we have th efountain for dessert. Yum!
    I am new to this and want ot put this out there for anyone: If you need a recipe for ANYTHING, let me know. I will email it ot you. I have to say, cooking is a passion and therapy for me. Just like crafts and reading which have lots less calories. But like my oldest stepson learned, if you mention it and show any interest, I will make it, be it cooking or a sweater.
    Happy and, above all else, healthy New Year to one and all.
    I will check in later or at the latest tomorrow. I hate to miss stuff!
    Thank you everyone for being here. It has made my life so much better.
    Joyce-can't wait to get together!
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Oh crummy buttons !!! I took my Christmas tree down already
    I have never heard of leaving it up or taking it down at a certain time !(hee hee Susan)
    Tracey~ that is so cute what your youngest said about the turkey ,I have a 3 year old granddaughter that can come up with some good ones too !
    Vickie~ I say we haul Suburban to the Deliverance Wagon!
    and send a bill if any pipes freeze too !
    Maison~I am glad you posted ,scary bad storms all over the South,Your roof oh no ! that is a toilet flusher for sure !
    Gus ~ I know what you mean about this thread moves really fast ,and I never had chemo and can't remember everyone. I just have C.R.S. !

    Does any one have cabbage and pork on New Years Eve ?
    and I hope it is okay for me to come to the potty party
    because I am making a list too !!

    Note to Denise : please do not use the Party Potty for
    you know what ! It is for flushing 2006 !

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2006
    My dh won't take the tree and decor down until little Christmas (January 7). Yes, we are having pork loin and sauerkraut with mounds of mashed potatoes. We forgot to buy the fixin's for creamed cabbage (thank god, we will have enough methane with the kraut!) I have to get more string beans though.
    Everyone is invited next year to our annual holiday party. I will post in enough time so that if you are in the philly area, you can come and visit. As a matter of fact, I don;t stand on ceremony, let me know and I will pop something in the oven and welcome you with open arms!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Dang it! I just wrote a long post & forgot to copy it & now it's out in cyberspace! I hate it when that happens. Oh probably just as well. It was too sentimental anyway. I was rambling on about grandchildren blah,blah,blah. Anyway, thanks for the compliments on the 2 of them.

    This has been a hoppin' place today & tonight. I love it when it's that way. Lottsa fun.

    Carrie, glad you warned Denise about the toilet. lol

    Beth, so nice to have you. This place is very addictive especially when you get acquainted. I wish I liked to cook, sew, knit, and crafts. I have no artistic ability at all and I just plain don't like to cook. But my dd likes to cook so that helps. She expressed an interest in sewing a few weeks ago so I bought her a new sewing machine and one of those cute little sewing baskets. She's a stay at home mom so it'll give her somethin' to do.

    Still adding to my "Toilet List". It really was a bad year!

    I had mentioned most of you girls on my first post that I lost, so I'll just say I'm thinking of you. But I won't say goodnight yet. I stop smoking at midnight tomorrow night so I'm smoking all I can right now! I know I should be cutting down but it's just not my nature. lol

    I am so glad that I found this circle of friends. I need you all so badly. Nobody understands things like you all do. Thank you.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    I can't deal with how many posts I've missed, and not responded to, in the last couple of days. And, since I didn't take notes - - -
    I'll start by saying how jealous I am of all of you that cook, are artistic, can draw, paint, do crafts and gardening. I'm really good at shopping, delegating and managing. However, I am playing mahjongg, doing scrapbooking and dabbling in photography. I was a sales manager for 15 years and then my mother got cancer and passed away; then I ended up taking care of my dad for 6 years (and that was a full time job) and he passed away a couple of years ago. Then I figured I would take a year off to get my head together before going back to work. And then I got bc, so that ended that.
    My dh and I are going to Harrah's in Atlantic City for NYE tomorrow. We were invited to a party there and a nice comped room including dinner and breakfast. We went there last year, 6 days before starting chemo . . . I'm sure this year will be more fun.
    Welcome to all the newcomers, my thoughts are with all of you that are suffering and in pain and I want to wish each and every one of you a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!!!
    I will attempt to catch up on Tuesday.
    Love, Sue
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Beth Welcome !! I missed your post while I was editing
    coping and pasteing so I would'nt be spit into cyber space!
    It takes me too long to think and type at the same time
    and my post expires LOL ! Yummy mashed potaoes and Kraut !!
    My Fathers family is from PA. Houtzdale they were coal minners going way back now! I remember snows so deep there
    you could barely walk in it a kids dream come true !

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning!!! It has taken forever to read and try to catch up on all the news. I didn't take notes as I read so my tired chemo brain has probably already most names of all the new girls - Welcome. Glad to have you here.

    Vicki, what can I say, you and Mena just crack me up and I needed a good laugh. I can't wait to flush 2006 away but while I am at it I want to flush away 2004 % 2005 too. Are you sure it isn't going to get stopped up? Denise is going to be upset if she arrives and it isn't in working order.

    Denise, good to see you posting. You just take good care of yourself - we love you.

    Cheri, I have a 6 year old Ethan too; he is the funny bones in our family. A few days before Christmas I had picked up Ethan and his brother Christian and they started on me they wanted to open a gift, just one gift before Christmas. Of course I said no and they kept the please, please, just one bit up. Finally, I said "what if I only have one gift for you". They looked at eachother and then Ethan popped up (he can make the facial expressions alone that makes you laugh and he made one with this remark) "Woman, just how poor are you?" (Guess he had heard us talking about the medical bills) Your Ethan looks full of mischief also.

    Vicki, maybe all the CG's should get the phone number of Suburban and give them a call telling them how lousy their service is. I am thankful you aren't in the middle temperatures of 10 degrees as it seems to have been rather mild thus far. Nathaniel seems to be having fun with it.

    Susan, hope you are feeling better. DebC good news.

    NS, I know you are scared with the duration and the severity of the headaches and the loss of your records. Not sure what is going on but we are going to put you in the healing tent and wish and pray you well - I agree with Vicki and the others - THIS WILL NOT: CANNOT BE METS. You aren't alone.

    Madison, I am from the south too and I guess my chemo brain has kicked in because we too had the blacked eye peas and cabbage but we also had pork - had to be pork - but I can't remember what that represented.

    Oh, I have forgotten to many names: I know there was snow and then rain and roof damage and many other things - please overlook.

    I am not sure if I need to go to the Drinking Tent, Fruitcake tent, Massage Tent, Blues Tent or grumpy tent. Christmas is gone and I look around and think when and how.
    My daughter came and we had her CHristmas with my family, then my stepson and stepgranddaughter came and we had Christmas with him and his sister and her children. I DON'T THINK I AM GOING TO COOK AGAIN FOR A MONTH!!!!!!!!Lilah, the 21 month old granddaughter got sick and I was doing laundry - all bed linens to the comforeor and shams, her clothes, her moms clothes, her dad's clothes and having to take rugs outside, towels - she was so sick. You know how fast one that age can get sick and she was so pitiful and we were all exhausted. On the way home her mom and dad got sick - to the point that on Tues. the 26th when he reported to the hospital he ended up getting fluids. I need a stiff drink, a long vacation, a massage, happy pills, energy pills - and the list goes on. The house is quiet now after all the activity and it is sad and good at the same time. My husband and I looked at each other and laughed and said that when we like a quiet house that means we are truly getting old!!!!!!!!!

    NS, Don't know where Paula Deen got her traditions but we always kept our tree up until after the New Year - bad luck if you took it down. Last year I didn't have a tree but mine normally stays up until after the New Year. Our oldest granddaughter(8) loved the tree this year. I know mine is going to be up for a bit as I don't have the energy to take it down.

    I know I have left out names and it is a combination of chemo brain, being tired and it is early morning.

    Mena, I hope it is cool when we have the PJ party - I have to be comfortable and I sure don't wear a long sleeved, long winter gown or PJ's - Lord help, I would overheat and fry my brain even worse. Your tree still up?

    To those who are hurting, suffering from side effects of being in treatment or suffering from side effects of our treatment, feeling the postChristmas blues, facing hurdles and financial struggles - we are fast approaching a New Year. I know we will all embrace it with the promise of a better year and as we travel through 2007 we'll be with each other in good times and any bad ones that comes our way. You are a blessing to me; no one, NO ONE understands how we have changed, our bodies have changed, the physical and emotional scars like a BC sister.

    Gentle hugs, Brenda
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning,

    Happy New Year's Eve to everyone.

    The first thing flushed down our wonderful toilet is waking up early on a non-work day. Don't you hate when that happens. On Tuesday I am going to have to roll out of bed and hit the floor to wake up.

    I did go to the grocery store, and yes, there was a run on black eyed peas and cabbage. I had to fight my way down the bean was one tough place around the cabbage heads (grab your cabbage, put it in a football hold and run for the check out counter. I made it with no interceptions and no tackles!). This is very serious stuff in Louisiana. Whew, I am glad my black eyed peas and cabbage adventure is over for 2006!!!

    Well said Brenda, to those suffering now, the new year does hold a promise of a better year....and yes, no one understands what we have gone through (or continue to endure) better than a bc sister.

    PARTY TIME: Is everyone still making their list for the flushing party, checking it twice, doesn't matter if it is naughty or nice...

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    Good morning all,

    Wow, it took so long for me to catch up. I've been out in the hinterlands of the circle since way before Christmas. We had a great one with my sister's family in AR. I glad to be home though. Their stairs (guest room upstairs) were killing me. DH has come down with a yucky thing, so we had to cancel our trip with friend to the mountains of NC for New Years.

    I have to get to the store today for the black-eyed peas. I always have to have them, but the other southern thing - collard greens on New Year's never took with me. We started our own tradition of a southern-northern thing of Hoppin John’s – rice and the peas with kielbasa. It’s good.

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a wonderful place. I was so happy to see we have our own forum.

    My friend Wylie is still hanging on, but she doesn’t have much time left. I get regular reports from another board a bunch of us cat loving folks who are associated with various denominations. Most of us held or hold positions on staff at a church. Wylie was in a leadership position in GA with the PCUSA. We have been sending flowers and cards to the hospice place she’s at in Atlanta, but she’s loost interest in them. Now we’re trying to get something organized to help care for her aging cat Mr. Boots. It’s so sad, for us, but she’s in pain and will soon be where she has lived her life to be. Safe journey, Wylie.

    Thanks for listening.

    More later. DH just got up and I need to get dressed for church.

    Hugs to all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone! OMG Madison you beat me. I cant believe I slept in. Woke up and it was daylight! Not something Im used to as of late with the time change and all. I got a real visual of you running down the aisle with your cabbage football. Seems you have been running away from many things this week-end. Can there be cabbage police in Lousiana?

    So I went to the craft store and started making a Kleenex box out of plastic canvas for Valentine's Day! Its just not as much fun as it was when I was making presents for everyone.

    And this morning, the first thought that entered my mind, immediately, is how can I get out of going to the pub tonight with my husband. There aint no excuses - I gotta go. Im sure xanax will help me throught his one. Wish I could bring a real xanax lollipop with me and just slowly enjoy it the whole evening.

    Its pouring rain here in the Chicago end of the circle. Im not complaining, it could be snow. But oh my goodness, I sure am glad we made tunnels and Vickie got us a circus tent. The ground is muddy with lots of big puddles. So Im in my teepee. Got a great fire going in here, its warm and lots of room for everyone. At least we can stay dry.

    So my New years Resolution is still a go!
    ...quit smoking
    ...start an exercise program
    ...lose weight

    The last 2 should be the easiest. Im going cold turkey. Getting myself a big bag of tootsie roll pops - I sure wish they were sugarless. My problem is and always be an oral issue. Needing something in my hands and my mouth. This will only be the gazillionith time Ive tried to quit since my diagnosis. Maybe this time I will be successful.

    Why tootsie roll pops? Cause I need the surprize in the middle. I need satisfaction!! Hmmmm maybe I should start singing the Rolling Stones Song "I cant get no satisfaction, but I try - and I try - and I try. -and I try

    Jeannie: Yes with all the cabbage and beans, I wonder what our tent will be smelling like by time the New Year rolls in. Im glad you got the Femara - hoping it will be kinder to you. Like I saiad earlier, I have heard so many wonderful things about it.

    Vickie: Is Suburban regulated by a government agency? I would report them for sure. Although it would be tough to get anyone this Holiday week-end. Found out many business will also be off on Tuesday for President Gerald Ford. We wont be getting mail til Wednesday! Anyways, bet there is an emergency hotline you can call. I would be so angry. I would be yelling and screaming. I mean it, you all would have to drag me to the fruitcake tent and feed me xanax lollipops until I calmed down.

    Cheri: The pictures of Ethan are adorable. The one on the toilet is so funny. It looks like ride em cowboy

    Colleen: Good to see you again. Im laughing cause I cant keep up and I was on yesterday. Hoping you have a great New year.

    Liz: Right about now I wish I could get out of it. I want to stay home. I dont want to be in a big crowd of people celebrating the new year. I want to be in my own nice, warm, and safe bed. But when he got home from working at the pub last night, he woke me up and told me how many people are looking forward to finially meeting me! Damn Damn Damn! Cant get out of it!

    Beth: New York Cheese cake and a chocolate fountain. When your done, please bring some of it to the party tent. That sounds too yummy to pass up. Oh thank goodness. Another person who knows about Little Christmas. I was beginning to think either I or my mom were crazy.

    Sue/Gus: Rusty is just adorable. I tend to fancy dogs and cats. Only a moment ago I heard this high pitched howling! A sound I havent heard before. Jumped up to see what was going on. There is my dog, on the couch, laying on his back with all four paws up in the air, dreaming. The animals in this house rule.

    Tracey: The cold turkey story is just too funny. Im with ya gal, 1-2-07 is the day I choose to try and quit. Time will only tell. And where have you been young lady? Ive been stomping my foot wondering where you have been hiding. Come out, come out whereever you are. Its time for Nicki and Tracey to play. Red Rover, Red Rover wont Tracey come over. We all love you Tracey and miss you when your not here.

    NS: I watch the food channel. That Paula makes me nutty. Anyways I never heard of good luck/bad luck regarding taking down the Christmas tree. When I was a little girl, my mom would leave the tree up until "Little Christmas" - I cant remember now when that was, but I know it was after the New Year. Our tree will come down Tuesday or Wedensday. And as I toss it out, it will be my last good riddens to 2006. Pftttt! And good riddens.

    DEbC: OMG 50 people over tonight? OK let me see which would I prefer. Going out or having people over. Hmmmmm I just put my best high heels on and Im out the door. Sounds like fun, enjoy.

    Carrie: Now why wouldnt you come to the potty party. You sure have alot of baggage to flush from this past year. And oh my goodness, Deese will be so confused. Which toilet is for using and which one is for flushing out 2006. Oh and then theres the outhouse she can never find. Actually I had one of those "why its wonderful living with a man" episodes this morning. Got up late, walked into the bathroom barefoot, and yeppers your guessed it, he missed! Ewwwwww!

    Sue: Atlantic City on NYE! Oh lucky you. Sounds like fun. Hope you have a blast and win, win, win.

    Brenda: Good to see you. The Holidays sure came in with a whirlwind. Like the house was hit with a tornodo and still trying to recover. After today we can all take a big sigh of relief. It will be over until next year.

    Betty: I see you snuck in while I was editing my post. God bless Wylie. Sending love and strength to you and her family too.

    OH crummy buttons! I gotta go for a bit. Have a great morning. Time to eat! Nothing spectacular this morning. A bowl of cheerios will do.

    I got my list, its a big one - cant wait to flush that sucker down the toilet.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Girls!
    No time to walk around the circle this morning, gotta run. Just wanted to wish you all a Happy and HEALTHY New Year. Will try and check in later.
    Love and Hugs

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    Good morning CG's! I have been trying to read all the posts, you ladies really move fast!
    Vickie love the snazzy toilet!!!!! we can do some major flushing with that one!!!! The temp is pretty mild here in south jersey, I hope there as well! I have a boy and I know he would just love camping in the living room!
    Betty sorry to hear about your friend.another reason to flush 2006....
    madison I hope you are safe and my goodness the air condition is on????
    kristen I hope your feeling better today!
    Sue enjoy AC(so jealous!)
    We also keep the tree up until jan7 little Xmas, but I want to start taking things down today, tired of looking at the clutter and cleaning around things.
    we are Italian and do the lentil thing on New yrs day and also pork!(although I don't really eat pork anymore)We are originally from Philly so we go the the Mummers parade New Yrs day but it is supposed to rain really hard and may be cancelled. we have family that participate in the brigades. it is usually a good time for the kids.
    I do have friends that do the cabbage thing on New yrs day too!
    I have no plans for tonight, which means I probably wont be up for midnight. Andrew who is 9 is a party animal at heart and will make it though! my hubby says he plans to see the new year in since this last one was so bad!

    Jan6,2006 was my first chemo treatment. 1 year ago!!!!! so glad to flush it away!!
    I lost an aunt and grandfather this past year. 1 to cancer. my uncle,myself and my best friends mom all had cancer dx this past year.
    Flushing!!!! and I will help all of you flush your crappy year away also!!!!!

    Thinking of all of you praying for a better 2007!!! Happy New Years to all!!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited December 2006
    Happy New Year everyone!
    I am starting my list to flush down the toliet tonight. I will meet you all in the drinking tent.
    We are going out tonight after the Eagles game. Can't miss the game! Any Eagles fans out there?
    I went to some friends of my husbands last night for a get together. I lasted about two hours and then I wanted to get home. I don't feel comfortable around people I don't know. I am still bald,losing my eyebrows and eyelashes so I feel like everyone is looking at me. The wig drives me nuts. I am trying to get use to it before I go back to work.
    I sound like I need to go to the whinning tent. Is there one for feeling sorry for yourself? Really I don't feel bad today. I am glad this year is over and look forward to accepting my "new me".
    One question I have for everyone: Did you ever look in the mirror at this stage of BC and wonder who is that person??
    Take Care everyone,
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    joy, we all have been there!!!! I felt the same way just a few months ago, but the good thing is time moves on and things do get better. the hair comes back and so do eyebrows and lashes!!!! my hair is really short right now but its there!!! what part of Philly are you in? I am originally from South Philly. only been in NJ for 10 yrs.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    I am anonymous again....Michele39