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  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    thanks to all, for the words of wisdom.

    i've had a day from hell, so i'm throwing on the flannel jammies, making a tea, and pouting lol!

    i went for utz today and the radiologist requested "stat mri", tomorrow is another day of tests and worry and life with BC.

    not to mention that i completely screwed up with my ex over this past weekend...............i could use a break from life, so i booked a couple more trips to the keys, but in the meantime, i'm stressed beyond belief!..........on the upside, i got a fabulous job offer in homestead, and i'm having a real estate agent come on friday to consider putting my house up for sale. if the mariner's hospital comes through with a decent package for healthcare, we're outta here and hopefully off to a bit of happiness and peace!

    i really don't think i can endure much more sh!t.........i'm so tired of fighting for everything that means something to me, so i'm hoping to just leave all the idiots behind and start all over again!

    eventually something or someone is going to go "my" way right?

    good lord i'm in a pissy mood aren't i? i'm just so very, very tired of this complicated, unfulfilling, unloved existence............better go make that tea and cozy up to a cheerful movie lol!

    thanks for listening..........i'm discouraged today. but tomorrow is a new day..........hope that mri says "it's all good"..........wish me luck!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hey Sige,

    You don't know me, but could you please return my favorite pair of undies???????????????? Orange goes with everything!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Sorry Sige............I guess your name is Peggy. can't always go by screen names.........I'm not Adrionna either!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Well that's one big pair of big girl panties...they'd fit this skinny a$$ of mine all the way over the top of my head but guess I needed them...I'm done whining.

    Denise...sending the big girl orange panties your way...we'll call the "The Traveling Panties"! I think we all need them from time to time.

    Shel...I know just what you mean about no one understanding what we have been or are going through. It's like I had the flu and when I finished treatment everyone thought...gee..your all better. Nope...sorry, not really. I don't think they are capable of understanding though, until your sitting on that table and hearing the big C word there really is no way to understand. I don't know the answer for you...I don't have one but I know that here is the place to we all understand. Don't stress over the MRI...get it done and get on with treatment. And remember, if you move to the Keys I can visit you when I see my daughter and SIL!!! Sending you hugs.
    Be back later sweet sisters
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Shel---So hope the US shows nothing. Strange---my MRIs usually lead to US since that's they only way they can tell the difference between solid and cyst masses. Leave it to you to be different. Have MRIs coming up in a few weeks and already making me a little nutsy. (The first person who says, "how can we tell?" gets a smack!) If you've never had one, they're not too bad--I have them every February, last time fell asleep! Worst part is having the IV put in your hand and that's just a moment or two. Just remember that MRIs are famous for false positives---but I always feel better after having my annual run thru the machine.

    As for the screw up----ya think we haven't all done that? Every time I had to see him face to face I was stuck somewhere between "too much woman for YOU, Sucka! and "how could you do this to me?". Makes for some really strange reactions. Chalk it up to experience and vow not to do that again because now you know how crappy it feels afterwards.

    I just know Homestead will come thru for you. How could a health care facility NOT?

    I do believe being somewhere away from where you are now is the best thing all the way around. Ex is in your face, family just isn't cutting it---go for a clean start, girlfriend!

    Tell Mac there's someone out here who understands where she is too---my dtr was 16 and 17 thru the worst of it and she has grown up to be a magnificent and intelligent woman---I am SO proud of her. She is now a social worker and I am convinced the divorce festival gave her the strength she has an adult to help other people with life's roadblocks and miseries.

    Peggy---I so love that Peggy, The Mad Picture Poster is back in our midst. You are the best!

    Roxwodd---I have just given up on even my sister (we have always been very close) getting it. My daughter is the closest in letting me talk and understanding but she's a social worker and that's what she's supposed to do! Unless you've been here it's like trying to see the back side of the moon for most people. They either say and do really hurtful things, expect you to drop over tomorrow or respond to their own agendas. That's why I stay here----people "Get it". IN all fairness, my DIL does a pretty good job when she remembers---but they live 300 miles away. Probly because her Mom has BC too. I hate that hang dog "how are you doing?" thing but don't want people to ignore the situation either!

    Ever onward----Canadian split pea soup and whole wheat bread for supper---yum. Perfect ice storm weather meal---and that's what we had today.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Dumb question for the computer! I'm sure you can tell by some of my post and questions that I am BLONDE! Anyhow, what is a Avatar and how do I get one? Or do I want one? Hope they aren't contagious.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Just dropping by to say hello. Hope everyone is OK. Hope all the sisters in the path of the storm have power and are OK.

    Family can be the absolute pits or wonderful. My mother wouldn't sit with the rest of the family the day of my SNB and reexcision of margins (mad at my brother or sister which is norm; it is always one of us), my son wanted to run from it for quite a while and my daughter being an RN understood when I said "spiculated 2.5cm" but then it was like she went into her nurse mode and dealt with everything as my being a patient not her mother. My sis, brother and hubby (and children in their own way) were there. My mom chose to go to Wal-Mart or Aldi's(grocery store) rather than to come check on me and never called unless my brother ask her when she had last talked to me and got on to her. Guess we all have some of that.

    Sorry, guys just in a real funk myself today. Just one of those dates that is burned forever into your brain and 30 years hasn't lessened the feelings or images.

    Take care, stay safe and gentle, loving hugs to all that needs them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: What a wild and crazy day today! We went from sleet, to rain, to snow - but no real accumulation. Drove 150 miles!!

    So I see my onc for my follow up visit. Told him about my headaches. I pointed to the front and back of my head. He says "Parieteal and occipital"! I freak out and say - so is that really bad? He says, nope, typical areas where the headaches are caused by Stress of all things. So I say, but I dont have a stressful job, Im outta management. He says but you are driving around all day in traffic. And think of all the carbon monoxide your being exposed to! And its interesting. I notice these headaches most when Im driving! So he says why dont we get a brain scan. I say, this is cyclical. Its got a pattern. He says ok, no scan for now. Then he draws tumor markers - and Im outta there. Dont have to see him for 3 months. Gosh I feel free free free.

    I just quickly glanced through all of the posts. Im kinda down and I see 2 of my bestest friends have posted. Roxwood and Sige. I havent even read the posts yet. Im like a little kid in a candy store. So that was pretty much my day. And Im just glad I could come here tonight and share it with you guys. My husband would so not understand.

    OK! Im reading each ost individually and trying to answer them all, so you will see my emotions. Especially since Im on Pinot Grigio glass #2.

    Vickie: I think I finially came to a crossroad. My appointments dont freak me out anymore. I think I keep cancelling my PS appt because once I tell him no mipple, he will say see ya in a year. OMG he has been part of my life for the last 19 months! But I surely understand. Onc today, PCP in one week, PS 2 days after and then port removal on 2-8. Does this ever change? Sending you lots of hugs. Your appt in gonna be just fine. But Distorted Humor is ready to and so is Mazer. He will just have to go find her.

    Liz: OMG I have been so worried about you. Sounds like you guys got hit really bad. And Cheri too. Whew, thanks for checking in.

    Denise: Ya know its funny. We always have "that" one doctor we trust. Mine happens to be my breast surgeon. He was the orchestra leader of this whole journey. When something happens that scares me, I call him. He's a special guy. Anyways, connect with the doctor that makes you feel like that. My PCP he is good but I can push him around. My onc, he is good too, but I can push him around too. My PS he's just cute and Im gonna miss my visits to him.

    NS: My dearest friend, all things pass and this shall too.

    Racheal: How can I describe to you. My heart is so happy. Im feel a sense of peace and comfort. I have miss you so much. You are just so special. Thank you - for making feel so wonderful. Your friendship is special. I saw the Dolphins! I was gonna comment that maybe the Bears would be seeing them, but I backed down from that post cause I didnt want to jinx them. I cant believe you had an abd. hyst. and didnt tell any of us. I hope you are feeling better. Another page in our journal of life. And your story, well, Im wiping a tear from my eye. My mom is gone, but if she were here, your described her reaction perfectly. All of us here. We are special to each other. Good luck with going back to work, but please, please never leave here. We love you.

    Peggy: OMG! I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I love the big girl panties. Ahahahahahahhah. Oh its good. The laughter is like the barbie doll week-end. I just love you so much. Please, please you must come here more often. Husband is playing guitar and he is asking me to rate him. Now if I say 10 he will keep on playing, even though its really an 8. He just better pick some songs I like.

    Jan: The last time? How about the 1985 Bears. I mean its been a very long time. But then what do you expect, Im a Cubs fan too. And hey, how would you feel if one of your grand children were 19? Yeppers, I could easily be a great grandmother. But reality check, I havent seen them or my son for a very long time.

    Shel: That ex has too much control over your feelings. So what if your screwed up. SO WHAT! Lets just see how things would be if the tables were turned. They so easily forget what we are going through. Im so hoping for the Mariners job, but I will be so jealous. You are another from many who are so important. Your are writing another chapter in your book and its looking might fine.

    Jeannie: Since were are talking about sisters. My older sister was diagnosed with bc 3 months after me. Prior to my diagnosis we hadnt talked for 5 years, maybe longer. Anyways, now we talk all the time.

    Brenda: Ya know what? Im was such a "strong person" I went for my initial biopsy under mammosite or what ever its called. Anyways I went there without telling anyone I was having it done. When it was finished, I was so scared cause I knew they saw something, I called my best friend first and cried my eyes out.

    Susan: I dont know what going on, but I have missed you so much. Im hoping everything is ok. Your posts always make me smile and feel all warm inside.

    Kristin: where the heck are you

    Amy: Distorted humor is pouting. Wont even eat cinnamon buns cause he misses Mazer.

    Carrie, Denise, Tgirl where are you.

    PurpleMB: all I can say is Im pouting. Im counting on you to get me motivated. Soon. Soon.

    LauraB: Hang in there sweety. One day at a time.

    Everyone else. I love ya all, but time to go lay down. Pinot Grigoi is doing its job.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    And Oh for all you healthy women who are doing so great? Well I gained 7 pounds in the last 6 weeks. Official weight at the oncs office!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I haven't read anything yet... what a day!
    I had the onc but before I had to leave for that my furnace broke! So I was trying to find someone to fix it - he just left.

    The onc is not so good. But I have to get myself organized and have something to eat and come back and read what is going on here today...

    Looks like that bus I thought I missed in April didn't miss me.... So here we go again.

    Of all times to give up Phish Food!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh crap NS...just what I didn't want to hear. Hurry back and let us know what's up. I say GET OFF THAT FRIGGIN BUS...YOU DON'T HAVE A TICKET! I will come there and drag you off that bus if I have too (although the ball police are probably still looking for me as I haven't returned the ball yet). Broken furnace...just great...isn't no heat just friggin grand!
    Debating on whether to ride Distorted Humor or Mazer to my appointment. May need the magic carpet as they seem to have no idea what we are going to get for weather around here...what is it with these sneaky weathermen anyway? Geez...all set for an ice storm...ready to take a day off...nothin. Actually we had ice this morning but only in the tree's and some power lines were down but the roads were just wet. Good thing for me as you all know my auto adventures LOL.
    Bit down tonight of our resident who lived right next to our office past away and our nurse's son who was 13 died in his sleep (has been sick since birth)and I just don't know what she's going to do without him, he was her life and she worked so very hard to keep him going. Very sad day all the way around. It's sometime hard to work with the elderly...they are so easy to love and so hard to lose.
    Missing a bunch of you...tired out tonight (again). May be back later to check on dear sweet NS.
    Love you all
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    NS---Get OFF the BUS and eat all the Phish Food you want! You know we are all "on board" for you but prefer a better vehicle. I know that's difficult when we have to accommodate a horse, a donkey and assorted cats and dogs and goats but get OFF the damn BUS!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    OMG...I just had to post this here as well as on the Humor Forum. I could not resist. My drug of choice right now is Zoloft but that may change!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,

    Reporting in from the frozen state of Oklahoma. I live in the northern part and fortunately, we haven’t lost power this time. Those in the south east did and they’re saying it could be another week before it’s restored. Sorry I didn’t check in sooner, I’ve had the crud. Still have the headache/sore throat/sniffles.

    I haven’t read everything yet but as always, everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.

    NS ?????? Get off that damned bus. My son has some phish food in the freezer. Wish I were closer to you. I’ll be waiting to here what you have to tell us.

    Shel, I hope you get to move. I think you’ll be so much happier.

    Sher, I remember the snake incident. I hate snakes even though I grew up in the swamps of south Texas.

    Nicki, thanks for thinking of me. I’m sorry you had a bad day hon. I didn’t do mipples and I see my PS once every 6 months. I haven’t seen my surgeon since he did the mast. I feel the same way though, they’ve all been such a big part of my life. It’s hard to let go at times.

    Vickie, I hope you don’t get this mess we got here. Be safe on the roads. I have to get out tomorrow and think I just need to put skis on the tires. I so hate driving in ice.

    Denise, an avatar is the picture on the left side by the names. You can get one by going to your home page and downloading one. How’s the diet going?

    Peggy, you look fantastic! So glad you’re having a great time with life and glad to see you.

    Roxwood, don’t think we’ve met. Nice to meet you. I’m looking forward to learning more about you.

    Ginny, I don’t even want to think about family. Sometimes something like this shows us their true personalities. I’ve always been the “strong” one of the family. Sick of it too.

    MB how’s hubby? As always thanks for the exercise tips. How are you?

    Madison, is it still warm there? Can I visit? LOL

    CherylG, we survived. I have to go to the store tomorrow. We’ve run out of the necessities. Thanks for thinking of me. Your new support project sounds wonderful. Good for you.

    CherylCy, so glad you finally got a new hot water heater. Be careful on the ice.

    Laura, you’re a better woman than I am. I’d kick Ray’s butt out so fast he would spin. You’re doing what’s best for you though and I admire that. Hang in there. Protect Caitie and yourself.

    Margaret I read somewhere where a lot of ladies who had tram get a hernia. Best have that checked.

    Hi lini, Tracey and everyone else. I hope Cheri and Susan are safe and well. I’ve missed so many.

    RobinTN where are you? How are you?

    Okay, going back to bed.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2007

    Shel baby, from what I understand (in the past, a coworker was Canadian) the pay scale and work is better down here than it is up there. Well, for RN's I mean. So, you don't worry a bit about getting a job, they'll be scrambling to grab you up, promise!!! Be sure to get some relocation money, and a big sign on bonus!!! Nurses are always in high demand in Florida, much more so in the south than up where I am. So, you work it baby, work it. And most places have health insurance that has a "no pre existing condition" clause. Well, at least where I work does. So you'll probably have no problem with health coverage either. Just check it closely, compare your offers and take the one that best suits your needs. I know you will be happier and your worst problem will be finding time for dates & a social life, cuz that's a given! The Florida board of nursing can be nitty so start on your licensure early.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    CherylG, I think it is stupendous you are starting your own BC Support Center!! That is so awesome!! And our avatars do look like that!

    Ginney, I will drink to everything you said. At least I know my cat worries when I am at the onc! (Well he worries whenever I am gone for more than an hour....may mean he won't eat !)

    Cherylcy, YAY on the new water heater!! After getting stuck with a broken furnace/water tank today I can relate!!

    Nicki, I am reading the posts and waiting to find your news from your onc visit! I thought about you today!

    LauraB, I hope you will stop letting Ray abuse you and Caitie like this. You may not know it yet, but it is destroying you inside. And one day it will all be crystal clear and you will kick yourself for ALLOWING him to do this. PLEASE don't wait that long! We, as BC survivors, need as LITTLE STRESS as possible in our lives. You must be strong and step back and look at this from a third person perspective as we are seeing it. I want you to try this: Imagine YOU are Caitie's age. And then there is the ADULT Laura watching this from afar. Imagine Ray coming in and treating YOU as a little girl, like you are nothing but an annoyance and in his way, and hear him tell Laura the little girl that he doesn't love you and wants to be with this other woman. Now ask yourself, as the adult Laura watching this, WHAT WOULD SHE DO?? She would walk in and scoop up little girl Laura and hold her tight and tell her that she was going to take care of her and protect her and not let this man hurt her anymore... And then she would turn to Ray and tell him to f-off and the horse he rode in on too! PLEASE do this for YOU Laura and CAITIE! She should not be learning how to be a cheated on wife at this age! Save yourself from any more hurt.
    PLEASE buy the book "He's Just Not That Into You"- I am serious. Read the chapter on cheating men. The author is RIGHT! Sometimes the harshness is what we need to protect ourselves. YOU need to start protecting yourself from any more hurt. And Caitie does not need to be a witness to this at her age.

    Margaret, I hope it isn't a hernia, or if it is it is the kind that don't need surgery... I think there are those kind. Just keep track of it and how you are feeling. I hope it gets better!

    Tracey, I hope you made out ok today!

    Vickie, it is ok to whine and it is ok to be scared of these appointments... no one told us it would be like this now. But it is. No matter HOW big your panties are it sucks!!

    Oh Liz! Stay warm!!! THANK your son for letting me share his Phish Food!

    Rachel, I am so glad to see you post!

    Jan you look waay too young to have grands!!!

    Seeing your face Peggy always makes my day! I used to love it when you had your pic as your avatar... please don't tell the prancer I said that ! Wouldn't want to upstage him!!!

    Shel, good luck with your tests!!!

    jeannie, your dinner sounds wonnnnderful!!!

    Oh Nicki, I finally found your post... so once these tms are read then you will know if you can get the port out? I am crossing my fingers for you! I wish my docs were as easy with the headaches! But mine aren't in that spot.. maybe that is why. Thank you for the cheer up. You always do cheer me up!

    Vickie, I will try to stay off the bus I promise!

    Jeannie! You mean it! I can have my phish food!!! Bless YOU!! thank you!!!!

    ok, I guess I will give more of an update. I woke up this morning to the oil guy delivering my oil. Then he left and I went to take a shower only to discover no hot water and no heat in the house. I did the press the red button to restart it and thought that was that.
    I was on the phone with a client and I heard terrible noises coming from the furnace room. I finally got off the phone and discovered that the little flap that closes where the flame is was pushing out each time the furnace did this little mini explosion thing. I turned it off and called the oil company and they told me to call some guy that they use. I just got his machine and was starting to panic... it is meant to go down to the 20s starting tomorrow (don't laugh Deb!)

    I also had my onc. I left the guy messages about when/where/how he can reach me when I am not here....

    Go to the onc and the lump I had bx'd in April that my BS was not completely convinced the radiologist got out is causing more problems.

    When I had the Core I got a terrible hematoma and no one could tell if I still had the lump or if it was because of the hematoma. In June I was sent for a mammo to make sure it was gone... well they couldn't tell because was that the hematoma or a lump? Then my onc measured it in his office and it was one centimeter. A couple of months later I had the PET and one of the things that lit up on it was that lump. I have felt it was getting bigger. My onc measured it today and it is now 2 cms.
    So I have to call the BS tomorrow. What concerns me is, if this is cancer back in the breast and it is anything like my first one- time is not on my side and all this waiting may have put me in a lot of danger. But I am going to take one thing at a time.

    Also, I asked the onc about the headache preventative the neuro wanted me to take and the study I read about it doubling the BC risk. My onc is really a gem. Most docs when you say " I looked it up on the internet" scoff and blow you off. Not mine. He was very interested and was going to research it himself and told me not to take it and also not to take anything different before I get that brain MRI.

    I came home and the furnace repair guy actually called me back and came! I was not in the best of moods and he kept going out to his truck and staying there for the longest of times... I was like- I have had a long day ! CAN I HAVE HEAT??
    So I look in his truck and I see this blonde head bobbing about in his truck with him!

    I was thinking he has a GIRL IN THERE???? CAN'T IT WAIT???

    But then the girl barked.

    It was his dog!!! Apparently he never goes to a job without her!!

    Gotta love a guy like that.

    So I have heat and hot water for now, but more work needs to be done, but it isn't emergent.

    Anyone hear from Cheri?
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    NS - OMG - the blond bobbing head! LOL wow...

    You have the right idea - one step at a time - and I'm glad your onc didn't dismiss you...sending positive thoughts and energy to you...

    Vickie - sorry it's such a hard day - sometimes it's just so sad...

    Nicki - I would have headaches driving all day - just think about how much your brain has to do constantly - eyes moving, thinking, reacting - yikes - I'm getting a headache just thinking about it!

    Brenda - sorry you're in a funk today too...

    Shel - good luck on the tests - don't beat yourself up - you're fabulous!!

    To all of you re: family - the good news is that my sister has always been like this - life is all about her and that's how it's always been. Deep down she just can't handle life - never really could - she's getting better at it but empathy has never been her strong point. I have learned through the years that people have their strengths and weaknesses and I accept them - and family are people. I'm happy I have friends and my DD and DH out here because ya gotta have someone during this crap!!

    Of course - all of you are a blessing!!

    Hope I didn't miss too many people - double-tabbing works but all this scrolling is making me crazy!!


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies...
    i am home finally... so i get down to cranbrook... lol
    well the first app i was a hour early and i finally get in and she says this is the first part of the test... pelvic ultrasound ( had many of those) second part i get to pee and then they will insert a thing ( yep there )
    called a transvaginal ultrasound.....
    ok well first i started my periods and second i was not prepared!!!!
    so i talked my way right out of it... hahahaha
    and then they rescheduled until the 30th for the second part....
    i can come up with another excuse by then i am sure!
    nosurrender i think my tests are fine ty for caring!
    so i come home and had a wine and feel pretty good so far!
    i hope i dont miss anyone!
    lynny, beth, cheri, chemosabi, biker, shel, sherloc, laura, ginney, lizw,
    mena, silvergirl, vickie, cherylg, margaret, peggy, brenda, ctg, cthomason, deb, roxwood, ok i cant think any more...hugsssssss to rest of ya!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahaha peggy these are my panites!

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007

    <-------is absolutely struck DUMB at the sight of tracey's panties OMFG!!!!!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Well they finaly sent the sand truck by early this morning in anticipation of opening the school back up, the buses come up our street, but they hardly put any on our street. so I still have about 1.5 inches of ice! and it's suppose to snow again tonight!

    I bought this riding train for my little Cloe and boy was it fun to watch the light in her eyes as she relized she could make it go just by pushing the button! It said on the box for 3+ but Cloe is only 1 and already knows how to work it after only 5 minutes.

    I wish I had a camera with me but the hubby had it for his fishing trip. He's back, they each coaught 2 steelhead. So we had fish and homeny for dinner.

    NS, what are they waiting for? why do they make us wait forever when they find something suspicuos? I don't understand that.
    I'm glad the furnace guy got you up and running.

    Vickie, how sad for your friend. It's really hard to see you child be sick but to lose them too. It just breaks my heart.

    Peggy, you crack me up as usual! and I can't say it enough, you look absolutely fabuloso! You also look very happy!

    Liz, I'm so glad you didn't lose power. we did during the storm in Dec for 4 days. There are several areas that have been losing it with this one so I'm hopeing we won't. They say we are suppose to warm up after the snow storm tonight is over. I hope so.

    Cheri, i hope you didn't lose power and if you did you are staying warm and safe. I pray that you do well with the not smoking as I know you will. remember it's just like anything else we are trying to quit doing. You have to take it one day at a time.

    Roxwood, good to see you again. I remember reading some of your post on other forums.

    Niki be careful out there driving in all that crazy weather.

    Shel we'll all be there when you get the MRI

    Thongs, those don't look like your pasnties! you're suppose to have a red thong!

    know I've missed many, just know that I pray for you all and think of you often.

    Has anyone heard from RobinTN? I hope she's doing better.

    throwing some more logs on the fires to keep us warm and show the way here for others
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahahahahaha i forgot about the thong thing!
    ps its all really good&#9786;&#9786;&#9786;&#9786;&#9787;
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    there we go here is my undies!!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahahaha when i wash them we can use them as a tramoline!!!!!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007

    Now Thongsie..those take the award!!!

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2007
    Now thats what you call Big Girl Panties Tracey ROFLMAO
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    OK Tray now those are your panties I'd recognize them anywhere as yours!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well all the hullabaloo about the storms is over. No accumulation. No ice storms like our poor Liz. But its cold out there! 10 degrees! When I went to let my dog outside, he took his treat and came back in again. I thought oh no, so I pushed him out the door from his behind. This dog should love it outside. He is half border collie. But he prefers it not to be cold, not to be wet - lord knows it would be awful is he got his paws wet. This is the goofiest dog I have ever had.

    The forest around us is actually very pretty to look at. All the naked branches are covered with snow, but not ice - so they are breaking off. Its sorta like a Winter wonderland. I think those birds I heard singing last week are in hibernation, or in their nests trying to stay warm. Its still Winter and Spring seems so far away. But hey, coffee is on and there are low fat bluebaerry muffins cooking. The aroma of both is marverlous

    Vickie: I used to work in a retirement community. Ya sure do get attached to those older folks. Always hard when you lose one. And what a sad story about the nurses son. Im with you, I will pull NS right off that bus.

    Liz: Im so glad you are ok and didnt lose your power. The news on the television are showing som awful pictures of that ice storm. Thank goodness this storm passed us by without having to bite the bullet. But its only January 16th - so we have a ways to go and will probably have more storms to deal with.

    Roxwood: Look at you, trying to recruit RN's for Florida. I know there is a nursing shortage, but you would think nurses would flock to Florida. My favorite place is Ft. Lauderdale. Have some wonderful memories. And its only 2 1/2 hours away from Chicago by airplane. Geez, on a snowy day it takes me that long to get to work!

    NS: OHG! As I was reading your post, well I was imagining the blond bobbing about. Had a great visual. Im laughing my arse off now. Its was a dog! Ahahahahaha a dog. Anyways what a whirlwind day you had. Im glad you have heat. That would have been the straw that broke the camels back. I liked your oncs advice. Dont take anything until the MRI is done. Gonna be some hard times ahead for you, but you will get through this - cause we are walking along with you all the way. NS, the port is a go! He didnt say, pending the results of the TM. He has been drawing these every 6 weeks for the last year, always 1 or 2 points above normal, so we figured that is normal for me.

    Ginny: I bought my car in September. I already have 9,000 miles on it! I never really thought about driving being stressful. I dont have time restraints. But you are right, you always have to be looking everywhere and be one step ahead of everyone else thats driving. I asked the onc why those 2 areas of the headache indicate stress. He said, thats where the muscles are! But the thought of changing jobs right now is just too overwhelming. I dont have the energy or skip in my heart to put together a resume and go on interviews. But Im gonna start playing relaxing music while Im driving and see if that helps. Usually Im blasting something like ZZ top or Heart!

    OMG! Those big girl panties are a riot. And Thongs - yours are perfect. Hmmm with my 7 pound wt gain, I might just fit into those.

    Cheryl: the description of your streets sounds ghastly. And now another snow storm! Snow I can deal with! Ice - forget about it.

    LauraB: So how did last night go? I do agree with NS. There are all kinds of abuse. Ray is using mental abuse with you and caitlin. He is so focused on himself - how very selfish.

    OK! Time to go. Hope everyone has a fantastic day.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2007
    GOOD MORNING!! In way too early at work, but now I can spend time with my CG's!
    No I didn't kill myself over the Eagles losing, but very happy for Efexor!
    NJ girls got together this weekend and had a blast. Took lots of pictures. It was great with Naughty by Nature showed up to surprise Mena. Mena's quilt is beautiful. When I can figure out how to post, I will show them.
    Mena...Glad you got home ok. I am so impressed with you and how you jump into everything. I would stay home and whine if I didn't know where something was.xoxo
    For all girls who live in the "ice zone", my heart goes out to you. We have been very fortunate and missed everthing so far.
    Thongs...thanks for finding my panties...I was in that hotel last weekend and had a really fun time!! proud of you and your strength. Again I would be a wimp. go girl and take the advice of the experienced girls here who have been through this. They will guide you.
    Vickie...thinking of you.xoxo

    Saw my onc last Friday. Reconstructed breast was very swollen and sore. He's treating as an infection now, but if doesn't get better, back to tests and maybe a blood clot from the piece of muscle that was moved up or lymphodema?
    Has anyone heard of it in your breast and not arm? I had this done June of "05". So please send some good wishes. No one but hubby knows in my house. Probably nothing...
    Ok back to ya all!! xoxo
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    T...sorry to hear of these troubles and praying all gets better fast. (I've seen more of NJ since bc than ever before, mostly in the "lost" category...) And you would not stay home. Sue wouldn't allow it!

    Feeling wretched and scared and just want to tell everyone to stay united and take good care of one another...eveything else is bs...Mena...xo
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I've caught up on the posts since yesterday....this underwear stuff is TOO funny! I'm ROFLMAO right now at work!

    I don't know what happened as I was driving home last night--I kept myself pretty together at work, but actually dreaded going home (even though Caitie is there). When I walked in, they were on the couch together playing her Nintendo. I sat down and asked how their days were; when he asked how mine was I just said "enlightening." Don't know where that came from but of course he said, "what do you mean, enlightening?" I just smiled and said it was an interesting day and left it at that. I asked if he was going out and he said no.

    I ladled up the chili I made on Sunday and gave them each a bowl, then sat down at the table with them---though I didn't eat (can't stand chili, but I know he likes it...and Caitie did too). I remained chipper and confident---and I think I threw him for a loop! I cleaned up, he thanked/kissed me for making the chili, and I said "I don't know a good chili from a bad chili, so I'm glad you liked it."

    He didn't go and hide in the basement AT ALL last night; watched TV with us while Caitie played with a Whoopee Cushion (talk about giggles). After he put Caitie to bed, he came down and watched the Globes with me for a while. We didn't talk, but I wasn't about to keep me from laughing at the speeches. He kissed me good night (he's avoiding more than a peck) and went to bed.

    Things seem almost "normal" this morning and the good-bye kiss was full-lips, but I'm at the point that nothing will get to me....good or bad. He's definitely hiding things, but like I told Beth yesterday, it's tuff trying not to play detective, but it's nothing but self-destructive. He's done enuf damage to himself.

    I hope to hear from the counseling center today and get an appt. scheduled. I need to remain "on a roll" with the strength, and everyone here is a big part of making it through day-by-day.

    I always said BC was not gonna get me....I'm trying my darnedest this doesn't either!

    Thanks and love, everyone!
