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  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2007
    Hey all before surgery, I wanted to make sure the gray hairs were hidden and the eyebrows were prominent enought to go w/out make-up. Soon I will post a new pic with long curly reddish hair and BLONDE hi-lights.
    Finally feeling normal after mon surgery, ready to get back to my cyber-life with with the friends that know me best.
    Having a glass of chard and maybe it is too soon, but the incision looks like it healing and a rough (busy) day at work, just taking it easy and glad to feel welcomed here.
    Susan, is your power up now? I will call, if you don't post soon, but thank you again for your message on Mon.!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    dang i lost my post....
    well speaking of cruises come on over for a spell to my boat!!!!!!


    you should meet the bartender... his name is curious george.... he is a cutie.....


    but really oh jeepers this is what i have to snuggle up to everynight!!!!


    dang someone is in my shower again!!!!


    enjoy ladies cause i am!!!!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Evening sisters!!!

    I called NS a few minutes ago as I didn't see a post from her on her visit today. I was afraid I couldn't stay up to see if she posted.

    NS has one of her horrible headaches and won't be on the computer as the light from the monitor is just to much. IT was so bad she was afraid that she wasn't going to get to her appointment today. She and the surgeon talked about her procedure, he filled out paperwork to get OR time. It will be very soon but when she left she didn't have a date. Wanted all of you to know why she wasn't here but she would be back and post tomorrow.

    The last few days have just been hard. So many here in chemo or waiting on test results and us chanting with NS FURBALLS, then Diane and MJ. I wake and have said prayers all hours of the night for everyone. Madison, I think we have had the same sleep patterns for a few nights. Then add in my hubby - well.

    Hubby went to the doctor today - gave him stronger pain meds (Percocet) and some Ativan. He is to have an MRI of his back but that is scheduled for Sat. FEB. 3rd!!! We'll see - I may have to not accept that depending on how he does tomorrow and the weekend. They did some regular x-rays and said the disc was "worn out" but wanted to wait on the MRI. THis is powerful meds to be taking for over a week. Maybe, just maybe he can sleep tonight. This has been going on for 3 weeks. When he sits for any length of time and gets up, he has difficulty walking. He can sit and stand but to lay down is when it becomes unbearable. No back pain this time - all in the leg. He has a hard time walking when he first gets out of bed too, so naturally I am worried and listening to see if he is up making sure he doesn't fall.

    Forgive me for not responding to your post today. Just wanted to share about NS. Been up since 3:45 am and I'm fading fast. Wish us a good night here!! Take care everyone. May we all have restful sleep and peaceful dreams.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007

    thank you for sharing news about NS, we were worried...
    I hope hubby gets relief from his pain. I will say a special prayer that the MRI is moved up.

    Many people wake up at that 3:00 o'clock hour...the hour that some call the hour of divine mercy...I was told, and do believe, that when you wake up at this special time someone needs our prayers. Since I have been on this board, I realize that many do indeed need our prayers. I must wake up during this hour at least 5 times a I pray.

    I need to go back and read (and see) some of the posts...I think I saw a few hunk a hunk a men.....and a ship...

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Brenda...thank you with the news about NS...have been worrying (what I do best).
    Madison...that's so strange...I always seem to wake at 3am. Now I know what to do.
    Umm...I'm in Tracey's shower at the moment...just need a bit longer and you can take over LOL. (shhh...don't tell her I'm in there!)
    Good night sweet ladies
    Sweet happy dreams to all of you and if I wake at 3am I will say a special prayer to each and every one of you.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, got the pics....they are GREAT. King Nat looked good.

    Hum, I am gonna hafta get some Xanex for myself....sounds like fun....

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    hi girls.......sorry to here that G has a rotten headache, but glad to know she answered her phone.

    i don't have much to back is just friggin killing me, pulling myself into my jeep today brought real tears to my eyes........not sure how i hurt it, but i'm "certain" it's nothing more than a pull.

    all my best to all of you.......i'll be around another day.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007

    Brenda - yes - thank you for updating us. I worry so much about g... Sorry your hubby is having such a hard time - hope he can get some relief soon...

    NS - checked out the cowgirls video - I love it! Hope you're doing better ... hang in there...

    Nicki - I had some hose that is pretty good - in fact quite sheer and better compression than the ones I just bought. I've always used them for plane trips since my clot years ago after a surgery. Need to find some online so I have a few pairs. I will be off them by summer though - whatever I have to do!

    Margaret - no rationing yet - I'm in Sacramento - and we just haven't had enough rain - or snow in the mountains.

    Puppy - I don't know about anyone else - but I encourage anybody to post whereever they feel they can offer help or support. It never occurred to me that people didn't until I read that some have opinions about this thread and newly diagnosed don't want to hear from people with mets. Personally - I would welcome any hugs, prayers, or love from any bc sister! So go ahead and post! Tell them I said it's OK!

    Susan - good to see you - yes - blood clot in December - it's better now - on coumadin and waiting for the swelling to stop but I sit a lot all day - I'll have to do some research to see how to accelerate it! (You'd think I would remember but I barely remember having cancer the first time - seriously!)

    Cheri - thanks! I'm feeling good now - it's funny - I look in the mirror and see shadows for eyebrows and gray and brown hair growing - and I see a beautiful woman! I don't think I've ever felt as beautiful - I have no idea why - but it's a nice feeling. Glad your dd is better and things are getting back to normal.

    Deb - glad you're slowing coming out of the funk...take your time and take care of yourself....

    Jan - damn these chin hairs - I swear I plucked last night and there were none left - tonight there were at least 20 and they are almost 1/2" long!! Why can't my brows or lashes grow that fast???

    Very sad about Diane but feel better that she's out of pain...this disease sucks and takes too many of us...

    With that said - I am back to my lovely land of's pretty here.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Christine, so glad you're feeling better. Good to have you back. Isn't our Susan a sweetie!

    Nicki, since you're cooking breakfast for me in the morning, will you really COOK it & not just heat something up? I'm so tired of just heated food. Make it extravagant & we'll sit a spell to have our coffee & laugh about silly things.

    Tracey, an avalanche?? Had to out-do me didn't you? By the way, I was going to borrow your shower but Miss Vicki ran past me so fast with her towel she spun me around! I'm assuming your shower is busy. You know the poor girl is on...Shhh...medication.

    Brenda, thanks for the up date on Sparky. I know we were all wondering about her. Bless her heart. Damned headaches!

    Shel, glad to see your post & hope your back gets better. I miss you being around more.

    Ginney, you're as upbeat as ever. I enjoy your posts.

    NS, please get well soon! I'll be so glad when you get to the bottom of your headaches so you'll feel good again. I am so sorry you don't feel well. I wish I could fix you.

    Now. Mena. I just can't believe you'd let me go on this cruise without you cos you might miss out on some fun! So you must be hiding somewhere on board. Come on out & play. We'll have a good time. You're my banter buddy, ya know.

    To everyone that I missed, hoping all is well with you.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Thanks to everyone for their well wishes at the onc today. To tell you the truth, I am more stressed now than I as at the onc or before the visit. I guess I asked too many questions. I truly like my onc and think he is wonderful and he took the time to answer all of the questions that Craig and I had. He asked about the carepl tunnel and even questioned whether is was CT or neuropathy from the chemo. He read the report from the neurologist. When I said the pain is getting worse, he said then its probably not left over from the chemo and probably is the CT. I think he was thinking why do surgery if its not necessary, but in the end I think he felt it was reasonable to go ahead with the CT surgery - its on 2/2. We also talked about the insomnia and he recommended that I have a sleep study since its not getting better and sleeping pills dont seem to work. He asked how much sleep I get and I said that I am in bed for max of 6 hours and that I wake up many times. DH has been trying to get me to go to a sleep specialist so he was glad when onc suggested that I go. Onc said that the stiff hands, sore knees and knuckles are definitely from the Arimidex. He wants me to stick with the Arimidex for another 6 months and see what happens with the side effects. If not better then maybe try another AI. The side effects have gotten worse for me in the past 3 months - I have only been on it for 6 months. maybe they aren't worse, but I've just noticed them more. The first three months on the Arimidex was right after chemo, during rads and then my ooph. So who knows. but I did ask my onc what my benefit from the Arimidex was and he said it was BIG. Onc said the Arimidex improved my survival rate by 21%. That is what has me so stressed. I was thinking that if it was only 4 or 5%, that maybe I would go off it, if side effects continued. I am just tired of some part of my body hurting all the time. I'm only 50 and feel so old many days. Stiff when I get up from sitting, wake up with sore knuckles and stiff hands. sore hands - but hopefully CT surgery will help this. Hot flashes (and they are getting worse - and insomnia. I know it could be worse, and so many gals here are dealing with so much more, but one year ago, I had none of this!!!! Now I feel like I have to take the Arimidex or another AI for the 5 years - if I go off of it, my odds go way down to just over 50%. I know those are just numbers, but my kids are not done growing and my darling Miriam is only 8+. I want to grow old with my dh, so I guess I need to endure the side effects of the AI's. I told the onc, that gyn said that if the hot flashes got bad, he would put me on the Catapress patch. Onc then said that it works 30% of the time. I said thats not good and he said yes thats good. DH said well thats not good for the other 70%. Of course, while I'm in his office I have 2 or 3 hot flashes. They've been worse tonight than ususual. I asked the onc what routine tests he does, and other than the tumor markers and blood work, he only will do annual bone density. He said any other screens would only be done if I wanted or if I was symptomatic. That pleased me as I don't want any more tests than necessary. I looked at the info from the clinical trial that I am in and these are the blood tests that he does (nurse Nicki and nurse - oops, I blanking on the name) help out here - tumor markers, CBC, diff, PH count, creatinine, bilirubin, AST and alk phos. I should have the results back early next week. See onc again the middle of April.
    Well girls, thanks for all you well wishes and thanks for listening. This is a long post, so will try to send it then write another post catching up with everyone. First, though I have a cake I just took out of the oven that I need to glaze. Tomorrow is my day to bring goodies to work. DH said he hoped he could taste the cake and I said of course, I was leaving a few pieces at home.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    I'm back to catch up with all the wonderful gals here. Thanks for letting me whine. I feel a little better already, just from being able to share with everyone what I was feeling.
    Tracey - how far are you from the Avalanche?
    NS - When I use the pedometer, I wear it on my waist. For the life of me, I can't figure out how it works on the waist, but it does. Very beautiful writiing about the inner strength. You gave me alot to think about. i will print off what you wrote and it is something I need to carry with me - just need to get to a computer at home with a printer - this weekend! I too hope that I will recognize the moment when the "old me" arrives as the "new me". I know I am physically stronger than I was 3 months ago, but still not back to pre BC. Where is the "Take me away" thread? I looked for it yesterday and could not find it. How did you appt go today. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. As the other gals have said "go furballs".
    Ginny - you are so right - I am very lucky with my wonderful dh.
    Nicki - thanks for being with me today.
    Madison - I love the alive cat afgan. I've never lived with a cat - just dogs.
    MargaretB - thanks
    Vickie - where is the cruise off to next. How was your shower?
    Susan - refresh my memory about your surgery on the 30th - is it the knee surgery? Will be thinking of you and sending cyber hugs for a speedy recovery.
    Tina - when will you get your test results. Sending only good wishes.
    Colleen - glad you're back
    Laura - if you leave us for a while, please be sure to take care of yourself. Don't stay away for too long.
    Cheri - get well wishes to dd
    Christine - thanks for the update on your surgery. Glad you seem to be doing well.
    Sue (boo46) - good luck to you for your follow up visit next week. This was my third post chemo visit. First was 3 weeks post chemo, then 3 months later and now another 3 months later. This was the first visit that I stressed about. I am thinking that I didn't know to be stressed for the first one and the second one was right after my ooph.
    Jan - Denver is due for more snow on Sunday and midweek next week is back to single digits. it was in the 50's today, so lots of melting snow.
    Cheri - what a beautiful story - thanks for sharing it with us.
    Deb - we will be sure to save your drink for you.
    Tracey - love curious george the bartender
    Brenda - hope dh feels better soon - its hard to hurt for so long.

    My father had back surgery on the 24th. It was supposed to be "non-invasive" back surgery in one day and home the next. Well the damage was much worse than they thought. I think the surgery was scraping the calcium off the disck - don't really know all the details as my mother is not a great reporter in this area. Doc says the surgery was a success. But Dad is not home. He has numbness in his left leg and cant really move it on his own or bear weight on it. So Dad is in rehab - Manor Care in Boca area for 3 - 4 weeks. My mother is so stressed out about it all. She said that if she knew this would happen ,she would not have let Dad have the surgery. Dad says he is not worried that the doc told him it was not permanant and he would get better. PT asked my folks if doc told them this was a possible side effect and my mother said no. I am worried about my dad. Can't really take time off to go visit them and I am having my CT surgery next friday. Mom wants to come visit me for a few days if Dad says okay to leave him. My mom is just so stressed - Dad , me and she just went to the doctor for a nodule on her thyroid -a month after doc visit till saw endo - so i was sure it couldn't be too bad, and I was right. doc said they will monitor it annually, but that it is so small, he is not concerned. But they may lower her synthroid. As my mother says, its always something. I think I don't worry as much as i should as they are far from me. Also, I'be been worried about me.

    Couple questions - how do you post an avatar? and Vickie - who is Trenton? I feel like I am missing some pieces here. I do apologize for asking.

    Well, I'm sure the cruise boat has docked for the night. Hoping everyone gets to sleep tonight. NS - keep us posted on you. To all the CGer's who are waiting on test results, please know that I think of all of you every day. Wishing we are all here posting for years to come.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    NS I'm sorry you have another bad headache. Get some rest we're on watch!

    I saw a new Onc today as mine is out on maternity leave. He thought I was there for my 3 month check back. (which was scheduled for next month). I was actually there to get the results on the blood work to find out why I am getting the PE's. He said only one test came back slightly higher than the normal range. So the consences is- I get to stay on coumadin for two years and well look at it again then. Unless I have symptoms before that. they will of course keep checking the INR levels. to see if I need to be checked weekly, monthly or can go for longer times between checking. I think my hubby would prefer the weekly checks. this stuff freaks him out since they didn't get his dad's does right and he died of a bleeder from it.
    OK I have a Nurse question too what is a PTT blood test? I looked at the screen after the Onc left the room and it's the only one higher than the range The range is 22-35 mine came in at 36. It was one of the test they did to try and figure out why I got the PE's Most of the other tests came in mid range, except my platlets it was a bit low again I think it showed 147.
    He thinks the pain I have in my back and side is possibly plurasy? and that it will just take some time to go away?
    Oh and the edema in the breat my not go away. Great!
    Not sure if I liked him. I want my Onc back. He is ordering another CT w/o contrast in May just to check the lung nodule to make sure it is still shrinking. It was down to 9 cm in Nov.

    Thongs hope everyone is OK!

    Brenda, I had/have problems with 6 disks in my back. The worst are L4 & L5. When every I would bend it was fine but try to straighten up and I was screaming!. I got to the point that I couldn't lift my feet an inch off the floor! I did shots into the disk! Let me tell you they hurt like Hell, but after the fifth one and a lot of chiropractic work it did improve. Yes the pain went down the legs to the feet. My stepson used to joke "let's just shoot her and put her out of her misery". I still get the pain but not nearly as bad. I refused to do the surgery cause I didn't want to have them fused. They have so many more things they can do now. I still have to be careful and can't do a lot of things I use to. I hope they can help your hubby so yo can both get some much needed rest.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    I had the same question on the avatar. Photobucket shows being able to do it but it's bigger than waht they accept here.

    Oh darn I was going to say something else and plum forgot what it was....

    Oh yeah the pedometer works on the motion your hip makes. it rocks back and forth with each step you take.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    You can use the online image resizer to make your pic/photo smaller:
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good morning sweet ladies,
    Hmmm...Nicki need to be tumbled from her hammock I see.
    Bitter freezing cold where I live...1 degree with wind chills to -20 today and snow...but I'm not here...I'm on our beautiful deserted island. The sun is coming up and I'm walking the beach picking up shells for all. The sand is warm, the ocean is calm. Got a couple of contruction guys helping me out and last nights shower was great. Sorry Cheri...yup...medicated here LOL.
    Karen...I'll post the Trenton link when I get to work...he is a little boy my daughter knew and her inlaws babysat for and it's been a real struggle for all. It sounds like you onc. visit went well...good for you.
    NS...hope your headache is better...take care.
    Ginney..yup...chin hairs here too...I call them stray eyelashes...what a pain.
    Ok...gotta start my frozen car and get off to snow day after all but that's ok, I do love my job.
    Where should we cruise to next...give me some ideas and I'll get the ship captain to chart a course...too cold to come back to our forest just yet and lots of ladies needing a vacation from many things.
    Love you ladies
    Shel...did you hurt your back somehow? I have had back problems all my life and it is miserable. The only thing that helps me at all is Excedrin but I don't know if you can take that or not...might be worth a try.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Ahahaha yes I did over sleep. Yeppers. Woke up at 6am! Jumped outta bed and quickly made coffee. I mean, this is my morning time with all of you and I dont like getting cheated!

    Vickie: Im with you, a lovely stroll along the beach and watch the sunrise. Oh that would be so nicel Oh and about the car alarm thing. Well at first I panicked cause I didnt know how to turn it off either. The alarm echoed in that garage - but then whew! I figured how to turn it off.

    Sherloc: Man Im sorry to hear you are down with a cold. I hate them - colds that is. Nothing worse than when you feel that first tickle in your throat and go to yourself "Oh no, Im getting a cold." I will make a big batch of Chicken soup for you. And this morning I have some homemade orange juice. Yep, I squeezed it all myself. I reaching through the screen and handing you a glass right now. Its just not the same when you dont stop by.

    Cheri: I read the "Save your fork" story many months ago, but I forgot all about it. Thanks for posting it. Its a good one.

    Jeannie: I saw you peaked in. I hope everything is going well. Sure miss you when your not here.

    Robbie: What great pictures. I hope you are recovering from the surgery. Please tell us what the doctors are saying now. I remember you posting your path results a while ago and Im just wondering how you are doing. And if you have any questions we can help you with. Then is a woman I know who had bc 6 years ago. 26 out of 26 nodes were positive and today she is NED!!

    Tracey: Dang I hate it when I lose power. You sure do get an awful lot of avalanches. That would make a nice woman like me go absolutely bonkers.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Good morning! I woul dhave posted here earlier but spent time on another forum and then spent a half hour looking for a hat for ds. He left his out on the chair by accident. So Shade, our calico, decided that was going to be THE place to sleep last night. It is not only full of cat hair but she chewd a hole as well! Guess I need to make a new one.

    Been busy running over to help mom at the asst'd living al week. Apparently one of the residents has gotten worse and she is wandering into other people's rooms. She even took some of mom's supplies as well as stuff from other rooms. She is probably going to have to move to the alzheimer's floor so she can be monitored better. Some things can be pretty devastating to watch and mom is very upset.

    Getting lots of support about the Tamoxifen. Second day today with it and I will keep you posted. Is 20 mg a lot or a little? I don't remember with my dad's dosage from his chemo days, too long ago. Could not get into the Stellar Trial because it starts in the Spring and the onc didn't want me to be without anything for that long.

    NS, hope the headache clears up enough to be on the 'puter.

    Karen, Manor Care is a good facility. They are nationwide and have good standards. Vickie may know more about them.

    I also have questions about blood tests and my friend Carol who is a phlebotomist (sp?) always explains the abbreviations. Deciphering the report is another story.

    Everyone have a good day. Sorry I didn't mention everybody but fortunately we have good reporters who post to one and all so we can keep up.

    Stay warm and be careful driving. Cold weather tip of the day, make sure you have a working flashlight and at least one blanket in the car. Keep your cell phone charged to the max every time you leave for the day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007

    Good Morning Everyone again! Im back. Just had to go read all of the posts. So first of all coffee is done. Chicken soup smells wonderful. And for Cheri, I just made an Italian Fritata. We have 2 pansn. One is with egg, sausage, green peppers and 3 kinds of cheese. Topped with Romano! Yumy. The other one is the same, but without the sausage. So when you wake up, please dig in. Also have some strawberries and cream.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Oops! I hit the wrong button. 3 posts inone morning? Well my bc buddies, you will understand - it must be chemo brain.

    Debc: I knew you were hiding. I looked everywhere for you on the cruise ship. Never thought of looking behind the bar though. Thats a good hiding place, Im gonna remember that the next time I want to hide.

    Jan: Now why in the world am I surprised that you drink red wine? Hope you have a good day today.

    Christine: I do believe you are healing fast, and that good. We are so glad your back with us.

    Brenda: Whew - Im so glad your husband went to the doctor. Hoping the Percocet works.

    Madison: I have heard of the "Hur of Divine Mercy." and it sure is crazy, that so many of us wake up at 3:00am. Ok - Im spooking myself out with this. Got goose bumps. Gotta move on.

    And see, time is running out. I have 15 mintues to talk to everyone I want to say hello to.

    Shel: Sorry about the back. Dang. Since I once was a proud owner of a jeep for many years, I do understand trying to get in and out of one when your having pain. And BTW - Im throwing up my arms and saying "Thats It" so go for it girlfriend. Punch out lights, do whatever it takes. I am so tired of feeling things being shoved down my throat everyday. You know what I mean!!

    Ginney: Wearing those hose in Summer? Now that would make me a bit crazy.

    Karen: Glad you came here after your appointment. Had alot of stuff up in the air. Looks like February is the month for many of us to have some sort of surgery.

    Cy: Pleuracy is painful, so I hope your feeling better soon. The PTT is a blood test for people that are on Heparin. So you dont have to worry about that one too much. Its the INR that monitors Coumadin. The normal protocol for blood tests is daily x/1week, then weekly/x4, then if all is stable monthly. Make sure to remember to stay away from green tea and spiniach - they really do affect how your Coumadin works.

    OK - my posts were short and sweet this morning. Thats what happens when you wake up late.

    Now I cant help it, this is the nurse in me. So I wanna talk about xanax for a moment. The normal dosage that doctors usually prescribe is .25 or .5mg - that should do the trick! So if by chance you take 2, it shouldnt harm you too much. Anything that is 1mg or more - its really used for psych patients, not the typical anxiety/panic we are feeling from having breast cancer and trying to move forward. So DebC: please make some more xanax lollipops. I'll take the .5mg thank you.

    Brenda: Thanks for giving us an update on NS.

    NS: We all hate the fact that your not feeling well. We sure do miss you when your gone. This whole situation has to be so overwhelming. Most of us know, and thats why we are here. We been there, done it, and dont want to ever have to do it again. So its saddens us to know you are going through this all again. We are sending you some healing light and hoping you are feeling better today.

    Thats it, time to go - and guess what? TGIF

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Boo & Odalys-welcome!


    Cheri-How is your daughter? You must be beat taking care of three little boys. I had four sons so I know what I am talking about!

    Nicky- I was up last night at 3. That is creepy!!! Gives me something else to think about when I wake up. How many of my BC sisters are up. I do use this time to pray. I put in a good word for all of you.
    Yesterday was one of my down days. Was crying to my husband that I was afraid of not growing old w/h him. I am usually positive and not the crying type. Could I have post traumatic stress??? I am feeling better today. I had a lot of doctor's appointments the past couple of weeks between Kevin and myself. I am emotionally drained.
    Since it's Friday,I'll meet you girls on the ship by the bar.Peggy-What's the special tonight?
    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007 xanex is 1mg!!! Oh me ladies I am truly NOT a psych patient!!! I promise. I do have very severe panic attacks at times though and used to take three a day and only take one or two now (and not usually at the same time LOL).

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Mornin' all. One degree with windchill even worse here but the sun is shining---at the moment. Lake effect snow later. Good day to stay indoors methinks. Do a little picking up, make a turkey breast and crochet! (You think I'm kidding when I say the house is a wreck but I have SQUARES?!?)

    Nicki---thanks for noticing my absence---more about that later. I always get the .5 mg Xanax from my pcp---that way I can always break it in half if I'm using it to get to sleep and it goes twice as far for the same money.

    NS---I may not have been posting but I've been lurking hoping to see a post from you. You know we all love you and are carrying you right now. Hope the headache is better today and you are able to check in, even it's just brief, so we know you are OK.

    Tracey---an avalanche? Makes lake effect snow look like a piker's game!

    Shel--glad to hear you are ready to kick butt and take names. It happens eventually. Not so glad to hear about the back. Used to get excruciating muscle spasms in my lower back that would last for weeks. Couldn't get up or down steps, put on my shoes, drive the car. But then I lost 165 pounds (I divorced him) and haven't had one since!

    Deb---sorry you were feeling down but happy you are working your way back out of it. I'm sure the shortened sunlight up there isn't helping any. I, too, am not feeling very chipper at the moment but never thought of hiding out behind the bar. Think I'll join you there. Must remember to bring a jar of garlic olives with me though! Will PM you later with plans as they stand so far.

    Madison---I had never heard that about 3 a.m. being the hour of divine mercy. Woke up at 3:15 this a.m.---as usual--and thought of you and said a few prayers. I have been awake at 3 a.m. consistently for years---isn't that weird? I just thought that was when my sleep cycle pops me back up to the surface no matter what time I go to sleep, which doesn't really make sense. Also about the time it becomes necessary to kick off the covers due to power surges!

    Has anyone ever told you something you wish you didn't know? Happened to me a few days ago. Someone close to me is about to do something so stupid that it will probably ruin her marriage of over 30 years. Her biggest complaint about her hubby is that she's tired of taking care of him---she's a very strong personality and I'm sure he's just learned to shut up and ride the horse in the direction it's already going. She's already made up her mind to act on what she feels and won't listen to any advice (having been thru it I speak from experience) and has a flip answer for even the hard questions like, what about the kids? Can't tell SO the complete story---he just thinks they are having a rough patch---so there's no one to talk to. Keeping me awake at night BIG TIME. Now you know why I have a degree in counseling but never went into the field----take on everyone else's crap, altho it makes me a very good listener!

    So a little distracted. If/when the poopy hits the fan over there it's going to effect my kids too---gotta figure out how to handle that since my own divorce left massive scars on them----the result of one crazy father who still hasn't let it go 14 years later.

    Once again, NS, healing white light and warm encircling arms. Wish I could take on your headache for you.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Wooohooo,,,TGIF! i have been looking for this day all week long. Thank goodness Nicki didnt throw me off yesterday like she did once before because I might not have showed up for work today.

    It must be something in the air but I overslept a bit also but only about 10 minutes but thats quality shower time. Whats funny is I hit the snooze and drifted back off to dream that I was in the shower and thinking I was doing well with time this morning and when I got out I would wake my son and he would jump in. Well, the alarm went off and there I was lying in the bed. Weird dream and that shower was so relaxing to have only been a dream. Needless to say I rushed through my real shower and it wasnt near as nice. Oh well, at least I am clean and I had running water which is something to be thankful for as a few sisters here had 1st hand experience with that.

    LauraB-dont hide from us too long because we have a tendancy to worry and we might get the posse up and head your way to check on you.

    Vickie-the cruise is wonderful and its been nice to get away from it all. Anything new on Trenton? My mom was talking about it last night because she saw it on CNN. I tried to explain how I know somebody that knows a Trenton connection. He sure has lots of prayers being said for him.

    NS-so sorry to hear about your head yesterday. I am glad we got an update though. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

    ginney-glad you are feeling great and beautiful. You are so upbeat and a real inspiration to me. I hate those stray hairs also and like you they grow overnight. I think they grow like the hairs on my legs.

    Cy-sorry to hear about the pleuracy and it does take time to get over. Take it easy.

    karen-glad you appointment went well and you came back to update us.

    Jan-a red wine drinker you say...I have tried but just cant develop the taste for it. it sure looks nice in the bottle though and I feel like I should like it.

    Christine-so glad you are healing as well as you are. Thats great! Also glad you got a good report.

    DebC-hiding behind the bar you say?!? I didnt know they made straws that long. Hoping you feel more like you shortly.

    snowman n thongs-wow an avalanche,,,thats scary! Glad you are ok and safe and sound.

    Shel38-so sorry you had such a painful day yesterday. Hoping today is better for you. Is your mets in your bones? sorry but I cant remember.

    Man, chemo brain must be kicking in big time this morning as I am drawing blank after blank about what I was going to type. I will come back on later after my coffee kicks in and hopefully have a better thought process going on.

    Power update--still no freaking power at the farm. They only have 1 crew to come out and cut trees so that 1 crew stays busy. He said maybe today they will be out and once trees are cut for the right of way the following day they will set the poles and pull the lines. Talk about anxious!!

    Its cold here in alabama, not cold like alaskadeb cold but alabama cold. We were 22 degrees last night and not holding my breath but we may have snow flurries next week. man that would be wonderful for us. I know alot of you had your share of snow and ice but us here in the south get excited to see the white stuff. Better get my snow groceries,,lol.

    ok off to get some work done and drink my coffee. Will be back later.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Vickie-Gotta go to work in a few, but guess what today is at the school?? CRAZY SOCK Day!! Guess what I'm wearing??
    Smiley Toesie socks that make me happy and think of you.

    I'll check in later. Prayers and love to all.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    OMG---1 mg? And you took TWO? I'd be unable to speak! (Or walk, or blink, just smile!)

    They told me to take 2 .5 mg Xanax before I came in for my mast in an effort to keep me off the ceiling hanging by my fingernails. And it worked.

    I do think you build up a tolerance to it over time, which is why I try not to take it very often.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Okay girls, what did you put in the water on our cruise ship....I overslept also and since it takes me a good hour to walk upright in the morning (back problems), I almost clocked in late....anyway I have work on my desk (with a deadline) so I'll check in later.

    Have a good day all, thinking of you.

    Vickie, what kind of trouble are we going to get into this weekend? There is always shopping for our circle that needs to be done!!!!


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies!!!
    another day at work and i have to work the whole weekend as we have a full hotel... so i am looking forward to sunday at 3
    we had lots of avalanches come down this week as the weather conditions have been perfect for them... someone asked if i lived near one... yes i am close but where i live is higher up and more on a rolling mountain...
    got a half decent sleep last night finally so i am feeling a bit chipper!!!
    ns any results yet for your furball? i am thinking of you constantly... you know that!
    nikki how come it seems like fridays come so fast... prob cause i work saturdays... hahaha
    i got a huge craving all of a sudden for spagetti... with lots of veggies and garlic... mmmm guess thats what i will be making for dinner.... unless something better arises.. lol
    well ladies have a great day and see you soon!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    well so much for feeling better. UGH UGH UGH I HATE COLDS!!!!
    My head is pounding, my throat is burning, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. And I have to do an 8+ hour car ride tonight. Somebody give me some good drugs.

    Vicki, I would be happy to take the Captain off your hands for the weekend. Do you think hubby would mind?
    Can I have a xanax please?

    OOOOO I get the guy on the right.

    An avalanche? o my. Stay safe Tracey.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Looks like NewVickie is on the cruise ship Xanaxdu!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    oops hit the wrong button
    I'LL BE BACK!!!!!
    Sorry Vicki, couldn't resist.