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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    hi girls

    no time to read all the posts as we're going to miami to shop for the day.

    still having a great time, but feeling a little blue today for some reason.

    i have spent a fortune, but got mackenzie some great clothes and shoes.

    see ya'll next tuesday.

    wishing peace, health and happiness to all!

    xo, michelle
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    oops.......that's me above lol!

    i forgot to login because i'm on my friends computer.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks, Nicki....Irish are almost as bad as Italian---we just drink more, have a brawl, then become best friends again!

    It's tuff, but I'll get by (BC didn't get me, so ain't gonna let this!)

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning CG', wow, such good new's for Our Mets. Sisters!!! and to All of You that are facing hard times please know my prayers are with You All!!! Nicki, that darn little Jake loves Me, I just gave Him a Big Kiss, (My Jake) He also Looks Soooo innocent, Little Jack Russel, that thinks he is a Big, Big ,Bad, Bad Animal!!! I will have Him take care of that Darn Ghost!! and Yes TGIF! Ilove ya, Sister!! Our Mena, is Not in a Good Mood, Cheri Please be Kind ( She is very Siscilian ) another Bad Tooth, 6 so far cost at the least $ 6,ooo So Please Keep Our Sweet Sister in Your Prayers, She wanted all of You to know "She is Alive and Pissed Off" check with You later, when she call's me, i will let You Know how She is Doing! Love You All, Puppy
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies!

    ok i quit drinking for today!
    why did it seem so right last night? how is my shower doing lately??? what did i miss?
    laura... omg your hubby is cheating... i am so sorry that must be just horrible for you...are you still together or does he just live with you?? huggggs for you!!! you are a beautiful woman and dont need to put up with his $hit...
    shel your shopping in miami today how freakin cool!!!! all i am looking at is snowsuits here... hahahaha bbrrrrrr
    where is mena... missing you girlfriend... i sent you my phone number in a pm when you going to call????
    to all the other ladies,,,, chemosabi, nosurrender, alaskadeb..cheri the non smoker..cheryl and anyone i missed.... like i said i am not normal today so if i forgot you i am so sorry!!!!!
    i need a nap!
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I'm so glad to see you (I miss the chat days, that's for sure, but there's so many newbies!)

    God only knows what's going on w/Ray besides a mid-life crisis, seeing a mutual friend, etc.

    And...yes, I look "hot" again today! I'm also going for a hair cut tomorrow to put some shape into this mop (never had short hair so don't know how to style it!) I think I'll "extend" my appt. tomorrow and "disappear" for a few hours....

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    i am wondering if we could get the picture thread moved to this one??? or should it just get left over there???
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Girls. TGIF for real!!!!!
    News on hubbies knee. Severe strain/sprain with probable tear. Work comp doc is sending him to an orthopedist. Well duh, isn't that where he should have gone in the first place.
    We had a kick a$$ hail storm here yesterday. The ground looked like it was covered in snow. Little balls of ice. Very strange. I have never seen that before. Weather is just bizarre these days.
    I finally did it. Made a dental appt. I'll need everyone at the dentist office at 12 today. So wish I had something for anxiety. Lordy how I hate the dentist, but it has been 6 years since I last saw one and my teeth are a mess.

    Tracey, love the definitions.

    Susan, did I miss the pillow fight? I sure hope not.

    Vicki, you have heat!!!! YEHAW!!! Now go kick some Suburban butt.

    Socal, I've been missing you in chat.

    Amy, jury is still out on surgery. Thanks for the good thoughts.

    MB, the anon thing is very odd isn't it.

    Deb, uneventful US yehaw. I'll continue to pray about your kidneys.

    Beth, good to hear your lawyer is doing his job. Hoping the phone call will take care of the issue. She is still an idiot.
    oops hit the wrong be continued
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Do I dare?!?! Just figured out I can text message from a PC to a Verizon phone anonymously (just like lisws suggested). I can send the OW a message "U R the OW"

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Now where was I.
    Dear me, just looked outside. Snow and Ice everywhere. UGH!!! If there is snow at my house that means there is snow up the hill. My little mini does not have snow tires. UGH UGH UGH. Say a prayer for sun girls. I need it to melt.

    Michele, hugs to you hon.

    Liz, Airborne and lemon tea. No getting sick allowed.
    I'm a Virgo to. Is that why I've always been into numbers?

    Jan, hugs to you hon. Can you see another PS for a second opinion?

    Vicki, hahahhahahhaahhahahahhahahha love the little smiley guys. Where did you get them?

    Nicki, I have always done the different colors for toothbrushes too. Mine is purple, has always been purple. Italians are MEAN. hehehehe. The Irish in me wouldn't kill him but would leave him with some serious scars, throw all his crap in the street and change the locks. Then I'd have a party to celebrate.

    Cheri, your doing grand. Day 4 and counting. I agree with no more minute counting. Move on to hours. Soon it will be days, then months, then years. You can do it.
    PS I'm not there yet but I made appt with dentist so I better get motivated quickly.

    Betty, how sweet of you to find a home for your friends cat.

    Thanks for the prayers.
    You deserve Ben & Jerrys. Get yourself a gallon.

    Laura, you are a far better woman than me. I would have taken the opener and thrown it in her yard with a note attached.

    Jeannette, I've had the nondisolving disolvable stitch before. Glad your PS will be able to fix the scar. My ooph scar is so very ugly because of it. When my surgeon saw it he said, "wow he (gyn) really scraped you up. I don't think I can fix that".

    Robin, thanks for the crossed fingers. Hope it wasn't to hard to type.
    Great idea about the two browser thing. This is so much easier.

    Cherylcy, heres hoping for a simple repair.

    Nicki.....its FRIDAY...have a good day.

    Have fun shopping Shel, buy me a present.

    Puppy thanks for the update on Mena. $6000..yikes!

    Laura, your right about newbies in chat. Sometimes I get tired of answering questions in there but then I think back to when I was a newbie and how everyone in chat gave me strength. Keeps me going back.

    I think thats it for now. See you all later. Have a great day.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Shirley and Laura, speaking as a newbie, I am very grateful for everyone's patience in chat. I am getting the hang of and when it ghets too busy to read, i type a period or a comma and hit enter. Lucky for me ctg and cathyg explain a lot.

    I am so glad someone had talked to Mena. Puppy, give my regards.

    Tracey, I thougth it was you who had posted the pic of that hot guy in the shower. I got it mixed up, I guess.

    Laura, another piece of advice I got from my lawyer. DO NOT DO ANYTHING CONCERNING YOUR DH OR HIS OW THAT WILL SOMEDAY COME AND BITE YOU IN THE A**. If he is still hooked up with her, jsut tell him not to bring it home with him and keep good notes and put them away somewhere you absolutely know he won't find them. Snooping, I feel is the prerogative of every woman scorned.

    I am off to do some reports on line for work.

    Be back later to check in. Stopping in at the Circle Spa first!

    Love and hugs,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Morning girls,

    I haven't had a chance to read everything but will do so and check in later.

    Laura, I sent you a PM.

    Sher, oh crummy buttons. I love that saying. Thank you Susan.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks, Beth...there's nothing worse than a woman scorned! I can always dream of revenge (goodness knows it's kept me up at nite!), but I probably wouldn't do anything because of the repercussions.

    Any documentation I have is here at work; I mentioned the cell calls' spreadsheet I put together to the lawyer, but he didn't pay it much mind. The next statement's 1/12, so will have 12/12/06-1/11/07 calls (he didn't tell me about the divorce until 12/23).

    I'm hanging in there....

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007

    Thanks, Liz...I replied to your PM.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Laura, if you still want Ray (I,personally,wouldn't) then you need to play it cool & smart. Leave the OW alone, unless you're gonna kick her ass! No anon. texting no matter how tempting it is to play games. Remember, you're smarter than she is. Just keep looking good & have you a night out or two.

    Sparky, so glad to see you hangin' round again. I'll be so glad when you see your dr on sunday. Maybe he can find out what's causing these headaches & fix them.

    Beth, when is your surgery? And good luck to dh ex-wife.

    Jeannette, glad you're doing well.

    Cheryl, I've stopped counting min. but I'm going on day 5 and right now I'd give almost anything for a cigarette! Maybe it'll pass. I have not even had a puff off one since I quit & I tell the truth, I have surely wanted one.

    Shirley, good luck at the dentist. Mena had to go today,too.

    Puppy, I'll try & be gentle with dear Mena. She pm'd me this morning & told me about her tooth but said she'd be out to play this afternoon.

    So Mena, if you're reading this, I'll take it easy on you if you need me too....NOT!

    Thanks to Deb,Tracey,Liz and all the others who've supported me through this cigarette quitting nasty thing.

    Hey Nicki could I...uh...just bum one little stogie???

    Actually, there's been an un-opened pack of off-brand cigarettes here since the night I quit. I'm looking at them right now. I kept them here so I wouldn't panic thinking I didn't have any. It's helped for the past 4 days but rolling into day 5 they are starting to look mighty good!! Just laying there all fresh in their pack.

    Best Wishes,
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007

    Thanks, Cheri....I needed that reminder!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    Move AWAY from the unopened cigs!!! LoL. You are strong. Keep it up girlfriend....

    Deb C.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007

    (((Mena)))...miss you girl!
    Liz...I'm beginning to feel really sorry for that poor smiley face of yours on that treadmill!!
    Tracey...oh you made me laugh out anyone here normal...I'm certainly not and not even trying to be anymore! I think that's what keeps us all together.
    Hi Shirley...little smiley face guys are from photobucket.
    WooHoo...we heard from Shel...wish I were shopping in Miami...anyone want to come along?
    LauraB...sending hugs...make him sweat!
    Amy...where are you hiding? Along with several other girls...time for a head count.
    Gotta get back to work or won't have money to pay for fuel LOL.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hello All!!!

    I have a lot of reading to catch up on. We are one busy group of ladies. I have (somewhat) figured out how to use my glasses…….so here goes

    We had one heck of a storm in Louisiana last night. My home town (New Iberia) had numerous tornado deaths. I called my parents when I heard about the tornadoes, they were okay, but so much damage in the city and deaths. We had our roof fixed on Wednesday, and had no water in the house from the roof yesterday, so it looks like we are okay on the leak front. But everyone, please be careful if you are in the path of this front.

    AMY!!!!! You got Nick Sabin – Nicky-boy was our LSU Tiger coach before he high-tailed it to Miami – now he is going to be in the SEC, coaching a team we play every year…….it won’t be pretty. I have to agree that I don’t think anybody is worth that much money….but boy you shoulda seen his house in Baton Rouge….can you say NICE………..

    LauraB, don’t do anything that can be used against you in a court of law. You need to be the one above reproach here…….It may be hard-but the rewards to you later will be worth it. You take the high road here friend…….

    Is Shel still in the keys? Hope your having fun.

    Vickie, my friend, how’s it going? You now have heat. I wanted to join in the pillow fight last night, but I fell asleep. Can you believe it…I fell asleep watching MacDreamy, MacSteamy and MacPuppy (my dd’s name for the vet)…..I really wanted to join in the pillow fight…..

    Susan-Do you have Mono? Did I miss a change in your diagnosis? How are you? I had mono in 12th grade, with a boyfriend living in another state…..I know I wasn’t kissing anybody, but have you….
    Actually, they told my dd that she had mono, then told her she didn’t, then told her she had a re-occurrence of an old mono (but she didn’t know she had mono before).

    Can we send cards to Mena? If she is in a funk she needs us now!!!

    Cheri, A BIG PAT ON THE BACK, I know how hard it is to quit smoking. If you want to kick something, go ahead, scream, be in a bad mood, all are acceptable side effects from lack of the cigs. People who don’t smoke don’t realize that it is as hard to break the habit of smoking as it is getting the nicotine out of your system. I know quitting smoking was the hardest think I ever did (on 5-6-06). You can do it…..I am a wimp and I did it. Okay, I cannot tell a lie….I actually have a half pack of cigs in my car…still……just in case……you never know……see, I told you I am a wimp.

    Jan , all I had was a lumpectomy, and rads, but still have trouble finding a bra. I can’t go into a regular store and purchase bras. There is a chain of stores call Total Woman Boutique that specialize in helping find bras for women that have had surgery. They do have a website. I don’t know if you have one in your area, but it might be worth looking into……the people at the store in my city are compassionate, wonderful ladies. I tried on 45 bras last week and finally found 2 they could alter that would fit correctly. Life after bc sucks.

    DebC, come out and play, I know you are worried, but we need to hear from you……..

    Congrats to all who have beat Mets, YES!!!!

    Betty, I am wiping a tear from my eye . Thank you for helping Mr. Boots. Mr. Boots provided love and comfort to your friend and now we need to give Mr. Boots love and comforts. Thank you.

    Cheryl, Cy – a new hot water heater…..YIKES. Okay, all of us with problems in our homes, is there a poltergeist out there????? I actually left work this morning to get estimates from painters to get some painting and repairs done. My roof doesn’t leak anymore, but a darn window was leaking……can’t catch a break. I think I might go in the fruit cake tent, I gotta laugh or I’ll start crying…..

    Prayers and hugs to all who need it. My constant mantra is praying for all of you.

    Oh my gosh, I am having a hard time keeping up with everyone Just know I am thinking of you all. Ginny, Jeanette, Nicki (I don’t know how you keep up with everybody- you are awesome), Beth, NS, PUPPY (how are ya?), Liz, Michele, Tracey, MB, Beth, all……

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hmmm...showed up as anon. again...jake the ghost puppy!
    Madison...I am so happy to hear you are safe. Nicki posted about the storms this morning. I don't get Grey's Anatomy anymore!!!'s terrible. I have Dish Nework and they cancelled all the CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox have to get them locally...yeah right...out where we live there is no such thing. Having serious Greys withdrawl!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey girls-

    BOY am I tired!!! I just started work again after being off since May of last year. I only work 3 hours a day and didn’t expect to be so tired, but BOY I am whipped. Of course, I also gave up coffee and started a diet this week…Oh, and oh yea, I started exercising too LOL No wonder I’m tired!!!

    This time of year the sun starts to come up here at about 9:30 and is going down by 4:00, so it is easy to hibernate.

    Michele- I hope work picks up soon for you. I know the economy here is down. Maybe that is what is causing the lack of business. Can you do some advertising? How about offering a special for cancer survivors? We sure need all the help we can get to reclaim our beauty! You would be an expert. Turn this on its head….reach out to a totally new client base. Just an idea. Big hugs!

    Liz – Hope you are not getting a cold. Get some extra rest. I love your little guy on a treadmill! I laugh about it every time I get on mine for a walk. Since the taxol left the bottoms of me feet kind of numb I don’t dare let go of the handles and swing my arms while I walk. I’m too afraid I will trip and fall! Maybe I would be better if I just hopped like your little yellow guy.

    Jan- Bra shopping sucks! I hope you find one that fits and is comfortable…the holy grail of bras…LOL

    Vickie- HEAT…glorious heat. It is funny how we don’t appreciate something until it is gone. I’m SO glad you are warm again. I have a friend who is building a new house. Through a whole series of events…won’t bore you with the whole story…they ended up living in a 5th wheel camp trailer while they are building. When winter hit they started having trouble with the heat…then the water froze up and they started packing water in 5 gallon buckets from our house. Then the weather hit below zero in October. I ended up convincing them to move in with us. They lived here until New Year ’s Day when their house was far enough along to move in to. She said that she never appreciated things like a hot shower, electricity and heat until she lived without them for a few weeks.

    Susan – so, when do we show up at the appointment on the 9th for your mammogram?? I don’t want to be late setting up the chocolate fountain! Do they have room for Mazer and Distorted Humor?? Hugs girlfriend. We will be there for you and you will be FINE! No worries…

    Cheri – You are doing SO great. You set a date, and stuck to the plan. You have this licked my friend. Just keep on keepin’ on. You can do it!

    Betty – I loved the kitty story! Doesn’t it feel great to win? Too do something great? You ARE kicking cancer’s a$$ and you are doing something wonderful for your friend. I’m sure she is watching and cheering you all on.
    Laura – gentle hugs girlfriend. YOU are a great person…with or without your husband. YOU are worthwhile and lovely. Don’t let his behavior make you doubt your worth and beauty. Do what your heart tells you to do and you won’t go wrong.

    Jan – glad you moved form the pissy tent to the drinking tent…pass me a glass of that wine, but first, please squeeze all the calories out of it, would ya?

    NS – You hang in there girlfriend! I’m glad you are close to your appointment for the headaches. What time on Sunday do we need to be there? I have the chocolate fountain out and ready to go….I sure hope chocolate doesn’t make your head hurt worse! Big hugs

    Beth – Sounds like you have your plate full!! I hope it all works out with the crazy lady! Sheesh….

    Jeannette – glad your PS appt went well. It was good to see ya posting. A new nip is in your future huh? Hope all is going well.

    Ginney – SO glad your liver is doing great! I LOVE GOOD NEWS!!! Now the meds can kick the bone mets butt too. Hugs…

    Cheryl – Hope you can fix the water heater.

    Arggg…running out of time…..

    Tracey, puppy, Shel, Shirley, Madison and EVERYONE else…big hugs. I have to go to work…Hmmmm. Work IS cutting into my computer time…NOT good LOL

    Be back later girls.

    Deb C
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Joyce--Hope all is going well with Kevin's appt. Will check in with you later.

    Cheri, I know you can do this. It is very, vry hard at first and I am the worst when it comes to breaking habits. I took up cross-stitch when I was quitting. Got so frustrated that I still have 4 unfinished projects. i need something to do with my hands so i don't eat. Food si my worst enemy right now. Surgery is not scheduled as yet, I still need to talk more docs. This is being done as a preventative measure so it does not have as much urgency.

    Jan-I think I remembr you work in Hatboro. On York Road across from LeRoy's flowers my friend Marge says there is a great shop that fits for mastectomies and has marvelous wigs. Maybe they would have something to fit better and she said insurance may cover it.

    I have Mena's email but not snail mail. if someone has it I want to send her one of my hand-made cards too like I am doing for Pepper and Roza.

    Laura-Madison is so right. Keep your cool, have a night out with the girls. Great idea about where to keep your records. Can you look up the calls on the cell on the 'net for the interim between calls? i have Verizon too but I don't remember if you can do that.

    Shel-we don't know each other yet but Key West is my fav place. I loved Mallory Square and shopping on Duvall Street. if we don't see you back up north it is completely understandable. Other than hurricanes, it is a grea place.

    I am seriously considering hiring someone to break the dh's ex's legs. She called me to tell me I have to take ss to the ortho to get his braces fixed since we noticed it first. Actually, he told her b4 Christmas and she didn't do anything about it. She doesn't work (I guess the dominatrix thing can be time-consuming) and I do. How can she be this way? It is driving a wedge between dh and his son. i know she likes to meddle but this is crazy. Look out because I know when Mena is back at full strength, she will really knock her for a loop. I am mad but can't do much because I have to be above reproach too. Lawyer warned me not to say ANYTHING to her just listen and say Larry will talk to you about it.

    Will see you all later. BTW, where are you all today at the Spa? I hear Michelle might do facials later. If we could we would all flock to your salon, Michelle, and you would give the others a run for their money!

    Have to take ds to his last checkup from his broken thumb he had at the start fo basketball season. he isout for the season but is helping keep stats so he is at every game.

    Love and hugs,
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    The only thing you can see currently on Verizon is the last call (in/out)...looks like you have to wait until statement comes out (I downloaded to a spreadsheet).

    Stupid him...he's pretty much stopped using his cell for her calls and waiting to call from work or home (duh, dude--can you say "redial"??!?!)

    I'm feeling crappier than ever---seems his whole family knows even though he said Monday he didn't tell them. His sis knows but that's because I went to HER...she's not being supportive of him because Ray took her ex's side when they split!

    I am SO close to tears right now...this friggin' full moon and rainy Cleveland weather ain't helpin' the cause! God, you would think I'm PMSing or something (haven't had a period in a year and a half--chemo put me into menopause at 46, and Tamoxifen's keeping me there.)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Someone sent this to me today, and it exemplied my mood exactly...sorry I have been so slow ...

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    oh laura i sure wish there is something i can do for you!!!! what a jerk... but your probaly better off without him...
    big hugssssssssssssssss
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    SoCaLisa - Bwwwaaaaaahhhaaaaaa!!! That is exactly how I feel today! It is rainy and dark and I've been running on "slow" all day.

    NS - I'm not sure if this is encapsulation. I thought that was scar tissue surrounding the implant, not fluid Who knows. My DH tells me to stop obsessing about my boobs. He says they look just fine and nobody notices unless I call attention to them. He's not the one wearing them though. lol

    Boy, this thread moves at breakneck speed. I'm going to have to quit my job just to keep up !

    Beth - thanks for the info about the shop in Hatboro. I know where that is. I'm not sure they could help me since I have two boobs.


    Thanks to all who gave suggestions about bras. I think I will take the wires out of one and see if it helps.

    Healing vibes to all who are not doing well today. May tomorrow be a better day .
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Afternoon girls,

    Ginny, I’m on Arimidex. Have been for almost a year now. I have a few aches/pains but take glucosamine and that seems to help. I do the morning stiff ankle shuffle but once I get going, it’s not bad. My oncologist highly recommends it also. I’m so happy you’re getting a break.

    Laura, dreary weather always brings us down worse than we are. I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough day (not like you haven’t already had so many). Hold your head high and you will get through this. PM me anytime. I love the idea of disappearing for awhile tomorrow after the haircut.

    Jeanette, I’m not doing nips. I just don’t care if I have them or not. I’m happy with what I have and that’s my story for now. LOL

    Cherylcy, what is it with all our appliances going out? My dryer door won’t stay shut so I have it duct taped. Hey it’s working! We had to replace out hot water heater a few years ago. It was a huge mess.

    Mena, bless your heart. Another dental problem! I’m so sorry. When you’re up to it let us know how you are. Hugs

    Betty, that is so cool what you’re doing for Mr. Boots. I was at the vets earlier today and a young girl brought in her dog who had just gotten hit by a car. Poor thing didn’t make it. It was all so sad.

    Beth, glad things are going somewhat smoothly. My question is: if your step-son can catch your BC while visiting, how can you take him to the orthodontist without him catching it? I know I’m evil. Hang in there. Your breakfast treat sounds good except for one thing – I hate cottage cheese!

    Shel, I’m so glad you’re having fun! Can’t wait for you to get home and fill us in.

    Puppy, thanks for keeping in touch with Mena. Give her a big hug for me. How are you doing?

    Tracey, hmmmm quit drinking? Today is a new day. Hope you had a good nap.

    Sher, glad the sun is shining. They’re calling for a storm to hit here a week from today. Snow and ice. NO! I don’t want it.

    Nicki, it is Friday and you have two days off. Just wanted to try to keep you on track my friend. Since I don’t work anymore, I never know what day of the week it is. Did you get that pedometer yet? I’m sure you’re walking way more than you realize.

    Cheri, put that new pack of cigs in the freezer. It will still be there but will be so hard and cold that you’ll think twice before cheating. I know this is hard. 5 days is great!

    Vickie, I know my poor little guy is working his a$$ off. Think I’ll give him a break and do a new exercise. Hmmmm wonder what I can come up with. LOL No Gray’s Anatomy? Oh No!

    Madison, I’m glad you are safe. Tornadoes are so unpredictable. So sad about the deaths.

    Jan, I buy the underwire bras and take the wires out. I did the bilat. My PS did say though that I could wear an underwire providing it fit right. Have you thought about getting a second opinion/consult?

    Deb, I’m sure you are tired. A change of daily routine will make you tired. Take it nice and slow and one day at a time. I don’t let go of the bar when I use a treadmill. It’s much safer not to.

    Michele, I love the idea of Deb’s for a special for cancer survivors. I wish we had someone around here that would do something like that. Hang in there. This time of year is always slow.

    Lisa, that looks like me today also. Just haven’t had much energy at all.

    Susan, where are you? When’s the appointment again?

    NS, I do hope you’re feeling a bit better. I hope the doc can get you some answers.

    Girls, I got a PM from RobinTN earlier. She needs our support and prayers. Things are still not good with her home life. She is such a wonderful person.

    Robin, hugs, prayers and love to you my dear. We will help you through all this. Keep in touch.

    Okay, guess I need to fold the clothes that have been in the dryer since yesterday and re-dried 3 times now. Yep, gotta get the wrinkles out. LOL

    Take care everyone. I know I’ve missed many.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    I had a rads onc appt this afternoon & ditched it. It was my 3 month physical, but I don't need him to tell me my breast is nicely tanned. Not in the mood to get out in this nasty, damp air. Have to use a walker blah,blh,blah.

    Vicki, we have dish too & we haven't gotten regular channels in a long time. It sucks.

    Laura, I know affairs of the heart can just about drive you crazy. You just be calm, cool, & collected. If you want to keep him fight fire with fire. Intelligently. I think getting a new "DO" is a great start.

    Speaking of hair, mine is now 2 1/2" long. I've already colored it cos it came back all gray. I've always had straight hair & heard it would come back curly from chemo. It didn't. Until I got out of the shower today and I noticed I have some little bitty curls on the side & back, although it's straight on top. Oh well, hair is hair!

    I guess I'm babbling.Ya know I'm thinkin maybe I don't like being a non-smoker. I was really good at smoking. And I liked it. Now I'm miserable...I don't think this is a normal reaction. By the 5th day I should be saying WooHoo. I am not saying WooHoo. I am saying WTF? Gee, I'd better rush to the fridge & grab...another snack.

    Good luck in all you do,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007




    Liz-I saw the strange double-standard in that too regarding the orthodontist visit. LiKe I said, ya can't fix stupid! She is a silly, moronic and jealous woman. She is 33, skinny and cute and cannot imagine how Larry took up with someone older and fat and he is happy! I guess she doesn't understand that Larry does not care as much about the outside of a person but looks at the inside.

    I am frustrated over the whole thing and it makes me feel like the surgery is what is messingit up. I shouldn't have even contemplated it. Well, having it will help in the long-term. We shoudn't have told ss. But we both thought it would not be nice if he was not included as part of the family, be it good or bad. And when I do have the surgery, he may be coming over as much while I recuperate and he had to know why; that it was not an arbitrary decision. It isn't bad enough I wake up from bad dreams and cry back to sleep, I have this bi**h to deal with on top of it. Thanks for letting me vent so much. It can't too much worse...I hope!

    Oh well, the weekend is upon us and i am looking forward to meeting some of the philly girls. I will try to check in before bed.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I've been seriously multi-tasking at work all day ('tween the Circle, our SBC email, my personal email, work email, the Verizon bill, etc.)....I'm whipped.

    But, I'd like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement, support, etc. As Scarlett O'Hara said...."Tomorrow is another day".

    Peace out--