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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    image Mickey the snow drum major

    Thongs as she graduates!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    Welcome Shopmamma there are 8 candles on page 156 towards the bottom to the light the way here. Take you time and move at your own pace. We are just glad to have you here!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Another day, another dollar - makes me scream and wann holler. Once again its only Thursday and Im so wishing it was Friday that I almost wrote in TGIF. Now to confuse you all two weeks in a row would be mean. And since I have no meanness in me, Im pouting cause its only Thursday.

    Keep hearing on the weather report storms are coming our way. Probably snow here on Sunday - but thats ok - it will be good for Bears football.

    Chilly this morning, but Im not complaining since I know how cold it is by Deb and Tracy - Im sitting by the campfire with my down coat. Between the coat and the fire, Im warm. But Im thinking this week-end Ill be hanging out in a teepee instead.

    Liz: Good luck with the gyne appointment today. Your a braver person than me. I would tell them to yank the uterus out and forget about the estrogen cream. The only thing I have left that resembles anything female is a uterus with 2 fallopian tubes hanging out somewhere. Ovaries are gone. REgarding the headache. I dont think its stress cause Im not stressed right now. My job is so easy and no stress at all. I think it might be a virus cause others at work have the same symptoms. So we shall see how today goes. I woke up perky and no headache so far. I see my onc this coming Monday, so Im gonna mention it to him.

    Puppyfive: So do you really have a dog by the name of Jake? Or are you talking about the ghost of bad Jake. Chemo brain has me confused lol.

    Cheri: So good to see you post, I was getting worried about you and missed you. Woke up with a headache. Hmmmmm now I wonder how many of us there are. Hope your feeling better today.

    Vickie: I see you snuck in a post while I was still reading and editing mine. Good morning to ya. Christmas lights still up hahahaha. Christmas in this house has officially left the building. But Valentines is everywhere. Working on Valentines kleenex boxes, husband bought me 2 pairs of valentines socks. So Im ready to redecorate. A Valentines party sounds like a hoot. My breast surgeon does a pretty thorough exam. Checks the incisions for any new lumps, checks lymph nodes under my arms and in my groin, and checks out my abdomen. I always feel better when I leave his office.

    Sherloc: Painting. If I did that, I would make a mess of things. I leave the painting to someone else. Hoping your headache is better today. So far so good for me.

    Brenda: You are so right. We are indeed missing many. In addition to your list, I want to add "Cookie" aka Rondab. Im missing her good cooking. All these headache are weird. 2 women at work have the same thing, so I think it may be viral. We shall see how today goes.

    Madision: Hoping all goes well with your onc appointment today. Just like the Rolling Stones. You cant always get what you want - regarding having the computer all to yourself last night.

    Jeanette: The ghost of bad Jake strikes again. This anonymous thing is getting weird. Anyways, I filled up on Chicken soup and stew. They were both so good. Gonna make a big batch of French Onion soup today. Good for the soul.

    Susan: Hope you had a chance to read my post about the new knee prosthesis for women. It sounds really good. So knee surgery in three months. You know we will be there with you. OK - so my first piece of advice. Get a pair of new gym shoes - maybe velcro - for after the surgery when your doing rehab. You are walking a certain way now and that will change. So you dont want the old shoes with your old walking patterns. I shall come up with somemore tips for ya the closer it gets.

    Peggy/Sige - missing you.

    Mena: We could never forget your BD is on Valentines Day. Always knew that was why you had such a big heart.

    LauraB: Somehow I missed your post. So did you actually name Ray as best husband on a radio station?

    Tgirl: I missed ya. Never got to hear how the Eagles game was on New Years Eve. They won, so I bet you had a blast. Anxiously waiting for your computer to get fixed. I liked the challenge of who could come on in the morning and make the first early morning post.

    Jeannie: Oh we missed you. Good luck with the mipples. Hope it works out the second time around. Im done, finished, kapoot. No more surgery for me other than the port coming out. No mipples here.

    Cherylcy: Snow and cold - stinkers. I was so hoping this whole winter would just be mild.

    Tracey: Ha ha ha. Great Penguin pictures, but my favorite is the one getting knocked on the back of his head, and then him falling into the water. I can think of a few people I would like to do that to.

    Margaret: It was so good to see you again. I hope everything is going well.

    Shopmama: Pam - we are so glad you have come to the circle. Dont try to look back, just move forward. We talk about everything and anything, depending upon the mood of the moment. I have heard lots about you, and Im so glad you are here.

    Karen: I forgot all about you mentioning you were gonna be in the Chicago area. PM me and let me know where you are staying. Good luck at the neurologist today!! Im sorry to say, I think the snow is following you. Havent had snow here in over one month and a storm is coming Sunday. Hmmmm you might be here one extra day, but hey, at least we dont have avalanches. But dealing with Ohare airport might be just as bad.

    NS: It really is so weird about these headaches! Im hoping it is something as simple as sinus or virus.

    Debc: Figures its warming up in Alaska. Old man winter just blew that cold air south, and its on the way here. Im glad Connie is doing well.

    Cherylcy: Ha ha, got a good laugh out of the picture of Tracey graduating!

    Wow! I finished early today. Thats a first. Usually Im typing as fast as I can to catch everyone before I get ready for work. All of these new thread are making me crazy. I dont have enough computer time to keep up with them all. Hope everyone has a great day.

    PurpleMB: I promise. Will go buy a pedometer today.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Welcome are your candles
    Grab a warm fuzzy blanket, a comfortable chair and come to the center of our loving circle and sit by the fire. We will bring you hot chocolate, warm hugs, lots of caring. I know that this thread looks a bit overwhelming but just jump right in. You will notice that we post a lot...there is always a lot going on...a lot of ladies with stories to tell, some happy, some sad but we are always here to listen and support. You will catch up and learn about all of us in due time. For now, just relax and feel the love.
    Everyone will come and introduce themselves as time goes by. If you need something just let us know. You can say or feel anything at all's all ok. Laugh, rant, rave, cry, complain, whatever you feel can pour out of you here and we will be here no matter what to take your worries and pain away and flush it down our magic toilet.

    On that note...looks like I need to steal the toilet back...guess we'll have to keep it...Madison, Cheri and you have my back? Don't want to get caught by the potty police!
    Be back later lovely ladies
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Morning all. It is cold here too, considering we were just having 70 degree weather and it was 25 when we got up this morning! I am excited over the playoff game this Saturday night, especially since we are going to ss house and I get to see my two grandsons. The 3 year old is so cute. I just melt when he calls me Mommom. You should see him with his new kitten, Oreo. Poor cat gets the stuffins' squished out of it.

    Tracey, i love your penguins. Just adorable. School online is not as easy as people may think. i took my continuing ed courses that way and it was harder than the ones in the classroom.

    Mena, let us know what is going on with your son's surgery.

    Joyce, are you there or running to and fro with your guys? Hope you hear soon about Kevin.

    Cheri, how goes the habit kicking? Have you ever watched the I love the 70's program on VH1? It brought back a lot of memories. Wish I still had my fringed suede shoulder bag.

    Shopmomma, I know the candles stayed lit for you. Pull up a seat and watch the fun.

    Vickie, what a wonderful thread you created. I can't wait to start crocheting squares for blankies. I wan to look for one with hearts. I know you paid through the nose for oil but you do have heat, don't you?

    Puppy, this weekend, phone time! After I go the hairdresser, I will give you a call.

    Karen, more snow? You guys have had enough. Can you take Aleve or Motrin for the carpel tunnel? If that is what it is, the nerve gets inflamed and causes the pain. i took Aleve for a few days and it calmed down. But not everyone can handle it..I can't take it for more than 4 days in a row.

    Margaret, good to see you.

    Jeannie and Jeanette, no wonder shopmamma is confused. Do you both have appts? And Liz, goo dluck with yours too.

    i just got a strong surge of deja vu. i am not kidding. I am typing and I felt like I had done all this before and I know I jsut started in DEcember! Weird.

    i digress. Nicki, feel better.

    DebC, glad to hear about Connie. Makes our efforts feel like we moved a mountain. How do you deal with it that cold?

    Laura, smile. Just smile. Makes people wonder what you've been up to.

    madison, still rooting for our guys in green. Just as long as nobody has any bad injuries on either side.

    Jan, just wanted to say hi. Are feeling better?

    I didn't take notes so I know I missed someone.

    Be careful out there gals,
    Love and hugs,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007

    This is Oreo when they first got him. Luke loves him!
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Just catching up on everyone's posts! Our circle is getting bigger! Strength in numbers!

    Oh, I hurt inside today, and Mena---you are probably OH SO RIGHT! I got home last night and things were just ducky. About 630p "I'm going to the Hall, then I'm going over to Dad's." The Dad part is weird cuz he never goes over during the week, but his Dad had an MRI for what may be a tear in a aorta...I joked with him "staying the night?" And he replied no.

    I looked in the trash (God, the depths I'm entering!) to see if he'd thrown the card away---found it UNOPENED next to the computer so just left it there. That hurt...I feel like putting it back in his truck in the garage door opener clip! It has to be hers because it was on top of everything this am.

    Anyway, he wasn't home by 11p, so I called his Dad. Ray never went there; Dad asked what was up and I said Ray will have to be the one to tell you (this is really his step-Dad of 40 years who has told Ray in the past "don't do anything stupid to lose her, you don't know how good you have it, etc." Then, I called the Hall (which, being an ex-bartender doesn't prove much of anything as you tend to "cover" for patrons) but the bartender said she hadn't seen him all night.

    BUSTED! I then left a message on his cell phone about 1115p saying I hope everything was OK and to come home when he got a chance. I turned off ALL the lights so he could fumble in the dark; he finally came home about 1230p.

    I didn't say a thing to him this morning except "I bet you're tired." Little does he know he's losing his dignity--I wouldn't put it past his Dad to call him and say I was looking for him, and I'm sure the Hall will too. One thing that Ray HATES is lying...he's his own worst enemy right now (can you say ADULTERY!)

    I'm THIS close to calling the OW and ask "why?"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    LauraB: You are a bigger person than me. I would be scratching the OW eyes out. So what about you going out tonight and let him stay home wondering where you are or what you are doing.

    After your done feeling sad, I hope you get mad. Really mad. Ha ha, then try and stay in control!! Would like to put Rays boys in a meat cleaver - and put the OW where the sun dont shine. Good luck today sweety. Keep looking pretty and strong. Who knows, wouldnt it be great if a OM turned up!

    Sending you a big hug. I think I would open the card and then put it back by the computer.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Laura, the worst is probably yet to come. I hate to say it but reality hits hard when dealing with guys like this. My ex not had an OW here but it turned out there was one in another state too for visiting when he went out of town for business. That one had no idea he was married. Funny story but not for now.

    DON'T CALL THE OW! CALL THE LAWYER! STEP AWAY FROM THE PHONE AND DON'T CALL THE OW! You don't want to do anything that will bite you in the a**.

    One thing about people who lie, they have to have good memories if they want to be good at it and it sounds like Ray is not good at it yet. For now, hope that he is good with Caitie and be strong for her. You know we have your back and will listen to any venting or crying you need to do. This is not a sisterhood I would wish on anyone.

    I have no jokes about this to cheer you up. I only have my support and love.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Karen, your hubby is coming into some cold weather - it's supposed to be 40s today, 20s at night.
    Shopmama, welcome to the circle.
    Nicki, you are so right - haven't seen Rondab in a while; hope everything is ok.
    DebC, good news about Connie.
    Everyone I missed, hope you have a great day.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Only have a little time, have a large order to have ready by 11 this morning. I'm with Nicki, off to work I go, off to work to earn a buck!!

    LauraB - I would either be in jail by now as he would be castrated or on a mental ward!!! BC wasn't easy to get rid of - this kind of problem is.

    DebC: Glad to hear that Connie came through her surgery and is doing well.

    Margaret: good morning to you too - have a wonderful day.

    NS: Sorry you are still not feeling well. You are missed when you don't post.

    Cheri, Shirley, Nicki, Well lets hope we are all headache free today - I'm ok this morning. Hope you are.

    ShopMama: You are at the right place to reload and recover. Just jump in and start Glad you joined

    Liz, Karen, Madison: Be thinking of you with your doctors appointment.

    Denise, do you have one today too with the endo doctor on your thyroid. Hope all is well - sorry, I know you are still recovering from brain surgery

    CherylCy: Liked Tracey's grad picture!!

    MB: I got a pedometer and used it yesterday. Not that I got to do much with the headache I developed after lunch but I have it!!

    Susan, what can I say sweetie. You have always been such a supporter and encourager. I am so sorry that you have been feeling so bad and will be having a knee replacement surgery. We love ya and we are sending big bear hugs!!

    Mena & Vicki: Took me forever to get my decorations up. Then Christmas blew in and out and then I got to enjoy them. My tree is down but I still have the wreaths on the window, old wagon on porch filled with greens from the woods and haven't taken down my Dickens Village from the mantel or greenery at fireplace. All has red bows and with Valentines coming - well, I'll go buy some hearts and stick in them - hahaha!!

    Anyone heard from RobinTn lately? Puppy, how is the weather in WVA - cold and with snow?

    Gotta go work on making that buck. Have a great day everyone!!!!

    Hugs, Brenda
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome shopmama, pull up your wagon and sit back and relax. Dont worry about keeping up because its a busy place. Just jump in where you can and hang on. Its a great place and with everybody having cooler and some having cold weather, we always have a big fire going.

    Speaking of fires, I vote we burn Ray at the stake. Laura I know its tough and you dont want a divorce but you dont have a marriage now. Move on and you will be able to look back on this and realize how happy you are with him gone. It takes time but living with him and his ways is not good for you mentally. STEP AWAY FROM THE PHONE AND DO NOT CALL THE OW! It takes two to tango so its not just her fault. Ray is the married man in this situation.

    Chemosabi-nicki-glad you work up without a headache. Hopefully it was a virus thing and is moving on.

    newvickie-love the craft thread. Lots of good links. All I need now is the time to do these things.

    NS-glad to see you posting. When is your MRI to look for the squirrels? Keep us posted so we can get a head start to NY to be there. Some of us have further to go than others.

    Brenda-Nothing wrong with tossing some hearts in with your decorations. Its your house and you can do whatever you want.

    Beth-thats a cute kitty. You will have got this picture posting thing down to an art now. You go girl.

    Mena-nice to see you posting again and I agree with NS about getting you a shorter leash. Hope your son finds out soon about his MRI.

    Susan-thinking of you and really hoping you start to feel better soon.

    Denise-hope you are doing well and that you have found plenty of bubble wrap. That gave me a big laugh at the visual image I got when i read that.

    Liz-good luck with your appointment today. We are all with you.

    Karen-good luck with your appointment today also. Its a good thing we got that magic dust so we can fly now because we have lots of places to be.

    Madison thinking of you today with your appointment also. might have to swing back by cafe du monde and get me some good coffee. Thats the best place to go at any hour of the night or morning. New Orleans is always fun though regardless. I can always find some kind of trouble.

    Sherloc-glad you got some painting done. I am not a neat painter so you wouldnt want me to help. I guess I am just a messy person.

    Vera-dont be a stranger...we all missed you.

    alaskadeb-wow heat wave huh with it heating up that fast? lol. How long have you lived in Alaska or have you been there forever?

    More animals in the future. Somebody has 10 chickens and 5 ducks and they are moving to Australia and called to see if I wanted them. Well,,you know me so I guess I dont have to tell you what my answer was. got my plans for my chicken coop and will somehow work that in this weekend. its a 3 day weekend so should have plenty of time as long as the rain holds off.

    ok gotta run and get payroll done. Love to you all and thinking of all of you. Amy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies. I've been hard at work all morning. Have the next section of wall prepped. Just have to wait for the spackle to dry, then on to paint.

    Tracey your a goofball.

    Robbie, waiting anxiously to hear.

    Cheri, I collapsed and took drugs. A good evening it was. Hope yours was the same.

    Vicki, red is a fabulous color. Hubby's office (that he never goes in cause he has so much crap in there he can't get thru the door) has dark grey walls with horizontal stripes. It is very cool if I do say so myself. Getting ready to switch the kid into the old TV room and gonna take over his room for a myself. I'm thinking a squares on the walls. Or possibly circles. Definately yellow.
    Upside down? ahhahahhahahhah that is so me.
    Christmas lights are supposed to come down?

    Jeanette, rice a roni is my comfort food. Can I have some of that please.

    Susan, know someone that had knee something or other done last year. She was up and around in no time.

    Mena, me too. I buy plastic and tape by the yard. Who cares where it goes as long as some ends up where you want it to.

    Brenda, ewwww on the catman. Hope your headache is better. Mine won't be going away till the paint fumes are gone. But I have another appt with Mrs Hippy Magicfingers on tuesday. She will fix me up.

    Jeannie, I'm tired of fiddling with my boobs too. Heres to mipples!!

    Cherylcy, NO SNOW!!!! It is not allowed at my house.

    Margaret, did you go to the lunch in Sac in Aug? Have we met? Forgive me for not remembering if we have.

    Glad you found your way shopmama. Welcome.

    NS, no glue sniffing. My nostrils would get stuck together.

    Karen, have you talked to onc about going off arimidex for a few weeks to see if pain goes away. Mine suggested that for me before he took me off it. He said he has several ladies that take it for 3 months then off for a month. Swore it would not hamper its usefulness.

    Deb, Glad Connie is home and doing well.

    Nicki, see note to Mena re: painting. Have a great day at work.

    Beth oreo is cute.

    Laura, I'm with Nicki on the meat cleaver.

    Back to work for me. See you later.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Hi Girls,
    I am going crazy here with all four of my sons home. It is a good crazy though. My cousin who is a truck driver from Florida is in the area today and wants to stop by. He is also a cancer survivor and wants to check up on me. I love him dearly but he can be a handful. I don't know if he is staying the night but I hope he has a pillow. The only space left in my house is the floor!

    Beth- I do have a date of 2/7 but I don't remember if I posted here that the doctors at CHOP are talking about it and will get back to me. I sent an e-mail to his cardiologist saying talking about it?? We have been seeing doctors since July. Somebody please make a decision. The waiting is horrible. I still haven't heard back yet. We feel like we are trapped in a nightmare...The O'Brien drama continues...

    Laura- You are a bigger woman then me. I couldn't get past the OW part.I would take the low route and neither one of them would be safe from my raft.I would get revenge someway,somehow.
    You are doing the right thing by your daughter. Beth is right don't contact the OW. Contact your lawyer for his advice.It is better to take the high way. I admire you for being able to do that.

    Take Care,
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Hi Amy

    Girls plastic tarps, sold at walmart. 3 for a couple of bucks. Buy them by the dozen, cover EVERYTHING, and have at it. Painting is great therapy.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    You know what happens then don't you!!! LOL. You are such a doll.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    oops that was me. forgot to log in.

    hi Joyce

    Chickens? Ducks? o my
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    What do you mean not name them???? I cant wait to see them so I can see hat name they look like? They are laying hens so will just enjoy the fresh eggs. Remember, I am the one that named the 4 little pups that were dropped off on the road to my farm. Needless to say, Abby, Emma, Libby and Jackson are growing up fast and doing well. They got new dog toys last night and was all walking around with them in their mouths.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Just teasing you Amy...I remember the roadside puppies and how you named them and we laughed that once you name them they are yours! Do you have pictures of them...would love too see them!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey Amy-
    ALL our chickens have names..We have Rogue the rooster, Red, Silver and Rowdy the new pullets that hatched in September and lived in my bathtub the first 3 weeks of their lives to keep them away from the cat. We have Henny, Penny, and Mama; Cloud and Angel; Hoppy who use to be named Thornbeak but when she broke her leg last summer we made her a cast and when we took it off she still walks with a little hop; Fluffy, Pinch, Fluffer, Duster, and Ironclaw and PJ.

    I don’t think I missed anyone

    Enjoy you fresh eggs. I have gotten to where I can not stand to eat a store egg…I’m spoiled!

    Deb C
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    'Afternoon, all! This is eating at me so much (thanks for talking w/me Beth!) that I called the lawyer (told him I'm adding PhD to his business card!)

    Calling Ray a liar will just piss Ray off...Stan asked what I wanted to accomplish by confronting Ray, and I said it's eating me up because of the lying since Ray hates liars-- Stan said lying shouldn't surprise me (he's right).

    Stan's take on last night...just say "I know where you were last night and I'd appreciate it if you were honest." If Ray pushes the issue, I'm to say "I don't have anything further to say." Of course, Ray will take off I'm sure, but Stan said to let him go.

    I may end up taking a "mental health day" tomorrow!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good day ladies!
    hahah cthomason i love my graduating look!!! took me forever to figure out what it was..hahaha well at least you have confidence i will graduate...
    beth that cat looks exactly like my oreo cat... haha
    nosurrender glad you liked the penguins... i laughed when i saw the one pushing the other one...
    laura glad your hanging in there... i know this is a tough time for you... just dont stoop to the ow level your better than that... i wish there was something i could do or say that would make things easier... if you ever need a ear i am here!
    ok i could never name something i was going to eat... we just about bought a cow this year but i knew when it came time i wouldnt be able to kill it...
    in fact i have been known to swerve to mice field mice on the hwy... i wish i was tough when it came to stuff like that but i am a big bubbly melting marshmellow...
    well i am back to work and not very happy with my job... i took a extra couple days off and things were re-arranged ... getting some vibes to...its probaly just me but well see!
    to all the ladies have a wonderful day! or try to:)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, we always count on you to get the campfires lit & the coffee brewing in the mornings. Glad you're feeling better today, hope that nasty headache doesn't come back.

    Vicki, you are just the sweetest thing to move your candles so ShopMama could find her way. Go ahead & sticky finger that toilet & we got your back. I figure we should keep that thing around so we can flush our problems throughout the year.

    Laura. Honey, does Ray have to draw you a picture? I'm so sorry you still love him, or do you? You deserve better. Don't be afraid. There are men out there that would love you & your daughter & be true to you. I don't think you put enough value on yourself. You are in no way damaged goods, just in case that thought has ever crossed your mind. This is my second marriage. I tried so hard with my ex & he didn't deserve it. I loved him. Or so I thought I did, actually I was just scared. He ended up leaving me with a 3 month old baby daughter. I'll skip details but after all was said & done & the divorce was over I asked him what I'd done wrong. Get this...he said, "You tried too hard." I was floored at the time, but it made perfect sense after I got over him. Laura, I think you're trying too hard. Just my opinion.

    Joy, enjoy having all your family around. It'll keep your mind & body off the bc so much.

    Amy, if we had room out here I'd have a dozen dogs. That's about the only animal I'm into but I do really love them. We have 3. I like their unconditional love. They don't care what you look like & you can tell them all your secrets & they never tell. No matter what you do they think you're wonderful.

    Mena, where are you today? You haven't lost yourself again have you? I know that Hooch tent has a way of sucking you under because of your...uh...problem.

    My headache is gone this morning. Mine was sinus and I still have the sinus pressure but I can tolerate it.

    To all of those friends that I've missed I hope you all have wonderful days.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Thongs...thanks! too! I need that kind of support and reminder; thank you!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    LOL that is the whole reason the girls name the chicks as soon as they hatch....we don't eat anything with a name! These are just laying hens. When they quit laying we keep the old ladies around to decorate the yard with their pretty little selves...OUr chickens live in aheated coop with a HUGE fenced yard. Heck, the kids grow extra letuice for the chickens in the summer. Can you say SPOILED chickens. I'll post photos soon...

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    ok heres puppy pictures.

    First one is Emma (one that was dumped) snuggled up with Peanut Annie a rat terrier.
    ok heres puppy pictures.

    First one is Emma (one that was dumped) snuggled up with Peanut Annie a rat terrier.

    This is all 4 of them but somehow, Jackson is on the bottom and cant be seen. He is black and white like Emma. The tan and whites are Libby and Abby.


    ok I will have to get better shots because these were taken with my phone. They are all in chairs snuggled up in front of a morning campfire after their morning run around.

    Maybe I can get some better ones and we can try to figure out what kind they are.

    speaking of ducks, I had one before and her name was Claireese. Who knows what I will call these but they will for sure have names.

    Tracey-I couldnt eat anything I raised either. Somebody wants to give me a baby lamb when its born to raise for meat and I said I would take it but it would be the best pet lamb in Alabama because I am not eating it.

    Ok I am back to work. Oh alaskadeb I agree with you,,eggs from the store just arent as good.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    oh frig
    just lost an entire friggin post with all kinds of encouragement, lectures, funnies, pics...aaauuugghhh.
    very shortened version as I have to get back to work...
    Cheri...shopmama really needs us...i'll sticky finger the toilet's ours now...possession is 9/10th of the law!! LOL
    Amy...I have a totally insane cat that you might like LOL!
    Laura...oh man...lost so many good words when I lost my post...just wish you could feel my anger at him so you wouldn't feel so bad.
    I'm tired and I wanna go home.
    Gonna suck my thumb and pout till quittin time.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone. Or is it afternoon!! I'm home and in my jammies already. Still had a slight headache but it was much better today. Seems like we have 2 things going around at work. One is upper respiratory infection that everyone seems to be getting. The other is a stomach virus - which is going around the nursing, so lots of older people have it. Diarrhea and headache seem to be the big symptoms. Unfortunately, the flu shot doesnt take care of a stomach virus. So make sure you all are washing your hands.

    When I left for work this morning, I heard birds singing!! Now how can that be. Do ya think cause its been so warm they are coming back? It sure was pretty though!!

    Amy: You house must just be a riot. My heart almost stopped when I was reading your post. At first I thought you said Chicken Soup instead of chicken coup. 10 chickens and 5 ducks. Sounds like it should be a song. What kind of ducks. White ones, mallards? I feed the ducks and these around here. What will Mazer say?

    OK! That whole post from anonymous had to be Sherloc (Shirley Larson). Im thinking instead of meat cleavers and texas chain saw!! Laughing here. Check your post to Mena. Hahahaha, I cant keep up with the current posts. I must say, you sound like your having fun and I bet its all gonna look great when your done.

    Joyce: Sounds like your house is a hoppin and all men too. But good crazy is GOOD!

    DebC: Ahahahahaha at all those names!

    Tracey: Im the same way. I like to share with the animals that are around me. Even wild birds have become friendly. Animals are wonderful.

    Cheri: I was just missin ya and then there you were. I sure wish I would have heard those birds singing when I was on the computer. It sounded like Spring!! and that seems so far away.

    Brenda and Vickie: Hope you had great days. Have some nice hot French Onion Soup. Its been cooking all day. So its dark and rich. Took the vegetables out of the stock and have them as a side dish. Some zucchini, carrots, celery, and potatoes. Have swiss or mozzarella cheese we can melt on top. Yummy!

    Beth: Doing a bil. mast because your high risk is a big thing. Hope you have thought it through. Once you make your decision, go with it and dont look back.

    LauraB: So I read everyones post and everyones advice and everyone is right on. Ray knows and doesnt care that he is breaking your heart. He has set up family elsewhere. Could still be midlife crisis but as long as the OW is there, its gonna be hard to fix this. Cheri had great advice. Dont try to hard. Thats what I sorta meant when I said dont let him smell any desperation. You are a strong, beautiful survivor. Survivor!! You are a survivor. Thinking of you tonight.

    OK! Time to go.

    Another missing person. Sherdon where are you? Probably busy with that play she was gonna be in.

    See ya later.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I got home early today so I can post early again!

    First- I am so glad to see Amy's new avatar!!! made me smile!
    and those puppies are so cute!!!

    Tracey you keep making me laugh- you are like a breath of spring air. Not sure how spring air goes with snowmen but...

    Nicki, I hope whatever it is you have had the worst of it and you get no sicker....

    Cheri, are you back on the ciggy wagon? Or going to try a different tack? I don't know how anyone could do that cold turkey!

    Deb! One of your chickens has my cat's name! I am not going to tell Mr. Fluffy about it because HE LOVES CHICKEN!!!

    Laura, honey, I have to tell you that all the anger you feel towards the OW TURN IT TOWARDS RAY. I wish you would get good and mad! Lord knows I am mad enough for you!
    This is what really gets to me-
    Here you are a beautiful young woman. Wonderful mother to an adorable little girl and you are a good wife. What happens? You get cancer. What do you do? You not only fight it like hell but you really fight to keep things nice and normal as you possibly can at home because your home and family mean that much to you.
    You survive the beast.
    You kept everything on as even a keel as you could.
    You came out the other side even more beautiful and strong than before and what happens??
    I am sorry but there is a special place in HELL for him. Not only is he cheating on you but he is throwing it in your face!
    YOU, my dear, are a WARRIOR. You just battled and defeated the biggest foe you will ever face.
    And you are going to take this sh!t from RAY?

    Show him what you are made of.

    You did not survive cancer to live a horrible life. You survived cancer so you can have the best life of all- and only GOOD THINGS should come your way... and you and Caitie deserve to be blessed by love, respect, honesty, security and loyatly.

    I am going to say it-

    There is someone out there for you who will worship you. And you should settle for nothing else.

    Ok- I KNOW I stepped over the line but damn- nobody messes with one of my sisters. Sorry- ain't gonna happen.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Second half of my post that didn't cut and paste!

    Karen, I am pretty sure that you can have the hand surgery and it won't effect the LE. If it was higher up, like if you had revision surgery or another plastic surgery to help even out your breasts, THAT is where the extra LE risk would come in.

    Vickie, I lost a post last night for no reason- I was within the time limit too! I think we not only have Jake to worry about but deranged squirells!!