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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's - I saw my PCP this morning and it is definitely carpel tunnel - in both hands. My right hand bothers me more (its my dominant hand). She has me wearing splints 24/7 till I see the hand doctor and taking 400mg ibuprofen 3x/day for 10 days. These splints are the pits - hard to do anything with the hands - so hopefully they will help. I have an appt to see the hand doc next tuesday (1/9). Could have gotten in friday, but its my first day back at work after winter break and didn't want to take 1/2 day off work. The appt on tuesday is at 3pm. It means I will have to leave work early - I will go in 1/2 hour early and not take lunch - see if my principal will okay that - if not, I will just take 1/2 day leave and leave at 11:30.!!! My boss has not warm fuzzies - she actually sent me an email a month or so ago, saying it had been brought to her attention that I was not working 8 hours - who has time to watch my coming and goings if I come in a few min late or leave a few min early.!! I've been on break for two weeks, but my hands didn;t really start getting unbearabale till this weekend. The hand doc is only in on tuesdays and fridays. OH well, such is life - thanks for listening.
    NIckie- I'm going to be in your part of the cirle the 14th and 15th. Got a great fare to see my dd for part of the long MLK weekend. I arrive at midnight sat/sun and leave on monday evening. Quick visit!!
    Naniam - we are all dug out - main streets are clear, but still snow on the neigborhood side streets. Talking a little more snow on friday.
    Vickie - I sure hope you get fuel soon - those *** at Suburban heating - I hope you string them up by their toes!!! Any luck with the AG office?
    Tracey - glad you are back.
    K4katz, Shirley, Nanian, Susan and anyone else I missed) - thanks for the support regarding the carpel tunnel. PCP does not think it is from the chemo or Arimidex, but I will ask the hand surgeon next week as well as my onc. Still have sore knees and knuckles and feel like I am 90 (not 50).
    Laura - good luck (is that the right thing to say) with the divorce. HOpe things go smoothly for you and your daughter.
    Cheri 123 and everyone else who is quitting smoking - keep up all the hard work. It is worth it.
    Thats about all for now. I know I have left lots of people out and I apologize. I promised Miriam to take her out to lunch and to go bowling (she has a coupon) - she will bowl and i will watch - no bowling with these hands of mine! Sending everyone cyber hugs.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I will come and pick you up and drive you to the get-together or you can follow, whichever you prefer. I know you can't live that far from me. PLEASE call me alter. And the brain farts...really bad sometimes. I was driving to pick up my dh at work (he is at Home Depot down on Adams and the Boulevard) and Oxford ave had a detour. Well, I got so lost and stopped on the side and started to cry. Especially since I left my cell on the kitchen counter! Well, some kind stranger asked what was wrong and she understood completely. Gave me directions and I was on my way. Poor dh, wait until I start Tamoxifen!

    Love and Hugs,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hello all!!

    I picked up my new eyeglasses from the optometrist yesterday and can’t figure out how to use the darn things. They are bifocals…….I’m not sure how to tilt my head to see the computer, or read or drive….geez the people in my office think I have been drinking!!!

    Kristin, my youngest daughter had mono. Her throat was very swollen…..we saw a WONDERFUL doctor who said that an abscess had formed in the back of her throat, close to the tonsils. We had an ENT cut and drain the abscess- which was painful –but cleared the pus and the infection did clear up with antibiotics. It was one of those really weird secondary infections……

    Vickie, do you have heat yet?

    Cheri and Nicki buttless ??? Oh my, girls if I could quit smoking on May 3, 2006 YOU CAN DO IT. I am the original weak link, please don’t take my cigs away type of person. It was the HARDEST thing I ever did, but it is doable.

    Tracey, YES!!! Good to see ya!!!! What’s happening?

    Welcome to all new girls!!!

    Nicki , so your dog is being kinda bad……Jake is a horrible influence on our pets –. If I knew how to post pictures, I would post one of Jake. The only problem with this picture is that he looks sooooo innocent.

    Hello to Liz, Beth, Brenda, Cheri, Menaaaaaaaaa (are we going to have the “Other Woman” tent?) Did Cheri do something to you again?
    Hello to Margaret, Michele, Joyce Anonymous (hehehehe)
    Hello to Shirley, Amy, Karen in Denver (I hear you are getting more snow soon!!!)
    Hello to all I missed (I really can’t figure out how to tilt my head to read the computer screen).

    I’ve been singing “Up On The Roof” all day, yep, the roofers are working on my roof (we are supposed to get rain tonight and all day tomorrow).

    Take care all. I’m going to try to figure out how to see with these glasses.

    Madison (typed, not proofed – can’t see!!!)
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    Hey CG'S, just checking in on all of you! Vickie i hate it they are treating you that way, call the news paper, anything even if they do come today, Let the other people know what a$$holes they are!! Karen, hope your hands do a little better at least with the splints! Kristin, My son had the same thing, after they took the darn things out he was much better( had a pint of dimatap in the fridge all the time for him) Cherie, You go Girl!!!! But i know if I were Mena, I wouldnt want to play with You right now!!!!!!! OH My sweet Mena, Guess what You Better Answer!!! to everyone, please know my prayers and thoughts are with You, just not a fast typer, and would'nt want that darn Jake to take my post!!!!! xoxo Puppy
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    My dh is an optician, and he has some suggestions:
    To look inthe distance, keep your HEAD level and maybe even tilt your chin down just alittle bit and look straight out.

    To read: Just drop your EYES into the bifocal. if you have a progressive (no lines) bifocal, as soon as you drop your eyes it will be at intermediate distance, arms length. The further you drop your eyes, the closer you have to have the work.
    That's it! If you are experiencing more problems, insist that the optician work with you and teach you how to use them. Just be careful on steps. Move your head and look down at the steps, not moving your eyes. If you use your eyes it will look like the step is coming up at you.
    Hope this helps,
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    Madison, good luck on Your roof, and i know what ya mean about Seeing right, hopefully You will start seeing better than ever before, and I know what you are talking about when it comes to OUR Jake's wish, You could get another Puppy, seems You Really miss the little Guy! xoxo Puppy

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007

    had my first weigh in today at work(won't post weight though!) And of course I am starving today,I only have 6 points left for the day so I can't eat till dinner!!!!walked today weather is pretty mild again! and now have to cook dinner and get ready to go back to work. I hate hump day not only is it the middle of the week but its my longest day.... I stop in work in morning for 1 hr then back at 5:30-9:30. so most of my day is working before I actually get to work! ya know all the fun stuff we do at home! could use a tent with a cleaning crew.....

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I'm back from the lawyers....this guy knows his stuff. Has all the financial info; we got to talking about the personal stuff (little sex, my BC, Ray's OW, Ray's 'jealosy' of my white collar job and salary v. his blue) and bottom line---it sure sounds like a midlife crisis to Stan. Other than opening up my own bank account (we're joint now), Stan's suggestion was not to do anything. If Ray insists on following thru, I'm to remind him I don't want a divorce and want to work things out. If he won't budge, I'm to tell him "do what you have to do" and then we'll see what he does...THEN I followup with the lawyer.

    How I handle the OW, who knows, but I'd like to think I'm woman enough (and love Ray enough) to take him back (which wouldn't be in too long, according to Stan). Ray has it good and just doesn't know how much.

    That's today's story, anyway!!!! LOL

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    afternoon all...
    OK the spa tent is safe to visit...its not the exercise as athletic director we just do easy tai chi moves to loosen up before our hot oil massages...I have many scents ....oh yeah and some warm smooth stones they feel soooo the candles and turning on the relax and enjoy...oh yeah enjoy the nice "pool boy" door monitors...
    MargB...thanks for the welcome back...I have missed os many... can do it...beat the are strong....
    Cheri...whoo hoo...keep up the good work...
    LauraB stay strong and know we are here for you...
    Tracey so good to see you back was worried bout you...
    Karen..good that the PCP can help you..just remember to follow the I know I must go do something about my elbow and wrist...I will be strong
    MENA...missing you or are you hiding from me too....I promise you only have to do the exercises if you want to...
    Liz, love the new avitar...made DH laugh...he loves you all...
    Vicki...come on down, lots of warm heat, hot tub...and a son who cooks.. and besides I need a babysitter for the DH...he's getting really bored at my work everyday...took a nap in th eoffice chair
    Amy good to see you ...all the new baby animals must be keeping you busy...
    Well I have missed many but will be back...
    remember take a walk...its good for your heart...especially if your holding someone specials hand...
    love MB
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hello Girls! I used up all my energy posting on the Circle Spa! Another migraine today- this one was the worst yet. The sun is coming into my office and it is killing my eyes so I will check back later...
    love you!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    sorry NS. I would hug you but you probably don't want anyone to touch you right now.

    Cheri, you can do this!!!!!!Yes it is hard!!!!!!YOU CAN DO IT. I stopped smoking and drove straight from Oklahoma City to St. Louis. Nothing to do but drive and smoke AND I couldn't smoke. I MADE IT. You will tooo.

    Laura sounds like you got good advice from the lawyer. Maybe he will come to his senses and if he doesn't he's not good enough for you!

    Michele I am dieting also. I'm not real happy right now. <grrrrh> Maybe that's why I am so tired.

    Madison glad your roof is being fixed. I also think it is time for me to have my eyes checked. Did you try contacts. Sometimes they do this thing where you use a different contact in each eye. One is for distance and one for close-up. Your brain is supposed to be able to sort it out.

    Liz I also love your new avitar. very funny!!!

    Sherloc, interesting what you say about Tamox. I'm on Arimidex and I'm wondering if my onc would put me on Tamox instead. Would my SEs be any easier to deal with?

    hi Beth, Amy, Puppy, MB, Karen, Chemo etc. thanks all of you for being here.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Had a very busy day, but hey, Im not complaining its 4pm and Im home. Now thats my kind of job. Evaluated a lady today 60 y/o had Inflammatory bc in 2000. Had the works. Chemo, mastectomy, rads. Got lymphedema from the rads. Anyways, was having hip pain for about 6 months - low and behold she had mets to her hip. Was confined to one golf ball size growth, so they removed it, repaired her hip just like someone with arthritis! She looked absolutely great. Doesnt need anymore chemo as they feel the surgery was a cure! Once again! Anyways, just when I think I have it bad, she tells me her story. Husband was diagnosed with ALS "Lu Gerhigs disease" one year after her bc. So she is his main caregiver! I thought wow, what one strong, fantastic woman. The only medication she has to take is Femara.

    Other good news is I was nominated and voted in the Board of Directors for Illinois?DuPage County Nami. Its a support system for mental illness and they are expanding - opening up a bunch of group homes. So that sounds like a fun thing. This is when I really feel Im moving beyong.

    Kristen: There will be time enough to exercise when chemo is over. I couldnt exercise when I was getting chemo. Too much fatigue. Walking is good and fairly easy. You will have a lifetime to get back into shape after the chemo.

    Michelle: You are addicted This is how I start and end my work day. Thanks for liking the name. I thought it was pretty creative myself. It was actually my husband who came up with it. But I'll take all the credit for it. I sure cant help you with the tamox issues. Im er/pr negative. My older sister is on Aromasin and she has achy joints, but she is much older than you.

    Joyce: My chemobrain episode of the day? While getting dressed I looked at our toothbrushes. One is green and one is white. For the life of me I couldnt remember which one was mine. I finially stuck my head outta the bathroom and asked my husband what color was his toothbrush. Green!! and then he said "oh my goodness." Now how do ya explain that to anyone outside of this wagon circle world?

    Sherloc: Back to normal means seeing you everyday again. Makes me so happy Im giggling. BIG BUGS? Oh Nicki, she dont like no big bugs. And Im petrified of tornados, so can you see this crazy lady in a hurricane. Guess Im bound to stay here in Chicago. Have never lived anywhere else.

    Amy: Im a big football fan. Are you saying that they got Sabin from the Dolfins? Wowewowwow.

    Cheri: You surely will be a role model for some of us. 2 days. Thats fantastic. The only time I went 2 days without smoking was when I had my surgery. Keep it up

    Karen: Splints 24/7, thats the pits. but if it helps the pain - then roll with it. Employers sometimes can be tough. Actually its our supervisors who can be tough. I get along great with the owners. Figures this would pop up right when you are ready to go back to work. Hopefully if the hand surgeon recommends surgery, it will be minor. Good luck with your appointment.

    Madison: Its not the new glasses, its the ghost of bad Jake playing tricks with your eyes. I have progressive bifocals. For one week whenever I walked down the stairs I felt like I was taking giant steps. You will get used to them. Today my knee is fine. But when I came home, even though I had a treat, "mister" jumped up on me and guess what? I fell on my butt. He sure is lucky I didnt hurt myself. My female cat is neutered, but she still gives out a scent. My male cat and dog are not spayed. So you can imagine what is going on in this household!! Ooops I see bad jake standing in the corner laughing.

    OMG! There is a collosal purple toilet chasing the ghost of bad Jake who is chasing our puppyfive. Quick, run and hide.

    LauraB: I sure am glad to see ya post. That lawyer had some good advice. We talked early on and thought it might be midlife crisis. I dont have any idea how to handle the other woman, other than to put her in the other woman tent. Put an Italian curse on her. She should always wake up with absolutely bad hair days. Gain 100 pounds over night and look like a big fat belly jelly. May she always be hungry and and keep feeding her cream puffs - so her faceis covered with cream. Im sure Mena will have other ideas, I just want her to be the most unattractive woman on earth so she will never do this to another family. She is a witchy witch witch!

    PurpleMB: Well I didnt beat nothing today. The only thing I did was smoke LESS and I parked in the furthest spot from each hospital to make me walk. One day at a time.

    NS: The migraines are lasting just a little too long here. When is the appointment with your doctor. Maybe its a medication or a chemical imbalance causing them. Hope you feel better real soon. And you little stinker. I dont know how Im gonna bounce between to threads. Might have to to the circle in the evening and the spa in the morning. And soon will visit MB's exercise thread.

    Susan: And speaking of doctors, when is your next appointment? Ya know low sodium can cause fatigue. Something is causing it. I hope you feel better soon. So when is the appointment. Ahahaha dont need to steal your magic carpet anymore. Mazer and Distorted got sprinkled with fly dust. Oh the trouble they are gonna get into.

    OK! I see that there were 2 mor posts since I started writing and editing this. So Im gonna check them out. Tracy, Brenda, Lini, Tgirl, "Cookie", Peggy, you all came to mind at this very moment. Hope your ok.

    Liz: I dont know how I missed your post. You sure sound motivated. And I love the Avatar too. Keep up the good work - Ill join you. Soon, very soon.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007

    PepperB, one of the first members on BCO and one of the most welcoming and kindest people you will ever meet, just found a recurrence on her ovary- let's send up all our prayers, good vibes, mega mystical magical spells- whatever we have got- and help her through this time.

    Thank you girls! I know I can count on you!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Afternoon everyone.

    Okay, 2007 was supposed to be a much better year. So far, my mother-in-law is still in the hospital. My father-in-law, sis-in-law and brother-in-law all have the vomiting and diarrhea. Another sis-in-law has bronchial pneumonia. That leaves DH, another sis-in-law who doesn’t drive and me to take care of everything. I told my DH if he got sick I was outta here. LOL

    Sher, I know your mind is always in the gutter but you do always have so much fun. Hope your routine day wasn’t too bad.

    Susan, I hope you’re feeling better. When is the next doc appointment? When my son had mono, all he did was sleep. Gentle hugs.

    Cheri, hang in there hon. I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there and I’m here for you. PM me if you need extra support. Go girl go!

    Nicki, you do what you can hon. Exercise and diet if that’s your priority right now. After you accomplish that, we’ll work on the smoking. It is very hard to do it all at once.

    Shel! Sounds like you’re having a great time. Good idea to move. Think it will help you and Mac.

    Beth, you crack me up! Posting instead of eating. LOL I have to tell you when I was first diagnosed I was in the chat room a lot. I craved chips and dip so I was trying to eat that and type. Needless to say, I had to buy a new keyboard. So no more eating around the computer for me either.

    Kristin, I admire you for trying to exercise while working and getting chemo. I know I couldn’t have done it.

    Michele, I have heard about the WW core plan. Right now I’m trying a different thing but if it doesn’t work out, I’ll look into that. Thanks for the reminder. I’m on Arimidex and have noticed that on the days I don’t work out or walk, I have more aches/pains.

    Joyce, when I was doing chemo I was driving my son to get his car. He asked me where I was going. That brought to my attention that I had passed my turn off and was headed toward the town I got chemo in. I still blame lapses on chemo brain.

    Vickie, geesh! I sure hope you’ve got heat today. I’m glad you’re getting the balance of your money back also. Good idea about emailing the AG. Jake is with you now? LOL

    Amy I tried to ask my husband a question earlier and he was glued to the TV. He said this was important breaking news about the Alabama coach. Excuuuusssssse me! I am glad they finally got one though. How are all the animals?

    Karen I’m glad you saw the doc. My aunt said they tested her wrists by using some electrodes. Hopefully the splints and ibuprofen will give you some relief. I had a cyst on my wrist a few years ago and had to wear the splint. They are a pain in the a**.

    Madison I hope the glasses get better. My husband had the same problem when he got his. He slowly adjusted to them. Hope the roof gets done.

    Puppyfive, how are you? Good to see you.

    Tracey, glad you’re back and we will lose this extra insulation. That’s what I’ve decided to call my excess weight. LOL A piece of cheese isn’t bad. A whole brick is.

    LauraB I’m glad you saw the lawyer. Sounds like good advice. Take it one day at a time. You’re strong and will get through whatever happens.

    MB, I’m glad I made DH laugh. I bet he didn’t think I could top the heating pad huh? I’m glad you’re here for us in the spa and exercise tents. I need all the help I can get.

    NS I’m so sorry you’ve got another migraine. They are so miserable. Take care of yourself.

    To all I’ve missed, I think of everyone daily.

    Will check in later.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Hey Denise---you're PM inbasket is full! No more incoming for you, girlfriend!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Im baccccccck!

    Vickie: Did you get heat? This is a story that should be in a newspaper. Over the Holidays!

    Im very sorry to hear about PepperB. NS is right, she is a wonderful, kind person. Its amazing how this journey is filled with good things and then such setbacks. We will put Pepper in the middle of the circle. Circle her wagon with healing lights. Protect her from the fears and tears she is having right now. Give her strength to once again fight this curse.

    Liz: Oh the stress of being a caregiver! Its not easy and somehow through all of this you need to stay healthy. Your exercising is great, burning off calories and stress. I dont know if I told you but Im giving CEU presentations this year - the topic "Emotional Intelligence When Dealing With Crisis." Now I would say, all be it short termed, your family is in a crisis now. The key words are Emotional Intelligence. In this crazy world, how are you gonna balance things right now when everything seems to be falling apart. Just remember, we are with you. Walking side by side, holding your hand.

    Ok! I have to go. I have been home for 1 1/2 hours and havent said anything but hello to my husband. If I dont see ya in the morning, Ill see ya tomorrow night. Gotta check out that Spa cirlce in the morning.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls!

    I will add my prayers to everyone's for PepperB. And of course the CG's are always in my prayers every night.

    I was bad and did not take notes. Sorry! Thanks everyone for your experiences with kids and tonsils. They took a strep culture of my son's throat and it was negative. So we are in the clear for now. The doc says his tonsils are healthy but large! And that I probably just never knew because the only time I look in his throat is when he is sick. So I will just keep an eye on it, and if it seems to be causing problems I will make sure I get him to an ENT guy!

    Tomorrow is taxol/herceptin #3. And then Friday is my first mammo in over a year! When I was dx'd, I never had a mammo, so now my surgeon wants me to get one before rads. I am anticipating that it will be a bit painful, because of the lumpectomy, multiple biopsies, and port! Yikes!

    Good night ladies - I cannot keep my eyes open one more minute - how pathetic am I?

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Beth, thank you for the advise. I am slowly getting used to my glasses. My office co-workers know I am crazy, so they just laughed at me all day......

    Nicki, congrats on your news. I wish I was there to give you a BIG CONGRATS HUG.....

    I am adding Pepperb to my prayer list.....remember ladies....strength in numbers

    Can anyone get us pepperb's address? I would like to send her a card....if this would be okay.

    Vickie, do you have heat?

    purplemb....I went walking last night (but I had one tennis shoe that was okay and one tennis shoe that was eaten by Jake it was more of a walk...hop...walk..hop) Do you sell shoes in the spa tent?

    Kristin, we are with you tomorrow as you go through treatment.

    LauraB, it sounds like you received good advise from your attorney. I second everything Nicki said to do to the "other woman"......

    The roofers have us fixed up.....we are under a flash flood warning for Thursday and I really hope the rain stays outside my house this time.....

    Hello to everyone else, ..I have to get ready for SOME FOOTBALL!!!!!

    The Sugar Bowl is tonight....LSU Fighting Tigers versus Notre Dame....I have to put on my LSU shirt, find my LSU earrings, and get ready for the game.


    lol to all

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    Hi CG'S, NS, I will pray for PepperB what a sad thing ( I Hate , Hate ,Hate Cancer)!!! Kristin, good luck with Your treatment! LauraB, sounds like you have a great lawyer, good luck I will also pray for you and your child! Susan, Enough with the bad luck, It is not fair, praying for you and our Sweet NS, to get a much needed break!!! for all i have missed please know, i am thinking of you too, just have a hard time, remembering all names!! Nicki, HELP, JAKE is after me, my lord I tried to send poor Madison another one LOL, She probaly thinks i'm nuts , I thought she wanted another Puppy Jake( now i see he is a pesky little guy, But we still love him!) ok, i'm outa here, lots of love to all i missed!! xoxo Puppy

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    {{{{ LIZ }}}} Always in my prayers!! so happy to see you too sweetie! have You talked to our Mena?????? I tried to call and keep getting bust signals, can someone try and see if they can get her on the phone?? I am getting worried about Her!! Puppy

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Puppy, I haven't seen Mena for a few days. I too am wondering if she's okay. I don't have her number or I'd try to call. Thanks for the prayers.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    keeping pepperB in my prayers with the restof the CG's tonight.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I pm'd Mena and sent an email but have not heard anything. If someone does have her number, can you please call her or pm me number and I will keep trying.

    I am worried too. (((((((((Mena)))))))))

    Love and hugs,
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Oh Vickie----where are you???? Hope the silence doesn't mean your fingers are too cold to type!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Where is Mena, Vickie, Lini and all the other girls who haven't checked in. Please let us know you're okay.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Sorry girls. Have been out of it for a bit. Finally started posting again over at the SPA. Really want to get "healthy" as my blood pressure was up the last few PS visits and been really stressed, but started walking again and joined WW. Have my 6 mo. on Friday so a bit anxious about that, too. Didn't mean to make anybody worry. Just get in my funky moods and is probably better that I suck my lollipop alone in the corner when I'm like that. Feeling better now that the holidays are over and things are getting back to a regular routine.

    You all are always in my hearts and prayers.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 are soooo missed when your not here. Don't stay away because your stressed or anxious...please.
    Well I had heat. For about 10 minutes. They came and filled the tank today, bled the line, changed the nozzle, started the furnace and it quit. SH*T...I FRIGGIN CAN'T WIN. My nephew came over and said that since they let the tank run out it probably sucked a bunch of gunk out of the bottom of the tank and he couldn't get it to run. He went to school for plumbing and heating so he knows what he's dong. Said it probably screwed up the safety switches or something so he's going to research it tomorrow and see if he can figure out what's going on but he's stumped. Thank God it's supposed to be in the 50's again tomorrow but the nights are cold and I'm sick of camping out in the living room! Now I have more to add to the letter to the AG that I am faxing tomorrow. I HATE SUBURBAN ENERGY SERVICES...TO THE DELIVERANCE TENT WITH THEM.
    Gonna run away and stay with NS or MB...if only I could get out of work to do it!
    Cheri and Nicki...good job with the smoking. I plan on getting the prescription for the new drug from my oncologist next Monday (oh I dread going to see him).
    NS...wish you could get an appointment sooner...sending you hugs.
    Beth...thanks for the infor on the bifocals. I got bifocals about four months ago...the no line ones and I hate them. I can't look sideways and see anything, you have to look straight at things to see them and can't read or use the computer with them. errr. Annoying! I'll try your tips.
    Sending lots of prayers for our not fair!!
    Kristin...we are all with you for your treatment and your mammo...holding your hand.
    Karen1956...sounds like a real nice boss...shall we send her to the deliverance tent. will get better...sending you hugs.
    LauraB...hope everything goes as you want it too and you are happy.
    We need to get rid of the ghost of Jake...I returned the purple toilet to the police station and the ball to NY...I'm keeping the butt ler though LOL. (hey...I've gotta stay warm somehow)

    Aww...missing soooo many of you...I'm are all in my thoughts and prayer. Going to go say a whole bunch of them right now...someone take this Kick Me sign off my a$$. It seems to be getting passed around!!
    Love you girls.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls. Hope everyone is well tonight. I'll send a special prayer up for Pepper tonight.

    Karen, so sorry about your hands. That must be bulky to have splints on them. Really sorry about your stinker boss.

    Madison, I have bi-focals,too. They are hard to get used to. I had the lineless because even though I'm fat, almost bald, I still have just a tad bit of vanity. Go figure.

    Michelle, hump day is over.

    Laura, good luck dealing with the OW. I would really like to describe her differently than just the "other woman' but I'd probably get thrown off here. You're a better woman than me.

    NS, dang those headaches!! Will be so glad to find out what's causing them & get you some relief. I hate it when you're sick.

    Susan, you are just the best. I figure you're a tougher woman than I am.

    Nicki, congrats on the nomination for Board of Directors. You...uh...wouldn't happen to have a cigarette on ya???

    Liz, i bet that's ugly having so many of your family sick. Hang in there.

    Shel,hope your interviews went well today. The move just might do you a whole lot of good.

    Kristen, we'll be with you through treatment tomorrow and your mammo on friday.

    Hey Puppy,MB,Beth,Lini,Vicki and anyone else I've forgotten. Vicki, did you finally freeze to death??

    Mena, I've learned you'll come out from hiding when you're good & ready. Just know we all miss you. You're still 'IT'.

    Well, I actually only have one thing on my mind & you all know what that is. Its now been 2 days/20hrs. No, it isn't getting one damned bit easier. My patch fell off before I went to bed last night, it'd came off in the night the day before so I gave them up. I've reached that deep depression point. So I think I'm just gonna try & sleep some more.Thanks to all of you that have been pulling for me.I'm still hanging in there.

    Best wishes,
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007

    Haven't posted in a bit - very much to catch up on that I'll have to get to later! I wanted to let you all know that I have my decision now. Went to the onc today and we have decided to move to hormone treatment. My liver enzymes are still dropping and are just about normal (only the one - alk phos is up and still dropping - very close to normal), my markers rose a bit, and my neuropathy is getting worse.

    He's not concerned about the markers since they fluctuate and are not an exact science. He's very happy about the liver and feels we've "turned a corner" with the liver met and the hormone treatment is best for the bone mets. He suggested a "chemo vacation" for three months. I'll get a baseline scan in the next week or so, continue Zometa once a month, see him once a month and see how it goes. He feels very confident that I will respond to the hormones. I belive that since so many women here with bone mets have done well with them.

    I was a little surprised but feel very comfortable with the decision. In my gut I felt the Abraxane was reaching a plateau and it was time. I'm glad the numbers supported what I felt in my gut (I'm a Virgo and numbers are VERY important!).

    So I am no longer on chemo - and it feels weird to say that out loud - but it will be nice to get a little break. I've been getting such a large dose that I can't wait to see how my side effects resolve themselves (keeping my fingers crossed!).

    Take care...

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Oh Ginney, that is good news. I'm glad you are getting a break and even more glad that you feel good about it. Those mets do not have a chance!!! woohoo. Hope you start feeling better immediately.
