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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    just checking in to say good night...
    vickie- everything will go GREAT tomorrow! i just know it!
    Michelle, prayers for anthony still going out!!

    I am very tired tonight so I will ride the perimeter instead of walking it- I know I promised I would walk from now on but tonight I am saddling up!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Some days I LOVE being clueless! I love the circle and the circle loves me...that's all I gotta know

    I had a busy, busy day. I'm doing good, but want to be up early to go to vickie's appt in the morning.

    Love ya all, but need and early bed-time. I'll check in tomorrow

    Deb C.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Ladies I talked with Pepper this afternoon. This new find is really bumming her out. SHe's trying not to let it get to her but I can tell it is. She's playing the waiting game to find out if this is BC related or a new cancer. She is such a wonderful person I hate to hear the pain in her voice. Please send her all the prayers and healing power you can.

    Vickie, you'll be just fine tomorrow. So relax and sleep tight.

    NS, We'll be praying that all they find with the MRI is a few misplaced squirlls! Maybe it will scare them out so the headaches will stop!

    Lini, so good to see you.

    Laura, Just a thought on the child support. Most places do child support based on both parents incomes and then it's a percentage thing. So if you make way more than he does you would be responiable for the majority of the child support. but if you have physical custody he would still pay you his percentage of it. Now the spousal support you may get stuck with if your state has that since you make more than he does. I would be sure to get your bank account without him set up is you haven't done that as you'll need that if you have to refi the house on your own. Also get all you paperwork put together now so you won't be scrambling for it just in case.
    We are here for you and Caitlin. Big hugs and prayers coming your way.

    Niki, looks like we'll (Seahawks) will be playing agaiont you. You'll probably cream us! That game last night betwen the Cowboys and the Seahawks was some awefull playing!

    OK, not only do I have a water heater problem I woke up to a leaking roof today! I just can't do this. I have no credit and barely got my house refi through. Guess I'll have to find a way to patch it if I can figure out where the leak is coming from. I hope it's only coming in around the fireplace that will be easier to fix.

    Going to make the rounds put a few more logs on the fire and invite those who are reading to jump right on in! We love to add new friends to the circle!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    Niki, You can get a simple digital camera for really cheap nowa days. It's so worth it. But if you have the film style camera just have them put the pics on a disc for you too and then you can just go from there. that's what I did before I got a digital.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: The beginning of a work week. I sure wish I was confused today and its was really Sunday instead of Monday. Im having the hardest time lately in the mornings. Feeling tired and not wanting to go to work, but Im sure after I take my shower I will feel better. The coffee this morning isnt doing its job.

    LauraB: I read through you post again this morning and I have a few more thoughts about the conversation you and Ray had.
    ...He has a drinking problem. Seems like thats all he does, is go to the hall and drink. Or go to the OW house and drink. Or when he's home drink.
    ...Why in the world would you go to the "mediator" Linda Malone? She has listened to his side of the story, is supporting him - where does that leave you? I wouldnt touch that one with a 10 foot pole.
    ...So he says his heart is dead? Then where did he get the emotions to hook up with someone else? He wont get married again? Why does he need to? He has already set up houseboy at another home with another woman.
    ...He said you can make this easy or make this hard. In other words, its his way or the highway? Of course he wants to choose the easy way out! But life isnt always like that. He has made his bed, and he needs to lay in it. There is no easy divorce! And this OW Im sure is encouraging him to do this ASAP. This person who supposedly was your friend, is stabbing you in the back and filling his mind with all sorts of things.
    ...So Sandy has become his new companion. But you are married to him. Supposed to be your life partner. Through bettr or worse. Guess since this is his 2nd marriage he doesnt put alot of weight in those vows.
    ...And poor Sandy feels awful. He is so sympathetic towards her feelings and so cold towards yours. His head is being filled with junk and its all from her. And what did he do? He ran running to her after your talk to tell her everything! This girl needs to be out of your life.
    ...And although Bobby is well meaning in his advice, he is not a lawyer. Va loan or not. Remember you are the victim here, not Ray. You have been fighting the bc battle for 2 years and now this!!
    ...Joint custody? Wow - do you want Caitie hanging around alcoholics? Thats what Ray and Sandy are. Low class drinking buddies.
    ...Once again he is trying to run the show here. He is giving you 30 days? For what?
    ...The thing that says in my mind is how will you ever be able to forgive him. How will you every be able to trust him again? This day is done!
    ...So my final advice to you is to see your lawyer again! Let him know about this conversation, Rays drinking, etc. What have you done wrong the last 2 years? Got bc, struggling through surgery, chemo and all its side effects, more surgery just recently.

    Good luck to you my friend.

    Susan: You said things so well. We have never had any unrest here in the circle. If something happens outside the circle leave it there - outside the circle. We are here to support each other.

    Vickie: Good luck iwth you onc appointment today. I know everything is gonna be alright.

    Cheri: That thread got deleted just like I predicted. Melissa and Tami are great moderators. I like NS advice. Use your ignore button. And when you see something that doesnt seem right, just notify Tami and Melissa. They will look into it and take care of these things for us.

    Beth: Dont wait any longer. You have alot going on with your life. There are so many good antidepressents out there. Effexor, Zoloft, Lexapro. Im on lexapro and it really helps. I also have a low dose of xanax I can take as needed. Pretty hard to get through this without a little help from our pharmaceutical friends.

    Jan Im glad you like my mirror suggestion for the OWCH tent. And when the OW is hurting someone with bc - they need to be dealt with! Congratulations on the Eagles. So they move up and play the Saints next week. Good luck!

    Michelle: Im so glad you came to the circle. I have little Anthony in my thoughts this morning and hoping you will get some good news.

    Lini: We all just love you to bits and miss you when your gone.

    Brenda: Being at work full time definitely cuts down on my computer time. Since I am out and about all day, I cant even peak in to see whats going on. But I always get excited and smile when I see your posts. Sometimes silence is golden. Enuf said?

    NS: Hoping when you wake up this morning you feel a sense of peace. Maybe you need an MRI, but at least your not waiting for an appointment. You can only move forward from here.

    JoJo, Mena, Robintn: We are protecting you in the middle of the circle. Hope you will come out and say hello. We all just want to give you a big hug.

    Deb: Good to see you. Sometimes clueless is a good thing.

    Cherylcy: Oh no! It will be your Seahawks againt my Bears. I can feel the anxiety already. I guess the first thing I need to do is get a camera. I dont have one lol. But I sure do enjoy the pictures you all post. So soon!

    MB and sherloc I will be looking for you today. Shel are you home yet. Anyone else I missed - my time is up so Ill catch ya later.

    Have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies.
    Our power went out in the night...back on now but messed with the alarm clock...gotta get a move on and get this appointment over with. Taking the squirrel with the gun so no one gives me grief (had enough of that!)
    Have a lovely morning
    I'll post when I get to work.
    Love you sisters
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Girls, the flu bug has hit our house. I am the only one not sick this morning. dhand ds home from work and school respectively. They ae both still asleep since they were up half the night, esp dh. Guess I am playing rn today. Its ok bec they always pitch in for me.

    Got the gyn annual exam tomorrow and I knwo it has put me on edge. Sorry to everyone out there for causing any rucus (sp?0 and making the wagons shift. I am better today and I hope everyone else is too.

    Vicki-you will be fine, I just knowit. You will get a great report back and we can post it in a special tent, brain too foggy to think of a name but I know you will come up with something special, you are great at that. Please know that we love you, especially me. You have been so good for me these past weeks you have no idea. Even if your words were meant for others, it helped me too. So knwo all is ok and I am too. Let me knwo if it is hte same wiht you.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007


  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2007
    You all are sooooo in my thoughts and prayers and I've had lots of time to think and pray lately! Heehee! We sure are on a bumpy trail but getting thru none the less.

    I've missed and love you all while I've been redecorating my wagon. I found some lovely bubble wrap to wall paper my wagon with so I don't bump my head if I fall! Think I'll wrap my head too when I'm able to get back on my horse! Heehee!

    I can't even try to address everyone individually right now, but ya know 'I love you more than my luggage' don't you???!!!

    Take good care,
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Checking in quickly before I hit the shower and off to work.

    Denise, wonderful to see you post. You crack me up!!! You know we love you too - more than our luggage!

    Vicki, keeping you in our prayers on your visit today Cheryl, sorry about the roof - we all understand the money issue.

    Love to all - hope everyone has a super day!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Vickie, good luck, check in quickly when you return from your appointment. Bring the machine gun totting squirrel with ya!!!

    Denise it is good to hear from you.....

    CherylCG, thank you for the update on Pepper….I am putting a card in the mail for her today.
    I hope the roof repair is easy to fix….our roof repair was replacing the ridge vents over the house and garage area, some missing singles from the hurricanes, etc, which was a lot less expensive than an entire new roof…. Hopefully, it is just a matter of re-sealing around the fireplace area…..

    Karen, have your tunneled out from all the snow in Colorado….stay safe.

    Nicki, it sure is hard to get moving on a Monday morning….I took a sleeping bill at 1:00 this morning…bad idea…had trouble waking up….I hope your cup of java helped wake you up – have a good day on the job…

    Oh Jan, the Eagles and da Saints next weekend…..Oh When The Saints Go Marching In…..

    Michele, continued prayers for Anthony

    LauraB, good luck and find a good lawyer…and listen to your lawyer…when all is said and done, if you do want a divorce, it will probably be a Judge that will sign any judgments regarding child support…..visitation…..etc…..Get good representation.

    Beth, take care you don’t get that flu bug. Good luck with your gyn exam tomorrow. Don’t ya hate those exams…..I agree with Nicki, get on an anti-depressant – I finally started taking 75 mg of Welbrutin in October and I can tell the difference it has made in my life……I can actually laugh now, which I never thought I would ever do again.

    Brenda, good morning and have a great day at work

    DebC, I agree being clueless is sometimes that best position to be in!!!!

    Susan, NS, Lini, Cheri, Mena, and all I have missed Good Morning and have a great day.

    I really need to start work….

    Thinking of all of you,

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    good morning all you beautiful ladies. I'm off to the races. will check back later.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    i am still here....
    been having some marital issues...
    spose to start school today as well...
    well see...
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for everyone listening to my ranting...I feel so selfish not talking about anything else but this, or anyone else but my own situation.

    After grocery shopping yesterday morning (after I told him the OW needs to back off), he came home and had been trying to scan a pic of his Uncle Bob (an ex-Cleveland cop who passed away in November and who Ray always looked up to) and our scanner wasn't working. He asked what my friend and I talked about....I said "she is sad for both of us, and asked me how Ray felt he tried these past 5 years. I said I had asked the same thing and didn't get a satisfactory answer and she said it's a shame that, if he tried something and it didn't work that --like any other person-- would try a different tactic or at least talk more about his concerns ('course, she never said that---it was something else I had to say that hadn't been said on Saturday).

    He left for the Hall about 130p. Knowing how much he wanted it done, I spent 2+ hours uninstalling, reinstalling our printer software yesterday---I called him about 330p and said I had it fixed and what size picture did he want.

    When he got home about 430p (conveniently after he knew I talked to my folks...every Sunday at 4p) I was folding clothes in the basement---his first question was "did you tell your parents?" When I said "no", he said "good...I'm glad you didn't"....I could look at it as he's having 2nd thoughts, or that he doesn't want anything said until all's said and done.

    I asked him if he saw the pic of Uncle Bob...we went upstairs and I had put it in a frame for him---and he started crying really hard. I hugged him and told him I know how much Uncle Bob meant to him...hugged him some more (yes he hugged back), then said "you know he'd kick your ass for what you're trying to do". He backed off a bit, then hugged me back.

    We had dinner and watched football, but after Caitie's bath, he stayed in the bar room until it was time for her bed (his turn last night).

    He's not thought this all the way thru. Sure, he wants joint like you have, but is he aware 1) he needs a place he can afford with her own room 2) he's responsible for her expenses while she's with him 3) he can't go drinking, etc. while he has her 4) one of us will need to be custodial parent and 5) he can't blow up and walk out when he can't handle her (done that 3-4 times to her). If I were to throw up the financial aspects of this, he'd explode right now.

    I had told him Sat. that I would not stop hugging, kissing, telling him I love him and that I didn't want this divorce. He asked yesterday if I've bought cigs yet---I haven't and wasn't he surprised and he said yes. I told him Saturday that the things that bothered him (not keeping the house picked up, appreciating him, etc.) don't take a lot of effort and are easy to do...and easy to fix and why hadn't I tried harder all along? If he'd only talked with me (instead of at me, or shutting me out completely) it would not have been this bad. He's definitely noticed that, despite being told "it's over" I haven't changed the way I'm improving on things (for my sake as well as our family). He brought up the time after he first said it's over when I went upstairs to "help him wake up"...I said, "I know you thought I was doing it because of the argument, but that I had to start somewhere."

    I've run every type of emotion (deep sadness, depression, anger, hopefulness) that I know this is far from being resolved. A lot of my concerns (since I make more, will I have to pay HIM child support for the 2 wks. he has her?) and whether I should still wait it out like the lawyer says remain to be seen until I talk with counsel.

    This is by far the hardest thing I've been thru. I want you all to know that I still love Ray very, very much and want to work hard at getting this to work. I don't want you to think me weak for trying my best to fix this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    OK! So it wasnt Monday morning dragging my butt, not wanting to go to work. I think I too have a little flu bug. Bad headache, diarrhea, chills. Called in sick and Im going back to bed.

    Tracey: You are gonna enjoy school so much. Just a little anxiety beforehand. Whenever I go to a seminar or class, I am so glad when its all over.

    Marital problems seem to be an epidemic lately. What wrong with these guys?

    Everyone else - a strong Howdy and a big hug - but I gotta go back to bed.

    Denise: Soooooooo happy to see you. My smile is from ear to ear. Pad the walls with bubble paper

    Talk to ya all later.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    CheyrlCG, thank you so much for the update on Pepper!! Our Sister Fumi, has made a wonderful CLIP for her, this will bring tears to Your eyes CG'S, Praying so hard for Pepper, and ALL of You!!! I really am very Happy to see everything is OK in the Circle today, sometimes Our Hormones really get us off focus!! Bless all of You today and Everyday, My Prayers are with You All!!! Mena, I will Call You Soon!!!! xoxo Puppy

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    Wow I miss a weekend of posting and come back to 99 post. You girls have been busy. As usual something went on and I had no idea about any of it. Sometimes I think its best that my head stays in the sand and I miss alot. Well this weekend my head wasnt in the sand it was in the mud laying water pipe. Geesh, rained all day yesterday so didnt get finished but Saturday was a muddy mess. We got about 350 of the 500 feet layed out and connected to the meter so not much more to go. Power pole got all hooked up but it was way to wet to dig the hole for it so that will happen one day this week as soon as it get a bit drier. Its cooler this morning on my end of the circle which is a nice feel. This upper 60 and 70 degree weather just isnt right in January.

    Michelle-my thoughts are with you and your family concerning baby Anthony and his mom.

    AlaskaDeb-hope you enjoyed your steak and is your husband smiling? lol. Couldnt resist chiming in on that comment. Also, the mipples comment was wonderful. I guess I wont ever have mipples since I am boobless though.

    Vickie-love the phantom ghost boob. That has happened to me also.

    NS-I hope Mazer behaved herself yesterday. She said she was a good girl and that she would be their for the MRI also. She is just certain that it is squirrels up there. I am thinking about you because as we all know, test are scary because we are always afraid of the what ifs?!?

    Cheryl-so sorry to hear about your friend.

    Cheri-a small slip up isnt bad at all. Hang in there girl. baby steps,,baby steps and work your way up to big girl steps.

    Lisa-congrats on the new grandbaby coming in May. I have to agree with the comment though about boy toys being so much more fun. I am glad I had a a boy because I couldnt tie a ribbon to save my life. I really did have thoughts when I was pregnant that what would I do if I had a girly girl. Oh my, thats a scary thought. I am sure I would have handled it but I dont know how.

    Tracey-glad to see you posting and whats up with all these marital issues? geesh,,,,MEN! Cant live with them and cant shoot them.

    lauraB-I second everything that Nicki and NS has said. Dont give in to anything because you will only do it based on your feelings now and 10 years from now you will be kicking yourself in the A$$ for doing it. Been there done that! Talk to your lawyer. he is the one that wants out so dont give in to him.

    madison-Mazer said thanks for the extra petting. She also had a honey bun this weekend and she said that was even better than a teddy graham.

    ok gotta get back to work here as it took alot of time to read and catch up.

    Mena--can you come out and play today????

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. 25F at 8am. My world is white. Would be nice if it was something other than ice. I hate ice more than I hate snow. On a happier note. I HAVE BASEBOARDS!!!! Seems like such a little thing, but after 3+ years of remodeling....wellllll you get the idea.

    Brenda, I'll take some of your warm, you can have some of my cold.

    Ginney, have to say I will never understand dissention on message boards. Hugs to you hon. I'm with Deb. Prefer to stay in the "clueless" tent.

    Karen, my prayers for anyone and everyone affected by the avalanche. How scary.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Wooohooo Shirley,,baseboards! I know what you mean because remember I am the one excited about my water meter and water being ran and my power pole. I cant wait till I have baseboards but they will soon be here. Hopefully.

    I'm also in the clueless tent but its a pretty good place to hang out.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    oops I did it again. Geez.

    So here we go again. Did I mention I have a monster headache from sitting in the dentist chair. Used to be an easy fix at the chiropractor but no chiro allowed anymore. Gonna have to see if I can get in for a massage today.

    Laura, hugs and prayers for you hon.

    NS, I agree....mean people suck beans
    Squirrels are cute little creatures.

    Michele, I'm with you. Have been playing in the chatroom for almost 3 years now but never spent much time on the boards. When I finally did pop in I was welcomed with open arms and lots of love. Thank you girls for that.

    To out of it this morning to respond to everyone.
    Prayers, hugs, and love for everyone, whether you need them or not.
    See you later.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Good day to everyone! I hope that Vickie is done with her appointment... and that everyone with the flu or a cold is feeling better!!
    We have pipes and baseboards and ridgevents- wow we are a regular construction site here!
    Glad to see you check in Denise!!
    Laura, I know you love your DH very much. But just ask yourself this question- do you love him more than you love yourself and Caitie?
    Shirley I hope your headache is better.
    Nicki feel better!!!
    Amy Mazer was very well behaved!!!

    Debby, for the record- there was nothing wrong with ANYONE INSIDE THE CIRCLE'S hormones yesterday.

    And Beth, our wagons don't shift so don't worry about being able to do that!

    OK- gotta go!!
    later cowgirls!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    I am ok...Jesus, Mary and JoJo the carpenter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Blood work...great
    Blood pressure...perfect
    Scar tissue become a little thicker than he'd like so working on that
    Ribs...ok...just radiation soreness
    nodes...all ok.
    Need to gain a few more pounds back so I get to celebrate with ICE CREAM some more!
    He said NED...GO appointment for two months (just for bloodwork) then nothing till mid May.

    Whew...thanks ladies for listening to my whining and holding my hand!!! I love you all!!!

    Way behind schedule at work so I will be back later!
    Love and hugs and just pure joy to all...may all of your appointments go as well as mine just did...that is my prayer for each and every one of you.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    i seen this card and it made me smile so i thought i would share it!!!!

    pick me up hug


  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Love it, thongs! I needed that! LOL

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Just got off the phone with Stan Stein. Told him the latest. His advice? Wait it out until Ray pushes the issue, but to let him know that since he's the one that wants this, he's to file whichever way he wants. A court will not accept one party's "claim" without attornies.

    I'm to say I will not be doing a mediator and Stan said to warn Ray I'll go for full residential parenting (which means he would get court-appointed visitation). I told him I was concerned about me paying Ray support and Stan said that's possible, but if I'm awarded full custody, he would have to pay me. I told him Caitie's cousins have the shared parenting, and they're doing fine, but Stan is not in agreement with it (knowing what he knows of Ray, even he's having a hard time seeing how Ray could handle it).

    Stan doesn't want to do it because what he knows and feels is Ray's still going thru mid-life crisis, but if Ray is insistent, Stan will "go for the jugular" as he put it. I don't want this to get ugly, so I will work on "mediating" what I can (and hopefully with Ray's cooperation) for the sake of our family for now---all I can do is what my heart/gut/head say is the best for Caitie and me (and, hopefully, Ray).

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    WOO HOO Girlfriend. I just stopped in before work to hear your GREAT news. I was at the appointment, but there were so many of us there I was too far back to hear the good news.

    It is -24 degrees here this morning. Yep, no typo negative 24 degrees. We have had quite a cold snap. It has been below zero for 4 days now.

    Hey Liz- I ended up having a great dinner out and both hubby and I have ben smiling a LOT the past 2 weeks. Life is good. I don't have Mipples either. No boobs for me, but strangly enough...I miss them less than I thought I would. Anybody else not have any big angst about their mast? Maybe I will have a big break down later, but it has been over 6 months and I'm still just relieved.....Hmmmmm

    GOT to run or I'll be late for work. Big hugs to everyone and I'll try and check in later

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Arg...Running late, but I had to ask a favor. My friend Connie is having her Mast tomorrow in Anchorage. Can we please move her to the center of the circle and flood her with prayers, white healing light, good energy and love. I hate that she has to go through this....

    Deb C
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I'm praying for Connie!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Moving connie right to the center of the circle and Mazer is all excited to be headed to Alaska tomorrow. She knows that is the #1 place I want to go so when I told her about Connie she was determined to take me. Guess I better wear my big coat since its in the negative digits there. Mazer said she felt sure she wouldnt get cold because Deb makes nice warm cinnamon rolls. I tried to explain to Mazer that Deb was doing incredibly well on her diet and not to get her hopes up on the cinnamon rolls but she didnt seem to understand.

    As far as the missing the breasticles,,,nope not me either. I thought I would and was scheduled for recon in New Orleans when the hurricanes hit so needless to say that got cancelled. I thought I would be bummed about it but I think I was really glad and now I am happy I didnt do it. Maybe one day I will and maybe I wont,,who knows.

    sign me boobless and mippless in Alabama

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hey girls, stayed up late so I slept late. I have to go have my port flushed this afternoon. I've put off the drive until I'm running behind a little. There's so many posts that if I don't catch up now there'll be twice that many when I get home.

    Michele, still praying for baby Anthony & family.

    CherylCy, sending prayers also for Pepper. Sorry about all your house problems.

    Nicki, thank you for your advice & I hope you feel better.

    Denise, so glad to see you posting. Praying you will get stronger & feel better every day.

    Madison, I posted a little funny on the Humor forum about a sleeping pill you might like.

    Laura, I've made so many mistakes in my past because of love. I did learn a great deal though. It sounds like you love Rat,(I mean Ray) and you're trying your hardest. I know it's an emotional roller coaster. Don't let it drive you crazy...and still stay smart.

    Shirley, hope your headache is better.

    NS, let us know when your MRI is. Did he give you something for the headache pain, at least? I love ya, Sparky!!

    Vicki, sweet Vicki. The biggest congrats!! Ned is a really fine dancer! Told ya so.

    Tracey, loved the card! Hope school goes well for you.

    Deb, prayers for Connie.

    I can't believe I'm so addicted to this Circle that I put myself behind on my port flush appt! I love you all.

    Hope all thats reading this has a great day,