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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Hi! I snuck in at work. Dont have much time. Hee hee Vickie, we know your not a nut case, but man oh man 1mg Xanax is a pretty high dosage. So you be careful, cause there are a whole bunch of side effects you dont want at high doses. What comes to mind is drooling, tremors, and a shuffling gait.

    OK gotta go. Will talk to you all later.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, I take .5 mg and I am loopy. Well, it doesn't take that for me to be loopy, ask dh! But I don't have the "hangover" feeling like I did with Ambien the one time I took it a few years ago.
    Before I forget, here is a little something to all my friends
    I will be thinking of you while I tackle teh 'net and enter reports. I will check in to see what makeup Capt. Jack has taken next!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Good almost afternoon ladies! Hope everyone manages to stay warm on this bitter cold day. Not really psyched to be driving up to NH tonight, where the temp is supposed to be 2 degrees below zero! Yikes! I already have the flashlight and blanket in the car - that's great advice.

    Thanks to all for the welcome back, I have a lot to catch up on. Was so sorry to hear about Diane, and wonder about the trip her daughter was supposed to take (I think it was in February?) Sorry also to hear some ladies are suffering with headaches (funny, I've been having them too, but figured they were due to stress or the dry air) and some are feeling blue. Wishing everyone a better day and weekend. Back on Sunday night!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Hugs Deb. Heres to pink drinks!!!

    Jan, this is not the same headache from a couple of weeks ago. That one was from sniffing paint fumes. This one is the new improved your immune system sucks anymore brand of headache. I'll live. But thanks for the sympathy. Whining does make me feel better.

    Christine, glad your feeling better.

    Brenda, I am so sorry your hubby is having such a difficult time. Hoping the meds do the job and you both get some sleep.

    Madison, I so agree about the Divine Hour. Nothing like prayers said in the still of the night.

    Shel, gentle hugs for you.

    Ginney, I am wondering the same thing...what is up with this blasted facial hair??? Wax on Wax off

    Cheri, I think Vicki must be water-logged by now. Feel free to boot her out.

    Karen, hugs to you and prayers for your dad. My onc does CBC and Liver Panel every 4 months. My endo tho thinks sucking every drop of blood from my veins was a requirement to have her name put on the medical license.

    Cherylcy, heres a link to the PTT test....labtestsonline is a good site for checking this stuff.

    Vicki, someplace with free shopping gets my vote.

    Nicki, thanks so much for the OJ and chicken soup.
    We must be on the same wave this morning. I hit the wrong button too.

    Beth, 20mg is the standard dose for someone who has had bc. I don't know about it in your situation. Have you googled it?

    Joyce, not creepy. It's the praying hour. I'm usually awake from 3-3:30. I would so love to go back to the days of laying my head down at night and not waking up till the sun comes up.

    Jeannie, sucks. So not fair for others to give us their dirty laundry to wash.

    Amy, snow groceries?? hahhahahahahahah. It snowed in Orlando once when I was a teenager. That was so very cool. Now it's O crap do I have to go anywhere today?

    Lini, Happy Crazy Sock Day....I'll wear my toesies in your honor.

    Afternoon?? Dear me I haven't even had breakfast yet. Have a safe trip Colleen.

    Have to go pack the bags. Man I just want to crawl back into bed. Have a great weekend girls.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited January 2007

    Shirley, yes I Googled and Lycosed (new word) about Tamoxifen. Joyce said the same thing about 20 mg being standard. The articles I read said the same thing and it not indicate any difference in dosage between people who have had bc and those who they call pre-vivors. Saw it in more than one article. I will mark it down as a question for the onc. Thanks for the input. Have a great weekend.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Christine! No cancer!!! oh I am so happy! Listen, if you need Synthroid it is no biggie- I have to take it everyday- no side effects or anything.

    Boo! Another pet tormentor! Goodie!!!

    Lisa, I love your new avatar! What kind of recon did you get? I may be needing some reassurance!!

    Robbie?? Is that guy holding a beer bottle or is he happy to see us???

    WEll vickie, if you are experiencing better living through chemistry- go for it!

    Tracey???AN AVALANCHE!!!!! OMG!

    Yes Jan, I have a beach! And maybe we can coax Deb to come join us too with her palm tree earrings and pink cocktails!

    Thank you Naniam for posting for me! I hope your hubby is better!

    Madison, it was 7 degrees last night... I love my afghan!!!!!

    Shel- I hope you just pulled it- a wrenched back can hurt more than anything!

    Ginney I am glad you liked "Cowgirl Up" I am working on the next one!

    Cheri, thank you...I will be back on track again!

    Karen, it sounds like you have a good onc who is taking very good care of you! It took me a while before the old me came back... but she did! Don't worry- you will see!! Take me Away is in this forum- the wagon circle section...just scroll down. I have to get my farming one done next. So the pedometer is on the waist??? I was imagining a thing that looked like what Martha Stewart had to wear! I am sorry to read about your dad. I had the same thing happen to me in back surgery. Except they did a big incision- about 6 inches- they still ruined my back and I couldn't walk without a walker for some time. Then I graduated to a cane. Now I don't use anything. It is a long haul. The success rate for revision surgery is even worse so he should be really careful about having it redone. I learned the hard way that only a neurosurgeon should operate on your spine- never an orthopod.

    Hey CY, they told me the edema in my breast may not go away. IT DID.
    So don't believe everything you hear!!! I hate switching docs!!!!!

    To post an avatar you go to your home page and go to edit your profile and you can download it from your Pictures on your computer. at least that is how I did mine a long time ago- I didn't have to use photobucket then.

    Thank you Nicki. You just GET IT. All the time!!!

    Thanks Jeannie! I will give you all a full report!! But you won't like it- I SURE DONT! I am sure glad you all are carrying me now...I love my BC sisters! And YES I have been told things I would rather not know! at least now I have learned to TRY to not give them my opinion... but sometimes it slips out!

    Amy- Alabama cold??? We have NY cold of 12 right now. But you are right- Deb has us ALL beat. I heard on the news that Anchorage had 75 INCHES of snow already this year!!


    Shirley, I am so sorry you are sick!

    Alwayshope/Jas- you crack me up! First the plunger and now the Xanaxdu!

    I am so sorry about Diane. But now that she is Home she will be out of pain and be strong again and will be watching over all of us. I wish heaven didn't need so many of our angels...

    My appointment yesterday was a disaster. It started out with another bad headache- the kind where you can hardly see. It was extra sunny too so that didn't help. I wanted to cancel but couldn't.

    I have to see this new BS because MY BS stopped taking my insurance. This new guy does. They were supposed to work together. I was going to be paying MY BS out of pocket for him to do the surgery. Well, he was really creepy and he let it be known that HE was God and that my BS is history. He was very negative about my furballs and was quite alarming in the way he talked. He even said I couldn't have a skin sparing mast if it should come to that. he said "they don't do those" WANNA BET????
    I called my BS this morning and left a message that either he does the entire thing or I am going to a whole new practice. I had to get my films from the rad place and I talked to the radiologist and when I mentioned this new guy's name she shook her head and said "nnnnno, you don't want him"

    I thought I would have a plan set. I thought I would have a surgery date so I could relax this weekend. But things are really screwed up.

    The new guy wants me to get three core bx's first on all three tumors and he said "and then we would do the masts" So I said- What if they are B9?? and he said "then we would have to do an excisional anyway to take them out because they are too large for the core." So I said THEN WHY GO THROUGH THE CORE?? If they are going to open me up anyway- why do the most painful way? I am sorry but THREE cores through the nipple will hurt like hell.

    I am just burnt out. I have had it with cancerland.

    Even this new guy's nurse pissed me off. She was waiting for him to come into the exam room and she said "so this is your second time around?" (Nice of her to diagnose me already-huh?)
    And I said "maybe" Then I said- "you know there should be a law that you can only get BC once- like you can only get menopause once." and she looks at me and says-
    "well it could be worse- you could be going to fight in the war"

    Excuse me???

    I told her that "I DID NOT ENLIST to get BREAST CANCER."

    And then I said- "You must have NEVER have had breast cancer because NO ONE who has ever been through this would ever say that. IF you don't know what it is like to be sitting on this table with a paper cape on, then please keep your comments to yourself- because this is a war that we are asked to fight and we are outnumbered"

    Maybe I was over reacting because I am freaking out about this dam thing and my head was killing me- but I really could give a crap what CLUELESS UNSCATHED people think about MY breast cancer.

    I personally do not think someone like that should be working in a breast surgeons office.

    That was the kind of comment that reminded me of our old pal Lucky. Lucky used to post here- she was a real frootloop. She once posted to the women here who had NO HAIR from chemo about the horrible highlights she just got and she is known for her luxurious, thick, gorgeous hair and she had to go to a salon in London to get it fixed! She lived in Paris. The worst part was her post was entitled something like 'You think YOU have a bad hair day, wait until you hear what happened to Moi!"

    Anyway- i am tired and cranky today. Would love the name of Vickie's doc who gives out 1 mg xanax!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    OMG..What a B**ch!! Let me at her...I've been fighting nurses this week too! Your right she shouldn't be working there.I get so mad at these people who think they have a clue to what we are feeling.
    I'll meet you for a drink at the bar!We can vent together!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    NS---That really sucks! Kinda makes you wonder how some people end up doing what they're doing for a career since they are clueless and have a profound talent for hoof in mouth disease!

    I was so hoping you would post and tell us you had a game plan---but no more than you were, I'm sure. OK--let's go for a walk on the beach. I'll bring you one of those baseball caps that you can put drinks on and sip thru straws and we'll just mosey until the cows come home. A little cold for your beach so we'll have to use Vickie's.

    If it comes to recon info, there are plenty of us here who can help you with that---me included.

    I remember Lucky--there have been a few others too the last 12-18 months but we won't go there. Let me just say may our paths never be crossed again by the likes of daneb or that lady with the pink hair! They SCARED me!! And kept me off the board for quite awhile until I found this place.

    OK---everybody gather round NS and keep her warm and comfort her this weekend. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone! (The ultimate comfort meal, as far as I'm concerned.)

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I'm so sorry I missed Lucky. I would have probably laughed my fanny off all day reading those posts. Sounds like a 'marie antoinette complex'...let them eat cake! ROFL

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    oh my gosh G! I am saddling up mazer as we speak and we are off to New York to kick some AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA well you get the idea. The nerve of her but I must say I laughed out loud at your wonderful comment to her about how you said, "I DID NOT ENLIST to get BREAST CANCER." thats got to go down in the book as one of the best ones yet. I think there is a special place for women like that and it might just be in Menas deliverance tent. I dont get the core biopsy thing either when they are saying they would remove them anyway?!?! he sounds like a real ,,,,,,, oh I am just biting my tongue! Nobody messes with NS and expects to get by with it.
    I might need one of Vickies xanax if I dont calm down but I can just imagine how you felt when you left there as if you werent feeling bad enough already.

    Silvergirl-love the mental pic I got of you all walking on the beach with those hats on and then I imagined a little further and I saw that I was laughing at myself cause I was right there with ya'll.

    I am sorry to say I never had the opportunity to meet Lucky. Sounds like I really missed out.

    Always hope-you have a great sense of humor. I love reading your comments.

    ok I have about another hour here at work as I will be leaving early today for a wonderful infusion of herceptin. I sure hope my veins cooperate...who am I kidding, They never do! I am drinking lots of water to pump them up but I looked earlier and they were still all hiding. Oh well, it beats having the port in my chest that I had before.

    Ok NS, holding you close to the center of the circle. Better hope that stupid doctor or nurse gets anywhere close to those bresticles are us CG's will be on them!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Afternoon girls. Nicki made me a delicious breakfast this morning & even had strawberries & cream! What a great cook she is. Thanks Nicki.

    Karen, sorry you're having such problems with side effects. Also, hope your dad is doing better.

    Vickie, well honey I guess I'll be joining you as a 'Psych Patient' cos I take 1mg xanax 3xday, down from 4xday! But if they lock us up together somewhere just think of the fun we'd have! We could get into all kinds of things & not get in trouble 'cos crazy people aren't responsible for their actions! We could play the Cancer card AND the insanity card. WooHoo

    Amy, lol I've done the dream thing. Where I thought I was up, showered, dressed and it be so real...then the alarm go off. I had to actually go through what I'd just dreamed!

    Brenda, I sure hope your dh is feeling better. Did the new meds help?

    NS, sorry about your bad dr. visit. I had a similar experience with a nurse once after I'd had about the 5th surgery on my foot/leg/ankle. She came in before the dr. and was babbling around & actually told me that I'd probably end up having this leg/foot amputated as bad as it was. That was the first time the word "amputate" had been used about my leg. I coulda fell off the table. I just lost it!! Threw a hissy fit right there in the dr.s office, told my dr. I never wanted to see her again blah,blah,blah. She didn't work there very long.
    Ah, but you NS, need not hold back so much about your true feelings. Just let your thoughts flow into words. You're far too shy & reserved, sweetie. You just let folks walk all over you. LOL Hope you feel better.

    MeeeNaaa, you got some splainin' too doo....again! Hard for me to banter w/out a banter buddy. TAG, you're IT!!

    Thanks to all of you who have asked about my dd. She feels bad but is doing alright. As long as she doesn't over-do. She & her dh are trying to finish up moving this week-end. I don't know why they rented a house he works out of town all week so this past week her & the boys have stayed out here with me. It'll probably be different when they get their furniture out of storage. My dh drives a truck over the road & is gone for a week at a time so with my dd gone I'm going to be here all alone. Just me & my dogs.

    Speaking of dogs. Our Great Pyrenese is a large dog. Very large. Because of the road in front of our house we fenced in the backyard when we moved here to keep our dogs safe. My dh had to put up an elec. fencer to keep them in. Weeell, when we had the power outage the fencer wouldn't work & our big dog,Rover (aka Whoa-Va) came into heat! OMG of all times. Of course she got out & we have 2 little dogs in the house, both male, a little fat Rat Terrier & a Mini-Pin. They went nuts (typical men) with all the other male dogs in a 20 mile radius! We have 12 acres but noooo, up the road they went. Wherever Rover went my little dogs went. They were both exhausted but would not stay home. They howled, whined, air-humped, dh had to go get them once way up the road. This all went on for several days. She's not in heat anymore so now my little fat Rat Terrier is no longer near as fat and he's slept for 3 days, neither of the little ones can hardly walk but Rover is once again contained. We'll be having puppies before long but they will not belong to either of my short male dogs, they would've needed a step-ladder to reach her. But all this reminded me of how much our four-legged friends are so people-like. The males will go to pretty much any extent just to 'get jiggy' with a female! Then they're finished with her & she's left alone with her puppies to take cae of. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

    Have a good day,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Oh NS...would you like me to write a letter for you!! Oh I can really write some nasty ones if I put my mind to it...just no excuse for insensitive stupid remarks, I have to say that all my nurses are simply wonderful. Just no excuse...have my arms around you giving you a hug.

    Lini...crazy sock day...yeah, hope you had fun!!!

    Cheri....WOW WE CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING NOW...THIS IS GREAT!!! NO NEED FOR ANYONE TO WATCH MY BACK CUZ I AM CERTIFIABLE...LOL. It's just too funny. ROFLMBO at your dog sister has two Great Pyrenese and they are huge! can have Captain Jack for the weekend...Tracey lent me a couple of great construction guys to hang out with and Captain Jack wouldn't leave my makeup alone and I just can't hang around with a guy that's more beautiful than me LOL. Get rid of that cold!!

    Looks like I'm sailing on the good ship Xanaxdu! Only thing is I'm not sure I like the sounds of the side effects...Quote:drooling, tremors, and a shuffling gait...I do that when I'm drinking. Seriously though...I generally only take one and maybe two a day. A bit freaked out at the dosage now though!

    Amy...passing you a Xanex...I'd give you two but don't want you drooling on poor Mazer.

    shoot...gotta get back to work!
    I'll be ya ladies...
    Shel, LauraB, Susan, Liz, Mena...where is everyone!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Oh my goodness gracious, NS, let me at that nurse, my dukes are UP......

    "well it could be worse- you could be going to fight in the war" WHAT DOES SHE THINK!!! We aren't fighting a war with bc....

    Let me at her....grrrrrrrrrrr

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Okay, somebody pass the blood pressure medicine...we will all need it after we read what NS went through at the dear doctor's office.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Vicki, I'll give Captain Jack a big sloppy smooch, he'll catch my cold and have red runny eyes and a drippy nose. That oughta do the trick.

    NS, What a B***H.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Maybe you have seen's just beautiful.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Hi CGs!

    There must be something in the air. I overslept this morning, too. I put in earplugs last night because of howling wind (I live on the side of a small mountain) and DH didn't know I did that. He was downstairs calling and calling for me to wake up. He finally came upstairs and I woke up to him yelling for me, wearing his big down coat, looking like a big bear. I just about levitated!! I wake up around 3am also. I didn't know about the Devine Hour. Now I know what to do.

    NS - WTF!!!! What was up with that nurse? She sounds like a real a-hole. I can't believe how awful the new BS was with you. If he wants to remove the "furballs" anyway, why put you throught the core biopsy? It makes no sense. Sounds like you had a really crappy day. That second glass of wine in my avatar is for you. I am sending warm healing light your way, also.

    Brenda - Is the percocet helping your DH? I just found out that my son is taking it also for his back. My DIL spilled the beans that he had seen a pain specialist and she prescribed them. Isn't it addictive??

    Tracey - Oh my.....what a lovely shower you have. Can I be next?

    Ginny - Those damned chin hairs!! When I was going through chemo, I lost every hair on my body except for my legs and those frigging chin hairs!! And I thought I'd get out of shaving my legs for a while. Not a chance! Those chin hairs won't even come out with wax. I have to tweeze. BTW, I will be joining you standing in my favorite river, De Nile.

    Karen - I'm glad your onc told you that your stiffness is from the Arimidex. I wish he'd tell my onc that. According to him, no one but me gets those SE. I've been taking it for over 2 years. My hot flashes were really bad in the beginning, but they have really settled down. Maybe the same will happen for you. Hang in there. I also have insomnia. All I want is to actually sleep through the night. I must wake up 3-6 times. Sucks!

    Vickie - Today I am imagining our cruise and the warm sand on the warm island, in the warm sun. Damn, it is cold today!! I think it's all blowing in from your neck of the woods. Brrrrrrrr!!!

    Shel - I hope your back is feeling better soon. I've had minor back problems over the years and it is no fun.

    Cy - Take care of yourself. I know that Pleuracy can be really painful.

    Shirley - If I had drugs I would send them to you. The only thing I can offer is a hug and a hot toddy.

    Cheri - That dog story is too funny. Oops, not so funny when the puppies arrive. I love Great Pyrenese. They are gorgeous animals.

    Take care CGs. And in the words of our Nutty Nurse Nicki,"TGIF"! For real!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: TGIF! Im home, I have a glass of pinot grigio and I couldnt wait to come here to talk to all of you bc sisters. I had a great day. Walked 5,000 steps - guess what - only burned 100 calories. This pedometer I got for 4 bucks is the greatest. Measures calories you burn too. I got a new CD - ya know one of them that has all different hits - so I think tommorrow I may start exercising.

    i just want to say, I think this thread Moving Beyond Cancer is so important to me. I feel so close to you - connected. We all share one common thing. Breast Cancer. So I just wanna say thanks for you being here. I love you all.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Vickie, that is beautiful!! I wish I had a fairy godmother right about now .
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    "nurses" like that give the rest of us a "bad rap"!

    i caught serious attitude the other day when i went for my tumour markers.........the tech rolled her eyes like a teenager because i asked her to use my left arm.......then she smirked and said "you breast cancer girls are sooo anal" "hee hee hee".......i near about fell off the chair!

    yeah we're just a bunch of lunatics, hee hee hee!!!!!! i'm just so fed up with cancer and every other messed up thing in my life, that i choked down a smartass response and felt like bawling instead........i'm not gonna do the "poor me" thing, but man alive.......i could use a few more good, happy, normal days once in a while!

    ok, i've stepped away from my to get "dolled up" and find something to do for the evening.......i'll be back later!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    I agree, Nicki. This thread is the greatest. You girls are all such a great support for me. The connection is a wonderful thing. Even my DH is happy that I've found women who I can really talk to, that totally GET IT.

    Now pop in that CD and get movin'!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Oh my, O go to read all the posts and already there are three posts. And how appropriate. My husband is playing guitar and he's playing "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime." Thats how we are to each other.

    And OK - Im getting spooked here. First of all I cant believe how many of us overslept! And how many of us wake up at 3:00am! Somethings in the air or in the stars!!

    So I took notes and here we go.

    Shel: Munchausen! Munchausen! Thats gotta be it. Ahahaha not you - but you know who I mean.

    Joyce: Seems like the atmosphere is making alot of us feel sad. But I look at it this way, we dont know from minute to minute what is gonna happen. Drove by a bad accident on my way home from work - and hey! I drove by it. Anyways, I think we all should hide behind the bar tonight. I still want pretty blue drinks with umbrellas.

    Jeannie: Of course we missed you. And of course I noticed. And Im really glad your back. Cutting the xanax in half is a good idea and definitely saves money. I take 2 .25mg at night before I go to sleep. My RX is for 1 three times a day, so if I get nervous, I can take one during the day. You were right about developing a tolerance and needing more and more and more. Those garlic olives sound wonderful. Are we having Martini's? If we are, I want a blue one with a pretty umbrella. Is your friend thinking about getting a divorce? What a tough situation for you to be in, trying to support her.

    That is the end of my lecturing about xanax lol. Just everyone be careful. Taking my nurses cap and putting it in the closet.

    Amy: Ahahahaha yes, I did get it right today. And believe I had to stop and think before I wrote it. I also remembered today that my tooth brush is green - so Im pretty proud of myself lol. Now if Mazer gets in a snit with that doctor, Distorted Humor says to tell her he is right behind her.

    Lini: Crazy sock day. NOw thats funny and I bet they are not PINK>

    Madison: Im just laughing. Picturing the "your late for work" police chasing you and many of us this morning. We should have had a national sleep in late and go to work late day for those of us with bc. Hey, we deserve it.

    Tracey: Working the week-end stinks. But then you can saya TGIM - thank God its Monday. And with the motel being full, you will probably be busy!

    Sherloc: Glad you enjoyed the soup and orange juice. Hope your taking something to help the symptoms from your cold. The cold I had about 2 months ago was like what your feeling. I would think I was better and then wham bam thank you mam it would hit me again. If it goes to your chest and your coughing up yellow get an antibiotic. And geez driving 8 hours - man, you need to go to bed and give yourself a chance to fight this.

    Jeannie: I remember daneb and the pinked haired lady. Oh boy I got the creepies just thinking of it. I remember lucky too.

    Cheri: Glad you enjoyed breakfast. Your dog story was so funny, I laughed so hard. This house has been crazy. Female cat is in heat. Male dog and male cat are not neutered. Well lets just say - its crazy here. My dog thinks he's a cat, my cat is in love with the dog. Well she is in love with all the males in this house. The cat, the dog, and my husband.

    Jan: Oh my, being woken up by a big bear husband. Now thats funny. And let me tell ya, this 3 am thing is spooking me. I like red wine with pasta and pizza. Now here's my funny story for the night. Have a nice glass of pinot grigio. Tasted it and thought hey, this doesnt taste right. Got up, went to the kitchen to see if my husband tried to sneak in a cheap brand - well its Santa Marguita. Cant get better than that. And all of a sudden, it didnt taste funny anymore.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007

    O my, that was beautiful. Made me cry. I NEVER DO THAT!!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Hey ladies! Well we're taking off for the weekend for real now (we decided there was no reason to rush up there to the freezing cold, so my son and I relaxed a bit after he got home from school - an unexpected little treat!)

    Just wanted to say that although I was gone for a bit, you were always on my mind. I have feel so good having spent time today learning about what everyone has been up to, and reconnecting with ladies who "get it". This is a very special place, and a very special thread. It makes my post bc life easier to deal with knowing that you all have my back.

    Cheri/Vicki (and everyone else that has xanax) - OK so what's up with my onc? I asked for something to help me sleep twice, both times I got the "try tylenol PM" because "I can't prescribe a sleep aid for you, I only do that during chemo because they are very addictive and not something to mess around with" Huh? Like being addicted to sleeping pills would even make the list of things I have to worry about! So, am I asking the question wrong? Am I asking the wrong doc? What gives I ask you!!!! ARRGGHHH!

    On a separate note, ages ago there was some posting re e-string. I have to say, it has changed my life! I'm actually kind of pissed that my gyn or onc didn't recommend it to me, it is that major! Enough said!

    HHHmmm.... I'm kind of down on docs today! Which reminds me, to all your nurses out there (and you know who you are! LOL)thank you for being the wonderful human beings that you are. It is such a bummer that every once in a great while you get a bad, evil, crazy nurse! There have been 2 major events in my life that required lots of medical care, the birth of my son (HELLP syndrome, total nightmare, in the hospital for a week) and of course my lovely friend bc. Both times the nurses were my salvation. I actually had a night shift nurse that would come sit with me just to keep me company. She would crush up my medication for me (can't swallow pills, I'm like a small child!) Just unbelieveablely wonderful and supportive. And my chemo nurse - words can't express my gratitude to her. And when my mom was on life support, and we had to make that dreadful decision, it was the nurses once again who were our strength and support. I truly believe that 99.9% of you are literally angels on earth (I think that's why you choose to be nurses), there should be a screening test of some sort to weed out the crazy ones!! Really pisses me off!!!

    OK ladies, now that I've got my blood pressure up LOL Have a wonderful weekend!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Arrggh! Typo girl meant to say "to all you nurses out there" not "to all your nurses out there"

    Give yourselves a big hug from me!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Colleen: Go to your PCP. He will order xanax for you. I definitely get panic attacks since being diagnosed with bc. My onc wouldnt prescribe it, he told me to see my pcp and I did. But ya gotta remember, I have worked with these doctors for years and I can push them around.

    Well sorta lol - I couldnt get 1mg of xanax lol. I want Vickies doctor too.

    Vickie: That was beautiful. We can always count on you. What a great support you are to all of us here. You have made me feel good, happy, concerned, connected, sad, and silly. So I thank you. I so look forward to your posts.

    And now NS: My dearest friend. Boy I have lots to say! The thing I hated most about being diagnosed, was all the sheet I had to go through. Disappointment after disappointment. Test after test. I was ready, I wanted things done now. That was April 21, 2005. I finially had surgery 6-2-05. And I had a plan 6-13-05. This is a whole new crisis. And its stinks, cause your gonna have one disappointment after another. Feeling scared and crappy more than feeling good. Thats why we have you in the middle of the circle. We are gonna be there with you all the way!! So heres my 2 cents.

    ...Change breast surgeons right now. If this guy is in your BS practice, then your BS should be able to do the surgery and bill the insurance. This guy is one of those pompous arses I talk about. Get rid of him. If your breast surgeon cant do the surgery, then I say go to a new practice. Find someone that is gonna REALLY care about you. Take nothing less through this.

    ...I had multifocal IDC. Had 2 large areas of microcalcifications and a spiculated lump 3cm that didnt show up in mammogram but showed up in US. I had 2 biopsies by mammosite, they numbed me, so it was so bad and had 1 biopsy with mammosite under US.

    ...The breast was pretty much filled with cancer! I had a skin sparing mastectomy.

    ...I put the Italian curse on that nurse and believe me, she better not EVER have to be a patient.

    It's starting all over for you. That saddens me, brings a tear to my eye. Cause I dont know if I would have the strength to do it all again. But then I know, there would be people like you, who would try to help me. Stop looking for the quick road, its not gonna happen. But one step at a time, and youll get there. Distorted Humor and I are on call 24/7.

    OK! Gotta go. Husband would like some time on the computer. He has patiently waited for me to finish talking to all of you. I hope you have a wonderful evening. If we are having a party, Im in! No big dinner tonight. Just lots of appetizers. Chicken wings, veges and dip, guacomole with chips, Shrimp - we have shrimp, oh - and a pot of chili.

    OK! gotta go. Husband just donated the next song to me. "Darling yoooooouuuuuu send me, darling you do ohohohohohoh. At first I thought It was infatuation lalalalalal. Gotta go.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Colleen, my xanax is not a sleep aid. In fact, it's just the opposite. If I take it at night I'm wide awake in an hour. I use mine for anxiety/panic attacks. My onc wouldnt give them to me either & getting them filled with my new pcp is like pulling teeth. I miss my old pcp that moved last year he understood me.
    Alot of the girls use Ativan or Ambien for sleep. Ambien gives me really bad restless legs and Ativan does nothing for me. But everybody reacts differently to meds.
    I'm with Nicki, see your pcp. (I don't like my onc at all..or my pcp)

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Colleen, tell me about the estring pretty please. My gyn suggested it and onc approved it. Kinda scares me being er+ but tell me anyway. How does it help and why?
    O an I get my ambien from my gyn. My onc has never once asked about my sleep or sanity issues. But then again if I don't whine whats to ask about? But then again isn't that part of his job? But then again hahahahahahhah Sanity? What sanity?

    Nicki, not taking anything but ibuprofen. Can't take the cold medicine stuff. Makes my heart race and I get all weird. I'll just tough it out. And since I have no energy to do anything today I get to spend it with all of my dear friends here. Not such a bad thing.
    Don't worry, I'll be snoring in the passenger seat. Feel for my poor hubby who has to work all day and then drive. Hmmmmm and who's fault is it that he forgot to ask for the day off?

    Will probably be back before I leave so I won't say have a good weekend again. Did I mention my soon to be office is all finished with drywall and trim and a lovely new floor. I am a happy camper even if I do feel like poop.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Thanks Nicki,
    They did mention that if it IS cancer it is multi-focal and it grew at an alarmingly fast rate- we are talking three tumors, the smallest is 1.3 cms - since August???

    Thank you everybody for understanding! Sorry about your blood pressure!!!!

    I have an update:
    MY BS called and I am seeing him first thing on Monday and he is doing the core himself, in his office. He said he doesn't want to wait around anymore and we have to KNOW what this is. IF it is NOT a furball then I only have one surgical battle- and that is who does the bilateral.
    I also want skin sparing/nipple sparing, immediate silicone implants- but I know that ain't gonna be easy with pre-radiated skin and since the "maybe cancer" is under the nipple they probably wouldn't be able to do that...
    BUT LET ME TELL YOU- I AM STILL HOLDING OUT FOR FURBALLS!!! You all know what Fluffy looks like! He leaves fur EVERYWHERE!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    NS---I love your attitude! If it helps any, I had multifocal IDC with the largest tumor of three being 2 cm---and I am religious about my mammos since Mom had BC---so that happened in 12 months. I also had clear nodes. So even if it's not furballs let us not assume bad things, OK?

    I had delayed free TRAM but may still be able to help you out with questions there if need be. But we are all still chanting FURBALLS, FURBALLS, FURBALLS.

    Grilled cheese and tomato soup anyone?

    Lots of other posts I wanted to respond to but the turkey is finally done---really must get that oven recalibrated. Took four hours for something that should have taken 2.5.
