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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Woke up and Im feeling a little better today. So we shall see how the day goes, but TGIF. And it really is Friday Im not mixed up today.

    I was looking for the name of that book. Darn it all anyways. I go see my PS on Wednesday with my final answers and wanted to go to the Library myself. Oh well - I will probably make a snap of the moment judgement once Im in his office.

    To all my good friends, Im sorry if I have casued some discord - but I have real issues with wanna be's. Comparing high risk to having cancer is like apples and oranges. Im here because I have breast cancer. And I want to support those who have breast cancer. Only those of you with breast cancer can understand how I feel. And now at this point in my life Im trying to Move Beyond breast cancer, and its not as easy as I thought it would be.

    I dont know what its like to be high risk and having to make decisions, but I do know one thing, I wouldnt be coming to other women trying to battle cancer for support. That is why there is the high risk forum. In fact, many women who were high risk requested their own and thats why there are 2 high risk forums. One for those who have never had cancer and one for those of us who are high risk or reoccurance.

    I am only being honest. Because its really hard for me. For someone to talk about nipples flippanty, when this is one of the hardest decisions for me to make.

    Im not downplaying the fears of being high risk. I just dont understand them. I wasnt dealt that card. 2 years ago at this very time is when I found my lump. I remember in the beginning saying, nope not me, this will go away. But it didnt. It grew. I had to have 2 mammomite biopsies. Once under mammogram for microcalcifications and one under ultra sound for the solid mass. So the hardest thing for me was being told "you have breast cancer." The second hardest thing was being told "you had one positive node." And the 3rd hardestt hing was being told "you are er/pr negative and her2 positive." The 4th hardest thing was being told you are not eligible for a lumpectomy because your tumor is multifocal and in too many areas to save the breast. At the time I would have done anything to save my breasts. Then there was being told I was positive for brca. Then I was told I had to have chemo and the thoughts and fears were rampant. Losing my hair, my self esteem, losing myself. I became a different person and still havent quite figured out who I am.

    So all Im saying is, if you dont have breast cancer, please dont compare yourself to walking my walk. Cause you havent done that. To compare moving beyond because you were told you are brca positive - thats just insulting to me. Now this is my personal opinion and certainly doesnt represent the feelings of the rest of the women on this thread.

    This is the last I will talk on this subject. The ignore button is good.

    But hey Beth, how about the name of that book you got from the library?

    Karen: My oncs appointment went very well. He drew the last set of tumor markers before my port removal. I should get those results today or tomorrow. Seems like my normal is a tad above normal. So if those numbers dont change the port comes out as scheduled. That is great for me, as I will finially have closure.

    So I got this book from my oncs office. Its called "CURE" and what a great book it is. Lots of interesting stuff. They gave a website for the San Antonio Conference. Its, the transcripts wont be available until January 30th but there is one section on press releases. Gosh there is some interesting stuff going on in the research world.

    There was some information about Arimidex which I found very interesting. Here are just a "few" of the side effects they listed. Back pain, headache, abdominal pain, flu syndrome, indigestion, edema - especially in the legs, arhtralgia, osteoporosis, bone pain, joint disorder, depression, anxiety, insomnia, sinusitis, sweating, and vulvovaginitis. Whew! No wonder so many of you on it are having difficulty coping. Karen I thought of you right away with the carpal tunnel thing.

    Anyways, if you have a chance - try and get this magazine. Its great.

    Shel: Im sending you a big hug! Sure has been one hell of a year. Im praying really hard you get that job in the Keys.

    To everyone else, Im emotionally exhausted. Gotta get ready for work. And hey, maybe I will buy that pedometer today.

    Have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2007
    Hi All,

    Haven't posted for a while, but have been keeping up.

    The cat I told you all about has found a home and didn't have to travel far. If you are interested you can read about him at: I updated it yesterday (at work...hehe)

    Work has kept me captive and I just checked my work email. It's not going to get better before I leave for St. Louis next week. Why do I check work email at 6:30 am.

    BTW, are there any St. Louis CG here? I'll be there from Thurs. to Sun. and would love to get together.

    To all in the inner circle, my prayers are with you.

    I've promised myself when this lousy month at work is over, I'm jumping back in. Want to do some knitting of the squares, too. I'm taking that with me next week for those airport waits.

    Hugs to all,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Shel...hope you get the job in the Keys. What a beautiful place to live.

    Just found out a family member who was dx with testicular cancer and had one removed 2 days a go had a stroke at home while recovering. It was caused by a blood clot from surgery. For some unkknown reason, he did not take his coumadin (sp?). Got me upset early this morning.

    Gotta go and sweep off the car with our little bitty of snow. Will report back on better news later I hope!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    BRSTN: Im so glad you checked in. I have been missing you. Im kinda consumed with work right now too, but this week-end, its football and relaxation. Just gotta get through today.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Some pages are wider because someone posts a picture/photo that is very large and the borders of the thread widen to accomodate the photo. There is a site that will help you resize pictures for posting or email:
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Busy week with doctor appointments. I am having my port out on Tuesday. I am a little nervous because they don't knock you out. I had a bad experience with the core biopsy. I could feel it so I am afraid I will feel this too. As my husband always tells me,this too will pass. When???:(
    Met with my PS, we are going to wait till Kevin is done w/h his surgery. I will probably get the nipple and other side lifted at the end of Feb or March. They also have to repair a hernia at my Tram site. Lucky me to develop that! I wanted to go back to work in Feb but that isn't going to happen. I guess I just want some normal in my life.My son says he feels like we are a tag team and he is it now! Always has a funny way of looking at life. He is a blessing to us.

    Niki-You are so right..moving beyond cancer is not as easy as I thought it would be.My BF who does not have BC keeps comparing me to people at her work who are survivors. She keeps saying you should be ok now. She wants me to be the old me. I was the strong one now I don't know who I am.
    I just started Tamaxifen. It is too soon to tell but I had flu like symptoms the first night. The second night,not as bad but I am achy. I guess I just need to get use to the drug. Anybody here have similar symptoms? According to my BF,her co-worker never complains about it. She has also been on it over a year. Maybe I am whinning....I feel like sitting by the campfire w/h a glass of wine. I'll meet you girls there!
    NS- I am praying for you. It sounds like you are going through a rough time. I'll pour you the first glass!
    I am going to enjoy my weekend w/h my oldest. He has to return to Germany on Monday. We won't see him till next December. Maybe I will find a little of me by then.

    Take Care All,
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies.

    Pam, don't try to go back and catch up - too hard to do it. Good job on the Relay teams. Cancer free is a nice place to be. Enjoy the hot chocolate.

    NS, I'm sorry the news you got wasn't good - sending some extra hugs your way. Not only do I admire you for your strength and wisdom but also for your eloquent and articulate posts. We'e here when you're ready.

    Shel, hope that move to the Keys is going to pan out for you.

    Nicki, you mentioned the book Cure - is that the same as the Cure magazine? If so, go online and subscribe. It's free to you - I subscribed about a year ago.

    Everyone I missed, have a good day.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Just wanted to share something I saw this morning. We live in the 'burbs but there are pockets of forest and some preserved open spaces near us so we have our share of critters. Nothing like having a punk moose but the little guys are cute. There are plenty of deer, squirrels, possums, raccoons, foxes (too cute) and chipmunks not to mention all the beautiful birds.

    Well, there is a big flock of wild turkeys that live in the general neighborhood. You never know where they will turn up. Usually they are feeding in someone's yard and we just pass by and the kids crane their necks to watch. This morning when I was coming back from my run with dh to work, the flock was crossing the street. There were no less than 40! I counted since I was the first car going in my direction. Well, these are big birds and did I say wild? The guy going the opposite direction got out of his car to try to get the flock out of there, so to speak. One of the Tom's spread his wings and unfurled his huge tail feathers and walked right up to this moron. The Tom stood above the guy's waist, almost to mid-chest! Then the Tom proceeded to chase and nip aat the guy. Well, all the rest of us could do was open our windows and applaud, for the real turkey not the human turkey!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning All

    Margaret, thanks for the tip on the Cure Magazine. I didn't know that and have seen in in the oncology clinic.

    Shel, good to hear from you and I'm proud of the positive steps - taking charge of your life - things that you are doing.

    Nicki, Joyce, DebC, I understand what you have said. I'm much better off than you gals in my diagnosis and treatment regimen but I too find I am having trouble moving beyond. Joyce, my BF came by before Christmas and I had decorated the house, had baked and was having our few employees over for our CHristmas Party that night. She took me to many treatments and appointments. She said something to me and I made the comment of being tired. She took me by the shoulders and said "look how far you have come in a year; look around your doing things the old Brenda did". I just lost it. I told her it was me but I thought I had been dropped in someone elses body - she thought I was meaning "looks". I told her no - I wasn't 80 but I felt 80 and it took so long to do the things I had enjoyed and they had become hard chores; that I didn't know "who" Brenda was anymore. I love her dearly but she didn't understand.

    NS - there are no words that I can say that will make your world brighter right now. We've carried you to the center and the warmth of the circle girls nurturing, caring, encouraging ways will keep you warm.

    Its late and I should be on the way out the door to work (one of the FEW advantages of owning your own small business)

    To those I haven't mentioned - you are in my heart and I'm sending warm wishes for a good day. Love to all, Brenda
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    That's funny! Too bad you didn't film it for America's funniest home videos. You would have won.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    This is when I wish I had a camera with me! Or a camera phone! It was right on Terwod Road near Edgehill Road if you now where that is. What a hoot..or a real gobbler fits better.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    NS---You know we are all keeping you warm and cared for in the middle of the circle until you are ready to talk. I am so sorry that life has taken this turn for you---we will all try to be there and give you what you need.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    NS, no matter what has passed between us I only want you to feel better and hope this day is going to be a good one. Please forgive any of my past comments and lets get along.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning everyone!

    Well, winter has reared it's ugly head. We had just a dusting of snow, mind you, and everything is shut down! I spent an hour in my car to go 15 miles, before I finally turned around and came home. The roads were a solid sheet of ice .

    Jeannie - Sounds like the mipple is doing well. I had multiple cysts also. They watched me every 6 months and I still had cancer sitting in one of those damned cysts for quite a while. That's why I opted for the bilat.mast. They are just trying to keep you healthy. Keep getting your tests.

    NS - You are in the inner circle surrounded by LOVE! We are all there for you. (((((Hugs))))

    Brenda - Your SIL is also in the inner circle.

    Mena - Your quilt is gorgeous!!!

    Cy - I also dealt with my cancer very well during treatment and got angry and upset later. I think that when we are in treatment, we are in the fight mode and it doesn't really sink in til much later when we have had teime to really think about it. BTW, a friend of ours was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It was really bad!!! They are fairly rare around here, but the doc said it was unmistakeable. I thought he was going to lose his foot!

    Shirley - You are just a paintin' fool! My son keeps talking about moving to FL and taking the grands. OH NOOOO!!

    Nicki - Damn that weight gain!!! Most of us seem to be afflicted. I blame it on the Arimidex! Glad you had a good onc visit and are getting your port out!

    Peggy - I love snow too. As long as it's on the weekend and I have nowhere to go. Yumm! Lemon cake!! I'll bet it was good.

    Robbie - Moving you to the inner circle also! Thank God you got the mast. and got rid of those cancer beasties!

    Shel - Sorry you are going thru tough times. It's ok to vent here. Who else, besides all of us, understand?

    I know I have missed many of you. It takes a long time to catch up when you miss a couple of days. Kristin, Karen, Denise, Beth, Joyce and anyone else I missed, love and hugs to all!

    Vickie - I'm glad you had a good doc visit. Also, you can be down whenever you want! I think we have all earned that right!
  • Itiswhatitis
    Itiswhatitis Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2007

    Post deleted by Itiswhatitis

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    Welcome!! Remember that we were all "Newbies" at one time!
    This is the best place on the boards. There is so much warmth and compassion and always room around the fire for one more! If you need support, we will all be there to gather around you!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007

    Welcome from one fellow canuck to another...where are you in Canada?

    The ladies here are amazing as I am sure you have already seen...and please do jump right in...this place is "by all of us"...."for all of us".

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007

    Thank you for your lovely post and come back anytime. It is very hard moving beyond isn't it? No one told us it would be so hard to do this. After hearing the words "it is cancer" and then all the surgeries, test, chemo and rads after that we ALL thought we could move forward and put it behind us. To me this is an area of breast cancer that isn't addressed enough. No sweetie, you aren't the only one feeling this way - sometimes it helps to know that.

    Jan, thanks for moving my SIL in the inner circle.

    DebC, how is your friend doing?

    Robbie, thinking of you today.

    Amy, Vicki, have I just overlooked your daily post?

    Home with another headache. Knew I was having some vision problems, minor ones last night and a feeling of being off balance so this morning a bad headache. I have an appointment with PCP on Feb. 1st so am trying to hold out until then. Also, working real hard to keep any bad thoughts away - they always creep in no matter what but I haven't been out of all treatment a year yet so guess that is only natural.

    Carrie/Denise, hope all is well. Denise, I think of you often and all that you have been through; never complaining
    to us and just trying to deal with things as they have come and they have been overwhelming. I think most of us can't imagine having to have surgery for brain aneurysm after finishing BC treatment - but then because of the BC they found this problem. Then the thyroid. Just lots of stuff over a very short period of time. Just wanted you to know we think of you. Carrie, you are one special sister and you had your own scare and biopsy recently too.

    Oh, Nicki, I HATE dieting and as I have aged not been very good at keeping up with it. I signed up on line for the WW Core program. I like it a lot. The core foods are foods we enjoy daily (other than bread and snacks) but I get 35 points a week for stuff that isn't core. I feel full on this program and don't feel like I am dieting. When you get ready to try a diet you might want to look at this one or PM me and I will share some things to see if you are interested. I am the largest I have been in my life and it wasn't helping my self image be restored to be this large but it also wasn't good for my overall health.

    Ok, computer killing my eyes. WIll check back later.

    Arlee, thank you again for you post and thank you for the prayers for NS and all the others here that are having some very stressful days. Sending you gentle hugs for sharing your kind thoughts.

    Gentle hugs, sisters,

  • Itiswhatitis
    Itiswhatitis Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2007

    Post deleted by Itiswhatitis

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Welcome Arlee- Glad you posted. This IS a great group of ladies. I hope you continue to read along and chime in any time. It was nice to “meet” you.

    NS – sending tons of love, hugs and prayers your way. Don’t know what else to say…I wish I could help. I guess praying and cussing at the same time is not allowed, is it? I hate that you are going through this. Hugs girl….

    Susan – hope you have power back and are doing ok. I hate ice storms. Glad you at least have a generator. We miss you

    Where is Cheri?? Was she in the storm too or did my addled brain just miss her post.??

    Jeannie – hope the new mipple is still happy at your house.

    Tracey – I always love your funny photos…don’t know how you find all of them…you make me smile. Did you get your thong back? I never made it to the trampoline party…sounds like fun.

    Robbie – Just sending some gentle healing hugs. Get some rest girl.

    Nicki – “Hey Nicki you’re so fine…you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Nicki…Hey Hey Hey Nicki” Every time I read your name my brain starts up the singing…..Only problem is that is all of the song I can remember! You must know who sang it…

    Vickie – LOL at your tree! We use native white spruce and they loose their needles SO fast. Ours came down 3 days after Christmas, and even then it was half naked. By now it would be just sticks if it were still up. I’ll make you feel better though. Somehow I managed to decorate my kitchen book shelf with a few Christmas things and never noticed that I still had HALLOWEEN decorations on one of the shelves. I just put the holly up right next to the witch. I am SUCH a dork…LOL

    Christine – I have been so heartsick about those two poor boys. It makes me nuts that people are second guessing why the first boy didn’t run away. Poor kids. I have them in my prayers. I hope their families heal.

    Shel – Hope you have a great weekend and the Florida move works out. I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. I love the “talks to the man”.

    Karen – You were up early…or late…Hope you have a good day.

    Betty – Glad Kitty found a home…how cool is that? Good work.

    Joyce – Sending you a bunch of hugs. Sounds like you are busy girl. Have a good weekend.

    Brenda – Thank you for sharing your story about your BF. I know what you mean…they really DON’T get it, God bless them…I hope they never do. If people are clueless that means that they have not had to experience cancer first hand. Sending you a gentle hug from one 80-year-old to another.

    Jan – Just saying HI! Glad you just came home. Bad roads stink…stay at home with a hot toddy…

    I wanted to let everyone who has asked know that Connie has been dong well. She found out that she too is stage 3. She went to her first Onc appointment yesterday, so she will have more of a plan soon. My friend Linda only has 2 more Taxol treatments left and Aunt Rosemary is doing well too. She decided not to do chemo and is happy with her choice. Thank you all for keeping them all in your prayers.

    Once again I am running late. This work crap is cutting into my computer time LOL…
    Got to run
    Hugs and Love to all
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    LOL deb its really mickey but i do it to... hahahaa

    Oh Mickey You're so fine,
    Youre so fine you blow my mind.
    Hey Mickey (Huff Huff)
    Hey Mickey (Huff Huff)
    Oh Mickey Youre so Fine,
    Youre so Fine You Blow My Mind
    Hey Mickey (Huff Huff)
    Hey Mickey


    Verse 1
    Hey Mickey
    Youve been around all night
    and thats a little long,
    You think you've got the right,
    But I think youve got it wrong.
    Why can't you say goodnight
    So you can take me home Mickey,

    Cause when You say you will
    It always means you won't
    Youre givin me the chills
    baby, please baby don't
    Every night you still leave me alone

    Oh Mickey what a pity you dont understand
    You take me by the heart
    You take me by the hand
    Oh Mickey Youre so pretty
    Cant you understand?
    Its guys like you Mickey
    Oh what you do Mickey
    Do Mickey
    Dont break my heart Mickey.

    Verse 2
    Now When you take me by the hooves
    Everyone's gonna know
    Everytime you move
    I let a little More show
    There's Something we can use
    So dont say no Mickey!

    So Come on and give it to me
    Anyway you can
    Anyway you want to do it
    Ill treat you like a man
    Oh Please, Baby Please
    Dont leave me in a jam Mickey!

    tracey oooo ok now this is going to be on my brain all day deb!!!!!!!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    LOL Tracey! It has been driving me NUTS tring to remember it! Mickey,,,not Nicki....sorry Nicki

    gotta love those silly old songs. My hubby had a german friend who called songs that got stuck in your hear all day "ear worms". He said there is a word for it in German, but of course I don't remember it...LOL

    Deb C.
  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    I love daffodils, and I'm not even what you would call a "flower person." For me, they are just the happiest little guys, and when the ones in the bed in front of our house bloom each year, I run out to greet them with camera in hand.

    No matter how much snow has covered them, no matter how many bitterly cold nights have settled upon them, now matter how many ice storms have beaten and battered the ground above them, invariably and without fail, they shove their bright little faces up out of the earth and turn toward the sun as if to say, "Ha! Here I am! You didn't think I could do it this time,
    but in spite of it all,
    I'm still here!"

    No wonder the daffodil is the traditional flower symbol for cancer survivors. We endure the shock of diagnosis, the dread of surgeries and other treatments, the painful and often disabling side effects, and the fearful uncertainty that follows us the rest of our lives, because now
    we truly understand
    - we really and finally "get it" -
    that life is about
    hills and valleys,
    triumph and defeat,
    storms and sunshine
    and yet...
    and yet...
    and yet...
    we keep on keepin' on.

    We are the daffodils.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hi all,
    still no power but it's my turn to use the generator and today we have internet access. at least for now. it's been one whole week without water, heat, electicity, etc. tommorrow we are getting snow.

    my dad is in the hospital but not in immediate danger. I'm getting Cheri's phone number and will call her. they had it even worse in Buffalo than we did in Springfield. I miss you all, I've written a thousand PMs in my head. hope everyone is well. God Bless,

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Stay safe and warm Susan. I hate this ice and snow mess. Fortunately, we missed out on all of that this time. It went from Texas to Oklahoma and Missouri.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    SUSAN!!! Huge hugs and a hot shower coming your way! Hope you have power soon...

    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Yes Robbie, we are definately the Daffodils. Although sometimes I feel more like the Energizer Bunny. I just keep goin' and goin', etc.

    Brenda - Are you taking Arimidex? I can't remember. That gave me headaches in the beginning, and I still get off balance sometimes and feel a little foggy in my brain. Oh no wait...the foggy brain is just my natural state LOL! Seriously, if you are taking it, it may be the source of your discomfort.

    DebC - So glad that Connie is doing well. We will need to keep her in the inner circle for a while. Love the ear worms! That describes it perfectly ! Oh geez, now I have ear worms! It's that Mickey song!!

    Thongs - I can't believe you know all the words to the Mickey song. That is just too funny! I remember that song. Do you remember the video? They were all dressed up like cheerleaders. That's what we need...Some cheerleaders jumping on big girl thong trampolines. Oooohh, that image is burned into my brain.

    I'm glad I came home instead of going to work. It gave me some time to catch up with all of you. I think it's a good night to go to the hoochie tent. Hopefully that is the drinking tent. I have a BIG Martini with bleu cheese stuffed olives, calling my name. Then, I will hop into the Jacuzzi and let the bubbles take me awaaayy! I can't imagine how I managed to stuff all that into my wagon!!

    Hope everyone stays warm tonight. I'll throw another log on the fire before I go to bed!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    SUSAN!!! So glad you are OK!! That storm was awful. Hopefully, you will get power soon and get back to your new normal. Thanks for checking in.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good afternoon sweet sisters.
    Nope...nobody missed my post as this is the first chance that I have had to get online today. Overslept this morning...majorly...woke up at the time I ususally leave. Have rearranged my office here at work, set up an office for a new women starting on Monday, have four computers that I need to get set up and connected to the server...AND I'M THE BOOKKEEPER. Geez...
    Know I have an ear worm Deb...that song is tripping through my head...trying my dardest not to sing it out loud.
    Welcome Arlee...this is a great place to be.
    ((((((((NS))))))))...thinking of you and you know where I am. If you need me just holler and I'll be on my way.
    Robbi...loved the daffodil poem...can't wait till spring to see them again and it is so fitting for where we all are right now. glad your ok (well as ok as you an be in such terrible weather)...please stay safe.
    Cheri...hope you are safe out there too...missing you.
    pppffftttt Deb...would you believe that I still have a witch hanging on my garage door and another tied to the tree at the edge of my driveway!!! Right out there for the whole world to see....Halloween and Christmas all rolled into one! At the rate I'm going I'll have my Valentines stuff up before getting Halloween or Christmas girls just may have to come break me out of the looney bin cuz I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I've lost my mind.
    Yes Nicki it is FRIDAY!!! What a relief. Have decided to get all my housework done tonight and crochet and relax all weekend.
    Beth and turkeys...I never have my camera when I need it either!
    Ok...this is not really a gripe just an observation. I am having a tough time "moving beyond" as are many of us. Having some LE issues, Arimidex is making my joints really seriously achey...nothing major, just little annoyances. Here's the thing and this might sound weird but I've noticed it mentioned a couple of other times. I feel like so many silly little things are going to "jinx" me!!! I swear it's like have OCD...I can't even come up with an example...wait...I have one...I HAVE to say the usual "Good night, I love you" to Nathaniel every night when he goes to bed along with the normal cuddles and kisses but I now have to add "See you in the morning". I have to wait for him to say it back or it just simply makes me's like saying "see you in the morning" will keep the bad away and I know that I will wake up and it will be ok and if I don't say it maybe something terrible will happen. Same thing when I drop him off at the sitters, I have to say "see you later sweetie" or I just can't leave!!! Do we all have these weird little things or am I truly losing it here.
    Go ahead and bring it on...I can take it's just strange to feel this way and it isn't constant or anything just the occasional "oh...better not say or do or think that as it might jinx me"!
    ok...nuf said...
    missing soooo many but have to get to work or I won't be able to pay for my therapy LOL.
    Love you all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    Oh Vickie, don't feel bad about the OCD. Count me in too! I have to tell my DH "I love you" about 5 times before he can get out the door in the morning. I get so depressed if he doesn't hear me and doesn't say it back. We do the same thing in bed before we go to sleep. Having BC does kind of make you into a crazy person. I know that life will never be the same for me, that cancer will always be there in the background,never completely leaving. We want to hang on to our loved ones as if they can some how keep us healthy. I know that makes no sense at all. Maybe it's just trying to make the most out of every minute that we have. We have stared down the beast and won, for the moment. Once you have had cancer, you realize that every minute is precious and you are no longer invincible. We need to savor every moment we have and never look back! And how lucky are we that we have all found each other? (((((Vickie)))))