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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Morning All,

    To all of you in cold weather, bundle up. We have a warming trend, which means RAIN this weekend. I knew we would have rain because I washed my car.

    I did take a sleeping pill at about 11:00 last night, woke up late so now I have to RUSH to get to work. BUT I have to wait for the advil to knock my headache down from a roar to a wimper.

    Mena, we will be thinking of your today, that room you are in is gonna be mighty crowded.

    To all having test today, we are gonna be a busy bunch traveling around to see all of you. It is a good thing we have a magic carpet, because we all know you can't rely in the airlines to get you many layovers and cancelled flights. SO get that magic carpet out and off we go....

    I posted this on the community afghan board, but I feel it needs to be posted here because it concerns the beautiful quilts made by dressmaker and lilia (don't want anyone to feel we are taking anything away from their priceless gifts):

    "This project IN NO WAY takes away from the hard and loving work dressmaker and lilia have done for those who have received the quilts. Nor do we want to take away any of their fund raising efforts because they do need funds to complete each of these quilts. Please ladies, remember to help dressmaker and lilia when they need us.

    The quilts are BEAUTIFUL, made by loving hands, with love in their hearts."


    Gotta go, I think the office on-time police are after me (cause I won't make it on time to the office)
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Morning girls, just a few notes before I go to work.
    Silvergirl, hope your thumb gets better soon.
    LauraB, we support whatever it is you want - think about it though - what kind of message are you sending your daughter? Remember, you are her role model and right now you are showing her that it is ok for someone to cheat on you, have a girlfriend on the side, and do everything you can to keep him. Think about it.
    Cheri, hang in there with your smoking, or hopefully, non-smoking. I'm an ex-smoker of about 23 years so have been there.
    NS, I hope everything goes well with the car - what a day that was huh?
    Karen, my hubby is a car buff and restores them as a hobby. I have a 69 camaro he is working on now, a 34 Ford 5 window and a 67 Chevelle. That's in addition to the cars we drive every day and he's looking for a Nova. When we retire we are going to need a barn for his cars. Weather has been nice for your hubby but they are expecting the coldest night to be tonight - freeze warning in one county. Yesterday was my birthday and my hubby bought me a remote starter for my car so I can have it nice and warm when I get in. Have to call to see if I can get it installed today.
    Beth, no one minds you being her and you have not been dx with bc. I, too, was a walking time bomb with my family history but I went blissfully through life until I hit the wall two years ago. I truly never thought it would be me.
    Ok, time to shower so I can go to work.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies...only have a minute to post as I still have a buried desk.
    Madison...I too posted this morning that we in no way want to take anything "away" from Lilia and dressmaker as what they have done is truly wonderful. We are making afghans but for a bit of a different reason...something to keep our hands and minds busy and off the thoughts of bc. In no way can we compare to Lilia and dressmaker. Dressmakers quilts are such an amazing work of art! I also think the idea of giving Lilia and Dressmaker our first two afghans is a perfect way to show them just how much they are appreciated and loved for all the hard work they do.
    I'll be back later to talk to all but know you are all in my thoughts this always are...I am just so very swamped here at work!
    Love ya sisters
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Margaret...a 69 Camaro!!! Oh you lucky girl you. I love the 69 Camaros and a remote starter is a great thing...I keep saying I'm going to get one but haven't yet...and it's COLD here.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007
    Thanks Vickie, I know you had the same thoughts as I did.

    I am having a stressful day - for reasons beyond my control....

    I'm still home and I know the time clock patrol from my office will come looking for me soon (I think I can take them on, but I think I still better leave for work).

    Take care all and have a GREAT DAY. Mena, thinking of you.
    Vickie, take care of yourself.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Rats, it was me posting above......I forgot to log in...maybe I shouldn't go to work today.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Madison...I'll pass you a Xanex lollipop if you want!
    Geez...gotta work!!! aaauuugghhhh
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Has anyone heard from shel?? I emailed her, but no response. I really want to know that she's okay.

    I wanted a 69 Camaro for my first car, but got a 72 Nova w/o A/C in beige. It looked like an old lady car, but at least I had wheels so I didn't complain. My little bro rev'd it up a few years later when he took it over.

    Best to everyone!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    No one minds that you are here.As Nicki said is for everyone that BC has touched.
    When you are dealing with BC you appreciate the times that you are NED. That's what we want from you. Do what you have to to free yourself of the possibility of getting BC. Don't let the worry of it consume your life.
    I sometimes fall into that hole. BC may have invaded my body but I am not letting it get my soul. Do what you have to but don't forget to live along the way.
    BTW ativan at night to sleep helps me.
    Take Care,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good morning ladies - when I posted last night I forgot that I was leaving late this morning and would get to come visit. I didn't go to bed till after midnight so didn't take a sleeping pill - big mistake - watched the clock most of the night. Would doze for a little bit and then wake up - most of the sleeping came closer to morning.
    It is COLD outside - below zero and 16 below with wind chill and the weather man says if we are lucky it will get to 9 today.
    Margaret - belated b'day greetings. Hope it was a good day.
    Beth1225 - we love having you here!!! Keep on coming and posting. Our journeys are all different.
    I need you gals to keep a couple friends in your thoughts and prayers. One of my dearest girlfriends, Barbara, got a call back on her mammo yesterday. She goes Tuesday for repeat mammo and US - this is not her first call back and she has even had a biopsy and all was b9 - but still her plate has been more than full. Her dh had a stem cell transplant 6 months ago for leukemia (his second round of leukemia - his first one was was 4 years ago) and her 90 something year old dad is in hospice in CA. She has been a co-survivor and she does not now need to be a survivor.
    Also, a dear friend in Chicago was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and is having surgery mid February.
    I hope everyone stays warm, feels good and has a great long weekend.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Beth---You have gotten some very sound advice from the sisters. You are doing the best prophylactic treatment for your situation but don't spoil your days by looking for monsters under the bed when they're still dust bunnies. We all know how hard it is to not go there but try!

    Laura---Ray is the devil you do know, dear. I have been down exactly the same path you are on. Tried for 2 years to convince him I was the only woman for him. He made it abundently clear that he had no interest in reviving our 25 year marriage---went back to the OW 3 times (that I know of), refused counseling, and, just for good measure, took up with another bimbo in another state. I wanted HIM to make the decision to leave so he couldn't blame his misery on ME after he left. So he just stayed on and on until I finally woke up to the fact that I WAS wasting my pretty (as someone here said) and I certainly deserved better. By then I was well on the way to destroying both my physical and mental health. I'm here to tell you that the day he finally left (my daughter got him to leave) my life started to improve. I like to tell people all I had to do was go out and buy a garbage can on wheels and I was back on track! I got a strong lawyer long before he left and refused mediation---I knew too many people who got shafted that way. I knew where all of our assets were because I handled both his business and our personal accounts so I am glad you are in the same position there---don't let him start hiding $$ on you. Your avitar shows a lovely woman with much to live for---stand up to the cheating creep. You are teaching your lovely daughter things you don't want her to learn about what women have to accept from men. Ray is telling you what he wants by his actions. I know exactly what you mean about "still loving him"---I thought I did too but finally realized I was just afraid of what would happen without him (and it turned out to be all good!) and just not wanting to give up on the dreams of growing old together. But who wants to grow old with someone who doesn't love or respect you---that's a nightmare!

    Mena---trigger finger is a pain in the hand! Our fingers don't have muscles in them, they work like caliper brakes on a bicycle. The tendons are controlled by muscles in the palm of our hands and go into a sheath at the base of our fingers. The tendon gets inflamed, can't slip through the sheath and when you try to bend (or unbend) your finger the inflammation gets stuck in the opening and either pops or you have to unbend your finger with your other hand. The spot in your palm gets really sore and you have no grip strength. If it lasts long enough they open the sheath or your finger gets permanently stuck! (Some people end up looking like they are always flipping the world the bird!). Arimidex has been known to cause this. Compared to other crap in life it's no real big deal except it's my dominant hand so it gets real clumsy sometimes---my handwriting looks like it did when I was seven.

    To everyone else---good morning! Lots I would like to chat about but think I used up my typing tolerance---my thumb is now good and well stuck. See what I do for you guys?

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Thank you NS, Vickie, Mena, Puppy and Margaret and other CG's. i have always felt like a fish out of water no matter where I was. I even felt like that when I was a single mom at a Parents Without Partners event. Go figure. But here there is something very special going on. I am grateful and feel so relieved after making my decision to have the mast and knowing whatever does happen you guys are here and are the only ones who can really relate and empathize. Pass me a xanax lollipop please as my onc said to dispense the real thing I have to wait until I see her in person. Something about dumb insurance company rules. I know, don't get on that one!

    Well, Lini, my first car was a 74 Matador Wagon, a/c sort of worked. I had it long enough that it stopped going in reverse unless it was warmed up. I finally scarped enough money together for a down apyment for a new used Ford POS. I donated the Matador, sniff sniff, to the volunteer fire company. Remember the movie, "Roxanne" with Steve Martin? Well, picture those guys lighting the car on fire and practicing putting it out. Then they would practice the jaws of life on it. It was quite a sight!

    I gotta scoot. Fingers crossed for anyone who is having appts or exams today. Karen be safe on your way to Chicago.

    Love and hugs,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,

    A quick post as the ice storm is headed this way (Oklahoma) and I need to get some things done. Last time we had one, I lost power for 4 days. I sure hope we don't this time.

    Sher thanks for asking. The gyn/onco did another pap and depending on the results, we'll go from there.

    Nicki my uterus left 14 years ago.

    I can't begin to catch up but know I'm thinking of you guys. I'll be back when I can.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something
    from yesterday.
    ~John Wayne~
    US movie actor & director (1907 - 1979)

    For many cancer patients, nights are the worst.

    Days can be busy and full with friends stopping by to visit or calling to chat. Even the seemingly endless medical appointments can provide opportunities to visit with other patients and cheerful nurses and technicians.

    For me, the daylight somehow made everything better. It was easier to laugh in the daytime, and it was easier to believe I would get well. I didn't feel so alone when the sun was up.

    But when night fell, everything changed. With everyone in our household asleep and not a sound to be heard anywhere, I would bolt upright in my bed, heart pounding, envisioning things I feared would come to pass. I trembled all over, pulled the blankets tighter around me and lay there shivering and sobbing for what seemed like hours.

    One day, I was discussing this awful problem with an elderly gentleman who was sitting next to me as we received our chemotherapy treatments. He said he had the same problem until he came to think of those scary times in the middle of the night as "God's Night School." He said he believed God often wakes us in the middle of the night during difficult times because it is quiet then and there is nothing to distract us from communicating with Him. With all around us dark and silent, we can talk to Him and we can listen to what He has to tell us.

    I decided to give it a try and began to look at those nightly wake-up calls as God's Night School. When I began to shake all over and the tears came, I begged Him to pull me close, to comfort me and calm my fears. I told Him where it hurt and what I was afraid of. And, yes, I prayed for a cure. But mostly I just prayed for courage to get through one more treatment, one more surgery, one more day of living with cancer.

    After a few of these "classes," the trembling and the tears stopped. If I awoke during the night, I said, "Hello, God. I'm here."

    Invariably He said, "So am I."

    Dear God, when I awaken in the dark, full of doubt and fear before the promise of dawn, whisper to me quickly that I am not alone. Let me remember to close my eyes again, to be still and quiet so that I can feel You draw me into Your embrace. Hold me close and talk to me, reminding me again and again that I am always in Your care. You are the Great Physician, and You will heal me in ways that no earthly men or medicines can. Amen
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good day ladies...
    brrrrrrrrrrr its cold here today....
    tgif nikki i agree even if i have to work tomorrow but i am off sunday...
    we are at minus 20 celsious
    not much happening i bbl...
    have a great day ladies

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    These two are perfect, though for me I think the days are worse than the nights. My mind won't let go during the day. At least at night I can fall off into a la-la land.

    I will try to make it to God's Day School.

    Thank you,

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning ladies. 8am and my pipes are frozen. Hubby was not a happy camper this morning. Had to go to work all stinky. Well shoot it's not my job to wrap the pipes. One more day of painting and I should be done. Yehaw. Don't think my back and hands can take much more. So wishing I could have painted the trim before it went up. O well. Live and learn.

    Karen that was me that was anon. Oops. Tell hubby Mini's are the bestest cars ever. Highly recommend them. Hoping you don't have to have hand surgery.
    Brrrrrr that is cold. Personally I would have left the car there.
    Your friends are in my prayers.

    Jeanette, I'll have a cuppa. Thanks

    Mena, my head is a weather predictor too. Much better than the weather man.
    What happened the day you were born? Besides the obvious arrival of your wonderful self.

    Beth, hugs to you hon. Your gonna be here for years and years.

    Brenda, no pets here either. I used to have pygmy goats. They were soooooo cute. And smart. One of them figured out how to open the door to the house. There was no keeping him out after that. I miss my goats. They never ate the weeds either.

    NS, I do and it is. I call mine my "Go Cart on Steroids" Gonna have that painted on the back. And it's a hood not a bonnet. Bonnets go on babies heads. Silly Europeans. heheheheh. How is your baby today?

    Cherylcy, uhhhhh your keyboard is stuck. heheehheh hope you got some good rest. I only woke up once last night. Well not including waking up after I fell asleep on the couch. Hubby left me there. The bumm.

    Nicki, TGIF....glad your head is better.

    Madison, hope your headache goes quickly.

    Margaret, a remote starter? how cool is that. Happy Birthday.

    Hi lini and Joyce and Jeannie

    Liz, glad you checked in. Praying for normal pap. And electricity.

    Silvergirl, AMEN!!

    Brrrrr Tracey, I can't even begin to imagine living where it is that cold. Let alone actually having to go out in it. Stay safe and warm.

    Back to painting for me. I'll see you all later. Have a great day.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007

    Mena, my head is a weather predictor too. Much better than the weather man.

    Maybe this is why I had a non-stop headache for the past two days.. Woke to snow in so. cal today????
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey Lini-

    The world is upside down! We went from -32 to +28 here and YOU are getting snow LOL Enjoy...but stay off the roads! I can only imagine what people in your area will do in cars with SNOW!! Yikes...

    I'm worried about Shel too....Anyone have a phone number? I wonder if she stayed in Florida?

    Deb C
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Shel - If you're out there, just let one of us know that you are okay. We miss you when you're not around. We love you. I know you don't post when you're feeling down, same here, but we're here to lift you up. You know we're always good for a hug, shoulder, xanax lollipop, anything you want. Just ask and it's yours.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007

    NS, I hope it doesn't bother anybody that I am here, not being dx with bc. is for everyone. There is a place for the newly diagnosed, men with breast cancer, family members of survivors, people in hospice, people at high risk, people in treatment, people trying to move beyond cancer and this wild joint called the circle that combines everyone.


    I was told it was going ot be a matter of "when" notif. Even if I do all of the surgeries and take Tamoxifen I still have not eradicated my risk. The family history is too strong.

    Five years ago, when my doctor told me I had cancer, he also told me I had a 10% chance of being alive today. No one knows what tomorrow brings. A couple of days after my diagnosis I was in lower Manhattan. It was Tues, Sept. 11, 2001. The people who went to work that day had no idea what would happen to them. I was downtown, trying to get out of the city, with a brand new BC dx and my BC was the last thing on my mind. Because in the buildings that had fallen were people just like me. But they didn't have a chance to fight. They were given no warning. They didn't have options.
    I did. And I still do. And so do you.

    You do not have breast cancer. You should be shouting that from the rooftops! You shouldn't be saying I am going to get breast cancer and keep yourself up at night living like you are dying. (BTW I don't know any cancer survivors who actually like that song!) Brenda said it right- don't borrow trouble! Or as my mother used to say to us when we started in on something "You don't have anything to worry about- just wait until you HAVE something to worry about and you will see how good you have it now"


    I have lived through my dad's bc and it was not easy. Too many people in my life have been touched by bc and other cancers.

    Yes, it is very hard to live with that and watch someone you love have cancer. Does your son live in a house consumed with cancer? Are you always discussing it and worrying about it? Isn't that what your SS mentioned to your dh's ex? And she made that foul comment that your house was a "hotbed of cancer"? Your son has his mom. She is cancer free. Let him enjoy that and not be filled with worry!


    I guess I needed to know what to expect with the mast and going on Tamoxifen and there is no other place to get help that I have found. For some reason I cannot explain, I was drawn here to this forum.

    That is what we are here for! That is great! But that isn't the issue. We are worried about how you are living or NOT living your life. I think we want you to enjoy what you have right now because each one of us would LOVE to be cancer free. We are here to help and support and guide you... we have been through it all: hearing the words, "You have cancer" and feeling that unbearable emptiness inside that is only filled with waves of terror and tears. We have had to make decisions about our surgeries in a matter of moments, not months and years. we have had to endure chemo which is hell. No matter how much better it is now, it is still hell and its after effects live with you forever. Then there is radiation which has its own complications. Then some may be put on an AI or Tamox and that is another kettle of fish. And we are told we are all done and go live our lives- but our lives are NEVER the same. WE are never the same. Our bodies have changed- not just from surgeries, but from LE, arthritis brought on by chemo or AIs or both, and a host of other things. We have seen it and done it all and they expect us to lead normal lives but also to be aware that the beast may not be done with us yet. What I am saying, Beth, is there is a difference to living cancer free and not having any of this behind you and living as a survivor with its host of complications and other issues that somehow didn't make it into the onc's "what to expect" speach.

    Think of us like army veterans. You have just registered at the post office for the draft. We have been drafted, been through boot camp, been through war and now are living with all our experiences. YOU are waiting to be called up- IF you are called up at all. GO OUT AND HAVE SOME FUN UNTIL THAT DAY!!!


    You and Vickie, Mena, Puppy and others have taken me under your wings. I am so grateful to my new guardian angels. I have had too many benign cysts removed from my breast that I need to do something concrete before bc walks in.

    I think everyone here is loving and giving and are angels. Get your mast if that gives you peace of mind. Many brca2+ girls do. As for the beast walking in- close the door and stop baking a cake for it. Don't WAIT for it. Live your life as if it WON'T come in.

    I am just trying to help you see that you should be happy. You do not have cancer. And there is a difference between being BCRA+++ and actually having cancer. The emotions are different. It is not the same to be sitting in an onc's office with your husband and being told you MAY get the disease than it is when he tells you that you HAVE the disease, and it may have spread and your odds of being alive in five years are pretty low.

    SPARE YOURSELF THAT. Don't LIVE LIKE THAT NOW. Or you will let your life pass you right by.

    Same thing goes for us survivors. Many girls get caught up living as if the Beast was already back and they were end stage. While you are not end stage and are alive and kickin- live! So if it does come back at least you spent the last few years having fun. And if you didn't then you spent the last few years as if you are already dead and all that time is gone- never to be retrieved again...

    We are here for you always. We just want you to cut yourself some slack and be grateful for what you have. Because we all wish we had it too!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, we must be in the same weather pattern. It looks like snow but it isn't as cold as it was the last couple of days. So glad you are feeling better!! Thank you for your wise words about the circle. It is a safe, negativity - free zone!!!

    Madison, I don't think that the crochet project could ever take the place of the tremendous work that dressmaker and lilia did. And as far as I can tell there is absolutely no fundraising involved. I thought this was more of a community project- and very appropriate wagon work for when it is too cold to sit out on a log!! I think it was a great idea dn I think that the quilts are precious jewels that will be treasured forever by their recipients.

    Lini, I haven't heard from Shel. But I know that she had some computer issues with "earl" and may not be posting?

    Karen, your friends are in my prayers today.

    jeannie! you crack me up! Monsters and Dustbunnies! YES!! Perfect!

    Liz be careful with the ice storm... I know you are supposed to stock up on stuff for that... guess what is the first thing that came to my mind? Ben and Jerrys!

    Tracey, thatnk you for the snow. I do believe that will be the only snow I will see this year in NY!!!

    You California girls have snow and frozen pipes???? WOW Shirley! Be careful! I hope that nothing gets damaged. You have inspired me to finish my hallway painting that I stopped right before the holidays... thanks! "Go Cart on Steroids!" I LOVE THAT!!!

    WHEWEE Deb! You are having a tropical heat wave!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    NS, you are so right. I really only discuss the possiblities with dh. My son is aware of the surgery happening but not much more. He was not privy to the ex's problem with the ss coming over. Anway, my gm used to say the same thing, don't borrow trouble.

    I will make sure to give myself a reality check every morning. You gave me the kick in the pants I needed. How did you know? My dh would say because you are exactly what you said, veterans and who better to listen to.

    Thank you once again and Ihope I can be here when the call comes from someone else in my shoes.

    Love and hugs,

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I can only stop by briefly---DID take the "mental health day" today and took off work. However, computer's down so I'm at the library right now.

    I was so upset yesterday that I cancelled 2 client meetings today, but my boss is so understanding.

    Ray didn't go out last night (too tired and no $) and wasn't talking much to me. I ended up asking if he was tired and, "oh about last night. It appears you weren't where you said you were going to be, so I think it's best if you were just honest as it would make things easier." Guess what? DEAD SILENCE! Not a peep or anything. I knew he was pissed but what the hey--he finished his mac n cheese and went to bed (without a kiss goodnight).

    WELL I kept to the usual routine this morning as I hadn't told him I was taking the day off. Unfortunately, our DSL is completely down at home (grrrrr---been going on since 12/20), yet I knew he was online earlier this week. I had to call him while I was on hold w/AT&T to find out the last time he could get online.

    He said where are you? I said at home. Why? I needed some time to think and get a few things done so I took today off.

    He said, remember that statement last night? Yeah? Did you call the hall? I first said that's all I had to say about the matter, but he pushed the issue. Since I accused him of lying (w/o calling him a liar) I said, no it was 11p, you weren't home yet, so I called your Dad, then I called the hall "but I don't put much stock in bartenders". He asked why I did it; I said it's not like you to stay out late mid-week and left it at that.

    His comment: "I don't think this will last until the end of Feb [the deadline he gave me] and I said that's a shame as 1) I don't want this divorce 2) I don't want either of us moving out and 3)I know we can work on this together---WITHOUT oustide influences. I told him I'm not stupid, that I know where he was, there's no point in hiding it and that whether it's him going to her, or her reeling him in, that it wasn't going to make anything easier in the long run.

    Figures AT&T came back online---he said he'd talk later (yeah right!) He did end up operning the card I gave him the other day---it's sitting next to the computer.

    Anyway, I have a name of a family counseling center not far from home (and under my health plan) so I'm going to try and get an appt. asap for myself.

    Now's the time to build up my strength. I'm sorry I won't be able to keep you posted on any "developments" over the weekend, but will log back in Monday from work.

    Hugs and kisses to all my sisters!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Laura...I am wishing you a peaceful calm weekend with prayers that this will work out as they should. I will be thinking of you.
    Hugs and love
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hey Ladies

    I think it was Nicki who thought it was Tuesday LOL!
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2007
    NS, you have a way with words, are you sure NS is not just a pen name for Nora Roberts??

    Anyhow....went for my physical today at the family doctor and told him about how I was 90yrs old instead of 50 and how I attribute it all to the beautiful arimidex pill I am taking and how I plan to stop and re-start tamoxifen after my onc appt in Feb. He thinks it is a good idea but not to do it without his approval first.
    Now....whilst all my aches and pains are "most likely attributed to arimidex" lets do a bone scan to be sure, and while we are at it lets scan your liver and both breasts too....Oh and why not do all the lab work in the world while I've got you here. Mind you, I probably would feel better after knowing for sure that all these aches are truly from arimidex, the thought of waiting for results has already started to have its toll on me and I havn't been for any of them yet!!
    He made a special point of saying that he doesn't feel there is anything wrong and he thinks I am due some scans anyhow since I have not had any since diagnosis. I don't know if he is telling the truth or not, maybe I am borrowing trouble.

    I think I may have made too big a deal about the arimidex aches and pains. I didn't see any REAL concern on his face but now my mind is caught in that OH MY GOD mindset. Shit!!!!

    I spoke to our SHEL and she had too much fun in Florida and is back safely and in one piece.

    love to everyone

    special HI and WAZZUP to MISS CHEMOSABI, love ya chick

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Glad Shel is okay. Thanks Tina, I forgot that you have a direct link to her. Let her know that I'm thinking of her often.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Yep, I left work early again. Predicting ice storm this evening between 4 and 8 pm. So Im home nice and safe. Got good, Got liquor, Got jammies, got smokes, and have great friends to talk with. And its a playoff week-end to boot. Yahooooooo!!

    I heard birds singing again when I left for work. Definitely sounds Springish. Unless its the sparrows. They stay all Winter. But Ive never heard them sing like this. Now those poor birds are gonna get cold and snowed on

    Madison: OK! where do you live. I want to know where in the USA it is getting warmer. Hahahahaha office police chasing you so you wont be late for work! I hate days when Im running late.

    MargaretB: How in the workd did I miss it? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a wonderful day. You always give great advice.

    Karen: We put Barbara and your friend from Chicago in the middle of the circle. Whew! So much cancer stuff going around. It touches all of our lives. Be careful and have a very safe trip. Now the weather might not cooperate. So you might get delayed comng here and you will most likely get delayed leaving. Thats if the snowstorm they are predicting comes Sunday. The weather forecasters have been known to be wrong before.

    Oh, Im so excited. I went to get another glass of wine and we have chocolate cupcakes with white frosting in the refrig. with football stuff on them! Guess I will start my diet Monday.

    I had to just take a step back and slowly read everyones posts. And now I dont have a whole lotta time. So if I miss ya, you know Im sorry.

    Vickie: Im laughing here at the flashing Friday picture. Can you do that with toothbrushes. I think mines green, I think its green, no I know its green. Husbands is white.

    Sherloc: How in the world did your pipes freeze. Well I know it from the cold, but here in Illinois we always think of California as warm.

    NS: You brought tears to my eyes. We need to live and enjoy life now.

    Tina: First of all, ya know what I hate. When I fill out a form and it asks me if I ever had cancer and I have to write yes. Reality check!! Or when I seem the form my PCP fills out after he sees me. On the bottom is says HTN and Breast Ca! Another reality check! Ive come to accept that doctors will always be more cautious of us because of our histories. So hey, get the scans and move on again. I see my onc on Monday, Im sure when I tell him about my headaches, and muscle aches he will order tests too. Especially cause Im scheduled to get my port out 2-8-07. Now that will put me 20 months post op. He was very cautious. So Im sure we will be getting tests together. Come on down to the hoochie tent. Im drinking wine tonight.

    Oh - and thanks for the update on Shel. I cant remember being here on these boards when Shel hasnt been here. So I miss her.

    LauraB: You have gotten such good advice. Each of us has a story in some way. Seems like many of us have been through what you are going through right now. Well sorta. Cant imagine going through this after being dx with bc. I have shared with you I had a similiar situation. No cheating involved, but too good of a friendship with a female guitar player. I was so afraid then. If that happened now, I would think - hey - Im past that. Im strong and can go on. You are being given a choice, many women have lost their husbands because they passed away. They have their choice, they must move on. I hate that we wont hear from you over the week-end. And so, Mr. Pathetic is now trying to put guilt on you cause "your checking up on him?" Listen girl, you need to start going out and worry him a little. If waiting til the end of February means living like this, then maybe you should reconsider too. But no disillionment or whatever the heck that is called. Sending love to you this week-end.

    Well, just like Madison then other night, I have computer competition with my husband tonight. He wants to play the horses!!! He deserves it . I nevr told you all about last Friday. I came home to 5 presents. Ill tell ya about it sometime. But right now I gotta go. I try to sneak in later.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    Good afternoon everyone! I have been out of the loop for a few days....... hubby is away and I haven't had a second to myself.......I hope everyone is doing well.

    I tried to read a little but got lost somewhere along the way! I missed so much don't even know where to start.

    Hey Nicki was watching Sopranos the other night(old ones) and one of the guys referred to Tony's friend as Chemosabi because he was getting chemo. any connection????

    Beth like Nicki said you belong here!!!!
    Karen will pray for your friend.
    Cheri still cheering you on!!!!
    those getting hit by old man winter, I feel sorry for you all. it is supposed to warm up here again.
    Wanted to update you all on Baby Anthony. my cousin sent me a picture, wish I could post it. he is a good size and I can tell a real fighter! he is has tubes but looks pretty good! The Doc. told them he is still touch and go but improving slowely. still doing tests. his reflexes are goo,d he is opening his eyes and holding his mamma's finger!!Yeah!!!
    I hope everyone has a good weekend!
    praying for all my sisters here at!