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  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited December 2006
    Beth-you are so sweet and thoughtful. I am looking forward to meeting you Saturday. I will call for directions.I am known to get lost so I am bringing my friend with me.
    I am looking forward to the party girls! Love the hats and the cowboys!
    I suffer from migraines myself-they are rough.Off to watch the game.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    ok...swiped us some champagne
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    and a butler to serve us all
    OH...he's a sextuplet so we have six that are identical.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    Happy last afternoon of 2006 everyone,

    I'm watching football(go Titans...not that I'm a big TN fan, but hate the NE Patriots)and picking out ringback tones for my phone. Such a waste of money, but fun. Hehe

    I'll be with all of you flushing away the crap of 2006. There were some good things, that I'll be hanging on to, also. I'm making positiv e resolutions this new year's randon acts of kindness, smile more, listen to good music, make cookies for people at work...stuff like that. Thta way, I won't feel rotten when I don't ...lose the weight, eat healthy, etc.

    My friend Wylie left this world at 4:30 am today. Waht a wonderful New Year she is experiencing. It's strange to grieve for someone you never physically met. She was such a help to me when I was dxed. She battled BC twice and overian once. She knew the right words to say, the right books to suggest and funny stories to tell. She would have loved the circle.

    It's a rainy Sunday here in TN. I wish it were snow. I'd love another few days off and you know us southerners..we stop everything for a few snow flakes.

    I'm going to start taking notes, but know you are all in my thoughts.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    (((Betty)))...oh I'm sorry about the lose of your friend. She is in a better place. It's suppposed to rain here too...freezing rain though so I'm praying all the party goers out there tonight are careful. I think we all have good things to hang on to as well...I know I will be hanging onto this board and all my lovely wonderful sisters here.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    OMG Girls!

    Haven't had much time to catch up until today and I have been reading for over 2 hours. I think there was only 139 pages when I started and then I hit 140 and got to the end of that and had to turn yet another page! You girls ROCK.

    This party sounds like fun. I have a small list to flush away for 2006, so it won't take long to get together.

    So Christmas I worked nights, came home, opened presents and went to bed. Our Christmas supper was going to be the 27th (when I was off) and my girls were going to travel down and we'd do a family thing, including their gifts. Well we had a heck of a storm and the roads were impassable, it took them 3.5 hrs to go 30 minutes down the highway and HOME again, but at least they made it safely. INstead I invited a couple of stranded families in to share our turkey dinner and it was a nice evening. Friday I got up to their place and exchanged gifts and then Matt (ds) and I went to a speed skating meet in the mountains (out your way Tracey, in Canmore). It was beautiful there and Matt did pretty good coming home with a silver in his division!

    Tonight dh is working and is laid off at MN. Happy New Year to you too!! ppphhhhaattttt! It's his birthday tomorrow too.
    OK no more whining.

    Didn't take lots of notes, too much going on. You girls are my sanity, my dh doesn't quite understand. He keeps saying " you know you don't have cancer anymore!" Like I shouldn't even think about it anymore. How can you not?! Oh well, I love him dearly and he has been very supportive and I guess that's a guy thing?

    Vicki, you have been out snitching things to stay warm right? I can't believe that oil company! Make sure you follow through on the complaints and stuff. We are natural gas up here and don't have to worry about delivery, but my sister does and I know she's had a couple of close calls. Do you have an electric blanket for tonight?
    Nicki, have a great time at the bar with hubby tonight. What kind of music does he sing? I'll walk behind you with the nicotine patches on Jan 2 and whenever you feel like a smoke, put on another one without taking off the first one! That should get you humming quick! OR maybe Mena can make a nicotine lollipop to settle the hand/mouth thing.
    DebC, just got your card. So glad you suggested the exchange. WooHoo for dancing with NED! Party at your place sounds like a hoot.
    Betty, sorry about your friend, but you're right she'll be celebrating the New Year in style and peace.
    Amy have loved your pics of your animals. Think I read way back something about a water meter stick? How do they read that, lol.
    Welcome to all the newcomers. I am relatively new myself and don't post lots, but the ladies here are fun and will put a smile on your face everyday, tears of joy sometimes and tears of sadness when you realize that we are all fighting the same fight.
    Prayers go up daily for all the ladies on May the good Lord help us in our daily fight.
    Love to all and best wishes for 2007, may it bring joy to us all.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Heavens to Betsy, leave for a few hours and come back and there are over 40 new post.

    Vickie, thanks for all the planning and getting us ready for the new year - whew have you been busy yesterday and today. Oh were were these guys when I was younger, single,
    and knew what to do (and could do) with these fellows. Do you think you could just have them wink at us older, grey headed ladies?

    Betty, been to Jonesboro, TN many times looking at antiques. It is a very nice place to visit and live. I love your area of TN and besides, my DIL is from TN. It is foggy and misty and kind of a miserable day here too. I am so sorry about your friend, Wilie. One thing a life altering/threating situation can do is to help you to reach out to others as they face the tough problems that comes our way. I think we have all found that here in the circle too - there has been lots of tears, fears and high fives in this circle this year.

    Joy and Tina: How many times in the last year have I just cried and said "I want my life back" and those were my exact same words. We have all said that in one form or another. Tina, my best friend, Linda, dropped by on the 19th of December. She took me for procedures and appointments when my hubby couldn't and let me talk and just stayed with me through this. I was getting things ready for the employee Christmas party for that evening and she took me by the shoulders and told me "now this is the Brenda I knew, look around, think how far you have come in a year". I just lost it - I told her it was the same me but I felt like I had been dropped in someone else's body. She thought I was talking about my physical appearance only - it wasn't just that - but like so many of you the joint pain, emotional roller coaster from having to give up my estrogen and being thrown into menopause instantly, the extreme fatigue I have experienced, and of course weight gain. Waistline - what's that? It is gone like it was when I was pregnant and that was the first thing that went. My hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are back and I have finished treatment and you know, my hair still has enough curl that I haven't used a curling iron on it since it returned. Like you and many others, I've changed and I don't think lots of us have it figured out yet. Diet and exercise - Tina, I need to but I am not sure I have the willpower to stick with it but I am unhappy like this and my clothes not fitting or cutting my middle in two. The great thing about coming here is that we all have these same feelings,frustrations and yes, we can just say it out loud. Why? Because everyone here understands and BC has stolen a part of us that goes deep and unless you have watched a loved one, as Carrie and Beth have, or walked in these shoes - you just don't get it - here we do. Joy,Tina - it is ok and thanks for letting it out - sometimes that alone helps when you know someone actually hears what you are saying.

    OK, off my soap box!!

    NS, was the appointment with the neurologist today, this Sunday? Oh, please, I hope so with all your headaches.

    Carrie, OK sounds like you and hubby are having a fun night. You and Denise and family have been through so much in 2006 - enjoy yourself but stay safe. We love you too and I for one, feel honored to have met you in this journey. (sniff;sniff)

    Cookie, where are you? Your meals always sounded so good.
    Liz,Pennylane, Amy, Silvergirl, Mena, RobinTN, Debbyfive, MB - oh, I am missing to many here - hope you can check in.

    Cheri, hope you get that ankle taken care of once and for all. Lets flush more than just 2006 together!!!!

    I'll check in later to see how the party is coming alone. Hubby and I are staying in tonight - peace and quiet - not even having to babysit. He just came in from the store with me some butter pecan ice cream - now how do you loose weight when your hubby constantly brings home foods you can't ignore?

    Love you, Brenda
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    I hope this will work for all of you. Enjoy!!!


    Alternatively, please visit and select the Pick Up Card option in the menu. Then enter your card code, which is:

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies!

    I'm off to a NYE party tonight, but I wanted to drop by to wish you all a very happy 2007! I don't think that anyone at the party I'm going to will look like the butt-lers that you have here, so I might have to drop by the circle when I get back. I hope that Vickie is able to keep herself out of the slammer so that she'll be here for the Grand Flush at midnight!

    I wish you all many blessings in the new year. I am so thankful to know all of you!

    Many hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Brenda...thank you for the card...that was so beautiful. And...just so you know, all the men at our party are here because regardless of how we look, young, old, gray, bald, with or without breasts they know us as beautiful, loving, sweet, wonderful women and THAT'S what they will love us for. THATS what I love all of you for.
    NS...WHERE ARE YOU...GETTING FREAKED OUT HERE!! Somebody pass me a Xanex lollipop quick.
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006

    Thank you for the pep talk, it is sooo appreciated, it was the kick in the pants I needed to jump start myself. You are so right, no one gets it like we all do. My husband and kids are great but after a while of me whining I think they turn their ears off or something. I'll say, I really feel fat and ugly and they immediately say No, you're not fat, you are so pretty etc etc, I just wish they would let me feel the way I feel without trying to change my mind, it's hard to explain in words but it's almost as if I am not being heard. My husband is always trying to "fix it" but sometimes it can't be fixed and you only want to be heard not fixed.

    Wow, another rant, love Tina
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    Happy New Year CG'S, make sure all the animals are put in the barn, no driving and drinking!!! Vickie, You stay away from any wheels , xoxo Puppy
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    So it’s the last day of 2006. I’m sure so many of us will be glad to see it go. I just wanted to start out by telling everyone how much each of you have helped me this year. I’m so glad I jumped in and joined the circle. May each of you have a blessed, healthy and joyous New Year.

    Nicki I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. Just put on your best outfit and go out and have some fun. I’ll be there with you in spirit. I’ll be here to support you in all three of your resolutions. I’m joining you in the last 2. Did the first one awhile ago. I lived on sugar-free life savers and had straws to chew on. You can do it!

    Vickie, I saw the toilet police earlier but steered them towards the mental health tent. They say the PMS sign and really didn’t act like they wanted to go in there. You’re doing great on the decorations and party planning. You have made me laugh all day!

    Madison, I went to the store and had to fight my way down the aisle for the black eyed peas. Cabbage wasn’t bad to pick up. I can just envision you running away with your cabbage. How was retail therapy? What did you get? I went out to one store (that’s closing) but it was just too cold for me today.

    Betty, I’m so sorry about your friend Wylie. She will be starting a wonderful New Year without pain or illness. I understand what you mean about not knowing someone “physically” as I feel about each of the wonderful women I’ve met here on as if I’ve known them and been friends forever.

    DebC I know you’ll have a wonderful time at your party. You’re much more adventurous than I am. 50 people? How is the wine? Do you need to make sure it’s still okay?

    Joyce, give yourself some time to get used to the wig. I was the same way. Hope you have a great time this evening. Yes, I looked in the mirror and wondered who that person was and unfortunately still do at times. Hugs

    Tina, good for you! Make 2007 the year of Tina. There’s not a blasted thing wrong with that. Take care of you! I’ve always followed my gut when making decisions. Hope you get to feeling better.

    Sue/Gus, I gained a lot of weight. January 11th will be my one year post chemo. It’s time for me to get serious and lose this. I’ve never had a jelly belly but I sure do now. Thanks for reaffirming that things do get better.

    Jeannie, let me know how Dreamgirls is. I really want to see it. It’s not on here yet. Of course we’ll save the cowboys. I found a few more of his friends. LOL

    Michele, Dom and strawberries? YUM! I tried to make the wood invisible. Just wouldn’t work. Guess we have to use our imagination.

    Lisa, oh my dear! We’ll have both types of treats. Hehehehehe.

    Carrie, have a wonderful evening. I’m so glad you’re here with us.

    Denise, hope you’re having a nice day and evening. You are an amazing woman.

    Beth, so nice of you to offer caps and recipes. I’m sure I’ll need a recipe for something and will be sure to ask you. Thanks and again welcome.

    Anonymous, I didn’t do rads but did manage to burn my new boob with 3rd degree burns. Long story. I used the Silvadene and it worked wonderful. Hope you get something to ease your pain. Welcome to the circle.

    Lynn, so good to see you! I’ve wondered where you were. I’m glad everyone had a safe holiday. So sorry about DH and his job. That just sucks. Gentle hugs.

    Brenda, DH and I are staying in tonight also. I enjoy bringing in the New Year either asleep or in my pj’s. LOL

    Okay, I’ve missed so many I know. Happy New Year to a wonderful and loving group of women. May 2007 bring you good health and happiness.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Here's the last of the guys I could find. Happy New Years! LOL




  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hey girls,

    OMG, Liz, a hunk a hunk of love!!!!!

    I see Vickie (a/k/a sticky fingers) has been at work. Whew, I have been leading the NYPD ALL OVER trying to throw them off the path the ball took. I think I have finally managed to get the APB (All Points Bulletin) cancelled!!! I claim the last row (big row) of champagne – I am so thirsty leading the NYPD off the trail (ha ha)

    Retail therapy wasn't that great. I actually left the mall with credit balances. I returned some items, but didn't buy anything. I THINK I HAVE A FEVER. No, I was just so distracted trying to throw the NYPD off the trail. I think I left them in the mall. You know how man are in a mall, they will never find their way out of that place.

    Tina, I agree with your comment about husbands, friends, trying to “fix” things. My dh tried to do the same and sometimes I DIDN’T WANT TO HEAR IT. I told him many times – no words – just hugs…so here is a big HUG for you.

    Betty, I am so sorry you are grieving for Wylie. I firmly believe that she is experiencing a wonderful New Year.

    Nicki, hope you have a great time with hubby tonight. It should be a rocking New Year’s celebration.

    Naniam, the card was fantastic. The black puppy looks like JAKE (quiver, quiver).

    Sue, have fun at your NYE Party.

    Annon, I had a bad radiation burn, and then developed a stap infection in that breast. If you continue to be in pain, please go see your rad onc at the first possible moment. Good luck.

    Well, dh is calling for me. We have to go to a NYE party tonight.

    I know I missed a lot of you wonderful people. You all ROCK!!!!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR’S TO ALL. (Vickie, stay out of NY – just in case they re-issue the APB for the ball again or they find their way out of the mall).

    You all are like a life-line to sanity in a crazy insane way – make sense?

  • Lharryson
    Lharryson Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2006
    Thank you ladies for the recommendation for the burn creme. My doctor met me at her office so I could get a prescription.............. so now, at least for now, I feel ok. How come they never told me to forgo the AloeVera once the skin broke open? Seems that has been the case a lot along this journey............ Anyway, thank you! I was really at the edge of sanity! LOL Pain will do that to you!

    Happy new year
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006

    The circle has a ball - did you know that??? We lower it from the highest pine tree we have- since our trees are from Muir Woods- that is pretty damn high!

    But instead of lighting up, it is filled with all the things we want to get rid of... it lowers and lowers and lowers itself until it gets---- it gets---- YOU GUESSED IT!


    I am checking in before I run across the street. I will be back though- A house full of males sounds great but when they are all under 11 it loses its appeal!

    Liz I never did get rid of the tree today. I can't. It is just too pretty- so I am going to take my chances!!

    Beth, You sound like SO MUCH FUN! Your post has made me hungry!!! Because of what you and Carrie wrote I did buy some pork for tomorrow. Since I am not throwing out my tree I better eat it for luck!

    Cheri, are you stopping cold turkey like Tracey?? Can't you girls try the gum or the patch or something??? GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH!!!

    Tina (((hugs))) to you!!
    I am sorry you feel bad. I know that sometimes when I look in the mirror now I see my grandmother looking back at me and it isn't a pretty site! I don't know enough about he AIs to say anything. But I do know that people who are beautiful, loving, caring and giving on the inside usually reflect that on the outside. SO MISS TINA- I think you need to buy a new mirror. Because you must be drop dead gorgeous!!
    Love you!!

    Sueishop, you are always doing something FUN! I wish I could just be your redcap or something!

    Naniam, thank you so much. You are always such a postive and nurturing presence here. We need more of you!!!

    Madison, if I can flush my ex-boyfriend down the toilet then I won't need to flush anything else!

    Betty, happy to see you posting again, but so sad about your dear friend. Holding Wylie close in prayer and in our hearts at this time.

    Nicki- ok now it is YOU, Tracey and Cheri all going cold turkey with the smoking?? WOW! Good luck to ALL of you!!! You got the craft bug my friend. I was given a kleenex box made out of a half gallon ice cream container once. I was disappointed. I would have GLADLY emptied the ice cream box for my friend before she gave it to me!! Paula makes me a little nutty too! I was always taught to wait until the 6th with my tree so I will forget what she said!

    CherylG- HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too my friend!!

    Michelle, I know it was so warm here today too on Long Island I spent the day in the garden! I never heard about the lentils... Oh well- I am really taking chances this year!

    Vickie! I am here! I was gardening today! I couldn't help it. It is the one thing in life I truly enjoy and since I have been in such a rut I spent the day in the mud and it was GREAT! But hop in your jalopy anyways!!!!

    Sue/Gus, I hope you have fun at your party! I am going to a neighbor's... but they have kids so it won't be a late night. Happy New Year to you too!!


    "Live, Live, Live!!! Life is a banquet and most poor people are starving to death!!!"

    (Obviously Auntie Mame had never heard of this group!)

    Love you!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    OK been reading all pickin day. My head hurts. Up to page 139....I'll finish tomorrow. Got home this morning about 6:30. Left Sacramento at 4:30. NO ONE should be up at that hour. Daughter is all packed up and moved. They are not actually moving to San Luis Obispo for another two months. Wanted to save on the rent money so they have more funds for remodeling the new house. They are moving into the house son in law grew up in. It's a mess but I think they will be happy there. Just talked to her a bit ago. Got down there safe and sound with 1 moving van, 1 truck with U-haul trailer attached, and 1 mini van. All packed to the gills. She reported all goods now safely stored in the garage. They are spending the night there, then heading to Disneyland for a few days. Then back to Sacramento to camp out with friends till they house is ready for living in.
    Me is tired. I have been home for 3 days in the last 30. We are going out of town for New Years. Good heavens I am never going to get to sleep in my bed again. I miss my bed. Every inch of me aches.
    Thank you for all the prayers and concern for my grandson. Daughter has not seen doctor yet but did speak to her mid-wife who said that it is most likely ductal ectasia. How weird is that. She said not very common, but not totally unheard of either and usually clears up on it's own in a month or two. Daughter will take munchkin to see his doctor when she gets back from Disney. It freaked me out to see blood coming from his nipple.

    MB, so glad to read your hubby is feeling better.

    Susan, decent human being is a good start.

    Cheri, Ethan is adorable. I am soooooooo sorry about Gavin. I can not even imagine that pain. Prayers for your daughter today.

    Deb, Yehaw on the test results. Thanks for the Cinabuns.

    Robin, good to see you posting.

    Madison, your gonna miss Jake and you know it.

    Jan, why does sister in law pass out?

    Nicki, prayers for your friend. Good for you for choosing to go out tonight. Please send the junkman to my house. I'll give him free reign in the basement. Present making in Jan sounds like a grand plan. Shall I send you my list?

    Puppy, praying for your hubby as well.

    Jeannie, I had the clicky thing on arimidex too, but on my middle fingers not thumbs. Weird indeed, and the pain!!!! o my.

    Kristin, I tried effexor for a week. It made me feel very odd and I didn't sleep even with ambien. Decided it wasn't for me.

    Vicki, hugs to you hon. I'm all for a flushing ceremony. You do have some interesting adventures in your car. No driving next to on fire propane trucks. Good tip, thanks.
    Grrrrrr I am spitting mad with you. That is simply unacceptable. Isn't there some kind of law against that. The nerve. I vote for calling the papers too

    Jezza, I'll have a strawberry daquiri thanks

    Hi Socal, got your pics. Looks like a grand time was had by all

    NS, doc appts not a fun way to start the year but sometimes necessary. Praying they figure out the issue quickly.

    Liz, praying for your MIL. Sorry it took me so long to get back with an answer. Dear daughter unplugged the puter days ago. Ductal ecstasia???? In an infant??? You know me, I had to look it up. Everything I read says it will go away on it's own and no invasive procedures should be done unless it doesn't have several months. We'll see what the doctor says next week.
    Bacon wrapped scallops? Someone better alert the fire department.

    Margaret, I need a few days in the spa tent after the month I've had. Granted a week of that was lounging around on a cruise ship. But my body is sorely missing my bed.

    Mena, other thread????
    Why would anyone be angry with you?
    Glad your buying in the hoochie tent. I'm broke after Christmas.

    Michele, sleeping is a good thing.

    Joyce, I have been gone for a month and walked into a clean house this morning. Almost keeled over from the shock.

    Karen I am so glad your daughter and hubby are ok. How scary.

    Welcome Kate, Beth, Sue, and Gerbie

    Hi to everyone I missed. I'll catch up on the rest of the pages when I get home tomorrow.

    Happy New Year dear friends. May it be for each and everyone of us exactly what we want it to be.
    My resolution this year is to get involved in something worthwhile that has absolutely nothing to do with me. Not much opportunity in my two bit town but I'm sure I will come up with something.

    Have fun tonight whatever you choose to do and be safe.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    NS HAS RETURNED...WOOHOO. You are a bad girl...did you have an appointment with the doctors all good? Fess up sweetie, we've been worried and thinking of you all day. Thought I was gonna have to make a trip to NY tonight and was a bit worried about the NYC ball police catching me...I see Liz has them in the mental health tent LOL.
    Gonna work on my flushing list...back in a bit.
    Oh Liz...I want man number two!!!
    Where is my butler hiding...need a drink. Cheri or Mena must have them tied up...geez.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006

    OK ladies, I am heading to the Elderhostel Tent and I need all those nice young men to help...

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    My flushing list..
    Suburban Energy Services
    SO who walked out the day before my mast.
    All the people who asked me scary questions in front of my son.
    Chemo fear, surgery fear, radiation fear.
    My chemo caps
    My wig
    The dear lady who pulled out in front of me and totalled my rental car.
    All my old bra's (ok so I was hoping I would miraculously grow new boobs LOL)
    I'm sure I will come up with more, baking chocolate chip cookies (great with champagne) and watching "Dead Man's Chest" with my dear little guy.
  • OtraVez
    OtraVez Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2006

    I'm trying to help Vickie with the party preparations. Here's a few things we might need. Will be back later to catch up with everyone.



    Couldn't resist asking this guy to come along - LOL


    Do we get to dip him in the chocolate?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Adding a golden for each and every one of us to put the good things in, to take out and treasure and think of forever.
    In my golden box are...
    My wonderful, beautiful sweet daughter
    My sweet, caring, wonderful son
    My oncologist
    All my oncology nurses who went above and beyond
    My radiation team who were so very sweet and kind
    My boss for his care
    My co-workers for their "Keep Vickie out of the kitchen" campaign (they even bought me a dishwasher)
    My lovely family for taking care of me.
    My dear brother and SIL for bringing my nieces over to stay with me after every chemo when they couldn't afford the gas.
    My dear sister Joan for going to every chemo and to my surgery...her dear husband Rich for picking up Nathaniel and keeping him happy even though I had to stay in the hospital.
    All my dear sweet wonderful sisters here...just because your here!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Adrienne...oh boy can we dip him in the chocolate!! Hide him quick...I'll join you in a bit. Watch out or Cheri will swipe him.

    MEEEEENNNNNAAAAA....come out and play! Where are you?
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Happy New Year to all.
    I've had mine and its the morning after for me. Didn't shape up too badly so I guess I could celebrate another one with you.

    I think I can hear the circle party over here. Sounds like its going to be a good night!!

    Happy 2007

    Best Wishes

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Adrienne, yes! What a wonderful idea!

    MENA???? Where are you? I rustled all these lovely young men for us for entertainment. Come out wherever you are.

    Tracey - I expect you here before midnight young lady. Love ya!

    To all the new girls I've missed. Welcome to the circle and have a wonderful New Year.

    I have to go finish my list. Be back in awhile.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Let the party begin
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Wooohoooo! The party has begun.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    I'll second that

    Let the party BEGIN - - -

    Well, the doorbell rang and we were just invited to join our neighbors for a New Year's Eve drink....the problem is I don't remember their names???????? (My dh doesn't remember either...YIKES) Can you say reverse address look-up...

    I wish for a better memory for the new year!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006