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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hi Deb,
    Our "non Winter" did a turn about on us over the first of the week! Ice, Snow and single digit temps! You wouldn't believe Zukey Lake Tavern Now............It is Huge. 2 stories, a parking lot about 1/2 mile long. The Food is still great. Been to a couple things where they catered. I'll be glad to send you a good Michigan Coney!! I'm from further North so I go for the dry chili, Husband is from Allen Park, so he insists on the "wet" coney. Keep up the good "weight loss!"
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hi Ladies,
    Just wanted to complete my post from last night. My Husband doesn't "really" stand over me and read. I just like to be alone when I'm with "my friends" , and when he comes in and stands behind me, he will rub my shoulders or talk and I just "feel" like he's reading! Oh well, he wouldn't understand much of what we gab about anyhow!! He has been very supportive, however 3 years down the road I'm sure he wonders if I'll ever "feel" good again!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Vickie.........GREAT NEWS! I'm glad all is well!
    Carrie........Nice to meet you!
    Deb...........You'll do fine with Connie, I know being the "chipper" one can be really exhausting...But I can tell by your personality that you can make her feel better.
    Laura......You're a better woman than I would be under the circumstances..Good Luck!
    Hi to the rest! Warm up the Hot Chocolate, we will need it tonight!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Vickie---woohoo----Victory Dance on the Commons. Hey, it's Ithaca---who would notice?

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Evening everyone!!

    This morning on the way to work I saw a TV guy with a local channel in Charlotte with a camera on his shoulder standing on the overpass filming traffic heading west on I-40. I saw on these yellow trucks, lights flashing, headlights on and wonder what tha; then I got behind one of those big yellow trucks and the little truck that follows behind and it is a truck saying stay back anti icing truck. I walk in work and ask if we are going to have bad weather. "Maybe". When I came home this afternoon, I-40 is white with the mixture and so is the overpass. At this point don't know if we are going to get ice or snow or a mixture as we are kind of on the line for either. Supposed to be hard to get to 35 tomorrow. Ok, all you gals that live in the Arctic areas of the country - that is kind of cold when you have been in the 70's during the day.

    Alwayshope - Jasmine. Good to see you post. When did you change your name? Not sure where you live but sounds like you have enjoyed good weather too. You expecting bad?

    Liz, glad that you are Ok. Boobbuster hope your scans went well today. Ok, Vicki, good, very good. Never in my life been to a trampoline party but I might just watch - Grace is not a word anyone would associate with me. I fall way to much!!.

    Ginny; hope you are enjoying your break from treatments.

    Kristen, sorry that you are so tired. I didn't have the treatments you are taking but that is something that I struggled with and am on med for that. I know what you mean when someone ask how you are and you say Ok, I am just so tired. They look at you as if - we're all tired. They don't get it!!

    Amy, if I counted correctly you have 38 animals and know all their names and can correctly call their names when you encounter them. Girl, I do good to remember peoples names I have known but haven't seen for a while. Impressive!!! The hardest thing for me missing is my bread. I love hot bread; hot yeast rolls in fact. Ok, move off food!!

    DebC, hope the visit went well with Connie today. You are the best person to explain things and tell her what to expect.

    Nicki, you were on People's court? Funny story. How did the "Judge" rule?

    Carrie/Denise, I am not sure I could have done that procedure without being given something or totally knocked out.

    Christine, when was your appointment/biopsy of your thyroid?

    NS haven't seen anything from you so far. Hope you didn't have such a bad headache today.

    Tracey, having BC and dealing with intimate relationships just takes a while to handle. Hope you can relax, enjoy the companionship/comfort of someone next to you.

    Laura, I read and my mouth hangs open. Glad there aren't flies around. It isn't the OW's fault; I doubt she grabbed your husband and forced herself on him and keeps threatening him with his life or yours or your daughters if he doesn't keep seeing her. Takes two to tango girl.

    Shirley, coiled rattlesnakes as big as your arm? Poke them with a stick. Don't think so. The past couple of years we have had two baby copperheads on our front porch and several years ago we had a black snake that enjoyed our front porch and liked to stretch himself out on the back of one of our wooden rocking chairs. He finally left permanently when I told my husband either the snake went or I did!!!! We do have rattlesnakes in the mountains and we had a baby one at the back of the house one summer. I am absolutely terrified of snake - even baby ones because I am sure if I try to kill them, I will miss and they are going to get me. Yes, we live in the woods!!!

    Ishop, thanks for sharing the pictures!! It looks like everyone enjoyed their time together and thanks for sharing the quilt picture also. No wonder it made Mena feel better.

    Ok, need to go clean the kitchen. Hello to: Margaret, Lini, Cheri, Susan, Madison, Michelle, Joyce, RobinTN, Denise, Roxwood, Jeannie, Peggy, Jan, MB, CherylG, CherylCy, ctg, cthomason, SoCalLisa, Tgirl, Robbie, Karen, Tina, Joan55,Carrie, Denise, mena, Beth, JoJo - phew, did I miss anyone? Oh, I hope not!!!!!!

    Would you please add my sister in law to the middle of the circle. Her lymphoma has returned and she is getting treatments again. She had her 3rd one today and has 3 or 4 more to go - we'll see how she responds.

    Let you know if we get any snow or ice. Hopefully no loss of power as we live off the main road all to ourselves and are the last they connect - been over a week before when we loose power.

    Blessings, Brenda
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Not much time tonight - ladies night - bunko tonight so I have to cook dinner and be out by 6:30.

    Ladies - for inquiring minds - Phish Food:

    Jan, great news on not having to go back for a year.

    Joyce, I do what someone suggested; open two windows and read from one and respond in the other.

    NS, where are you?

    Vickie, glad you're home.

    IShop, wonderful pictures.

    Brenda, your sister in law is in the middle of the circle.

    Bye ladies. Hello to everyone I missed and hugs to you all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Thanks ladies for all your well wishes.
    Brenda...not too sure at trampoline is such a good idea for me either after my tumble on the ice!! A wee bit sore today but I will survive. Putting you sister in the center for extra care.
    Silvergirl...oh I could do a naked victory dance on the commons with my hair dyed pink and nothing but a pink boa and no one would even notice!! That is one strange place to hang say the least. are you...hope all is going well.
    Shopmama Pam...stocking up on the hot chocolate for tomorrow night. my thoughts and prayers that all will be well.
    Nicki...Peoples Court!!! Oh how I wishe I had that episode LOL.
    Amy...38 You have quite a zoo going there...good for you. Wish I had more room and more time as I would have goats, chickens, pigs, a horse or two and probably more dogs.
    Denise...don't you hate these single digit temps...Oh for sunny Florida.
    Speaking of warm weather...where is Shel...did she sneak back off on us again without letting us know? Wishing the best for you dear.
    Kristin...sending you hugs...hoping your treatments fly by and you are feeling better soon.
    Ok...really tired from my "exciting" to bed with my peanut butter cup ice cream...I'll eat it standing up...NOT.
    Love you all and hugs to all I missed...too tired to take notes tonight.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,
    What pretty pictures!!!
    Trying to keep up with all the posts I missed.
    After tomorrow I will be on the ball again I hope.

    Special thanks to everyone who sent Stephanie prayers and good vibes- she has a partial response to her mets! I am beginning to believe this circle has magical powers!!!

    I hope so, I see my BS tomorrow.
    Keep your fingers crossed!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Evening girls,

    I am so sick of this cold weather. There’s still ice everywhere and now they’re calling for 3 – 10” of snow this weekend! I don’t know how you guys who get this stuff all the time do it. I’m going nuts! It’s hard to stick to a diet too. But I did walk around my house enough to get in 4000 steps. LOL

    Once again, I missed a day and am sooooo lost. I’ll try to catch up later but still have a touch of the stomach bug.

    Thinking of everyone daily.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2007
    Hi Liz... stomach bug here too
    NS.... prayers for BS appointment tomorrow
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Hi Nan...I just changed it yesterday I think. Decided to try something more inspiring. I left my bottom thingy though so people would still recognize it was me.

    Sorry about that stomach bug and hope you gals are better soon. I talked to Doris and she has been down with it too.

    Looks like we have some winter weather headed down this way this weekend. Thanks alot Texas! Just had to push over here, heh?
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Hi everyone. It has been quite a while except for my kitties pic I posted. I have been trying to keep up and Vickie was asking me on a PM where I was lately. I have been hiding out in Humor (lots of fun stuff there) and High Risk. I am getting ready to make decisions about the recon. The big one is to mipple or not to mipple. I have a friend who is an RN and she volunteered to come here to help after Larry goes back to work after the surgery.

    I see the onc on Monday and will start Tamoxifen at that point. The ps appt is on the 31st. Ifa ll goes well, the bilat mast will be in April unless Larry's HR dept can find a way for him to take his vacation time early. We can't be without his paycheck for too long.

    Well, I can't possibly go through all the people who are here these days. I have talked to so many of you on the phone and it has been great. Those few of you have no idea how much the talks have meant.

    However, I do need say I am adding all those mentioned in my Friday night prayers, as usual. The list had shrunk a little but there is room for more. This Circle probably is magic because we all believe. This site is waht is magical because it gives voice to those who need to tlak and comfort for those who hurt.
    Here is a little magical lady for us:
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Ok my hubby just told me something I just have to share.
    He was getting mad at me last year because I was putting on such bravoto. He said " Your have Cancer, C A N C E R! Get mad! Cry somethng!" You know what he's right. I did keep saying everything is going to be fine. I didn't get mad, I didn't cry, I didn't get scared, until recently that is. He's so happy that I have this Circle. It's a way for me to be honest with myself about everything I've gone through and am still going through. I'm so glad he knows this is something I will deal with for the rest of my life! I only widsh that everyone's family could understand and be so supportive as he is.

    Thank you all for helping me to deal with this. You are my lifeline!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good evening ladies...
    ugh what a rough nite i dont feel to good today and have to work till 11 pm then back here to work for 7 am...
    k4katz... the last ones are so much harder well i found that out anyways... i did 4 ac and 4 taxol and i found the taxol harder on me... your doing great!!! hugssssssss
    nosurrender good to see you ... i have missed you lots......xxxxxxxxxxx
    beth good to see you to... i was wondering where you have been... you have been missed as well..
    well i should get back to work still have 2 more hours to go...... so tired out... see you in the am...
    hugssssss for all the ladies i missed... sorry i am just to pooped.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    hey Thongs, hang in there and get lots of studying done.

    My hubby use to say when I got real B**chy was when I needed a good ****. Alweays put me in a much better mood!
    Haven't been down that road much in the last year and in my mind I miss it but physically can't seem to get there much anymore.

    Katz hang in there you'll be done soon and will be able to build up that strength again.

    Vickie, it was in San Diego that we had all the creepy critters! I've only had to deal with black widows & Brown reclouse here in Washington during the summer. Of course if you go to eastern Washington you have to deal with the snakes.

    Glad your appointment is over and you can relax. Your son sure does take good careo of you.

    The hubby was surprised at how clean the house was when he got back after being gone a week, ( he left it a mess, which is not like him). I told him, I can clean and cook too, you just don't let me! I'm spoiled, the house is usually clean, the laundry done and dinner on the table when I get home from work. It's not that I can't or won't do it, it just that he likes to do it so I let him. I just take care of the paperwork and bills and bake something ewvery once in a while and he's happy!

    Lasura, DON"T go to the OW! Maybe just take the remote and drop it off in a trash can at the mall! But don't ask about it again or he might think you did something to it. I would also have the cousling center call you at work or on your cell. I wouldn't give your home number for anything you do that you don't want him to find out about. But remember if he's on the cell account he can look at the records too! Did you get your own bank account yet? Do you have credit in your own name yet? I always had my credit accounts sent to a mail box or my work address that way he didn't know I had them.

    Carrie & Deese, we are praying for B9 B9 B9!

    Liz & Cheryl G, hope you feel better soon

    There are now 234 posts on the Map! WOW

    Hope everyone that it being hit with the cold snap stays safe and warm.

    Missing so many of you out there. If you are just reading , Please just stop in long enough to ley us know you're OK. We miss you.

    Lini, is it warming up any?

    Throwing lots of logs on the fire to keep us all warm.

    remember copy before you hit continue. by the time we finish typing if someone else has posted it times us out and you can lose you post. so save yourself the aggrevation and copy before continuing!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    God evening ladies-
    I have not been here since early friday morning. We were on p. 163 then (I wrote it down- my memory is not that good) and now p. 170 - omg - how long will it take me to read all the posts!!! Thought I would check in and say HELLo first then read posts.
    I had a good visit with my dd in Chicago. Took her shopping to buy some new clothes and shoes - went to Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Old Navy, Talbots Outlet (prices were as good as Marshalls and better than TJ Maxx- I never there as it is too pricey for me, but someone recommended their petite dept for dd), DSW and Famous Footwear. Way too much shopping for me, but she needed some clothes. She is short (4' 11"), so buying clothes is a challenge. Ate out and went downtown. We went up to the observaton deck in the Hancock building. DD was thrilled to play tourist and do this. Stopped in at the American Doll store to get younger dd the new book and stuffed Bernese Mountain dog - she was thrilled with the surprise when I got home. It snowed on Monday in Chicago, but really quite little accumulation, but enough to delay flights in and out of O'hare. I got in 1 1/2 hours late and did not get home till midnight on monday. Good visit - glad I went, but I'm still recovering.
    My dear friend Barbara went for her spot compression mammo yesterday and got good news - she did not need the US. Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts for her. i was so glad to get her phone call with the good news.
    Yesterday I saw my new gyn (one who did ooph) for annual check up. He really listened to what I had to say about isomnia, lack of sex drive and vaginal dryness. He gave me an Rx for another sleeping pill - Trazadone 50mg (tried it last night and it still wasn't great - wonder why sleeping pills don't work). He recommended L-Arginine for sex drive that you can get at Vitamin Cottage and Eros for vaginal dryness (this he said you get at the triple X store!!!). I told him that I could not stand the Effexor and he said if the hot flashes got bad that I could try Catapress patch (originally a high B/P med). I was nervous before the appt, but not once I got there. He said that everything looked/felt good. Now just need to wait to get results of pap smear.
    Also saw the orthopedic hand doc again yesterday. We have scheduled surgery for my carpel tunnel in the right hand for 2/2. Doc knew I was worried about risk of LE with the surgery, so she called my BS and Onc to get their imput. they got back to her immediately and then she called me right away. Both BS and onc feel that it is not a problem for the surgery and using the tournaquet should be okay. I am comfortable with doing the surgery. My right hand is so sore and uncomfortable even with the spling my hand is numb and tingle and gets sore from writing. It really is a catch 22 - permanent nerve and muscle damage or risk possible LE. I will risk the LE as I can't live with the pain, lack of strength, ttingling etc from the carpel tunnel. It came on with a vengence so quickly. Before BC no hand problems and now right hand is severe carpel tunnel. I think it is from the chemo (and Arimidex even though docs say not so from Arimidex). Will wait to do left hand after recon. CT surgery is 6 or 7 weeks before recon - don't want to squeeze another surgery in between. Need to give old body time to heal.
    Thanks for listening. Sorry for being so one sided. Hope everyone is doing well. Now its time to go read all the posts and catch up with everyone.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    Karen, glad you had a good visit. I bet you're glad to be back home. Don't blame you for wanting to do one surgery at a time and get some healing time in between. Glad you're friends test were good.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    It took me 1 1/2 hours to catch up reading all the posts. Way past tired,so going to take a sleeping pill and climb into bed. Wishing everyone a good day tomorrow.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well all I can say is Im tired. Yesterday was a very long day. Ending up working 12 hours yesterday and that was a bit much for me. But my body still automatically wakes up at 5am so here I am with early morning wake up call. Coffee is brewing and we are getting ready for another day.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    good morning girls,

    I am not usually at this hour! But the BS appointment is scheduled for the buttcrack of dawn.

    Alwayshope/Jasmine- I like your new name and hope you give us a boost in the spa with your calisthenics! I always think of you when I water my Jasmine plant I bring in for the winter. They are in full bloom right now and the house smells wonderful.

    Deb, I am keeping Connie in my prayers.

    Shirley, the secret to Phish Food is you have to let it get a little soft. When you do, the chocolate ice cream melts a little which makes the caramel soft and the marshmallow gooey and makes it much easier to get out the delicious fudge phish the swim around in it...... ahhhhhhhhh.....

    Jan, does your doc think it is LE? I had that in my chest when I was first out of treatment. It went from my chest to my armpit and down my ribcage. Best to get it checked out!!

    LauraB, I don't know what to say anymore. I think I will just say that I would never want to put myself through what you are letting Ray put you through. I have been down that road and it is awful and one day you will see what you let him get away with and you will get really mad at yourself. Buy the book "He is Just NOT that into You" and read it. It is like the men's owner's manual. Save yourself from any further pain and humiliation and kick his sorry ass to the curb.

    Nicki, staying warm and cozy??? I am so happy you will be able to get that port out!!!

    Joyce, did the doc think the tingling is from neuropathy or anxiety? I hope you get some relief. I totally understand things being so up in the air that it is hard to plan what to do until things are settled. thanks for your prayers, I appreciate it and you have mine as well!

    Jeannie, thanks for the fleece blankie! It is 15 degrees right now and i could use it!!

    Vickie, SO HAPPY that everything went well!!!! And the LE sounds like it was caught early! THAT is the secret! Get it under control now and you won't have a big problem!

    SueIshop, THANK YOU for posting those pictures. You look like you are a lot of fun to hang around with. I love your smile! THe girls look fantastic and the quilt looks like another of Dressmaker's masterpieces. Thanks for the peak into the gathering!

    Kristin, I think of you often and worry about how you are doing with your treatments. Remember, it is not forever and there is an end to this!! You will be back to normal again!!! I promise!

    Oh yeah Denise! What happened to Global Warming?? IT IS COLD!

    Naniam, I am adding your sister to my prayers. I know it is cold down your way too. I hope you are taking care of yourself and your DH's back is better!!!

    Margaret, I just love you... anyone who has the link to phish food handy is an angel in my book!!!

    Liz, with this cold snap, if I had anything in the house good to eat, I would have eaten it! I was sitting in front of the fire place last night thinking how nice some brie would be... don't have any... or maybe cookies or cake... don't have any... wine? hot chocolate? NOPE don't have any.... I decided to sew to finish a project I am making for a friend's daughter... would have been much more fun with hot chocolate!

    Cheryl, sorry about the stomach bug!! Thanks for your prayers!!

    CY, your husband sounds like a dream. I am so happy you have someone who is so good to you!

    Tracey, sorry you aren't feeling well. Aren't dreams the craziest things? But sometimes they do let us in on what is really going on in our minds that we shut out. Stay warm!!I hope you got home ok and had a good night's sleep! No fair working that late when you don't feel well!!

    Karen, I am glad you had fun with your daughter. I hope this surgery helps your hand. I know my hairdresser had it and he was back to snipping away in a couple of weeks! I think that is interesting that your doc prescribed natural remedies - i like that!

    Well, I am off to see the BS. I have a feeling he is going to want to do an immediate biopsy. This lump got too big too fast.
    I still didn't make the brain MRI appointment, I keep thinking about the breast and worrying that if I make the appointment for the MRI it would be in the way of any surgery he wants to do. i am more concerned about the breast so I will live with my head the way it is until I know what is happening.

    Have a great day!

    How in the name of God do you people get up this early??????
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    NS...don't know if you have left yet but I am there holding your hand. I took the LE instructions you gave me to my appointment to show them what I had been doing and they said you did a great job! Thanks ya and I'm with you all day!
    No more time to write...gonna be late for work...bitter cold here...ewww.
    Love ya all
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    yes, it is way to early for humans to be up and about. But at least dh doesn't have to be in before 8 AM this week. It helps when you have to move to get the kids off to school.
    We are expecting rain and snow tonight and I just hope it is not ice where we live. I am off to work after I take dh to his job and I will be stopping at the market for necessities that I let dwindle this week. This storm is kind of a surprise.

    Jan-thinking of you up there in frozen Lehigh County! But think of it as being closer to the Poconos for skiing.

    NS-don't know if you are still home but all my good wishes are with you.

    Vickie-did I tell you i can do some dumb things? Yup I did tell you! Still glad about your news.

    Laura-please take this advice over any others. Stay away from the OW. It will only bite you in the a**. Any problems, that is what your lawyer is for.

    OOOOh I didn't take notes again so I won't mention everyone by name but just know I am thinking of everyone today.

    See you guys after I get home. Have a good day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008
    Well I did my usual routine. Said good morning and then went back and read everyones posts. Came back to edit and say hi to everyone and there are already 3 posts after my good morning post. Wow this is a busy place.

    NS: Distorted Humor is on his way, since he can fly now, we are moving pretty fast. Its the race horse in him. So we will be right there with you for your appointment. Sending positive vibes. And dont ever think about staying away from here. You need us right now. Thats really what the wagon circle is all about.

    Amy: Guess I will wait til the week-end to tell ya the peoples court story. Its pretty funny. But I need some time to pull it all together. BTW - we lost, but Judge Wapner liked us alot more than the other guy.

    Brenda" Saying prayers for your sister in law and put her in the middle of the circle.

    Carrie: Oh my poor Deese. That thyroid biopsy sounded wicked. Its a long wait to the 30th to find out the results.

    Always Hope: Ummmmm! That would be me who left the refrigerator door open. Still cant control my wakeup hungry. I woke up this morning and all my cabinet doors in the kitchen were open. Dont even remember getting up and looking for food. Wondering what I finially did eat.

    Sherloc: My muscles hurt just thinking about all the painting you are doing. And tarantulas? ewwwwwwwwwww! The biggest spider we have here? I call them banana spiders. They are big, harmless, and make the most beautiful spider webs.

    Jan: Ya whoo! No rad onc for one year. As far as everything I have learned from these boards. Usually my doctor looks at me and shakes his head. Always says, now where did you come up with that one.

    Tracey: Dont worry, when you feel like you just keeping your head above water, we will hold you up. Man oh man what a stinky schedule for work. Getting off at 11pm and going back at 7am. Geez, when do you sleep? When I worked the pm shift I was always too wound up to go to bed right away.

    Joyce: I really was glad when I went back to work. It kept me busy. But I sure do understand how leaving the house is hard. Home is safe. Now work is safe. Social gatherings? Well I stumble an awful lot with them. Quite the different person I am than before bc. I used to be a social butterfly.

    Jeannie: Im so glad the nip is healing. We all know what happened with the first one. I would say, IT A SUCCESS this time.

    Vickie: Im so glad your appointment went well. Whew, a sigh of relief.

    Ishop: OMG what great pictures. Looks like you all had alot of fun. And a big group too. Mena's quilt is beyond beautiful.

    Kristen: The hardest thing for me with taxotere was the fatigue. I spent my life in bed more than out and about thats for sure. But hey, your almost halfway done! And we miss you, so it was good to hear from you.

    Denise: Im almost 2 years out and both my husband and I wonder if I will ever feel good or be the same again. Well I know I will never be the same, but Im hoping for feeling good - think its right around the corner.

    Karen: Im so glad you had a great trip. Catapres patch instead of Effexor? Wow, thats a new one for me. Im gonna research that more. My concerned with the low BP effects from it. Seems like lots of us are having some sort of surgery or procedures the first part of February. Good luck with the carpal tunnel surgery on February 2. Sounds like you had a blast in Chicago. 

    LauraB: Miss detective. Too bad Ray knows you know about the garage opener. You could have put dead batteries in, but now he will know. Sounds like he is trying to cover his tracks alright. Hope today is a good one.

    Jeannette: (Baldeagle) Where are you. Havent heard from you in along time.

    Sherdon: Looking for you too.

    Cheri and Susan: We are still worried about you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    OK. Gotta go. Coffee worked, Im awake, and time to get ready for work. Tonight we will have homemade French Onion and Chicken soup. Feed our souls and help us keep warm.

    Have a great day.

    Liz, CherylG, CY - I'll catch up with you later.

    And oh ladies, BTW - Im am in desperate times. My pantyhose dont fit anymore - need to go get big mama size. Broke the zipper on my favorite skirt - too small. Im turning into one big fat butterball. I need to start doing something - soon!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    GM...boy it does take time to catch up...glad my boss and everyone else are at a
    Jasmine good to see you, new name, new day...change is good....doing my jumping jacks as I know your SIL is keeping warm in the center of the circle..prayers for her
    Ishop...what great pictures ...what lovely ladies...I thought you were all at a beauty pagent registration....
    Liz, whooo hooo 4,000 steps....keep up the good work..DH measured last night on our daily walk...approx. 3600 steps... is a mile glad your hubby is understanding..I too was blessed...give him a hug for me...
    CherylG...knitting as fast as I can...shoulder issues and crap with my hands, must be from working at home on a different computer,hmmm...massage this weekend may help...
    Ns praying for you and holding your hand
    Nicki....hugs to you...take care of yourself ...12 hour days...(how long will it take me to drive to Chicago?...becarefull what you ask for I may show up at your door step) nice to yourself and maybe warming up to DH may make you feel better again...good endorphins...hmmm...Gram used to tell me if you give love you get it right back...
    Laurab stay strong...and take care of you and Caitlin...don't stoop to their level...
    Deb, you are such a great friend. connie too is in our hearts...

    Ok anyone want to go camping?...thought we could meet at my yard...5 acres out in the boonies... pitch our tents this summer and realy have a camp fire...would love to have guests...could even have the massage lady show up ...any takers...MAzer, Taser and distorted humor always welcome...
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning, Just a quick check in as hubbys is going to come back to pick me up (he took my vehicle)for work. Nothing bad here yet but it is an off an on thing of sleet, rain. I haven't figured out why he took my vehicle if it wasn't bad yet but probably because he is MALE. I better be ready when he comes though so this will be short.

    NS, by this time you should be in the doctors office and some decision been made. Sending prayers and hugs your way. I know you are ready for a break from all that is going on. Just wanted you to know that we are holding your
    hand, giving you encouraging winks and smiles, and anxiously waiting for you to share. I have some brie in the freezer that we didn't enjoy at Christmas. I'll put it out so head on down and we'll sit in front of the fire (gas logs OK) with a bit of wine. All the sisters are invited that can make the trip.

    I know some of you are just having days that are so long and so scary and your world is turned upside down and you wonder if you will ever pass through this valley. Everyone here understands so bring your jammies, your favorite thing to wrap in and come join in the wine, brie and the fire. Here's to better days!!!!

    Joyce, you are having some of those times especially and there is nothing like worrying about a child. I'm so sorry for your pain - physical and emotional.

    CatherineF I didn't mark it anywhere but didn't you have something this week regarding your thyroid? You OK?

    Shel, what's up. Know you had gotten some news the other day and was upset. Check in and let us know.

    Sheriden, hello - where are you.

    Carrie/Denise: Hope all is well. Denise you have had so much to deal with you have to be overwhelmed emotionally, mentally and physically. Brain surgery isn't something you would just recover from in a few weeks and then the thryoid biopsy. Hope you are taking care of yourself .

    Thanks for putting my SIL Joyce to the center. Her lymphoma was an aggressive one and returned so we will see how she does with these treatments. She also has had BC in the past.

    Everyone take care and hope the weather isn't to much of a problem for any of us. It is COLD here - no not arctic cold but from 70 to maybe 25 is a huge drop.

    Everyone, have a good day. Check in later,

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    I have had emails from my godmother who had a mastectomy 2 years ago. I guess she is putting the thoughts in my head and I do read about it on the recon forum. I see the ps on the 31st and they had me get a book about it called, "Breast Care" written by an author called Berger. I got it out of the library and started reading. I want to be prepared when I get to the office.

    I don't mean to confuse anyone...just know that I need to get everything squared away. I don't like the unknown any more than the next person. The last time I was on the recon forum to just read, there was talk about nipples.

    After my appt on the 31st I will be even more informed. I think I am just very scared. I also will try to have the recon done at the same time as the mast. When I talked to the breast surgeon who is a persaonal friend as well, he said he didn't see it as a problem to do it that way. I go to him for annual breast checks 6 months after the one with the gyn at my annual. So I guess you could say he is familiar with the terrain.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    "HEY" CG'S, no way can I respond to everyone by name!! But have been decorating the "FRUITCAKE TENT " for a long time now!!! just wanted to let you know I am thinking of all of you! Puppy

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Girls. Well so much for taking a break from painting. Hubby informed last night the worker bees will be coming to put the floor in the office next week. Have to have it painted before that. No rest for the weary. Having lunch with my old co-workers today. We always have a grand time. Then back to the mines for me. Tomorrow is abd u/s. Not till 10am, no food or drink after midnight. I am gonna be one crabby B***H with a monster headache. Hears a stupid. Hospital called yesterday to "pre-register" me. Asked all the pertinent ?'s. Name, address, next of kin, so on. When we are done I say, "so I don't have to go to the registration desk when I come in?" Lady says "O no you still have to register at the front desk when you come in." I say, "then why did you just waste 15 minutes of my time with the same ?'s they will ask?" She wasn't amused. Geez!!

    Jan, yehaw on losing one doctor for a year. I have never had a follow up with Rad Onc. Hmmmmm
    Grands are indeed grand. Mine are moving 4+ hours away from me. I am not a happy camper. The inflammation in the ribs is called Costo Chondritis. Have that too. Another gift from rads. Be careful not to overstress your chest or back muscles. Hurts like a *****. So much so that I ended up in Er. Thought I was having a heart attack. Now that was scary.
    Mrs Hippy Magicfingers is my BEST friend these days.

    Deb, thanks for the tip. I'll look into it.

    Tracey, hope your feeling better today and got some good rest last night.

    Joyce, I would wait till after Kevins surgery. He's gonna need his mommy. I had open heart surgery *ahem* 40 years ago. Even after several weeks in the hospital I still needed lots of care when I got home.

    Jeannie, personally I don't buy the "cysts are not a problem" theory. Sorry you are having to deal with them.

    Vicki, yehaw and yahoo!!! I'll just watch at the tramp party. Jumping on a trampoline does a number on my head. Instant migrane.

    Ishop, fabulous pics. Thanks for sharing.

    Kristin, a CD, how cool is that. I sing really well in the shower.
    Condo developers would bring out the commandos in my neck of the woods.

    Denise, wet coney? dry coney? what the heck is a coney? Your words could have come right from my keyboard. I'm sure my dear hubby thinks the same. Tho he never complains.

    Brenda, I live in the woods too. Praying you don't lose power.

    Margaret, haven't played Bunko in years. hmmmmmmm will have to look into that.

    Liz, miss you. Hope the ice melts soon. 4000 steps? I am so impressed.

    Cherylcy, he's a keeper for sure. A husband that cleans too. Wow. I'm happy if mine doen't throw his socks on the floor.

    Karen, glad you had a good visit with your daughter. Prayers for your hand surgery.

    Nicki, 12 hours? yikes!!
    My muscles hurt too.

    NS, I'll be praying till we hear from you. Early birds are a special breed. I wanna know how you night owls keep your eyes open past 9pm. I am a morning person, hubby is a night person. He doesn't bother me cause I just go to bed, but o my I annoy him to no end in the morning. My goal is to make him smile before he leaves for work. Sometimes I do. Mostly he just growls at me. hahahahahhahhahha

    MB, camping? you have so got to be kidding. I don't camp when the weather is perfect.

    So lets see what I can get into today. Yesterday I did laundry and unpacked my suitcase that has been sitting on the floor for a month. Could have left it there cause don't have a need for shorts and tank tops right now. But it was nice not to trip over it when I got up to go pee in the wee hours.
    Have a great day.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies!
    well its a bit of a better day today didnt get much sleep though.. still snowing here temps are cold....
    well just thought would poke in... not much more happening...
    so have a great day ladles!!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    Just dropping in from work to say WOO HOOOOOOO it's SNOWING!!!! Can you tell I LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow??? Also, co-worker (we call her the cake lady) is bringing in a lemon cake that she made for a dinner tonight that was cancelled.

    Does it really get any better than this??? lol
