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  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    Hello I hope everyone got a good flush in over new years!

    Laura so sorry you have to deal that on top of all the other crap, bc and all the worry that goes along with it. what is wrong with some men????

    Good luck to all those giving up smoking, I'll be there cheering you on. wish my MIL would give it up. she says never, doesn't even want to try....
    Beth your choco fountain looks yummy and pictures are great! I have GOT to learn how to do that(I am almost comp illiterate.

    love the spa tent( but is it only for weight loss? I could use a facial and massage.

    I joined WW last month and have been doing the points(it really is easy) I dropped 5 pounds 1st week. then 1 each week. but with holidays i didn't do it at all. so back to square 1. We are doing a biggest loser competition in work. everyone who wants to participate is putting up 20.00. weigh in 1x week on Wed. and recorded by receptionist. the person who loses most pounds wins pot of money and boss is giving away ipod shuffle. I am doing it for motivation not really for the money. I know there are some girls that will take diet pills and stuff, but I won't go that far. I work in a salon, so I know competition will be tough(lot's of younger girls)

    Vicki I hope your heating problem has been resolved. did you file complaint?Thank goodness the temps are still mild....

    Kristin I sent you a PM hope you got it. Dr. Handler was the ENT I saw at childrens in Voorhees. he is Nj top Doc for 2005-2006.

    We had very quite New Years Eve, few friends over. never did pop the champagne. was too tired. I hope someday I feel normal again. I feel like Bc took every part of me away and I just can't get it big time.
    I pray everyday for a good 2007 for all you beautiful woman. Have a good night!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Just got home from work. Cant believe there is already 2 pages to read! We sure are chatty. Im still enjoying the decreased traffic around here. Seems like alot of people took time off and no school buses. Im getting to work 1/2 hour earlier than usual. Most times, I really hate Chicago rush hour.

    Joyce: You do have a dark side lol. I like the hot coffee idea. Maybe bring it to Mena's deliverance tent. I was going in the same direction myself, but with a twist. I wanted to put medicine that causes impotence in a cup of coffee and serve it to the rat.

    PurpleMB: Oh Im so glad your back and glad that your DH is doing well. Overachiever? He does need a baby sitter. I'll be checking your exercise thread, problem is when do I find time to do it? Im such a procrastinator.

    Jeannie: What magnificent advice. Your good! Realllyy goood

    Amy: Distorted Humor is in his stall sound asleep. At 4:00 in the afternoon. What in the world were they doing so early in the morning. Romping around and having a good ole time. And I see you did catch them with sugar on their noses. Figure its a piece of cake now. Tinkerbell from Peter Pan visited last night and sprinkled dust on both of them. They can fly baby, they can fly - and now we dont have to sneak using Susans magic carpet.

    Vickie: Oh my, the story just gets better and better. Glad they are taking it up with upper management, but you still dont have heat and they have your money. Hmmmm thinking something is wrong with this picture. Hoping this gets settled really soon, for your sanity.

    Karen: Sure sounds like carpel tunnel. Hope your PCP called you back. Sometimes wearing a hand brace at night helps. The numbness and tingling are worrisome. You just come to the medic tent. Lets see what Liz and I can put together to make the pain go away.

    Beth: Im am laughing so hard at your horseradish story. That is great. In this house we do the same thing but I pronounce it "harshradish."

    Madison: I see the ghost of bad Jake just whispered in your ear. Oh a tent for "The Other Woman", what a sparkly idea. I think it should have sparkles outside the tent to lure them in.

    OK! I must abruptly leave. Dinner is done. Ill catch up in a bit.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    MB- Athletic Director- I will have to get a pedometer... then you can tell me how it works!

    Shirley, based on what you ate on New years Day we are going to have the same kind of year!!

    Laura, good luck tomorrow at the lawyers... remember Ivana Trump's motto: "Don't get mad- get EVERYTHING!"

    Susan I am just huggin ya back!

    Colleen we miss you when you aren't around!

    Beth what in the name of Pete is a Crisco party???

    Kristin, I don't know anything about children- but does he have enlarged tonsils? My nephew, before he had his out, had very large tonsils- in fact the doc said that they had no idea how big they were from his exam only the surgery revealed how very large they actually were. I hope he is ok!!

    Cheri- did you go buttless today???

    What about you Nicki? BUTTLESS??

    Naniam, thanks so much for checking in. I am so glad you are in contact with Jojo. Tell her we are all praying for her and wish her only the best.

    Everyone who is intersted in the Circle Spa you can join anytime and you can cheat- because TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Beth, hahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahah

    Kristin, praying for your son. There is a condition called sinus hystiocytosis aka Rossi Dorfman disease sp?....causes swollen lymph nodes. Miserable but benign Bad news is I think they need to biopsy a node to find it tho I could be wrong.

    Karen, my guess is the arimidex is causing your problems. My hands got to the point of uselessness while I was on it.

    Cheri, the world will be a better place in a few days. Hang on girlfriend, you are my inspiration.

    Deb, horses not zebras.....I love it.

    Hi Puppy

    Brenda, I've been going to curves for 3 years. I love it. Don't need a weight loss program. I am hopelessly under weight. I go to control the wigglys and the gossip. Hate exercising alone. Lots of ladies at my curves have done their weight loss program with much success.

    time for my massage, will finish when I get back
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Shirley, thanks for the feedback on curves. Underweight!!
    I bet I know lots of ladies that will share with you. I like working outside, am active but structured exercise has always been a problem so have been hesistant to join. I have a book on curves and they have two different weight loss plans.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Ok! Im back. Dinner was wonderful and there is lots for everyone. Breaded veal cutlet or chicken cutlet. Twice baked potatoes and fruit - a mixture of oranges, black chilean cherries, and raisons. Brown gravy on the side.

    Talk about crazy stories - my wonderful dog just tried to do humpie on my leg, and in doing so twisted my knee! This pain better be temporary or he is going to the doggy zoo!!

    NS: Attorney Generals office - what a great idea. And Im already running from the circle spa tent and I havent even been there yet - still reading posts here lol. And purpleMB is in charge of it? Oh Ive got the shivers!!

    Ok I gotta move faster. Running out of computer time.

    Kristen: Does he have his tonsils? Thats what it sounds like to me.

    Cheri: Oh my goodness I am so proud of you. You did it!! Maybe tomorrow for me?

    Ok! I give up. You all a writing faster than I can edit my posts. This sure is fun. I love you all.

    Susan: I promise I promise - I just dont know when. Look at our Cheri - she did it!! If she can, I can - I think. Thats if I dont talk myself out of it.

    Snowmen in Thongs (Tracey) where are you. Have been missing you a bunch.

    LauraB: I saved you till last. Alot of good suggestions thats for sure. Good luck at the lawyers office tomorrow. One day at a time. Ok - I gotta go, computer time is up. See ya in the morning.

    And when do I have time to check the Circle Spa Tent? Oh my.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Crisco party ( I always heard they were Wesson Oil parties.) Coed, get nekked, slather everyone with Wesson and...... popular during the swingin' and swappin' 70's. Not that I speak from experience or anything! :-)
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good evening ladies!!
    well i must say i am a @ss!
    i never really knew how deep the support really is in here!
    i cant leave.... i have been told
    first of all i have been in this weird funk... i really believed i was full of cancer...every ache and pain... lately i have a few more head aches but those were self inflicted...
    i start school next week as well and i think i am stressing over that as well!
    so i pulled my head out of the sand and took a good look around and found that this site is exactly what i need!!!
    ty ladies... for all your support and caring!
    could i be starting menopause?? does it really make you this crazy?? my monthlys are sure off!
    hugsssssss to all from the bottom of my heart!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    OOOHHHH STILL NO FRIGGIN HEAT!!! They told me that the problem was settled and they were calling a truck to deliver today...LIARS. SO FRIGGIN PISSED OFF. me ladies...tomorrow its the AG and the newspapers. I want my money back WITH INTEREST AND SENT OVERNIGHT DELIVERY! JERKS.
    whew...three xanex day and on my way to a Lexapro and under the electric blankets with Nate.
    Tracey...Welcome home...don't you dare leave, it's a long haul to where you live to drag you back and we will do it too! Menopause can really mess with your me, I speak from experience! Its the hardest side effect for me.
    Jeannnie...crisco parties...hmmm missed that era...not sure if thats good or bad.
    Kristin...yup sounds like tonsils and or adnoids to me. My nephews tonsils are so very bad that he even has a hard time talking. They have tried twice to take them out but he has come down with an infection each time and had to postpone so they are now waiting until spring when he is generally healthier.
    Oh Cheri and Nicki...good for you. I am talking to my oncologist about the new pill next Monday when I see him, he's great and totally understanding of how hard it is to quit. Stick with it...I intend to follow behind you.
    Hello to Beth, Brenda, NS, Shopmama (where are you), Bean and anyone else i've missed...super tired.
    I'm eating with Nicki tonight...bringing ice for the knee. I nearly flushed our cat New Years Eve...I swear its the cat from h*ll. Totally refused to use the litter box, would rather bite than purr, goes into uncontrollable attack mode in the middle of the night for no appparent reason...quite a rude awakening when you have a maniac cat with claws running across your forehead at 1 in the morning! Have seriously considered feeding her a Xanex or two! Maybe we should team her up with Jake LOL.
    Gotta go...need to finish some chemo caps before my appointment next Monday if I can do it without falling asleep...Pray for heat tomorrow...please.
    Love ya sisters
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    OH and Tracey...your NOT an a$$. Just a hormone deprived women like me!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Evening all,

    Okay, so day one of the diet has gone fairly well. I’ve walked and exercised. Most likely won’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow. LOL You guys have been busy. I didn’t get a chance to read everything but will later.

    MB so happy to see you! I’m glad DH is getting better. I know it’s hard to keep him down. Tell him the heating pad lady said to cool it. LOL I’m exercising! I did take a few days/week off during the holidays. But have started up again. Thanks for the continuous push.

    LauraB, get yourself a notebook. Write down everything and anything that he does. Even if it’s just calls and hangs up or calls and gives you crap. Also write down everything pertaining to your daughter and him. After it’s all over, keep a notebook documenting time/date/etc. as far as visitation goes. You’ll get through this and be the better person. His other woman will realize that once a cheater always a cheater. Hugs.

    Jeannie counseling is a great idea. This guy really doesn’t want to get us all stirred up does he? I can’t imagine what Mena is going to have to say.

    Mena, be nice. We don’t want you deleted again.

    Amy thanks for the well wishes. Come join me. Of course you work twice as hard as I work out daily I’m sure. I may have to cheat and have some of Mazer’s teddy grahams.

    Tina you were meant to take care of that lady. Bless you. You knew exactly what she was talking about and that helped her so much.

    Vickie what a crock of *&^%&)((. I’m glad you got in touch with the head honchos but you need heat girl. Call continuously. I’ve learned that the more you irritate and call the idiots the faster you get service.

    Tracey, Oh I see you’re here. I’m so glad. I’ve been worried. I had a time not too long ago that every ache pain symptom was cancer. It drove me nuts and made me where I was so depressed I just didn’t do anything. You’ve got lots on your plate with school and work and the family. You could be starting menopause. As the doc to do a FSH test. It will show you where you are menopause wise. I’m so glad you’re back.

    Beth, great pics. I’ve had colitis it’s not fun. Glad you’re feeling better.

    NS calling the AG is great! I’m always calling our Insurance Commissioner. I didn’t even think of the AG. I’m so sorry JoJo is having such a hard time. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her but will definitely add her to my prayers along with all the others who are having a rough time.

    Sher, I loved to smoke also. And I still miss it at times of stress. When you’re ready, you’ll do it. I can’t imagine that your little underweight body giggles! I so wish I were your size. The curves here is run by idiots so I go do the Robotic tables at Tan & Tone. If you resist the movement they really do work. A road trip sounds like fun. Wish we were closer. Was your mind in the gutter again? LOL

    Karen sounds like carpal tunnel to me. Wearing the splint and the ibuprofen should help a small bit. My aunt had surgery on both hands (not at the same time thank goodness) and she says it’s the best thing she’s ever done. If I’m not mistaken, I believe CT is listed as a possible SE of Arimidex. I’ll have to look again. Hope you get some answers and relief soon. Take the Vicodan to get some rest.

    Colleen, sorry you’ve been under the weather. I am so envious! Vegas. I would love to go somewhere warm. Have a great time!

    Kristin, have they tested your son for mono? Mine had the same problems when he was around 10. I insisted they test him and Yep, he had mono. I hope he gets to feeling better. Oh just saw where you saw the ped. Glad you got in. It’s easy to imagine something worse than it is now days.

    Cheri go girl go! Go girl go! You’re doing great! You’ve made it over the first 24 hours and that’s the toughest. I lived on sugar free lifesavers. I still carry them in the car. You can do this and will be amazed at how much better you will be able to breathe after just 3 days.

    DebC I see you’ve joined the Circle Spa also. We can do this. Can’t we? LOL

    Puppyfive I love your new name. Why are you getting rid of all the docs? Did I miss something? Most likely I did. I stay lost a lot.

    Brenda I did eat the black eyed peas also but when it comes to greens my family thinks I’m crazy. I do love them though. Can you tell I was born in the south? So good to see you. I started a new diet today. I’m sick of South Beach and all those. I’m doing plain and simple calorie counting and semi-low fat. Lots of fruits, veggies. Portion control is the key and six small meals a day.

    Michele, I can’t do WW. I get so flippin confused. Guess I just haven’t figured it out. I have a friend who’s on it and is doing great. Good luck in the contest. I was in one of those a few years back. They did percentage of weight loss. I lost by ½ a percent.

    Nicki oh my! I hope the knee is temporary. I’m glad the traffic is better for you. Dinner sounded like it was wonderful. So far I’m doing okay on the diet. Just take things one day at a time as far as the smoking. When you’re ready, you’ll know. BUT know that I believe you can do it.

    Well ladies, I’m going to go have my evening snack and finish my water. Have a blessed evening and I’ll see you all tomorrow.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    ok.......holy new posts........i can't begin to catch up at all, but i wanted to pop in and say hi.........we are having the time of our lives in the keys!!!!!

    new years eve on the beach, pig roasts, lazy days on the boat, shopping, socializing, relaxing, not worrying (so much), being with good friends who care, etc. etc. etc.!

    i also have two job interviews tomorrow at local hospitals.......i may give up my "canuckship" afterall.........this is where mackenzie and i belong!!!!!!!!

    i love you ALL! to you next week.

    happy new year and xoxoxo.........michelle (with the wicked tan lol)
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Shel good news. That would be great if you ended up in the Keys.

    I hope you are all doing good. Someone please give Mena a get out of jail free card. I'm tired and going to bed. Not sure what is going on with me. maybe I really do have mono. LOL
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Oh Tracey..I see all my posts and pm's did not fall on deaf ears!

    If you get a chance, drop by men with cancer forum, new to the board post, and send a welcome to bigbig44. Sounds like he could use pep talk too. I gave it the old college try.

    Laura, a notebook is a good idea for his bad behavior as well as taking notes at the lawyers. and tell your lawyer not to give himslef a "kinehera" (sound it our phonetically) before he wins your case. That means he shouldn't count his chickens first.

    Vickie, what can I say that I haven't already? The Suburban Propane (we have them down here in PA too) company sounds as f***ed up as any of the others.

    No, I have not experienced a wesson oil party, i graduated high school in 1977 but dh is 9 years my senior and he says he went to one lots of oil in an unopened bottle....

    Menopause, whether naturally inflicted upon you or because of surgery plays havoc with everyone! I hate the brain freezes and hiccups. Especially when I walk into a room and forget in a split second why I did it in the first place!

    I cannot remember everyone's names but it is good to crcak a smile!

    Oh and the cat from hell, is it a female? If it is and she is not spayed yet, sounds like she is gong into heat. Get her fixed or get him fixed before he sprays all over the house.

    See you later!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hey girls. It's been a very long 43hrs/56min. since my last cigarette. I had forgotten how hard this is. I finally took a nap this afternoon, when I woke I didn't want to get up because nothing is fun or enjoyable without a cigarette! Now that's a pretty sorry way to feel. But it is the way I feel. Oh woe is me! I don't like anything & I've eaten non-stop,have to,if I stop eating I wanna a cig. I didn't take notes tonight, wasnt in the mood, did scan over posts,though. Don't really have anything to say except I WANNA CIGARETTE! One track mind today. Yesterday was easier. 44hrs/16min. I am never going to make it through this, girls. All the reasons for quittin' just don't seem important anymore. But I'm not least not yet.

    Hope all you ladies are well,Vicki..give em' hell tomorrow at the oil co. Nice to see you, Tracey. Susan,I sure hope you start feeling yourself again.Good luck with your Spa,Sparky.

    Mena, come out,come out,wherever you are. I don't feel like playing anyway.

    Best wishes
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    HEY HEY IT'S TRACEY!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
    Thank you Miss Thong for making my night!

    I am telling you they have helped me and they are awesome. Also- write your newspapers TONIGHT ONLINE!
    Better yet, grab Nathaniel and take him down here and stay with me and crazy cat!

    Liz so far I am ok with the diet today too!

    Shel the American??? I LOVE IT!!! Especially if you live in Fla- would much rather visit you THERE!!!!

    Susan, did you get your blood test or whatever test for the mono today??? you poor thing!

    YOU DID IT! CHERI! I am so proud of you! You just added 44 hours to your life! I LOVE IT!

    More water and then tea and that is it for the day!

    Please- park the cook tent downwind so I can't smell the delicious stuff coming from it!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    oh cheri,,,
    wow your doing so good... i will cheer you on!!!!!!!
    go cheri, go cheri go cheri!!!!!!
    you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i started thinking about diets today.. as i dont make new years promises to myself cause i can never stick to it!
    well anyways my brain must of triggered something cause i am starving!!!!! i am going to try to eat better.. i just got to get to that piece in my mind... and right now i feel like i have a word bubble over me with a grilled cheese sandwhich in it!!
    i am getting better as i eat nothing with trans fats and i am understanding bad carbs now to versus good carbs!
    I do love potatoes!
    as for the smoking its gonna go soon as well but i dont know if i can do a whole lifestyle change like that!
    so back to you cheri, you go girl!!!!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I heard on the news today that it is easier for pregnant women to quit smoking because they ahve that new little life growing inside. think of the new YOU as that little new life inside. Cheri-ette will be so adorable and I will crochet a new blankie for her. See me in the crafts tent.
    You can do it, I know you can. I did and it was not easy but all I can say is... I did it. Food does taste different, no yolk, I mean joke.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Cheri-ette?? Beth, that is the DUMBEST thing I ever heard! But you're excused cos your hearts in the right place.

    Thanks to all you girls for the encouragment & support. I feel a little better, sorta. I'm still hangin n there.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Evening ladies - man, am I tired. First day back at work since before Christmas....brutal to get up this morning. Anyway, I just spent about an hour catching up on my reading. Some notes: Welcome back Purplemb - haven't had a chance to tell you we missed you. LauraB, what your hubby did sucks but as you saw, you have lots of support here. Vickie - no heat yet??? Man, how about your state's public utilities commission? Shirley - underweight? I envy you. Tracey, welcome back....we missed you and I hope the funk is gone. Shel, sounds like you are having a great time. Beth,I 'll join you in the crafts tent sometime.

    Welcome to the new girls. Have a good evening all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: I just can't believe the weather here at the Chicago end of the circle. Its gonna be in the 50's today. Sitting here by the campfire waiting for my coffee to brew. So Im still pretty sleepy eyed today.

    Tracey: Oh Im so glad to see you again. You had us worried. I started menopause when I was 45. Knew someting was wrong cause my emotions were whacko. You are too special to us to leave. I like y our idea. No more NY resolutions for me either. I cant keep them.

    Vickie: I cant believe you still dont have heat. This is just so ridiculous. I guess my first question is do you have other companies beside Suburban to use. These people your dealing with are heartless. I would definitely report them. Who regulates them? I would go right for the heart! Hoping you get heat today!

    Liz: I havent visited the circle spa yet. Gonna do that after I walk the perimeter here. As for quitting smoking, Im a lost hope. I did cut down though - so thats a start. Im gonna go out and get myself a pedometer today. Good luck with your diet and exercise. I did pretty good myself - except had wake up hungry and ate 2 ice sandwiches! No self control here - thats me!

    Shel: So glad to hear you are having a great time. Everytime I go to Florida, I think geez - I could live here. Finding a job in nursing would be easy, and with husband being an entertainer he would fit right in. Spending NYE at the beach sounds wonderful.

    Susan: Well I hope you dont have mono. We used to call it the kissing disease - so who have you been kissing lately Hoping you will feel better today.

    Cheri: You are doing great. At least you stuck to your guns and havent smoked. Im so weak and pathetic. You go girl. Ill keep trying to think about quitting. Maybe that will motivate me.

    Helllo to everyone I missed. Beth, Michelle, Colleen, and so many more. Im running out of time and I have to check out the circle spa tent.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Cheri---I was never a cheerleader because I was always too fat and then too big to fit into the mascot's suit! So instead od cheering you on, since I never had any training, i thought I would try the cute approach!

    OKAY it didn't work! Godd thing you excused me on that one. The dumb part was thinking it would work. I know quitting smoking is not easy. When I did, my co-workers thought I was being snooty because I stopped joining them at break to smoke and I didn't eat in the smoking section at lunch. But it was the only way I could do it. I had to get as far away from any temptation as possible.

    You ae doing so well, keep up the good work. Now if I could stop from grabbing the bad things in the cooking tent, it would be great. And......I AM SICK OF WATER!!!!

    See ya later!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, I can’t believe you still don’t have heat! I was thinking about you this morning as I stuck my nose out of the covers and didn’t want to get up because it was so cold…and we have heat! I sure hope the whole things gets resolved today, and that you get your money and a million apologies!

    Shel, wow, the Keys! How cool would that be to just stay there! Good luck with your interviews!

    Susan, sorry to hear you are so tired. Could it be from the short days and/or the weather? I know sometimes in the winter, especially after the holidays, I start to drag. In the spring I perk back up again, but in the meantime February and March last FOREVER.

    Cheri, hang in there! You can do it! I am rooting for you!

    Tracey, welcome back! We missed you!

    NS, great job with the water and exercise. Hope your back continues to hold up!

    Nicki, I also want to get myself a pedometer. I know I haven’t been getting enough exercise. I am lucky I only gained a few pounds over the holidays but I would like to lose them now as well as a few more!

    I am trying to get back into the exercise thing too. I used to go to the gym 3 times a week, but since my dx that kind of went out the window. Chemo has turned my schedule upside down – the only time I can exercise is around 7PM after DH gets home and can take over with the kids, but lately I am SOOOO tired by then and I end up going to bed around 8PM! But tonight I will plop them in front of the TV and use our elliptical machine for 30 minutes! I will take it easy though since I my next taxol/herceptin is tomorrow!

    Have a good day, ladies!
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    Good morning circle girls!

    I feel like I am addicted, I get up and asap I log on to see whats happening.....

    Vickie hope today is the day that you heat issue gets resolved!

    kristen hope your next treatment is uneventful and you little boy is getting better.

    Liz WW now has the core plan (no counting points) log on check it out...Its nice for people who don't want to track points.

    For the new NON Smokers, yeah for you keep up the good work!!! I give you gals alot of credit. if I had to give up Chocolate I would fall off the wagon miserably.

    Nicki it is so strange to have mild weather isn't it??? not complaining though.... I went for a walk last night and will again today. I try to get in 3-4 miles. Nicki I don't know if I ever said this but I love your screen name!!! much more creative than myself!!!!

    Sue, Tgirl where are you two???? want to get together soon?

    ok now I have some minor complaining to do.... I have been on tomox since april and have not had too many issues, however I have had some eye issues and had eyes checked they said it was normal aging and to come back in 6 months.ok now I feel like my body is achey, My joints hurt and I just feel old. I am pretty much active and (only) 40. haven't been as active since the holidays. is it the tomox that makes your body feel that way. and if I get back to being more active will it go away. I don't remember feeling quite this bad last month. as a matter of fact I felt pretty good esp when I was working out more. is it the use it or lose that applies to the body also???? anyone else feel that way?

    Have an awesome day!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I read most of your many how does everyone keep up?
    Beth-I will call you tonight for directions. I am not sure I can make it but I will try to.

    Tracey- I think menopause does cause havic with every part of your life. I haven't had a period since I started Taxol.
    My last one was 12/20 and the period hasen't returned. I may be in menapause now. My side effects are I get very emotional. I also am having brain farts. Kind of scary and funny at the same time. I was driving my son to work the other day. He wanted to stop at McDonalds on the way. Since it took me out of my regular route,I forgot how to go. You should have seen his face! I had no idea where to go. I think he thought I was kidding but I wasn't. It took me a few minutes before I realized where I was going. Has anyone had this happen to them. Maybe it is chemo brain??
    I couldn't wait to get home..I am starting to sometimes force myself out the door. I am having panic attacks. They hit me out of nowhere.
    Right now I am going to take the dog for a walk. If you don't hear back from me send the rescue team...I am probably lost..LOL
    Take Care,
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Oh ladies I would love to call another company and did yesterday but they all want a minimum delivery of 200 gallons to the tune of $576.00...can you say ouch! Until I get my money back from Suburban there is no way.
    Suburban is supposed to fill my tank today using what I have in my account and then I am closing my account and getting the balance of my money back. I am emailing the AG...thanks NS.
    Cheri...hang in there. After my appointment on the 8th I'm going to give it a try again.'s supposed to be almost 50degrees here today...I am very lucky we are having such an unusual winter. Usually in January we are in the single digits! We don't even have any snow!
    PurpleMB is in charge of the spa tent!!! Oh we truly are in trouble!
    Ok...I KNOW I saw a post from Shel...lazing on the beach getting a killer tan...was I dreaming?!?
    Gotta work...darn
    Be back for a peek later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Yup that was me in the last post as anon. Guess Jake is following me around now!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning ladies. The guys are back at work so back to reality for me. No fun. Have to pay bills, do laundry, go grocery shopping. All the normal stuff I would rather not do.

    Kristin, larger than normal tonsils???? Personally I would take him to an ENT.
    Screw the apologies. They need to give her free propane and someone needs to lose their job.

    Michele, good luck on your competition. With all of us cheering you on your bound to win.
    Tamox definately causes eye issues. I have had my rx change 4 times in the last 3 years. Has cost me a fortune in new glasses. My hands and feet are also achey achey. Don't know if it's just cause it's so stinkin cold here or arthritis or what. But I blame everything on drugs these days.
    This is my second round of tamox. Took it for a year with horrible side effects. Had my ovaries out so I could take arimidex (9months). Found out I have advanced osteoporosis so doc put me back on tamox. It's nothing like it was the first time around. My hands have only started hurting since the weather got cold.

    Nicki, hope dinner was grand.
    Florida has really really big bugs...and hurricanes.

    Hiya Tracey, hugs to you my friend.

    Vicki, hope you have heat today. What did the AG say?

    Liz, my mind lives in the gutter. It's a little grimey down here but always entertaining.

    Shel, good luck on your interviews.

    Susan, did you have a mono test?

    Beth, menopause just plain sucks. I so miss my estrogen.
    Cheriette?? hahahahhahha

    Cheri, go girl go girl go girl.

    Margaret, don't envy me. It's genetic.

    Joyce, I take notes. Hugs on the panic attacks. They suck buttermilk.

    Off to get my day started. There will probably be another dozen posts after I hit the button. I'll catch up later. See ya.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning all! Alabama has a coach in case anybody cares. Yep, I am a big football fan. Hard to believe anybody is worth that much money though.

    Shel-great to see you checking in from the keys and nice to see you having fun. A job interview?? you go girl. Listen to your heart.

    Vickie-I cant believe you still dont have heat. Call the AG list NS said and put your foot down. He!! put both down,,pull the breast cancer card out if you have to.

    susan-hoping you feel better today and mono sucks. Been there done that and you have no energy.

    Nicki-Mazers feet hasnt hit the ground all morning. She enjoys flying and now we wont get in trouble for stealing susans carpet. I hope they fly over LauraB's soon to be ex and drop a few "precious" things on his head.

    Mena,,where the heck are you? Now that Mazer and Distorted humor or flying dont put it past us to fly up and check and see whats going on!

    Tracey-wooohooo-Glad to see you back. We missed you girl. I am beginning to look like your avatar also so glad NS started the spa tent to get my butt moving.

    Joy-I have had the same thing happen to me before. I think of going somewhere and for the life of me have gone blank on how to get there. Sure wish I could forget my way to the fridge sometimes.

    Beth-joining you on the sick of water thing and I havent even drank that much. I just cant get used to drinking that much.

    Cheri-congrats on the no smoking thing. My dad quit recently and he is 78 and has smoked since he was probably 10. Just goes to show you are never to old to start new things. He has been quit since October and still craves them but hasnt given in thank goodness. You can do it. He chews gum to keep him busy.

    kristin-hope your treatment goes well today. I go on the 9th for zometa and herceptin so I am right behind you.

    Margaret-glad to see you back. going back to work really sucks doesnt it?

    Liz congrats on sticking with you diet. love the new avatar. It looks like me!

    Silvergirl-oil parties huh? I never heard of them myself but it sure does sound like you know alot about them.

    ok gotta run get some work done. Will be checking back in later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    I've made it without a cigarette now for 2 days/11hrs. I do believe it gets harder rather than easier as time goes on. This is all I can think about. Sorry,Beth,kinda snapped. I'm a little edgy these days.I did know you meant well. And to all you cheerleaders out there YOU have no idea how much you help me. I belong to quitnet, which is a site for quitting smoking but they're strangers, you all are my friends. You know the worst part about this is the depression. Who'd have thought? I am so depressed, Xanax,Lexapro won't touch it. I am totally lost, everythilng in my life revolved areound smoking. I'm angry, bored. OK, nuf-o-dat.

    MeeeNaaaa? Where are you? Everybodys gonna think I stashed you somewhere if you don't come out & play!

    Vicki, hope you get heat today & you're money back.
    thanks to all,