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  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    Good morning ladies, I haven't posted here before hope ya'll don't mind. I have had 3 rounds of chemo to shrink my mass and will be having surgery today. Scared hell yes. Knowing I'll come out the other side ok, hell yes..but as you all know that have gone before me that doesn't help a lot this morning. I have a great man by my side I think the Gods for him every day. Had a really strange dream last night..I had all my hair be a sign. I'll be taking my laptop with me but not sure it'll work at the hospital. But like others I have to read the board everyday.
    A big thanks to all of you that have gone the path before me your wisdom and prayers help so many. I'll be in the hospital till Friday, so I'll post when I can.
    Keep the fire and coffee going girls I'll be back soon
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Best of hugs, prayers, and thoughts! We'll be holding your hand!

  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    A set of screwdrivers,
    A cordless drill, and
    A black lace bra..

    One friend who
    Always makes her Laugh...
    And one
    Who lets her cry...

    A good piece of furniture
    Not previously owned by
    Anyone else in her family...

    Eight matching plates,
    Wine glasses with stems,
    And a recipe for a meal that will
    Make her guests feel honored.

    A feeling of control over
    Her destiny...

    How to fall in love
    Without losing herself...

    How to quit a Job
    Break up with a lover
    And confront a friend without ruining the friendship

    When to try harder... And

    That she can't change
    The length of her calves,
    The width of her hips, or
    The nature of her parents...

    That her childhood
    May not have been
    Its over...

    What she would and
    Do for love or more...

    How to live alone...
    Even if
    She doesn't like it...

    Whom she can trust,
    Whom she can't,
    And why she shouldn't
    Take it personally.. .

    Where to go...
    Be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
    Or a charming inn in the woods...
    When her soul needs soothing... !

    What she can and can't accomplish
    In a day...
    A month..
    And a year...
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I love it Robbie! I'm saving it!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    One friend who
    Always makes her Laugh...
    And one
    Who lets her cry...

    Thanks Robbie...what a nice poem. I liked the above as it is what we have her...lots of friends who let us laugh and cry.
    Morning ladies...trying to unbury my desk her at work...if I don't return send the National's that bad!!!
    Hugs and love all around
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Off to work. Good morning everyone. Welcome Robbie. You have found a great group of women.

    Mena, glad to see you back and that your sense of humor is intact.

    I just kind of scanned but looks like we have some missing in action - where are you?

    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Another day in paradise. I'll be covered in paint drippings today. Not gonna do much for my headache but who cares. I just want it done. I have an appt on the 29th with my surgeon to discuss having this "lipoma" removed from my boob. Have lived with it there for to many months, decided it needs to be in a jar. Besides, my poor boob is bruised from all the "checking" it gets every day. Time to stop feeling myself up and get the darn thing out of there.

    ok Nicki, you have to share it so I'm not so jealous. Never mind yes I am.

    Cheri, it wasn't me, honest. I would never ever ever be caught standing up in the Hooch Tent. Head still pounding. hmmmm

    Thanks for the soup Tracey. It hit the spot.

    Jan, enough already. No one else is allowed to get sick. Bell Bottoms? way before my time. I'm of the Dorothy Hamill duck hair cut and T-shirts that say "I'm with Stupid" generation.

    Liz, well shoot girl. Telling them to stop calling for it. Maybe it will go back where it came from.
    You've never had Split Pea soup? Wow.
    Yep final stages after 4 long years. All thats left is the trim around the cabinets (has a name but I can't remember), some wires to be dealt with that have been sticking out of the wall for wayyyyy to long, and to finish painting. How cool is that. Paint is boring white.
    Next dentist appt is not till late Feb.

    Beth, glad you had a good check up.

    Socal, have a grand trip. Have no idea who those guys are but I'm sure they were good at what they did to be in a Hall of Fame.

    Vicki, crafting thread? hmmmm what would we craft?
    I use Airborne too. It's great stuff.

    Brenda, sounds like a migrane to me. Hate them more than toe lint.

    Susan, YEHAW!!!!!

    Karen, hugs to you hon.

    Madison, tell him to get his own.

    MENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey girlfriend. Hope the tooth is feeling better. Thank you for starting my morning off with a smile about your blankey. They are stunning.
    Stop drinking? Dear me why would anyone do that?
    Play nice now. Can't have you deleted.

    Cherylcy, hahahahhahahhhhahahahah

    Deb, what a lovely ministry.

    Sue, I am so sorry about your friend. My prayers for you and her family.
    Hubby has a torn rotator cuff too. He has refused surgery, so just gets cortizone shots every couple of months. Tho his doc says he can't do that forever.
    When I stopped taking arimidex I waited a month before starting tamox. Took a few weeks for all the pain to go away.

    Welcome Robbie. You will be in my prayers till we hear from you again.

    Off to the paint mines. Have a great day everyone.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good day ladies!
    i guess we had a thunder storm last night the kids woke up to thunder and lighening, which is really unual here in winter... so it poured rain and now temps will be hitting -32 by tonight... i have the fire roaring and its cozy in here...
    hoping my course is online today as they have had problems with the server... i am taking princibles of management...(i think beth asked me what i was taking)
    its a credit college course and i am hoping to be able to move up in the hotel industry..
    chemosabi my soup turned out pretty good as i made it from scratch and with no real recipe i just winged it:):):)
    i was in chat last night and seen many names i havent seen in a very long time.. it was nice... and it was nice to see you there to beth...
    well i am off to see if there is a good movie on.. one more day of relaxation and then its back to work...
    work is kinda fusterating me as my boss i think is not true to his words...well see i guess . maybe i will start to look for another job after this course...
    have a great day ladies....
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Loved the poem. Good luck to you and I will be praying for you today.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    good morning all,

    Read through all the post and boy we sure are a chatty bunch. Lots seem to be going on too.

    First of all,,drum roll please. The lesion that was on my liver is gone, gone, gone. I made him repeat it 3 times I think because I loved hearing it. My lungs are good but they were before but still good to hear and the CT shows all the new bone stuff going on from doing the zometa. he said I was doing wonderful and no reason to change anything and was very excited at my progress on the bone mets. Woooohoooooooo,,,not ned but I will take doing wonderful any day of the freaking week. Celebrated last night and I have the headache that some of you are suffering with. hmmmm,,mine was self induced though. Not a bad headache at all and I am sure it will be gone shortly. I guess that also answers Menas question about giving up drinking. Of course I would have never said I would do that in the first place.

    speaking of Mena,,,wow great to see you posting. I love your spunk. Your post always brings a smile to my face. Hope your son is doing ok.

    Robbie, loved the poem, its a keeper. Welcome to the circle also. This is the best group of women you will ever find. Thinking of you today as you undergo surgery. You havent met Mazer yet but she will be there in all her glory checking on you. If anybody is not nice she will leave them a nice warm pile to step in.

    Nicki-I told Mazer that distorted humor was waiting for her and she got so excited. Her heels were kicking up and she was attempting her donkey noise when she hasnt quiet mastered. She still has the hawwwwwwww but not the heeeeeeeee. needless to say she was excited. I think she was even more excited over that than the cinnamon rolls,,well maybe thats pushing it. Hope your sickness goes away soon. I know what you mean about catching everything now. I never got sick before BC and now if anybody has a cold you can bet I will get it. I handled bi lateral mastectomy better than I can handle a stuffed up nose also. I take my vitamins but sometimes I feel like I am fighting a losing battle with the colds.

    LauraB-glad to see you doing well. You are a better person than me and I am not ashamed to admit it. I would have called in and nominated him for the best bastar*. I also understand not wanting to be a statistic. That was the hardest part of the divorce for me. I just didnt want to ever have to say I had been divorced. Oh well, I got past that point and couldnt be happier. Best of luck to you.

    Tracey-hope your course goes well. I was in the process of getting another degree when I got BC and havent got back in the swing of things to get started again. Your post does make me think about it though.

    newvickie, your desk must look like mine at some times. Somedays I would love to come in and see it all clean but that will probably never happen. Oh well, good job security I suppose. How is the fight with surburban going?

    Shirley-I cant wait till I have something to paint. Its exciting isnt it. have fun painting!

    Sue-sorry to hear you have been in a funk lately. Your friends death was very sad. Dont stay gone from here long though because you get us all worrying. Never good to make a big group of women worry!

    madison-I dont blame you for not wanting to share. A laptop might be a great treat for yourself,,lol.

    karen-hoping you get some relief with your carpal tunnel. Dont you just get tired of it always being something as if BC wasnt enough. We've done our time isnt that enough already?

    Deb-holy guacamole, we froze our butts off yesterday in Alaska. Mazer had to wear ear muffs on her big ears to keep warm. The crockpot of stew was wonderful though. I snooped around to see if you had fresh baked bread and luckily I didnt find it because it would have blown my diet,,as if the drinking last night helped it. Hoping you hear from Connie soon and that she is recovering well.

    ok I have to confess,,bell bottoms were before me but I can say I wore polos with the collars up and saw Rick Springfield in concert. Those jeans with the stripes on the were popular also,,I think jordache made them. Lets see what else I can pull out of my past,,,hmmmm. Corey Hart, I wear my sunglasses at night,,loved that song. Talk about a one hit wonder.

    ok got to get some work done here and see if I can find the top of my desk.

    Will be back on later to catch back up.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Robbie, welcome. We will keep you right in the middle until you get home safe and sound. All of us will be there right along with you in the hospital, except Ginny is going to be taking soem breaks to keep dancing with NED.

    The poem is beautiful. I am printing it and taking it to my mom at Sunrise (her Assisted Living place). The ladies will love to hear it.

    Love and hugs,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hello girls,
    I have over 110 post to catch up on??? I don't think that is possible!!

    I have been very under the weather and have not been online.
    I tried to scan and I see that we have the shop mama and Robbie as new Circle girls! WELCOME!
    Susan is NED!
    Karen, sweetie, I know how you are feeling- it is like what the hell else is going to happen! People never talk about all the other goodies that come with treatment or because of treatment or how hard it is to deal with other illnesses along with cancer.
    Sueishop- the arimidex is a killer from what I hear and that just proves my point. No one told us this!!!
    Like Beth, did you just get a lumpectomy when you were diagnosed? And now you are getting the bilat? I tested positive for an unknown variant of BRCA2 and it is a pain because we don't know if doing that will help or not. Did you get Rads? Because you know the survival rate for lumpectomy WITH rads is equal to mast. And a mast doesn't guarantee you will remain recurrance free because your breast tissue is very wide- spreads from your collar bone all the way down your rib cage- they cannot possibly remove all of it. That is why we hear of girls getting regional recurrances to thier mast scar. It reduces your risk of recurrance but it doesn't guarantee it. Also, did you have an snb or total axillary dissection? You might want to ask if having a mast now, after the fact, will increase your LE odds. I know I was told that mine would be increased, but I had a full axillary dissection. What chemo tx did you do? I hope you aren't dealing with any residuals from that too!!!

    Laura, you are a MUCH better person that I am. I think that you quite possibly could be a saint. I think if I were in your shoes ole Ray would be joining ole "Earl" right about now. Bless your heart!

    Mena! You back? What- you only come back if we give you a present?? OK if that is what it takes!

    Nicki do you still have the flu- when I was last here you got it. Hope you are ok

    I keep reading about Tracey's soup- where is it! I am hungry!!!

    Cheri baby- hope all is well with you!!
    My sweet Vickie- anything new with your oil company?? I will say it again- time to move down state! Think of the FUN we would have!!!!

    Ok I am missing a TON of you- you are in my thoughts, rigth next to the squirells! Love you all!

    Be back later after a nap.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    AMY! Your post was the BEST NEWS!! no liver lesions!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!
    and your bones sound great! YOU ARE STABLE MABLE!!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Robbie keeping you in my prayers today, welcome to the circle we will keep you in the middle! loved the poem....
    Sue so sorry to hear about your friend how sad.
    Amy, congrats on your Dr. appt Yeah!!!! we might be close in age..... do you remember bay city rollers...... leif garret.......shaun hey day was the eighty's though....had the madonna bow and bracelets.yikes!!!!!big hair!!!!! ironic now I have no's growing but man not quick enough!lol

    Beth you have many decision coming up, good luck! hope we can help in any way....
    Mena that is some neighbor you have. scary!!!!!talk about neighbors from hell!

    ok I have got to go.....thinking of all of you today and will check in later.... have a great day!

    oh and Deb how is connie????

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    Ok so much to catch up on and on my bosses a quick hello to all and if I miss you know you are not forgotten but always in my heart...(at least mine works,,not like DH) he calls at least 5 times before lunch...can't wait for his appt tomarrow...

    Ok I unloaded the fire wood, and have chili and corn bread...wool blankets are in my wagon...and a bottle of liquid warmth for those that want ... good to see you we missed you so much...hugs....
    Welcome Robbie & shopmamma this is a great place...very warm and always hugs to be shared...

    Cheri I hope you are doing well with the smoking ...we know you can do it..and soon Nicki will be joining you again...I know she can do it to...

    Beth...take your time let yourself heal and the right decision will be in your heart...I know its hard but...
    Deb sending you really warm hugs...saw the temps....
    Vicki...good luck with SP ..I'm still wating for them to pick up their tank...been 1
    Nicki...are you exercising?.....I can't see

    Ok DH called the hospital can't find the paper work to send for Thursday...hmmm...and he doesn't know what to do...guess only women can sound mean on the phone...cuz if they think staying off work one more day...I'll shoot
    Take care I'll try to get back...
    PS [posted new execise on the thread...
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning All,

    I am at work (shhhhh, don’t tell). DH would NOT SHARE the computer last night.

    Welcome Robbie, we are thinking of you today. Please check in later to let us know how you are after surgery. I did love the poem….so much revelation in each verse….I think we can all take sometime positive from this …Thank You.

    I don’t remember if I told ISHOP1 hello…HELLO.., how much do you shop and do you find any good sales..we may have you head of the shoppers tent...AND do blondes REALLY HAVE MORE FUN.

    ShopMamma, HELLO.

    CherylCy, Forgive your enemies….GREAT…this one is a keeper.

    Sue, sorry that your friend Shirley passed away. I know you will be a comfort to the family.

    Tracey, you made soup and I Missed it. Rats, next time you make soup, I’m a coming (although I have no idea what to do with SNOW and cold weather) I am 51 and I think it has snowed in south Louisiana 4 times????? Tracey I admire you for taking the class. Good luck. I was taking night classes at LSU before BC, then took one class after treatment last fall – it was hard to concentrate– got an A – but haven’t registered for the spring night semester.

    Speaking of cold weather, DebC…MINUS 32 degrees, oh my……I can’t even imagine…..stay warm. How is Connie?

    Also, DebC, I am going to the link for the prayer shawl. Before BC I was never without a project, be it crochet, sewing, going to night classes……then I stopped EVERYTHING but work and worry (actually is was WORRY and work). I am going to start to crochet again., and it would be wonderful to be able to give a handmade gift to someone.

    Who suggested a craft thread? I know Nicki likes to do crafts. This may be a good idea. I imagine there are many talented people who could offer up wonderful ideas, links, etc.

    Susan, two years officially NED….congratulations and a big glass of champagne for you. I am sure you were worried and hope you are more at peace.

    Karen, sorry you had a bad day….have you decided how to treat your carpel tunnel? Wearing those splints all day can create additional pains, blisters, etc.

    Nicki, I am glad you are feeling better. Waking up in the morning is so very hard. It is actually hot flashes that wake me up in the morning.

    Vickie, I sure miss watching your are staying out of trouble.....not fun...

    Joyce , what a wonderful surprise…a visit from your son. Please give him a BIG HUG AND THANKS from another Air Force Mother……When is Kevin’s surgery?

    Amy, CONGRATS ON THE SCANS… you have a celebration headache, that is the best kind to have….CONGRATS AGAIN…I still say I am going to go play with your flock, fleet, herd, group of animals one day……When I was growing up we had sheep, the neighbors had horses, cows, etc…I was the biggest tomboy…I just don’t remember anyone having a donkey, but they sure are CUTE…..

    Someone mentioned Hot Pants, yep I used to sew all my clothes and I made several good looking hot pants suits. The mini shirts took maybe a ¼ of a yard of material…..those were the days.

    To all with headaches, what’s up? Have you had any resolution, found out why, been able to get medicine that helps. I always said I rather go through childbirth that have a migraine….I wake up everyday with a dull headache, seeing my onc tomorrow and will question why.

    Mena, GREAT TO SEE YOU BACK. We need your wisdom, attitude and SPUNK. you really can kick some butt……..

    Beth, good luck with your decision on recon…

    LauraB, only you are walking in your shoes and can make these life decisions…...I know you will do what is right……HUGS

    Shirley, you head is still pounding??? Not good, OUCH…..I’m sorry…So you decided to stop feeling yourself up…..that did sound like fun. We actually have two computers in our home and did have wireless internet, but our veterinarian daughter took our wireless connection to Alabama and we haven’t gotten another…..The things we do for our children…

    I was in a bit of a funk last night. I had a letter from the rad onc in the mail last night scheduling a 6 month mammo on 1/15 and giving me an appointment to see him on 1/22. The problem is my onc ordered a mammo in October, which was the 6 month mark from surgery and I don’t think I need another mammo for the rad dude……What to do? What to do? .There are two areas on the opposite breast they are monitoring (think it is fibro changes????)…

    NS, you are under the weather, sorry. We will have to fix you some soup so you can get better.

    MB, hope you and hubby are okay.

    Jan, Liz, Michele, Lisa, RobinTN, and everyone….hello and thinking of you..I hope I didn't miss anyone

    I tried to keep up with everyone today….I hope I have names, places and events right -

    I really do need to get some work done. Hope everyone has a wonderful day……

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    WOOHOO FOR AMY!!!! Stable Mable it is!!! I am soooo very happy for you!!
    Can't write much as I still haven't found my desk. careful with SP...if they have left your tank there for a year they may try to charge you a "storage fee"...they did it to some of my neighbors.
    Mena needs a present to come back...hmmm...wonder what my sticky fingers can come up with to keep her here. Don't know if I can come up with anything better than that quilt. Maybe she just needs to know that we love her so very much!
    NS...sooo happy to see you post. Miss you when your not here and moving downstate is starting to look good, we would really liven things up in your neck of the woods! Just imagine the fun we could have! Is your MRI scheduled yet? Want you to get rid of those pesky squirrels!
    Ok Madison...what would you like me to swipe LOL...just name it and off we go on another adventure.
    Haven't had a chance to finish my complaint to the AG office as I am so swamped here at work it is a nightmare! Plan on finishing it tonight and calling them tomorrow and then faxing it to them (which is what they wanted me to do).
    Going to start the crafting thread quick while I have a couple more minutes to "fool" around before I go back to locating my desk amidst all this paper!
    Thinking of you all and will be back later.
    Hugs and love
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Oops...that was me up above...wish Jake would eat all this paper on my desk and leave my name alone LOL!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Checking back in again,,,

    yes Michelle I do remember leif garrett and shaun cassidy,,lol. Lets see there was also Scott Baio. Lets see there was also parachute pants and slap bracelets and also swatch watches. In the summer it was those jam shorts. Hair style was the feathered bangs or that stick up bank look that you used a ton of "rave" hairspray on to get it to stay up. Lets see, there was also those slouch socks that you wore all scunched down. those were the days,,huh? Of course, it wont be long and we will be looking back thinking how crazy we were to wear crocs and other styles. I guess we cant leave out the atari 2600 either.

    ok back to work just had to reflect on my 80's days,,,lol

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahahah omg does anyone remember those gouchos pant things..
    so about 2 weeks ago i told my boss for advertising we should hit all the ski and snowmobile clubs see if we can draw them in to the hotel...well he just phone me to tell me his idea worked and we got 10 bookings instantly... grrrrrrr .... oh well i am sure there will be many of those!
    just a vent
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    I remember all the singers, hairstyles, gouchos, etc. How sad. I have this 18 yr. old brain in a 55 yr. old body ! My DH and I are the world's oldest metal heads. I remember all the oldies, I just don't enjoy them. My son won tickets to a Metallica concert. Two were for the concert in Philly and two were for DC. He gave us the tickets to DC and we went down on the radio station party bus. Needless to say, we were the oldest people on the stinking bus LOL! But, we had a blast!

    Susan - Hurray for our boy NED!! He is a wonderful dancer!!

    Karen - I have carpal tunnel also (from Arimidex). I was told only to wear the splints at night. If I wore them during the day, it could get worse. My wrists are much better now.

    Mena - Welcome back! Hope your dental woes are over. Your new Blanky sounds very cozy. What's going on here? There seems to be a plague of flandering husbands here. Like someone here said, "Men! Can't live with them and can't shoot them!" It's too bad that they can't stop thinking with their "little head".

    Laura - Bigs hugs to you. You are in my thoughts.

    Cheryl,Cy - Loved your forgiveness story. May it come true for everyone.

    Sue - I have lots of body pain from Arimidex too. I started taking CO Q 10. I heard that it might help. I'll let you know. The pain really does suck. My onc tells me that nobody gets these pains but me. Right!

    Nicki - We are getting a cold blast today too. I actually saw some snow, but it was only flurries.

    Robbie - Welcome to the circle. All are always welcome to pull up a seat by the fire and pass the time!

    Tracey - Sounds like you are having crazy weather also. Thunderstorms and now sub freezing? Ugh!

    Amy - Yeah!!!! No lesions!! That is fabulous news! Is Mazer giving a celebratory Hee Haw?

    Beth - Sounds like you are making the right decision about your Mast. I think my neighbor will be doing the same thing eventually.

    Hi to everyone I missed. I try to take notes, but I always manage to miss something or someone. Blame it on the chemo brain. Can we use that excuse forever? I hope so!
  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited January 2007
    Amy, you don't look old enough to remember those guys, sure brought a smile to my face at the memories.

    Hope all's well, it took a little time to find this site again, I didn't realize that I've been gone that long...
    I surprised my mom by driving to her house and celebrating her 70th birthday with her before driving back to Montgomery for drill weekend..
    I loved the look on her face,,, but we had a great but short visit...
    peace ladies
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, did I read that Suburban is charging you over $3 a gallon?
    I just called my company to arrange a fill up and thier price is $2.00 a gallon!!! You really need to report that company to everyone you can think of!
    Tracey, I remember gauchos- I can't believe they actually made a "come back"!

    Madison, I alternate every six months with mammo and breast MRI if that is any help to you. I never go longer than six months without someone looking at or squishing my boobs!

    Jan- I meant to tell you in the picture thread- you and your hubby are gorgeous!!
  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited January 2007
    I still have a pair of gouchos---- somewhere
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2007
    Hmmm whats her address Mena I will call the humane society.

    Laura, I am sending you hugs ,What a mess , I have been there done that too ! It was so bad I knew I could not be more unhappy without him as he was making me staying with him. It made me feel so bad to be wtih him after I found out he was cheating.

    I am trying to remember everything I read ,
    Susan woohoo and don't you go to another Appt. on Thursday ?

    Amy, sooo glad about the liver woohoo for you too sweetie !
    Robbie, so glad to see you welcome !!
    DebC, oh my gosh now that is just too cold ! I would not be able to breath !
    Tracy, Good luck on your course!!
    Sherloc , Thinking about you and getting that lipoma out !
    When ever I found a lump I am the same way can't quit feeling it !
    Robbie,sending you prayers and hugs for a speedy recovery
    and wanted you welcome you.
    Jan, sorry you haven't been sleeping well ,and I hope you are not coming down with anything.
    Nicki, what would the CG's do without you getting everyone up in the morning ((((Nicki)))
    Cheri, I have a ton of records from back in the day !
    We even have the Woodstock album ,I need to burn them on to
    cd . Bell bottoms , musk perfume , phesant tops, long straight hair ! Now I have too much hip to hug !
    CherylG, I am sending lots of b9 thoughts for that poylp !
    Liz , I am sorry if I am wrong but do you have some test coming up a mammo ??
    MB, My Dh has to be yelled at all the time doing things
    he should not do!He has had a triple bypass ,2 stints and a couple of balloons !!
    NS , Lots of prayers are going up for you, you are doing the dreaded dasterly waiting for tests and results it just stinks!! and not just one test ! YESH! (((NS)))

    Denise goes to the Endo Dr. for the nodules they found on her thyroid and the goiter tommorow at 10:00 a.m. and back
    to Cleveland on the 24th I think it is.She gets to come off the anti seizer meds this Friday WOOHOO ,they make her really sleepy and tired feeling all the time,so I am happy for her.
    hugs everyone I hope you all are having a good day !!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2007
    Hey any one miss me??? Computer is ready to be thrown out of the window at home and work is just nuts, so no time to post. No way I can go through all that's happen, so I'll just snoop.xoxo

    Mena...see you (and any other girls from the area) at Harold's Sat. Glad you spoke to Sue.

    Did everyone finally get my christmas cards? My son had my car and when I got it back, well what did I find in my back seat??? Sorry, hopefully it made someone's day to get it later in January.xoxo

    See my onc on Friday for my 1st post chemo appt. Aches and pains but doing ok.

    Miss everyone, but maybe we all need to take off time and meet in person for a long weekend.xoxo
    Love to all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone! My it was a busy day here in the wagon circle. Had a blah day at work. Headache came back this afternoon, but not as bad as it has been, and of course I didnt bring any medication with me. Cancelled my PS appointment again, came home and just took a Darvocet. Thought I would stop by and say hello to everyone.

    Beth: Glorified chauffeur cracked me up!! Im still laughing out loud.

    Robbie: Howdy and welcome. Have you in the middle of the circle right now, think we'll keep you there for a while til you recover fromt he surgery. Its a heck of a ride thats for sure. I hope your computer works at the hospital. We all are gonna want to know how your doing.

    Vickie: I see the ghost of bad Jake struck once again. Hope you had a great day.

    Brenda: Oh my goodness, the ghost of Bad Jake struck a second time. And Madison thought she got rid of him!!

    Sherloc: I dont know, painting for some reason does not sound like too much fun. Hope you enjoyed your paradise. Im with you, get the lipoma in a nice jar and say bye bye!!

    Tracey: Cold! Cold! Yeppers that cold front is coming at us from Alaska. I have been trying to go on the chat, but its changed. In the early mornings when Im awake its been empty. Sounds like fun talking to some of the old timers. I would have enjoyed that. When I do log on there are alot of new people and I forgot my promise to myself. To always try to help others like all of you helped me. So I feel good when I go on the chat and can give support. My favorite place now is here in the wagon circle. Works out better for me causing of working full time and everything.

    SoCal: I didnt recognize those guys either, but things are sure hopping in San Diego these days. I heard a strange thing on the news here in Chicago. Said if the Chargers dont beat the Patriots, the coach is gonna get fired!! I cant believe that is true. Say it aint so.

    Amy: My goodness. When I came home Distorted Humor was pacing and causing a rukuss in his stall. I opened his gate and he jumped up in the air - all 4 legs at once - culdnt wait to tell me the news about the Liver lesions being gone. Now thats good news.

    Michelle: Oh my goodness the ghost of bad Jake struck a third time. How in the world are you all anonymous at the same time? Im probably the oldest one here 56! So I remember everything!!

    <----- is grabbing her ash tray and 7 new pounds of flab, all in her belly, and is running from PurpleMB.

    Madison: I hate it when my husband battles with me for the computer. We have dial up so cant use my laptop. Craft thread sounds like fun. I crochet alot. Last year made hats and scarves for my family. Good at blankets too. I like to get creative. Oh and call the rad onc about the mammogram. You may not need it if you had one in October.

    Jan: Ahaha we are about the same age. My favorite was and always will be Paul McCartney. The love of my life after my husband.

    Vera: Oh my goodness its so good to see you. Hope everything is good. Hope your mom enjoyed your visit.

    Carrie: Musk Oil!! We must be close in age. Good news about Denise. Now I hope that doctors appointment tomorrow goes well. Sending lots of love and hugs.

    OK - going down memory lane. Does anyone remember "Disco Demolition" at White Sox park in Chicago? Yeppers if you remember it, I was there. All I can say is, it was another riot. Rolling Stones are my second favorite group.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Time for me to watch some TV!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    My Aunt Bunny, my godmother, who lives in Georgia, sent me this. She is a 20 year survivor, had a lumpectomy, chemo and then partial mast. She has been with NED and is on her 3rd husband. I really DO have a whacked out family! Anyway, she says this little ditty helps her get through:


    When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a

    When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.

    When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a bitch.

    Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.

    It means I live my life MY way.

    It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

    When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch.

    The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.

    It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.

    I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!

    So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.

    You won't succeed.

    And if that makes me a bitch, so be it.

    I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

    B - Babe
    I - In
    T - Total
    C - Control of
    H - Herself


    B = Beautiful
    I = Intelligent
    T = Talented
    C = Charming
    H = Hell of a Woman


    B = Beautiful
    I = Individual
    T = That
    C = Can
    H = Handle anything

    "If you can't do something right, get a woman to do it."
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    I see everyone has been busy again today. I go to the dreaded gyn/onco tomorrow. But on a good note – tomorrow is my one year out of chemo! So I’m going to go off the diet a tiny bit and go to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch. They’re still calling for an ice storm here. I hope they’re wrong but I stocked up on some things to eat if we lose power like we did a few years back.

    Lisa have fun in Cooperstown. I’ve heard of Cal Ripken Jr. but not the other guy.

    Vickie I’ve been drinking the Airborne for 2 days now. We always used it at the TV/Radio station where I worked. Did you fax the AG?

    Susan! Congrats on the 2 years. That’s my goal. Are you still tired? Don’t you have another appt this week? When’s the knee surgery?

    Karen gentle hugs.

    Mena! It’s about time. Sorry your son has to have surgery and your tooth and everything else. I’m glad you got your quilt. And yes, I did imagine what you would say and it’s probably not much worse than what I wanted to. LOL Your neighbor sounds quite freaky.

    Deb how is Connie? I still can’t imagine living with those temps. I don’t do cold well.

    Sue I’m on Arimidex. I hope the Aromasin is better for you. Sorry about the loss of your friend.

    CherylCy, the cold air is heading here also. How wonderful of your hubby. I hope you get your hot water tank issues resolved soon.

    Nicki are these headaches stress? I hope you’re not coming down with something again. Bless your heart; you’ve had a time with it all.

    Laura it sounds like you’re doing great. I love playing the guilt game. Funny about the radio station.

    Beth get that bilat done and over with. You’ll be relieved and will be able to enjoy the summer.

    Robbie welcome. Nice to meet you. I know the surgery went well and you’re doing well. Let us know when you can. I love the poem.

    Sher well at least you’re still making progress in the kitchen. How’s the headache? Tell everyone hi for me in chat. Haven’t had much time to get in lately.

    Tracey did you get to start your class? I had a boss like that once. Grrrrrrrr! Ewwww rain and then those temps. Be careful.

    Amy Great News! I’m so happy for you. Glad you celebrated.

    NS I hope you’re feeling a bit better. When’s the MRI?

    Michele, did Jake get your name again? I bet you’re missing him.

    MB I think of you every morning now when I clip on my trusty pedometer. Thanks for the exercise tips also. I hope DH gets to return to work soon. Nothing like a man who is supposed to be sick and doesn’t do as he’s told.

    Jan the pics of you and your hubby are great! So Arimidex can cause carpel tunnel huh? I wasn’t aware of that.

    Vera! Welcome back. How nice to surprise your mom.

    Carrie good to see you hon. I’m glad to hear that Denise is progressing well. I think of you guys often.

    Theresa I hate it when the computer doesn’t work. I had to buy a new one last year. I couldn’t be without one.

    I’ve missed many so always know you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    {{{{{{{{MENA}}}}}} I never called you, because i knew I "would tell" (hahahahahaha) Will call you soon!!!!!! Everyone hope everything goes well to all that are having test and hard times!!! {{{VERA}}}Missed ya Sister, Call coming Your way too!!!{{{{ Susan}}}}, You know "WHO LOVES YA" So happy for ya sweetie!!!! Carrie, Please tell {{DEESE}}My prayers are with Her! and to ALL of You !! been Very Busy at the Funeral home for over a month now! WOW 2007 gonna be another good one!! Beth, I think Your Aunt Bunny " ROCKS" I hope everything Your doing turns out graet, You are A wonderful Sister, and I am glad You joined the CG'S!!!! gonna go now, just wanted to check in and let you know I am thinking and praying for all of You!!! Puppy ( mother of JAKE )