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  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    My oh my I am late checking in today and took me a while to get caught up. I tell ya, this is a fast moving thread.

    Liz????? do you live at my house? I swear I died laughing at the duct tape on the dryer statement. That sounds like something I would do. If I am working on something and pause like I am looking for something my SO will sometimes say,,oh no, not duct tape. I figure its the best fix for some things and he!! i'm in the south so nobody notices,,lol. Another similarity we had was the dryer running 3 times. Its very common in the morning for my son to look for the shirt he had layed out to wear and he will say did you put my shirt in the dryer to get ironed? Who has time to iron anyway?

    RobinTN-thinking of you and hoping your home situation is improving. Heres to kicking cancer A$$ and then kicking the ol husband out the door.

    Speaking of kicking husbands, laura so sorry that you are having a rough time. You are a better person than her so as tempting as things might seem, grit your teeth and be strong. I would have loved to have taken that garage door opener and put it where the sun doesnt shine though. Geesh, I must be hostile today. Making a mental note to be sure and take my effexor when I get home before somebody gets hurt.

    Susan-hoping things are going well with you. mazer is still looking for her god mom that I told her about.

    Menaaaaaaaaaaaaa--we miss you girl but I totally feel your pain having to deal with the dentist. the circles just not the same without you.

    ok whoever had the water heater go out? hmmm dang chemo brain. I work for an electric company here in Alabama and we cover Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia. Anyway, alot of utilities give you incentives for going with them. We give free electric ones to anybody switching from gas just like gas gives free gas ones to switch from electric. Not sure if that helps in your area but I would sure check it out. Dont forget to search online for rebates and tax savings for going with certain kinds also.

    AlaskaDeb if you figure out how to get the calories out of wine I will love you forever. Personally i would prefer beer but if no calories I can suffer through it. Its pretty bad when you diet and try to save some calories for a good beer. Oh well, got to have priorities I say.

    Betty in TN loved the boots story. I can see myself getting involved in that in a heartbeat.

    NS-good luck with your appointment on Sunday and Mazer promises to be very good and wont knock over anything. She wont let out any donkey noises either just in case you do have a headache.

    Beth-I have the same question? how can you take SS to the orthodentist,,isnt that putting him in danger???? I can imagine being a dominatrix would interfere with her time but you would think that would be at night and not during the day. I cant even imagine. I think she might scare me if I saw her dressed in leather. YIKES!

    Vickie-i have dishnetwork and pay an extra 5 or so bucks for my nearest big city local stations. Can you do that?

    Shel-glad to see you having fun in the keys and we really appreciate you dropping in to rub it in on us at work,,,lol. Have fun girl!

    madison yep nick saban is here in Bama. I bet it will become an even more heated rivalry between LSU and Bama just because. I'm just glad to say we have a coach. I also heard about your tornados and quickly thought of you. Glad to hear your roof survived.

    Cheri-you are doing well. 5 days is great. Its ok to say WTF but just keep on keeping on. We are all behind you.

    Nicki-glad to see you got your days all figured out. I still dont know if I can forgive you for getting my hopes up yesterday.

    ginney-woohoo on the ned. I hope I get to dance with him someday. I sure hope you share.

    ok everyone have a great weekend if I dont sign on before then. My weekends are normally busy with farm work and this weekend if the weather cooperates I will be laying water pipe and setting a power pole. Cant get much more exciting than that. I know you all must be so jealous. bye for now. Amy
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hi all,
    I'm just not able to keep up in here. Too much going on.
    Appliances with duct tape
    Beth's bilateral mast
    baldeagles and nicki's mipples
    Ginny on Arimidex (thanks for the hint about note taking)
    Nicki thinking thursday was friday
    Cheryls hot water heater
    Laura's ding dong husband
    the garage door opener evidence
    Vicki's heater
    Betty's nice kitty story
    Electric guitars in the bathroom (isn't that dangerous?)
    Michelle checking in from the Keys
    Mena's $6000 teeth
    Tracey quit drinking for 1 day??
    Sherloc's dentist too? her husband's knees
    Cheri counting the days. HANG in THERE
    Madison and her new glasses and storms??
    dish network doesn't have ABC CBS NBC and Fox???
    AlaskaDeb going back to work??
    Michele I would love for you to give me a facial
    Jan needs a new bra. HEADLINE NEWS HERE
    SoCal's snail
    Liz's wrinkled clothes in the dryer
    Amy laying wapter pipe and setting a power pole (what next?)
    Puppy worrying about all of us.
    NS finally getting her tests done.

    Me, I'm tired. took a nap today. Love you all. Mamo is on tuesday. <grimace>
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    so you want to hear pathetic.
    They had to numb me just to get xrays. UGH!!
    Good News, doc said my teeth aren't as bad as I thought they were.
    Bad News, I need root planing. Yikes!!! he gave me rx for ativan for that.
    Also said braces would be a better plan than veneers. Geez I so wanted a quick fix. But apparently veneers don't work to well when you have large corn cob gaps in your teeth.
    I'm gonna go take a nap.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    This is my 5th day of no smoking...almost. I owe you total honesty. I caved in a little earlier. I had 2 long drags off a cigarette. Would've smoked the whole thing but my manager called & made me quit. It was a small slip but a slip none the less. So I'm weak but I'm still trying to quit, just had a little setback that I'm not gonna beat myself up over. I'm still in the game. It did give me a headache & made me lightheaded. I wish I could say I hated it. Anyway, I haven't given up just had a slip.

    Hoping all of you are well,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007

    DO NOT FEEL BAD....quitting smoking is HARD... take this one second at a time

    My dh still smokes, as does one daughter and her now ex-husband....when they get together- my oh my does temptation strick - those little fellas are on my shoulder - one saying "do it - do it" and the other fella saying "don't do it - don't do it". Just knock the "do it" fella off your shoulder.... PM me can do slip does not end the world.....

    Susan, WOW, you definitely deserve a nap. Happy snooze!!!

    Shirley, can I say "I HATE DENTIST"...There is pain in the dental work and ONE BIG PAIN IN THE BILL. I feel for ya.

    We had a down day at the office...the mother of one of the women I work with was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer....they think it has metastized....did a pet scan yesterday and are waiting for the results. What can you say - just tears and hugs, thoughts and prayer...

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.......I'll check back in later...

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Cheri...a little slip is are doing great. Five days times 5.00 a pack is 25.00. Take yourself to the mall and spend some time window shopping (you can't smoke there) yourself a treat for working so hard at this. Buy a craft to keep your hands busy or a good book to read to take your mind off it. I'm going to try it in another week but oh...I just don't's going to be so tough!!!
    Shirley and Mena...oh teeth problems suck...major. I hate going to the dentist and it would take two Xanex just to get me in the door!
    Not eligible for local stations on Dish Nework where we live...I've tried everything!!! I MISS GREYS ANATOMY...THAT AND HOUSE WERE ALL I WATCHED...BOO HOO. I can sign up for lifeline cable through our local cable company and get local channels for 8.00 a month so I'm thinking about it.
    I fix all kinds of things with either duct tape or my glue man around so I manage and duct tape is just the greatest. Gorilla glue is great stuff too!!
    Ahhh...RobinTn...sending you hugs...wish you'd join us again so we know your ok or can do something to help make things ok if we can. goodness...your new avitar is losing his eyeballs he's working out so hard.
    We have to all get together...very quietly (WD40 those wagon wheels) and follow NS to her appointment on Sunday. We are all holding your hand NS...keep that in mind. We'll be peeking in the windows making sure they know what they are doing!
    Beth and Laura...sending you warm hugs.
    Puppy...hugs to you too.
    Where is Carrie and Deese...hope all is well.
    MB...I exercised at my sisters last night...whew! What a workout...back to yoga for me.
    Where is Vera...need her to pull a bunch of us out of the pissy tent.
    Gotta finish cleaning and get something to eat other than chocolate chip cookies.
    Love ya ladies
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    LOL sure put it in a nutshell

    baldeagles and nicki are getting Mipples

    I think that should be the new name for new nips...
    made-up nipples = mipples

    great typo girl. I needed a laugh SO badly.

    I'm going out to dinner with my husband tonight. I'm chucking the diet and eating a steak. My hubby might even get lucky tonight...

    Happy Friday girls
    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Mipples huh? wish I could say I did that on purpose!!!

    I just talked to RobinTN. She got her quilt today from dressmaker!! She said it was beautiful and it really did lift her spirits. She's ok, still very tired from her infection. [[[robin]]]

    hugs for you too cheri!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, I sent you a reply to your reply to my PM! Didn't want ot take up the space here. It was one little itsy bitsy slip. I had 3 Reese's minis and I realized as I put the 3rd one in my mouth that the cat was staring at me. Now the real reason was she wanted to play with the balled up foil but in a split second it looked like a major rebuff on her part.

    Everyone who needs a nap, grab a blankie and go curl up. I will be there shortly to tuck you in.

    Sue, when i have my mast, i want MIPPLES! ROFL!

    And Amy, I still don't understand the ex from hell's mind. No it does not make sense that she set up this double standard. But earlier today, our lawyer called and told her she cannot keep this up and she needs to be careful in her internet use. Uh-oh, she's in trouble!!

    Will check in again later.

    Love and hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    laughing here.
    I knew that mipples was a typo...just never thought how appropriate it was...made up nipples...MIPPLES! I have phantom ghost boobs that are driving me nuts. Will have an itch and will be itching three inches from my thin air!
    Oh what a wonderful bunch we are.
    So happy Robin got her quilt and it cheered her up a bit...hope she's feeling stonger soon. Wonder what DH thought when she got such a wonderful love filled gift in the mail! Bet he feels less loved than she does right about now!
    Beth...glad to hear that the ex is in trouble...just what she deserves.
    Mena...come rant and cry with us...we miss you. You can hang out in the pissy tent if you want.
    LINI...where in the world are the pissy tent? I've looked all over and under the tables and can't find you anywhere...will a Xanex lollipop bring you out of hiding?
    Pouring rain here and really warm outside...strange indeed. Talking to the babysitter tonight about our very weird weather and she feels the same way I some point we are going to get snow and we both think it's going to be a doozy of a storm when it comes. One day closer to spring though. There is a man in the next town that has his maple trees tapped!! My rose bushes have buds on them!
    Ok...really tired tonight so its off to dream land!
    Sweet dreams sisters
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hello everyone!

    I saw the endocrinologist about the "suspicious" thyroid today. She is a new doc- not sure how long I will have her for since she was about 8 3/4 months pregnant!

    NO they NEVER found my records of my past BX two years ago and she had my PET results and did a sono and saw my "thing" that everyone's hair is on fire about. So it boils down to this:
    IF SHE can get the records from the cytology lab herself and they were b9 like I told her they were, then we can wait six months. If not, then she needs to see at least a prior sono- guess who has those? The same doc who no longer practices medicine! I let her know that I am - ahem- not fond(?) of thyroid bx's and she is going to have a fight on her hands if she wants to do one just because they can't find the stupid records!!! I think she got the picture.

    So next stop is the neuro on Sunday. Sunday- WHAT a weird day for an appointment! Well, at least there will be plenty of parking!

    LauraB, I am going to talk to you like a sister- since we are sisters and circle girls I can! Honey, I do not know how you could have let that man back into your house. I know it is for Caitie and it is for an easy transition- my head understands all those reasons... but my heart? My heart is breaking for you! First, don't take it all out on the OW. Yeah- she is a skank who is trying to break up a family- but your dh is no innocent victim here! If anything take it out on him! HE is the one who broke your marriage vows. Not her. And I would not let him near me if I were you. He should join my two other friend's dh's who now sleep in the basement. You deserve so much more Laura. You didn't get through cancer to be treated like this!! You deserve a King! Someone who will worship you and only you. Not someone who is OPENLY dating while married to you. I guess what I am trying to say is, YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR HIM! And don't let the OW live rent free in your head... she is not the one who needs punishment here.
    Now if you want to get a bit of your own back call his cell company and cancel his account. Yup. I had a friend who did that to her basement living, cheating DH. Suddenly the OW couldn't call him anymore. If caused quite an upset. And when she then asked her husband why he needs another cell- he said "for business"- uh-huh- so she said- then you won't mind if I control the account and make the number private and monitor all incoming and outgoing calls- YOU AREN'T HIDING ANYTHING ARE YOU? He was caught red handed and could never call his OW from a cell again.
    Don't let him have this much power over you. That is a tiny picture of you in your avatar and you are GORGEOUS. Don't waste your gorgeous waiting on him to come home from some other woman's house!

    Tracey- one day of quitting drinking! Boy will you have to celebrate that one tomorrow!! I have no clue how to move picture threads. That is a question I think for Melissa or Tami.

    Shirley, I will go to the dentist with you but I will need sedation and will be the one breathing into a paper bag! THAT is how bad I am in there!!

    Liz I dated a guy once who looked just like your avatar!!

    Cheri baby- ok- what is a couple of puffs? It isn't a couple of packs! Just like my two bites of Ben and Jerry's last night- tomorrow is another day. You are STILL my hero!!!
    BTW- I never really did my followup with my rad onc. I always had my onc look at me and that was enough!

    Oh Amy- I am so glad that Mazer is coming on Sunday!!! I love that little sweetie!

    Susan, you are now nominated to become the Joe Friday of the Circle- The facts and only the facts maam! LOL!!

    Madison, if your roof stayed on in those storms and did not leak then you had a good company do it! Glad you are ok!!

    Vickie, you and Nathaniel really need to move down state!

    Wow Deb- back to work!! Good for you! I didn't realize the sun was like that there- OMG- I would be suicidal! Do you all ever use those lights that help with lack of sun and depression?

    Lisa, I second that emotion!

    Oh Jan, dontcha love it when a man tries to tell us how we should feel about our bodies?? I have these huge divots in mine and I look like someone came through my breasts with an earthmover... my ex boyfriend used to say they are fine HE didn't care... well I CARE!

    Nicki, I knew you would have the same Barinese reaction to Laura's dh!!

    Everyone else I missed- I didn't miss you! I just ran out of time!

    Have I mentioned lately how much I love the circle girls???
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Evening all. It's been another emotional day. Jay ,our friend tha had his liver shut down didn't make it. It was worse than they thought, but he's no longer in pain.

    I made some calls about getting the new tankless water heater and the quotes came in from $2300 to 3500 installed. Yikes! I have someone coming out next Tuesday to give us another quote, maybe he'll say we can repair the other one. It's less than 10 years old.

    Vikie, have you tried catching Greys at I do that when I miss a day. I also do it for desprate housewives. The day after it shows on tv it's on the web site and I can watch it there.

    OK the duct tape on the dryer I have done too, but I got tired of replaceing it and glued velcro on instead.

    Cheri, that's OK just pick up where you left off and keep trying till you get there. you can do it!

    RobinTN, hugs and prayers coming your way!

    Laura, I know you want to do something to both the dhand ow but sometimes it's better not to. they will dig their own graves. I also would have an issue letting him back in my bed because, honey let's face it you don't know who she's been with and what he could bring home and you just don't need that. I agree about taking his cell away from him and anything else that you pay for. Personally I would have hid the garage door opener or taken it and opened her gargae and left it open then drove off. Just so long as she couldn't place you being there when it happened!

    Liz you have a new exercising smiley! I like him too!

    Beth I laughed my head off with the cat looking at you!

    going to make the rounds and put some logs on the fire, it's wet and wildly windy here again tonight. they say we could lose power again! Yikes! don't need that too!

    Hugs and prayers to all, I'm thinking of all of you.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey Cheri-

    PM me your snail mail address would ya...I found something I have to send you....

    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies,
    Freaking out a bit here...probably for no good reason. Have my 6 month followup with my oncologist on Monday and just really worried about it. I actually feel great...better than I've felt in probably three years (yes, still have the chemo brain thing going on and the neuropathy along with the anxiety but health wise...wonderful). I am soooo worried he's going to want to run a bunch of tests and scans etc. I've read that they don't do that if you don't have symptoms and they don't find anything unusual but I'm not sure I can deal with the waiting game if he orders scans etc. I know if he does it's just a precaution...just having a hard time dealing with the thought of they typically do scans, x-rays, MRI's if you have no unusual symptoms? Took a Xanex...I'll calm down in a bit.
    NS...we are with you on Sunday and all will be well. The problem will be solved and it will be B9!
    Cheryl...I'm so sorry about your friend. Such a sad thing and I'm sending you a warm hug. WOW...I had no idea I could go to the ABC website and see Gray's Anatomy!!! Thanks a million. I noticed that there have been no new episodes since December (?) maybe November...can't remember but there is a new on this Thursday...YIPPEE.
    LauraB...I have to say that I'm with NS when it comes to your cheating husband. I couldn't deal with it personally. I'd kick his a$$ to the curb so fast it would make his head spin. I lived with such a man for 20 years...constant stress and always wondering where he was and with who. Finally left and what an amazing difference it made in my life. A bit of a different story as my ex was also physically, mentally and emotionally abusive too which doesn't sound like your husband (at least I hope not).
    Gotta run and start my day.
    NS...we love you too!
    Love you all dear sisters
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    May not have much time right now, but Ray wants a talk this afternoon when I get back. I've arranged for Caitie to go to our friend's. From some of the things that came up last night, I don't think I'll hear anything different. Apparently the OW doesn't want to be in the middle, and when I accused him of having a brand new shiny key to her house (my was to his work) he said I don't desire to have a key to her place and she doesn't want me to.

    I definitely confused him this week with not talking, then suddenly talking, looking good, hugging, saying I love you--he asked if I'd gotten with a lawyer--I didn't say a word. Just that for Caitie's sake I wanted to make things as normal as possible. He was pissed when I told him I let school know something was up---wouldn't hear any reason why I did it (he doesn't need to know the detail the counselor knows). He gets extra angry when I bring up how this effects Caitie---guilt talking, I'm sure.

    He alluded to the fact this isn't going the way he planned and he'll get screwed....hey--is that my fault!

    Anyway, got to run...will keep ya posted.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I did it. I slept in late and it felt so good. Just had a nice breakfast and thought I would come say hello to you all - then its gonna be relaxing in bed, working on my new craft project and watching football. Couldnt ask for a better week-end. Im in my new soft warm jammies and Im staying in them all day.

    LauraB: The man (whimp) who threatened you with "you better have all you ducks in a row" is now worried this isnt going his way. Oh gee, I feel sorry for the big baby. Disallusion? I had never heard of it before. Cant even spell it lol. But now that I know what it is, I would never consider. Guess the OW was looking for a quick fix. Or was it your disallusioned husband who is thinking with his "boys" instead of his head? Today is gonna be very important. Stay strong and dont lose control. If you want to save your marriage, and I know right now you do, then follow your lawyers advice. I wouldnt even tell him you saw a lawyer. He told you to say, You dont want a divorce so he needs to do what he needs to do. I would emphasize how important it was for you to talk to Caitlin's counsellor. Let him realize what this is doing to her too. Its fun to think of ways to get back at the OW, but avoid that like a hot potatoe. Dont give him any reason to defend or feel sorry for the witch. My dear sweet LauraB, one of my first friends when I came to these boards - you are so beautiful. Inside and out. I will be thinking of you today, and anxiously waiting to hear how things went. Onemore thing. I heard this song the other day. I think its by Cher - called "Do you beleive in life after love." Its not a downer song. Its uplifting. I was picturing you standing in front of a mirror and pretending you had a microphone and just belting out the words. You have to find this song. Its a motivator for someone going through what you are right now.

    Vickie: These F/U visits are so anxiety ridden. Hope the appointment goes well. I see my onc on the 15th - and Im sorta thinking the same way. He gave me permission to get my post out so I dont know if he is gonna want to do tests or not. Im mixed about it. Part of me says get some tests and part of me says dont. He always draws tumor markers on me and mine have consistenly been a tad above normal. So thats always my anxiety. And I see my PS on Wedensday. Have to tell him if I want mipples or not.

    Cherycy: Im so sorry to hear about your friend Jay. I have come to realize the older I get, the more friends and family members I am losing. Im saying a little prayer for you and Jays family. And oh my lord, I complained about our hot water heater - but its a tank, guess thats why it didnt cost so much. Hope they can repair it. Thats alot of money!

    NS: Im so disgusted they lost your records. They should refund you the money you spent for all these tests. If the hospital is accredited by JACHO, then I would file a complaint with them. So one appointment down, thats good. Good luck with the neurologsits appointment tomorrow. On a Sunday? Thats so weird. Hope he can find out why the migraines. Good luck.

    Beth: Im smiling at the ex being told to watch her internet and email use. Sounds like she needs a good psychiatrist. I do know how to petition committ someone lol - and she would be a piece of cake.

    Madison: Pancreatic cancer is a tough one. Usually dont find it until it has mets. It seems to me that cancer in general is out of control. Way too many people getting it.

    Susan: Im laughing so hard. I am desperately trying to catch up on past posts, but you summed things up very well. I think we all need to be in the fruitcake tent.

    Ok ladies - Im tired, and Im going back to bed. So many of you I havent answered, but remember I love ya all dearly.

    RobinTN: Thinking about you everyday.

    Mena: As always we miss you. Hope you stop by soon to just say hello. Dental work sucks.

    Sherloc: Ahahahahaaha they numbed you for x-rays. You do have a fear of dentists.

    Duct tape - its a fixer for everything in this house.

    Amy: Distorted Humor is sleeping again in his stall. What were he and Mazer doing last night. Now that they can fly who knows where they have been and who they have been playing with. He did tell me they stopped to visit Barbaro - the horse that got hurt in the Kentucky Derby. He's trying to talk Barbaro into coming to our circle of fun.

    Tracey: I have quit drinking as of today. Ahahaha, well at least for today. Have one too many glasses of wine last night. I think its a great idea to move the photo thread here. But if they dont do that, then I was thinking maybe we should start our own Circle the Wagons photo thread. We sure could have alot of fun with that.

    New Years resolutions? I say bah humbug to them all. I have done the exact opposite. Instead of quitting smoking, Im smoking more, Instead of Dieting Im pigging out on anything I can get my hands on, and instead of exercising, Im going back to bed. So Im not gonna fret about anything. The day and moment will come and until then, Im gonna stop feeling guilty at how weak I am.

    have a good day. See ya all later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Good morning. Hope everyone is well today. I have a better attitude today. Maybe that smoking slip helped me after all. I feel stronger, more able to handle things. More in control than I've been in the last 6 days. I got right back up on the wagon & am hanging tougher far.

    NS, sweetie, you really need to come out of your shell! Don't hold all your feelings inside, you need to learn to tell people what your thinking! LOL I love that about you, Sparky!

    CherylCy, so sorry about your friend, Jay.

    Vicki, we have to try & not worry about our onc visits. I have one coming up in Feb. We can't let ourselves do the 'what if' thing. You'll be fine. You are such a sweetie.

    Laura,good luck with whatever makes you happy. You shouldn't have let him get indignant when you thought he had her house key, shoulda told him he didn't a key cos he already had her garage door opener. I don't know how you do it. I love my husband but having another woman involved would be more than I could deal with. I'm bad about holding a grudge. Might be years down the line & I'd be laying there next to him & slur him out of nowhere about it. But if you love him enough then you go for it & you win! Just don't let her sleep between you in your bed.

    Nicki, you deserve a day in jammies! Just relax & do whatever you want to.

    Deb, I'll pm you shortly. Ooooh, i like snail mail.

    Lini,Beth,Colleen,Carrie,Denise,Tracey,Susan, and all the many others...where are you this morning?

    Mena. Hope your tooth is feeling better. I take it you didn't feel well yesterday cos you didn't come out & play. Maybe you'll feel better today. Hope so.

    Thanks to all you girls for just being there.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    well crap, did it again. Had the darn thing copied incase it got lost. Then went and copied something else before I reposted. Geez.

    O well, not doing it again. I love you all to bits
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Just some good news to tell!!!
    I found out yesterday afternoon that my forty year old daughter in law's amniocentisis came back and the baby is fine...we are thrilled. Baby is due the end of May.
    They don't want to know boy or girl..I am thinking healthy but pink is my mantra..I have three sons and a grandson..
    Hugs, Lisa
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Oh that's great news, Lisa! So glad the baby is healthy. My daughter has had 3 sons & would love to have a little girl. And I would love for her to. Especially during the teen-age years so she could see what she put me through. Maybe your mantra will be true. As long as its healthy.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007

    thinking pink Socal. Yippee on the amnio.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    just checking in today missed a day and WOW have i missed alot!
    Congrats to Lisa!
    good luck laura with your talk!
    Prayers to all who need them and to those having to deal with bad weather!!
    Vickie good luck I get the same way at check up time!

    I am getting my mipples in march!!!! like that word.leave it to Deb find humor in a typo!

    ok on a down note, I could use the circle girls to ban together and pray for my family, my cousine 31 just delivered her 1st baby 2 months premie and he is not doing well....she is diabetic and baby wasnt moving in utero so did emrg C-section. he is a good weight but under developed on ventilator in Nicu. his name is Anthony and we are really scared for her. she is of course in alot of pain physically and mentally. he had a few seizures during the night and they are saying he has brain damage. please pray for them and him..... I know I count on you girls!

    I only read this last page, sorry if i missed alot!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Congrats Lisa,

    Michelle saying a special prayer for Anthony and his mom.

    Just wanted to check in before I szstart my day. I'm off to get a foil to camoflauge some of this gray, white andd silver hair that keeps showing up!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007

    praying for Anthony and your cousin Michele.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, I know my shyness just killsn ya doesn't it???

    Cheryl love the new thread you started! i have to go investigate photobucket- warning: more cat pictures coming!

    Nicki, my whole problem is the first endo was the head of endo at one hospital and I didn't like him. I went to the second endo who was the head of endo at another hospital. He was great- did the biopsy and sono. Then the two hospitals merged. These two guys hated each other to begin with- so the second endo (mine) left medicine to work for a big pharma company. NOW the first endo- was made chief of the merged hospitals endo department. When the patients of his former rival went to see the one who left medicine they got his rival instead! AND if you left the rival for the second one like I did- somehow all your records were "lost"
    Did that make sense??

    Laura, hang in there- be tough! Don't waste your pretty!!!

    Lisa congratulations! For THIS I will think pink- just for you!

    Michelle, Anthony has my prayers. I want to tell you about my nephews. They are twins. One was getting a lot more food than the other in utero. They were born very premature and one was a pound and a half bigger than the other.
    Both had to be in NICU but the bigger one got to come home in about a week. His brother was having big problems. Especially with his lungs. We were sick to death with worry.
    Three weeks later he was big enough to be released.
    He is 16 now. No brain damage. And the lungs that they said he would always have trouble with??

    The NICU is an amazing, magical, miraculous place. And babies are resilient. Saying prayers and keeping the faith that little Anthony will grow up just like my nephew.

    Well my Tree is on the curb, and all the outside garland is down. I have a big pile in the middle of the living room of the inside decorations but I don't think my back or head can do anymore.

    It looks so empty when you take all the holiday stuff down!

    Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    ns thank you I really needed that, brought tears to my eyes!thanks to all for your prayers!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I'll bet you guys were wondering wher we were ths morning. Weeelll, we had our first philly gals coffee klatch. Joyce, Shelley and I were there from BCO and I brought my friend Marge (she is a bc survivor) and Joyce brought her friend Wendy (she is high risk, no bc yet). We had a great time and really felt like a powerhouse together like that. We are thinking of making a monthly thing.

    Anyway, it was a high point and we got to take our minds off of troubles a little bit.

    Now---Michelle, so sorry (((Anthony))). I will add him to my list for shabbat prayers.

    Cheryl--only our hairdressers know for sure. Get prettied up. Where is the new thread? I love looking at other people's photo and artwork.

    Laura--what can I say. If you want to make it work, then go for it. Try some counseling together too, it couldn't hurt. Remember to be the more mature person.

    Lisa--wow! I know how you feel, I have 4 sons and 3 grandsons and only one girl. it isn't the same buying or making things for dil's. Little girls are the most fun to knit for.

    Cheri--back on the wagon for both of us.

    Vickie--crossing my everything for you.

    Deb--how is it up there? I think the short daylight hours would get to me. ds has seasonal light disorder. Many years ago my dad worked on a project for RCA in Anchorage and he said it was tough getting used to and he was only there for a couple of months. He almost accepted a job there, back in the 70's, but my mom got preggers and he turned it down.

    Joyce--we had so much fun today! Let us know what is going on with Kevin. I have him on my shabbat prayers list too.

    Who did I forget? Mena--miss you and hope the dental problems are short in duration.

    Got a word humor: What do you call Santa's helpers?
    Subordinate clauses!

    We were supposed to pick up ss but he wandered off with his bike and dh told his ex to find him and bring him over to our house when she finds him. He is pissed to say the least. But as my daddy used to say, better to be pissed off then pissed on. (Was that language to severe for in here? If it is, somebody please tell me and I will curb myself)

    Everybody have a good night and I will see you later or tomorrow.

    Love and hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Michelle...saying special heartfelt prayers for Anthony and his mom. My Sarah was born 2 months premature, weighed 3#15oz...on a ventilator, had jaudice and is now 25 and healthy. In the hallway where she was born they post pictures of the preemies...some as small as a pound and then pictures of them as young adults as inspiration for the parents with the really tiny sick ones. They can do miracles these days with babies...wish all the best.

    NS...I have a friggin headache...I think its a sympathy headache for you!!! We will be with you tomorrow...make sure you check in when you get back cuz you know how we are, we will worry till we hear.

    Cheri...did you find something to keep you busy today?

    Thanks all for the encouragement on my 6 month followup. Just freaking as usual.
    May be back ya all.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hi All,

    Michelle, please know that Anthony and the family are in my prayers. Sweet baby.

    Nicki, I agree with you … don’t feel guilty about anything….before bc I was the biggest WORRY WART that ever existed….now I believe we need to seize the day – make the best of things….

    CherylCY, I am so sorry you lost your friend…HUGS

    LauraB, how goes it?

    Vickie, I just wish the entire United States wasn’t separating us….I would take you out for coffee…laugh…chat….get your frame of mind positive……please cheer up….we may need to go steal (I meant borrow) something for this weekend …that might cheer us up!!!!.. I go Thursday for a 6 month Hormone Therapy follow-up…So what tent are you going to decorate? Who needs cheering up and what tent can we use?

    Lisa, YEA we are having another baby in May. You know the aunties are all excited….we will think Pink!!!

    Cheri, how are you doing? My rad onc never made a follow-up appointment for me.
    I really didn’t like the fella (I mean doctor) and don’t care to ever see him again. I let my onc take care of follow-up appointments. I am SERIOUS about helping you stop smoking……please pm me if you need to…..the first few weeks when I quit were HARD….I know what you are going through……..

    Puppy, where are you?

    Beth, you have a lot on your plate (a southern expression)….I hope things get better for you.

    Amy, did you get to set the power pole and water pipe? Please pet Distorted Humor and Mazer for me…….

    NS, your neurologist’s appointment is tomorrow….let us know what the doc says.

    Tracey, did I miss something, you are quitting drinking……

    RobinTN, thinking of you.

    DebC, Susan, Denise, Carrie, Mena, everyone I missed….HELLO!!!!!

    To everyone getting mipples, congratulations!!!!

    Love to all, Madison
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    (((Madison)))and thanks. Guess I need a project to take my mind off it...who wants their wagons decorated...send me you specs and I'll get right on it.
    I have a date to go to Friendly's tomorrow (I have a 25.00 gift card from work)and I think I may just see if me and Nathaniel can polish off 25.00 worth of ice cream LOL!!! I've heard it can be done. I am at 127 lbs. now and my ocologist wanted 130 so that should do the trick!
    Hmmm...maybe I'll decorate the pissy tent! Or the deliverance tent! Maybe then Mena and Lini will come out and play again.