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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Happy day girls. Back from u/s. Ingesting mass quantities of coffee and ibuprofen as I type. Tech was quite the talkative guy. Very unusual at my hospital. Anywhos he said no sign of gallstones that he could see. So I guess it's a colonoscopy for me. Yehaw. I'll find out when doc gets back from vacation.
    My head is pounding so not even gonna attept to read. I'll see you all later.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Colonoscopy?! Yikes! Hope everything comes out alright!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Susan! So glad to see you back, even it is just a short drive by! Hope your utilities are back on line soon. We had a five day power failure here a few years ago in the middle of winter and I thought my hands would fall off from the cold---and that was even WITH the generator. Good ol' upstate New York---you name it, we get it! We shared one of the lines with the people next door so had to play the "plug in the frig, turn off the furnace" game.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    That was just about the worst (or best) pun yet. I keep hearing from the doc I need another one to update my chart but I don't wanna, whine whine. I have had every orifice tested that I can think of. i was glad to get rid of the gall bladder. Then they discovered the reason I still had pain was I had a hiatal hernia. More surgery but I lost 40 pounds in less than 2 months because I was on a liquid diet. Put it all back on though.

    i have a theory. The general mass of the earth stays the same so when one person loses soem it goes to another. I think I know where the Circle Spa's weight loss has gone and it is in the vicinity of my hips and waist line.

    So I have a question. Is it going to make a difference if I lose a significant amount of weight before having the mast? I am throwing it out to those that have had it. My breast surgeon called this afternoon to say hi (he is also a friend of mine from high school) and he thinks I will be a good candidate for a TRAM flap. He didn't mention weight loss but I was wondering if it is important. Thanks.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hey susan,
    glad to see your ok....hope the power comes on soon!!!!
    stay warm!!!! i have the fire roaring for you come sit and have a nice glass of wine!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007 glad you're "weathering the storm"

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I think your earth body mass index theory makes sense. I just wonder who's weight I'm acquiring?! I haven't had a colonscopy yet but have several friends who have. I dread it, especially since they were all sedated for it. I hate being sedated.

    I think losing weight is almost always a good thing unless you are severely underweight already. The only time I've heard of issues with having a tram is for ultra thin people.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Susan..I hope you have heat soon.I started on the wine bottle early today. I'll start another one up just for you.
    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Alwayshope "Hope everything comes out all right"
    ROFLMAO at the moment...sorry...don't know if you were trying to be funny if not...just the way I took it and really needed a laugh!!!!
    Thank you Jan...your words meant a lot. Don't feel quite so crazy now. See you in the drinking thread tonight!!! I'm really needing a stiff one...DRINK THAT IS! Well actually.........hmmmm.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2007
    Dear Circle girls, how is everyone?

    I hope those stuck in the ice storms are ok?Susan and Cheri?????sending you warm thoughts!

    Sue,Tgirl and Mena saw your pictures and you gals look beautiful!!!!!!sorry I couldn't be there!

    I have been trying to read a little everyday but found I had to take a little break from BC.... I was starting feel a little anxious and feeling really blue hearing what all of us are dealing with on a daily basis....

    I hate the disease! and what it has done to me! Will we ever be able to look in the mirror and see who we were before? never! I truly miss who I was!!!!

    know that I am sending warm wishes to everyone of you. I continue to pray for all my girls here and all their loved ones......

    I am stepping back now to try and get myself a new normal!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Susan, don't know when you will be able to read all our warm welcomes but glad you are Ok. We have been worried about you and Cheri. We hope you get your power back on soon and more snow on the way. Right now that doesn't sound to good I am sure but you guys don't need more ice.
    We have had a few bad ice storms here and have been without power, and water for 10 days and we had my 86 year old father in law trying to keep him warm. All the motels were filled and we check in one - it was a fea bag but it was warm and I THOUGHT I could handle it but you could hear every word from the next room and I was afraid to SIT on the bed or a chair. I called another place that was kind of new and I almost cried and the person that answered was the manager and he took away two rooms employees were sleeping in and gave them to US. I always recommend that place. I do hope you get power soon - loosing it makes you realize how ill equipped we are to handle life without it.

    Jan, no I am one of the women that chose not to do AI's. I tried Femara. Oncologist is going to pitch a fit - however, he and I need to have a talk anyway as he never explains things to me is in and out and I'm tired of it.

    Nicki, Tina or Shel maybe you can answer this one for me. I thought women that had suffered from migraines that they improved when they went through menopause. They sound like migraines but I'm in menopause for sure since August of 2005 when I stopped HRT. Would migraines start now????

    Shirley, I am not sure of the problems you are having that you had to have the test for your gallbladder but wanted to share that mine did not show up by ultrasound or CT. Mine started during chemo and it was really painful and we didn't know what was going on. I was ok again until September and it woke me one night. Even my oncologist thought because all the test were negative that it was emotional/nerves - ooooh that still makes me so angry!! Anyway, they had done a GI scope during chemo to see if the steroids had given me an ulcer. My SIL is a GI guy in VA and he contacted his friend again that did the scope and they did a special procedure ESU. They scope you and can inject dye into the gallbadder and take a look from the inside. I didn't have stones - it was full of sludge. Gallbladder was removed and it showed it was badly inflammed and the surgeon felt the drugs had probably created the problem. Just wanted you to keep this in mind.

    Ok, enough time on the computer. Makes my eyes and head worse.

    Hopefully can check in later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: I just got home, its Friday night, have a glass of wine and just enjoying being here with all my friends. My husband is playing guitar, now thats good cause he wont try to take the computer away from me and from the looks of it, there are lots of posts to answer.

    Oh its a cold evening here in the circle. Temp is 19 but there is a strong wind that sort of chills you to the bones. I'll tell ya one thing, I didnt park far away today in all my different visits. Got the closest parking space and ran in. No headache today, so thats good.

    Got 2 bigs pots of stew brewing. One is beef and one is vegetable. Nice and hearty. Has some nice home made Italian bread - good for dipping in the juice. Thought for the week-end I would make some special punch. Apple cider, orange slices, cloves, and cinnamon sticks all cooking in one big crock pot. Ooops I forgot the most important ingrediant - Captain Morgans Spiced Rum. It might be cold outside, but we will be warm inside. So come on down to the teepee right next to the campfire. I have so much to tell all of you. But watch out, its my teepee and Ive got a good looking bouncer

    Joyce: My goodness, I hope I remember everything I want to say to you from your post. First the port. As you have probably read, I get mine out on February 8th. I wanted to have a local, but they told me I have to go to outpatient surgery and get IV anesthesia. Where are you having your port taken out at? All I can say is good luck and for sure, Distorted Humor and Mazer will be with you on Tuesday. Ok next - the Tamoxifen. The nurse that I am, I finially looked it up. Remember Im not on any treatment like many of you cause Im er/pr negative. Anyways, the list of side effects is similiar to the side effects I listed for Arimidex and flu like syndrome is a biggy. If you want me to give you the whole list and just of tamoxifen, send me a pm. The one thing they book said is in many cases the flu like syndrome goes away after a couple of weeks. Yeah! We shall see. I feel humbled when I read about all that is going on with you. Your sons surgery, your surgery, issues with the tram flap. But dont you worry, we will be with you every step of the way. Now being compared to others. Nothing makes me more angry. For example, you are taking tamoxifen, Im not. Your having side effects I wont have. Moving Beyond - this is just so much harder than I thought. My poor husband. I wonder if he thinks will he ever get the woman he fell in love with back. But hey, today is a good day - and the wine is making it better

    MargaretB: Thats it! Thats it! "Cure Magazine." To all my good friends, if you havent seen this magazine you must get it. It has so much information. When Im done here, Im gonna do what Margaret said - Im going on line and ordering it. I want it delivered. There is soooooooooo much information there and its easy reading too.

    Brenda: I just read your post and almost started crying. I will never find the old me. Its gone, disappeared. And I think thats the hardest thing about moving beyond. Trying to find out now who I am, and do I like who I am. When I come home not feeling well, I dont like me so much. But today me is good. And I actually had a bad hair day. Never thought I would be saying that last year at this time.

    NS: Sorry for the description here, but now I am done with my projectile coffee ground vomiting. Flowers - gag me. I have issues with flowers. My cat eats them. Anyways you know I love you dearly. And so many of us love you dearly. These are sad times in the circle tonight. We all are standing hand in hand in one big circle and we are surrounding you with love, strength, and peace. We will lift your spirits and cast away anyone that tries to hurt you. That includes this ugly beast. "Sheet" give me brca postive anytime over this. I would be celebrating, not imitating.

    Jan: What is it with all this ice? I will take snow anyday, anytime, anywhere. Glad you got home safely. Once again they are predicting a snow storm come Sunday. Thanks for the well wishes on the port removal. My onc kept postponing it. He was use I was gonna have a reoccurance by now. He finially gave in when he realized I was 19 months post surgery. Ahahaha I fooled him.

    Arlee: Howdy! Im so glad you posted and its so nice to meet you. Sometimes I question my own expectations when I think about moving beyond. I think I should be better than what I am. And Im not! No one undestands this. No one. Not my best friend, not my husband. My best friend wanted to take me out for a glass of wine. I cancelled - still have socialization anxiety. She said "you know Im there for you." and she was. She paid my rent for 2 months when I was off work. But she doesnt get it. No one does except for the friends I have made here on

    Peggy: My dearest friend. I wish I could tell you how I feel whenever I see you come visit. My body feels warm and full of love. You always make me feel, well - just so happy.

    DebC: OMG ahahahaha I must introduce you to badbabe. When I first came to I was on the chat only. Spent hours. I remember one day after surgery I records 12 hours of just talking to people. I didnt find the discussion boards until later. Anyways, there is this wonderful friend, her name is badbabe and she would always say hello to me with the oh nicki your so fine song. Thanks for what is a wonderful memory. Seems like Connie and Robbie are starting their journey together with just about the same dx. There is nothing that can take away the heartbroken feeling Connie has now - but she has a wonderful friend - YOU. She will get through this. We will help her.

    Tracey: OMG! You had all the words. I never knew all the words before. But hmmmmmmm I still like "hey nicki your so fine, you blow my mind." And I know you know who badbabe is! Those were some days back then on the chat.

    Robbie: Sniff. As I wipe the tear from my eye, your post was beautiful. And Daffodils and tulips are my favorite flowers. When I had my surgery in June 2005, I was obsessed with planting perennials. And each one had meaning. And crazy that I am, I planted "forget me nots" all over the place cause I wanted to be remembered. Well 2006 I had the most beautiful garden. And 2007 is gonna be even better. No house plants though, my cats will eat them.

    Susan: OMG, I am so excited and glad to hear from you. This is awful - the ice storm. And our poor Cheri, her last post, her husband was on the road and she was alone. I hope she is ok. Please let us know how she is. I was thinking, ya know she probably is getting mail. We could go to our Christmas card list and write her. And Susan, when your gone the circle is not the same. Your smile and your love shines through. We need you here. Otherwise we are liked the "fractured fairy tales." Hee hee do you remember that?

    OK evryone, I have to stop for a minute. I just broke down in tears. Maybe I needed to do that. I have told you all I lost my sister, her name was Angel, at age 46 to cancer of the ovary. She was a teenager and I was the punky little sister trying to hang out with her. Her favorite song was "Wild One" by Bobby Rydell. Well guess what song my husband decided to learn? You guessed it. Now this is a trip down memory lane.

    Vickie: Ahahahaha OCD! that explains me. I mentioned earlier, my mom was born in Italy so I have the weirdest superstitions or feelings of what will jinx me. As a matter of fact I have a ton of them.
    ...If cats are fighting outside your window at night someone is gonna get sick.
    ...If your dream of someone who has passed on and you dream you are eating food, someone is going to become very ill.
    ...Salt - I never spill it and if I do, I throw some over my shoulder.
    ...Mirrors - I just dont break them.
    Thats just a few, I have so many more.

    Sherloc: Colonoscopy? Ewwwwwwww! And dont ya just hate having a male US tech? Well, I do - but then Im old fashioned.

    Michelle: Taking a break is good. We all love you and miss you when your not here. Consumed with breast cancer. Yes - thats me too. But Im so addicted to my best friends here, I cant stay away. Sending you a juicy smooch.

    Brenda: Ya know what? Im a good nurse. Im a kind person. And Im knowledgable. But let me tell you, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer I knew nothing and I mean nothing. Same goes for migraines. I myself am trying to figure out what is causing my headeaches. Im thinking migraines too. But then if it is Migraines, well why now? Im also wondering if these headaches have something to do with the barometer changing. All I know is Im getting them too, I dont know why. Im gonna get my vision checked. I see my PCP on Monday - so well will see what he says. But right now, Darvocet is my best friend. Oh I just hate this.

    Tina and Shel: Picture this. The 3 of us running a unit. OMG it would be wild. I love you both so very much.

    Well, I finished. My funny story for the day is I had to evaluate a 85 y/o for rehab. I walked in the room and said hello to what I thought was his daughter. OOOOps wrong. It was his wife. She is not a day over 45! Take size 12 foot and put in mouth.

    OK Im off. Im done with Valentines Day. Im off to my new project. Still doing Kleenex boxes. So my focus now is St. Patricks day and Easter. 2 of my favorite Holiday. I can do the Irish Jig, Italian style. Actually I can do a amateur version of Riverdance. And Easter Sunday! Oh yummy chocolate everything. Have a great evening, and Ill catch up with most of you in the morning.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Afternoon circle girls,

    First of all I want to let NS know that she is in my thoughts and if there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. When you are ready to talk we will be here for you but I totally understand the not being ready to talk. If and when you decide you want to talk then I am here for you. Your words always mean so much to me when I read them and you have always been there for me when I needed you. Take care of yourself and I am down by the fire when you get ready or a phone call away.

    Texas Sunrise-love the daffodil poem. Would you believe we had confused daffodils come up last week before our cold front hit? I say cold but nothing like Alaska Deb or other parts of the country has but still 25 is cold for alabama. anyway, I felt sorry for them because they were up looking so cheery and I knew the cold from was coming. Crazy I know but I still felt sorry for them in their confused state.

    Brenda-hope your head feels better soon.

    susan-thanks for checking in and hopefully you will have power soon. We had one big snow in 93 here and didnt have power for 2 weeks. I wish that on nobody. It did cause a big baby boom in this area though,,lol.

    Newvickie-I guess you can always add IT to your resume now since you are dealing with the computers. I know what you mean about "rituals" I always say, good night, sleep tight I love you and see you in the morning. Then I stand there for the reply. Yep, I'm crazy right along with ya.

    biker-glad you made it home safely and sometimes a day off from work is the best thing.

    Nicki-Hope distorted humor is staying nice and warm with the cold weather. Mazer would love to share a blanket with him if he gets too cold. I also think we are posting at the same time. Pass that wine bottle over missy! happy to hear you are having a good day today.

    peggy great to see you stopping by and enjoying life.

    Menaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Where are you?

    lauraB-hope things are going ok for you and shutting up because you know how I feel about the so called husband,,lol.

    Oh one more thing,,,on the Cure magazine its wonderful. if i am not mistaken you have to print it out and fax it to them to start receiving.

    ok short but sweet but lots on my mind. bye for now. Amy
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    AlaskaDeb-your words say it so well. There is no way I can even attempt to go behind you and put my feelings into words because they would never compare to yours.

    Butttttt, like an idiot I keep typing. I read the post earlier and walked away without typing anything at all. I just didn’t feel right about what was going on and mothers words kept ringing in the back of my head, “if you cant say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Well, I am not going to say anything mean but I am going to say I totally agree with NS, AlaskaDeb and Nicki and how they expressed their feelings. We all have different feeling and different reactions to certain things. I think it was Nicki that said she would have done anything to save her boobs but wasn’t able to. I attempted the lumpectomy but they didn’t get clean margins then did chemo. I was then given the opportunity to have another lumpectomy but I opted for the bilateral. This was after 8 rounds of chemo bi weekly and I decided through all of it that I didn’t care if I ever had breast. We are all different yet we all get it because of living through the scariest words of, “you have cancer.” This is where we have a hard time understanding Beths feelings and I will be the first to admit that there is resentment there on my part. I see her worried and not sleeping because of her decisions with the PS and the fear of what if she gets BC? Well, we have/had BC and I am sorry but nothing can compare. No how, no way. Yes, Beth you have decisions to make but you don’t have to wonder if you opt for tattoos or mipples and will that effect your cancer returning! I have dealt and dealing with the beast returning and if my only concern was what type of plastic surgery I had to have I would be jumping for joy but instead I wonder if xeloda, zometa and herceptin is doing what it should be and is there anything else that can be done to stop the bad cells from growing. Stage 4, 39 years old and a 12 year old son. Am I worried?? Hell yeah but does it keep me up at night? No, life’s too short and every day is precious because I know what its like to be told “you have cancer” and the immediate thoughts that goes through your head.

    Sorry to have ranted on about this and I will never bring it up again but I hope this is a place I can express my feelings and move forward and nobody hold it against me. I have been on the inner circle and the outer circle and can laugh and cut up with the best of you and I tried to not post at all but felt I had to speak up on something I feel so strongly on.

    Shutting up and doing my best to move forward.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007

    Post deleted by Melissa & Tami

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Nicki, it is a very informative book, my mom is reading it now. Well, she gets bored at the assisted living on the weekends...not a bingo person!

    The title is "A Woman's Decision: Breast Cancer, Treatment and Reconstruction" by Karen J. Berger and John Bostwick III, MD. Published in 1984, 266 pages.

    Yes, it exists. I have never been called out before. Who won? I hope everybody because I forgot the whole name of it before and I if this will help someone else by finding it and reading it then I am glad you did it.

    Now...can we get on with our lives and be pleasant? I am willing but stop lobbing the first one. BTW, our county library system, which is pretty big, only had 2 copies so i hope others do not have a problem getting it. It is not an inexpensive book so borrow it if you can. Besides, BArnes and Noble did not have it in stock.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007

    Post deleted by Melissa & Tami

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey ladies. I think I need a computer free weekend. I'm going to bake some cookies with my kids, crochet some squares for our blankets, watch a beautiful sunrise...because after all, aren't they all beautiful? I'm going to strap on my snowshoes and go for a walk in the new 10 inches of snow we got. I'm going over to Connie's to help her sort out her chemo choices. I'm going to sit on the couch with my DH and hold hands.

    Just need a mini break. I'll be back in a day or so...

    Be well my friends
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Evening ladies,
    Oh my did I pull a good one! In my car getting ready to come home from work and decide to take a Xanex before leaving. Have just a swallow left in my bottle of water, get a xanex out, toss it towards my mouth and missed. Couldn't find it anywhere...looked through my coat, on the seat...said to heck with it, got another one out, made it to my mouth, picked up my bottle of water and as I was swallowing it down noticed the other had landed in my water bottle...TOO LATE...BOTH WENT DOWN! DAMN I FEEL GOOD TONIGHT!
    Nicki...I think this is the book your talking about...The title is "A Woman's Decision: Breast Cancer, Treatment and Reconstruction" by Karen J. Berger and John Bostwick III, MD. Published in 1984, 266 pages. Is Deadwood any good...never heard of it. Your tumor markers will be fine...passing you a xanex lollipop (if you want two I can arrange that...two is working pretty darn good for me tonight LOL)
    NS...just sending more hugs your way. All will be well, we will all make sure of it. I refuse for it to be any other way.
    Amy...I too wanted so very much to keep my breasts and was told that doing the chemo first would allow me to do that. My oncologist and my breast surgeon obviously never communicated with each other because when I finished chemo and went back to my breast surgeon I thought the tumor was small enough for a lumpectomy and she said no way...mastectomy was the only way. I was totally devastated and disappointed. 3 months of chemo thinking I was doing it to save my breasts only to find out it wasn't to be. I then decided to hell with it and had them both removed as I couldn't deal with ever going through it again. It sucks and I hate it. Ended up with two positive nodes after chemo and surgery and always worried that there is more cancer floating around somewhere that's going to come bite me in the ass. But...going to enjoy every day as best as I can.
    I have been the IT person at work for years now and really getting tired of it. I am a bookkeeper and not making nearly what an IT person makes. Usually if we have a problem and I have to call in the experts they can't figure it out either and they get $90.00 an hour!! I feel that if I'm going to fix and set up computers all the time I should get at least half that pay for the hours I have to spend doing things above and beyond my job description. I know do call the experts as often as I can as I just don't have time for all the extra work.
    So glad to see I'm not the only crazy one here with thoughts of stupid things that will jinx me!!
    Shirley...sorry about the colonoscopy...that stinks...tests just plain suck!
    Susan...please stay safe...hope your electric stays on and your warm now. We had a storm here a few years back and went without power for four days. It was terrible. The power came ex jumped in the shower, them my daughter, the I went into the bathroom...started the undressed...boom...power went out again. Let me tell you...I was ready to go down with a gun and threaten the electric company guys at that point!!! Oh I sooo wanted a shower.
    Cheri...hope you are safe and get your power back on soon. Hoping you are somewhere that it is at least warm. is the weather in Syracuse. Very cold and windy with snow here but I'm hearing it is worse up there.
    Joyce...positive thoughts and hugs to you.
    Michele...trying to find the new me too. I so miss the old me sometimes but I am also so thankful to still be here. Stage IV to stage II was a true blessing...I learned last Monday that I am really stage III but that's ok too. Sending you hugs.
    Beth...didn't have chicken so I'm no help there. I do know that I was to skinny for the tram flap and I just learned that I could have had immediate reconstruction at the same time as my mast but no one told me. Oh well...too late now.
    Peggy...I have to to see your posts...they always make me happy.
    Tracey...I returned the thongs...clean as a whistle. Thanks.
    Where is Tgirl, Liz, Sherloc, Boobbuster...hmmm...had a bunch of names that have just vanished from this xanex addled mind...crap. I we all playing hide and seek. Gotta find a search and rescue team.
    Love ya all and don't know where I'd be without you. Please know is that way today and will be that way tomorrow and thereafter.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    (((Deb)))...hope you have a beautiful weekend but please don't stay away too ya here.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Ok, I've had a bad headache all day and I've popped in and out. Deb, I have to hold my hubby's hand as he is still trying to "handle" the back pain. Help Connie - she's just found out that she has cancer, Stage III !!!

    Me, headache or not and I don't drink a lot - I'm going to have one heck of a stiff drink. I need it!!!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    DebC - Have a nice weekend! Relax girl!! Connie is lucky to have a friend like you. We should all be so lucky.

    Brenda - So sorry for all your pain! I sympathize.

    Nickie - Yeah for Capt. Morgan!! My DH loves it! I saw that Cure mag in my onc's office also. I really liked it. Good luck when you get your port removed. I did not know that you had lost your sister to ovarian cancer. That sucks big time!! I am so sorry.

    Sherloc - I had a colonoscopy and it wasn't so bad. Got to love the drugs!!!! I think they gave me Versed (sp?). If I had the home version of that, I'd never leave my sofa LOL.

    Amy - I had the same senerio.. no clean margins. After the lumpectomy, I opted for the Mast. No regrets, except for my lop-sided boobies. Oh well...

    Good night CG's! Hope everyone is safe and warm. There is some hot toddy left over for anyone who wants it!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    Hey Namiam, Like I said, you are welcome to finish my hot toddy!

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    Hey CG's...I do hope all of you are doing as well as possible. I don't have time to catch up but I have some news I'd like to share. And, pardon me if you already know this, as I have not been online for several days...

    Cheri123 called me and I was so happy to hear from her! She's been without heat, water, electric and (driving her really crazy -- her computer!!). I know Susanmcm has also been affectd by this ice storm, as have many bc sisters that don't post here. Can we please do a Circle white light/energy/prayer vigil of sorts for our sisters who have been hit by this disaster? I feel so bad and I wish there was more I could do.

    Anyway, since Cheri123 is absoltely jonesing for her computer and some contact with the outside world (provided it's not ice), she'd love to hear from some CG's. You can pm me the number you want her to call you on, and I will call her with it. Don't worry. I'll delete it, so I won't even have it. I'll just send it to Cheri.

    Once again, as I've said before...stay united and take care of one another...the rest is bs...Mena...xor
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I just want to thank all my circle sisters for all the love and warmth and support you have given me. Your posts and your pms have meant so much to me.

    I want you to know I am still here for each and everyone of you too!

    I am hoping I will get a good night's sleep tonight and then be back on my game tomorrow.

    I don't know what is happening yet. I do know that I am praying that I don't have the beast back again. But if I do, I pray it is just a new primary and I took the beast on when it was the first primary and I have no intention of letting it get a hold of me now.

    My biggest fear is it is mets.

    But right now though the docs are all focused on Righty...AKA the Good One.

    I will still get the brain mri but may have to have the breast surgery before that time.

    I have a few decisions to make about just how much surgery if it is a new primary, but that decision may have already been made for me. This grew incredibly fast. However, I am still holding out hope this is just a fur ball stuck in there! And I really won't know anything until pathology so until then, PROJECT FURBALL is my new mantra.

    Speaking of furballs....
    my cat had an earthworm stuck on his tail today. He looked like an olympic gymnast the way he was doing summersaults and leaps to get the thing off of him! At least he made me laugh today... he would be good company if I have to go through this again. There is always something with him.

    Thank you all again.

    Without you I would NOT be able to make it through this.

    I promise tomorrow- everyone gets an individual answer!!

    What's for dinner??? Since I am now abandoning all the no fat er/pr neg rules until further notice... BRING IT ON!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    NS---Not to make light of your situation but LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE FURBALL!!! Remember they all thought it was CA in my eye and it wasn't. Wait until I tell the eye surgeon he made a misdiagnosis and it's really a----FURBALL! Fleece blankies and warm toddies until you are able to get answers--white light and peace too.

    Vickie--Good ol' Lake Effect here---couldn't see across the street earlier. The forecast is for14" more or less, I think. Beyond 8", who cares---it's too much all at once! As for the recon---you can do that any time if you are so inclined.

    Mena---Keep forgetting to tell you how much I enjoyed the Jersey Girl pic---you look just like I imagined! I've always enjoyed your posts and your fiesty attitude---BC is no place for giving in or giving up.

    That's it. Know I am forgetting lots of folks but I've turned into a crochet maniac----10 squares so far. Of course the house is a wreck but I have 10 squares!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Jeannie, they LOOKED like furballs on the mammo!
    Please! Keep up the furball chant!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    furballs it will be
    furballs it will be
    hi ho the dairy oh
    furballs it will be...
    oh geez...way to much xanex in my sytem and that was totally corny!!!
    Chanting furballs constantly just for you as we need you here as much as you need us.
    love and hugs
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007

    Thanks for checking in and updating us. Yep, it is just a FURBALL. None of us wants it to be a new primary or mets but that is always the fear that we carry now that we have been diagnosed. Many of us have been gathering wood for these winter nights to keep everyone in the inner circle safe. Your breast cancer sisters are here.

    Trying to keep my headache out of my thoughts I focused on all of you today. I've thought about all the states we represent as shown on the map and the countries to our north and to our south and those in far and distant lands that separate us by great oceans. We have all come together because of two words - breast cancer. We've been hit in the stomach and brought to our knees by those two little words. We've been poked and prodded, endured surgeries, drains, chemo, and radiation. We've dealt with doctors that are rushed, seen to much cancer, or we have just lost faith in their attitude and judgements. We've lost our hair, hung over commodes, burned by radiation, been given chemo dosages that were wrong and destroyed bones, marriages that fell apart, medical bills and the overwhelming financial burden that followed to enduring the pain and discomfort from AI's. I close my eyes and I see the names of those that had to hear their cancer has spread - Dear God, so many in and out of the circle. We thought we would never get upset with a bad hair day again. We struggle to find our new normal or deal again with this bad hand we have been dealt. I never wanted this; none of you ever wanted this. I have cried for all of us today for our pain, our despair,the damage or readjusting to our most intimate relationships, our constantly being on high alert. I resent all the ads that make it seem as if all this is so easy. I see us today as such strong women; walking tall, head high. We've got lots of baggage; we have good and bad days mentally and emotionally but we came here as breast cancer sisters to encourage those going through some real dark valleys. At this time I'm on the hill and not in those dark valleys but what a comfort it is to know that if I had to walk in that valley all of you would be here helping me, and any others you know on this board or in life, taking their hand, giving hugs, encouraging words and sending prayers and good wishes. I've cried for us - the scars go deep - but I've smiled too because we changed - we're not bitter nor angry, not focused on ourselves but there to help someone else deal with "I have breast cancer"

    Love and blessings to all of you, to all the women who have had breast cancer. You are brave, you are strong and you are my sister.
