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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Ginney, what really good news for you. It'll be such a nice break to be away from the chemo. Good luck, sweetie.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Ginney- A break sound wonderful! You have earned it girl...Big hugs coming your way.

    Glad you are still on the wagon, so to speak. Have you noticed that food tastes better yet?? Hang in there! Use any coping methods you need...right now extra sleep is not a bad thing.

    I'm a bit stressed out myself tonight. I am SO ready to go to a doc and have them say “you are doing great. You don't need anything". I went in to see my PCP for another follow up on the shingles, which are almost gone. When they reviewed my scans they noticed that my kidneys are now different sizes. That could mean one is atrophying, or one is swelling, or that they have always been like this and no one has ever noticed before. My doc is getting copies of my scans from a year ago and is going to compare them, but they are form another hospital so it might take a few days.

    I also am still getting intermittent swelling in my scar area on the cancer side. The left side is fine, but the right is red and swollen. There is even a hard ridge again where I had a seroma right after surgery. My doc thinks it is lymphodema combined with extra swelling from the shingles, but he is having me get an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure I don’t have another seroma.

    Neither of these things are a big deal, but I’m just sick of dealing with it. I’m sick of doctors and appointments. Grrrr….I’m headed for the pissy tent and a double Xanax lolly.

    Deb c
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Michele39 - I think your acheyness can be attributed to the tamoxifen. I had some severe foot acheyness when I first started tamoxifen but they seem to have subsided recently.

    Vickie, in addition to the AG's office, also notify the Public Service Commission since they regulate businesses that provide telephone, cable communications, electricity, gas, oil and other utilities, with the aim of providing consumer protection to the state's citizens. I love to research things so I've been checking for you - here's a link to the NY State Public Service Commission:

    Shirley, my mother weighs about 92 lbs. - why couldn't I inherit her weight genes instead of her cancer genes?

    Cheri, that's great on your smoking - you go girl.

    Karen, sorry about the carpal tunnel - mine comes and goes. I've had it hurt so bad I could't pick up a quart of milk or a 6 pack of soda with my right hand. Your boss doesn't sound ver understanding.

    Madison, good luck with the new glasses.

    Laura, good luck with whatever decision you make RE your hubby.

    NS, I hope your migraine is gone.

    Nicki, I have to do that with the toothbrushes all the time!

    PepperB - saying extra prayers for you.

    Ginney, glad you get a break from chemo

    DebC, can I join you in the pissy tent?

    I know there are others I didn't mention and I apologize. It takes me like an hour to get through the and I'm taking notes as I'm reading.

    Nite all.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I am headed to the pissy tent, the deliverance tent and then the bar tent and any other tent that will let me in. I am sooo mad at dh's 2nd ex. We were supposed to p/u his son onFriday night because he was taking him to some sportsmens show. Anyway, she is still on this kick that there is a cancer cell here in this neighborhood and Jonathan can't come over here. We have to pick him up and bring him back every night and he cannot be here more than 2 hours at a time. She thinks because I am BRCA2+ and so is my family that he is in danger. WHAT AN A**!!!

    I am so mad and unhappy. My dh is so mad at her too. I think she is just being a witch. Do we have a voodoo tent? I told her that I would get all kinds of info from the oncs telling her he can't get it from being here. dh doesn't know where to turn. He wants to see his son but she is making impossible demands. i tink it is another atempt to control larry and make our lives miserable. There is a backstory to all of this but this is not the time or place. He has no custody agreement and does not pay child support so we have no legal leg to stand on.

    Thanks fo rjust listening. We just got finished with her about a half hour ago. What a moron. I know, you can't fix stupid! You should see this witch. She has a website on MySpace offering her services as a dominatrix! And she is worried about cancer! Larry is calling her new husband (#4 for her and she is only 33!) to tlak some sense to him and see if we can't get somewhere. In themeantime, I had a good cry because I think it is all my fault trying to include all of his family in this and not hav them feeling left out.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Dear Beth,
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry -- a dominatrix??? Are you kidding me? And, she's worried her son is going to catch cancer? Maybe Larry needs a good lawyer and she needs a good psychiatrist.
    I can tell you're angry and frustrated, however, there must be something Larry can do. How old is he?
    I promise I'll call you today when I wake up, if I ever get to sleep.
    Love, Sue
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Wow so sad to hear about Pepper. I met her this past Nov. She is a wonderful sweeet gal. I'm going to see if I still have her phone number. Did you know that Pepper is her real name! isn't that cool!

    LauraB, follow your heart hunny. If you think staying with the hubby is what is best for you and you're little one then do it. As far as the OW, well, she's no match for you!
    My first had many OG, other Girls not women, teenagers. Fact is he married the one that served him our divorce papers and after about 4 years she left him. I pray that yours will figure out that he is missing a lot with you.

    Karen, could the Carpel tunnel be work related? if so then your boss can't begrudge you the time off for the Dr.

    Liz, I LOVE the avitar I just bust a gut everytime I see it!

    Just got back from the hospital to visit a friend that is not doing to good. His liver shut down. They think he's doing better but is comatose most of the time so it's hard to tell. Hubby says he looks better than he did on Dec 23, but he looks horrible to me. I haven't seen him in years.

    Vickie I think I'd go after the oil co. for damages to your furnace, and please call your news station for their problem solver and tell them what's happened too! Maybe they can help!

    Cheri I am a non-smoker (allergic to it) but I am so proud of you! I've watched my hubby try many times. The first several days is really hard and sometimes staying in bed is the easiest way to cope. that and exercise helps too.

    OK it takes 21 days for something to become a habbit, so by the end of this month we should all have some great new habbits! No smoking, better diets, exercise!

    Good news today I tested theraputic on the comadin so I don't have to take the shots as of tomorrow!

    Oh Niki, you get a kick out this story.
    I'm sitting here reading and I hear my hubby playing his NEW guitar, Think that makes #4, so I start to head into the bathroom and the door is shut? He's got the new guitar in the bathroom, playing it while he's sitting on the john! Can a get a break? we only have one bathroom!

    Well I know I didn't take notes and am missing so many. You are all in my prayers.
    I'm going to put a few more logs on the fire to keep us all warm and walk around the circle.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: I just crawled outta bed. Feeling very tired this morning, but I just took my first sip of coffee, so maybe this sleepy eyed feeling will go away. For some reason I am dreading going to work today. Just tired. But TGIF!

    Kristen: Good luck with the mammogram today. And hey, you are moving right along with those rounds of chemo. Pretty soon you will be telling us its the last one!

    Puppyfive: Hope your not out of breath running from that bad Jake's ghost.

    Vickie: Oh my goodness, the plot thickens. I cant believe all of this. I sure am hoping you can fix the darn thing and not need a new furnace! Soemthing is very wrong with this whole picture and its has Suburbans name all over it.

    Lini: Good to see you back. We were worried about you.

    Tracy: where are you? Im searching everywhere. Hoping things are going well.

    Ginny: Oh thats wonderful news! Getting a chemo vacation will be good. Give your body a chance to recover Tough decision to make, but sounds like the right one.

    DebC: Well I think we all understand. Just once it would be nice leaving the doctors office without more concerns, more questions, more things to worry about. Small or not, it would be nice to leave hearing things are great. Good luck with those test results.

    Margaret: Im still confused about the tooth brushes this morning. Such a silly thing. Mine is green his is white. Seems like Im stuck in lala land with regards to this - for whatever reason I dont know.

    Beth: You DH ex sounds like a dork! Is she playing dumb or using stupid excuses to prevent your husband from seeing his son. She sounds like a weird one for sure.

    Cherylcy: Sorry to hear about your friend. When the liver shuts down, sometimes you see Hepatic encephalpathy. A comatose, sometimes delerious state. Im hoping all goes well with your friend. Good news on the Coumadin. No more shots, yippee.

    OK! the coffee isnt working. Maybe I need to take my shower early. Im dragging my tail this morning. Hoping evryone has a wonderful day.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Hi Sue! Thanks for listening. Larry's youngest is 11 and yes he does have a lawyer, NOW, he has a lawyer. In the interim that he goes to the family law lawyer, we talked to my brother who practices corporate litigation. DB talked him down from a mad state to a calmer one. he said that she can't do that even without a custody agreement in place.

    The whole story is fodder for Jerry Springer so I won't go into all of it but suffice ot to say, Larry had a vascetomy in 1977. She got hooked up with her after he left his fiance for another reason. She, his ex, got pregnant (how you say?) and he married her to do the right thing. She was 22 he was 42. He says they were in love. 5 years later, she left him and took the kids (one was from her first marriage). She returned his son, Jonathan, to him and he raised him mostly on his own for 3 years. She "took " the kid on some weekends for a day here and there. Jonathan went back to live with his mom (the ex) because Larry sold his house and changed jobs. Then he and I got married in 2005 and he moved in here with me, my mom and ds. Jonathan comes almost every weekend as long as larry is not working.

    Whwew! Told you we should be on TV and not as the BRady Bunch either. There is much more but more than I will go into. yes, she really needs a shrink. We all agree on that.

    it would really just blow over except she emailed me this mroning and told me how Jonathan never feels safe here. i have no idea what she means but larry will have to deal with it later. She told me in the email that Larry has to choose between me and Jonathan. if he wants to see his son, and I am teetering on bc, then he has to make a choice. he said the choice is clear, he will be by my side and justice will prevail and he will have the lawyer clear this up. he told me to stop crying and then ds got up for school and I came down here to catch up after last night.

    I am going to try to get some sleep. I cannot afford to get any more run down than I already am. I am getting over a flu and still tired. Going to the drink tent and making a cup of herbal tea and going back to bed.

    Kristen: Good luck and remember we are all with you 150%!

    Tracey: How goes the battle of the pudge this morning? We will make it together.

    Ginny: I am so glad that you will get a long deserved chemo break. Terrific!

    Vickie: Good suggestion, go to the media! Go tell it on the mountain and as LOUD as you can!

    Cheri: You can do this. keep a short term goal, like I can go until lunch and then I can make till quitting time, etc. Just like my goals to watch what goes into my mouth.

    Deb: The weight will start to melt off and we will look and feel great!

    Laura: Keep the positive attitude. I found out after I separated from my ex and we had already started divorce proceedings, that he had been with OW and she was demanding a paternity test! Poor guy!

    Sue: BTW, when is your next trip to AC? I'll give you money to put down on a number for me.

    I pm'd Fumi and got Roza and Pepper's addresses if anyone else needs them, let me know.

    I know I forgot people but you are all in my thoughts. i need to take notes too!

    Love and Hugs,
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I'll get used to posting here...what a strong, STRONG group of warriors we have here, and I'm glad to be among them!

    Went home last night and acted like nothing happened (per advice of lawyer Stan). I sensed Ray was thinking "waz up?" but what da hey! Caitie was definitely in a better mood because "Mommy and Daddy are talking to each other." Did my usual round of detective work (checked cell phone use, redial, etc.)---Ray's trying to cover his tracks (too late, dude!) by not using his cell to call the OW. Even left his jeans w/cell attached in bathroom like he used to and got into his lounge pants last nite. Didn't have to "run to the VFW hall to sign up" so he must've done that before he picked up Caitie at after-school (not a smart move if he had a drink...after-school can keep him from taking her if they smell alcohol!)

    He had called an OLD girlfriend from '81 when he stationed in Germany, but that's been a 2x-year thing since day one (she calls on his b-day 11/28, he calls on hers 1/3). I have her email because he insisted on sending her our Christmas family picture. When I innocently asked if he called her, he said "yeah" but when I asked if he filled her on the "latest" I got no reply.

    His voice carries thru out the duct work in the house (25+ years of running a printing press has affected his hearing) and I heard him on the phone w/his bro down in Florida---other than responding "same old crap" he didn't say anything to Chris about our situation.

    I spoke w/his sis yesterday after my Stan visit...funny: when Ray volunteered that I busted him w/the overnight bag on Monday, Vicki asked him "do you blame her?" and he said "no, I had to get out and think" and he then admitted to Vicki he went to Sandy's/OW. Going to the OW's wasn't the smartest thing he did, that's for sure.

    Anyway, for the sake of Caitie and for as long as I can handle it, I'll follow Stan's advice. Caitie's guidance counselor will be calling me this morning so I can get some advice on that end on how to handle the current situation.

    I'm feeling empowered now and strong. Plus, I looked pretty spiffy when I left the house this am, and I know Ray noticed! Na-na-na-na-na-nah!

    From what I hear, Mena is an advocate for getting even! I let susancmc know this morning....wouldn't it be cool if I could get one of my BC sisters to text-message the OW:
    "U R now officially the OW"!?!?! LOL

    Nicki---that election to the Board is AWESOME!

    Gotta run, but will check back in later!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Beth- I am so sorry you are having such a hard time w/h the ex. She doesn't sound like she is wrapped too tight.Dominatrix-What kind of enviroment is that for an 11yr old?
    I am sorry I didn't get a chance to call you last night. Are you home this morning? I will call before I leave. I have to leave at 10:30 to see my ps down at Jefferson.

    We had our own melt down last night.I will give you all the short version. My 14yr old has a rare connective tissue syndrome. He has already had several major operations. Three of them have been in the past three years.
    While I was going through chemo it was determined his aorta was in the danger szone so they have to repair his heart. The surgeon told him if he didn't have this surgery he would eventually die like John Ritter. Nice way to put it...he is a brilliant surgeon though no common sence when dealing w/h teenagers. Now they decided that his chest wall that has been caved in for years has to be repaired before the surgery. We then have to wait two months to have the heart done. We are basically sitting on a time bomb.He has been amazingly strong through everything but came home yesterday in tears. What can I say?? If I could I would go through this for him. I would rather face BC again then watch my baby suffer. We go to his surgeon tomorrow to see when and if he can do the chest wall surgery. Did I mention the heart surgeon says they may not be able to do the chest wall because he is a chest wall breather. This is because he has a left diaphram paralizes and only has use of 1 1/2 lungs. That's another long story. If they can not do the chest wall surgery they may not be able to get him off the resperator when they do the heart surgery. We are basket cases over here.Thanks for letting me rant. I have always been a strong person for him but this and BC is taking it's toll on me.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    That was me up there ranting. I just noticed I was anonymous.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    {{{{{{{{{{{{ Joyce }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    I'm praying real loud for you....for strength and courage.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Good morning girls.I am not happy today. This is into my 4th day of no smoking. I've forgotten all the big, important reasons I decided to quit. So I went back & read them and they don't seem to mean that much to me now. But i'm hanging in there. So far. I ain't liken' it.

    Deb, oh yeah, food does taste better when you don't smoke. Exactly what I don't need.

    Cheryl Cy, no more shots is great. Good for you.

    Beth, maybe your dh will get that mess straightened out with his ex-wife.

    Joyce, so sorry about your situation with your son.

    Laura, you go girl. Make him wonder "waz up". Do him a world of good. You're handling this quite well.

    To all those I've missed, Vicki,Nicki, NS,Celia,Puppy,Liz,Susan,Lini,Tracey,Colleen,Amy,Madison, Michelle, and everyone else my nicotine-depraved mind cant think of, You all have a good day.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I too am trying to quit...hubby used my smoking after my 2nd reconstruction surgery on 11/14/06 (I had healing issues after mast. and exchange) as the "last straw" as to why he wants a divorce. After that shock wore off, I started the patch on 12/26. I did quite well until yesterday (bought a pack as I wasn't sure how I was going to handle meeting the lawyer). I keep the pack at work and, since Ohio requires you to smoke outside {which isn't bad considering our weather right now), that's getting old, too.

    I don't plan on buying any more...I want to show Ray I can quit (even if not on his time schedule...he quit on his b-day 11/28/06 cold-turkey but admits to raiding the coffee can we keep old butts in--I looked there, too, but kicked myself for smoking my 120s down to the filter!). If I can quit while all this is going on, I'm much stronger than I thought! I always told him I'd quit when I was ready...a good kick in the butt didn't hurt!

    Hang in there....we'll be better for stopping!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Customer Service and All Other Inquiries
    Toll-Free (888) 802-7105

    Still no heat...called a plumbing and heating company that is coming out today at 3 (great...get to miss more friggin work).
    Enough about me and my whining, blatting, hysterical life.

    Joyce...oh I am sending you so many hugs you can't contain them all. I don't know how in the world you are coping but if coming here to rant is helpful then rant away...rant all day if you need to.
    Oh Cheri...I am so proud of you. Sorry you are feeling so lousy but your getting there!!! Personally...I need a friggin cigarette!
    Nicki...I read your TGIF and thought...holy cow, it's Friday!!! Got all excited thinking I had my days screwed up and looked at my phone here at work and it says Thursday...geez...chemo brained ex blonde here.
    Beth...that sounds like an ex wife from some horror flick...glad you have a lawyer to deal with her.
    Oh Ginney...sounds like such good news for you...a welcome chemo break too!
    Hey Deb...I'll sit in the pissy tent with you...I have been hoarding some Xanex lollipops for days like these.
    Margaret...thank you for the link...I am so angry, hurt and upset by this whole situation I can't think about anything else. I just don't understand crooked companies, shysters, liars, etc...ok nuf. are one tough lady...good for you. Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row and I hope he's really sweating it right about now!
    Hello to all I've missed...Susan, MB, Ishop, Cheryl, Mena, Puppy, Jeannie, EVERYONE...LOVE YOU GIRLS.
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2007
    Cheri,Each day gets better. Hang in. We're all in there supporting you.

    Niki - you can try quitting again and join Cheri. Or start by cutting down. Like - one designated smoking room in the house - nothing anywhere else ( you can move smoking outside as a next step). No smoking in the car. No smoking before breakfast. That will help to cut down before you cut out.

    Joyce - oh no! what an awfull burden. I do not think that anyone who does not have a child with a grave illness can fully understand that in many ways this is much worse than having BC.

    Laura - boy you are strong. We are all praying that this will work out for your best.

    Shel - when you get back I will PM you re cautions about moving to the big land of insurance companies, co-pays and not covering pre conditions. Florida may be warm and sunny - but .....

    Mena and RobinTN- where are you?
    AlaskaDeb - you have done your medic thing for a while, so hope that the kidney thing is spurious A(no big deal so to speak).
    And I have a nuisance appointment today - nuisance because it is no big deal but irritating. when they took out my port they used some non-disolving sutures and one did not come out. It continues to irritate so I am seeing my PS to get it removed - and to work out a time-table for nipple reconstruction. Yep, it's the last thing and then I can move on, but I had to get over all of the other procedures and surgeries first and give my body time to recoup.
    Now I'm off to the spa tent - am aiming to treadmill 20 min every day.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Went to bed at 8 last night. 9 plus hours of sleep. It was glorious. Didn't get the laundry done yesterday but did accomplish some major paper overhauling. How does one collect so many bits of useless paper?

    Have a good day at work Amy.

    Cheri, day 3 and counting. How you doing?
    Trick to keeping the patches on. Clean the area with alcohol then dry it really really good. How do I know this you may ask? Cause I use the damn things every time I "quit". Personally I think your better off without them. With them you don't get the nicotine out of your system.

    Karen, carpel tunnel..ugh!! How was bowling?

    Beth, now that has to be the stupidest thing I have heard in a very long time. O my gosh...what a B***H!!! No one can be that stupid. Or can they? Is she breaking a visitation agreement? Call your lawyer and document EVERYTHING!! Record your calls to her if need be. O and print out that myspace page. I'm sure it wouldn't be to popular in family court.
    another brain fart story. When I first started on tamox I was on my way to work one day, completely spaced on where I was going so turned around and came home. Didn't remember where I was supposed to be till I got a call from my boss. Yikes. I quit shortly after that. Figured if I couldn't remember I was supposed to be there then it probably wasn't that important to me.

    Madison, glad you got a new roof and new glasses. You will get used to them. I've been resisting bifocals for a few years now. I'm still doing the 2 pairs of glasses thing. It's a pain but it does sooth my ego.

    Hi Puppy

    Michele, send the cleaning crew to my house when you are done with them please. I could really use some help in the basement. Tell them to bring a dumpster.

    Laura, hugs to you hon. Sounds like you found a smart lawyer.

    MB, unscented oil for me please. Perfumes give me a headache.

    NS, I'm praying for you about these headaches.

    Susan, I think the research says the AI's are better at holding off recurrence. I would take arimidex if my bones would allow it. Doc says when my five years of tamox is up he is going to put me on rolaxifene which is a SERM approved for osteoporosis. Not sure I want to do that but have 2 years to decide. SE with tamox are just different. There are still plenty of them. Can't say I miss the arimidex pain tho.

    Nicki, congrats on your Board appointment. Good for you.
    Chicago is a lovely city. I have enjoyed my visits there.
    Friday? Did I lose a day somewhere?

    Liz, good gracious. Stay away from the sickies. Praying for health for your family.

    Kristin, No mammo? wow....I'll be praying for you on friday. Glad to hear the strep culture was neg.

    Prayers for your appt on friday Lini. It's gonna be fine.

    This is just so not cool.

    Ginny, YEHAW on "turning a corner". I'll keep praying the bus stops so you can get off.

    Hugs Deb. Hang in there girlfriend.

    Margaret, I got cancer, bad bones, and crappy hair from my mom. From my dad I got the weight gene (which aint all it's hyped up to be) and bad skin. My sister got all the good genes. She's gorgeous, has great skin and hair, strong bones and NO CANCER. Sometimes I wanna be my sister.

    Hi Sue

    Cherylcy, I'm cracking up at your guitar story. Sounds so much like my youngest son. At last count the boy has 7 guitars and they all have names. He is weird.
    Congrats on no more shots.
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

    Joyce, I am praying for your son.

    Hi Jeanette, walk a mile or two for me please.

    Phew, that took forever. Have been sitting here for two hours. Off to accomplish at least one thing today. Say a prayer for hubby today please. He has his appt with work comp doc to find out if he needs surgery on his knee. That will be a very bad thing all around. We can't pay the bills if he doesn't work. Not to mention him being home will make me loony.
    Have a great day.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning circle girls!!!
    wheeeeeeeeew i am pooped out,, yesterday all the roads into here were closed from avalanches so the hotel was super busy!!!! should be a slower day today...
    cheri keep it up girlfriend this is tough i know it but the outcome will be spectacular,, i promise!!!
    roundtwoinca... yay glad your done chemo.... my liver is now fatty from doing chemo... is thats whats wrong with yours?
    beth you still in the pissy tent.... tonight come over to the drinking tent i make you feel all better!!!
    chemosabi i missed you to....
    pepper my thoughts are with you as well... gentle hugssssss
    mena where is thou mena????? hmmmmph
    and all the other ladies i have missed.... laurab, susanmcm,alaskadeb, margaretb, ishop1, cthomason, joy

    i have some strange definations

    adult: a person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle..

    dust: mud with the juice squeezed out

    tomorrow: one of the greatest labour saving devices today

    Yawn: an honest opinion openely expressed

    here is my wish for you in 2007
    May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100.00 dollar bills. May love stick to your face like vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
    May your clothes smell os success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
    May the problems you had forget your home address! in simple words ... may 2007 be the best year of your lives!

    have a great day ladies!!!!!!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Oh my ladies. There is certainly a lot of energy here this morning and some of us are really hurting. And yet we still care so much about each other at the same time. that's why this place is so great.

    Laura sorry this is all so hard. There is just so much to think about and respond to. I'm praying that the other women disappear from your husband life. Sounds like he needs to grow up a bit. Your daughter is so cute. Keep taking deep breaths. Like CherylCy said, the OW is no match for you.

    Cheri, I'm with ya all the way girl. YOU will get through this. When you are no longer tempted you will be so PROUD of yourself. You will notice cigarette smoke and go "eeewww". There is no one more righteous than a new ex-smoker. Your health is a big deal. The money you will save is a big deal. ca-ching ca-ching

    Joyce, I'm so sorry to hear about your son. You must be worried sick and at a time when you have to deal with the beast. I will make a star for your son also and put him next to you. We will all help keep him safe.

    Beth, do they pay you money if you go on Jerry Springer??? Your husbands ex sounds like very entertaining TV. The audience would be shaking their heads and booing her. I'm sure it's not funny though when you are in the middle of it. You are right though. Take good care of yourself so you can deal with the insanity.

    AlaskaDeb, I can relate to how you are feeling. For the first year after I finished chemo, there was something new going on that we had to take care of all the time. I got discouraged. But the second year has been a bit easier. I expect the third year to be a piece of cake!!!!! The docs are just paying much more attention to you because of the CA dx. They are finding things early!!! It's good news! Hang in there sweetie.

    Nicki, congratulations on being nominated to the Board. That is so cool. I hope you have an easy day at work today. Do they know how lucky they are to have you?

    Cherylcy, too funny about playing in the john. What they won't think of. Good news about not having to take the shots.

    Vicki, do they have one of those guys on local TV stations that trouble shoot problems for consumers who can't get justice. I really think it's time to call in the big guns and call Suburban to task. Most of all I hope you have someplace warm to go until this is all figured out. thinking of you and Nathaniel sweetie.

    NS, I sure hope you are feeling better today. when is dr. appt?

    I will take anything breakable out of the pissy tent and fill it up with pillows. We can have a gigantic pillow fight.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    To be perfectly honest I have wanted to call the television or newspaper but I have just had it with this whole situation...I would end up bawling my eyes out and feeling like a complete fool. (I've gone from anger to crying my eyes out with disappointment at the treatment from a company that I have always trusted that is treating me like a total nobody ) My sister had said she was going to call but hasn't yet and its all become so incredibly overwhelming its more than I can deal with. Sounds kind of stupid...overwhelming is having BC or mets...sorry ladies...letting the little things get to me when so many of you are having so much more to deal with. Really sorry.
    Love ya
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Sending good vibes to all those trying to quit smoking..if I could do it you can too...I smoked two packs a day for over thirty years and finally quit for good 12 years ago. I did it with the patch and taking up "no brainer" knitting. Luckily it was in football sesson so all my family and friends got the long fottball scarves in their favorite team colors..
    Hugs, Lisa
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning circle girls,

    Dropping in for a quick catch up this morning buts its a busy day at work so didnt take notes.

    Pepper-so sorry to hear whats going on and keeping you in the center of the circle. I hate this beast! thanks NS for letting us know whats going on.

    Newvickie-I had on my list today to call about gas delivery and new setup on the farm. Well I did contact surburban but I felt the need to let them know why I wouldnt be using them! so there! Good luck to you and hope your furnace is ok. Sounds like you have a great case to me.

    Nicki-ok sending you to the fruitcake tent,,you got me all excited when I read TGIF because I thought maybe,,just maybe I was the one wrong but no such luck. Its Thursday! Geesh woman, what are we gonna do with you? lol!

    susan-glad to see you checking in and hope things are going ok on the homefront.

    laurab-you go girl for looking hot when you left this morning. serves him right!

    Beth-wow that ex, she sounds like a real winner. Regardless of child support though your husband does have rights. Talk to a good lawyer because the boy doesnt need to live with the fruitcake anyway. A dominatrix? oh my gosh, I got a visual I didnt need to get. Really though, keep a notebook of everything and print out the myspace crap. Some things you dont think you will forget but somehow you do.

    AlaskaDeb-I know what you mean,,does it ever end? Hoping the kidneys are nothing but I know it bothers you to have to deal with it.

    Cheryl-I died laughing about the guitar story. My son got an electric guitar for Christmas so its a good thing it has to be plugged in or it would be there with him.

    Karen-carpal tunnel and the splints has to really suck. Hopefully they will help though. My mom had surgery for that a long time ago.

    hello tracey-on the definition of adult,,,I resemble that statement.

    Shirley-will keep your husband in my thoughts today and hoping for no surgery.

    ok I know I missed so many but I think of each and every one of you.

    oh one more thing. Nicki I have done the same thing with the toothbrush. Called out to significant other asking which one is mine and got the reply, you expect me to remember??? I am going through perimenopause and have trouble remembering my name. Needless to say we both laughed and decided it was good that neither one of us had anything. Needless to say my son chimed in and said he was glad he had his own bathroom. Awww the life of getting older.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Thanks sister is having a new comapany installing tanks at her property as we speak and called Suburban and told them why too...they will probably lynch me before this is all said and done...hahahahah

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Madison...any walking with a jake half chewed shoe gets you extra points....500 extra
    Michelle keep up the good work it will pay off soon...
    CHERI no bumming can do this....
    Nicki...keep on day at a cig at a time...
    Ginney so good to hear from you and such great news for you...hugs
    LauraB..keep him on his lipstick, new perfume and some new jewelry...even if its the stuff form "Claires"...a little store where the stuff looks good, just like he would know the your head up..
    Vickie...ok I'll send DH to you he'll fix stuff....give him a list, he has fixed everything broken in our office ...
    Liz, glad you are keeping up with the diet...pat pat pat...on the back...hugs
    Deb...I know you will have a good Dr visit ...just be patient I know its hard...but we are here with you...
    Beth I think I forgot to welcome you ..but welcome and your story does sound like a TV show, but are you sure your not form my little town...sounds very familiar...good luck...

    Well have left DH home today..he's called 6 times...and can't wait for me to get home...3 more have a short day Friday and a Dr appt for him...his meds still make him light hopefully someone can help...
    So I will be back on monday...
    please to all I 've missed prayers and know I haven't forgotten you ..
    tracey loved the
    PS Cheryl did a little knitting this week soon i
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    hmmm this seems to e happening alot...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Just time for a quick post before work…

    My ultrasound was uneventful. The swelling in my mastectomy scar area is a big pocket of fluid, not lymphodema. The gal who did the ultrasound knows me and said it is NOT anything that looks even remotely like cancer…just fluid. I was almost sure it was not a problem, but it felt good to hear her say it. She said she has seen people respond to shingles with this type of swelling before. Hopefully the doc will just let me watch it sand see if it resolves. I hate to have it drained and risk introducing bacteria to the area. We are still waiting on the old scan to find out about my odd kidneys, but frankly, I’m not going to worry about it. I bet it is no big deal.

    I will read and catch up with everyone after work.

    Deb C.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Just got off the phone with Sue (Ishop). She is going to the Jersey girls get-together on the 13th and then going up to NYC when she is meeting up with Mena. She thinks Mena is just going through a bad time. Hey....if we can get Tracey back in here, we can get through to Mena.

    I didn't take notes but I hope everyone is doing OK today-THURSDAY! No fair wishing TGIF on the wrong day.

    Joyce-will see on Saturday and I will cross my fingers and toes for Kevin.

    Vickie-get to the internet and emnail all th elocal staions about wha tis going on. Tell them you are a bc survivior and it just takes too much out of you to call on the phone. This is the time to use a sympathy ploy.

    As for my poor dh, he tlaked to the the lawyer this morning. he said the same thing, he has rights even sans an agreement. She requested copies of all emails and the myspace crap. It won't help in court but it will give her some ammunition. Jonathan is coming over here on Sunday for the day and dh told her enough crap and to grow up and be a mom. And we also sent emails with info on cancer in general and bc specifically. Thanks for your ideas and yes, I will join you in the drinking tent later. We have some Sambuca I will pour a shot of.

    Gotta go. DS is coming home from school and we are making a shopping trip to Wegman's. I need help with the bags and dh is too sore today.

    Have a good one and see you later this evening.

    Love and hugs,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good afternoon ladies!

    I have been asked to help Timtam with this.
    you ladies know jojo well she hasnt been doing to well, she is in alot of pain and having alot of medical difficulties caused from her chemo..
    We would love to see JoJO get some cards via snail mail and show her how much she is loved and missed in here...
    so anyone wanting to send jojo a card please pm me and i will pass her address along!!!
    thanks ladies jojo needs our good thoughts and prayers right now!!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon girls! hope everyone is doing well today.
    Nicki congrats on BOD!and TGIF????
    Vickie I keep praying you will get some resolve!
    Joyce my heart goes out to you and your family, sending hugs your way!
    Cheri good job girl!!!!
    Deb you just can't catch a break huh, will keep you in my prayers!
    Ginney good news, enjoy the break!
    Susan how do you do what you do, your so computer savvey.... I have very basic comp skills.
    Beth- don't even know what to say, you are living some story....WOW how do you deal with that no-brain Bimbo????? Your poor step son.....
    tracey love you 2007 wishes! they are great.....
    Sue what is this about a get together for jersey girls? I think I missed something. The 13 of Jan, I guess I can't make it anyway i am working that Fri.(it is a Fri right?) Have a good time!
    keeping everyone in my prayers esp pepper,joyce.

    Ok I am going to the pissy tent now....

    Cancer took so much, most days I feel very lucky and blessed. I have alot to be thankful for but then today I remember how much cancer took away from me I get angry.
    I left work early today and last night and Tuesday because I am not busy.... It is normal this time of year to be slow but I have been slow since i went back in May. I lost so many of my regular clients when I went out sick. I may have to contemplate a career change.....I don't know if people feel awkward being in a room with me since the dx.(I am a skincare therapist, I do facials and waxing and makeup) I look completely different which I guess can be strange for some. I feel like it took the sparkle out of my eyes, the easy smile I had, added years to my face.... maybe clients see that. I need to go to the pity tent now.... sorry don't mean to ramble on.......We had a coworker who passed away 2 yrs ago from bc and some clients that were mine were also hers so I don't know if that has anything to do with it(I would hate to think that it would.) all I know is I am getting depressed going in and not having any clients....
    I may have to leave a job I really love going to....

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    also saying prayers for jojo
    and nosurrender-hope you migranes subside!