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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Turn up your volume
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    and this one is for all of you
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Too cute! Needed the smiles! (I must've put the fear of God into AT&T---our DSL is working!)

    Took Caitie to lunch (she earned a free personal pan pizza for reading!)...good thing I did. I could tell Daddy was wondering why I was gone for 2+ hours without telling him where (library, CVS, then spent 15 minutes on phone with counseling center---their evening hours are booked for 4 weeks, so they'll call me on Monday to arrange a monring or lunch-time; took all kinds of info down so they can hook me up w/right counselor. I may only go once, but I'm feeling empowered).

    After I got home, Daddy was putting his shoes on and Caitie says "where are you going?" (innocent enuf question!) and he bit her friggin' head off "what do you mean where am I going" with the meanest glare at her! Poor thing, but I bit my tongue...she & I made a pact that we wouldn't ask Daddy that question anymore since it makes him mad.

    God knows if the things I said to him got thru this am. Doubt it, but I can at least make him 2nd guess himself. Heck, for all I know he's meeting w/his lawyer but so be it. Bring it on, baby!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, You So Funny!! missed ya sweetie!! Hope everything is well! to all the CG'S Just checking in, to say "hey" and let You all know my thoughts are with You!xoxo Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Puppy...missed you too is everything.
    Laura...sounds like your getting rid of the hurt and getting angry...GO WITH have every right to be beyond friggin furious!!! Talking to your daughter that way is beyond low for him...that alone would do it for me! Sending you hugs and glad you have online so your not without us all weekend.
    Oh my much to tell...if I get a chance when I return I will pm you...soooo happy your back!!
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Glad to be back! 'Course, I'll only be online when he's gone. I had mentioned something about this board and he got pissed!

    I tell ya the more I think about his type of personality (wanting to be center of attention, wanting to always be right), this whole BC support thing is getting to me. Granted he was MY ROCK during tx and I thanked him constantly.

    Little things like keeping his head shaved for 2 mths after my hair started growing back last year makes me really wonder if he did it because of the sympathy he got from people. And, this year, if things had already started w/the OW and he had already decided things were over with us by the 2006 Race, WTF did he even walk with my team 'cept to get the attention (BTW---I was 18th top fund raiser in Cleveland YAHOO!)

    Why didn't he tell me my plastic surgeon said "be sure she doesn't start smoking again" when I had my 2nd revision surgery 11/14/06 (PS did excellent job in fixing my necrosis scarring). Why didn't he tell me?! Because he WANTED me to fail!

    Now that I'm happier with my body, I'm NED, and only have the nipple and tattoing left (prob in March), he doesn't have the attention he used to from others....'cept the OW, of course.

    Am I getting mad!? You betcha! I've got my friggin' Irish up!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    Hello Circle Girls!!!

    I missed a whole bunch there for awhile…couldn’t keep up with all the posts for awhile there!

    So, first of all, a gi-normous HUG and WELCOME to all the new ladies who have joined this wonderful place…can’t think of a better place for you to be right now (well, maybe Vegas winning lots of money but that’s a WHOLE other story…)

    Shel – I was getting a little worried about you because I missed so much, and then everyone was wondering where you were so I panicked. Then I find out you’re in the KEYS for crying out loud! Talk about living large! You go girl…you are so worth it!! Your courage and strength this last while is inspiring to me to say the least. You are my soul sister!

    Mena – I am SO glad to see you back in action….missed your “sassy”! You’re going through a tough time right now so I am sitting beside you cracking jokes & generally being a pain in the butt just to keep your mind off things. Love ya babe!

    Nicki – You are the constant in this ever-changing world as far as I’m concerned. As always, love your posts…they are so visual to me I can “see” what you’re talking about if that makes sense?!? You have a special place in this girl’s heart, that’s for sure! Thanks for thinking about me.

    LauraB – WTF????? There needs to be a law somewhere that women who have to go through the crap we have to go through with dx and tx should get a “free pass” card for all the other poop that slaps us upside the head! It just doesn’t seem fair. Big supportive hug to you hon...and as I used to say to my kids when they came home complaining about one of their friends…want me to beat him up? Just kidding of course…I wouldn’t want to take that fun away from YOU lol.

    Tracey – my sister of the snow! Jeez Louise it’s cold in this godforsaken place lately, isn’t it? Every time the temperature drops I think of you. My sister lives in Nakusp, not far from you I am certain! On the flip side, I love the “hibernating” feeling that comes with it. Nothing like coming home, cranking up the electric *fireplace* and settling in on the sofa with a nice soft blankie! I’ve also discovered that I absolutely LOVE chai tea! Definitely warm the insides.

    Vicki – I hope all goes well with your appointment! I had a had a slight bit of swelling in my affected arm a couple of days ago and somewhat of an ache, but it seems to have gone away. I did call the onc though, and will be getting a referral to *someone*…not sure who! Keep us posted on how it turns out.

    Brenda – I hope you have/had fun with the grandsons….I’m WAY ready for grandkids BUT not ready for my kids to be parents yet…go figure. Guess it comes when it comes!

    Carrie & Deese – For crying out loud. WTH is going on??? I’m mustering up all of the healing energy & positive power I have and sending it out to you...fight on!! You both rock my world!

    There are also some here that are going through a really tough time medically…my heart goes out to you all (Shelliks comes to mind…) and I will send you positive healing energy & good thoughts to help you fight fight fight!!!

    So, I know I have missed many and I know darn well that as soon as I post this I will think of all the names that I did miss…I’m sorry for that, please don’t take it personally! You are all special and a vital part of this thread/site.

    As for me, I have been through a bit of a life “alteration” (no, I didn’t go straight lol). It took me awhile to not feel guilty that I really liked the solitude of my house now that my son has moved out! I am COMPLETELY enjoying that I don’t have to worry about anyone else now except myself and Helene (and the dogs and cats). I love that we get to buy expensive orange juice and name brand yogurt (with FRUIT ON THE BOTTOM…my passion) and it actually stays in the fridge until I eat it!

    We have been seeing friends more and I’ve been going to see my family a bit more also. That was kind of a decision I made; to see my family a little more often. For crying out loud, we live 20 minutes away from each other and I probably go to their house maybe once every 2 months. My mother and I have not always gotten along (understatement) but I realized that she’s my mom and she loves me and I love her, so I had a talk with her and did some clearing stuff. I feel much better about that.

    I have finally stopped craving a smoke every day (quit on Apr 28, a couple days after my dx) and I’m feeling better about that…not so resentful (why is it that everything I like is bad for me???). As I posted awhile back I finally got my hair cut (wanted to do it for so long but caved under the threat of “divorce” from Helene). I LOVE it. It’s sassy sassy sassy! I’ve been really trying to look after myself these days as well…mentally as well as physically, things like not going to bed with makeup on…buying more makeup (I’ve had some of it since the age of Aquarius!!) and stuff like that.

    The bottom line is I’ve been spoiling myself rotten (and Helene has been too…I got a new car…dishwasher…electric fireplace…stacking washer/dryer…etc.) and LOVING it. I recommend it to you all…we are sooooo worth it! And life is too darn short to not put ourselves first sometimes.

    So. Pretty long post! Just wanted to check in and say “hey” and I love reading this thread…it’s like a coffee klatch for me…and I am going to post more here. I feel a little selfish that everyone was so supportive of me…I want to be supportive to others that are new here, as well as you oldies!

    Love you all
    PS: The new haircut…

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    I love that we get to buy expensive orange juice and name brand yogurt (with FRUIT ON THE BOTTOM…my passion) and it actually stays in the fridge until I eat it!

    now aint that the truth. And real Butter, and EXPENSIVE bread. Yehaw!!
    Haircut is grand, you look fabulous.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Good morning dear ladies!

    Work is really cutting into my computer time LOL!! Between that and crocheting for our blanket project, I have not been on the computer as much the last couple of days.

    I’m doing well. I found some fat free coffee creamer that I like so halleluiah, I had coffee this morning!! I’ve lost 8 pounds since the 1st and I am starting to exercise…when my damn sore bones will let me. Why do my bones hurt?? I am done with treatment and am not on AI’s…and somehow I still ache like I’m 90 yrs old.

    Our weather has warmed up to the +20’s. After -32 that feels positively balmy. We have about a foot of beautiful snow. I know I am in a minority here, but I love winter! I love how the snow looks on the trees, how it squeaks under my boots when I go fro a walk. I even like doing playground duty and watching the little kiddos frolic in the snow. I love taking my cocker spaniel for walks in the winter. She shoves her whole head under the fluffy snow and sniffs for mice and then bounces through the snow like a rubber ball….I really do love winter.

    Connie is doing really well. I talked to her on the phone last night and she sounds like she is getting her mind around the whole thing. She meets with her oncologist next week Wednesday and gets to decide the next step. I finished her prayer shawl and am going to take it to her today. Thanks to everyone who is keeping her in their prayers. I’m going to give her the link to this site. I’m not sure if she is on the computer much, but maybe she will join us.

    I had a great time yesterday…I called Jeannie (Silvergirl9114). It was the first time we have talked, but it felt like we had known each other forever! She is planning a possible trip to Alaska and we chatted about fun places to visit. What fun!

    Please consider this a heartfelt open invitation for ANY of you that are coming to Alaska…come and visit! Come and stay a week! We love company and I can only imagine what fun it would be to chat in person. We live about 80 miles form Seward where a lot of the cruise ships dock…so let me know if you are coming north. We have room for visitors and I can show you all the cool places most tourists miss.

    I am seriously procrastinating and need to get some work done. It was good to see Shel back. It seems like we are still missing some gals. Maybe we need to go walkabout and round them up for a visit.

    Big hugs and much love girls,
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies....
    sige you look absolutely stunning
    still freezing here glad its warmed up for you abit deb...
    i would def be afraid to pee in the bush today...
    just hanging out
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007

    So very good to hear from you. Just wanted to drop by and tell you how great you look - I love the new "do". Glad to hear that you are doing well.

    Time with grandsons is great - see the joy of grandchildren is that you send them HOME and can just have fund.

    Check in often - we do miss you!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh my goodness...we get Shel back and get a visit from our dear sweet PEGGY!!! You look wonderful and love the new haircut!! Hug gigantic hugs back to you. Come out and play more...we miss you.
    Deb...heehee...I should be cleaning, cooking and crocheting and here I sit!! Be careful with the Alaska visit may have a wagon train on the way and there is a bunch of us with wagons! I would sooo love to see Alaska but when its WARM!!!
    gotta get busy
    love ya girls
    one more thing...I missed the Shellik she ok?
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Peggy- You look so rested, happy, and YOUNG!! You look mah-velous dahling!! Glad all is well. And don't feel bad. That's what the circle is all about, be supportive and be supported, whenever and however you can. Remember no judgments, no conditions, just love and support.

    Shel- So good to hear from you. I hope Florida works out for you. You deserve the best!!

    Deb - 8lbs. woo hoo!! keep it up!!

    Mena - What does "mena" mean??

    Vicki - Weird, but my snb arm has been tingly and achey. I wonder if we over did during the holidays and this why so many of us are having issues. I sure hope it goes away. I actually tried vacuuming with my left (bad) side because the pec on the right is so much bigger because I do more with that side and was trying to even them out. I guess it backfired.

    All my other circle gals - love ya!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Well I only have 10 minutes and then the football game is one so Ive gotta be quick.

    Madison: Im hoping your either spending alot of money or getting the computer back when the games begin.

    Tracey: haha you have to take a test. Hope you do well with it.

    Vickie: Oh that sleep sounds great. You have so much vibrant energy today. I can feel it.

    Sherloc: Your little shack sounds like a wonderful home. Do you get rattle snakes? I dont like rattle snakes.

    Brenda: You always have words of wisdom. You are just so supportive to so many of us.

    Puppy: Im so glad to see you come and say hello. Hoping everything is going well.

    Oh my gosh I have 3 mintues.

    Peggy: I jumped outta my chair when I saw you. sounds like life is being kind to you and thats great. What a good picture too. Just keep on enjoying life.

    DebC: I gotta go and Ill catch up with you later.

    Tracey: Im standing on the other side of this cold front and Im waving at you.

    NS: Where are you?

    Hope everyone has a great afternoon. For me, its football time.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Oh I have 5 more minutes before the games and I forgot LauraB: My goodness, this has got to be so heart wrenching for you. Im glad you got your Irish up. Of course Ray is feeling guilty. He has everything to be guilty about.

    No matter what direction you go, or what you do, you know we are here for you. Yelling at Caitie - hope you have a diary and your keeping track of these kinds of things.

    Sounds like he has been planning this for a while. Gutless man he is. He gets angry when bc is brought up. Thats cause its what he should feel the most guilty about. Doing this to you during your treatment. Shame on him.

    I worry so about you. The stress is not good for you or Caitie. Hope you have some ativan or xanax. You need some.

    Take care. Sending lots of love and hugs to you.

  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    Good afternoon ladies
    I got home about an hour ago. Doing ok so far still have my drains in, hope to get them out next week. The fanny pack trick works really good
    I felt the warm and prayers from all of you thanks so much. Ok thats it for now time to rest.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hello Girls,
    Robbie so glad to know you are home and that you felt us all with you!
    Peggy, seeing your beautiful face made my day.

    Girls, I can't post too much right now because I have been down with another headache and the monitor actually hurts to look at. I finally got approval for the Brain MRI but still have to make the appointment.
    THe doctor gave me medicine to take to prevent the headaches from coming on but he doesn't want me to start it until he sees what the MRI says. I looked it up online and it says it doubles your risk of breast cancer!!! WTF?
    I don't have to name any names because you know I love you!
    If I am feeling better later I will come back and post.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I forgot-
    Vickie, did the massage help? Is the arm better?
    And my oil just went down to $1.93 a gallon.
    Please let us all go to Suburban and blow that place up!! They are making a $2 a gallon profit on you- that is price gauging!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    NS...oh yes the massage helped!!! I thank you so are truly wonderful. I have an appointment next Wednesday with my breast surgeon and they have an LE specialist there that I will be seeing.
    Love ya
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2007
    Hey Strangers- It's like "old school days" around here. I was just dropping in and catching up. It is so hard to get back in, once you've been gone awhile. Then I see, She, Peggy, Lini, Brenda and NS, and so many others, all the ol' gals here. Yeah! But I am also glad to see and welcome so many new CG's, ones that I may not have spoken to before. You have found a wonderful place here with caring and supportive true friends.
    Like, Sige, I promise not to stay away so long in the future. I have was busy with holidays and catering and work! Now things have finally gotten back to normal, just in time for my thyroid surgery next week. I guess that is why I scheduled it for then. If it's not one thing...

    Love and Hugs!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    LauraB - glad to see you are finally getting mad. All I can say is it's about time!

    Brenda, aren't grandkids great? I enjoy mine so much. I hope your headaches go away.

    Carrie, thinking positive thoughts for Deese Monday.

    Shel38, welcome back and glad you had a great time. Haven't been to the Keys but it's on my list of places to visit.

    Madison, I hope you get your own computer soon. We were going to buy a new big screen tv (ours bit the dust) and allocated $2,500 for it. We went shopping to all the big stores and at the last one, I walked in and saw a 55" Mitsubishi that was on sale for such a low price that we bought it, a TV for my kitchen, a new desktop computer and a laptop AND warranties for all of them (the big screen was a display model they were clearancing - my last big screen was a display model and lasted 9 years) for $3,000 so I'm just loving life with my new laptop.....and I'm the only one who uses it.

    Vickie, you obviously needed that sleep and I hope Nathaniel got his french toast.

    Shirley, it has to be freezing in your area today if you're close to Yosemite. The last time I was in Yosemite was a few years ago, right after Christmas. We decided to do a day trip and get there and couldn't find a room. One of the lodges sent me to El Portal - took me several minutes to realize that it was the site of the Yosemite murders. My son propped his skateboard up under the door handle to make sure it stayed locked.

    Peggy, love, love, love the haircut.

    DebC, you go girl - 8 lbs.!! How did you know that a cruise to Alaska is another thing I want to do? That said, if anyone is coming to the SF Bay Area, we could probably get Aliciamaris, Gwenn, Mandyjayne and me together if we had enough notice.

    Robbie, welcome home and hope all went well.

    Kristine, hope things have settled down for you now that the holidays are over. Good luck with the thyroid surgery next week.

    NS, I wonder what's with your headaches? Let us know when the MRI is scheduled.

    I'll check in later. I have to go to the medic tent for awhile. I've been having a pain on my lower left stomach area and can't figure out what it is - ovary? hernia? diverticulitis? It's better than it was Thursday night but still sore. Any ideas ladies?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Christine...hugs and welcome back! You have been away too long. When is your surgery scheduled. We all show up for such things you know...may have to take our new magic carpet if we get all this ice that's being predicted. Stay safe where you are...I see your getting iced tonight!
    NS...WTF...1.93 A GALLON!!! OH I CAN'T WAIT TO HERE BACK FROM THE AG!! I'm making my sign tomorrow to put on the front of my garage
    with my phone number...that should really get things stirred up too!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2007
    You go girl! Wonderful with the weight! I thought I was doing pretty good for one week, I showed 4 pounds (12 days) and then I went to the Dr's and he showed a 3 pound gain since Dec. 1. What a slap! Just forced myself to do 20 ssllooww(slow) minutes on the dreaded treadmill! Hey, better than nothing. I have a cousin that lives somewhere in Alaska......Don't have a clue where, but she loves it. DH went on a trip to Alaska ...............before I came along! If we ever come there (we love to cruise) I will look you up!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2007
    Don't know why my post came up nosurrender!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Thanks Denise-

    The weight loss felt good, but to tell the truth, at my weight (281 lbs now) the weight will come off fast for the first 20 lbs or so. I also got my LE swelling a bit more under control, so I'm sure that helped too.

    Your loss is GREAT! Don't try and compare 2 different scales, it will just make you nuts. Don't sweat the little ups and downs. Just keep on Keepin' on and the weight WILL come off.

    I hope you do come on up to AK. I lived in MI for a while. We were in Whitmore Lake right north of Ann Arbor.

    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Evening All,

    Hope everyone had a good day.

    Tracey, DebC, all of you in cold weather, stay warm.

    It is hot and balmy here-I was just outside in a short sleeve shirt and NO SHOES.

    Peggy, you look great. Your smile is great, but your eyes tell the are happy.

    I just have a few minutes because DA SAINTS are going to be playing soon.

    I did go to the mall and was able to knock out a number of bridal registry gifts (I was behind purchasing numerous bridal gifts), then had to go to a baby store and buy something on a baby registry.

    I did purchase those new stemless red wine glasses for myself (guess where my mind was)....

    YIKES, 6 minutes to THE GAME....

    To all I missed, hello, take care,

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Sending quick gentle hugs to Robbie...glad your home and feeling well enough to post. Let us know how your doing and if you need anything just give a holler.
    I'm off to bed...can't seem to get enough sleep all of a sudden...what's this all about...catching up from a sleepless year?
    Love ya ladies
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    well hell...........peggy lives!!!!!!!!!!

    "hey soul sister"!!!!!!!!

    i'm just home from the mall and utterly exhausted. but i had a blast in the lingerie store, and i actually turned a few heads in the restaurant..........things are looking up!

    i had a minor meltdown today because my ribs were really aching, but i'm over is too short to worry it away. i'm done worrying............i'm on to living FINALLY! took me long enough didn't it lol?
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Let's all do the happy dance for Shel---she's on her way! Look out world!!!

    Shel---for some reason I flashed on you walking into the restaurant with the sexy new lingerie on the outside---no wonder you turned a few heads. But ain't it grand when that happens? I've gotten to the stage of life where I'd have to walk into a nursing home to accomplish that but I remember those good ol' days! Sorry your ribs are aching but concentrate on the New Woman---hear her ROOOAAARRR!!!

    And Peggy---so good to see you! I love the new hair cut and you look so happy. Know what you mean about the empty nest grocery privileges. When the ex and the kids were still at home there was no way I could afford $4 for a loaf of bread but now SO and I have strawberries and asparagus out of season (not often, I will admit), all of those yummy artisan breads and tomatoes with the stems on! (OK---so it doesn't take much to make me happy.)

    Night all----hope you all had a wonderful day. Looks like yucky weather here tomorrow and Monday. Can't complain though, it's way overdue.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Oh yeah, forgot. The new nip (yesterday) looks better than the first one (that failed). More pleasing shape---hope it stays that way only shorter. It's yanking the h*** out of the scar tissue under my arm---probably a lymph node alert because of the incision.