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  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    The first thing we do is send him to Mena's Deliverance Tent! She's very creative in exacting remorse and pain from exhusbands, cheating boyfriiends----anybody who has really stepped over the line. I even believe Suburban Propane is in there right now.

    I've been through the experience, other women and all. Fourteen years later I still get lunatic letters from him----I just feel sorry for the lady he married in October. It's the most excruciating personal loss you may ever experience---but it can also be the best thing that ever happened to you. Life has taken some truley amazing turns for me once I set myself free----we'll all support your quest for your amazing new life.

    PM me any time you want since you may feel more comfortable that way. I've been there, done that, have the t-shirt and lived to tell the tale----and it has a happy ending, although you may not think that could ever be possible now. I personally think that a special place in hell should be reserved for a man selfish enough to walk out on a faithful wife and child---but hey, that's just me!

    By the way, does the Other Woman think that, now that he and his little overnight bag are in her house she's no longer the Other Woman? WTF?

    I'd get REALLY worked up but I'm still trying to revive after taking Lunesta last night---count your blessings!

    One really good piece of advice I can offer is to get into counseling---it's the best thing I did for myself through the whole ugly mess.

    Also, get some good legal advice. He left, so you can charge him with abandonment in most states (I know Maryland law---don't know what it is there). Protect yourself financially, make copies of pertinent records, bank accounts, insurance contracts, deeds---a lot of men empty out assets into accounts only they control. Or worse yet, into accounts their names don't appear on so they can't be traced.

    PM me any time.


    Oh yeah---you may want to hold off on the card for awhile. Once the dust settled, I sent the main OW a thank you card! She dumped him once she got him too---happens quite frequently.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for the advice! Nicki will know...I'm not shy about expressing myself! He's SO out of luck---I do all the finances, he's never balanced a check book, he's lucky if he knows how to sign onto online bill pay (with the bank or a vendor).

    BC creates such a strong circle of friends and I'm glad I have sisters to talk to!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning wagon circle girls,

    laurab you have come to the right place. Believe me Mena will take care of him in the deliverence tent and we all sat around the fire and listen to the screams coming from him and laugh. Evil,,I know but fun. Hang in there girl, alot of us have been there, done that. I myself am a better person without my ex and finally found the real me. Be there for your daughter and get all the legal advice you can get. He left you remember so make him pay. You are smart and strong and he is the weak one in this. I am also a firm believer in the what goes around comes around.

    Nicki-Distorted humor was over at my wagon early this morning nudging mazer to wake up. They went out early and kept the beast at bay. Those two really have a good time together. Mazer's mother is also glad mazer has a friend and is leaving her alone here lately. The goats are also glad that Mazer has somebody else to run about with so that she is tired when she comes back home. I do believe they were over at AlaskaDebs wagon sneaking some cinnamon rolls because they came back with icing on their noses.

    Welcome back purplemb-glad you have returned and that your husband is recuping. Its just not the same when you are gone. We have nobody to kick our butts and get us moving.

    Susan-love the new stars. You have been busy witb all of our new people joining us.

    Speaking of new ones, this is a great place and very addicting. Welcome to you all.

    AlaskaDeb-great story of the BC survivor. Also glad to hear your party was a success. 52 happy people is something to be proud of.

    Madison-I saw Jake fly by my wagon this morning also and have also noticed people are still missing names so the ghost of Jake lives on. Man, I bet your house is quiet.

    Beth-love the pictures of the fountain. Cheesecake was a good idea.

    Liz-good luck on your diet. I am there with you and gotta get it together.

    jeannie-alaskadeb said steam them and thats what I do also. I dont like the big ones either because they just arent as good as the small ones. I love turnip greens but collards just arent for me.

    Cheryl-sorry to hear about your dear friend johnny. It is so hard to say goodbye but comforting to know they are no longer suffering.

    Tina-great story. You were truly meant to be there for that person.

    love to you all,, Amy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    (((LauraB)))...we will take good care of you. Been there myself...along with many others so you'll get lots of good advice and a trip for him to the deliverance tent!!
    Ok...called Suburban Energy this morning in the hopes that I could talk to someone reasonable and honest. Yeah right...was told once again that although I have 1364.00 in my account with them and have always been automatic delivery that I am now COD and have to call for delivery and since I ran out I have to pay a service fee. I told them that I know the driver who delivers to me and they could ask him...she actually told me that the drivers could stop in and fill someone if they were in the area and "felt like it"!!!
    I got really mad and called the main headquarters in NJ and asked for customer service...told the whole stinkin story again and they were appalled! She said that looking at my account, I have always been automatic deliver and the Newark Valley office changed it November 16 without notifying me for no reason. She also said that the driver do not make random stops...they have a set route they follow and are told where to go. She is taking it to upper management and is going to call me back. Still not sure I want to deal with this company again but I am bound and determined to make a stink like they have never seen before!
    Taking another Xanex!!! Cannot deal with stress and I need heat TODAY. CRAP.
    Sorry ya all.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Morning girls,

    I'll catch up on everyone later. LauraB!!!!!! It's so good to see you. I was looking at the chatters site the other night and there you were. I'm sorry about the divorce but you will be okay. You are a strong woman and I know you'll take care of yourself and your daughter. Send me a PM if you need something.

    Welcome Bean. ShopMama where are you hon?

    Be back in a bit.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    Questions for CG' gals - does anyone suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome. What I thought was neuropathy getting worse (and it maybe) is sounding more like carpel tunnel. the pain was so bad last night it woke me up again. I took a Vicadin (already took my ambian cr 12.5mg to go to sleep a couple hours earlier). With both I slept 2 hours straight!!! my hand is still sore this morning and tingling that I actually called my pcp to see what she says to do. Waiting for a call back. Will check in later today - the typing is hard on my hand right now so will go. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    good job vickie you go get them. Sounds like you are on the right path to get something taken care of. Dont back down! Might want to go by and pick up one of those xanax lolipops to keep in your pocket.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Oh Laura...i have been in the divorce tent myself. And in the long-run I have been better off. If my ex had to deal with all I have in recent years, he would have left instead of the other way around. Just think of it as a great just lost 200 pounds [just a guess]without trying!

    My mother and I call my ex "the horseradish". The lawyer warned me not to denegrate my ex in front of my son who was 3 1/2 at the time. So instead of calling him a**hole or worse, he bacame horseradish. The origin is from a Yiddish proverb, loosely translated: If the worm had known about the apple he would have crawled out of the horseradish. Eric is starting to see his dad's faults and is dealing with it in his own way.

    In the meantime, my colitis had cleared up, and I have a great dh who is understanding and caring and with 110%. He has gone with me to everything.

    Laura, we will be with you all the way. Anytime you want to "kvetch" [complain, bitch or curse him out], just see me.

    I like Joyce's idea of revenge and we could always set up in the Deliverance tent and plot together. I have a grievance of my own with dh's ex. But that is another story. Just don't do anything they can trace back to you. And maybe you can send a good luck on your new endeavor card to the other woman. After all, he won't be any different with her, believe me.

    email me any time with thoughts, comments or whatever. Like Joyce, I can listen too. Sometimes putting in words helps. my ady is [Email][/Email]

    P.S. A friend will help you plan revenge, a GOOD friend helps you hide the body!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    P.S. A friend will help you plan revenge, a GOOD friend helps you hide the body!
    Oh honey you are in the right place here...wanna come join me for some fun because if I don't get some heat today I'm gonna have a bunch of bodies to hid!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Vickie: I went through a similar situation last year in the middle of a very bad cold snap. We had taken out a service contract for our heater. Well, to make a long story short [can i do it?] the temp in the house had gone doen to a balmy 45 degrees F. I had ds go to his dad's to stay and the cats and i cuddled together when i was home. My mom was in rehab from her broken femur and dh was in hospital after his bilat knee replacement. The repair center we had the contract with said because of some lame reason, the aprt was not covered because it was not made anymore. So I had to call the local plumber and he went out of his way to get the part on the other side of the city. it was a rebuilt part. So, we had heat finally but i had to go to small claims and fight for the cost to be paid. It took months of fighting and i did get bakc the cost of the contract which was a 1/4 of the repair price. Fortunately nothing burst and thank go for xanax.

    Nothing worse than being cold. If getting your local politician involved would help, I would call their office. Play up the bc, it guilts them sometimes. That happens to be very good for a politician sometimes...they need that to keep their blood from freezing.

    let us know how the fight is going.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    LauraB - HUGS, you are in the right place. we need a tent for the "Other Woman".....

    I'll catch up with everyone later....I am at work and I really should work........Of course, I couldn't wake up this morning and was running late for work......

    Hugs everyone.

    Oh, we need to get Tracey a/k/a snowmen_n_thongs back with our circle......please try everyone

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Beth, what wonderful pictures! You are BEAUTIFUL!

    Susan, thank you so much for updating our stars!!!!

    Cherylcy, I am so sorry about losing your dear friend Johnny. My heart goes out to you.

    Nicki! I made foccacia instead of the beans so we may have similar years!

    LauraB, We have a special place for soon to be ex's like yours! It is run by Mena the Mistress of the Deliverance Tent. By the time she gets through with him he will wish his mother never met his father! I have a little tip for his chica.... when there is ONE other woman there is usually two other ones as well! If she thinks he will be faithful to HER?? She should realize he has probably already cheated on her. My friend just found out that her DH was not only cheating with a woman from work but with their next door neighbor- AT THE SAME TIME! You stick with us! He is not worthy of you!!!

    MB While you weren't looking I made you the Athletic Director of the Circle Spa!!!

    Vickie you still have no heat???? CALL THE NY STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE! (Too bad Eliot Spitzer is now our Gov- he was such a KICK ASS AG!) but THEY CAN AND WILL HELP YOU! What they are doing is illegal. Also call the BBB!

    Karen, I don't have carpal tunnel, but back when I was chefing they told me I had tendonitis in my hand and wrist. There are stiff wrist braces you can wear during the day to ease the pressure of it. I hope you feel better!

    We have to add a someone to our prayer list, Jojo is having a rough time and needs all the help she can with healing and easing of her pain.

    Special prayers to everyone awaiting test results, especially Lisa 40.

    everyone undergoing treatment today~ may it be easy and uneventful for you- but kick the crap out of your cancer!!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007 have I missed you all...
    NS thanks for the promotion, I will do my best to keep everyone in shape...
    Vickie so sorry for the heat troubles, must be a NY thing cuz that happened to us last winter...hugs and keep both fists up...
    KAren...I don't think I have carpel Tunnel, but bad wrists I think...but I work with computers all day...the pain is definatley worse at night...get it checked out asap...(so as I say not as I do)...I have had enough of hospitals this'll call in FEB..
    Ok what happened to snow (Tracey) is she gone (off the site)or just busy with school?
    Nicki...just checked and you haven't been exercising....hmmm...see what happens when you leave...
    ok lunch time , got to get DH some food...and more work done...take care all...hugs
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    yummmmmm I want a chocolate fountain. I'm cracking up at the crisco bottle on the table.

    Susan thanks for the star.

    Cherylcy, I am so sorry about Johnny. I will add your family to my prayer list.
    I'm sorry you are having to deal with after effects of others smoking. I've been keeping up on the smoking thread and getting inspired to quit myself. Not quite there yet.

    Nicki, I've been on fosomax for a year now. They tell me my bones are the pits. So far no side effects. According to bloodwork its doing it's job. Getting up my courage to make a dental appt. I so hate dentists.
    No plans for travel for a while. But one can never tell. I do love a good road trip. Any takers? Someplace warm is sounding grand.
    Isn't that anonomous thing odd. We never used to be able to post if we weren't logged in.
    I'm with you on the "I like to smoke" thing. Gotta get over that. One of my promises to myself is to get my teeth fixed this year. Don't want to waste the money if I'm just gonna make the new ones nasty with cigs.

    Laura, I am soooooo sorry. That just sucks. You are in my prayers.

    heheheheh Joyce. That would be one hell of a lap dance.

    MB, knock that man in the head. It might not change his bad patient status but it will render him unconsious so he gets his rest.

    Jeannie, I agree with the special place theory

    Amy don't forget to brush Mazers teeth. Can't have our favorite donkey getting cavities.

    Vicki, stay on that phone till you get results. Hasn't it been 3 days now. You should so call the local papers. Personally I wouldn't stop till heads were rolling down the streets.

    Hi Liz, bye Liz

    gentle hugs Karen. I have tendonitis in my wrists. It can be a real B***h some days. Get yourself a good brace.

    Beth...a good luck card. hhahahahhahahahh I love it.

    Hi Madison, bye Madison
    whats up with Tracey?

    MB, grand idea about the Attorney General. Prayers for Jojo.
    I had cheese and crackers and rice krispies yesterday. what does that say about my new year?

    I'm off to Curves. Good thing I have a massage this afternoon. Have a feeling after a month of no workouts I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow. Have a great day ladies.
    hmmmm wonder if I'll be anon today?
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for everyone's support. I've contacted a lawyer (highly recommended by a friend) who I'm meeting with tomorrow at 1pm. 'Course, I broke down after I called...I don't want to be doing this, but like he said, no one does. And, Beth, you'll appreciate this one....his name is Stanley E. Stein, so I know I'm in good hands (this Irish Catholic girl needs all the help she can get!)

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Karen I don't know what your treatment was or if you are on AIs now. I did TAC and started femara after and developed horrible pain in my hands. The pain would wake me at night and it would hurt during the day. I started wearing wrist splints every night got off Femara and eventually the pain went away. I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel at first but 6 months later they said it had almost gone away. no problems now. i think it was a combination of my chemo and AI's. I'm now on Arimidex and no hand problem.

    MB glad to see you around. I went to exercise today!!! Glad to hear DH is improving.

    LauraB, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. The naughty men in the deliverance tent go through chemo (with no anti-nausea drugs) get their heads shaved and all kinds of neat stuff.

    Vickie, you go get 'em girl. I think you should call up the newspaper. Single mom with adopted son, BC survivor struggling to get her life together, cute too, shafted by the horrible oil company. This could be your 15 minutes girlfriend. You could end up famous.

    Beth, I am so interested in mystery shopping. I will PM you.

    Nicki, you will quit. promise.

    NS, hope you are feeling good today. hugs for you.

    Madison, Amy, Liz, and all others. Hi!!!

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Susan....Nicki suggested I chat with you on this issue as you've been down this oh-so-ugly path. I may need your shoulder!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Hey Ladies! Man, I am SOO out of the loop. Was away all Christmas week, then got slammed with a nasty cold that has kept me out of commission since I got back. I just tried to "skim" the last 8 pages, sounds like we have some new friends (welcome!!) and lots of flushing away of the bad stuff from 2006 (great idea!)

    I'm only here until tomorrow night, and then off to Vegas until Sunday (a birthday celebration of sorts, but not for me, my fiance's nephew.) Anyway, I know I'm going to miss tons and tons more, so I'll just have to catch up for real when I get back.

    Congrats and big smiles to everyone who's feeling good, big hugs and words of encouragement to anyone who's feeling down. xoxo, Colleen
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Take your mind out of the gutter for one sec! LOL Crisco parties are sooo 70's. BTW you need to add oil with semi-sweet chips so the flow is smooth. So there! ROFL!!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2007
    Happy New Year! I have had a crappy 2 years, so I am flushing away mergers causing job layoffs, corporate reorganizations, any type of health issues in my family, and any kind of drama in general. I want 2007 to be the most BORING year for me EVER! Hahaha

    Welcome Bean!

    (((LauraB))), what a crappy thing to happen during the holidays but we are here for you!

    Vickie, here’s hoping you get heat today! I can’t believe what this place is doing to you!

    Karen, I have carpal tunnel. It started years ago when I used to be a teacher. I taught remedial students and I could not ever have my back turned to them, so I had to write on the chalkboard while facing them. Not an easy thing! I had to write with my wrist at an awkward angle and that started it. Now that I have a desk job and use a computer, it has only gotten worse. My PCP prescribed an anti-inflammatory (I have forgotten which one, as I no longer need it) and told me to buy a wrist brace at the drug store (CVS has good ones). I wear the wrist brace every night to bed, and sometimes during the day if I have a flare up. The brace seems to control it really well, and I don’t have to take any drugs. If it ever gets to the point where I cannot control it, I would need to get surgery to correct it.

    Prayers to everyone who needs it, Jojo, Lisa 40, and anyone else.

    Here’s a question for the CG’s. I am worried about my 7 year old son. He has had a swollen throat for months now. In August he had strep throat, and after the antibiotics he kept complaining that his throat hurt. It was still really swollen, so I called the doctor and they said he probably had a little virus or something. My son stopped complaining, so I let it drop. About 6 weeks ago, he started complaining again and had a fever, so I took him to the doctor and they gave him antibiotics. The pain and redness went away, but his throat is still swollen. I have waited a few weeks to make sure he doesn’t have a virus or anything. He seems fine (no fever or congestion), although he has trouble swallowing some things, like meat. I called the doctor today and made another appointment. In the meantime, has anyone seen anything like this before? I know my head is going to places it shouldn’t, but since lightning has already struck twice (both DH and I dx’d with cancer this past June), all I can think of is lymphoma, leukemia, etc…..Ack!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    Susan - I also did TAC chemo (3/22 - 7/6/06) and I have been on Arimidex since 7/27/06. I called my pcp this morning and have an appt tomorrow bright and early (nothing today). She said splints 24/7 and ibuprofen 400mg atleast 3x day for one week. Heck thats not strong enough - I took 4 (800mg) and it did not kill the pain. Last night I took a Vicadin. Now my left hand is starting to bother me - it was tingling when I was holding my cell phone. PCP said there are tests to see if its carpel tunnel or the neuropathy. If carpel tunnel surgery will help, neuropathy, not. will keep everyone posted. Needed to run - 17 year old son has a doctors appt in 10 min - he's been sick forever - was there last week and put on z-pack for wheezing. It never ends.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Good mornin'. Hope everyone is feeling well & having a good day.

    Jennette, glad you're no longer a "wall flower" and have decided to join us. Welcome.

    Susan, you are truly one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Always supportivie & kind. When I grow up I want to be just like you...and NS,Mena,Nicki,Vicki,Cheryl,Carrie,Deb,Shirley,Tracey,Celia,Tina,Stacy,Joan,MB,Puppy, and all the other girls my poor old worn out brain has left out!!

    Deb, nice story about the lady in church.

    Tina, I bet it made you feel good just to reach that patient for a min. or two. My MIL has Alzheimers & had to be put into a rest home a couple of weeks ago. She'd moved in with us for 8 months a little over a year ago and it was tough then.

    Beth, looked like you had a great time with good food on NYE. When I was a little girl my Mother had some of those same plates. The wheat ones.She was never well off enough to have the whole set but we did have a few. I zeroed in on the wheat plates before anything else.

    Nicki,Nicki,Nicki. I was so counting on you to stick with your quit smoking resolution. I NEEDED you too. I have been a non-smoker for 35hrs/52min. And I must admit...I've hated every second of it!! Misery loves company. I've had alot of support though, on the smoking thread. One thing I learned many years ago, you cant both.(I'm having trouble with just one) You can't diet and quit smoking at the same time. When you quit one you depend more on the other. I've eaten like a pig...but no cigarette...yet.

    Tracey, hope you had a great NYE. I imagine you were busy or you would've made our great Toilet Party. Hope you're well.

    Laura, so sorry. But it does sound like it's been coming on for awhile. Men can be such asses. You know that you're better off without him, don't you? You'll meet somebody that'll be good to you & just rock your world!! In a good way.

    Vicki, good job on the phone call to your oil co. Keep at em' don't let them get away with this. Use your Cancer & having a young child all week-end without heat.

    Mena, has the Psychiatrist released you yet...again? If he has come out to play, but no drinking. Not until you get your little..uh..problem under control. HAHAHA TAG, you're IT!

    Well, what can I say? Right now life pretty much sucks. I really want a cigarette. Just one. But I won't. At least not yet. I don't like anything or anybody & it makes me realize how addicted I am. Can't get up & exercise or do much of anything having to stay off this ankle. I'm pretty much stuck in this chair. I'm not whining...this is bitchin'! I hate my dh cos he seems to be having an easier time than me, but at least he went back to work & outta my hair. (all 1 1/2" of it)

    I'm sure left people out I can't rmember all of you. I have a one track mind today.

    Best wishes,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey Kristin-

    You sound like as bad a worry wart as ME! My dad is a pharmacist, so if anything is wrong with someone in my family my first call is too “Dr Dad”. Even a sore throat when my kids were small would have me sure they had some rare deadly parrot fever of something. I would call my dad and he would tell me….”Debbie, when you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras!” I still chant it to myself when worry gets a hold of me…horses, not zebras.

    I bet it is something normal like over active tonsils that need removing or some type of infection in his adenoids, but I really do understand your worry. Can you get him into a specialist? Maybe an ENT? It would ease your mind to know exactly what is going on..

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    When I was a kid we were not rolling in it, not now as a matter of fact either. But my mom collected the dishes from Duz laundry detergent because no matter what we had dirty clothes! Over the course of time she made quite a nice pile of them. Only bad thing is that I cn't use them in the microwave.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007

    Laura---make sure you tell your lawyer the one about the horseradish. And if your ex gives you problems, let the lawyer handle it. And the counseling suggestion is a very good one, especially for you AND your daughter together. Eric (who is now 13 1/2)and I went and he is much better adjusted to the divorce situation, much better than my 11 year old stepson who had none. But that is another story! LOL

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007

    Thanks, Beth....I'm definitely going to look into the counseling. I know there's things I need to improve (don't we all?), but I don't want to get to the point where I beat myself up over this.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    Hey CG'S, Looks like the Party was a Fun time! Laura, Many of us have been delt the hand You and Your child has Now, Not going to be easy, a lot of Pain, But You will make it Sweetie, You have many Sisters to talk with, and to hold Your hand!! Baby Steps, one day at a time!! this year I have decided to Get Rid of ALL My doctors, and get New ones!! So i flush away my doctors!! My gold Box, I will keep my Family in They are "Contagious" Could never flush them, and also My Puppy Jake ( who is really quite old, But don't tell him) Prayers to all that need them, and SO thankful, that we have a Larger Sisterhood Now "Welcome" Love, Puppy ( CHERIE, You are So sweet! )
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Didn't get to check in yesterday but I did eat the black eyed peas, turnip greens(canned ones), pork and cornbread. I was determined to cover ALL the bases. After 4 surgeries in 3 years along with a colonoscopy and 2 endoscopies - I was not going to take any chances!!!!!!!!
    I walked outside last night and when I walked back in, I knew why I don't fix greens often, even out of a can, the house was rank with the odor of them.

    For those of you talking about fresh greens. We cooked ours but then when we got ready to eat, they were put in an iron skillet with a little bacon grease and kind of stirred up. Not bitter that way but I can only eat them in any form if they have lots of vinegar on them.

    Nicki,Cheri - good luck on the stopping smoking. I don't even mention it to my hubby anymore - he doesn't want to and he will be 69 next week. He doesn't smoke in the house or car anymore though (hehehe) CG;s will encourage you as we need to.

    Tina, as others have said, you were supposed to be there. I think that shows all of us how firmly the words "breast cancer" are planted in our mind.

    Welcome to Bean, Shopmama, Stacy and LauraB. Just jump in as it is hard to keep up with sometimes. Laura, there are many of us who have had to deal with the "other woman" and as others have said it is a very deep hurt. I am better off and I never want to live with someone that doesnt love me or cheats on the side - I deserve better and you do too.
    You can count on lots of support here.

    Beth, loved the pix and the chocolate fountain. I'm trying to be good today with my food and that fountain made me want chocolate!!! You have any good "diet" recipes?

    Susan, thank you for keep up the stars. We do keep growing. MB good to see you checking in and like the title NS gave you. Also, husbands are the worst patients; mine can have a headache and you can ask if he has taken anything and it is "no, not yet". If you go get it, then he takes something. Good luck!!!

    Karen, never had carpal tunnel but I know from patients and friends it is very painful. Normally a brace is the first thing they recommend. Are you still digging out from all the snow?

    Vicki, I sure hope you can find a way to make the gas company's life miserable!! If something doesn't give does one of your local TV stations have a thing where they take problems that viewers are having with a company and try to solve it for them and show it on the air? We do here and it works!!!! Otherwise, newspaper and give us their phone number.

    Madison, roof OK? We are supposed to get rain here starting tomorrow through the weekend.

    Shirley - on your way to curves, how long have you been going? Have you done their weight loss program? I am interested and thinking of trying that so would appreciate any feedback.

    Colleen- have fun in Vegas. You know we are all envious.

    Shel, did you get back yet? Check in and let us know about your vacation in Fla.

    Debby, like the sound of you flushing your doctors away and getting new ones!!!

    NS, I have had a couple of e-mails from JoJo over the holidays and she is still in quite a bit of pain; her bones continue to deteoriate. Her son was home from college and she said she did get out to her Mom's Christmas Day long enough to have lunch with the family. I know she told me she checks the circle and has started to post several times but hasn't as she is limited with her pain levels. I do have her address and I would be glad to share but I want to ask her first if that is OK. If so, I will let everyone know and they can PM me if they want her address. I miss seeing her post and feel others do also and she was here when the circle thread was started.

    To all of us who are trying to diet and/or just eat healthier - here is to our success!!!!! My brain does funny things when I start dieting - it just "CRAVES" food.

    Amy, Silvergirl, Liz, Tracy,Mena, and any others I have failed to mention in this post - I love your stories and your post and forgive me if I have overlooked something. I was trying to take notes and hurry to post before I lost this and it is long. Everyone has been busy posting and there is so much to read!!!!

    On New Years Eve here the weather was not very pleasant - it was dreary all day, foggy and a heavy mist and then around 9 pm we got heavy rain. I thought about all of us and I though that the weather pretty much was a description of our feelings in 2007. We were dreary and weary, often in a fog from treatment and/or pain medicine and the rain was just all the tears that we had shed in 2006. When I got up on New Years Day, the sun was out and it was reflecting off some freshly watered green leaves. I just smiled and said "Thank you, Lord" - it was a new day in a new year cleansed, fresh and full of hope.

    Love to all, Brenda
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Hi Brenda! I wish I knew something that says on the first line...for diets and losing weight. All I know for sure is cut down on portions and my old standby, no white foods. No sugar, flour, salt. I found that if I try to cut these out for the most part I start to reall yget a handle on it. If I cut out the sweets, I no longer get a craving but it takes a long time to get there!

    We can lick this too! (no puns intended unless it is a Zoloft popsicle)

    As far as New Year's superstition, we did throw bread out the back door, but did not eat pork and sauerkraut, did not put silver in our hands (supposed to get you money in the new year). Oh well, next year!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2007
    OK, I love my pediatrician. Got me in there right away, no excess time to work up a really good worry!

    She really REALLY thinks that the kid just has larger than normal tonsils. We will keep an eye on them. He is sleeping fine, eating fine (except for sometimes having trouble swallowing the meat, but smaller pieces seem to do the trick). She said he might get tonsillitis (sp?) more often because of the larger tonsils, and if that gets to be a problem then we will go to the ENT and consider getting his tonsils out. She was really understanding about how I went right to the life-threatening illnesses in my head, though! I feel a little silly, but I am SO glad I got it checked out! Thanks Deb and Michele and everyone else for your calming words and support. I am so happy now I could just cry!
