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  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Checking one last time before turning in.

    Vicki, I've been sleepy this afternoon and had a nap but I "think" I forgot to take my meds for energy so that may be part of it. Gets bad when you can't remember if you take your meds or not.

    Christine, so good to see you post. Have been worried about you. Let us know what day next week for your surgery as we will all be there and we're gonna take good care of you.

    Robbie, thanks for checking in and letting us know you are OK. You are in the medic tent for we have some pretty good nurses here. Update us when you can.

    Shel - good to see you post too. Sorry you are having some pain.

    DebC and adrionna (sp?), I've really tried this week. Exercise is still a problem but I haven't weighed in a few days. Mine comes off slowly - always!!! You both are doing great. Deb you are right, each of us looses weight at a different pace and I know my body and it doesn't come off easily - some may be my age now too. Funny thing is where I can tell when I am loosing weight - my feet. My shoes are always the first thing to "loosen".

    Margaret, you have grandchildren? I would never have guessed. My oldest grandson had a very hard time when I lost my hair, he didn't want to look; his brother is the curious one and he wanted to see. After the oldest saw his brother was ok, he just walked up to me gave me a hug and said "I love you, Nana". Yes, they are my joy, absolute joy. They keep you young too!!!!

    NS, I am so glad that your insurance company finally gave approval for your MRI. Please let us know when it is scheduled as we are all going with you too. In the meantime, sending prayers and warm wishes that your headache has eased for you.

    Good night everyone. Hubby is having some real bad back issues so going to get him some meds and turn in myself.

    Blessings, Brenda
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    jeannie..........i'm roaring with laughter!

    i bought a simple white shirt with a button up front while's really cute..........apparently it's MUCH CUTER when it's undone down to your ribcage
    lol!(total accident on my part, these frankenboobies look fabulous in a good bra) the adorable hollister jacket and jeans, coupled with the minolo's probably did the trick............i have to say, i looked like a million bucks today (and based on my treatment, i'm probably pretty close to the cost lol) felt good to turn heads, even better to realize i was doing it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think i might be getting somewhere!

    you guys are the best friends i could ever ask has warmed my heart beyond words to know that anybody, anywhere "missed me"'s been a long, long time since somebody wondered about me.........i am gaining strength every day from you all!.............thank you!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    evening ladies..
    ooooo i feel horrible... i think i am getting the flu big time... so i think i might have a bite to eat and get into bed... for the last two days i havent been able to get warm and now i have a back ache...
    i am spose to go for my mammo and a pelvic ultrasound on monday so i guess i will see how i feel in the morning..
    its a big deal as i have to drive 2 hours for these tests...i was going to go over tomorrow with my youngest and get a room for the night so i could be more leisurely on monday... one perk for working for a hotel chain is i get a rate of 35 bucks a nite...
    well hubby made me some tacos...mmmmm one of my favorites....
    so if i dont feel to bad i might not be around for a day or two....
    have a great nite ladies......
    ps... pls if you can light a candle for mj so she can find her way....she is in the chat forum...
    ty and xxxxxxxx
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited January 2007

    Just testing this out...used to be that you couldn't post unless you were signed in. When did this change and why?

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2007
    That whole anonymous thing is weird? I don't get how that works.
    Shel!!! You sound like you're doing great. I am so glad. I am picturing you borrowing Mac's teeny bopper clothes and looking great in them, strutting yourself and feeling good-go girl!
    Peggy, forgot to say, I love the short do. You wear it well. I am struggling with short or long, now that my hair is long and curly again, I remember how much work it was before.
    Hey Vickie, no ice here yet. They are posting threats til Mon 6am, we are stil just getting rained on. Thanks for asking about the surgery, my surgeon was so optimistic about b9 results, I am not too worried, yet.
    Oh Margaret, hope you ab pain is gone. Is it near your tram scar, I spent a night in the ER over some ab pain, all they found was some fluid build-up.near my tram incision (1.5yr post surgery) It hurt like hell, but did go away on it's own within a day or so.
    Tired from working tonight, time to sleep, sweet dreams CG's!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone! I sitting here enjoying my first cup of coffee for the morning. In the background Im hearing this noise - cant quite figure what it is. Like someone is throwing little balls at the windows. So I got up and stuck my head out the door. Well sure enough, its raining ice pellets. Glad I dont have to go out in it. And the weather report says the worst is yet to come. Snowstorm overnight into tomorrow morning. So Im in my teepee - got a nice fire going and alot of room. So as you each wake up and rub the sleep away from your eyes, come on in. We can have a snow day together. Hoping the power wont go out here and wondering how Liz and Cheri. Heard the storm hit their cities hard.

    Robbie: Oh I so glad your home. Hope everything went well with the surgery. Now you just stay in the middle of the circle for a bit. Your gonna feel tired alot and you should just rest and get as much sleep as you can. When awake, walk about the room for a bit. Cant wait til your feeling better and can tell how everything is going.

    NS: You must go to the middle of the circle and into the medic tent! Im glad they approved your MRI. But we got to attack those headaches now - and least diminish the discomfort. So I have set up and nice, warm bed, someone is coming from the spa tent to give you a head and body massage. The lights are turned down, soothing music is playing, have a light scent from aroma candles penetrating the area. Im standing here with 2 fists open. One hand has all kinds of pain medications. You name the pleasure. The other hand has all types of antianxiety. Ya know - xanax, ativan. Oh and I snuck in something for sleep too. Hope your feeling better in the morning.

    Christine: Oh is was so good to see you again. The Holidays were fun, but seemed to be especially hard this year. Your right, its like ol homecoming again around here and Im tickled pink. I forgot about the thryoid surgrey. What are they gonna do?

    Denise: Im laughing at the slow walk on a treadmill statement. I might be doing that myself today!

    Madison: Im standing here smiling. Just have one thing to say to you. Oh when the Saints, come marching in, oh when the saints come marching in. Congratulations on the win yesterday. It was a good game.

    Shel: You sound so good, and Im so glad your back with us. I must admit Im so jealous of the prospects of you moving to the Keys. You were missed around here.

    Jeannie and Peggy: Im laughing at getting the expensive foods. My husband does the shopping around here and the other day I told him to buy some string cheese. Something easy to munch on when Im driving about all day. Anyways, he came home with the store brand! Oh I was so angry. I thought would you buy the cheapest beer? Well anytway, it turns out this string cheese was the best Ive ever tasted. So go figure. My expensive think is coffee. Ive got to have hazelnut flavored coffee. Its expensive, but its what I like.

    Brenda: Hope your hsubands back is better this morning.

    Vickie: Think about it. Your body has been on high energy levels for almost a month. Think its finially catching up with you - so enjoy the well deserved sleep.

    Tracey: Good luck with your tests and Im hoping you feel better. If you have chills make sure to take your temperature. And if your back is aching, make sure you dont have a urinary tract infection. Drink lots of water. I hate to think you will be away for a couple of days. We will miss you. We need our daily dose of snowmen in thongs. Feel better.

    LauraB: You got through another day!!

    Cheri: Hoping your ok and that you still have power.

    Liz: Hoping the same for you. Sounds like this storm is a nasty one.

    OK, gotta go. Talk to you all later.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    I just finished a nice long post and poof it disappeared when I hit the submit button so I'm not going to do it again. I have coffee and the heater going, come sit by my wagon for awhile.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good morning MargaretB: Enjoying my coffee. The ice rain has stopped for the moment. Have a good day.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Nicki - Ice rain sounds "yucky". I'm not a fan of weather. I like clear and sunny all the time. You know the "perfect" day. Not asking for much. Hope you have a good day and stay warm.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Goodmorning girls,
    It's like a tomb around here. My boys are upset about the Eagles. Oh well,there is always next year. They did better then I thought they would this year.

    I am feeling like a 90 year old today and I didn't even start Tamoxifen yet. I feel stiff and achy all over.
    I have three doctor's appointment this week. Breast surgeon,oncologist and plastic surgeon.I thought they were taking my port out but they have to schedule the or for that. I thought they did it in the office because they don't knock you out for it.
    My son's cardiologist called Friday. They decided it is the right way to go. Do the chest wall and then the heart. Seems Kevin's pulmonary doctor did not agree. There are two different hospitals and six doctors involved. They had different oppinions but decided on what was best.I am starting to have my panic attacks again.They also want him to come in for another echo this week or next.
    I don't remember if I told you all that the surgery is on again. Sorry if I am repeating myself. The more I say it or write about it,it becomes real to me. That is how I handle things.

    Take care,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Freeze warning in effect. Well duh!! I could have told them that. Good news is we have water this morning. Hubby finally got around to covering the well at about 10pm last night. Guess he didn't want to go another morning without a shower. Spent yesterday hanging pictures. Was gonna hang the curtains but can't find the darn charger for the drill and of course it has a dead battery. Anyone know where it is? Looks like I'll be digging out the basement this afternoon.

    Deb, I took a cruise to Alaska last May. It was wonderful.
    Congrats on 8 pounds.

    Vicki, thanks for the smiles.
    Call around and find out what others have been charged for fuel. The more ammo the better. Shame on them.

    Nicki, yes we have rattlesnakes. I'm not to fond of them either. Weedwacking season is especially interesting.

    Robbie, glad your home. Rest up.

    NS, well it took them long enough. I'll be praying you can get a fast appt.

    Christine, prayers for your surgery.

    Margaret, I'm about 1.5 hours from Yosemite. It is one of my favorite places to visit.
    Hate it when the post ghost steals my post.

    Madison, glad you bought something for yourself. Wish I had a mall to go to. Sniff sniff.

    Shel, you went to the mall too. Now I'm really jealous. Turning heads is so good for the ego. Minolos???

    Jeannie, I'm happy dancing. Tomatoes with stems. O my!!

    Tracey hope your feeling better today. Hugs.

    Nicki, uhoh. No going out allowed today.

    Brenda, hope hubbys back is feeling better today.

    Lini, I'm with you on the clear and sunny.

    Joyce, repeat as needed. I forget.

    Know I've left some out. I love you to bits
    Time to clean up for church. Have a great day.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies...well...late morning that is.
    Took Nathaniel to church this morning...he so loves to go.
    Lini...I'm with you too, I hate gray dreary rainy days. I don't mind a good storm now and then but give me sunshine! Not exactly living in the right part of the country for that though.
    For all you sisters in the path of this nasty storm...stay inside...stay warm and safe and I hope you have power.
    Predicting that it will hit here tonight and through tomorrow afternoon with up to an inch of accumulation but I don't know if it's an inch of ice or snow...just that driving conditions will be hazardous...great, I love the thought of staying home but I am off on Wednesday for my appointment and won't be able to work that day (it's over an hour from my appointment to work and my appointment isn't till 10 which means I won't get in until at least 11 or after...I have no patience sitting in a waiting room!) I was in a car accident several years ago (drunk driver hit us head on) took out the windshield with my head and left a nice dent in the dash with my knee...transported by ambulance to the ER...layed there for over two hours and decided I'd had enough so I got up, grabbed my clothes and started out the some quick attention then let me tell you!!!
    Gotta vaccuum...see if I can accomplish this with my left arm until my right is looked at...that should be interesting. Get the house in order do some baking and I shall return. Making pumpkin bread and some sort of cookies or maybe even pumpkin gems if anyone is interested...come on in and join me.
    love ya all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Good morning!

    Vickie, so glad the massage helped! Good luck with the boycott signs!!! I hope you send out a press release to all the local papers and tv stations to cover it. If you need help I can write on up for you asap!

    CHRISTINE! my pal! you survived the holiday season!!! I don't think I like your "prize" though! going through all that just to have some time off in time for Thyroid Surgery....
    My friend just had hers removed and she said it wasn't difficult at all. The biggest thing that bothered her was the surgical glue they used and it itched a bit. I am praying that you have an easy time too!

    Margaret, I hope you are feeling better today!!!! Lower left stomach or abdomen? Left side is where your colon is. And if you haven't had an ooph your ovary is there too- I once had an ovarian cyst that hurt because it was pressing on the a piece of the intestine. If the pain gets bad go to the er!

    Shel- So glad to see you got your groove back girl!!

    Congrats Jeannie on your new nip!!!! May this one be a KEEPER!!

    Naniam, I pray your dh's back feels better soon.... ugh. nothing worse than backs!!

    Tracey, I hope that what you were feeling didn't turn into the flu... a two hour car ride is NOT FUN with the flu. if you made it there I will be praying all goes well for you on monday!
    and MJ has my prayers!

    Nicki, thanks. I feel better today. I am going to take it slow though! I see my onc tomorrow and get a check up from him too. Hopefully he will be more reassuring than the neuro was!

    Lini?? You still making snow men?

    Joyce, I am praying all goes well with your appointments and with your son's doctor's appointments! Does he know he has a place in the inner circle too???

    Oh Shirley I hate when that happens! I have become so reliant on my drill that I hate to screw in anything by hand anymore- and is it me or are curtain rods extra annoying to hang?? I hope all your pipes stay nice and warm!

    Vickie I am following the smell of baking pumpkin bread to your house!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies-

    I am up enjoying a cup of coffee in a quiet house. I found a fat free creamer I like in my coffee, then I add a splash of sugar free caramel syrup…not as good as my beloved Starbucks caramel latte, but only has 30 calories….Sigh.

    I am taking a casserole to church for Sunday school breakfast this morning, so I had to get up a bit earlier than normal to pop it in the oven. While it cooks I hope I have time to catch up.

    Peggy – Love the new hair! You look so great. It was good to have you posting again. I am all for spoiling ourselves rotten…You GO girl

    Robbie – So glad you seem to be doing well! Rest, rest, rest and drink drink drink. This may be TMI, but make sure you don’t get constipated. Check in when you feel like it and in the mean time snuggle up and sit by the fire.

    G – My hubby had migraines for a few years, and they just flat suck. Take care of yourself and get some rest. We will all get out the big sticks to chase those squirrels once you get them shook loose of your pretty little head.

    Christine – I am so brain dead these days…is your thyroid surgery a biopsy? It seems like so many of us have had thyroid issues after BC. What is up with that??? Is there a connection or is it because they watch us so closely? Remind my feeble mind of the details when you get a second, would ya? Hugs to you.

    Margaret – How is your side feeling? I hate pains that I can’t identify. I end up prodding around trying to figure out WHAT is making me hurt long enough to make something else hurt. Grab a nice warm heating pad and cuddle up by the fire. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Madison- Warm weather, bare feet and cool new red wine glasses? Now you are rubbing it in a bit girlfriend….LOL. Got to love a bit of retail therapy and a football game to make it a good day.

    Jeannie – How does the nip look this morning. If someone would have told you a few years ago we would be talking so casually about all this, would you have believed them? LOL. I had a great time chatting with you the other day. I wonder how we could do a big conference call with a bunch of us? Hmmmm…I have to think on this.

    Brenda – I laughed out loud about you loosing weight in your feet first. With me I see it in my hands. Who cares about skinny hands? LOL

    Shel – Strut your stuff girlfriend! I have my fingers crossed for a move south for you.

    Tracey – Hope you enjoyed your tacos and are feeling better this morning. Are you going to brave the long trip to the doc? Drive careful.

    Nicki – Oh, I HATE sleet storms! Give me snow over ice any day. Stay bundled up inside today.

    Lini – Not a fan of weather…LOL. DON’T move to Alaska my friend. The weather here changes at the drop of a hat. Plus there are probably not nearly enough flip-flop kinda days here for you.

    Joyce – Keep on repeating yourself…I forget things SO easily these days that the only way I remember anything is if I hear it more than once. Gentle hugs for you…and pass one on to your boy too.

    Shirley – Don’t you hate silly weather men? I love it when they say it might snow when we already have 6 inches on the porch. Maybe they could go out on a limb some day and actually tell us BEFORE we already know. I laughed so hard about weed whacking the rattle snakes. I’ll tell you what…I’ll trade you some rattle snakes for the momma brown bear and her 3 cubs I had to chase out of my yard all last summer…on second thought, maybe not. At least I can see the bears coming. Snakes are sneaky little devils.

    Vickie – Pumpkin bread sounds yummy! What are you doing vacuuming girlfriend? Get out those crochet hooks! Dust bunnies can wait LOL

    I’m running out of time. My casserole is almost ready and we need to get off to church soon. Big hugs to anyone I missed. I’ll be back later….

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Well, the anxiety begins. The Bears game starts in 20 minutes. Its time they put up or shut up. But right now I am soooooooo nervous.

    Lini: Its goofy outside. It warmed up enough now so the sleet melting. They are still saying snow storm over night. So I want to think I will be enjoying tomorrow at home but if I do that, the storm will probably miss us and Ill end up having to go to work.

    Joyce: Im feeling like an old lady today too. Hope the surgery with your son goes well. You and he must be soooo scared.

    Sherloc: Ahahahahah weed whacking and rattlesnakes. Im trying to envision that.

    Vickie: Ahahahaha all that sleep seems to have giving you alot of energy this morning. You go girl.

    NS: I see my onc tomorrow also, that is if I dont get snowed in. This is my last visit before my port gets taken out. Another flush and another set of tumor markers.

    Debc: I remember the Bear story. It surely made me laugh again.

    OK - gotta go get ready for this Bears game. I think Im gonna take a xanax lol.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Ok Deb you win...the dustbunnies are safe for today
    I'm hanging this on my door
    BUT...if the dust bunny police come after me I'm naming you as an accomplise!!!

    Just imagine the two of us in the slammer together!! We could crochet a rope to escape.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 more thing...if this one shows up...I'll take all the blame!!!
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Good morning!

    Been lurking for a while - needed a break - things got a little too "interesting" for me. I've been in the spa tent for a while - my masseur took good care of me.

    Thanks for asking about me though - that's nice. It's good to see the "coffee klatch" that first drew me here.

    So I have like 20 pages to catch up on - nah - can't do it. I'll just say hello to ya'll and start from today.

    It's a beautiful sunny morning here - chilly but sunny. Still not much rain though and my sinuses hate the dry weather! Had a wonderful lunch with an old friend yesterday haven't seen in a few years - good time. DD is home for the weekend - taking her back to school in a few hours.

    Feeling pretty good on the AI - no significant side effects - chemo vacation is FUN! My fingers and toes now feel different - which I am taking as a good sign that the neuropathy is working it's way out. I have tiny little eyelashes poking through and several eyebrows as well - the right side has them all across and the left only the tail - it's funny. Haven't checked my legs or arms yet - but yeah, had to pluck the ol' chin. FUN! Taking pictures every Sunday for my friends to watch the progress - can't believe how many people asked about it. Of course - I had shown them the link that Paula posted with the woman's art exhibit about her hair...

    Was glad to see Mena back on and Shel too - oh and Denise - all good! Seems like everyone else is clicking along nicely in the new year. Vickie still has heat, right? That's good too!

    g - does your post mean your headache is better? Anyway, good luck on the MRI - we're all pulling for you...

    I'm off to find something for this sinus headache and drink my coffee...

    Everyone have a great day!!


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2007
    Hey Deb C.,
    Sounds like your home in MI isn't to far from where I live now! I live in Hartland and have many clients/patients in the Brighton/Whitmore Lake Area. I grew up in Flint.(it was nice way back when!), raised my Kids in Flushing and moved to Hartland in 2001 when I married. Small World!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2007
    To Funny Newvickie!! I can't crochet, so I can't help with your escape rope...........But if that cop is there I will volunteer to be the lookout for you..I will do my best to distract him. (I wonder if lop-sided boobs would be a turn-on??????????LOL
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hi All,

    I can't believe it is already afternoon.

    We went to church this morning, then get in some grocery shopping and poof the morning is gone. I have to attend a baby shower this poof the afternoon will be gone.

    Nicki, thinking of you as you watch the Bears.

    Those in the way of the ice storm – be careful. I know the weather has been crazy. We are going to hit 77 degrees today-and be 32 in the morning on Tuesday. Your cold front is working its way South.

    Vickie, my friend, I got your back…….I told my husband yesterday that I was not going to clean because the clean police were NOT going to come to my house…..The problem now after seeing your post is that if the dust bunny police exist then it must mean that the CLEAN POLICE DO EXIST – THEY DO EXIST.

    I have to say there was no cheering or celebration in my home last night after the Saints won.....just tears running down my face....Gosh, it is just a game. I can't explain what I feel except to say that I hope the hearts and spirits of people in South Louisiana, especially New Orleans, and those who had to move out of our state, are feeling some happiness this morning… me….it is not so much about a game (because there will always be a winner and a loser), but about spirits being lifted and smiles on the faces of people who, honestly, have not had very much to smile about…..So, it is my hope that my neighbors in New Orleans, and those from New Orleans who are now literally my new neighbors, are smiling this morning. My priest this morning in mass echoed these exact thoughts (which made me cry through mass) is indeed just a football game and a football team BUT something good has happened.

    Thinking of all of you, but have to attend a baby shower in a few minutes.

    Take care everyone. Hugs Madison
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    First of all...Madison, congrats on the Saint's win. As an Eagles fan, I am broken hearted, but it was a great game. Da Saints deserved to win.

    Jeannie - I sympathize with you about the trigger thumbs. They really hurt! Good luck with the new mipple.

    Cheri - Not smoking is one day at a time. I quit over 20 yrs. ago and that's what I did. Just think about how much better you feel every day.

    NS - Loved your washer fluid story. It's not easy to find the right orifice in any car. I hope your Mini survived the mistake!

    Karen - I have the tingling also. It sucks. It started when I was on Taxotere and continued with the Arimidex. I don't sleep very well either. I take Advil PM every night and it helps a little. Can't take Ambien, I hallucinate .

    Nicki - HBK??? Can't wait to hear that story!

    Lini - My first car was a '68 Camaro. When DH and I were dating, he had the '69 Camaro SS. Cool Car!!!

    Snowmen - Those monkeys...ROFLMAO!! I hope you are not getting the flu!

    Tina - I have the pain from Arimidex also and my onc tells me that I'm the only one. .

    Michele - I'm so glad to hear that Baby Anthony is doing better. It's the power of the Circle Prayer!

    Shel - Geez!!! Welcome back! Can I visit when you move to the Keys???

    Vicki - Sounds like your Nathaniel is a real gem. He deserved double helpiongs of french toast!

    Brenda - I had Red Devil also, but we called it Red Death. Quite a name for something that's supposed to make us better!

    Peggy - Welcome back! I love the new "Do". Isn't it nice when the kids finally leave and you can enjoy the silence and the "good" food.

    Dec C - Yeah!! 8 lbs! Good job. You're doing better than me, girlfriend. I can't get any of mine to budge. We'd love to come to the summer!

    That's about it. Took me over an hour to catch up and take notes. BTW, Laura, it's time to take care of
    yourself. You need to spend more time out of the house and let him wonder where you are for once. You really deserve better than this. You have beaten down the beast! That is the hardest job in the world. Put yourself and Caitie first now. Ray doesn't deserve it anymore.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Kristine, thanks for the info on the problem you had with fluid buildup. I hopee that's all it is. It's better than it was but I still have a hard time bending over or sitting up straight.

    NS, it's the lower left abdomen, by my tram line. Pain hasn't been enough to go to the ER yet.

    DebC, my pain hasn't stopped me from doing my errands but I'm tired now. Laying on the bed with my laptop - hubby has the TV in the family room on watching football and I just didn't feel like watching anymore.

    Ginney, don't try to catch up on reading - it takes too long. Just jump in, you'll catch up.

    Catch you all later.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good afternoon ladies...
    i guess i will drive to the city tomorrow as i still have a back ache.. grrrrr i should of known it was my monthlys coming on i always get so sick when they do....i have never had a back ache like this one though maybe a good thing to get my pelvic ultrasound done tomorrow...
    its still so cold here -30 is the temp now.... i had to drive hubby to work this morning and what a spectacular scenery..... on the way home it was just getting light out and the mountains glowed pink with snow caps... all the fields were snowy as well and when i looked to the south we had such a beautiful blue sky with pink where the sun was rising... and of course i didnt bring my camera...

    sige , how much snow you got over in your valley there? its got to be pretty cold there to i would imagine.

    chemosabi ty for the well wishes and i sure hope the bears won.... go bears go!!! thats football right???
    i know what your looking at! hahaha
    i am wondering not urinary tract but maybe yeast infection... from the tamoxafin....but the sore back from my monthlys... as i dont feel fluish today.... thank god

    sherloc i sure miss being in chat with you.... we will need to catch up one day soon!!!!!

    nosurrender ty to for your good wishes....i dread the two hour car ride without the flu as well.... i think i would of cancelled if i stared the puke thing... hahahah

    deb must be freaking cold up there to...... lol theres not many that live more north than me.... hehehehehe

    biker hahaha glad you liked the monkeys ... i just about fell off my chair laughing so hard.... now when i should be doing my homework i am searching animal funnies.....
    i just love it...

    i check in later ladies....have a great day!!!!
    and go BEARS go!!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    I have a slight bulge in my left side tram area. Not sure if this is the same problem you have.I forget the tecnical name the PS gave it. I noticed it after my second AC treatment. Now after the treatment is over it was still there. When I go in for my finishing reconstruction he is going to patch it up. He says it will not cause any harm to leave it alone but I want it fixed. He says it was caused by the muscle not being there so that side is prone to this happening.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited January 2007
    Has anyone heard from JulieP lately???
    She really helped and guided me when I was dx'd.
    Just wondering
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Bears Win! Bears Win! I cant believe it. This was the most anxiety ridden game of them all!!

    I had to go outside when Gould went for the field goal. When I heard my husband yell I knew he got it.

    Im outta breath. A big hello with everyone. Ill catch up with you all in the morning.

    For Vera and SoCal: Go Chargers!!

    Anyone Patriots fan?

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Joyce, does the slight bulge hurt? I have a constant pain there now.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Nicki my darling. Let me paint you a picture....
    Law says 100ft fire clearance. Get it done before fire season or get fined.
    So all 5'1" of me is off to the backyard to wack down the 6' weeds. No comments please, they are the only things I can grow. And they do have such pretty flowers. But I digress. So there is short little me, dressed in shorts, tank top, and tennies. Yeah I know but at least I had on safety goggles. Wack wack wack, when out of the corner of my eye I see movement. O crap, it's a snake. Which normally would not be such a big deal. But this one has really big fangs that shoot poison. And he's BIG. As big around as my arm. Couldn't tell how long he was cause he was coiled. He was just sitting there. I thought I had wacked him and killed him. Not a bad thing except then you have to dispose of them properly or the bees get to them and that is bad. Which may itself be an old wives tale but I'm not testing the theory. Anywhos foolish brave soul that I am I got a stick and poked him. Probably not the smartest thing I have ever done. But hey I had to check. Couldn't just leave him there alive. Did I mention he was BIG!!!! Poke poke poke. No movement. Good he's dead. Run in house, call hubby. Dear, there is a rather large snake that you must come home and dispose of.....You didn't think I was gonna do it did you?.....Dear of course laughs heartily and calls his wonderful wife a coward. I hang up in a huff. OK back to the yard to chop off it's head and bury the thing. Well shoot howdy!!! Where'd it go? I haven't a clue.
    Moral of the story....screw the clearance law. I'd rather pay the fine.
    Hubby however didn't like that idea, so he took his hayfever ridden self out there on the weekend and finished the task. Never did see Mr Big again. The thing is probably making babies under my house.
    The end

    Deb, I'll take your bears.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok shirley,
    you have me rotflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i miss you so much!!!!
    i am picturing you doing this...
    i am sorry if your afraid of snakes but that is a funny story!
    can you believe i live in a region that has grizzley bears and in the summer we have rattle snakes...
    one yr i seen a fruit spider omg it was huge and hairy.... yuck i dont like spiders or snakes.....
    we also have what is called a wolf spider and they sit back on there haunches and jump at you.....eeekkkkk now picture big ole me squealing cause of a little reptile or spider....
    one night my oldest daughter was sleeping on the couch and the cat was meowing so she leaned over to pet him he kept meowing so she thought he was hungry and when so got up to feed him...... we heard this blood curling scream well the darn cat had a bat in its mouth...
    hahahaha its funny as heck now... but freaked us all out...