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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Dear Ladies. Hope everyone had a good monday. I missed you all yesterday. Gonna try to catch up but no promises. Got another room painted yesterday. We are moving the kid from the guest room to the old tv room Hubby got a monster tv for Christmas and its in the living room now. Tv room used to be youngest sons bedroom. Well you get the picture. We just like to play musical rooms. anywhos, the walls are now a lovely color called Blue Velvet. And once again I hurt. You would think my body would be used to it by now.
    Have my appt with surgeon to discuss having this lump, bump, thing removed. Thought I was gonna have to wait till the end of the month but he had a cancelation. Yehaw!!

    NS, I'll just feed them to the snake under the house. hahahahahah. Did you get your MRI scheduled yet?

    Shel, hugs to you hon. Praying for the Keys.

    CherylG, penguins can stomp on snakes with their big feet. No need to run. Or waddle.

    Ginny, hugs to you too. Your sister sounds like a real piece of work. Yikes!!

    Cherylcy, yeah yeah yeah. It was 100F degrees out. Who wears jeans and boots in 100F? Glad you got your water heater.

    Nicki, hope you avoided the ice. I'll read on to find out.
    Burying the snake is not about luck. It is said if you don't cut off the head of the snake and dispose of it properly the meat bees get to it and by eating it make their venom more poisonous. So getting stung by a bee would be just as bad as getting bit by a rattler. I don't know if that is true or not but I'm certainly not going to test the theory. So we do what is suggested. Cut off the head and bury it. No omens. Just common sense.

    Tracey, are you home? How'd the tests go?

    Vicki, why not just cancel the appt? Does seem a little redundant.

    Liz, glad to hear from you. Did you lose power?

    Denise, I'll live with bats and snakes, but mice are absolutely not allowed. Ewwwwwww

    Jan, I'm not old and I have 4 grands too. They are better than buttered toast. You can come pound spiders at my house anytime.

    Gotta go move furniture. I'll finish up later.

    my family doesn't get it either.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 one's family really "get's it" that's why we've all adopted each we have lots of family that does!!!
    Made it to work ok this morning through the snow which was really coming down hard (on top of ice covered roads)went to get out of my car and both feet went flying and down I went, a$$ over teacups!!! I COULDN'T GET UP!!! It was so icy that I couldn't get my feet under me, they just kept slip slidin away LOL. I'm literally laying there looking around the parking lot praying no one is watching...finally got up, have a few scrapes and gonna have a nice black and blue hip/butt but none the worse for wear. Glad no one was around with a camera...I'd be the next Youtube funny!
    Supposed to be working so gotta run.
    Thinking of you all and will write later.
    Love ya sisters
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for supporting us. NS has a wonderful way with words.
    And...Rock on Rocktober Girls!! Hope you all feel comfortable enough one day to join us.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Can't get my brain activated enough to respond to everyone this morning. I'll try again later.

    O my. Lovely panties!!

    Nicki, zztop?? Dang now I have a headache.

    I'm big time aching but have the furniture moved. The kid can make his own bed. I'm gonna go stand under hot hot water until it's not hot anymore. Have to cancel my massage today to fit in the surgeon. I am bummed.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Oh my gosh, I dont sign on for a long weekend due to being off for MLK day and it takes me forever to even pretend to catch up. 146 post I do believe. We have been busy havent we?

    Mena-from one metster to the other I only had 1 lymph node positive also and it only had traces of BC cells in it so go figure. I even did the bilateral mastectomy even though BC was only in 1. 8 rounds of chemo and then shots and pills to produce no estrogen but guess what. BC raises its ugly head again. So much for being excited about only having traces of BC in 1 lymph node.

    Speaking of stage 4-to Shell and Ginney I totally understand what you mean about nobody getting it. Granted my 1st diagnosis back in 04 everybody freaked out and "tried" to be there but that only lasted through the 1st chemo and then it was just same ol same ol stuff I suppose. Now its like after being diagnosed with mets its nothing. I just want to stand up and scream sometimes! I know I live my life fully and nobody would ever guess I am getting chemo now but a little bit of sympathy would be nice. My SO does understand kinda,,but still doesnt get it. She sees that I am doing well so why am I worred about anything?!? She means well and would do anything at all for me but its hard to get it if you havent had "it"

    madison-go saints,,,wooohooooo!

    Shel-glad you enjoyed the keys and hopefully things will work out for your move.

    Naniam-farm is 10 acres and have an agreement with the 12 acres next to me that i will be able to purchase that when they get ready to sell. They do nothing with it and its all woods so its almost like I own it and just dont have to pay for it. As far as animal count,,hmmm 3 donkeys (jennys) 4 goats, 3 nannies and 1 castrated buck so hes not a real male, A golden retreiver, a black lab, a chihuahua, 2 rat terriers, 2 mixed older dogs and 4 puppies of unknown origin, soon to have 10 chickens and 5 moscovy ducks. And I can name them all except for the chickens and ducks that I have not got yet so cant name them until I see them.

    Sige-love the new haircut. Helene should be thinking of herself as one lucky woman. Love that you are spoiling yourself also. You deserve it. We have certainly missed you around here though while you were out spending money.

    AlaskaDeb-i will keep you in mind whenever I get to alaska. that is one place I cant wait to get to. My parents went 2 years ago and my dad looked the whole time for a moose and finally he saw one in downtown anchorage. its funny to hear him tell it because he saw it where he least expected it.

    laurab-glad to see you finally getting mad. I dont see how you even remain remotely normal around him. I couldnt take it if he talked to my child like that. I would come unglued to say the least. As I said before, you are a better woman than me. ok like sige said,,want me to come beat him up?

    robbie-glad you got to check in and let us know you are doing ok. The drains really suck. I know wearing a housecoat on backwards was good also and the drains could go in the pockets. Hope you heal soon and get those drains out because those are the worse part if you ask me.

    Shirley-I know the snake story wasnt funny but i couldnt help but laugh because it sounds like me. I would have taken the stick also to poke it.

    Denise-glad you brought up mice because I thought I was the only wus around here scared of them. I dont know what it is about them but they scare the sh!t out of me. I scream like a girl when I see one. I can handle snakes and spiders and all kinds of creepy crawly things but no mice.

    CherlyG-loved the new avatar. Nice look for ya.

    NS-glad you got approved for your scan. Crossing my fingers that its just squirrels in there and I will make sure Deb doesnt start smacking until they are at least out of your head.

    Nicki-Distorted humor can now eat again. Me and Mazer are here. mazer is dropping by your wagon as we speak to bring some cinnamon teddy grahams to her favorite male. She was all wound up yesterday morning and just kept running about. She would then come up for me to rub her face and take off again. I love watching them play because its so relaxing to me. congrats on the bears win!

    madison-we had warm weather saturday also. My son was wearing shorts working around the farm and then today we are reaching a high of 32 I think. Weird weather! i know I got all my pipes wrapped at the barn because would really hate for my new water pipe to burst. That would just suck. i did think about Shirley as I was wrapping my pipes or should I say I thought about Shirleys husband,,lol.

    newvickie-can I send my son to you for a while and let you teach him how to clean house???? Clean is not in his vocabulary! If i woke up to Tucker cleaning i would have a heart attack!

    ok love to all those I missed. when I start reading post I cant imagine forgetting some but then when i start posting chemo brain kicks in and I catch myself saying,,who said that? Oh well, I guess thats what happens when i stay gone for 3 days. gotta love those long weekends though.

    bye for now and will be checking in later.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Wail away on him! With the hexes coming from all over the country, his b*lls are probably gone by now! LOL

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    WOW, we sure do post a lot....

    shirley...DH finishing up the hot tub it needs paint...I hire your done take a soak..and there's wine in the fridge...

    too many post to keep up with, especially on the bosses here it goes....

    Nicki...did you get your pedometer?!!!!never mind I'll send you mine....and keep an eye on the exercise thread...relaxing stuff there too...great stress busters...I'm thinking bout you...hugs...

    Liz, DH made a deal with the Dr...only one week of rehab before he can go back to work...whooo he's rushing to finish the hot tub room...putting up new pine boards for the walls, kind of out doorsy....we have the card you sent on the fireplace...we use it when we are feeling does bring a smile ...

    LauraB...keep a cool head and remember to keep your head up strong ...hugs

    Mena have missed you but know you are in my thoughts & prayers...

    Ok to all I have missed ...and I don't mean to just short on time...know you are in my thoughts and prayers...

    cheryl still knitting....soon I hope...sorry I am the slowest knitter in the

    PS love the BIG I know where to go for tent s this summer...lmao....

    healing light to all...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Good frozen morning circle girls…

    I don’t have a lot of time, but I wanted to stop in to say HI.

    John and I are car shopping…two things I could not care less about…Cars and Shopping! I will drive a car until it literally falls into pieces to avoid shopping for a new one. My poor old 1993 ford aerostar van is wounded beyond repair. So I find myself looking for new transportation. SO far I like an SUV called an Envoy and a van called a Montana…but now we can’t find used ones for a decent price. It’s hard to find good used cars here. I think all Alaskans drive our cars until the wheels fall off LOL. I am just too cheep to buy a new new car…has to be used.

    So yesterday we spent the whole day going to Anchorage, 2.5 hours away and tromping through every car lot we could find in zero weather and snow looking for a car… YUCK!

    Amy – I laughed at your dad seeing a moose in Anchorage. They live all over the city…silly things! I have a momma moose with this year’s calf hanging around our house this winter. We call the baby “Punker” because he has a totally punk rock Mohawk looking mane…too funny. Moose are goofy looking anyway, but this one really has character. Plus he is determined to eat my huge Sitka rose bush. I have it all wrapped against the stairs, but he is actually chewing on the plastic mesh I used to wrap the bush and eating every little branch that sticks through. I go on the deck and try and chase him off and he just looks at me. I filled a tin can with little rocks and taped the cover on. He runs when I shake it…too funny. We really don’t like them getting tame because the can get mean.

    Shirley- Next time you see big bad snake, borrow my shot gun instead of a stick! The bee thing sounds scary. I would bury it too. At least snakes eat the mice….

    Arg….no more time. Gotta get my butt to work. More later
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi rcgo4girl,

    nice to see you posting here...
    we all one thing in common and we are a sisterhood..
    i never venture out of the circle to much as i work full time and now going to school pt... so its really good to meet others as well.. i never realized bc org was this huge.. in a sad way but in a good way at least we found each other....
    have a great day ladies and again welcome rc4gogirl!!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Its a cold, sunny day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Cold being 20 degrees. Still considering this a pretty mild winter. Shhhh - I dont want to jinx myself. Sitting in my wigwam. Got a great fire going and sending out smoke signals to everyone to come visit and say hello.

    Tgirl: Sounds like your get together was alot of fun. I hope someone posts pictures. That would be so great. I was so disappointed for you cause of the Eagles loss. To be honest, they were one of the teams that scared me the most. This swollen/infection breast thing. Did you have implants or did you have reconstruction? Just wondering why you havent seen a PS for it. Anyways, I hope the anitibiotics work. I myself have never heard of LE actually in the breast, so I hopes thats not the cause.

    Mena: So did you get lost in NJ? You sound like you would be a riot to meet in person. Sending hugs to you.

    OK - before I go on I am really worried about Robintn and Susan. Where are you both. Has anyone talked to either of them. Wasnt Susans doctor appt this week? I hope both of you are doing well and just want you to know I miss you.

    LauraB: Strange set of events yesterday evening and this morning. Makes ya wonder what in the world is going on. I think going to counselling is such a great idea. And just remember. bc didnt get you and this certainly isnt gonna either.

    Sherloc: OMG! I never thought about the bees being venumous. Ewwwww! cut off the head and bury it. That is somebodies job. Not mine thats for sure. So when is the visit with the surgeon? Im glad there was a cancellation and you got in sooner.

    Vickie: My goodness, Im glad you didnt get hurt. Snow on top of ice is the worst.

    Amy: I listen to your and Mena's story with such focus. You background sounds a little like mine. Stage 2, one positive lymph node. My report didnt say traces to the lymph node. It said "metastatic bc" to the lymph node. So far for me this beast has stayed hidden. But being er/pr negative, her2 positive, brca positive, and not being able to continue herceptin past 12 rounds - well I say the chances of the beast appearing again are quite good unfortunately. Maybe for our loved one's its denial! To me mets has to be one of the most heartbreaking things to hear. This disease is a crap shoot. Thats why I like coming here. No one else really understands how we feel. On a lighter note, ahahahah you and sherloc can really tell Im a city girl. Thinking cutting off the snakes head was superstition. My mom was born in Italy, so I have alot of old Italian superstitions and wives tales. Distorted Humor is just so excited. He just ran his quickest 1 1/2 miles on record. He sure loves Mazer. He was showing off to her when he was running!!

    PurpleMB: Nope. Havent bought it yet! And today I wish I had, cause I did alot of walking. Had alot of evals to do. I would have been curious to see how many steps I took. I figure to exercise, Im gonna have to give up one time on the computer. Either in the morning - then who would wake all of you up, or when I come home. Also thinking about going to Balley's. I love to swima nd they have lap pools. I get off early enough that I can do that. So Im thinking about it. In the back of my mind I remember talking about being able to do real push ups by March. And oh, I lurk in the exercise thread and the circle spa. Just not ready to post there yet.

    Debc: Im laughing so hard picturing you chasing a moose away from your rose bush. I just cant imagine that here in a million years. Im the oppostie of you. I have to have a new car. Run it down, then trade it in for a new one. Good luck with your car shopping.

    Tracey: mwaw mwaw. Im sending you the biggest and juiciest kiss! We just love ya thongs.

    rggr4girl: Glad you stopped by the circle. Its a warm, friendly place. A safe place, no nastiness is allowed. Just support and friendship. Your roctorbergirls thread is a wonderful place. You have the same warmth and friendliness. And a bonding no one else could begin to understand. So I agree - all nasties - stay away.

    Roxwood: Waiting to hear how your first day back at work was.

    Sige: Oh no my dear friend. You are not allowed to pop in and then out for a while. Im looking all over for you. Under bushes, checked the hoochie tent, the spa tent, and the party tent. Hide and Seek! You it!

    Karen: Are you back home? How was your visit with your daughter.

    Kristin: Hey we are worried about you. Ive lost count now with your chemo.

    Tina, Shel, Cheri - ok are you hiding with Sige? I miss hearing from ya all.

    Carrie and Denise - hope everything is well.

    Puppy - where are you?

    I know there are so many more of you that Im missing. Hope everything is going well.

    NS: Im winking at ya.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    AlaskaDeb I am like you when it comes to the new car thing. Dont get me wrong, I love to have a new car but I really hate the paying part. I recently bought a brand new truck in October so its still new to me. Hopefully you will find one soon because car looking is never fun in my opinion. Also, as a woman going alone alot of them they you will just fall for anything. I hate that and let them know why they didnt get my business.

    Nicki-I agree BC is a crap shoot. Its a good thing I didnt bet the house though,, isnt it? We all just have to live our lives and deal with whatever because you never know. I was first totally shocked when heard the mets word but soon slipped back into denial land which is such a wonderful place to be. I sometimes stick my head out but then realize I am better off inside of denial so I rush back in. My new oncologist does a wonderful job explaining how we will forever treat this like high blood pressure or diabetes so I just got with it.

    Its cold in Alabama today,,well cold for us. Its 5 pm and its under 30 already. Geesh, I bet all the bread and milk are gone from the stores. People here cant handle weather of any kind. We complain that its too hot but then panic when it gets cold. I have heard my entire life, if you dont like the weather in Alabama wait 20 minutes and it will change.

    lauraB-thinks for the wailing permission. I have enjoyed it.

    Tracey-glad to see you popping in today.

    ok, time to hit the road running and go feed some animals that I am sure think they are starving.

    will be back tomorrow after Nicki wakes me up!

  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    Hope everyone is staying warm. Down here in south Texas its a cool 38, but no ice as of yet.
    I have appt. with surgeon in the morning but may not make it if we have ice on the roads dang it. Time for Din-Din. back later
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    LOL @ Nicki.....I am ALWAYS just have to know where to look lol.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Just a quick hello to all. I've been reading the past couple days posts. Everyone is so friendly....No room in our lives for nasty/ugly!! I'm learning who is who and enjoying the 'getting acquainted' process!! Deb, did you see where I posted that I live pretty close to where you lived in Michigan?, Laura B.............Been there, done that some 24 years ago. Keep strong!!
    I can't write when DH comes in, I feel like this is MY SITE and MY FRIENDS..........and he isn't being nosy, but I don't like him looking over my shoulder!! (Busted...I tried to get that out before he came in!!) More to all later!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,

    Just a quick post from work.

    TGirl - I have heard of LE in the breast. I don't think it is very common though. I had 5 positive nodes and I thought I was pretty much home free after chemo, rads and bilat. Geez, it's never going to end is it???

    I've been laughing about Peggy's big girl panties all afternoon! We go to a bed & breakfast in NE PA every fall and they have a huge pair of panties hanging in the ladies room. The woman who owns the place had a huge pair of men's tighty-whities out on the line. The funniest thing was that they really belonged to some large man !
    Our patients tell me that it is finally getting cold outside, so I will have to bundle up!!

    Jeannie - I absolutely love pea soup! This is perfect soup and bread weather.

    NS - Sorry you had a bad onc visit. Mine is coming up next month. I hope everything turns out ok for you. Just keep on eating your Phish Food. I'll try to grab you and pull you off the bus!

    Nicki - I love my breast surgeon also. He is the only one of my docs who has been straight forward with me.

    Well, I've got to send off the old insurance and hit the road for the long trip home. Thank goodness for satellite radio!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Surgeon visit update:
    He says he really thinks lump/bump/thing is a lipoma but following the "only good lump is in a jar theory" lumpectomy scheduled for Feb 7. I love my surgeon.
    Second reason for visit was constant pain on my right side. Doesn't follow standard gallbladder.... whatever I can't think of the word right now.....but doc is guessing thats what it might be. So off for an ultrasound on friday. Yehaw. Let the games begin. Gotta get that out of pocket out of the way before June you know.

    Jan, just read your surgeon comment. Mine is a PollyAnna but I love him anyway.

    Amy, the snake story was funny. Go ahead and laugh.

    MB, I'll do just about anything for a long soak and a glass of wine.

    Deb, I'd shoot my eye out.

    Hi to everyone else. Stay safe if your in the path of storms, ice, snow, bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, whatever???
    See you tomorrow.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Evening all,
    Wow we have some new girls...I am sooo thrilled and welcome girls. Come sit by the fire and tell us some tales. We have a wonderful time here with lots of food, parties, rants, whining, and whatever you need!
    REALLY COLD HERE...REALLY! Yup Deb is probably laughing at me too...supposed to get down in the single digits tonight. Oh...I soooo want to go to Florida!
    Tracey...I am wearing the thongs tomorrow to my appointment...I'll wash them when I return and we can have a trampoline party with them tomorrow night LOL!
    Jeannie...I love pea soup...if the weather weren't so nasty I'd come to Syracuse and join you. it normally 30degrees in Alabama this time of year? That just doesn't seem right!! Yuck. Don't you just love Nicki's wake ups in the's the first thing I do when I get up and she always beats me which if fine...she starts my day off right. THANK YOU SWEET NICKI.
    NS...where are you...hope your hiding from the bus. You are simply not allowed to get on...I refuse to let you. Your only five hours away and if you get on any bus it had better be to come to my house! slip on the ice is starting to "kick in" tonight...sore hand, big old bruise on my hip/butt and a bit stiff on my left least I landed on my good side!!
    Deb...chasing moose LOL...oh you should get pictures!
    Robbie...all will be with you in the morning for your appointment. I'm riding the magic carpet unless Distorted Humor has ski's...we are supposed to "possibly" get up to 9 inches of snow.
    Denise...I see you bought the knifty knitter...if you get stuck just pm me and I'll see what I can do to help. I love the link that Deb posted for making things with it and I have a couple of "how to" links.
    Tina, Shel, Cheri, NS, Puppy, Sherloc, RobinTn, Susan, soo many others...are you all playing hid and seek...we can send out the search and rescue crew if need be. I'll bet I can come up with some pretty good looking search and rescue guys if it will get you back here.
    Big warm hugs for Tgirl, Ginny, Laura and anyone else who needs one.
    Say a little prayer for an easy appointment for me tomorrow ladies...need all the help I can get!!!
    Missing lots of you but off to my warm bed...with a good book and hot chocolate. Of course I'll probably fall asleep spill the hot chocolate and forget what I read in the morning...pppfffttt.
    Who was it that wanted to borrow Nathaniel to clean...he is something else...sweeped all the snow from the front and back deck, sidewalk all the way to the garage and was going to do the driveway but I forced him inside...the kid is a workaholic! AND...get this...he hates dust!
    Ok nuf's off to bed with me...I will let everyone know how tomorrow goes when I get back home.
    Love you all
    Sweet pleasant happy dreams
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    HEY MB...HOW ARE YOU!!! Wondering where you've been and I just saw your post. How is hubby doing? Good to see you back as you were missed.

    Shirley...the loch ness monster...LOL
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hello girls,
    Had a pretty bad day. I don't like how everyone is in panic mode- everyone meaning my docs. I had another headache today but that seems the least of my problems right now according to them.

    I thank you for all your cheering up and keeping me off the bus, and the phish food and the winks! And Victoria, my sister, you are so very special indeed. Thank you for coloring the circle today with your beautiful palette! You words were too kind. I am truly touched.

    Girls, we need to get together for a big circle prayer, healing light, positive energy session for Boobbuster Stephanie... she has her three month scan tomorrow.... look how great Lisa40 did! We WANT THE SAME FOR STEPH!!!
    Please help me lift her up so that she gets good results.

    I will try to read and reply to each of you later on, but my eyes are really hurting from this stupid headache of mine...

    love you all,
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2007
    Hi everyone!

    I am doing shitty on the spa thing. I just can't control myself at night My husband said he knows of something else I can shove in my mouth instead of food typical man!!

    I have come back to earth about all the scans and tests, labwork I have to get. I get so carried away and my mind goes to all the dark places, but I don't have to explain that to you guys, you just get it!
    I am planning a trip to Cuba, Dominican or Mexico somewhere with my best friend Donna. I need to get away from the same old same old. I will be glad to get the all clear (hopefully) from the doctor and then I can have some peace of mind.

    NS I hope all is well with you, I just know those darn headaches are nothing more than a just a stupid headache.

    To everyone else, my memory is shot, I should just write everyone's name down but you all know I am thinking of you every day and hoping everyone is well.

    Love you all, Tina
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good evening ladies!
    tgirl hope you get the infection under control here....i am thinking of you! when i had my mastectomy i got so infected so i can relate to you.... saline water worked wonders for me!
    mena hugsssss to you!!!! when you gonna call me? lol i dont have cheap long distance!
    laura i think for your own sanity time to get out??? i couldnt keep a sane thought by now if i was you... hugsssssssss
    sherlock, i love painting when i am the supervisor.. hehehehehehehe i think my tests went well except i bypassed on the transvaginal thingy... rescheduled for the end of the month for that....
    vicki... LMAO..... you borrowed my thongs????? where are thou thongs??
    chemosabi wow i guess chicago can get pretty yrs ago i wanted to go to chicago to see jerry springer... but i dump him and moved on to judge joe brown! hey maybe the judge is from chicago?
    amy good to see you pooping in here today to...
    nosurrender heads??? whats up??? are you not feeling to well... forgive me i missed some postings.
    well to the rest of the ladies.. big hugssssss
    i feel like @#$% still.... my periods do it everytime...
    oh i am tying a cassorole i have never really made one before.... i made a tuna cassorole when i was in my early 20's but hubby dont like tuna... hahahaha
    so i made a beef and noddle cassorole and it looks pretty good for throwing a bunch of @#$% in it...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    OK...I've gotta know...What is Phish food? Do I want it? inquiring minds need to know....

    Deb C
    Be back later...
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Well, if I tell you what it is you probably will want it---it's Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. I don't even remember what's in it---just that it's yummy!

    Back later too--busy crocheting. Think I'll go look in the discontinued yarn bin at A.C. Moore tomorrow.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2007

    Good evening, Circle Ladies! My you are a busy bunch. I am creeping out from under a wagon where I have been silently sipping hot chocolate for a week or two. How about an escort to the outer circle? I have to be in the real world in the morning to do a tv spot for our local kickoff for the Relay for Life. Then afternoon, off to my 3 month appt. with my surgeon. Funny thing, I absolutely adore my doc. He is great. Why do I all of a sudden dread going? I won't be back in tomorrow night either, girls cos on Thursday I am the lucky one to do the "survivor speech" at our Relay kickoff. What a nice descriptive word... survivor. We all are! But please ladies, will you save me a spot by the fire on Thursday night? I will surely need warming up by the fire and friends by then. God bless you all! Pam

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    I posted and lost the darn thing - it wasn't that long either. It is late, I'm tired and have some chores to do before I can go to bed so I just can't do it over.

    Have read your post. Sending warm wishes and gentle hugs to those having test, treatments, or follow up appointments tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a restful night and I'll try again tomorrow.

    Blessings, Brenda
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Deb--and NS---

    You know, of course, that anything you eat standing up doesn't count! So have at the Phish Food---just don't sit down!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Ok, had this long post and poof - it disappeared againso i won't try to recreate it. NS, I'm thiking of you - wish I could take away your headaches. DebC, there is also a Phish Food frozen yogurt but not much difference in the fat count - love either one of them. Welcome to the new girls. Ok, American Idol is back on. Sleep tight everyone. Oh yeah, it's now raining here.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Ohhhhh food doesn't count when you are standing up??? Oh LaLa. I may never sit down again

    I DID know that any food you eat in church has no calories, so I don't have to count the cinnamon bun I had on Sunday do I? Plus I cut it in half and you know that when you cut a fattening food in half all the calories fall out...right?

    Phish food....I may have to check this out.

    Deb C.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    I’m a tired girl, but I wanted to check in before bed…

    Theresa – You can have LE in your breast, but I’m not an expert. Hope you get this figured out.

    Mena – gentle hugs coming your way. Wretched and scared is no fun. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Shirley – I hope your back holds out with all that painting! Good luck with the doc. Glad you don’t have to wait. Get that lump in a jar! They thought my pain was gal bladder at first before they figured out it was shingles along my ribs hurt like fire. I hope they sort yours out…any rash??

    Where are Cheri and Susan??

    Denise – I do miss a few things in Michigan…I can NOT get a good Coney dog here! I also miss the fall leaves. We have no really red or bright orange trees here…lots of yellow and brown. Have you ever eaten at Zukey Lake Tavern or Whitmore Lake Tavern?? I miss the good bar food…Or Zingerman’s Deli in Ann Arbor. I heard you guys are having kind of a NON winter.

    Pam – glad to see you. Drop by the fire Thursday…someone will be around.

    I found out that Connie is stage 3. Cancer sucks. I’m going over to help her go through her path report tomorrow. I hate that I know all this stuff. I don’t want to be a breast cancer expert. She also found out that since she doesn’t have insurance and needs to have her treatment at the Alaska Native hospital she will have to go to Anchorage for her chemo. Adding 6 hours of driving to treatment sucks when we have a great hospital 5 miles from her house, but if she gets treatment here she has to pay. Grrrrrr….You would think they would want to do what is best for the patient.

    I know I missed tons of you, but I’m too tired to check more posts. I’m sending hugs and bedtime prayers to all of you. If you have a moment, please remember Connie in your prayers.

    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Shirley, we always had to wear long pants and boots when clearing the weeds cause of snales no matter how hot it was. Good think too cause like I said I stepped in a nest of baby copper heads.
    I always had to check the kids playhouse before I let them go play in it too! One day I found a coral snake in the pot that was on the play stove. another day it was a black widow, another day a terantula, another day scorpians. And yes we we also told that you had to dispose of the snakes properly so the meat eating bees didn't wind up eating them and making thier sting worse! (I grew up in San Diego).

    Well I was 3.5 hours late for work today due to more snow and tons of ICE! I can take the snow but someone else can have all this darn ice!
    I told our safety huy that they needed to sand the parking lot before someone fell because of the ice. His commet was "it's a public street". I told him yes but we have to park on it and walk in from it and someone was going to get hurt! Sure enough one of our gals fell today! After I yelled at him again today they put cat litter at the doors leading into the buildings but no in the parking lot! That man is going to drive me to drink!

    Laura, I don't know how you are doing it, but whatever you do be strong for yourself and your little girl!

    Thongs, the transvaginal is not that bad just get it overwith so you can move on. I can think of worse things to have done.

    Can't remeber who was asking about LE in the breast but yeas that can happen. I have edema in the breast. it showed up about a month after I finished rads. It's mostly around the nipple area. Some days it shows up more than others. I hate it!

    Looks like it might start to thaw out in the next day or so. But that just means all the snow will melt and then the water will freeze overnight making the morning commute a mess!

    Throwing some more logs on the fires. Welcomne to all the new comers. If you've just been reading feel free to jump on in whenever you're ready.

    Saying special prayers for good outcomes for Step and you too NS!