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  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies,

    I think I need the whining, feel sorry for myself tent today I had a semi meltdown yesterday. I feel tired and old and fat. Mind you, I have never been a skinny minny type, lots of booty but NEVER around the middle. I look pregnant. I am sick of myself. I want to diet and exercise but my bones(hips, knees, feet) are so sore that I can barely walk when I first get up. I am going back to WW on Monday, that seems to be the only thing that works for me.
    I am going to quit the Arimidex, I can't deal with the side effects anymore, I feel like I am an old lady and it is beginning to depress me. I used to be able to run circles around people half my age and now I can barely get out of the chair without hanging on to the furniture for dear life. There has to be a better way.
    2007 is going to be the year of Tina,(how selfish) but it's now or never to get a grip on myself.

    I love you girls,

    I don't know how I would cope without all of you in my life.

    love Tina
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited December 2006
    Thanks girls. I know this feeling will pass. I just want my life back. I know everyone here understands how I feel.

    Michele- I live in the Bustleton section of Philly. Where in Jersey do you live? I have family in Cape May Court house area. We also go to Wildwood Crest in the summer. My MIL has a house there.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2006

    I will make you a chemo cap like i did for my dad. He wore it at home. I felt awkward around my best friend 2 years when she was dx and I still don't know why. I am a very caring person. i was OK with seeing her and helping with her gall bladder operation this past month. I think her illness brought back too many bad memories from my dad's fight with bc. he lost and I didn;t want to watch her lose. I am trying to get her to come to Starbucks this Saturday with whoever els e from Philly can make it. Marge is so wonderful and she is my bestest friend---outside of my tent friends.

    Pick a color and I will make a great cap for you, especially since it is eventually going to get cold!


  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2006
    Good morning CG's!

    Joyce, I'm two years out from treatment and I still have trouble looking at pre-BC photos of me. I've gained the equivalent of a small child during treatment, and I hardly recognize myself in the old photos! On the plus side, though, my hair is back and is better than it ever was and the eyelashes and eyebrows are back to normal too. It takes time to adjust, and some days will definitely be easier than others. Come to the whining tent whenever you need to -- we all understand!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I stole the ball from Times Square ladies!!! This is going to be the party of the century!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    10 Reasons to have a Happy New Year
    Gotta go swipe some more party supplies and Nathaniel wants to use the computer...ooohhh...I'm becoming a kleptomanic (is that what it is?)
    I'll post Suburban Energy Services number later...heehee
    Love ya girls
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Moving our fancy toilet up so the potty police don't find it LOL...get ready ladies.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Party hats for all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    I knew you could get us the New Year's ball. YEA

    Did you put it in the tent? We don't want the entire NYPD after us!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Tina, Joy and all felling blue today: What can we do to help? We are here for you, listen, hold you.....

    I take Bayer Back and Body (with my first cup of coffee) every morning to help with the aches and pains. I know how hard it is to get the body moving in the morning. Sometimes the aches and pains are almost too much to bear.

    Please remember that each and every person in this circle is BEAUTIFUL...WONDERFUL...

    Now a message to VICKIE...........please continue being a
    kleptomanic, we need things for our PARTY.....I'll watch you back!!!!

    I have decided to go do some retail therapy. I received money for my birthday and Christmas and have decided NOT to put it in the replacing roof fund. I can't wear roofing shingles (I think they would scratch me), so I am going to be selfish and go do the retail therapy.

    Keep at it Vickie, we need a champagne fountain, chocolate fountain, some good food, wine...........just don't go to New York to get these things....I think they may have put out an alert......they are already looking for the BALL!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    Hello - first time on a chat site - but am feeling desparate. I finished radiation eight days ago and am experiencing so much pain from the burn site under my arm (arm pit area) that I want to scream. In fact I do yell a b it when I put the aloe vera on the burn. There must be something else I can do. Help - any suggestions out there?

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    I'm trying to help Vickie with the party preparations. Here's a few things we might need. Will be back later to catch up with everyone.




    Couldn't resist asking this guy to come along - LOL

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Happy New Years ladies...oh an a special HNY to the hot cow boy that Lizws found WooHoo...gotta love a guy in chaps

    I have a TON of people coming to my house in 9 hours. Between now and then I have to get breakfast, go to church, clean my bathrooms, and COOK! i will be dropping in now and again to have some chocolate and chat up the cute cowboy....

    Love ya all ladies.

    Oh, to Anonymous above, there is a whole thread for radiation tips and chat. I bet there are some good tips there. My doc gave me a type of silicone bandages that covered my helped a TON, but they needed a Rx to get them. Hope someone else can help.

    Deb C.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Here's a few more things for our party and another friend!



  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hmmmmmm...chaps or no chaps...that is the question...

    Ohhhh LaLa

    Deb c
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    OMG---where were these guys when I was young enough to appreciate them (and old enough to know what to do with them!)?

    We're out---going to see Dreamgirls and then dinner at friends'---so Happy New Year everybody! It WILL be a better year for all of us simply because we've found each other. Don't let the cowboys get away until I get back!!

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006

    OMG where is my xray vision?????????can't figure out how to get rid of the wood(no pun intended)ooops didn't mean get rid of.......

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    In the process of putting decorations away and am so glad I checked in.....
    I have Dom chilling and lots of strwberries for the fountain! oh and the after a few coctails I am sure the whining tent will be closed......
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Anonymous, yes my rads onc rx Silver Sulfadiazine (sp) it works wonders. You need to ask your dr about it.

    Gus, there's plenty of room at the big "flushing" tonight, bring your list & c'mon over.

    Tracey, I thought what your daughter said about quitting cold turkey was cute. Kids say the darndest things.

    NS, so glad you have a dr. appt. about your headaches to find out what's causing them so he can fix it. Although, it does seem odd that the appt. is on a Sunday. You sure his address isn't the Holiday Inn?

    Deb, my gosh that's alot of people coming to your house tonight. Enjoy everyone & have a graeat time.

    Sue, have a great time at Harrahs. Wished I could go! I've never been to Atlantic City. But I love Las Vegas, Tunica MS, and my favorite is Laughlin NV. We have some gambling boats here in Mo. but I don't think they really measure up. Have a great time!

    Brenda, I think it's fine if you flush other years, too. I've got 1998 & '99 on my list. That's when I broke this ankle that I've had 7 surgeries on & its still broken! (And aren't the grandkids just wonderful little people??)

    Madison, I've always eaten black-eyed peas on New Years but not the cabbage, but I'll be eating it tomorrow.

    Betty, sorry your friend, Wylie, is so sick.

    Nicki, you'll have a good time going out tonight. As far as the smoking now that's a booger! I'm quitting at midnight tonight. I intend to flush them down our circle toilet. It's mostly psychological & the fact that I've smoked 3 packs a day for 30 yrs. I know how hard it is I've done it many times. But I'm armed with patches, baby carrots, grapes and I even have tootsie pops, too! I agree with the hand to mouth thing. BTW, thanks for the compliment on my little Ethan, but that's my 2 yr old grandson sitting in the toilet, Kevin.

    Joy, I still look in the mirror & wonder who the hell that old, fat woman with the real short mohawk is! But if I look closer I can see ME in my eyes. I'm still here and I may never look like I used to but I'll be around to bitch about it! And I do believe that's what counts.

    Tina,you've just hit a funk, nothing that a good toilet flush can't help! Good days & bad. We'll help you get through it.

    Vicki, gee, hope the "Ball Cops" don't get us! It's wonderful to have the ball from Times Square at our party! The party hats are a nice touch, too. You're getting to be quite the little 'sticky fingers' aren't you? lol

    I'm sure I've left people out but didn't mean to. Everyone have a great day.

    Mena, you up yet? Come on out & play today!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006

    Liz..when are you coming over here with your treats and your buddies?? Or are they one in the same??

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Liz, I like meeting new friends. Bring along all the cowpokes you can!

    Mena, I got dibs on the dark haired one! Keep your mitts off.

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Happy New year all to all the beautiful CG's
    and I can't wait until the big flush !!! DH and I are going out with friends tonight and I am going to sing CARRIE OKEY hee hee hee ! Before I leave tonight I will be bringing my list to flush,and I will be bringing the OUST too ! One of my New Year resolution is try to keep up with the circle !

    Okay I am feeling all sentimental and gushy so bear with me!
    First I want to thank you all that have welcomed me with open arms even though I am a family member and helped me get through all the fear and tears with my deese,
    and thank you for holding my hand and helping me sort out my own path reports when I had my own scares and understanding why I still worry even though my dx was ADH and ALH .
    Since I registerd here in 2005 I have met the most fantastic , smart,supportive and strong women anyone should have the privilage of meeting ! With some of you we nurtured friendships that will last a life time ! I love you guys ! *sniff* If any thing good came out of the result this crappy beast, for me , It is all of you !
    Okay some one hand me a tissue I made myself cry and I haven't even hit the hoochie tent yet!

    Vickie stole the NYE ball whoohoo way to go klepty !!

    Madison ~ I am ROFL at the cabbage head bowl touch down I still have to go to grocery YIIKEES !

    Brenda ~ I am with you girl Christmas was a flash and boy am I tired too ! I still have my son here until the 2nd.

    Nicki ~ NO EXCUSES Put on your party dress, dance on the table and shoot out the lights !!

    DebC woohoo 2007 dancing with Ned ! Wow 50 guest, I 'll come sing Carrie okey !

    Tina~ I offically declare 2007 The year of it is all about YOU ! The year of Tina ! (ok I have no authorty to do
    that ,but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night !!) Send any family that does not agree, and I will set them straight- family member to family member !!

    If I have missed any one it was not intentional, sometimes I feel shy if I don't know you but I read each and every one of your post, and you all are always in my thoughts and prayers !!
    will check in later ~
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Sticky fingers here...I FOUND FIREWORKS!!! WOOO HOOO.
    Hi Lisa...I think her treats and buddies are one and the same LOL.
    Good job Liz...can you get rid of the wood!

    To anon. above...I too used the Silverade creme too and it is the very best for radiation burns...ask your doctor about it. Call them today if you need to, don't wait till Tuesday.

    NS...where are you? Worried migraines always caused weird vision changes too. I would look at something and only see half of it and the other half would be this weird gray fuzzy area. I will check with Jeannie and would love to take a drive to NY to see you...what a group we'd be!!
    Hmmm...the NYC ball cops are on the lookout but they'll never find me with Jake on watch and all the girls at this party...ha ha. With Madison and Cheri watching my back I'm gonna find some more cool stuff. Liz...wanna come along?

    Joy...I feel the same way every time I look in the mirror. I had long blonde hair...gone...replaced with short curly brown hair that is getting darker. I lost tons of weight on chemo (due to stress more than anything else)I've gained some back but still can't wear any of my clothes and just simply miss the old me. It's hard to even explain...just makes me sad.
    Tina...hugs to you and I'm sorry your feeling so crappy. It can be the year of Tina can be whatever you want it to be. You can be selfish, we'll let you.
    Jeannie...I roped a cowboy for you for'll remember what to do with them LOL. are such a doll...offering chemo caps and recipes, hugs to you. I make chemo caps and take them to the oncology nurses every month. I can crochet but I am making the caps with the round "knifty knitter" as it's soo much faster that way. They requested some purple and red ones for the red hat ladies.
    ok...Nathaniel begging for the computer...geez...wonder who the fool was who bought him all these computer games LOL...I can see we are going to need a second computer within the next couple of years.
    Back to scavanging...sticky fingers...signing off. If the cops show up send them to Suburban Energy Services LOL!!
    Love ya girls
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006

    hey Vickie while your out getting supplies can you rustle up some entertainment??????(I hear Justin may be around bringing Sexyback!)

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Carrie...missed your post as I was typing and you know what...WE LOVE YOU TOO!! I feel the same way you do...I'd be so very lost without this site. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    Oh and ladies...stay out from under my curtains!!! I'll find you whatever man you desire...just leave mine alone!

    What time (eastern) shall we start flushing...I don't think I'll be able to stay up till midnight.
    Oh and where is Mena??? Ok Cheri...fess up.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    This is anonomous - finally figured out how to register....... thank you for your replies regarding the Silverade sulfadiazine creme. I am trying to get rad onc doc to prescribe so I can stop jumping around screaming when I need to put something on the burn. I read on a site that the burn is more like a chemical burn and I sure agree with that. I just keep thinking this too shall pass.
    Tina - hang in there. I know just how you feel. Just remember you are precious and the misery will go away. Honestly, I have taken more pain pills in the last eight months than in all of my 57 other years. But - once I finished chemo I started to feel good again. I now need to get beyond the radiation pain. My gripe is that none of the docs bothered to tell me how very painful the side effects are. (Maybe they don't know)

    Happy new year - 2007 will be the best and a time to redefine ourselves.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2006
    I sent Mena a recipe to make a mixed fruit cobbler fo rher sister for New Year's day. She may be busy cooking.
    Cheers to dh actually bought a chocolate fountain for christmas! i will take pix of all of us making piggies out of ouselves. i am having a small group, only 8 of us, I have had a crowd like Deb's but not too often! Good luck there kiddo! I cooked for weeks when we celebrated my mom's 70th and had 75 people at the house.
    I would love to wish everyone a Happy New Year but I cn't remember all the names yet! I love the great stuff for the party, Vickie!
    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Vicki, ok ok ok. Mena & I were up til the wee morning hours. I had to take care of her, she'd...uh...been to the Hooch tent. Ya know she has that little "problem". Poor dear. HAHAHA

    BTW, your migraines sound like Optic Migranes. I've only had 2 in my life & the last one I went to the ER and that's what they told me was wrong with my vision.

    Carrie, you are just too sweet! Have a wonderful time out tonight and when your singing Carrie Okey, don't forget Helen Reddys "I am woman hear me roar"!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Dear Anon...I suffered worse through radiation than I did through chemo and surgery! They gave me a salve that starts with a B (can't remember what it was called) and I had a reaction to made everything worse. The silvadeine is truly the the doctors today! They can phone in a prescription for you and you will feel so much better.
    Rustling up more supplies ladies.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Cheri...when Mena resurfaces she's gonna kick your a$$ too give me more laughs with you antics!!!
    I didn't know there was such a thing as Optic Migraines...thanks for the info as my doctors never said anything other than migraine. I do know how terrible they are though.