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  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2007
    Hey there Circle Girls... just saew the post from NS and had to post here ... So happy to see that NS was the recepient of an afghan - and so surprised ... and full of love ... also thinking furball furball furball... NS... you are so deserving ... you are such a wonderful support on this site.

    I'm so sad - thinking of Diane and her family right now ... needed to feel some love from the circle - and NS's post re: the afghan was just what I needed to read.

    Can't keep up with all the posts here ... but love you all.... this seems like such a supportive, fun and creative thread... Lots of lovely ladies here.

    Hugs to all of you here!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Hi ladies, just finished dinner and dishes and am setting down for my nihtly computer and American Idol is on tonight. Let's see, where do I start?

    Judy and Lisa, welcome. You've come to the right place for love and support.

    Vickie, what a beautiful picture.

    Cheri, a nice warm house to wake up in? That's great and hot water to boot. Heaven...Oh, sorry to hear about your daughter. At least she can relax knowing that her kids are in good hands.

    Peggy, better get that blender going - we need more watermelon margaritas for Diane.

    Amy, I had the laser eye surgery about 6 years ago - one of the best things I have ever done. Now it's one of the most common procedures.

    NS, good luck with the dr. tomorrow. Enjoy that chocolate.

    Nicki, the watermelon is for Diane. During the summer when she was still able to post, she would mention watermelon so a lot of us would have a piece for her.

    Puppy, how is Mena doing?

    Thanks Shel for the info on Walkers. Better tell NS to quit eating the Sees.

    To all I missed - you're in my thoughts.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening CG's,

    The weather here today was in the 50's and so very suuny,so a lot of the snow on the side streets is starting to melt. Its going to get colder again (but not frigid) and more snow on sunday - just don't know how much yet. I'm sure we are on target for records amounts of snow.
    NS- I got my pedometer at Target for $5.00 - it now needs a new battery and wonder if I should just get a new one or buy the battery. I loved what you said about inner healing. How true - but so hard to remember and be patient. Please post your movie. I didn't know Diane, but I'm sure her spirit would want you to post the movie.
    Judy - welcome to this wonderful caring group of gals.
    Nickie - my girlfriend says our spouses are our co-survivors. so what do we call our children who journey with us?
    Shel - thinking of you today. I hope you have good memories of your dog. We lost our beloved bulldog Sarge about 1 1/2 years ago. We all cried so hard. We now have 3 dogs - Cocoa almost 15 (beagle/cocker) and Rosey and Charley 1 1/2 year old Bernese Mountain dog siblings.
    MB - yes I need to find a new me - but I really liked the old me - a lot less aches and pains. I'm sure with time, I will come to accept the new me - whoever she is and even make friends with her. I think it is just really sinking in what has occurred over the past year. My one year anniversary as a survivor is coming up in just over one week. I am worried about how I will handle that day - so I scheduled my carpel tunnel surgery - surgery is actually the day before, but for some reason that is the day I am more worried about - it is the day of the week and work schedule. A friend said I should have taken the day off anyways and done something special. The thing is, I felt that I needed a diversion. So its CT surgery. Surgery is at 1:30 - don't need to be there till 11:30, so will have the morning off to relax and visit here. but its still just over one week away.
    Joy - glad all went well with your port removal.
    Vickie - what a beautiful picture. Gee - your resume is really growing - now cruise director. I've never wanted to go on a cruise so can I just join you all on the nice sandy beach. I am ready for a warm weather vacation.
    Shirley - tried the bifocals as I got tired of the on/off. I need my glasses mostly for reading, but can't see the person in front of me with just the reading glasses.
    Deb - thanks for the angel story.
    Jan - yuup, the bifocals are progressive no liners.
    Doreen - welcome back.

    Well, tomorrow is my 3 month check up with my onc. I am more stressed about this one than the one in Oct and really don't know why. I need to make a list of questions so I don't forget anything. On our nightly walk tonight, my dh said he dreads going to the onc's office. DH keeps telling me how horrible my chemo was - I know he means how hard it was for him to see me suffer so much. A reminder of how much he has hurt on my journey. My dh is truly a wonderful person and my best friend.

    I'm sitting her in a little cami and sweats and I am so HOT - ready to open the window.

    Hope everyone has good nights sleep and good day tomorrow. sending cyber hugs to everyone.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    evening ladies..
    well what a long night at work... the temps were in the pluses today and everything started to melt.... now its freezing out there so i am worried the roads are going to be quite icy... and its really foggy... ugh!!!!!!

    welcome boo.. you have found a great place here!
    good luck on your 3 month tomorrow karen...
    have a great night ladies!!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Welcome to Judy, Lisa E, Odalys & Doreen! This is the place to be!

    Niki, I can't help but wonder if you're having rebound headaches from the darvocet? Rebounds are sometimes worse than regular headaches.

    Deb you post on the Pennys reminds me of what my sister says about pennys. She say that pennys are Gods way of reminding her that all is not lost and that she will never be totatly broke as she will always find a penny when she thinks things are not fgoing well.
    So with that I hope everyone one here finds a penny, picks it up and relizes how wonderfuly rich we are that we have each other!

    Now if that water temp is warm, I'm right there with you all! There's nothing like snorkleing in warm water and seeing all the pretty fish!

    NS, Walking in sand, especially loose sand counts extra in my book as it's harder to walk in. And if it's warm it feels so ggod between the toes!
    And I too think Diane would want you to post your movie. She would want us all to rejoice in life and keep on fighting!

    Cheri, the girls are right, you taking care of the grankids is the biggest help you could be to your daughter when she's not feeling well. Sitting at the hospital wouldn't help her as much as knowing her kids are being taken care of with all the lovew you have for them.

    Roxwood, call your Dr. Things like that are important to tell them. it may be nothing but they should still know.

    Does anyone get cramps in the chest below the brests? They are absol;utly driveing me nuts! I get them all the time! especially if I have to strain or twist. Reaching for my feet, buckleing my seat belt, little things it just is masking me nuts!

    I know I need to drink more but I feel like I'm floating away if I drink more than 60 ozs a day

    There was something else I was going to post but can't remeber now.

    Going to throw some more wood on our beach bonfire! One of my favorite fires.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Shel!Yup, I have a beach- I have Long Island Sound on one side and Oyster Bay on the other... Now I can cook- I used to be a chef- so if you would like to vaccum then we have a deal! OMG- wouldn't that be fun if you all came here!

    Nicki! You moviesavant you!! I LOVED your quotes... I thought of another one from Godfather 2 for ya: "Senator, we may be part of the same hypocrisy but don't EVER think it applies to my family" LOL!!
    OH how I love to hear you are just a regular old patient!!! I hope the change to celexa helps. And I hope you get that JOB!!!

    Vickie the naked cruise director worn out from Capt Jack??? Girl- I love ya- A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!!!

    And I thank you for the specail post to Madison- she is the most thoughtful, loving and caring person... we are blessed to have her with us! (Plus, we may be related since all of my mom's relatives come from New Orleans!!)

    Cheri- I AM SO GLAD your daughter is ok!!!! Thank heavens!

    Naniam, I tried to have just one or two of the Sees... in the first 30 seconds after opening it! I really hope your DH is feeling better soon!!!

    Tracey....don't you just love worn jeans, work boots and a work belt??? You are having more fun than ANY of us tonight!

    OH SHEL! I remember you told me that story when I was freaking out about the Pink Goodnplenties!!! Hell's bells! I am taking my chances!

    Dear Odalys! I am sitting here surrounded by chocolate!!!! Come on over to my wagon!

    Boo, so glad to see you here!

    Doreen, thank you so much! That is such a nice thing to say- I really appreciate it. Don't worry about keeping up with the posts- just jump in whereever you can... we are that kind of place! I have been thinking about Diane all day too... heartbreaking. How I hate this disease!!!

    Margaret- no one is telling me to quit eating the Sees!!! You are watching Idol? I am a Top Chef girl.. I don't know why I put myself through Project Runway and Top Chef--- I GET SO MAD at who they pick!

    Karen, I am so glad it warmed up a bit! I know it is hard to remember what our spirits have been through, and I know my spirit right now is trying to keep me together... well, yours did too throughout the whole thing- we have to honor the strength it showed us we had by letting it have a rest from all that stress!
    I remember the day the "Old Me" came back. She came back into a new body- but the old spark was back. I actually remember the very moment and felt the cancer patient leave and ME return. I remember thinking- "What took you so long!" You will see, the "old karen" will be coming back- but she comes back so much smarter and and braver and warn your family- she also doesn't take any crap!
    When you wear the pedometer, do you wear it on your foot? Oh and the movie is in the Take Me Away thread. I wish I knew how to post a link so it would play on Windows Media player- it looks SO MUCH BETTER that way-

    Today someone told me that they think I am "strong" because I had bc and am facing a possible return of it. I told her we are all strong. Some of us just get cancer and it comes out more. I finally figured out how to answer the "you are so strong" thing- I told her it is like being caught in a rainstorm- some of us have umbrellas and stay dry and some of us get wet. we have no control over how wet we get- but we deal with it and try to get out of the rain... there really is no difference to me.
    I truly think that none of us have any idea what is inside us until we are faced with this. We always had our inner strength, but because we have had bc we have been given a chance to see just how deep and powerful that inner strength really is. Others who never are faced with it don't know what they are made of deep down... so we seem special- but everyone has it- we just have to use it.

    My cat has been searching for the other cat that he thinks is in the house. The box and the afghan have the scent of a kitty on them and Mr. Fluffy is convinced I am hiding it from him... so of course I have been meowing in the other room just to make him nuts.

    Love you all.... sleep well!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007

    Love you all...not feeling very chatty tonight...hope all are well.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Hi CGs,

    As with most of you - I am very sad about Diane - I didn't know her but read a lot about her since I visit the mets thread regularly. It saddens me to see so much pain in the posts of those that knew her - I wish all of you peace during this sad time.

    It's been a while since I posted so even the double-tab won't help! I'll hit who I can for now...

    NS - still hoping for furballs - really sucks to have to go through all that but soon you will know what you're dealing with or not dealing with - you can do it - and none of your worries are silly or trivial or crazy. You are awesome - remember that!! Happy to hear about the afghan...

    Boo - welcome!!

    I think there's another new one here - oh yeah - Odalys - welcome!!

    Shel - glad you're hanging in there - so sorry about the vet delay - but I think it happened for a reason too - many warm hugs to you today...

    Karen - good luck on your check up - I don't think you really ever get better at it - at least I didn't - every 6 months I would have a "worry week" before my visit - I'm just happy I could forget about it the other 50 weeks of the year...happy you have a loving DH to help you - and vice versa!

    Tracey - HI!! Always love to see your snowman in a thong!

    Cheri - glad your daughter has something less serious and they can treat it. Anyway - happy you know what it is now...

    Brenda - sorry your hubby is having a hard time...

    Nicki - sorry you are having troubles with your hot flashes and hope the dose change will improve your headaches...but happy you left the doc's office happy and felt like a "regular patient"!

    Deb - hope you're hanging in there with your friends and all the poop you're dealing with around you...

    Liz - Arimidex is going well - fingers crossed it stays that way.

    As for me - I feel pretty good right now! Pain is pretty much gone, fatigue is almost gone, I have HAIR growing everywhere - should have eyebrows by next week and eyelashes the week after that. My head hair is now showing since most of it is grey it didn't show right away - there's now a shadow - YAY! My beard continues to grow at an alarming rate - I have to pluck a little every day. I bought my third wig - and I love it - black roots and blond ends - have had many compliments on it - think I'll go with that look with my real hair if I'm lucky enough to stay on hormones and keep it! Weather here is strange - very little rain and it should be pouring - hope it starts soon so we don't have to worry about water in the summer. Getting used to the support hose for the blod clot and can't wait until I can stop wearing them - tried a couple days but ugghh - the swelling sucked.

    I think that's it for now - hard for me to post every day but I do keep an eye on the wagon circle...

    Oh - the cruise sounds wonderful - and g - loved the safari video...really took me away...

    Hugs to you all,

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007
    Okay...everyone's talking about furballs. Did I miss something? I've scrolled back but can't find the first reference to it and I'm in stupid-land...can someone explain what it means? In the meantime...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Christine, I know you haven't posted it here yet but glad you did well with the surgery and I'm also glad the Dr thinks everything looks good!

    Ginney, Blood clots suck! I go in tomorrow to see what my test results came back as to why I'm getting them.

    Peggy, I think your drinks are watermelon daquris and blue hawaiians both are good Yum!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Ginney, glad to hear that things are growing back and you are feeling like YOU again!! I didn't know you had a blood clot! I hope you can get it under control. I have had to take plavix ever since chemo so I can relate. I am so glad you liked the safari- you have to check out the new CowgirlUP movie I made for us- it is in the Take Me Away thread. It looks MUCH better in Window Media Player so I will beg all of you again- if you know how I can post it so you all can play the movies in WMP let me know!!

    Peggy, it is me with the furballs. I have a few tumors that might be IT back. I am meeting with the surgeons tomorrow. I am praying that they are just stray furballs and NOT the beast. And everyone has been chanting it for me! I was also made the most beautiful gift of a cat afghan to help me through this and it arrived today and I am still totally overwhelmed at the love and work that went into it. I am so lucky - they told me that even if they turn out to be just furballs I get to KEEP the afghan!!!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    We just want to remind those that are reading to feel free to jump in at anytime! We will do our best to make you feel welcome and help in anyway that we can. We know that this thread moves pretty fast, don't worry about teying to keep up or read back. We'll be happy to introduce ourselves. We have several who are real good at summerizing what's going on in the circle, especially our Nutty Nurse Niki! She usually gets us going in the morning. Me I'm not a morning person so I usually am on here at night. There is usually someone on here watching for others and walking the perimeter. So come on in, pull up a log or a chair and sit by the fire. Chat, listen reflect. It's all good here!

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2007

    I've had a flood of pm's letting me know...I am sorry, I hope I didn't offend with the furball pic...I didn't realize they were connected!

    Hugs & B9 thoughts for you,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    I think that furball is cute! I am HOPING he and a few of his brothers are in my boob!

    love you Peggy girl.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    NS, you must be a nite owl as I know it's late where you are. What time is your appointment tomorrow? Miner is at 4. I will be thinking of you allday I'm sure. It will help me not think about my appointment.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    CY and NS

    Yeah - my onc said that bc and chemo predispose to blood clots - adenocarcinomas in general do. The nurses said it too - they both mess with the blood so much.

    Buggar - wish I would have known that - would have taken my aspirin - might not have helped but you never know. Anyway - now I'm on coumadin and found nice hose that work...just a pain in the rear after the rest of the crap!

    Off to bed I go....

    Nite ladies!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: I have been up since 5am but it just took me this long to read everyones post. Today is gonna be a grand day! I can feel it. Still cold in the Chicago end of the circle but like Ihave said before, I will take 20 degrees anyday. This is warm for Chicago. I hear its gonna get windy today (always have been known as the Windy City) and thats gonna make it feel much colder. I have made coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and some chicken soup. So come on down to my teepee. Too cold to sit by the campfire. And Ill think I will borrow Vickies friend to guard the entrance from any intruders! Only bc survivors will get through and of course no men, that is unless they have breast cancer.

    Puppy: Its always good to hear from you. Im glad you enjoyed the words to that song. I just love it. In fact Im gonna go out and get that CD today. Will be great exercising to it. Might just be the thing that motivates me.

    Vickie: I just love your visual. The cruise is for those of us with bc and Im just picturing us standing in the Ocean with our butts saying "kiss this bc." In fact whenever I get worried, Im gonna think of that.

    Cheri: That goodness your daughter didnt have a ruptured appendix. That worried me. But like someone else said, infection of the kidney, and bladder are no picnic either. Hoping that antibiotic gets everyone one of those little buggers.

    Madison: I hate having computer competition with my husband. That happened to me last night, but he gave in for a bit. A big thank you from me also. It was nice to be part of it.

    Brenda: What a horror story about your port a cath. I really could picture you starting to shake all over. You were almost going into a "shock" mode." My story is a bit different. My sentinel node came back positive 8 days after my surgery. So it was a given - I needed chemo. Surgeon insisted on doing a lymph node dissection, so it was back to surgery again - general anesthesia - and they put the port in at the same time. Being a nurse, I understood the language. And when I was in recovery room, the surgeon told the nurse - watch her, her lungs got wet during the port insertion. So I did have a complication, but didnt feel it. Just knew what he was talking about. I have whined so much about having to get IV anesthesia for the port removal, but now that I have heard both Joyces story and yours, Ill take the anesthesia. And 9000 steps? Whoo hooo! Thats amazing. I was proud of my almost 7,000 steps. And you think you dont do too much?

    Tracey: Oh my goodness, the construction crews guys made me laugh out loud. So do you have to work all different kinds of shifts? I had to do that when I was a young nurse and hated it. My body never could adjust.

    Shel: Now I understand why you dont like chocolate. But it still didnt persuade me not to eat it. Lets see, for my wake up hungry I had 3 chocolate kit kats. And M & M's are always in the house. Here in Chicago we have Fanny May candie. It is out of this world, especially their carmel turtles. I cant go near a box - if I do I will consume the whole darn thing, in about 10 minutes. Hate to see how many carbs, calories, and fat are in it. And between you and me girlfriend, if we put our heads together we could certainly take care of that problem we have been talking about. I have a 3 inch, 16 guage needle and walking with a smile on my face! Also have a # 30 Foley cath ready to be inserted, think Ill inflate the bulb as Im pulling it out!

    Odalys: Wow, so good to see you and welcome. Glad you stopped by the wagon circle. We really do have so much fun. And great support too. Wow! Miami? Things are gonna be hoppin there for the next 2 weeks. Just imagining all those good looking football players walking shirtless on South Beach gives me goose bumps.

    Boo: Glad you stopped in again. Hoping your having a fantastic morning.

    Doreen: Oh my goodness, so glad you came back! You have been missed.

    MargaretB: Now I do remember Diane eating the watermelon. That is just the sweetest story. So today, watermelon it is. Does watermelon flavoried Jolly Ranchers count?

    Kasren: CoSurvivors? Oh yes, our children are cosurvivors. I just cant imagine all of you who are fighting bc with little children. Its got to be so hard for them. Each age has its own fears - I remember that from Child Psych. Good luck with your onc visit. I know things will be fine. We will be there with you for the Carpal tunnel surgery too. Anniversaries - somehow I fretted more over there coming. Once they came - it was anticlimatic. 2 years ago - I never would have thought I would be saying I will be celebrating my 2 years anniversary in April.

    Cherylcy: Rebound headaches from Darvocet. Now thats a thought. Its sort of funny. When I came home last night I had a couple of glasses of wine - and guess what the headaches went away. So they have to be stress related. I stopped at Barnes and Nobles yesterday and was reading a bunch of different books. I just love that place. Anyways there was a book on headaches, anxiety and depression - can cause them also. This morning, so far Im good. No headache. Maybe the thought of getting an MRI of the brain scared them away. Oh and I always pick up a penny when I find one. Superstious me - pick up a penny and have good luck all day. Dont pick it up and you will have bad luck. I liked your story about the penny better than mine. And thanks for the update on Christine. I forgot she had surgery on Monday and Im so glad she is doing well and recovering.

    Christine: Sending you a big hug. The surgery is over and your recovering nicely. Thank goodness.

    NS: I loved the "Senator" quote. I also have lots of quotes from the movie "Heathers" but it would be x-rated and in poor taste. Darn anyways. The word "strong" has different meanings. Those of us with bc understand what inner strength is. Those who dont have it - they dont get it. I liked the umbrella story. Sometimes I feel like Im walking in the rain without any umbrella. But when that happens I put my old newsboy chemo hat on so I dont get rained on my face.

    Ginney: Its so good to see you! Dang it on having a blood clot! Those anitembolism hose are stylish - not! Im so happy about your hair growth. I had the same problem. Mine came back salt and pepper. More salt than pepper, so at first it was hard to see. The Mets board is one of the forums I visit frequently, but rarely post. Its a special place, a sacred place, for those with Mets to go and share feelings. Since I dont have mets at this point in my journey, I would feel like I was intruding. Sometimes, I will write a word of encouragement though. And there are so many here from the circle who also are a big part of the Mets forum. I think thats what is great about - there are so many places we can go. But I pretty much stick here in the circle.

    Peggy: Great furball picture. Once again Im laughing.

    Wow! I just looked at the time. This morning has gone so fast. I gotta go get ready for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I love the quotes, Nicki, NS...maybe we can start a "Most Important Quote" would be interesting (and probably very enlightening) to read what everyone would post....just a thought (and I don't have many of those)....

    I have to tell you the story on the box that the afghan was packaged in.....

    I have a cat and I had an empty you know how cats love to crawl into empty boxes...well I was putting the Cat afghan in the box...and low and behold...the cat afghan came the twilight even scratched me...ouch...

    Anyway, I look and there sits my cat in the box, like she doesn't have a care in the world, owns the box (and she is mean so I had to let her have ownership for a little while)

    that is why NS's cat is going crazy....there was another cat involved in this story...

    Ginny, I'm glad your pain is almost gone. Pain and worry are not a good combination and can make you feel so very tired.

    Tracey, if you would have let Vickie near the construction crew, I am sure they would have been roped into the circle..

    CY, NS, Karen, my goodness you all have doc appointments today..we will be thinking about you all day today...

    I have to go (I have a date with a carpet shampoo machine, then on to work).

    Please know that I think of all of my thoughts and prayers.. Take care everyone, Hugs,

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies, Karen, good luck on your checkup today. Even now, two years later, I still worry when I go for mine.

    NS, I got hooked on Top Chef last season. I haven't watched last night's episode yet and I think it was the finale. I Tivo'd it though and will watch it this morning as I get ready for work.

    Ginney, where in CA are you? I haven't heard about rationing here except possibly the East Bay.

    Nicki, I used to get hormonal migraines - haven't had one since my diagnosis-figured that scared the migraines away. Anything watermelon would count. Have a Jolly Roger for Diane.

    Time for a shower (NS, I'll think of you when I watch Top Chef this morning).

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Morning, sisters!!

    Not a good night here. Been up since 3:45 as hubby was up walking the floor in pain. Gonna be a very long day. My brain worked in chemo mode far to much and now with this lack of sleep - ugh.

    Christine, was glad to hear that your doctor felt positive/good about your biopsy. Check in when you can.

    Cheri have you talked with Susan? When is her knee surgery again, I forgot (memory bad)

    NS, hope you don't mind a crowded room today on that appointment. Think you will find lots of intent faces taking lots of notes.

    Sending a gentle hug to everyone that could use one.

    Check in later, I hope.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2007

    {{DIANE}} Now has her wings! Iremember the story about the deer and little fawns! will never look at my little friends again without thinking of this Sweet {{{ANGEL}}} Ginney, I visit the Mets. forum all the time, and pray over all of them! I once talked to Nicki about starting a post so the sisters that visit, but do not have mets. could post our love! we did not know what to do!! But we really love all of You that are suffering and check on you all the time! I feel guilty when I post for a few, only because someone asks, I often wonder if others would care if I would send them my love and prayers! Sweet Ginney, could You make a post that I could do this on and many other sisters, that would Love to also? My heart is soooo sad for Sweet Dianes Family, maybe we can keep them in our thoughts in the Circle today!! love to all. and my prayers and good thoughts to all that are having tests, and rough times! xoxo Love you CG'S! Puppy

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    good morning sweet ladies,
    Cruise director checking in...
    Tracey...send a couple of those construction guys my way...Captain Jack swiped my eyeliner!!! Drive safely on your way home!
    Welcome new ladies..we are growing day by day...what a wonderful thing.
    NS...hope your still smiling this morning. You live on the beach...oh my...I SOOOO love the ocean!!!! And...yup a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste...single mom with no man...think I am a virgin again...pfffttt!!! (oops...thats Shel's word!)
    SHEL...I'm eating chocolate anyway...I figure I've eaten it all these years and it hasn't killed me yet LOL.
    Odalys and Sue...where are you in daughter is in Mount Dora.
    Karen...thought we all needed a warm weather cyber vacation with the ice and snow and bitter cold so many of us have had lately. Your visit with your oncologist will be fine...I too was freaked out at my last one so I know what your talking about.
    Ginny...your hair is coming happy for you...isn't it exciting!
    (((Peggy)))...thinking of you as I know you are having some sadness about Diane. I feel sad too even though I didn't know just isn't fair!
    Brenda...grab a hammock and get a nap!
    Hi Margaret...I have only seen Top Chef a couple of times but liked it...fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow...darn.
    Hmmm...I think Deb is out froliking in the ocean with Captain Jack, looks like Susan, Liz, Mena, and many others are hiding somewhere, getting ready to tip Cheri out of her hammock and wake her butt up...and Tracey...your not working...your here on vacation with all of us! No ice, no snow, no cold. had Nathaniel so full of questions last night. It was cute. I told him about everyone here and how you are like my sisters (many of you are closer to me than my sisters) and he said..."Like my Aunt Peggy and Joanie and Nicki are your sisters?" I told him yes, sort of like that but we ladies are sisters because we want to be. Wellll...guess what are all now the proud owner of a nephew LOL. He has this all figured out...if you are my sisters like my real sisters are then you are his aunts. He's a real hoot! He's my 8 year old but acts like he's my little old man sometimes. I have actually told him "get in trouble for crying out loud...your a boy!" luck. I am so very blessed.
    Gotta you all and sorry for all I've missed writing to but your in my thoughts.
    Love ya sisters
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hey, it's me. Do you all even remember who I am? I have my internet access back and I stopped to send a message before I have even had my coffee. I am so addicted!!!!
    I don't have time to read everything. Much of it I do not understand.

    Christine I was with you at your surgery. Was wearing the funny hat and glasses.

    NS, been praying for you. Is there an appt today. I'd better hurry and get dressed. Where is that magic carpet. I saw a commercial the other day about magic carpets. It was a company manufacturing them. I think IBM was solving their IT problems or something.

    Cheri your daughter is sick? My dad had his gall bladder taken out yesterday. He is doing good and they expect him to go home today.

    Brenda thanks for thinking of me. Surgery is the 30th. I'm nervous, but I keep telling myself that after BC this should be a piece of cake. No chemo, rads, nothing!! Hugs to you and your husband. No sleep is no fun.

    Madison you are just so sweet. What a nice story about the kitty. I've been so worried about NS and had no way to tell anyone. I knew you all would take good care of her.

    Nicki you are feeling chipper this morning. All your tests are ok?
    Ginny do you have a blood clot? Brenda did you get a port put in? Cherycy are you having migranes? I had hormal migranes like Margaret. I went to a headache specialist. It really helped a lot. Since menopause, I have only very mild ones.

    Nicki, still have to go get new tennis shoes. <whine>Will you come and hold my hand after the surgery. Just not looking forward to this. </whine>

    I know there are many of you I haven't gotten to. I will be back later (assuming another transformer doesn't blow up) You just cannot imagine the destruction from this one lousy ice storm.

    Like everyone else, I'm so sorry to hear about Diane. She was such a neat lady and so willing to share with us her journey. I hope we can keep her photography threads. A memorial to her perhaps.

    God Bless,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 very sorry for Diane's family.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning all!
    worked till 11 last night and back to work already...
    nikki i usually work the 7 to 3 shift but its been really slow so i am covering 1 -2 night shifts... and i am so pooped out about it.....
    peggy omg hahahaha i loved your furball......
    and nosurrender furballs furballs...
    have a great day ladies!
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2007
    Good morning ladies,

    I hope this fine morning has everyone feeling well. I will be off to WW (for the second time today, shit! ) Chemo brain, thought it was at 9.30, but turns out to be 12.15, what a dip I am.

    I had my blood work done the other morning, Monday I think, had abdominal and breast ultrasounds done on Tues and have bone scan done tomorrow at 9.30 am. Yikes, my insides are churning. I am attributing all the aches and pains to the Arimidex, but family doctor wants to scan every part of me. I am grateful to have such a thorough doctor but at the same time I would rather live in denial. My poor husband is totally freaked out. I think bc freaked him out more than me. His first wife died of bc and now here I am with it. He called me from work and said " I am so worried I can hardly concentrate" I said don't worry Mike, I am fine. I am trying to put it out of my mind but I am not having much luck with that.
    Nicki, hope the headaches subside soon.
    Susan, glad you're back. WITCH...why did you have to ugly up chocolate??

    My memory sucks as you can see from my double trip to WW today, I should write down everyones name and reply but I didn't think of that.

    Have a great day chicas, I am working 3-11 today so YAY great fun on the ortho floor tonight especially with snow and ice, someone always falls and breaks something.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Well hello there!! Remember me? It's been almost a solid month since I've been on the board. No real reason, and let me tell you, just seeing all your names as I scroll through to get to the last post almost brought tears to my eyes. I hope everyone is doing really well, and even though I haven't been online, I think about you all almost every day. I am going to try to catch up on the last month (1238 posts - holy cow!), but I just wanted to post this right now.

    I just saw on CNN that they think that Trenton might be in Korea. I'm not really sure WHY they think that, but apparently they are looking into it right now, and trying to use airport surveillance tapes etc to see if they can find him. Well of course I immediately thought of Vickie (it is Vickie right? my memory is awful, and Trenton went missing before I joined the circle, so I mostly learned about him from reading the "back posts" to get familiar with you all.) Anyway, it seems like really positive news.

    OK, well again, I hope everyone is doing really well, and warm thoughts to anyone who needs a little extra TLC right now.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    Hello, CGs!

    I've laid low because of my own selfish issues, but wanted to let you all know...

    NICKI: Thanks for the song---the words ring oh-so-true right now....

    Ray's OW told him to take a hike, but he's still moving forward with the split with me. I tried to start a civil conversation last nite, and it turned into a fight (no surprise). He's pulling old issues out of his a** to try and wear me down; I tried not to get "hooked" but it's hard when it's this emotional.

    Bottom line...I told him I still don't want the divorce, I will NOT do mediation, so the ball's in his court. I will NOT be the one to file, so if he wants to go thru with it HE can file...and HE can pay for it. He said "then I'll get a lawyer and you get a lawyer"--it never clicked with him when I replied "I already have one" as I had to repeat myself 5 times!

    This ain't going his way (timing, cheap/easy way out) and he's being desperate with all the old (and now new) issues he's dragging out.

    He said he'd fight me on the full custody (I never said I was going to do it, just that I didn't agree to the one-week on/one-week off because it's not consistent enuf for Caitie). I brought up the custodial parenting (which he never thought of), that she can't be in 2 school systems, etc. He just countered with more anger, more hateful things, and---stupid him: "If I have to file for bankruptcy so I can afford this divorce, so be it."

    Needless to say HR has my change in bank info--I had the other account set up for "Caitie's expenses" but I have good reason to say it's for my own financial security---he's not taking me down with him.

    I'm going thru the grieving process...I broke down and called Mom last night (no point in NOT telling them's hopeless at this point as I've seen a side of him I never knew) and she said "I'm not surprised and had a feeling" (moms are so intuitive!) I haven't talked to Dad yet--honestly don't know what his take will be on it. Mom asked what she could do (they're in Maine) and I said "just pray for strength."

    There are so many things I need to get done; I don't think I'll be on the board for a while. You have been all so supportive of me, and I know it's only going to get harder--you'll remind me not to lose myself, and kicking me in the butt when I'm feeling down is definitely allowed!

    I love you all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 good to see you...stick around, we miss you girls when you go missing. I am watching the Trenton story very closely and thanks for thinking of me when you saw it. I just knew that Melinda gave him up and he is somewhere safe and sound.
    LauraB...don't stay away when you need us the most...sending you hugs. My daughter is going through a similar thing right now and my heart breaks for both of you.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007

    Thanks, Vicki....actually, you're right--I shouldn't avoid the one place of solace I can go to where you can't see how terrible I look when I cry! LOL