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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, ya mean Bell-Bottom hiphuggers don't ya?? lol

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    just finishing off my soup and yes chemosabi i made a huge pot full,,,even my youngest seems to like it...
    dig in chemosabi and sherloc and anyone else..
    sometimes it drives me nuts on how stupid husbands can be but i will get over it as usual.
    i am still in my pj's.. hehehehehehe
    just waiting for hubby to get home then we will run to the dump ddddump dddump dump dump
    and my coolers sure taste good today:)
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    I remember bell bottom hip huggers!! I had a few pairs lol. When my parents sold their old house, we cleaned out the attic. I thought I would wet myself!! My mom had saved all our clothes from like kindergarten through high school. I had these wide striped bell bottoms with big silver discs on the side . Did I actually wear those???

    I'm in work right now with a small lull in the action. I haven't slept well the past couple of nights and now I'm getting a sore throat. At least I'm off tomorrow, so if I'm getting sick at least I can take it easy.

    Gotta go now. I'll try to check in later!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi Girls,

    It’s getting colder here and now they’re calling for an ice storm starting Friday afternoon. Last time they did that, we lost power for 4 days! I will not be a happy camper if that happens again.

    I see I’ve missed a lot not checking in. If I leave someone out, it’s not intentional.

    Beth, congrats on the PS appointment and hope all went well at your appointment today. I did the bilateral w/ expander recon. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. How is the family feeling?

    Vickie shall we posse up and go blow up Suburban? I can’t believe they conduct business like that. I hope you get results. You go girl! Get them. Thanks for the Xanax lollipop and whiskey. I haven’t slept that well in years! LOL

    Karen are you tired of the snow yet? I can take it for around 2 days then I get antsy. I want it to disappear. I hear the cold front that headed this way is going to get you guys also.

    CherylG, sorry to hear about the polyp. Does is usually take 1 month for the pap results to get back? That seems like a very long time. Hugs

    Cheri, I love driving around listening to music from my “younger” days. I still have albums put away. What for I have no clue.

    Deb, the soup was wonderful and I really wanted one of the cinnamon buns. I didn’t eat it though. Trying so hard to stick to this diet. There is no flippin way I could live where you do. That is wayyyyyy too cold. You take care of yourself. I’ve been thinking of Connie today. Hope she’s resting.

    Tracey, will you come clean my house? Things seem to be accumulating. Yum on the salmon. We can’t get any fresh here. I envisioned your DH in one of the trash bags. LOL I can so relate. I don’t think I’ve ever had ham and split pea soup. I’ll have to try that.

    Madison, don’t you hate sharing the computer? My DH just “has” to check things when I’m on it. It’s like a life or death situation for him at times. How’s the weather in the Bayou country? I sure miss living in the south.

    Marsha, tie Flicka to a hitchin post and come join us. Welcome.

    Sher, No chiro stinks but I can see why you can’t use one. I haven’t been to one since my diagnosis. I’m glad your massage helped. What color are you painting? When’s the next dentist appt? Is this the final stage of the kitchen? I so want to start on my bathroom but DH says to wait until it’s warmer. Hmmmmm.

    Nicki, sounds like you’ve got the virus that’s traveling around here. Hope you’re feeling better. As far as the gyn onc. Yep they are different. I have high-grade dysplasia (VIN) of the vaginal wall. I had an Apical Vaginectomy and Ooph in July and a laser Vulvectomy in August. This is why I dread seeing him. He wants me to keep using estrogen cream even though I’m ER positive. I have a problem with it and so does my regular onc. I just wish it would all go away.

    Laura, I think you’re doing the right thing. Take your time and please use your own lawyer. That site gave me the creeps. Have you opened your own checking/savings account yet? It would be a good idea to protect you and Caitie. You’ll get through this. I know you love him but sometimes we have to let something we love go. You never know, it may come back.

    Joyce, I hope your insurance doesn’t give you any problems with your son’s surgery. I have a friend who has implants and they do mammograms on her. Talk with your PS about that.

    Joy, I copy and paste now days. My posts used to go into cyberspace a lot.

    MB so good to see you. It’s hard to make a man stay down when they don’t think they’re sick. My last husband had a heart attack and was changing the oil 2 days after he got out. Geesh! Tell him to cool it.

    Sue, tell Mena we miss her. She’s had a rough time the past week. We need her in the deliverance tent to take care of Suburban for Vickie. How’s your headache? I hate migraines.

    Amy, you sound like you have so much fun with your animals. I would love to have them. I grew up on a farm so I know how much work they take though.

    Michele, I just stay logged in. Otherwise I would forget it every time. I’m at home though.

    Ginny, where are you? Hope you’re enjoying your chemo break.

    Susan! How are you feeling?

    RobinTN hugs my friend. Think of you often. Check in please

    ShopMama, come sit in the circle. We’ll take care of you and you can vent, talk, and scream anything that may help.

    Oh geez! Hip hugger bell bottoms. Brings back some memories!

    Jan, I hope you’re not getting the crud.

    Okay, I know I’ve missed many. Many hugs and prayers to you all.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I had my annual exam and from the waist down I am fine. Have to wait 2 weeks for the pap test result but that's ok. She didn't see anything. I have bad cramps though from the pap. I see the onc gyn on the 22nd to start the Tamoxifen. I see the ps on the 31st to get ideas of what procedure he can do with the body I give him. DH is using his vacation for those first 2 weeks and I feel very blessed to have support at home and here too.

    I have to run but wanted to let you know the results.

    Love and hugs and I promise to write later.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Alaska Deb...Minus 32 degrees...I can't even imagine that!!!!!!!!!Wow..

    It is official, Tony Gwynn from the Padres got elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame today along with Cal Ripken Jr..We are going to Cooperstown to attend..already have a place booked..we put in our names three years ago...
    I am excited because my grandmother used to live there and I spent my summers with her growing up.

    Sometimes don't you just wish you could just wish everyone's hurts away??

    Hugs, Lisa
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Evening all,
    Sounds like we have some headaches and sore throats going on. Hmmm...time to break out the big guns to get rid of all these little aches and annoyances we have. I'll see what I can come up with. glad your appointment went well...did you feel us all there with you?
    Deb...nearly froze to death on the Alaska trip!!! How in the world do you do it. I would have to hibernate all winter...brrrr. We are actually getting a bit of snow here finally (darn) and it's cold but not that cold.
    You ladies are all telling your age with your hip hugger bell bottom stories LOL...I was too young when they were in fashion (hahahaha).
    Hi Cheri, Madison, Nicki, Liz, Lisa, Jan, Michele, Tracey...everyone...thinking of you all.
    Too tired to go back and read...hope shopmama joins us soon as she really needs us...I sent her a pm.
    Beth (?it was you wasn't it...chemo brained and really tired!!!) and I think we should start a "crafting" thread in the "growing our friendship" forum. Busy hands will keep the scary thoughts away...what does everyone think? I can start it tomorrow with some really good links to different sites that have easy fun stuff to do.
    Gotta go to bed...too tired to type and soon you will be trying to read this yjrjh wiovl ntpem fph ki,[r pbrt yjr ;scu gpt/
    Love you sisters
    See you in the morning
    Sweet well and have sweet dreams
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    One more quick thing...I have now almost come down with the cold that seems to be going around and have been using the "Airborne" herbal stuff. So cold yet. They sell it the cheapest at Wal-Mart and I personally think it really works. Everyone at work has been sick and it's missed me so far. I'll see if I can get more info about it tomorrow.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Hmmm...where is NS? No fair hiding in the hoochie tent without telling us. Hope she hasn't fallen victim to the strange odor in NY! NS...come out come out wherever you are!

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Doing one last check. Headaches do seem to be going around. Don't have them often and haven't had visual problems with them since a couple of months after chemo. I was fine, got very dizzy, that went away and then about 45 minutes later all this visual stuff started and went on for a bit and now a headache from ______!! Still have some strong pain meds from gallbladder surgery.

    ShopMama welcome!!! Beth, glad all went well today with your appointment. Those pap smears have never been comfortable - I think everyone would agree we didn't enjoy them anymore than you. Just another female necessary test, ugh!! I'm in new territory here so excuse my not knowing but if you do the tamoxifen, will you have to still do the bil. mast?

    I don't even want to think about Bell bottoms or the mini skirts I wore to be "in"fashion.

    Lisa, glad that you are going to Cooperstown for something special and also a place with warm memories.

    Laura, I hope it didn't sound like I was lecturing. I do know what you mean when you say you still love him. Matters of the heart are never easy. You will do what is best for you and your daughter.

    I am still waiting for the one that sent this weather my way to step forward and claim it. DebC, I agree with the others, I could not live in Alaska. It is beautiful and I enjoyed the pictures.

    Everyone take care, sleep well. Off to doctor my head (now if I could find something to help my foggy memory)

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Vickie we can get started first thing after I get ds outthe door to school. I ahve lots of links to lots of knitting and crochet sites. I can also post some patterns in pdf format if we can figure out how!

    Lisa, my ex and I went to Cooperstown a long tome ago jsut for the day. It was great. They have seats from the old ball parks and the crowds were not there in February. Yup, cold wet February. Guess why we are divorced?! But the neat thing was the display of ice sculptures in the town.

    Thank you all for being along for the ride today at the gyn. Of course, when I got up afterwards, I stepped right in the drips of water from when she warmed up the speculum! Only me!

    Joyce, let us know when the surgery is for Kevin so we can all plan on putting the both of you in the middle with all of our love. I know it will all be ok.

    Jan, keep up your strength for the game Saturday! Wash your hands and use Purell. It was good advice from all the CG's.

    Laura, love you and I know it will come out in the wash.

    ShopMama, if you are there, we are thinking of you.

    I am getting the evil eye from ds. We are supposed to be watching Animal Planet together but I couldn't resist checking in. So anyone I missed, I still love you so very much. Without everyone here, I never would have gotten to my decision. Now help me keep the resolve! Like my bf Terri said, i tend to waffle so she wants to keep tabs on me.

    Love and hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Brenda, you wouldn't want to think about the bell bottoms and mini-skirts we wore? And I bet more than just a handful of us wore Hot Pants, too! Who could forget about those? lol Of course, most all our outfits were made out of Polyester then with alot of stripes & Flowers! I'd just like to be able to wear those things again. I couldn't stuff all of myself into any of it anymore. But there was a time...

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hi all,
    I passed my mammogram. I'm an official two years NED. I was there for three hours getting different views, US etc. I'm exhausted. I got a lot of questions about the big horse and little donkey that kept following me around.
    Love you all. sorry about the cold/flu thing that some are having. sending God's love and warm thoughts to all who need it. still tired. going to bed.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Susan, that is wonderful news today! Maybe you can find a pair of fancy dancin' shoes and take NED out again tonight. I hope he isn't worn out yet because I have a feeling lots of ladies are going to get to him this year. I just feel it!

    Love and hugs,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls - having a tough day tonight since I came home from work. Feel real weepy. Feeling sorry for myself and all this cr** I've been through and going through. I should feel greatful to be NED, but its 2007 and the new year was supposed to be good. but instead I am dealing with the da** carpel tunnel. I had my splints on all day at work. I was tesing a kid and writing his answers down (I am a school psych and was doing an IQ test) and by the end my fingers were blue!!! I can't wait to see what the neurologist says on thursday. I'm just tired of the knee/knuckle pain, neuropathy, CT, insomnia, lack of sex drive and poor memory. I just want my life back. I was healthy prior to BC. My one year anniversary is coming up and in some ways I dread the day.
    Yes, I remember mini skirts, bell bottoms and hip huggers. I wore them all - along with platform shoes. A lot of them are back today, but no way would I wear them!!!!!
    Cheryl - I had a polyp years ago and gyn removed it - don't remember if anything was done after that, but gyn did not give me any reason to worry. Of course that was way before BC!. sending good vipes your way.
    MB- yup , your DH needs a sitter!!! Glad he's feeling better.
    Nikki - I feel exactly like you about recon. Still have the expanders, so need to move forward. But if I don't like the implants, out they come and I am done. I am not doing any of the "finishing touches!" I did the same Tx as you, but I am BRCA-
    Joyce- enjoy your son. What a nice surprise.
    Amy -good luck with the liver scan.
    Mena- enjoy the quilt. Something special to cherish. This group is wonderful. I saw pics of the quilts and they are beautiful.
    Deb - brr its cold by you - but we may get close this weekend. they are predicting more snow and single digit temps by saturday and below zero at night.
    Brenda - the splints seem to help a little, but they are the pits. Still have tingling - hard to write/type in them and I have to do some of that at work. And of course on this board.
    Liz - yup - more snow coming this way and cold!!!
    Beth - glad all is well with your exam. Love good news.
    Susan - keep dancing with NED - wow - 2 years!!
    Well, I told dh before I got on here that I was ready to go for our nightly walk whenever he was, then I wasn't ready. Its almost 8pm - so need to get ready for our walk. Then I will continue my pity party. Be back tomorrow.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hello All,

    I am in a computer battle with dh, don't have very much time to post....

    Thinking of all of you (dh wants the computer back)..

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    <-----peeking out from my under my newly arrived Luv Quilt...

    Holy crap, there's no way I missed over 10 pages, and there's no way I'm going back to read all of's too short...

    Somebody gimme an update...I did a quick glance. Is Susanmcm sick?

    What's this about Amy's ass?

    Sue, thanks for updating the CG's on my absence, and yes, my son does need surgery...

    Seems my ex was busy in the neighborhood long before his current girlfriend...and that neighbor had the gaul to call me last week...I blew her off because she's toxic and I just got the nasty news a couple days ago...glad I blew her off...

    Where was I when trust became obsolete?

    As if one infidelity weren't bad enough...I know many of you probably think, "well, it happened, it's over, get over it..." Sounds so easy...some days it is...but this particular woman...omg...nasty is nice compared to the adjectives I could use to describe everthing about her. For example, one Christmas, she put a huge Pentagram on top of her house. Need I say more?

    My new blanky is helping and btw, check out the pictures of the quilts and mulitiply the beauty by a gazillion. And mine's even prettier. HA! My quilt's better than everyone else'ssssss nanananana....

    Where's Mon Cheri? How's Tracey? And Deb's shingles? And ShopMama has joined us? Great! Welcome Mama....You've certainly had you're share of sorrow...I hope we can help...
    Where's NS? Did everyone who was supposed to stop smoking stay non smoking? Did anyone give up drinking?

    I'm not missing anyone. I'm thinking of all of you. I just want to submit before I'm "no longer valid"...still haven't mastered that cut/paste thing you guys are always talking about...Mena...xo
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Mena I thought of you as I read the following, cause tht's just what you're going to do!

    Forgive Your Enemies
    >Toward the end of the Service, the Minister asked,
    >"How many of you have forgiven your Enemies?"
    > Eighty percent of the congregation held up their
    > The Minister then repeated his question.
    > All responded this time except one small Elderly
    >lady. "Mrs.
    >Jones, are you not willing to forgive your enemies?"
    >the Minister asked.
    > "I don't have any," she replied, smiling sweetly.
    > "Mrs. Jones, that is very unusual. How old are
    > "Ninety-Eight," she replied.
    > "Oh, Mrs. Jones, would you please come down in
    >front and tell us
    >all how a person can live ninety-eight years and not
    >have an enemy in
    >the world?"
    > The little sweetheart of a lady tottered down the
    >aisle, faced the
    >Congregation, tapped the mike to make sure it was
    >working and said:
    > "I outlived them bitches."
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    Cheryl, hahahaha....yes! The thought of outliving that fool keeps me going...I know he's waiting for me to fade away...all the more reason for me to fight...isn't that terrible?...

    Joking aside, it's really hard to forgive someone who's really done a job on your heart...I just started praying for the rat bastar*...Mena...xo
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Susan WOOHOO!!! I was thinking of you today. I am MORE than glad that you and NED are still dancin'. Way to go girlfriend!!

    MENA! Glad to see you my dear. My shingles are almost gone. All my scans came back NED, so Susan has to share him I have one little problem still up in the air; I seem to have one kidney that is quite a bit larger than the oter. My doc has ordered the old scans to see if I have always been unbalanced...well, I KNOW I'm unbalanced...but if my KIDNEYS have always been 2 different sizes or if this is something new. I'm not worrying about it...much...

    Karen- So sorry to hear you are having a bad day. I feel the same way we should all get a "get out of the docoter's office free" card after all we have been through. Hang in there girl....better day's are coming.

    I need to get off the ocmputer. I have been trying to reach someone in Connie's family, but have not been able to get through yet. Her surgery was this afternoon up in Anchorage and I'm sure everything went fine, but I will fell better once I hear. I am crocheting her a prayer shawl. Check out this link

    At leastit gives me something to do instead of fret.

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Good morning America - ooops, I mean CGs,

    Obviously I can't sleep or I would be sleeping. Besides posting for Mena (and I'm so glad she's back!) I haven't been on for a while. I've been having some issues and I'm not real good at sharing.

    However, I was taking Arimidex and was in agony (mildly speaking). The pain in my bones and joints is/was unbearable and was getting me in a bad funk. On top of that, I have a badly torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder and started having pain in the right shoulder. Went for an MRI and they found 2 tears in that cuff. So, my body is about 90+ yo and my mind is about 20 and the 2 don't go together. The onc switched me to aromasin and I don't feel any difference.

    My neighbor and friend, Shirley, passed away last Friday, on her birthday, from bc that spread. Her passing really got to me and I just feel so sad for her family and their loss.

    And, finally, I want (and probably will never have) the person I used to be -- full of energy, life of the party, usually happy and productive . . . I know a whole lot of people have it a lot worse than I do and I feel guilty even complaining.

    On a brighter note, I am really looking forward to 'our' NJ get togeher on Saturday in Edison, NJ. If anyone wants to come, please pm me and let me know. The more the merrier!

    I promise to catch up with everyone on Thursday when I have some time to take a breather.

    BTW, my hair is now blonde - TG!

    Love, Sue

    SING as though no one can hear you; DANCE as though no one is watching you; LOVE as though you have never been hurt
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Susan, So happy you're still dancing with NED!

    Mena so glad to see you here but sorry to hear about the troubles.

    The guy that was suppose to come give us a quote on the water heater never showed, called or anything!

    So now I guess it will be at leat another two weeks before we can get that fixed. The hubby is going out of town for a week and doesn't want some stranger in the house while he's not here. He's very protective of me.

    Wer actually have two computers so that if by chance we both want on at the same time one of us, usually me, can get on the slower one. IT works fine for the boards and reading emails, just not games or a lot of pictures.

    Well they say that snow Deb is sending our way should be here in about two hours. So I think I'll go climb under the blankets and the heating pad.

    Throwing on some more wood to chase the cold away!

    Anyone reading that hasn't decided to post we'd love to have you join us.

    Hugs and prayers to all
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Sue, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope the new meds start making you feel better soon. Sometimes it takes a while for one to get out of the system and the other to take over.
    SDaying a special prayer for you tonight.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    Ok, I'm still catching this may be premature...but here's what Liz has to say about Laura (and Rayrat):

    "I can’t imagine what Mena is going to have to say."

    Oh, Liz...yes you can! It's just not printable. I'll get deleted again. Remember what happened to Mike?

    Laura, I will not lie. This is perhaps the most difficult thing you will ever face, especially if you love the fart. I'm assuming you love yourself and your daughter more. Kick him to the curb. Forget his "packing"...tell him to go out and get some large garbage bags and pack like the trash he is!

    Keep sharing. You've gotten some great advice already. I love my girls here. Chemosabi was right on and so was someone else -- see there I go can do's hard and gets harder...but you've stared down can certainly take on this pencil-necked dude...

    I've already got a catheter prepared for him. Bring him on down to the Deliverance Tent. I'm riled and ready.

    Now if this is premature and you've made nicey-nice, I'll delete this later...back to catching up...

    Sue: Good to see you; so sorry about your pain and your friend. Very sad. And scary. I hope to make it to Edison. Do you think I should start out two days ahead considering my trip to LBI?

    I'm still looking for the results of NS's MRI...

    Is Shel still in the Keys?

    And where is our Puppy?

    Madison, you are seriously cracking me up with the anonymous posts...

    Welcome to Ebeany and there was someone else -- oh, well, I'm sorry; it's nearly 2 am...welcome all new CG's!...Mena...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Antoehr day where I just didnt want to get out of bed. I thought "hey, you can sleep 2 more hours." Layed there for 10 minutes and the whole time kept thinking about coming to the computer. So Im up, coffee is on, and so far so good. No headache. Hope this is just a viral thingy.

    Then I went to let my dog outside and got blasted with cold air. Now that was another surprise. 20 degees this morning. Which still isnt that cold for Chicag Winters, but I was just getting used to the 50 degree weather. Weatherman says cold air from Alaska coming our way! I still think I will take cold over snow.

    Im making Valentines Kleenex boxes so I have love in the air and Spring on my mind. But the reality is, its only January 10th and we still have a ways to go.

    Tracey: That soup was so darn good last night. I hate it when my husband and I are off kilter so hoping things get better for ya. And hoping you can start your classes today.

    Jan: Why is it whenever I see you post, I want a glass of wine. Great Avatar that you have.

    Liz: WEll Im glad the gyne/onc appointment is over. Clashing of the minds there when it comes to using the Estrogen cream. Im guessing the gyn/onc wins over your onc though. I have my appointment with my PS today, and Im have already decided Im gonna cancel it once again. Got too much going on at work today and Im moving in a slower pace. Sounds like your doing great with your diet and exercise. Im still moping around thinking about it.

    Beth: Glad your appointment went well yesterday. All of those doctor appointments can make you crazy. Before bc I had my pcp and gyne. Thats it. Now I have a list of docs. Somehow, I just work those appointments in with my everyday life. But I do think its overwhelming in the beginning. You will feel better once the surgery is over. I remember waking up from the anesthesia and the first thing I thought was "Good, the cancer is gone."

    Cheri: Ahahaha Hot pants. I had a few of those. Man oh man were they short or what. Yes indeed I was a hippy love child. But on a serious note - those were hard times too with the Vietnam War. Im watching the television and seems like the war in Iraq is going that direction. At least this time we support our troups! Thats so important. I dont usually talk political stuff, but Im concerned about sending more troups there. England has already said they will not send anymore. OK thats enough of this serious stuff. Guess its on my mind cause its been in the news so much the last couple of days. Hiphuggers are back in style. The new generation just calls them low waisted jeans. When I put a pair on now, my belly hangs over them. Oh what a sight!!

    Susan: I was wondering where you were, and Im glad that appointment is over. 2 years NED! whoo hooo! I got one of my nursing magazines in the mail yesterday and they were talking about knee replacement surgery for women. I cant remember the statistics, but there are more women needing this surgery than men. For some reason that surprised me. Anyways, they have this new prosthesis that is designed just for women and they are getting fantastic results. This has been an exciting year for all joint replacement surgery. Lots of new stuff coming out. Thought you might be interested in this.Oh and I forgot to tell you. Distorted Humor and Mazer were there when you had the mammogram. As a matter of fact while they were taking extra pictures, Distorted tried to steal a pair of gloves out of the techs back pocket. Ended up biting her ass by mistake. He went flying outta of the x-ray room, poor Mazer right behind him. Those two can get into so much trouble. Anyways, it gave you a break in between the extra views!!

    Karen: Oh Im sending you a big hug. Cant figure out why your fingers turned blue after writing. Does the doctor know about that? It stinks cause you have gone from one disability to another one. Wham bam, thank you mam!! Im 18 months post surgery and still wonder why I have bad days. For some reason I expected to have surgery, chemo, and then move on with my life. But it didnt work out that way. Im always tired, dont have that skip in my walk like I used to, and get sick all the time. If someone has a cold you can bet, Im next. I dont have a sparkle in my heart either. Used to be an overachiever. Now I just achieve!! Hoping today is a better day.

    Madison: Im so laughing at the computer competition! That happens to me all the time with my husband - except in the early mornings. He usually wins! Sometimes Im in the middle of writing a post. And I say wait a minute, but he doesnt understand the process of saving and posting! Thats why I like my early morning time. No one awake to bother me.

    Mena: Im so glad you had time to come say hello. We were worried about you. The new blankie sounds great. As far as New Years resolutions. I threw mine out the day after. Im still smoking, Im still eating like a pig, and Im not exercising. So needles to say Im back in my big mama clothes!! Just waiting to get motivated. We did start a new tent for "The Other Woman" So you can put your pentagon neighbor in there. We have special mirrors - will make her look fat and ugly!!

    Sue: I saw your post about your friend in the "Commemorating Loved Ones" forum. Its just so sad. And to pass on her birthday. That would put me into a funk also. Im hoping you have better luck with the Aromasin. That is what my sister is on. She feels achy, gained wt, and it raised her blood pressure too. I have heard so many say, chainging did make a difference. So good luck to you.

    CherylCy: Well I got a good chuckle out of your 98 year old lady in church. The water heater thing stinks. Whatever happened to customer service? Seems like business dont care about that anymore. Not having someone come ot you house when your husband isnt there is a good thing. Here in chicago, they are investigating two women who were killed by cable installation man. Now thats scary. Better to be safe!!

    Mena: Those anonymous posts? Just blame them on the ghost of Bad Jake. Madison thinks she got away from him, but he's still here - causing havoc.

    LauraB: Where are you? Wondering how things went last night. Hoping its a good morning for ya. And by the way, red hair? Perfect for you being Irish and all.

    Ok! Gotta go. Take a shower and get ready for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    Here's the kicker: she's already fat and ugly! But very, very loose...And btw hhahaha...the Pentagon would crush her house...she had a satanic Pentagram on her house that Christmas...oh and did I mention the 30 cats and 4 dogs in the one bedroom bungalow that you can smell from the street?

    Her husband abadoned her over two years ago...she's had countless affairs with men all over town. And one with her counselor, a cop and a pedophile...not to mention another one of my neighbor's husband. Much like me, that neighbor kicked her loser husband's ass to the curb, too...xo
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Loved your PM, and love your post above even more! I'm so glad to have such a strong woman on my side.

    Sorry, Mena, you've seen this in my reply, but thought I'd share with the Circle:

    On the advice of my lawyer, I'm sitting tight for now. I have Caitie to think about and even tho' she's 6 and very resilient, I don't want to do anything too rash right now.

    It's sad there are so many that "been there, done that". I didn't want to be a statistic, but BC took care of that. Now, I don't want to be one of the divorced stats.

    I'm playing the "guilt" game right now. Much as I'd love to do a drive by with the garage door opener, I risk too much getting caught. HOWEVER, I've had a couple of greeting cards for a while, so I wrote a note in one and put it in the console in his truck last night---same place the door opener is, so it'll make him think 2x on whether I saw the opener or not (I'll know if he ends up locking the truck tonight).

    This Circle has gotten me to think more (hard to overcome the heart at this point). I truly appreciate everyone's support!

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    UPDATE: You're gonna love (or hate?) this...

    Our local radio station was running a call-in for "best of" (after last nite's People Choice Awards) gastro-interologist, best magician, best cookie, etc.

    I got thru and sat on hold, then when the DJs answered I said, "Good Morning, Brian & Joe! Just wanted to let you know that I'm wearing sequins and I DO have underwear on (they started cracking up). I have a nominee for Best Husband....and the winner is Ray B. of Solon OH!"

    Sure enuf, a second later Ray calls from his truck...."what's this Best Husband?" I explained what the station was doing, the part he missed (about the underwear) and told him that I just couldn't NOT do it. He had a smile in his voice and thanked me (plus, he'll be posted on their website).

    How's THAT for guilt!?! LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Ahahahaha Mena! I meant Pentagram!! Hey you missed it last Thursday. I confused everyone by saying TGIF! Sometimes I get mixed up.

    LauraB: Oh I loved the card thing. Subtle but assertive!!

    Ok, now I really have to go.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Frist I would liek to thank you all for being my support while I made the decision to have the bilat mast. My next step is to hear the options at the ps and make a decision on the type of recon. I have taken into consideration all of your experiences. Looks like the big day will be this Spring instead of the Fall.

    Mena, so good to see you back. Talk about resilient! Sounds like that neighbor has a place on Desperate Housewives along with my dh's ex on Jerry Springer.

    Laura, listen to your lawyer. Mine never steered me wrong and I think we have been better off because of her. Besides, he sounds like anice Jewish boy and tell him I will know if he doesn't treat a nice girl the right way.

    Speaking of my grandmother, she died this past October 31st at 101 1/2. She was lucid up until the last month of her life. She always had the most wondrful advice. Cheryl's post kind of reminded me of her. She outlived all of her friends she said AND her enemies. When she was 98, she told me she no longer had anyone to argue with because of that! BTW, Cheryl, I wish there was someone I knew out your way to fix the heater for you. With my dh working at Home Depot at the contracotr's desk, he hears some real horror stories. More often htna not, these guys just don't show up. they could have at least called, ya know!

    Sue, so sorry about your friend. And you didn't even say anything when we talked. I can't make it Saturday but e are going to have a monthly coffee klatch at Starbucks here in Philly. Will keep you posted.

    Jan, did you get the bra thing solved yet? Was the shop in Hatboro helpful? I will let you know about the coffee too. I live in Willow Grove, maybe we can do lunch some day.

    Deb, hope Connie is doing better and you were able to get in touch with her family. Alaska was in the news this morning and I thought immediatley of you. How many buns did Mazer eat?

    Karen, I get flare-up of my carpel tunnel when my fibromyalgia gets bad. I empathize. I ended up with a hand surgeon but didn't want the procedure at the time.

    Nicki, feel better soon. It sucks to be feeling lousy.

    Vickie, I already pm's you this morning so you just get a cup of cocoa and some warm oatmeal sent your way with lots of hugs.

    Shopmama and ebeany, where did you go? We will be here when you are ready.

    Joyce, cup of fancy coffee-$3.56, gas for the drive to the city-$5.00, parking-$10, having your whole family around you...priceless! Enjoy the visit. Prayers for Kevin and keep us posted.

    Cheri, I loved the platform shoes too. I was going to be some this past year but was afraid I couldn't balance myself on them anymore!

    Tracey, good to see you last night in the chat. It was sure busy. What kind of classes are they? My mom is auditing some classes on 'puters next month at the community college and I thougth I would sit in since I am her caregiver(translate that to glorified chauffeur right now). I have to take classes evry year to renew my real estate license and I really can't wait for them to get over. Hope all is quiet on the home front.

    Sue, keep on dancin'!

    Anyone I forgot, and it is not intentional, I still keep you next to my heart.

    Love and hugs,