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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, keeping your daughter in our prayers.....I'm glad the doc say her ASAP.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Cheri-you are more than doing something to help her. You have her 3 boys and she knows they are in great hands and as a mom you know what kind of worry that can be so she can cross that one off of her worrying list. When I had surgery just knowing my son was getting everything he needed and lots of things he didnt,,hu hummmmm, made it very nice for me. Mother kept saying she wanted to do more but that was the most she could have ever done for me.
    Thinking of you cheri,,please let us know how shes doing.

    Running out of the ocean and grabbing that lost bathing suit and sunglasses off the beach now that Jan has claimed them. woooooooohooooooooo only slowing down long enough to fill up my glass at peggys drink stand. Yikes, gotta run,,I think Jan is coming after me.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Cheri- I am sorry about your daughter. It is so scary when our kids are sick,you feel so helpless.

    About the cheese steaks..when my son was home on leave he couldn't get enough cheesesteaks and wawa coffee. He says they have a place in Germany that says they sell philly cheesesteaks. He says they are not bad but not even close and they cost $8!! He says he only gets them when he needs too.
    Girls..I have my towel ready and margaretta in my hand..I am so there!!!
    Just got off of the phone w/h the hospital. I am use to the childrens hospital so this is new to us. The first nurse that called gave me a hard time because I said I am staying w/h my son. She says that is not done here. I told her now it is,he is only 14. I'm not leaving him so make room.We went at it for a few phone calls. Finally the head honcho called and said no problem just don't be loud and don't get in the nurses way. Like I'm going to throw a party!
    I went to the gyn today and he put me back on Lexapro(anti-depressant).I've been having trouble w/h panic attacks lately. Right now I've got myself all wound up and jumpy. Maybe I need that drink...a message would be nice too.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, One of the hardest things any of us do as a parent is not being able to help, be present or take care of one of our children when they have problems/sickness or we are sick. Goes against our basic instinct. We'll be here waiting to hear that all is well. Taking care of her children, as Amy said, has made this less frightening as you knows they are in the best loving hands around.

    Joyce, that nurse must have been young and no children or an idiot to think that you would walk away from a 14 year old child - that is not an adult!!! Glad that one was straighted out. Massage tent is open and the bar is still around from last weekend. If you are sailing off to that island with everyone else, there are several lounges to find and they are quiet and relaxing at the moment.

    Hello to all. WIll check in later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh sorry about your daughter but Amy is right. ALL I worried about when I was going for my surgery was Nathaniel...ALL I cared about was whether or not he was ok and not scared or missing me. Your DD will be at ease knowing that her kids are safe with you and you will be loving on them like she would. The hospital and doctors will take good care of your daughter. My daughter is 25 and we never stop worrying. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
    Bottoms up...heehee...I can see all of us in the ocean up to our knees doing a bottoms up to BC!!! Now THAT would be a picture to remember. I'd probably hang it on my living room wall!!!
    Shhh...still have my tree up...think I may need some serious help.
    I'm at Peggy's drink stand with a cheeze whiz philly steak in one hand a drink in the other and NO CLOTHES...(Capt. Jake is a bit busy somewhere...I suspect he's with Mena but that's her and miss her so I'll share.)
    Back in a while sweet sisters
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    eeks sorry to hear about your daughter.... i will be thinking of you and her tonight!!! i am sure she is going to be just fine!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Awww gee, girls. I love this Circle. No matter what anyone needs to vent about there's always support. I appreciate that so much. I haven't heard anything from her so I guess she's still waiting to see the dr. I imagine I'm still stressed out after 11 days of no power & now this. But I feel so much better after reading your posts. Thank you so much.

    Good news is...we now have water. Not temporary water like last night but I think dh got the pipes fixed.

    Thank you,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, it is never easy when your kids are sick. I am sure they caught it in time. Have you called the ER to get an update? That might reassure you.

    Joyce, I know we have discussed this kind of surgery before. I stayed with Eric when he had his pectus fixed but again it was at St. Chris whichis solely pediatrics. I guess the head honcho remembered if it will help the patient let her stay. It won't do any good if the patient is upset. We can always sneak in a D.J. and use his IV for a limbo pole. How ridiculous a comment, of course you'll be quiet. Pull up a barstool and have a 'rita! Leave one for Cheri though! She may need one after taking care of 3 kids tonight. Good thing they have water back.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Jan, I am so happy you liked the Cowgirl movie! I wish I knew how to post a better link so it would play in windows media player- it looks much better and bigger there. If anyone knows how let me know!

    MB- you are so sweet! I thought of you today and walked on the beach for thirty minutes-- that HAS to be good walking in sand right??

    Nicki, I love that song you posted!!

    Rach, isn't this the best place in the world???? So glad you are here too!!!

    Oh Shirley... you poor head! I can relate! It was very sunny here today- I find that makes them worse. I hope you feel better!!!

    Cheri, it is SO good to have you back!!!

    Vickie! Look at your sand castles!! if you ever take Nathaniel here for a visit I have a great big beach for him to practice his own on!!

    Peggy, I am drinking a toast to Diane right next to you!

    Deb that was so beautiful!!

    Amy I will keep you updated, I promise. I will know a lot more tomorrow.

    Denise! I am so glad you liked the movie!!

    hey Tracey- we will be waiting for you to check in later!!

    CHERI! Prayers to your daughter!!!! I had an appy once- she will be ok! It is good she is in the hospital! ((CHERI))))

    Joyce, I hope the lexapro helps! Until then- check in with Peggy- she is our mixmaster!

    Tomorrow I see the Co- Breast Surgeon and we will probably set up my surgery date then. They told me as soon as I have that date set to go ahead and schedule the brain MRI to get that out of the way. Between the squirells and the furballs- I NEED AN EXTERMINATOR!!!

    I am also sitting here eating Sees Chocolate.... WE GOT ANGELS IN THIS CIRCLE I TELL YA!!!!!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    G? you have a beach??????????

    i'm on my way!!!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Well it sure seems like there was alot going on today. Some of you know I love to quote movies. One of my farovite quotes is from the Magnificent 7. "You came back? Why?" Another good quote is "you never learned your elbow from a hot coal." And the thrid qoute for the night? From the Godfather. "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." So those are my quotes for the night. Hope I made you smile.

    So before I read everyones posts, let me tell you about my day. I saw my pcp and I was treated today like a regular old patient, not someone recovering from breast cancer. It was freshing! So heres the scoop. He thinks my fatigue may be related to my sleeping patterns. Asked if I snored! I said I dont know. Then I asked my husband and he says I snore all night long!! Im still having hot flashes. Said just because I had my ovaries removed, doesnt mean I wont have hot flashes. And it could go on for years!! Thanks doc. The headaches may be related to Depression. Oh yes - he definitely says Im depressed. If they dont go away in a week then he wants me to get an MRI of the brain. After my port removal, he wants me to get a cardiolyte stress test. I told him how I feel, like Ive changed - and he goes - well you look just the same to me. Then when he was leaving he told me about a low cost housing retirement community they are building in the area. Told me to go apply for the Director of Resident Services position. Said I sure would like to see you working in this area again. He changed me from Lexapro to Celexa only for insurance reasons, but he is upping the dose a bit. And he did blood work. So I was pretty happy when I left his office.

    When I first came on the computer I was reading a couple of pms sent to me and my husband said "wow you really have a club." So, I showed my husband CherylG's map. He was shocked. Shocked at the number. Its sort of weird that the Mississippi River to the East Coast has so many women with bc. And the sad part was we never here from anyone from Russia, China, India and other countries. Wow!

    MargaretB: OK, I just need to know. What is the significance behind eating the watermelon? I sure liked the sound of that.

    Joyce: Oh wow, burn the vessels? Ewwww. Im getting IV anesthesia and my pcp says I will be asleep during it. I would much prefer local. I got a new RX for Darvocet today and Im ready. I didnt realize your son is only 14. Oh my you must be so worried. Of course you can sleep with him, I go to hospitals everyday and people do that all the time. They will set up a bed for you. And OMG - this is so weird, my pcp was originally gonna up my Lexapro, but we changed to Celexa cause it is cheaper. R10.00/month vs $40.00/month. But he upped it cause Im having panic/anxiety attacks too. Told him how I can go to social gatherings. Gosh we a running our journey very close together.

    Lisa: Yumping Yiminy! Welcome, Howdy and Hello. This is a fun place to be. We get and give alot of support but we also make each other smile too. BTW I have also had herceptin!

    Jan: Philly Cheese Steaks? This Chicago girl only knows the guy who makes it down the street and Im sure its nothing like Philidelphia.

    Sige: OK! Ummmmm? Is there Rum, Gin, or Vodka in those drinks. Ill take the pretty blue one in a pretty glass with umbrellas. Rum in mine please.

    Cheri: OMG, you must be so worried. If you were at the hospital, what would you be doing. Sitting in a waiting room for hours waiting to hear news. Instead, you are taking care of your 3 beautiful grandchilden and your daughter has peace of mind while she is facing surgery. Hang in there girl.

    Amy: OH ahahahahaha Im running naked and chasing you and Jan. So what, are we gonna have the women running around naked police? Im still laughing pretty hard after your post.

    MB: Where are you? This is Wednesday and its not part of your week end off. So where are you? I told you I do alot of walking at work. I walked 4,968 steps today and that was without doing anything extra. I sure do like having this pedometer. I kept checking it all day.

    Vickie: Im right with ya. Standing there naked and enjoying every minute of it. And Im not even sucking in my stomach to make me look thinner! You are such a sweet person. You always put a smile on my face. Your pics are great.

    Liz: Quit lurking and please come back here. I missa you so much.

    Sherloc: Same with you, where are you. I need my daily dose of Shirley Larson.

    NS: Your my pal! I hate to think your going through this all again, but hey - we are gonna be with you every second.

    Vera: where are you.

    Susan: Im so worried about you. I hate it when I dont see your smiling face. I hope all is well and your safe.

    OK - thats enough. Im at Peggy's drinking stand.

    Oh! Last quote for the day. From Bonnie and Clyde. "aint life grand?"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    This is a song by Cher. Its title is "Believe." Its a high powered, motivational song.

    This is for Shel and LauraB:

    No matter how hard I try
    You keep pushing me aside
    And I can't break through
    There's no talking to you
    It's so sad that you're leaving
    It takes time to believe it
    But after all is said and done
    Your're gonna be THE LONELY ONE


    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel something inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough

    What am I supposed to do
    Sit around and wait for you
    Well I can't go that
    And there's no turning back
    I need time to move
    Ineed a love to feel strong
    'Cause I've got time to think it through

    Chorus..... as above

    Well I know that I'll get through this
    'Cause I know that I am strong
    I don't need you anymore
    I don't need you anymore

    Do you believe in life after love
    I can feel smething inside me say
    I really don't think you're strong enough
    Do you believe in life after love

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007
    Love that song, Sweet nicki!!! needed to come and say hello, to all the CG'S! think about you guys all the time, and check on you too!! just been in my funk for a while, cher123, praying for your Baby!! Vicki, Yours too!! and praying for OUR Young Man in Germany!!! Praying for sweet Diane, and her family!! HELL I guess what I am saying is I really LUV you !!!!! talked to Our sweet Mena today, she is one Strong Woman!!!!!!xoxo Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    OH my gosh ladies....somebody come rescue the cruise director. It was an insane day at work and I am simply exhausted (yeah...captain Jake wore me out a bit too)...can't seem to find the castle so I'm spending the night in a hammock between two palm trees with the sea waves and ocean breeze lulling me to sleep...naked of course LOL. Still imagining all of us knee deep in the ocean with our butts in the air saying "kiss this bc"...LOL.
    Hi Puppy...good to see you...stick around a spell.
    To all our new girls...

    Check out our beautiful sunset this evening.

    Have a sweet wonderful evening ladies...I may be back if I don't fall asleep but I have laundry and crocheting to get caught up on!
    I love you...each and every one!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Last but certainly not least...
    To Madison for your you sister
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    I talked to my dd, Amber, and they ran all kinds of tests because her blood work wasn't right. Of course, I've been thinking the worst when they said 'blood work'. She's a thin girl & her stomach was all pooched out & hurt. So I thought 'tumor'. Then i made myself stop and...breathe.

    She just called. Thank GOD. She has a kidney, bladder and urinary tract infections. What a relief! I know it hurts but it could've been so much worse. She's not alone down there either, two of my sisters are there with her. Bless their hearts.
    So thanks to all you girls for the support. Whew! Dodged another bullet!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh happy to hear your good news. A kidney, bladder, urinary tract infection is no walk in the park (been there, done that...many times) but she will be feeling so much better in a couple of days!

    Hmmm...looks like captain Jake has found the treasure...what shall we all buy? New pillows and comfortors for our wagons perhaps.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, it is good news about your daughter. I hope they give her a prescrition for antibiotics.

    Vickie, thank you.....

    Puppy, tell Mena we miss her...

    I have to go, dh NEEDS the computer tonight.

    Sleep tight everyone.....until later....

    Hugs, Madison
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Look what the good Cap'n found for all of the survivors on this island!

    Pretty neclace since flip-flops are needed for the sand...

    I like this bracelet a lot...

    This anklet is just the right accessory with a bathing suit!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Checking in and then probably calling it a night.

    Peggy, raising my glass for a toast to Diane. I never got the hang of chat but I know that there is an "MJ" that is also close to ending this chapter of her journey. Here's to MJ and all the other faces I don't know but that my heart aches for what we are loosing, the fight they have fought and their families.

    Nicki and Joyce. I had a port a cather and mine was inserted in the radiology dept. Insertion was a nightmare. It was supposed to take an hour, took two. He said my vein was stenosed and wanted to know if I had had one before and when I said no he told me I must have been born that way. It wasn't supposed to take so long so my heart rate started to go up and get irregular - one of those times I prayed - things settled down right away. By the time he finished, he was frustrated and I started shaking so badly and was so cold they wrapped me in blankets to come home. Said it was the meds. I looked like I had been beaten in my "good breast" with a baseball bat after that. I really dreaded them removing my port. Once again it was done in radiology and they just numbed me up a bit and never felt a thing and was so easy. I am not sure what I would do if I was told I ever needed another one after that first insertion.

    Lisa and Judy welcome.

    Gee, just saw that some of our gals are going to get hit with another storm and very cold temps this weekend. Saying prayers that everyone will have power before these frigid temps and more bad weather hits.

    Madison, know what you mean about waking up. Lately I find myself waking up lots and saying prayers for folks I know and love and those that are unknown but need prayers. I will have finished all treatments in early March - I still have some down days and still working to get my energy back. Sometimes reading all that you guys do, I truly think there is something wrong with me. I look at my pedometer and realize I have taken over 9000 steps today - so maybe I'm doing better than I think.

    Cheri, sorry to hear that your daughter has those infections and they can make you feel so bad - but that you have talked to her and it isn't anything more serious that requires surgery.

    NS - thanks for keeping us posted. I ate a piece of Sees Chocolate candy at our sons at Christmas - first time I ever tasted it. It is a good thing we had to leave for the ice skating rink to watch the granddaughter or he would have not had any left between the hubby and myself.
    Hope you enjoyed the walk on the beach. Sometimes those walks or looking out across the mountains is those times that I reflect, sort out my thoughts and talk to God.

    Hope I haven't left anyone out. Hubby still having a bad time - Medrol dose pack (prednisone) not really helping much and I called today to see about scheduling an MRI. Guess we will see what that shows and go from there. This has only been going on for 3 weeks.

    Kind of tired so think I am going to go curl with a book for a bit and do my own little bit of escaping. Gonna have a drink too - mild - but a drink.

    Gentle hugs to those who could use one and asking the Lord to bless each of you and those that you love, strength to those that are tired and peace to those worried about test, treatments and procedures.

    LOL, Brenda
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok i am at work and omg
    we have a couple construction crews staying.... mmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmm mmm!!!!!!!!!
    now i need a smoke! hahaha
    be back soon!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    ok, i've told this story before, but since i'm in
    "a mood" and don't do goes!

    my gram worked for "walker's" when she was a teenager......."walkers" is a HUGE, brand name chocolate factory in ontario.......anyhow, she always tells us stories about how the "rat droppings" and "ground up cock roaches" were acceptable "to a certain point" in the making of the chocolates/candies.

    when she got home from work, my great grandma made her strip naked on the veranda, because her uniform might be infested with cockroaches!!!!!!

    chocolate anybody??????? maybe that story is why i don't bother with the stuff!!!!!! lololol1
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Ok, thanks Shel. LOL It will take quite a while for me to eat chocolate. Good thing the holidays are over and the kids ae too big for Easter baskets.

    But dark chocolate is still OK like drinking red wine?
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007

    Hi ladies, can I join in? There is nothing that would keep me away from Chocolate. I am a true chocoholic.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    odalys.........please join in!

    i just spent 3,000 bucks at "the falls" close to miami.......gosh i love where you live!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007

    thanks. The Falls...awsome place.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2007
    Hi All,

    Just have a second but I wanted to say thank you so much for the warm welcomes.
    Oh Shel- yuck rat droppings in my chocolate? If I can keep that thought in mind mabey I will lose the 20 lbs I've gained!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007

    Hi Sue. What part of Florida are you from?

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007

    Odalys and Sue, would be able to package some of the warmth and sunshine and direct just a wee bit up norht and definitley out to the mid-west!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007

    I'd love to. It's been in the 80's here.