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  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    WOW, it took forever to try to catch up.... I guess I missed alot, not sorry...cuz I'm with Deb...I love the Circle and the Circle Loves Me? long as I don't make you all exercise) I hope all that are under the weather ...find the sunshine soon ...
    Laura....listen to your him tell him of the mediation try by DH...protect yourself....and Caitlin sp? sorry..

    well today is day 2 of leaving DH home alone...found out he put up all of the xmas stuff, carried all the boxes to the upper attic...and fixed the flood lights, and the attenea, which is about 3 stories up...hmmm....still think he needs a babysitter,,,lol....he goes to cardiologist Thursday...good thing...
    Ok must run spent too much work time catching back soon...
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Yes, I talked with the lawyer yesterday and he said no way to the mediator....I was just kinda curious what type of hard-sell they'd give Ray if he went on his own (he's a bit gullible, especially now since it's what he THINKS he wants). If Ray wants to go that route, he can do it on his own at his own cost.

    I'm taking my good ol' time responding to him!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies! trying to keep up before the day slips away! have to be in work my 9:45...

    Joyce what a nice surprise!!!!! good luck with you son's surgery, will keep him in my prayers(my list is soooo long these days!)

    Nickie sounds like your feeling a little better!

    Cheryl, try not to worry, it is hard not to be paranoid since we have been through the cancer journey but most of the time it is normal stuff!!! think postively!
    Cheri, I loved David Cassidy but I have to admit I don't know the other people......Ya know after I finished all my treatments I was listening to my ipod one day and was jammin, I was dancing in my kitchen and I just started bawling my eyes out.... I hadn't danced in almost 1 yr. I love to dance!!!! it made me really sad and angry that I broke down right there!!!! I was so preoccupied with cancer I forgot how much I loved to felt so good, now I try to dance everyday!

    Deb great pic, connie is in my thoughts today, keep us posted. oh and temps have dropped here into the 40's(cold huh????)we could really use some snow(everyone I know is sick!)

    Tracey hahahahaha love the teeth!

    madison tell hubby he will have to waite his turn( I am forever hogging the puter.........doesn't he know we have to check in first????

    Sue T-girl where are you 2???????
    ok running late for work have to go I hope everyone has a good day!

    keeping all of you close to my heart and sending positive vibes to all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies
    Some evil smileys for our OWCH tent.
    image evil side showing through...I think I have a split personality!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Just ran into snowzilla on the way to Deb's.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning girls,

    Deb loved the pic and it actually resembles her when I am trying to get her to stand still and let me pick the goop out of her feet. She does ok with it but sometimes she decides she is the boss and I have to kindly remind her that I AM! I am thinking she might be the best donkey ever and stand there like she is supposed to if I fed her some cinnamon rolls. She might decide getting your feet picked out is the best thing ever as long as she gets good treats. yesterdays treat was cinnamon sticks made for donkeys and horses. She loved them of course and kept trying to look in my pockets to see if I was holding out on her.

    I guess you all can tell I love my animals,,lol. I wanted the goats and my SO wanted donkeys. I was a little skeptical on the donkeys because I have never had anything that big. Well, needless to say when we went to look at them and Mazer came right up to me and put her head on me, I was hooked.

    madison, I have always liked the Saints also and nobody could ever understand that since they never win. I started liking them when my sister lived in New Orleans and we would go to the games. Go Saints I say since my steelers didnt have it this year. I also happen to like the patriots so I am all over the place. Speaking of football, florida killed Ohio state last night didnt they? I love football.

    LauraB-Thinking of you as you have so much on your mind. Listen to your heart but take care of you in the process. Dont be afraid to change because sometimes change is good in the long run and we dont realize it. Been there, done that and never been happier except for the damn BC that got me.

    newvickie-loved the jokes and of course my co workers thought I had lost my mind since I started laughing out loud. Good luck on kicking Surburban today. I know they do that around here also. You get a better price being a new customer but once they have you they screw you. I work for a power company so hard to convince me gas is good anyway,,lol.

    wow Joyce, what a nice surprise. Best of luck with the surgery.

    NS-when is your MRI? Keep us posted. I have a CT scan today of my liver and then my treatment of herceptin and zometa. Hopefully the CT will come out ok. Everybody cross your fingers!!!!!

    Cheri-loved your story about the CD. it brought a nice smile to my face.

    Nicki-I know what you mean about being addicted. I can myself thinking of the circle often and wonder if I am missing something.

    Much cooler today on my end of the circle but nothing like it is in Alaska. I am all bundled up to go and be with Connie today and made Mazer promise no cinnamon rolls until she proves she can behave at the hospital. mazer has her feelings hurt just a bit since Nicki mentioned that distorted humor was looking at other females so hopefully she will behave. Bless her heart, she had a tear in her eye because she thinks distorted humor is a fine catch. I told her she was young and had plenty of time to look around and enjoy life but I am not sure she was buying it.

    ok off to get busy at work but thinking of you all.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Girls,

    I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been reading everyday. Now I feel so behind, I'm not sure how to catch up.

    I just got off the phone with Mena and she wanted me to tell you why she hasn't posted in a while. Last Friday she had a tooth extracted and it got infected. Her son was injured, taken to the emergency room and now has problems with his knees. Because of all this, she has missed 2 treatments and is concerned, to say the least. As if that isn't enough to handle, she found out some 'disgusting' news about her ex-husband -- he needs a torture tent all his own!!!

    On a brighter note, yesterday Mena was in bed having a well deserved pity party when her daughter ran into the bedroom to tell her there was a package for her -- it was the quilt. She said it was soooo beautiful, she can't stop looking at it. It has so many shades of pink, mixed in with beautiful pastels and amazing inspirations written all over it. Because she doesn't want anything to happen to it, she has it on top of all her other blankets. And, this is a quote: "It is so me. I know it was Divine Intervention".

    She loves and misses everyone and will back on the boards soon.

    I have to go to the dentist, so I'm kind of rushing. I have a migraine and hope I don't get sick there. Oh well, will catch up later.

    Love, Sue
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    So ishop, are you going to drop the other shoe & tell us what Mena said?

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007

    Sorry, I get technically challenged when I have a migraine.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for updating us on Mena. Anything we can do to help?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, so glad that you're well today. I figured you for a Bobby Sherman fan. Wasn't he just a young girls dream? I thought my story would trigger some old memories.

    Laura, hope you're doing well today. You're a grown woman & can make your own decisions...but please make them with an attorney.

    Joyce, so wonderful that your son surprised you! I know that made you very happy.

    Michele, David Cassidy was the only name you recognized? Did you grow up in a bubble? Not even Bobby Sherman? Not a wild streak of any kind where you listened to Rod Stewarts "If you think I'm sexy"? How bout those Bee Gees? They did the soundtrack for John Travolta in "Saturday Night Fever". Who doesn't know that cocky walk that John did walking down the street in time to "Stayin' Alive"?? Fess up, now. lol

    Amy, you still have the cutest ass I've seen on here. Oh yeah, Mazer's a donkey, right?

    Well wishes to Mena,NS,Brenda,Cassie,Denise and all the others that I might've missed.

    May all have a wonderful day,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for the update ishop, on Mena. Sounds like you need some prayers for you, too. praying the dentist goes well & your headache eases.

    Best Wishes,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning girls. Headache still here. I have appt for a massage at 10. Hoping that will do the trick. It's been so long since I've been to the dentist I forgot I used to go to chiro immediately after. Me and dentists chairs have never had a good relationship. But since I can't do that anymore massage will have to do.

    Amy, water pipe and power poles. yippee!!!! I do know the feeling. Today I have baseboards, window trim, and textured drywall. Off to buy painting supplies today. Only thing left to do is the trim around the cabinets and some electrical that is hubbys job. hmmmmm perhaps this weekend I can officially can the project done.

    NS, whats a ridgvent? Headache still here but Mrs Hippy Magic Fingers is a wonder and I'm sure she'll fix me up.
    How's your head?

    this one's my favorite.
    "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
    You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
    Billy - age 4

    Michele, how was dinner.

    beth, hope your crew is feeling better.


    Laura, no words of advice from me. You are in my prayers.

    Deb, geez louise. and I was whining about +23. Can you even go outside when it's that cold? Stay warm.
    Praying for Connie.

    Cheri, it's a good addiction.
    Ghost Cancer? hmmmm haven't heard that one before but it's so appropriate. I'm glad you had a good trip down memory lane.

    Hugs Liz. It will be fine.

    Time for my massage. Will finish when I get back.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007

    (_!_) (_!_) (_!_) oh my oh my,,been a long time since heard my ass was cute.

    What do you mean you were talking about my donkey???? oh,,ok they thank you too!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Yes Amy, of course I meant your donkey. Although, I imagine yours is one fine bootie, too. lol

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    OOOOOH!!! I just posted this long post and I go, oh I'm going to get timed out. I marked it and thought I had copied it. Sure enough I got timed out and when I came back to try to post - it didn't copy.

    I can't do it again right now I am just to frustrated.

    Everyone have a good afternoon, day, whatever!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    OK girls, I have yesterday beat...It was -32 degrees this AM. It is getting cold enough that thigs get a bit hard to do. We still do all our activities, we just have to be careful how long we are outside with our facce uncovered. My girls still had cross country ski practice yesterday, but it may be too cold today. They are not supposed to be outside for activities at school if it is under -10. Sometimes they fudge a bit and let the ski team go at -15, but lower than that, they just run inside or something. It may not get up to -15 today.

    I'm going to go get a stew going in the crock pot.

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Brenda, oh darn it! When I first started posting I'd lose half of everything I tried to post. Then some of the girls told me to "copy & paste". I am computer illiterate and I didn't want to let on that I didn't know what they were talking about! So I finally stumbled onto my windows notebook & figured out I could take my time & write as long as I wanted to & bring it on over here where I had this waiting. A few times of that & I got the idea. I just got my computer last Oct. so I really didn't know even the simplest things, still don't know much about it. lol

    I still sometimes will forget to copy it & end up of losing one like you just did. So aggravating but usually I've taken notes. Ya gotta laugh at yourself. It's the little things we do sometimes that frustrate us so. Try again after you re-group.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    cheri I didn't want to admit my age............
    can I tell you though I didn't see Saturday night fever in the movies because I wasn't allowed..............had to sneak and grease too!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    oh darn me again forgot to login

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Ok, as I said I lost my very long post. Doing it a different way this time.

    I am not sure which one of you sent the cold weather my way but PLEASE take it back. We had 70+ temps and now the wind is just unreal and we have dropped more than 30 degrees. I don’t adjust to these drastic changes as easily now.

    Michelle, I was so pleased to read that Anthony has improved and is off the ventilator. I pray he continues to do well without further complications.

    SoCaLisa, Congrats on the good news that your DIL is going to give you a wonderful bundle of joy and all is well. I kind of shuttered when I read this week that a 64 year old woman delivered twins - I can’t imagine and it sure won’t happen to me.

    Ginny, don’t know/remember if I told you I was excited for you that your scans had improved enough that you change your treatments.

    Amy, just saw that you posted that you lost 6.5 lbs. Way to go girl!! You do lots of physical work and it helps burn those calories. Saying prayers and crossing fingers too that your CT scan is good.

    Vicki, good checkup!!! Sorry to hear that you are still having problems with “that” gas company and glad you are going to call the attorney general. I’ve mentioned this before and someone else also, call your local TV station - a good looking woman; been through a hard time; getting poor and rude service from a public company - they would love it. Give’m hell!!

    DebC, see that Connie has been moved to the center of the circle. I’ve brought in some more fire wood and am sure you are cooking up a great meal for all of us to share with her. So you found a picture of Mazer not wanting to fly on Susan’s carpet but that you got things moving again by those cinnamon buns. I can see why!!!

    Tracey, going back to school and hubby troubles. That’s a lot on your plate. Good luck. Some days my brain works fine and other days - I am just way to foggy. Loved that picture of the cat and am going to print that off. Think I might post it at work.

    Joyce, glad you had time to check in with us. I know your son showing up sure put a bright spot in all that is going on. I know what it is to have a child sick. I came close, to, to close in loosing my son to illness years ago. I understand the roller coaster, the stress and fatigue. God Bless you and your family.

    Mena - want us to scream with you? Glad that the quilt lifted your spirts. Hoping that your son’s knee injuries aren’t anything that is going to require surgery. Just know you are missed.

    Shirley, hope your headache is better today and the massage helped.

    Susan, how are you? What did you find out from your test? If you posted that, I missed. Are you still so tired?

    Nicki, glad that you don’t have the flu. I remember a few months ago you did and you really were sick for a couple of weeks. Take care.

    MB, glad to hear that hubby is doing better and praying that his cardiology visit goes well. Always good to have you check in.

    NS, hope you are having a good day. I know sometimes your insurance seems to delay your approval for test/procedures. Do you have a definite appointment time yet?

    Cheri, love your music. I think we both traveled the same distance to get our treatment. Glad it gave you a lift.

    Karen, glad you got an appointment to have the test. How you doing with the splints?

    Cookie, Shel, T-girl, JoJo, Puppyfive, Denise, Carrie, Liz. CherylG, Marsha, Cheryl, Ishop, miss all of you when you don’t/can’t post. Hope I didn’t miss anyone - don’t want anyone to feel left out here.

    Laura, I know lots have given their opinion or advice and I am not sure I can add much. I do understand when you say you love him and this isn’t what you want. I felt the same way and the day I got the divorce, I cried - still wasn’t what I wanted after being separated two years.
    However, I had to recognize two things :# 1. I had two small children that I had to think of. I knew then and it has been confirmed over and over to me through these many years, that it is easier on them when they are young children than for it to happen close to or when they are in their teenage years. I’ve witnessed to many teenagers not handling that well along with all the other issues and pressures they encounter. Will there be adjustment problems for your daughter, probably. But surround her with friends at school in sleep overs or nieces and nephews and she will be ok. As much as your husband is at the “hall” or “at the bar” in you house, work, and with the OW, I get the impression he really isn’t home spending quality time with your daughter now. #2. My husband was seeing OW and not just one. Then and even more so in today’s world, I had to consider IF and WHEN we had sex just what could he be giving me. I didn’t know all the women he had been with and I didn’t know all the men they had been with - my children needed me. All the changes that you make in appearance, how you keep the house, how you cook the meals comes down to the fact that he still says he wants out. Whether he has thought this through as to whether he can afford to make this move - it’s his decision; his to live with. I am not sure of the legal issues of child support and alimony in your state so your lawyer is the one that can answer those questions. Laura, I didn’t want my marriage to end either and I do understand. I just knew I didn’t want to try to live with someone that didn’t love me and didn’t want to be with me. It wasn’t easy reaching my decision and moving forward. Today, my grown children see “why” we don’t live together. I never kept them from their dad when he wanted them, tried really hard not to put him down in front of them; didn’t have time for bitterness. Today they are grown and have turned out well and I am proud of both of them.
    None of us are in your house but many of us have walked in your shoes and many of us still were in love with our husbands when the marriage fell apart. Good luck, sweetie, whatever you decide. I trust it will be the right thing for you and your daughter.

    Everyone take care. Brenda
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Cant say evening, cause its still afternoon here in the Chicago end of the circle. I still had a wee bit of a headache as the day went on so I came home. Took a Darvocet and had to come say hello to everyone.

    LauraB: I clicked on it this time and it worked. I quickly read through it and felt uncomfortable. Felt like it was an add selling me something. The one thing I thought about was, well if both people want a divorce then mediation would make sense - maybe! But you have made your choice and clearly stated you dont want a divorce. So stick with the lawyer. If Ray isnt that sophisticated then I wonder where in the world he found this. Im sure he didnt do it on his own. Has the smell of OW written all over it. Anyways. Thats my 2 cents. One day at a time.

    MB: It was so good to see you. Glad to hear your DH is ok. Men need babysitters all the time! And when they are sick - furgett about it. Problem is with the heart, you feel good. Hope your going with to the cardiologist appointment. Putting away the Christmas decorations - thats hard work when you are just recovering from a heart attack!!

    Michelle: I love to dance too! In fact my exercise room has mirrors and a big part of my routine is dancing, light hand weights, abdoer, and the treadmill. Now if I would only do it. Right now the poor room is feeling ignored.

    Vickie: Girl you are amazing. Evil smileys and a picture of snowzilla!! Where do you get all these pictures. They are great. Always puts a smile on my face

    Amy: Ahahaha Oh what can I say. You know men. They all think they are studs!! Distorted Humor being both - only has one favorite. And of course its Mazer. So just tell her to calm down. We are waiting - we want to have the fastest mule in the world!

    Sue: What a touching story about Mena. Divine intervention indeed. Hope your migraine is better.

    Mena: Hope your better cause we miss you.

    Cheri: I think I might have you beat about the old days. I was a wild girl then - still am. Anyways, I was at the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968!! Now that was a riot.

    Sherloc: I forgot. You have a headache too. Ya know I wonder whats going on with all these headaches. Besides me, 2 othr people at work called in yesterday with you guessed it headaches. This could actually be a viral thingy? I dont get migraines - but this is debilitating.

    DebC: Oh it sounds so cold! Like it hurts the inside of your nose to breath in air. Hoping everything with Connie goes well today.

    Brenda: Its funny you brought up me being sick a few months back. I was just discussing that with my husband. Seems like sometimes we get weirded out when we get sick. At least I do. Anyways, I asked him if I had been complaining of headaches lately. In the back of my mind, wondering what could be going on. But after talking it out, I do believe I have a virus. Before bc, I never got sick. Seems like I catch everything now. Oh - and I dont know how to save and paste, so everytime I write to one of you I hit change this post. Then go back and edit. It works for me. I hate losing a long, well thought post.

    Ok! The darvocet is not helping the headache. Im gonna go lay down for a while. Im getting fatter by the moment. No exercise, eating everything, and laying in bed all the time.

    See ya all later

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thanks, Brenda. Your history and dealing with the same thing keeps my eyes open (or at least the blinders off for now!)

    Nicki---my feeling, too. I know he got his info from somewhere (if they're THAT good, you'd think my lawyer would've heard of them!) Talked w/a gal who works for me---she knows Ray from WAY back and knows how he is. She went thru JUST the disolution but both of them wanted out and that was easiest/quickest/cheapest way to do it.

    I'm just not going to do anything for now.

    Thanks, all! This board has helped me thru so much lately! I love you all!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good afternoon ladies!!!
    well i had a extra day off today,, it was a good day today..
    i got to sleep in well at least lie there and watch csi
    had a good breakfast and just tootled around the house.
    its very windy out there and warm at least but its starting to cool off now.
    i am making my fist ham and split pea soup and the broth is far... lol
    trying to start my course online but the server has been down so hopefully its back up for tonight and i can get started.
    things are better between hubby and me
    i guess i can overeact and am sensitive ( guess i am getting those freakin monthlys soon)
    i dont know why but some times i love him so much and other times i really dislike him very much
    he helped me yesterday after work and we spent 5 hours cleaning the house... throwing out lots of pack rats stuff and it feels good!

    laura i am sorry you have to go through this cr@p if there is anything i can do pm me ok! and hugssssss

    missing mena!

    i didnt take notes and got in here and started typing away...
    so hugs to all, and i will be back later when i can catch up on the posts

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Lighting a candle for ShopMama who I think is planning on joining us here...she needs us so this is a light for her to find her way.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    I'm back. Mrs Hippy Magicfingers did a lovely job. Still have a slight headache but not as bad as it was. Went to wallyworld and got stuff to paint. Tape and new rollers and such. Feel all jello'd out so I'll start that tomorrow.

    Cherylcy, no more chiro cause I have advanced osteoporosis. My bones are comparable to dust. Endo says no one is allowed to jump up and down on my spine anymore. BooHoo. I really liked my chiro. But tis ok. I get massage instead.
    My sympathy on the baseboards. 14 years!! Yikes I'm sorry I whined. I can give you the name of a really nice contractor who does piddly work.

    Nicki, I am happy you are feeling better. Now stay well. A two story snowman? I so should watch the news sometime.
    Headaches do seem to be in the air. For me it's the wood smoke from all the hillbillies that don't have heaters and the fateful dentist appt.
    You have an exercise "room"...I am soooo jealous.

    welcome ShopMama.

    so now's it's 2:30 and I have accomplished nothing but me stuff today. Guess I'll go tape something. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Tracey, can I have some soup. Sounds yummy.
    Sometimes I really dislike my man person too. I think it's normal. They are idiots after all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Tracey: Oh the soup smells wonderful. You did make enough for us circle girls didnt you?

    Sherloc: Im embarrassed to say that my exercise room is probably the biggest room in this house. I share it with my husband, so its his music room too. And when I want to exercise, I can play my CD's on his speakers! I can turn the mike on and sing if I want. Now I just gotta get motivated to use it.

    DebC: Local news talked about the cold weather in Alaska. Its really collllddd there.

    LauraB: Lots of time to look around and explore options. You can never be wrong when you go with your gut instinct.

    Shopmama: We already put in the middle of the circle. Welcome.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Geez, this place got a little busier.

    NS,Liz,Nicki,Shirley&Sherloc, sure hope all your headaches get better. Makes me wonder if you girls got together in the Hooch tent last night & tied one on & now you've all got hangover headaches. Maybe that's where all the missing girls were at, too. Things that make me go Hmmmmm.

    Michele, I just knew you had to be holding back a little. Sneaking into see the movie "Grease" you bad, bad girl! lol

    Deb, how long have you lived in that bitter cold climate?

    Laura, try to stay sane through all this.

    Tracey,glad you & dh are on better footing. I know what you mean. I'm married to one of the best men I've ever known but...there are times that I can't stand him. We have a tendency to get off-kelter about 2 or 3 times a year when we just don't seem to be on the same page. Then it works itself out & we're alright again.

    Vicki, you are so good. It's nice you lit the way to the Circle for anyone who's lost. I know I certainly was when I followed the light here.

    Welcome, ShopMama. This is a wonderful place to be if you're sick or just in need of some understanding. The girls here are truly good people.

    Nicki, I wasn't quite a bubble-gummer yet in '68. But I have you pictured as a little hippy chick. Peace, Power to the People! You didn't by chance have a boyfriend with a pychodelic painted van, did ya? The days of our youth.

    NS,Susan,Carrie, where are you girls today? Haven't seen much of you, if at all.

    Sweet,clever Mena. Oh how I've missed ya. Hope all of you are feeling much better very soon.

    My heart goes out to all who are ill or awaiting those dreaded test results.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Cheri: Yes, I sure did love my hiphuggers then
