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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007's 4:00 and I've been waiting for the furnace repair people to show up to fix my stinking furnace since 3:00. I hate it when people are late and I have completely and totally run out of patience. Goin off the deep end here.
    So sorry to come here and keep where else to go. Need to get a backbone and start making calls to the newspapers and television...I have heard so many nasty things about Suburban Energy in the past few days that I could probably really start a huge mess for them if I were to call as many many people would back me up with their own stories!
    Thanks for all you caring and prayers and support.
    love ya girls...all of you
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Just noticed that the pissy tent is getting mighty full...who was bringing the pillows for a pillow fight?

    NS...sending you hugs
    Mena...hugging you too...what's up buttercup...we need you and you need us.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,

    It’s a dreary semi cold (the wind) day here. I think I might be trying to come down with a cold or sinus infection. We shall see.

    Ginny, I’m glad you’ve made your decision. I’m a Virgo also and know what you mean by numbers. A “chemo vacation” will be great I’m sure. Which med are you going on?

    DebC, for goodness sakes girl. Of course you’re sick of all this. I don’t blame you at all. Hopefully, the scans will be the same and like you said no one has noticed it. Gentle hugs. Let us know when you find out something. I’m glad the US was a good report.

    Margaret, great job on the research. I hadn’t even thought of the Public Service Commission. Next time I need something, I’ll ask you to help me. Sometimes I get so frustrated when trying to find what I want. LOL

    Beth, wow! What I’d like to say can’t be on here. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with all this. I can’t imagine a woman who has a My Space account for a dominatrix is bothered by your BC. Some people still amaze me. Hugs

    CherylCy, I guess I didn’t realize that it takes 21 days to form a habit. That’s good to know. I love the guitar story. Made me laugh for the first time today.

    Nicki, I had to look at the calendar. I thought I had lost a day. Congrats on the Board of Directors. They are very lucky to have a smart, intelligent woman on it. I think the h holidays are finally catching up with some of us. I’m sorry you’re tired. Hope you had an easy day.

    Laura, does the OW have Cingular mobile? If so, you can text message (or heck I will) her from the computer and it doesn’t cost or show who sent it. I found this out from a friend who did it to her boyfriend’s old girlfriend. LOL I think you have a great plan. Play it cool, take care of you and he’ll think something is up.

    Joyce, extra prayers are going out for you, your son and your family. I can’t even imagine going through what you guys have.

    Cheri, hang in there sweetie. I was horrid to be around and wasn’t happy either when I quit. My husband actually asked me if I had to be so nasty once and I replied H*ll yes. I know it’s tough.

    Vickie, for heavens sakes. This is ridiculous. Okay, I used to be a TV News Anchor. I would have jumped at a chance like a story like yours. Play the BC card. Cry – that’s okay. Call them! I do hope you get the furnace fixed. Bless your heart.

    Sher, how was hubby’s appointment? I hope he doesn’t have to have surgery. After seeing pics of you (you are gorgeous) I can’t imagine what your sister looks like.
    Tracey, I love you wish for 2007. A friend emailed that to me. Are you still digging out?

    Susan, I’ll join you in the pissy tent for a good old fashioned pillow fight. I could use one. When is the knee surgery? How is nutrisystem by the way? I’ve always heard it was expensive. I would love the convenience though of having the meals right there for me without having to think.

    Amy, how’s the weather down there? I’m so ready for spring and it’s not even really gotten that cold here yet.

    MB, thanks for the extra pats. LOL. I’m glad DH is feeling better. Hope they get his meds tweaked.

    Sue, when you see Mena please tell her I miss her. I hope you guys have a great time.

    Michele, I find myself getting angry at what I lost also. My PCP says it’s a normal reaction and her nurse (who is a 19 year lung ca survivor) says it does get better. I’m sorry you’re not busy. I hope your clients aren’t staying away of the BC. Some people are so odd.

    NS, I hope your migraine is a bit better today. They are so painful. I refuse to think it is anything else.

    RobinTN, where are you? How are you? Check in please!

    Hugs and Prayers to all. I’m sure I’ve missed many.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Still can't catch up!!!

    LauraB - So sorry to hear what you are going through. Sometimes men really suck!! Half the time their heads are up their a$$es.

    Sending good healing vibes to all the sisters who are going through bad times. (((((((CGs))))))).

    I am going to the pissy tent to bitch and moan a little. I had my reconstruction redone on Oct. 30. My boobs are softer than what they were, but the right one has gone back to its' former position, too high and projecting way more than the other one. My ps said that I developed a sack of fluid around the implant after my first surgery and the same thing has happened again. He says there is nothing he can do about it. WTF!!! Now I can't even go braless anymore, because I am uneven. I went bra shopping yesterday and all the wireless bras were terrible! I know we shouldn't wear underwire bras, but they were the only ones that fit and made my boobs look even. I haven't worn anything but a sports bra for the last 2 years and this new bra drove me so crazy at work, that I had to take it off. Has anyone else had something like this happen? I can't believe I went through that surgery and I look worse now then before. My left boob feels great! Why can't the right one be the same way ? He even made the left one bigger so they would be the same size, but the right one looks much bigger.

    That's enough whining from me for one day. I'll go to the pissy tent for a while and then finish up in the drinking
    tent. I'll definately bring my big pillow to the pissy tent !
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Finally the repair guy showed his defense, he's had a loooonnnggg day...he was exhausted. He said that letting my tank run out and then refilling it stirred up all the gunk on the bottom. Had to replace the nozzle and electodes and clean it up. He told me this is common (and that Sububan is one of the worst ones for pulling this kind of thing as they expect that you will call them to come repair something that was their fault in the first that company has a bad reputation...and about to get much worse). A hundred bucks later and I am actually warming up!
    Gotta run to my back later.
    Hugs all around
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Vicki thank you. that's just exactly what we need.

    Liz, nutrisystem is expensive. but I really need to lose weight. so I'm biting the bullet.

    I will probably be in the pissy tent until the 9th. My next mammogram.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Oh my goodness - well you all have had first ahnd experience on Chemobrain. Yep, about an hour after I woke up, I realized it was only Thursday! That was before I had to go into the bathroom and figure out which tooth brush is mine. Im still getting the green and white confused lol.

    Its late, dinner is ready so I dont have much time to talk, other than to say I read every post and Im smiling from ear to ear. Ill catch up with you all in the morning.

    Vickie has heat! yeah!!!

    Tracie: Avalanche? Yikes

    Chicago: Rainy, rainy, rainy, gloomy gloomy gloomy, warm warm warm. This could be snow so I aint complaining.

    I love ya all

    See ya in the mroning.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Vicki, congrats on having heat, I'm so glad you got all that straightened out at least to the point that you have got heat. By the way, you got...uh....a cigarette I can bum?

    Laura, turn the tables on Ray. Now if I were you, I'd make myself look really "hot" to run an errand alone, ask him if I looked alright, and then be gone just a little longer than the errand would've taken. If he thinks you're going on with your life he'll stop & think things over. You've been the dog chasing the to speak! Make him chase after you. You can do it, girl. The OW has nothing on you, plus you're smarter than she is, prettier, and you & Ray share a child together.

    Deb, congrats on Ultra-sound.

    Hey to all my friends I didn't speak directly to, Tracey,Susan,Shirley,Lisa,Beth,Amy,Nicki,MB,Sue,Madison, Michelle,NS,Cheryl,Ginney,Liz,Karen,Jeannette,Margaret& Robin. I know I must've left some of you out. I've not been myself lately. I've been in the Pissy tent. You'd thought I'd ran into MENA by now. Don't know where she is but she'll surface whenever she's good & ready...and not before! What a hard-head.

    Thanks to all the outpouring of support for my quitting smoking. I hope I don't let you down, but at this point I'm not making any promises! 3days/17hrs/18min. But who's counting?

    Best wishes to you all, prayers for those in need
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    good afternoon ladies!

    I have been asked to help Timtam with this.
    you ladies know jojo well she hasnt been doing to well, she is in alot of pain and having alot of medical difficulties caused from her chemo..
    We would love to see JoJO get some cards via snail mail and show her how much she is loved and missed in here...
    so anyone wanting to send jojo a card please pm me and i will pass her address along!!!
    thanks ladies jojo needs our good thoughts and prayers right now!!!!

    Thank You Tracey, how very nice!!! makes me feel good knowing the CG'S can help out!!! xoxo Puppy
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2007
    Hi everyone,

    I've been kinda busy, but wanted to stop in and tell you about what's happened.

    I "met" my friend Wylie online through an ecumenical group that is a part of We all love cats. When Wylie died last Sat. she left her 14-18 year old cat Mr. Boots. (we aren't sure of his age.) He was to be put down yesterday. Our group jumped into action and were able to save him. We have what we're calling the Kitty Underground Railroad forming to get Mr. Boots from Albany, GA to somewhere in IL where one of our group is willing to take him. I'm heading to Atlanta on Sat and pick him up and bring him to TN where we'll meet another member west of Knoxville. She will keep him a few days until the next leg and on to his new home.

    We're also trying to find a home for him closer so he doesn't have to go through all the upheavel. I sent emails to my church and have been checking around here. Tony and I can't keep him. Our furbaby is an only and likes it that way.

    The emails have been flying within the group and between that, having a house guest from New Year's day until today, and going back to work after a 15 day vacation, I'm in a tizzy.

    But I wanted to share the adventure with you. The whole things reminds me in an odd way of us Circle Gals. And in another strange way, I feel like we are kicking cancer's ass. It may have gotten Wylie, but we aren't letting it by default get another precious creature.

    I'm setting up a blog about the whole thing and will post the link when it's ready.

    I'm sure we all in this would appreciate prayers and good thoughts this weekend and in the coming days, and especially for Mr. Boots.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    YEAAAAAA Vickie!!! Cheri, good luck sweetie! to everyone else, I am thinking about you all!! nothing on my DH yet, will let you know when i hear something! Bless You All, Puppy- PS, Nicki , I love it when Jake the bad dog chases me around, But i Really hated it that he wanted to Flush me away for the New Year, OH WELL, I aint afraid of ghosts! Congrads. on Your new Job, I agree they are lucky to have You! xoxo Puppy
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    LOOK AT LISA40'S POST IN TRIPLE NEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!

    She can now officially move to the outer circle- right next to GINNEY who is now off chemo and met-free too!!! AND PENNY LANE who also is dancing with NED!

    Girls- do you realize THREE have moved to the outer circle???


    I will be back later to answer all your posts.
    I am just so happy!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    OH MY GOD!!!!! Thank You Jesus! Thanks NS, what great news! Puppy

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Woohoo...warm house at last!!! What an enormous relief.

    No ya to bits but you can't bum a cigarette! I can picture myself after next week when I'm going to try again...searching through couch cushions, the ashtray in the car, under the car seats...anywhere for a spare one that got away! Going to be sure I really clean out all the spares and butts before I start or I'll waste all my time searching.
    Tracey and avalances...I missed something along the way!!! That's scary.
    Nicki...when you get up in the morning (not tonight) you can say TGIF...tomorrow honey...the 5th. Yeah! Laughing about the toothbrush escapades going on...sounds like me and Nathaniel, my sister bought him an electric spiderman one so no more confusion there (if I get confused over that someone better put me in a home!!). should start a "Rent a Husband" service...that should keep him busy...wish we had such a thing around here although my neighbors have been great.
    Oh my Betty you sure have been busy. Hope all goes well for Mr. Boots...what a wonderful thing to do.
    HI Puppy...the purple toilet and all it's nasty contents has been returned to the police station! Wait till they pump that tank (I put Shel's husband in there LOL).
    Speaking of Shel...when is she coming back...lucky girl...hope she's having a wonderful time. Is she in Key West? I was watching CNN New Years Eve and they were showing the celebrations from all around the world and in Key West they were having a "drag queen" New Years Eve...wonder if she was checking that out! Looked like a real hoot.
    Rain here tomorrow but still warm (in the 50's)...what amazing weather we are having.
    Too tired to write to everyone tonight and didn't take notes but I'm thinking of and thankful for each and every one of you.
    Hugs all around...gonna send my letter to the AG tomorrow and use the link too...gee maybe you'll see me on CNN before I'm done with Suburban LOL.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh...NS..just saw your post and yes
    How are you???? Can you get your appointment moved up and maybe go tomorrow? I'm a pushy one aren't I...
    Thank you
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Had to check in while Ray was "at the hall"...he didn't go last night, no idea why tonight ('cept the nightly drawing is up to $400 and he needs to shell out more money to fix his truck). If Caitie wasn't in her jammies I'd do a "drive by" but at least he and I are talking (usual family/marriage stuff)--he said State Farm called and wants to review our life insurance and he'd be willing to go next Sat. (together?!?!)...Has anyone dealt w/life ins. after BC? My gut says not to say a word.

    Anyway, he came into my room while I was getting undressed from work---hasn't done that in a long time, and actually looked at my body (lumpy as it may be!) I've lost about 8 lbs. since 12/20 from the stress and it shows ('cept the usual pooch and thighs!). No advance tho...Caitie was jumping on my bed.

    This looking hot and playing cool-as-a-cucumber can't be working THAT fast?!?! Anyway, I'm taking it one day at a time.

    LIZWS: No, she's on Verizon (like us). Not sure I can anonymously text her...would almost be afraid to upset the apple cart right now.

    Talked w/Caitie's guidance counselor (a licensed therapist, too! so that's 2 free consults in last two days). She agrees with Stan the lawyer on about every issue; Ray's on a "high" right now with the OW, but I have a feeling that some of the things I (calmly) said on Sunday got to him (like it's not just our family but also hers, instead of saying "wanna have sex?" while I'm doing dishes should've come up from behind and given me a hug and whispered in my ear (would've melted then!)...anyway counselor will let Caitie's teacher know to be on the lookout for any unusual behavior. Gee...he wanted the divorce but I'm the only one looking out for Caitie?!

    Anyway, gotta run....keep you posted and in my thoughts and prayers!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good evening Circle Gals,

    Laura - please try and keep it together for your little girl. I'm not necessary talking about the marriage, just you girlfriend! You need to be strong right now. Hopefully, things will work out with your DH. If not, you need to be there for your daughter. Life just sucks sometimes. I hope everything works out for you.
    Vicki - I'm so glad you have heat!! Yeah!!! We have Suburban Propane here also. They suck!
    Betty - That is such a wonderful thing that you are doing for the kitty. We always wonder what happens to our beloved pets when we pass on. If I could, I would take him, but unfortunately, it wouldn't work out right now.
    Lisa40 - Mets gone!!!! How wonderful for you!!
    Hope Shel is having a great time in the Keys. How jealous am I??? Although we haven't even had any kind of winter yet. It was in the 50's today!!?? I live northwest of Phila. and I am waiting for winter to give us a big smack upside the head . We have had NO winter weather so far. It could be bad in Feb.

    OK, I'm out of the pissy tent and in the drinking tent. Life is much better right now. Big hugs to all!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Ok- back to post!

    Ginney I just love reading your news! Take that break and dance with NED!

    Vickie, it sounds like the sludge of the tank clogged the circulator. I hope to heaven your didn't sieze your whole burner. I think it is time we sent a possee to your oil company and taught them some manners!!!! SEND THEM THE BILL FOR THE REPAIR!!

    Karen, I am so sorry you have carpal tunnel. I hope it eases on its own!!!

    My gosh beth, if I were you I would tell her if Cancer was contagious the only person you would give it to was her!

    Laura, how old is your daughter? I know she can sense things are bad but you also need to do what is right for YOU too. And sometimes when a child sees their parents happy- though separated- they do get a sense of security returned to their lives instead of always waiting for the other shoe to drop. What i am trying to say is, if you have to throw him out - DO IT. You and Caitie will both be better off in the long run. I hope that Stan is going to be a great advocate for you!!!! If not he has US to answer to! BTW- A friend of mine once broke up with her married boyfriend when his wife told her that she was happy that they were seeing eachother because when he came back home he couldn't get enough of her (the wife) and their love life was better than ever! My friend was so PO'd she broke up with him immediately because SHE was jealous!!!!
    Honestly, I don't know how you do it. I am half italian and would have shot him by now!

    ((Joyce)) where do you live? Do you live close to NY? You are annymous here so I can't read it! We have a fantastic heart center here on Long Island that people from all over the world go to for things just like this! I can arrange things for you if you like. Please let me know!!

    Cheri, did you know that you are my hero? Anyone who can quit smoking the way you have is a positive giant in my book. It is tough, it is grueling and yet you have just made it through the WORST and HARDEST part. I am proud to know you girlfriend!!!

    Vickie, I have the appointment for Sunday and then I saw my gyn today and the thyroid doc tomorrow! I have no room for any more!! I want to come up there and deal with Suburban FOR YOU!.. I am very good at that!!!!

    Jeannette, I hope and pray everything worked out for you at your appointments!!

    Shirley, thank you for your prayers!!! I am sending them right back to your hubby and his knee surgery!!

    Snowman in thongs! If you are having avalanches might I suggest you switch to a maillot?

    Susan I am game for a pillow fight with you!


    Oh Michelle, if you lived near me I would go to you! I bet people just have run out of extra money and need to recoup again before the start spending on themselves. It sucks though. I was a caterer and this was the slowest time of the year for me too.

    Jan what is that happening to you? Is that what they call encapsulation? I hope you can get it fixed without too much pain and misery! WTF is RIGHT!

    Betty, I think it is just wonderful what you are doing for your friend's cat. You are a very special person!

    I saw my gyn today and need a bx to rule out uterine ca. That will not be done until week after next and I have had a chance to talk it over with him and my onc. I am not rushing into anything. I was hoping my headaches were gyn related but they are not.

    Tomorrow is the endocrinologist. STILL NO RECORDS- so she will just have to take my word for it about my last thryoid bx being b9. Then on Sunday- so weird seeing a doc on a Sunday- I see the neuro.

    I may fall off the Circle Spa wagon on Sunday because after all these appointments Ben and Jerry's will definitely be in order!!!!

    I hate when I am too sick to post. Make me feel so lonesome! Glad to be home again!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    NS that is such great news about Lisa40, and Pennylane. Praise God.

    I hate when you are too sick to post too. I'm glad you are getting all your tests. You are gonna be great!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    After feeling like a unloaded on everybody yesterday, i am going to try to be short (well, i did say try).

    Nicki, I forgot to say major CONGRATS!! Go get 'em tiger!

    I am trying to keep it together for Larry and now my mom is giving me grief because she is so worried about me and the upcoming bilat mast. She is in Assisted Living after shattering her femur last Thanskgiving. She wants to be home to help me but it means me needing to do more around here for her and I can't after surgery and Larry can only take off one week since that is all he has for vacation time. Whew!

    So, I fell off the wagon and had ice cream. i did finally get the back support from my ex. Some foul-up with unemployment, not his fault... this time! It will be tight this month but we will make it.

    Looking forward to our mini get-together for the philly girls this Saturday. if anyone needs more info, PM me. It will be great ot meet whoever makes it.

    I have put everyone in my personal list when I say the Mishebeirach prayer at synagogue this Friday night. It is the prayer for healing and peace. I have been saying it for many years and hope it helps those of our sisters in pain.

    Have a good night everyone and TGIF tomorow. Think I will stay out of the drinking tent until Saturday night and then have that shot of Sambuca with Vickie, Jan and whoever else has the inclination. I am officially out of the pissy tent but have set up a seat in the deliverance tent. I have no qualms about nasty text messaging as long as it can't be traced but have found out no such luck!

    Love and hugs,
    Beth (I tried making it short!)
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2007

    thinking of you and hope you are hanging in.
    Niki, I totally forgot about the NAMI BOD. Congrats.! I know NAMI well, helped to set up an early chapter in then 80's in Rockland Co. NY.

    Vickie, I hope you follow through with the AG re Suburban. They ought to be put out of business. they should also be told that they are all over the net as bad company and that their managers are in the deliverance tent.

    A quick update re my date with the PS. He is such a dear. Told me when the radiologist took out the port they used a (not very good) long acting disolving suture. He also said it would leave a not so nice scar that he would take care of when he does my nipple in a couple of months.
    Niki, he told me the nipple was no big deal and would heal quickly. But then he is one of the best and his work is so.. good.

    So no more procedures here for 3 months.
    Am thrilled with the NED's and no mets! We can and
    DO kick but!
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Wow - lots of posts in a day! OK - here goes:

    Thank you all for enjoying my good news - but just to clarify - I still have bone mets - just think the liver met is "under control" now. But it's still good news to me!! I feel much better and much less pain so crossing my fingers for hormones to finish off the bone mets!

    Beth - wow - I can relate to a psycho ex - that's why my DH and I are living apart - sounds strange but it keeps me out of the loop of all that crap. Hope you and your DH can work something out - she sounds even worse than what I've dealt with - and that's saying something!

    Cheryl - have to laugh at the visual of a man sitting on a toilet playing the guitar...

    LauraB - sorry you are dealing with this - hang in there and I agree - take care of you through this...

    Joyce - don't know what to say - just so sorry and you're in my thoughts...

    Cheri - quitting is very hard - just stick with it as much as you can - if you slip off - just get back on - sometimes it takes a few little steps back - just keep moving forward!

    Shirley - hope your hubby doesn't need surgery - keeping my fingers crossed..

    snowmen - so happy you are back! My liver had one met lesion - onc thinks we've turned a corner - I think he feels it's under control but chooses his words carefully. Don't care - he's very happy now and that's a very good thing to me! Love your definitions!

    Vickie - what an ordeal you've had - glad it's finally fixed!!

    MB - hope your hubby is recovering well - all those calls - poor thing - I know how that feels....

    Deb - glad that swelling is nothing - boy you haven't had much of a chance to enjoy your dance with NED...

    Michele - yes - it's hard sometimes - it takes so much out of us - I hope you can get some clients...

    Jan - sorry your boobs are out of whack - I buy underwire then take out the wire - will that help?

    Liz - I started on Arimidex - my onc seems to like it a lot - has a patient with bone mets that's been 8 years on it and is doing good - didn't say NED so don't know exactly what he meant but 8 years sounds good to me!

    Betty - hope you can find a home or work out the new one - I'm a kitty lover so I know how you feel...

    NS - great news about Lisa40!! Woohoo!! Sorry to damper the NED circle - but I'm hopeful!! Hope you can get some resolution to your headaches and the bx shows nothing!

    I think that's it - I've learned to open two tabs in my browser to keep up - less note taking!!

    Many warm hugs,

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Ginney great idea about opening two tabs to keeps up, will have to try that some time.

    Amy, It was an electirc guitar!

    NS When I read your post about three of our sisters doing so well I just had shivers all over!

    Niki whatcha trying to do to us poor folks? TGIF on a Thursday??
    Here a thought put a rubberband on the handle of your toothbrush!
    I've always assigned as color to each person and that's all the have ever had, so the day the hubby brought in a different color it threw me off. Now there's only the two of us but we still have brushes for all the kids and grandkids too!

    Boy it sure takes a long time to catch up on the days events. but I read every post as I'm afraid I'll miss somthing.

    OK Cheri, stop counting the minutes and the time will fly by and you'll have made a habit out of being smoke free in no time!

    Vivkie, glad you have heat but I would still report it and try to get Suburban to pay the repair bill as you were paid up front and they are the ones that changed your delivery status!

    We have to get the water heater repaired or replaced. It started boiling over about a week before Christmas. We have to turn the thermostat off after we take showers or do didshes and tuen it back on when we need it other wise it keeps bioling over. I've been dreading finding out how much that's going to cost. We're going to look into the tankless kind if we have to replace it.

    Oops! looks like I spilt ice cream on the keyboard! I'm busted!

    Missing many but am getting tired so will throw some logs on the fire and make the rounds

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Ginney you didn't damper NED- you are ALMOST dancing with him!! wait! You won't be a wall flower for much longer!

    Cheryl, a new water heater! WHAT a mess!!!
    Depending on how big it is it can run anywhere from $300 for a 30 gallon tank to almost $3000 for a 100 gallon tank!

    I know an awful lot about home equipment repairs from mine always breaking down!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies,
    Gotta get ready for work but just popping in for a minute.
    NS...we hate it when your not feeling well and your not here too! It sucks.
    Cheryl...Is your hot water heater really old, in which case it would be more energy efficient to replace it but my hot water heater was doing the same thing. I drained it and found about 4 inches of rust in the bottom (have tons of iron in my water). It worked fine after that, I just had to remember to drain it every couple of months. It could be just a bad thermostate too which is a pretty cheap repair. Geez...being a single mom has taught me a lot!
    LauraB...I'm with NS and would have shot him by now. My parents never got along and all throughout my childhood I just wished they'd get a divorce to make our lives easier...the constant stress of their relationship was terrible. Not saying that's how it is at your home...don't get me wrong but sometimes (as NS said) it's better all the way around to be apart.
    Cheri and are you to doing.
    Mena...hope your ok.
    I'm still hanging in the pissy tent...gotta get my act together! Too much stress!!!
    Off to get dressed and start the day.
    Hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone! OK - It's official, TGIF! Wont confuse anyone about that today. I checked my appointment book to make sure its Friday. For some reason even though it was a short week from the Holiday, it seems like it was so long.

    Heard on the news there were tornados in Louisiana so hoping Madison is ok and that your roof didnt get blown away. I am very scared of tornados!

    Cheri: Keep up the good work with quitting smoking. If you have gotten this far, you can do it.

    Betty: What a nice story about Mr. Boots. Poor kitty - his world has been turned upside down.

    Puppy: It the ghost of bad Jake still chasing you around? We may need to hide you in one of our tents. Maybe the fruitcake tent. Bad Jake. Bad Bad Jake.

    Vickie: Im laughing. I heard about the drag queen thing in the Keys too. Its actually a big deal. Sorta like their Mardi Gra. But if Shel was looking to meet a man - well the Keys were not the place to be. Im am also wondering when she is coming back. And hoping all is well.

    LauraB: I like your approach and I like Cheris advice to you. Keep looking hot and dont upset the apple cart. This is WAR. With regards to the life insurance. I will be interested to hear what they have to say. I always thought once you have breast cancer, you couldnt get any. And since I dont have any now, Im outta luck.

    Jan: Seems like we are having mild weather in alot places across the USA. Heard on the news this morning the Cherry Blossoms are already starting to bud. Once they bloom, they dont bloom again til next year. Its gonna be in the 50's here again today in the Chicago end of the circle. I just cant believe this weather. Heard it may be the warmest winter in history!! Since I do alot of walking outside Ill take the warm weather. Im now focusing on Spring!! I went to my craft store. Christmas is gone. Now its Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day and Easter - already!

    NS! Whew, another whirlwind of doctor appointments. Good luck with the Endocrinologist. And why do you need a uterine biopsy? Too much happening too fast. But I do hope they get down to what is causing the Migraines.

    Susan: I still seem to be stuck in the confused tent. I know there was a post your wrote, that I wanted to respond to, but lord knows I cant remember what I wanted to say, and cant find the post. We are moving so fast in here lately, its easy to get lost.

    Beth: When is your surgery? I had a bil. mast, reconstruction, and removal of ovaries 6/05. The surgery was alot easier than I thought, but there is no way your gonna be able to take care of anyone but you!! Tell mom you love her, but leave her in AL. By time your husband goes back to work you will be feeling better. It took me about 4 weeks to get over the surgery and anesthesia. With regards to your husbands ex. I feel like we should all get together and go over there and do a heebie geebie dance. With all of us touching her, she might just jump outta her skin What a nutcase she is.

    Jeanettte and everyone else - thanks for the congrats on the Nami BOD. Its pretty exciting. Gonna be starting up group homes throughout DuPage county. Its gonna be a whole new approach - so sounds like fun. Our first meeting is one week from tomorrow.

    Jeannette: OK now to the nips. Im still so undecided. Had an appt with my PS this past wednesday, which I cancelled again. This is the 3rd time I have cancelled. 99% of me says no nips - Im tired of procedures. 1% says get them done when they take my port out on February 8th. Decisons, decisions, whats a girl to do. I see him next week and anticipate I will just blurt out my decision.

    Ginny: We all are so happy for you. Understand the mets are stabilized and thats great news. And your body needs a chemo break! So wishing you good luck and glad you could come out of the middle of the circle to the perimeter.

    Cherylcy: Oh Im laughing so hard at the electric guitar. Men - they have to spend a lifetime in the bathroom. Reading and such. But playing guitar, now thats funny. This past 6 months has been one appliance going after another. First I needed a new washer. Then our Hot water heater died. I remember myself well, standing in about one inch of water - yeppers the whole tank let lose. I was lucky. We got a new hot water heater at Home Depot for $500.00 bucks, we picked it up, and my BIL installed it. So if I were you I would go looking now. You dont want water everywhere.

    Vickie: Hope you have a good day at work. You have earned bing in the pissy tent with all that has happened this past week with having no heat!! But at least ya got heat now, thank goodness.

    OK - it really is Friday - gotta get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Ill catch up with you later. I am going to try so hard to sleep in tomorrow morning. Talk to ya all later.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    OMG, another day in the neighborhood. Waiting for ds to show his face for breakfast. Got the sitch under control somewhat with the ex from hell. She got a call yesterday afternoon from the lawyer and was told she better not block his visitation or she would be in court and would lose. Found out about that when I opened my email this AM.
    Got a cute story about ds. We went to Wegman's and both of us were thirsty so we went over to the cold dringks. he was bsuy checking out the selection, a very cute young lady was checking him out! i told him about it later and he was totally oblivious! I think my baby is growing up. sniff sniff. he is a cutie but I never saw that kind if interaction before.

    Cheryl--I too was a single mom for a long time and learned all kinds of home repair and being a realtor I have seen it all. NS is right, check how old it is because the new ones are sooo much more energy efficient. Even though dh works for Home Depot, he does not trust their installers. SSHHH.

    Laura--I think you are doing great. You are a better woman than I am, I would never had taken him back. You have to do what is best for you AND your daughter. I have found coordinating with the school is always a good thing for the kids. It has helped ds so very much.

    Mena--thinking of you all the time.

    Ginney--Great news. Always to have the onc happy! Put on those dancin' shoes.

    Joyce--keep positive. Looking forward to Saturday with you guys. Wish we could have everyone here too. Go Eagles!

    NS--Be sure to follow up with Suburban. They need to taken to task. And remember to use the bc card. Everytime I have a problem here I play the senior citizen card because of my mom and it is a necessity for us to have a working phone line! She needs use of the phone in case we need the ambulance again. Of course , being in the Assisted Living the past year was stretching the truth a bit with Verizon but it didn't matter with them, they are on their own schedule.

    Cheri--you are also doing great. it is not easy to quit or change a bad habit. My por eating habit is lifelong and it is very hard to change. Keep on doing it.

    Tracey--how is your shower doing lately?

    MB--keeping our thoughts with your hubby. When mine was home on short-term dis, he made me nuts until he went back to work.

    Betty--I am a big cat lover. I sure do hope everything works well with the Kitty Railroad.

    Puppy--what can I say, hugs.

    Jan--thanks for your pm. I took notes and have tons of questions for the surgeon and ps consults. I have questions but don't know what to ask.

    Deb--(((Deb)))good thing the swelling was not something to worry about. Found a good breakfast treat form way back in WW...toast bread, spread some cottage cheese on it and sprinkle with cinnamon mixed with sweet n low. Put under the broiler for a few secs and voila!

    Nicki--TGIF today and then the weekend. Saturday I have to work at two jobs in the afternoon and pcik up ds and ss and Sunday al I ahve to do is watch the Eagles!

    Michelle--I understand what you are going through with business being slow. It may not be you just the economy. I was at my real estate doing floor time (answering phones and fielding ?'s). The phone was actually out and we didn't even know it because we got used to the silence!

    To anybody I forgot, I still love you but my brain is fuzzy this morning. One trick I learned with the toothbrushes is to try and get a color that starts with the same letter as the peson using it, e.g. Blue/Beth, larry/lemon yellow. There are some difficulties in tis system but I have had fun with it. We have a similar problem with towels too. i am forever using dh's and then he picks it up and wants to know why it is wet when he takes his bath! OOPS

    Love and hugs,
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    'Morning everyone! Need some positive vibes this morning---this whole issue has SO many ups and downs! Ray didn't get home until almost 1030p last nite (on a school/work nite?!?) I called his cell on the pretense that I wanted to be sure he was OK since it was late and I heard sirens; he was just a couple minutes away---coming from the direction of her house, of course. He told me someone at the Hall had passed away after battling throat cancer for 3 yrs. and he played some pool, etc. Bullsh*t!

    Anyway, while he was taking a shower this am, I took a peek in his truck for any "evidence" and found HER garage door opener! I've looked in his console before and never noticed it (but it was right on top of some envelopes and his gloves)....I put it back IN THE VERY BOTTOM under everything--he'll either think I found it, or it slipped down.

    Anyway, I was so incensed this am, I did a drive-by of her house at 7a (I knew he was still home)....all the highs and strength I had yesterday are shot to sh*t.

    My own fault....WHY do I do this to myself!?

    Send some positive vibes, everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    LauraB: One day at a time girl, one day at a time. You are a better person than me. I would have thrown the garage opener out and had him think he lost it.

    Not an easy situation you are in. Just keep going with what your mind and your heart say is right. Im like NS - Im Italian, so he would be one dead cookie.

    Hoping you look exceptionally beautiful today - and sexy too when you go to work. Maybe one night you should go out while he stays home and watches Caitlin. Turn the tables around.

    Good luck
