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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Michelle: Ahahahahaha Im laughing out loud and so hard right now. I watched the Sopranos too. I am so addicted to that show. Have been from the begining. I do have an uncle Veto, Frankie, Louie, and August (Gus). Sooooooooo! Big fat hot Italian mamaa here. Anyways the name really came from the long ranger and chemosabi. But Ill take credit for anything I can get.

    Oh BTW: Im standing here waving at you. As I now must go. Husband is breathing over my shoulder and wants the computer now!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, hey ya got a day off. Cool.

    Margaret, Happy Belated Birthday. You got a great gift with the remote car start. We don't have a garage and our car is equipped with that & it's wonderful! So handy just to point the remote & have your car start up & be ready for you.

    Jeannie, Hope your fingers & thumb are better today. You gave good advice to Laura.

    Mena, good luck with your treatment today.

    Liz, did you run out to stock up, too? I figure you're in OK & I'm in MO. so we'll get about the same weather. We have a winter ice storm warning out until Sun. night. My dh called (he's a truck driver) & told me to have my SIL go get some kerosene for our emergency heater, extra flashlights, drinking water etc. in case we lose elec. & rock salt for our front porch or if we get stranded. I do hate winter.

    Tracy, nice snow pictures, but I'm glad its not here.

    Michele, glad baby Anthony is doing better.

    NS, you do write beautifully.

    Wishing any of you that I left out a nice evening. Although, I imagine I'll be back. I stayed up too late last night so I slept late today. I prefer the evenings. I've always been a night person.

    Best Wishes.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Now to get the place back in order.


    NS frozen pipes are normal for our house at least once a year cause the man person never gets around to wrapping the pipes till it happens. Doesn't matter to me. I don't have to get up and ready for work in the morning. They are usually thawed by 10.
    You have a way with words my dear. That was marvelously said.

    Tina, I did the tamox, arimidex, tamox thing. Tamox has other issues but it is soooo nice not to have the pain. Only problem is "They" (who is they anyway?) say arimidex is better against recurrence. So now I stress about not taking the good stuff. UGH!!!

    Nicki, we definately don't get as cold as some places but I live in the mountains. We get all the seasons and then some. Spring and Fall are lovely, summer and winter are miserable.
    Tell us about your presents.

    Michele, yehaw for baby Anthony. Still praying.

    Cheri, I hate winter too.

    Off to the showers to wash the paint out of my hair. See you all later.
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2007
    Hi wonderful CG's,
    I am sitting here wishing for spring !!
    We have had a pretty mild winter so far and maybe we will get snow on Monday . I miss the birds sunshine and flowers!

    Denise went to the Endocrine Specialist yesterday. He did another ultrasound and it turns out there are 3 nodulars
    that they measured. One of them is suspicious it measures
    1.5cm and show necrosis. He said it needs to be biopsied.
    He will do it on Monday at 2:00 . I asked for a rx for ativan for her for before the procedure (I have learned alot from you all!! ) He wrote it with no problem.
    We won't get the results he said for 10 days. Can Mazer
    come too Monday?
    Going back to read and check up on all of you ~

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    ok quick check in as I have been so busy at work today. I hate it when that happens. imagine work trying to interfere with my circle girls,,geeesh!

    Carrie-mazer is all excited to be going Monday. I am off Monday for MLK day so will be there also. Mazer cant wait. She loves having all these friends living far away because she gets to use her energy running about.

    Chemosabi-wow a snow/ice day. I long for those but it doesnt happen very much around here. We get rain and people cant drive in that so cant imagine the ice or snow.

    NS-Great words. Nobody speaks as well as you do girlfriend.

    lauraB-wishing you a relaxing weekend and keeping you in my thoughts as you go through a rough time.

    ok geesh, gotta run out the door and get to the farm to give my animals their hay. Will check back in as soon as I can.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Ah Carrie and Denise---not only will Mazer be there but so will everyone else and their dog be there! You guys have just had such a rough ride and you serve as an example of strength for all of us.

    Shirley---yay on the being done! Now---my kitchen, dining room and family room could use a little attention. SO thinks they're just lovely the way they are and I think they reflect the taste of the previous owners! Maybe we need a counselor instead of a painter?!?

    Nicki---oh I remember the working girl days and how sabarytic it felt to come home early and curl up with a 'tini in my jammies! Now I get to do it without having to go to work first!

    Well nip is done. The first one was done along with revisions and I was sound asleep. As an office proceedure it's really wierd---you are making every effort to look everywhere but down---fortunately my PS is way cute and it's really easy to just look at him! Hey---I may be in a long term relationship and 62 but I'm not dead! Sometimes feel like a dog who chases cars---wouldn't know what to do if I caught one---but it sure is fun to window shop!

    Everyone else---saving the fingers but I'm thinking of you all. Whoever talks to Shel tell her we're glad she had fun but we miss her!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Hey Amy--love the new avatar!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Carrie, sorry Denise has to go through another biopsy. You girls have really been through alot. My prayers are with you.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Happy birthday Margaret! i forgot to check the last 2 days! Hope you got your wish and then some.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Evening ladies...Nathaniel is hogging the computer for a bit so I will be back later to talk to you...just saying a quick love ya's.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    wow...I posted above...went and layed across my bed and fell fast asleep. sooo very tired.
    sorry girls...will see you all in hte morning.
    Love ya sisters
    hmmm...been pretty quiet everyone sleeping?
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Well, CG's, where are y'all headed this weekend? It is a busy football weekend and we are KIDLESS! Isn't it grand sometimes. Peace and quiet. Only problem is that even though I want to sleep in until noon, my back and my bladder won't let me! So, let's pack up the hospitality wagon and take it to those who need some extra TLC.

    Tracey, I am dangerous with posting pics now!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok omg hahahahahaha LOL
    ever have one of those dayse??

    web page

    this is to funny,,, if you have sound turn it on!!!!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    Hi all...

    LINI!! Great to see you!

    Silvergirl: Can I get a witness? Loved it. Thanks.

    Laura: I understand. I didn't want a divorce either. I did the counseling thing also. Did everything to save my marriage because I thought he was my soulmate and I hate divorce. And everyone makes mistakes...You do what you feel you need to do. Mine lied right through counseling to me and the therapist. And continued to see the OW...I found out six weeks after the fact. But I do understand where you are coming from. I also know how much it hurt to have tried so hard and be spit at. That's why I get nuts when I hear what he does to you. Just let me rant. I will continue to support whatever you choose to do, but I will nonetheless spout off...

    I honestly don't know what I'd do if I were told I was carrying the BRACA+++ gene pre dx. I'd be scared shipless, I know that...I don't think I'd have the guts for a prophylactic mast. An ooph, yes. But a mast still freaks me out. I don't know how any of you guys who have had masts do it. And recon and expanders and drains? OMG...that's still a huge fear of mine as I had a lumpectomy/axillary node dissection (1 of 25 positive -- look at me now!)...

    OK...headache still pounding...hard to read the screen...want to feel better so I can make it to the get-together tomorrow...long infusion today and Decadron has me all a-buzz...

    Hitting the Hoochie Tent because nothing else is working dammit. And because Vickie said it's Friday. She's my calendar. If she says it's Friday, it's Happy Hour for me. I don't care if she's a day or two early...

    Rest well everyone...Mena...xo
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Well girls,

    It has been quiet tonight. I know I am always tired on Friday evening. I fell asleep earlier, and now I am awake. Don't you just hate when this happens.

    Carrie, we will keep Denise in our prayers.

    Mena, I hope the head feels better.

    We are missing a wedding tomorrow night because DA SAINTS are playing tomorrow night. Just can't believe they have made it to this point. I know some of you are going to be cheering for "the other team", but I have to tell you how excited we are in Louisiana about DA Saints. New Orleans has NOT returned in any way to what is was pre-Katrina. It is really SAD....I cry everything we visit New Orleans....but DA Saints have given us something to cheer about.

    See you all tomorrow on the football field.


  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007

    i'm home from the keys, attempting to move back there (which won't be easy), have a gifreakinormous VISA bill, decent tan, and a whole new outlook on "life" in general!

    i haven't been around much because of doctors, and lawyers, and indian chiefs..................we got home really really late on tuesday, but we had an absolute blast!

    i'm going back in a couple of weeks as one of the hospitals in islamorada made me an incredible offer (but the health care is still an issue)............either way, i get more time in the sun, and more time away from the turmoil of my day to day life lol!

    sorry i don't check in too often, but my laptop is fried, and it seems there is always an appt or a conference call.

    as always................i wish the best to all, and i thank you all for being here!

    xo, michelle (who really wants prayers that she gets to move to the keys lol)
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Cg's!!!!

    got up early to try to catch up! alittle quite this weekend?

    Hubby getting in this morning from business trip. my son slept at my mom's since I have work today. so I vegged out in my jammies in front of tv all night........ had a glass of wine and read some about a relaxing night. of course I did feel guilty, I could have been doing laundry or food shopping.

    Beth cute little kitty, looks so comfy!

    Amy love the new picture!!!!

    Carrie will keep Denise in my prayers!
    Vickie you crashed huh, I bet that doesn't happen often, you seem like a ball of fire to me!

    Madison I am in EAGLES territory but my son is cheering the Saints on secretly! Someon in school must have been talking about the Saints and how they are in New Orlens because my son commented on how he thought they should win because of all the bad luck they have endured. He's 9. I thought that was cute. I told him not to say that infront of his DAd and Uncle who will be watching the EAGLES tonight!

    welcome back Shel!!! good luck and can we visit when you move?????

    Shirley congrats on a big job done!!!!

    Jeannie, how does it look? is it erect? I am scared to get it done because I heard it always looks erect. I am sceduled in the spring and am still undecided. my ps thinks that I should get it done. ok have to go get ready for work.

    sorry i missed so many, have a great weekend!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Oh boy, I slept in! Got up at 6:30am instead of 5. Seems like the weather is playing havoc with us. I heard on the news about this ice storm hitting some of the midwestern states. They say its gonna be a bad one. So I hope weveryone is safe at home and tucked in. Im not by the campfire this morning. Way too cold. Im in my teepee. Got lots of goodies here. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and chicken soup - to warm our hearts.

    Cheri and Liz: This ice storm sounds nasty. Hoping you are safe, have food, and that the power stays on.

    Sherloc: I bet your house looks beautiful. Haha, never thought about living in the mountains in California. Now I understand. The only mountains I have ever seen in real life are the Sierra's. Ya know, the ones that surround LasVegas. And that has been from a distance. So why is Summer bad in the mountains.

    Carrie: Im wanting Spring so bad too. The birds singing in the morning is confusing me. I cant remember the last time Winter was so mild. I say "was" cause the storm is a comin. Darn it Im sorry to hear about Denise. She must be getting awfully tired of all this. Right when you think your recovering, another mountain to climb. Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer will be there. Hey, its easier than going to Alaska and they can fly now.

    Amy: Oh ahahahah, I love the new Avatar. Have the chickens and ducks arrived yet? And if so, what did you name them?

    Jeannie: Glad the nip is done and all is well. Oh I cant imagine having it done in the doctors office. But then I wanted my port to come out in the surgeons office instead of outpatient surgery. So go figure!!

    Vickie: Well it sounds like you needed some sleep, thats for sure. Sometimes, when I fall asleep like that, I feel the most rested. Hope you had sweet dreams.

    Tracey: Ahahaha thanks for the early morning laugh. Sorry you have to work today, but when your done you can say TGIS!

    Mena: I was in the hoochie tent with you. Had my bottle of wine. That was me that was passed out when you came in. Ahem - one too many glasses of wine. And wow, I have known you for so long, never knew about the lumpectomy and one positive node. For some reason I thought you were diagnosed stage 4 from the get go. Sending you the biggest hug this morning.

    Madison: I think the Saints have a great chance. I have always been a fan of theres. Back in the days where Chicagos sweet Ditka was coach. And Ricky Williams too. So for you my dear, I will be cheering the Saints right along with ya. Let the games begin and good luck to everyone.

    Shel: Wow, it would be great if you could move to the Keys, well except for hurricanes. Florida is my favorite place. Everytime I go there for vacation I look at the want ads and think, hey I could get work here easily. So whats the problem with the health care? Hope its a small probable. Wishing you luck. And hey, we miss you when you dont check in.

    Susan: where the heck are you? Missing the sunshine you bring with every post.

    Lisa: where are you. Read you got some great news on another thread. Yipppeeee!

    Lini: Thanks for calling out shels name. It worked! She came back.

    TGirl: Where are you. I hate that your computer is down. Always enjoyed the early race in the mornings to see who would post first.

    DebC: Where are you? Figure you must be enjoying the balmy weather in Alaska, now that the cold front has moved South.

    OK - Im hungry for real. Gotta go find something to eat. Have a great morning, I will check back with you later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning All:

    Early to Bed, Early To Rise, Makes a Person Healthy, Wealthy and Wise....

    NO.. Not I...fell asleep again at 2:00 a.m. and am up by 5:30 a.m. this morning and having a computer war with dh.

    He did just suggest we get another high speed computer because I told him if I could not get on the computer today I WAS GONNA GO TO THE MALL... Yep, that scared him.

    Shel, everyone was wondering how you have a tan, good for you. Good luck on your decision

    Michele, your son has a beautiful heart to be able to feel the sadness coming from Louisiana/New Orleans. I wish I could post pictures because I have some pictures of the flood that will bring tears to the eyes. Having said that, I must say that I believe that a football game is a game and GOOD SPORTMANSHIP is the most important thing. These two teams are going to play is going to win and one is going to lose, but hopefully both are going to play their best. I am going to wear my Fleur Di Lis jewelry today for DA SAINTS and say a prayer that there is acceptance in the outcome and score of the game. Yes, Louisiana needs a win, BUT this team has already made history by being in this playoff. What will be, will be, Good luck .

    Tracey, funny-funny.

    All of you facing snow and ice storms, please stay warm and be careful. It is our usual HOT AND MUGGY in south Louisiana.

    DH is standing over my shoulder wanting the computer…..I wonder what time the Mall opens?

    Check back in later, have a great morning everyone.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Hi Girls,
    The doctor called yesterday and Kevin's chest wall surgery is 2/7. His aorta surgery will be 3 to 4 months later. He is anxious to get it behind him. Please keep him in your circle.
    On a good note,The EAGLES are playing.I am sorry Saints fans. It has been so long that a Philly team has won that we need this. I am sure it will be a good game.
    Take care,
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning girls. Thought I would check in on everyone.
    I have the honor of picking up my two grandsons and taking the 10 year old to his first basketball game. I am looking forward to it. Had planned on taking down some Christmas inside the house and cleaning but it can be done this afternoon or wait. Haven't been as active with my grandsons this past year.

    Margaret - How did I miss your birthday? Sorry but I do hope it was wonderful. May this year be filled with much happiness and good health.

    Liz sounds like your area is really going to get hit hard. Hope you are OK.

    Nicki, think it is coming to visit you too and then they say early next week it is going to hit the NE. Looks like NY may get some snow soon too.

    Everyone stay safe and warm - hope no one looses power. In my area of NC we get more ice storms than snow and we have had some really bad ones.

    Tina and Nicki: I think I have finally accepted that because my chart says BC that if I mention something or a test is kind of off - it means an US, CT or MRI. Have really been having strange headaches - get so dizzy, vision problems and then a really bad headache that will last two days. I'll be 62 in May so surely migraines aren't going to start. We'll see how they go because if I mention them - test and I'm just tired of test/procedures!!!!

    Mena, hope you are feeling better. I hated treatment days.
    I did fine and could smile and joke with folks and I would look around at others and realize, truly realize, I had it good, very good. However, when they hooked me up, Decadron first, and then the "red devil" I found myself always watching the meds go in. We had "private rooms" and the meds messed with my eyes so I couldn't read(I could have understood what I was reading anyway) and didn't care for TV. Mena, and any others that are still taking treatments - sending love and hugs and hoping you are fast approaching the end.

    Tracey - picture of snow is beautiful. I think we are supposed to be back in the balmy 70's tomorrow. This is not normal.

    Jeanette - thanks for the post on dealing with cancer at night. Think we can all relate.

    NS - How is the Cooper? Think from the weather map some snow could be reaching your area by the first of the week.
    Are you ready?

    Michelle - Happy to hear that Anthony is holding his own.
    Keep us posted.

    Shel - soooo good to hear from you. If moving to the keys is what you want, then I hope it works out for you. Sounds like you are really hoping and trying to get this to work out. Keep us posted.

    Shirley - feels good to get a project like painting finished. I need to do the same but not yet (getting CHristmas down might need to be first) but painting has got to be done this spring or summer and I dread it. I'm not good and after having broken my wrist and having to have it pinned - hand not so stead or comfy to paint when it gets tired.

    Amy - how big is that farm? What is the total of your animals now. You have a BIG heart.

    Vicki - Hope the arm is feeling better and you have a great weekend. Did you get any response from the attorney generals office?

    Cheri - Baby steps. You can do it. My hubby smokes and he has no desire to quit. After my BC and chemo, I did try talking to him and telling him - you have seen and believe me you don't want to do this. I don't think he will stop but I did ask him to cut back. He was 69 yesterday. Good luck - it isn't easy and I think you are right to do it quietly.

    Joyce, thanks for checking in. Thinking of you and your family - sending love and prayers.

    Karen - moving Barbara and your friend from Chicago to the inner circle. Please keep us posted.

    Nicki - took my port out in the xray dept. Heck of a lot easier being removed than inserted. That one hour procedure took two hours - said my vein was stenosed and that area and that darn boob looked like I had been hit with a baseball bat afterwards I had some problems during that procedure otherwise so I was naturally nervous about it being removed. That was a piece of cake!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tracey - your classes started yet?

    Susan - miss you. I hope you are OK as it isn't like you not to check in.

    Ginny, DebC,Puppyfive and RobinTN, haven't heard from you in a day or more. Hope all is well.

    There are many post and I hope I haven't missed anyone or some important news that someone else will mention and I go "where was that" as often I just have to skim the pages to catch up.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Curl up with that glass of wine, get take out food order, and enjoy the games!!! Off to shower and spend the morning with grandsons.

    Hugs to all, Brenda
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh my...I didn't think it was possible to sleep soooo long. I got up and dear sweet Nathaniel has emptied the dishwasher, picked up the living room, cleaned the bathroom...what a lucky mom I am. full of energy I just may explode!!
    Gotta take notes so I'll be back (after I fix my sweet boy some french toast) to send love, hugs, prayers, and thank you's to all my sweet sisters.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    'Morning! At the library again...

    He didn't get home until 1a (had gone to the hall from 4p-530p, then back out at 630p). Couldn't let it slide...

    Told him this morning "another late night?". He just smirked. I said "you must be getting tiring coming and going between both places." Then I started to get angry (had a long sleepless nite w/Caitie next to me to think)--I told him if roles were reversed and I was the one w/an opposite-sex companion, he'd have my butt out on the curb SO fast! He said "how do I know you've never had an affair?" I said, "because I haven't, and the people you checked with said the same thing."

    I then told him that this whole thing with Sandy was an affair; he denied it. I told him if it was a male he was confiding in, this wouldn't be such an issue. The fact that the OW has been in exactly my shoes, she should understand the pain I'm going thru. He said "she does", then I said "then you better think twice on how much time you're spending with her because it doesn't look good to me, and wouldn't look good to an outsider."

    I told him the 5-6 years he's been unhappy and the reasons he has for ending this are nothing but excuses. I told him he needs to look deeper into himself and find the REAL reasons. I told him he should see someone professional to find out what is really going on (no response). I admitted I'm not without fault and bottom line...the lack of communication is the center of all this. He said "I don't want to discuss this anymore" and I said...."that's exactly it--not only don't you talk, you don't listen, and communicating is BOTH."

    He reminded me he had made is decision a long time ago---I said "how stupid was I when you were so insistent you get me off the Visa account early October." I brought up the calls that happened on the day of the Race for the Cure 10/14 and in hindsight what a farce it was for him to support me thru that. He got really angry about that, but I'm sure he did it for the attention HE got, not in support of me.

    It's hard not to let him push my buttons right now. I asked what his plans were today and he said some errands; asked me the same and gave him same response. Was going to bring Caitie with me, but I just left the house.

    I know he's getting paranoid now--he talked w/his sister yesterday and told her about me calling in "sick" yesterday (wrongo, bucko--I took a much-needed vacation day). He was concerned what errands/appts I had. He told her about the radio station call, how I'm cleaning the house and changing the way I do things. His sis said "well, at least she's making an effort" and his response "it's too late, so she might as well save it for the next relationship." His sis warned him that don't expect me to accept mediation/dissolution as it appears I want to keep this marriage...he now has his previous divorce attorney's phone number in his cell. He's going to have to his expense.

    I truly appreciate everyone's support and advice. I'm the type to look at all sides before making rash decisions. If he packs a bag or disappears again, I'm not saying a thing. Whether he truly listened to me this morning about going deeper into himself, God knows, but I know I've done some heavy duty soul-searching.

    I fell in love with Ray 9 years ago because it was the first time in my life that my head/heart/gut were in sync about the way I felt about someone. However, until my head/heart/gut are all on the same page NOW, I will continue to try---and know I tried my best.

    I prob won't be back on until work Monday. Hope you all have a nice, safe, and WARM weekend!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning...
    ok brrrrrrr frig is freezing again today its at minus 25 and its blowing and snowing...
    i just finished the first chapter of my new studies ...haha i get to do homework at work... i love it....
    i will catch up later when my hands and fingers are not so frozen...
    today is my friday and we are spose to go out after work but this is to cold to go anywhere but home to my computer chair have a nice glass of wine and be with you ladies and a blanket...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Whew...I really didn't think I would ever sleep like that again! That is the best sleep I've had in over a year!! Thank you God. are just simply unexplainable. In a wonderful sweet way. I thank you for you pm and it seems to be working. My arm is better, no swelling in my hand just a bit below my armpit. Taking it easy until my appointment on Wednesday. I see my breast surgeon and they have an LE specialist there that I will be seeing until I can find someone in Ithaca where I work.
    Shel...I AM SOO HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK!! I can't "see" you but this will work. I am so glad you had such a wonderful vacation and if you move I can come see you when I visit my daughter!!! Now that would be awesome!!
    Brenda...Oh I sooo remember that red devil...a memory I wish I could erase from my mind. That drug scared me worse than any of the others. No response from the AG yet but hope to hear something from them on Tuesday. They have my work number and home so I know they will be able to reach me.
    Nicki...I so love reading your morning posts. Your toothbrush is GREEN GREEN GREEN. I still may call the paper just not sure I want the added attention. I'm pretty solitairy.
    Joy...sending prayer and gentle hugs for Kevin. I don't know how you do it...that is just stress to the extreme. are welcome here and I can't say any more than NS has already said.
    Mena...It can be Friday all weekend if you want! Not sure where you live but with the ice storm many of us may get a long weekend! I'll join you in the hoochie tent...if we're gonna have headaches we're gonna have a darn good reason.
    Madison...chuckling over the office police...I always beat everyone to work so I get to be the office police LOL. I love the "fine I'm going to the mall" tactic!!!
    Carrie...oh my does it ever end. I am sending prayers for Monday. We will be there but may need a sled or the magic carpet with the ice storm!
    Lini...snow in sunny California. You need to move to NY...we haven't had any to speak of all winter although it is looking bad this weekend.
    Karen...sending prayers for your two friends. How much snow do you have in Denver?
    Liz...I am sending a big thank you for "Gods Night School". I am going to print it and put it next to my bed. Hope you are staying safe in the storm.
    Snowman...oh that monkey was so funny...gross but funny.
    Tina...scans and tests are the pits and waiting for the results are even harder. It sounds like there is nothing to worry about although that's easier said than done...we will be holding you hand.
    Jeannie...oh the thumb problem sounds awful. Will it go away if you change meds or is there some sort of therapy they can do! Sending you hugs. This storm heading our way sounds like it could be a dozzy.
    Michele...saying prayers still for dear Anthony...sounds like he's a fighter and would love to see pictures. I sooo love babies and children.
    Shirley...your done!!! Way to go. I don't think I'll be doing any painting for a while.
    Cheri...hey sweet's everthing going. Are you and Madison ready to watch my back as I have a feeling we need to start swiping some fun things to cheer everyone around here up.
    Laura...sending you hugs that you probably won't see till Monday. Wish I could make it all better for you and know that I would if I could.
    That same statement goes for all of you.
    I know I'm missing some...only went back a couple of pages as I need to get out and get groceries before the big storm (that probably won't happen as that how it usually works...we get what they don't predict and miss what they do LOL)
    Love you sisters
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good morning dear ladies. Another frigid morning with frozen pipes. Yep hubby didn't get around to wrapping them last night. Once I get pictures and curtains hung I'll take pics so you all can see my lovely new room. It looks soooo good in there. Even if the walls are white. Haven't had a living room for over 3 years. Was wonderful to sit and watch a movie last night with all the furniture in place.

    Carrie, I'm wishing for spring too. Hugs to Denise.

    Jeannie, paint is way cheaper than a counselor. Yehaw on the nip.
    sabarytic, now theres a word you don't hear every day. Had to look it up. I'm guessing this is it. Different spelling
    Syb·a·rit·ic /ˌsɪbəˈrɪtɪk/–adjective 1. (usually lowercase) pertaining to or characteristic of a sybarite; characterized by or loving luxury or sensuous pleasure: to wallow in sybaritic splendor.

    Mena, mast scares the hell out of me too. Heres to a headache free gathering. Have a grand time.

    Shel, welcome home. Moving to the Keys. How cool is that. I wanna retire in St Augustine. But alas hubby is a California boy thru and thru. Never gonna happen.

    Michele, anything done after 5pm is guilt free. It's in the contract.

    Nicki, my house is a falling down shack, but it's getting there. I'm in the Sierras. Or more accurately "The Foothills of the Sierras". Summer is miserable cause it's HOT!!! Winter is miserable cause it COLD!!!
    You are welcome to come visit my mountain any time. I'll even change the sheets. I'll take you to Yosemite. Now those are some kick ass mountains.

    Madison "if I could not get on the computer today I WAS GONNA GO TO THE MALL..."

    Brenda, get those headaches checked out.

    Love, hugs and prayers to all who need them, and even if you don't. Have a great day.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    well shoot howdy. Where'd you all come from.

    Hi Laura, Tracey and Vicki
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Good morning all! I am sort of well-rested since we didn't have to deal with any sibling rivalry chants today. You know, He won't let me play this video game and he took my last pop-tart and I want to watch this and he's hogging the TV and so on....

    Looks like football today will be an exciting game. Two very deserving teams but I gotta say I am an Eagles fan from way back. The best is I get to see my gs!

    Just a few little hellos and I gotta go shop for snacks for the game...

    Joyce, I will give you a buzz later B4 the game. I am praying for Kevin. I have been through that surgery with ds and it is not easy when your kids are not well. The docs at U of P are great and we will keep Kevin close.

    Madison, I have to say I am with Joyce on football.

    Vickie, am going to start my squares today while watching the game. How many do we need? I saw some great stuff to swipe...can I help? I can be pretty quiet when I have to.

    Mena, hope you are feeling better this AM and have a great time today at Harold's. It is a little too far to drive for me right now since I am not feeling great.

    Shel we haven't "met" but I am with you about the keys and islamorada is beautiful, great fishing. I am still enamored of key west and want to take my dh there.

    Tracey, the monkey man was great. Friends of ours have a video on youtube about their dune buggies. Bunch of old guys in the mud, almost as funny as the a matter fact, one is kind of hairy....School days....

    Laura, sounds like you are keeping it together and you now we are here whenever you need us.

    Amy, I think it is wonderful that you take in all those animals. My ds wants to take in a cat from my ex-mil. i would except it is a persian and talk about cat hair!

    Cheri, how's things? We ok yet?

    Everyone in the midwest I am hoping the ice storms are not as bad as they predict. When we get them here, whiich is not too often, they knock everythign out.

    Karen hope your visit to Chicago goes OK and you get back to CO safe.

    Sorry if I missed anyone. Ginny, Puppy, Robin, DebC where did you go?

    Mornnig hugs to Brenda, Margaret, Michele, Jeannie, Tina, Liz and just everyone. I am in a good mood today and i won't let anything stand in my way. I am taking somone special's advice and staring it in the face and not taking heat from anyone. I am being as brave and as anyone else and trying to keep sane at the same time. If all goes well, then I can say the researchers are right and try to help someone else avoid bc.

    Keep warm and snuggle with special today!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hi Beth...we need 49 squares per afghan. 7x9. If anyone is interested or curious check out the "Community Afghan" thread under the "Circle the Wagons" forum.
    Itchin to start a party as it doesn't look like a traveling weekend...better home and safe and sound! With Beth, Madison and Cheri watching my back I'll be on the lookout for some good party supplies...any suggestions. We could really use some cowboys around here this shovel snow, make husbands jealous, fix dryers and refrigerator, paint, install whatever Amy still needs done and TO KEEP US WARM!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    can somebody please pm me with all of the pertinent updates?

    i'm not even remotely capable of catching up, but by clicking around quick;y, i see that shelli has had some kind of set back, somebody has a loser husband etc. etc.......... someone please send me a pm to update me on the last 3 weeks or so!