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  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Howdy ladies,
    I'm sitting here unable to sleep and decided to visit the CG's. Anyone else out there tonight?

    What a nice video. I recognize a couple of my dear friends.
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    Hope everyone is doing well. DH and I went this evening to a crabfeed at the school he teaches at. We went with another teacher friend and his girlfriend. Boy am I full. We had wine, crab, salad, pasta, bread, ice cream, coffee, drinks, and dancing. Just pooped since this week I have been feeling under the weather with cold/flu symptoms. We danced quite a few fast swing dances and the Electric Slide. We had a GREAT time.

    Tomorrow I will rest, and of course check in with my Sisters. Gots to see how you all are doing.

    Has anyone seen Freedom Riders with "McDreamy"? Was it good? What about Say I do?

    I noticed that Lifetime is showing Nora Roberts movies: Angels Falls Monday 9-11 pm PST on Channel 46 here in the East Bay, California. Montana Skies on Monday, February 5th, again from 9-11 PST. Blue Smoke (I am reading that book now---- Excellent) will be on either the following week or the week after that.

    You gals are all very nice.... I am so glad to have met all of you.

    NS I was told to ask you how do I put my avatar on? What program and size do I use?

    I have seen the initials CG on several posts. Look above mine (Odalys.) What does that mean?

    Can anyone tell me how do I get to the last page in order to write something without going through every ten pages first? I tried the show all and it does not work for me.

    Margaret you are not that far from me. When do you get together with our BC Sisters? I met Toni from chat with our husbands in Las Vegas in Nov, 2006. We had a very nice time. She lives in Utah. We decided we would get together after both of us finished our treatments to celebrate.

    Sending out HUGS {{{{{{SISTERS}}}}}}}} to all my sisters.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Dang it! I just wrote a short post so I thought I wouldn't need to copy so I lost it.

    Sparky, great video!! I wish I could do stuff like that. I only get dial-up out here in the sticks so to download any video its about a 10 min. wait for every min. of video. Curses!

    Odalys, I guess it's our night to keep watch over the wagons & keep out all those honery critters.

    Judy, if you'll go to the last name that posted on this thread it'll take you to the last page. CG's stands for Circle Girls.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    I'm up way to late, but I just needed to check in with the CG's. With my sabbath starting early this time of year, by the time I get home from work on Friday, there is not time to check in. DD and I went to a Bat Mitzvah tonight and didn't get home till 11:30. I think it was midnight till I got on the computer and it has taken me over two hours to read two days of posts - I think that was 5 pages worth of posts. After a bit, I justs skimmed many of the posts. As many of the other gals have said, this place is wonderful. Everyone knows what it is like to journey down this road, even if our journeys are somewhat different. I am thankful for each and everyone one of you.
    Nicki - thanks for breakfast these past couple days - especially the veggie fritta. I don't make breakfast, so it is so nice to be treated to such yummies.
    Jeannie - sorry for your friend and you and your kids. I hope it will be easier than you expect.
    Shirley - hope you are over your cold quickly. feel better soon.
    NS - yes my onc is great. I am so sorry that you had to endure that arraogant B***** BS. And his nurse. How awful. I am glad that your BS finally called you and is going to the biopsy. I am not familiar with all the different biopsy types - even though I had two different biopsies. First biopsy was 2 places on the right breast. Second biopsy was a third on the right breast and the lymph on the right and a place on the left breast. I don't remember it being too painful though (and it is one year ago this week for the first one -the second was one week later). I hope your BS can do the surgery is that is what you need. If he can't, I hope that he can recommend a good surgeon with bedside manner as well as a good PS. I had a bilateral mastectomy with axillary dissection - modified radical on right and simple on left. No nipples for me. I have expanders and will do sillicone gel implants at time of exchange. I praying for FURBALLS for you. I will be thinking of you on monday. Think B9 Furballs !!!!
    cheri - thanks and funny story about Rover. Years ago, dh and I owned a Newfie named midnight. We lived out in the country and she had a kennel she stayed in during the day. we a neighbor dog got the best of her when we were at work. we weren't ready for puppies so we had her fixed .
    Biker54 - That is my dream to sleep through the night. 6 hours uniterrupted would be utopia! Last night I took two sleeping pills( Trazodone 50mg) and did sleep but not sure i liked how it made me feel - one did not work. Onc gave me a new Rx for the Ativan and need to refill it tomorrow.
    Vickie - beautiful movie. Glad to hear that your daughter will be moving back to NY, but so sorry it is under such unfortunate circumstances.
    Deb - glad you are feeling better.
    Brenda - sorry about DH - hope he gets it checked out and is feeling better soon.
    Made - a big welcome to you. this is a wonderful place with wonderful women - full of wisdon, support and love.
    Lisaelder - BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    it is so late - 2:30 in the morning. I am TIRED and hope that when I crawl into bed that I will fall asleep and sleep till 7 or 8am. I told Miriam when she went to bed at 11:45 that she had to stay in bed till atleast 8am. DH is in Anaheim on a business trip and ds is at a friends, so the night is just me, Miriam and the 3 dogs. House is so quiet this time of morning and I love it.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007

    I woke up this morning early to check on all of you and when I turned on my kitchen light there was a large, grey mouse on the counter! We stared at each other for a few seconds, and then it scurried down to the floor and under the refrigerator. I don't usually mind mice, but stray ones on my kitchen counter freak me out. DH is doing mouse patrol when he gets home tonight.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: So hey I slept in late again today. And it sure looks like I have alot of posts to read from last night. We got a little snow this morning, not too much, just enough to cover the ground. It looks pretty. I havent listened to the TV this morning but the low was supposed to be in the single digits. Too early to stick my head outside the door. Coffee is brewing and there is lots of room in my teepee - too cold to sit by the fire this morning. I feel like Homer Simpson this morning - I want donuts!

    Remember those birds I heard singing in the morning? Well it was in the 30's Friday and ealry Saturday morning. My husband heard them too! He said what are they doing here so soon. Then we both pouted, cause we knew it was gonna get cold again. Poor birds - they are confused with all this crazy weather. It sure is nice though, when ya hear them sing.

    LauraB: Ive read all the posts. Youve gotten some good advice. Instad of focusing on "Ray" focus on yourself and Caitie. Just wondering how you are emotionally handling all this. I would be a mess. Maybe we cant help you make decisions, but we can help you work through your feelings.

    Shel: Great post and great advice

    Tina: Same goes for you. Great post and great advice.

    Jasmine: I love it. Change the locks on the doors and CAR! I would put dead batteries in the garage door opener too.

    Kelly (Made) welcome. The circle is for everyone. All stages. From newly diagnosed to mets. We always stand strong together and support each other. its funny too, cause the topic changes daily - so dont try and look back, just join in. This thread is so important, cause really what does "Moving Beyond Breast Cancer" mean? I havent found it yet - but I keep looking. So welcome

    NS: So the core biopsy is Monday. I think the amount of xanax you take should depend upon if you are going alone or not. I would take two .25 mg before you go. Bring 2 with you, in case you need it. But 1mg might make you tired. So be careful. I drove to my core biopsies myself. I was so uneducated then - didnt know what was really going to transpire. Also, that point in my diagnosis, no one knew, not even my husband. After the test was done, I sat outside the hospital and cried my eyes out. Somehow I knew right then, it was gonna be bc. I called my best friend on my cell phone. And cried some more. I drove home without any problems, but I wasnt smart enough to know taking xanax would have helped.

    Make sure you bring a tight fitting bra. I went braless and that wasnt the thing to do. Im sure women on the Lymphedema forum would shudder when I tell you this. But as you know I had a bil. mast - on the cancer side I had a lymph dissection. On the prophylactic side I had a sentinel node. Since I dont fancy blood draws from my feet, I let them do BPs and blood draws on my non cancer side. Guess that puts me for high risk of lymphedema on my good side.

    I also didnt know about reconstruction at all. In fact I thought well hey, I will get a free tummy tuck. Was disappointed when I found out no tummy tuck. Expanders with implants. Being 55 and having other health issues, I guess they thought doing a tram was not a good option for me. Said the surgery would have been too long. Now that everything is done including the exchange surgery - Im glad I did things the way I did.

    But I do believe, knowledge is power. You have alot more knowledge - maintain control of your treatment and do what your gut instinct says is the right thing to do.

    Im laughing, cause I took notes and I cant read the last thing I wrote. Just know we will all be there with you. You get scared, I will grab your hand. And dont let Fear consume you. You WILL get through this.

    NS: One more thing This is my quote for you. Right now you must be feeling the the person who jumps off a 7 story building. Half way down, I ask how are you doing, and she says "so far so good." That sort of decribes how I felt in the beginning of this journey. But hey, I landed on my own two feet.

    Liz: I was so happy to see you post. Another person with a headache. This is just too bizarre. I wonder if it has to do with the changes in the atmosphere, barometer? Or as someone mentioned chocolate? Anyways for me, 2 days in a row no headache. But then I havent been working or driving. Tomorrow will tell my story. Did you get the results of your TM? Hoping all is well with that.

    Vickie: Dang! Getting a cold really stinks. I was watching TV yesterday and they showed a picture of the USA. There are many, many states showing high numbers of cold and flu outbreaks. And being anal is good! Im so afraid of getting sick from other. If you remember, since September I have had 3 colds - so I know my immunde system is suprressed. Stay in bed, drinks lots of fluids. I handing you a pot of Chicken soup. Just sips on it all day. Somehow, it always makes me feel better. I have heard alot about this airborne. Hoping it works for you.

    Jeannie: I sure am enjoying our visit to Istanbul. The visual is great. Wishing I really was there instead of here.

    Cheri: Oh my, I cant believe you lost power again. Being alone has its good and bad moments. I enjoy my quiet time. But its sort of nice to hear echoes of your grandchildren.

    Sue: Gasparilla Day? Wow! sounds interesting. You guys are getting hit with a double whammy. This whole week it will be superbowl too. I think the whole state of Florida is gonna feel the effects of it. Our dear Bears leave for Florida today.

    Susan: OMG! I just realized your sugery is in 3 days. Boy this is gonna be a busy week for the CG. Any last minute questions?

    Joyce: So what movie did you finially watch?

    Madison: Too much wine and pink elephants. Ahahahahahah, a good one. Im gonna use that myself.

    Denise: What a sweet quote from your mom. Hope you had a good night.

    Sheri: What an awful way to wake up. With a mouse! I have two cats. The male would have toyed with, then killed the mouse. The female would have brought it to me standing proud and pretending she did all the work.

    CY: My PCP just changed me Celexa from Lexapro. Celexa is cheaper on my insurance plan. Heard that the 2 are similiar, Celexa is just older with maybe more side effects. PCP specifically told me to take it at night instead of the morning. I get my prescripton filled today. So we shall see how it goes.

    Odalys and Cheri: You guys were on night watch, thats for sure.

    Karen: Oh it sounds like you had a fun night.

    Tracey: Your new room sounds pretty neat. And a new bed too. Hope you slept great last night.

    Good morning Margaret, I see you were able to sneak in before I could finish editing my post. Glad this one didnt go poof.

    Ive been thinking about a couple of things this morning. The first one is how we are treated by people in health care. I think all of us have had our fair share of good and bad. Before my dx, I had never really been a patient before, so it was an eye opening experience. It angers me when doctors and nurses become cold hearted. But then I also think about the nurses and doctors who have been so good to me too. The way that some of you have been treated is sinful. "breast cancer patients are so anal" wow! Anyways, I learned one thing for sure. Whenever I go on an appointment, I were my name badge. Nicki RN, Clinical Nurse Specialists. Pretty much makes sure everyone knows they better treat me with respect. If people are so blind, to make such nasty statements, they need to get out of health care. But I do know, there are some really caring people out there too. We just have to be lucky enough to find them.

    The second thing I am thinking about is our family and friends. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with what is happening to us, we forget how it has touched their lives too. My husband had a few beers last night and told me that ever since my diagnosis he has this "pain" in the pit of his stomach. He is waiting for the next shoe to drop. Im glad we have the family and friends section. But I dont know about you, my husband would never come to the boards for support. He's just not that kind of person. Its ashame too, cause he could get so much support. And I think the truth is, just like I dont think he gets it! Well I dont think I get it either. If the tables were switched I mean.

    Anyways, I have to go. My husband is awake and busy doing things. Guess its not gonna be donuts after all. He is cooking something, and I want to find out what.

    Have a wonderful day

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Ok, I’ll try posting again and hopefully I won’t lose everything (grrrrrrhhhhh).

    Jeannie, I can’t even begin to imagine that much snow. AlwaysHope, you ain’t seen “idiots on ice” until you’ve seen it snow in California. Everybody is 1) amazed it snowed and stuck to the ground, and 2) not sure how to drive in the snow.Brenda, get your hubby to the dr.

    Lisaelder, that was beautiful.

    Sue, hope you had a wonderful time in Vegas. I hadn’t been in about 7 years and now I will have been twice in 4 months – we stopped there on the way home from vacation in November and now my son will be turning 21 in March so we’re taking him and some of his friends.

    Vickie, I’m glad your daughter is coming home but wish it had been under different circumstances. Oh, here’s the caption for an article I thought you might find interesting: Glen Johnson arrested for attempted toilet seat theft

    LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Portsmouth defender Glen Johnson has been fined by police for trying to steal a toilet seat and bath taps from a store, according to media reports on Friday.

    Hi to Susan, Ginnie, Jan, Adrionna. Hope you are all doing well.

    Madison, you put into words my feelings exactly.

    Nicki, have a donut for me. I can’t have one in the Circle Spa.

    Judy, welcome. I saw some posts of yours on other threads. One of my kids saw Freedom Riders and said it was really good. CG is for Circle Girls. The Bay Area girls have only gotten together once before the holidays but it’s time for us. I’ll send them an email and see about getting together and I’ll include you.

    Karen, hope you were able to get 6 hours of sleep last night.

    Joy, what your friend said should go under the “stupid things people have said” forum. I was high risk as well and never lived in fear of “getting it.” I never even thought about it.

    LauraB, Tina and Shel are so right. Why would you want someone who has made it obvious by his actions that he doesn’t want you? And I would do exactly what AlwaysHope said – and lock his a$$ out. And definitely take care of the credit cards.

    Tracey, did you get to sleep on the new bed?

    Kelly, welcome. Hope you are enjoying the circle and can feel the same warmth, compassion, love, and support that the rest of us feel.

    NS, my bilateral and tram was a 15 hr. operation. My poor family waited at the hospital the entire time. Oh, I was surprised with Top Chef this week – Sam was my favorite – I can’t stand Marcelle.

    Cheri, how’s your daughter doing? I broke my ankle last April and damn if I didn’t sprain that same ankle a few days before Christmas. Still wearing a support splint – it’s a good thing I can wear jeans to work every day because all I’ve been wearing is tennis shoes – can’t wear any heels yet and I’m so short I need the height.

    Sheri, my husband works with someone who is in plays so every time he is in a play, there are three or four couples who go to dinner and the play.

    Boo, that festival sounds fun.

    Joyce, hope no headache this morning.

    Istanbul, huh? I’m there. Love to travel and haven’t been there yet. Have to go. Hosting a brunch for the cooking club this morning. Everyone have a good day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I woke up this morning early to check on all of you and when I turned on my kitchen light there was a large, grey mouse on the counter!

    He's got a lot of friends! I saw a mouse and set some traps in my garage and ended up catching 21 mice by the time I was done.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning ladies,
    Well the creeping crud has me and Nathaniel under the weather so we are heading to the medic tent. Poor Nathaniel has been up since 3am throwing up, high fever...sleeping at the moment. This is nasty stuff. I think I got a double whammy as I have that part and the cold too. aaauuuggghhh
    NS...I watched the video you posted and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It gave me goosebumps and was simply beautiful!
    Going to try to find the moving beyond post from John Hopkins and post it here for all of us.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Here it is ladies.
    I have bumped it a few times and read it myself several times just to affirm what I feel is ok and normal. Hope it helps...if it helps one person then it is worth it.
    Love you all but it's back to bed for me.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Portsmouth defender Glen Johnson has been fined by police for trying to steal a toilet seat and bath taps from a store, according to media reports on Friday.
    LOL...hmmm...maybe he's been lurking here and taking the heat off me!! Glad he didn't get the seat off our pretty purple toilet!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Someone had Yahoo sports up on the screen this morning so that's the first thing I saw and immediately thought of you!

    NS, how do you make a movie? That was great.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Laura---Check with your lawyer before changing the locks. Mine told me not to do that until he actually left. Could bite you in the tush otherwise. I would, however, pack his bags and put them outside the door. I'm a great one to talk---I had mine served with divorce papers and he came home that night and expected supper and continued to live in our house for another 4 or 5 months!

    Whoever asked me if Istanbul is dangerous? I went before 9/11. Don't think I'd travel much in the Middle East right now period. The Turks pride themselves on being a liberal Muslim nation but.....

    See you all later tonite---trip to Ithaca to see Sam today. A little tiny baby named Sam---isn't that cute?

    Sorry you and Nathaniel are under the weather Vickie.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007
    NS...thanks for that movie! Just what I needed to get me back in the groove...been extremely fatigued...though I think that word is extremely underestimated! Counts are so low I couldn't even have chemo on Friday...

    I can't possibly catch I'm just going to re-start from here...

    Good Morgan CG''s finally cold in Jersey and it sucks. Getting ready for church (my daughter's boyfriend goes, so now we are regular attendees also...) Hey, whatever gets us in the door!

    Does anyone know who the last chef was to be eliminated from Top Chef? I keep falling asleep during the reruns and still haven't figured it out...better NOT be Sam...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    MENA...welcome "home" have been missed and so happy to see you here again. Cheri is looking for someone to get in trouble with as usual. Look out and be prepared LOL.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Mena is back!! It was that picture of you in the bikini that lightened your spirits, you sexy mama. Glad to hear from you. Hoping that your counts go up soon.

    Vickie- I owe you. You inspired the class I was substituting for all week long to all wear crazy socks on Friday. Thought of you everytime I saw somebody in crazy socks.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hiya Mena...where ya bena?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Mena's BACK. YEA....

    Vicki, sorry you and Nat are sick..

    Hello everyone. I have a long post started, but need to get dressed for church..then I'll come back and get in trouble helping Vicki "borrow" things... Do I have to give the pink elephants back?

    ..I'll post later.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies.....
    ick i am working a sunday.... well at least i am off tomorrow.... i am going to have 42 check outs this am... so its going to start hopping...
    jasmine i did look in our hardware for the fish netting but they didnt have much... so i will wait to i go to the little city...we dont have a micheals near us.. can you believe it i have never even been to a micheals... i will have to go to the big city of calgary for that one....
    i did get to sleep on my new bed but in the living room as hubby had our bedroom torn apart... he is painting the closest so we should be able to finish that up tonight... we both work today but his is overtime with better bucks.. lol i was so tired last night i couldnt wait for the bedroom to be finished as soon as i layed down to watch crossing jordan i was out!!! that was the best sleep i have had in a very long time!!! yay to new bed!!!
    well i am off to get another tea before i get hit with all my check outs so ladies have a great day!!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Mena,welcome back, you were missed. Sam and Elia were eliminated last week in part 1 of the finale, so it's Marcel and Ilan. My vote is for Ilan because Marcel is such a pompous a$$.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Hello Again! Well breakfast was grand. Eggs over medium, toast, fresh strawberries with cream. Just listened to the weather. Temp is 8 degrees. So I dont plan on going anywhere today.

    always Hope: I used to live on a farm. Well, we rented the farm house - I didnt own the farm. Anyways the entire house had mice. My cats got good exercise. I still get the creepies thinking about it. And my female cat would bring a dead mouse to me, like it was her trophy!

    Vickie: Darn cold and flu. And Nathaniel sick too. Boy you got your hands full. And ahahahaha at the toilet police story.

    Jeannie: Great advice. Sometimes its good to imagine what we would like to do vs doing it. Anyways hope you enjoy your Sunday.

    Mena: So good to see you again. We have missed you so much. Say a prayer for me when you go to church.

    Tracey: Sounds like you enjoyed your new mattress. Do you have to work Monday?

    MargaretB: Ive never watched the chef show, but it sure sounds like something I would like. Im always watching the food channel. Lord know why. Im the worse cook.

    Well, time to go do something. I havent quite figured out what yet. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    mena............hey lady! the last chef was the young, thin, pretty oriental looking girl.......obviously, i forget her name........the "least experienced girl who always wears cute hats and head gear!

    laura, jeannie is careful about changing locks, and whatever you do DO NOT MOVE OUT FIRST!!!!

    as far as divorcing him goes.......there are 2 types of divorce.....the one on paper (and that is all it is "a piece of paper"), and the emotional divorce. make no mistake about it, if you aren't both ready to divorce emotionally, then the paper divorce is a huge waist of money, energy and time! just some food for thought because again..........been there(am there actually) and done that (doing that lol!)

    hello everyone else........i have a full day of shopping and a birthday party and my back is getting worse not better.....i almost went to emerg at 2 o'clock this morning.....geuss i'll be at the docs in the morning!

    have fun on the cruise, i think i'll sit this one out as i have tons to take care of at home this week!

    xo, michelle
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007

    ok ns i watched the video and its awsome you did a magnificant job.....hahaha i love the pic with mena does she ever have a nice body....
    heheh and how in heck did you find my picture.... hahaha
    i hate my picture being taken... i must of been half looped in fact in know i was half looped...
    ok again great job i am very impressed!!!!!!!!!!! oh ya even the music went well!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Here you go Thongs...a place to order fish netting in various color online:
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Good morning, CG's. Night watch was exhausting. I don't even know when I fell asleep. Ok, has anyone ever gone on a cookie eating binge? I bought some chocolate chip cookies yesterday for Steven and have eaten most of them. Yikes...all that sugar. No wonder I could not sleep last night and now I have a splitting headache.

    Cheri - I hope you were able to get some sleep. Night watch was quiet.

    Sheri - mouse on the counter...yuck. I hope you can trap him soon.

    Vickie - thanks for the affirming article. It's nice to know our fears are justified.

    Mena - glad to see you on the boards again. Hope your blood count is up so you can receive treatment. I'm sending positive vibes your way. Let's kick those cancer cells ass.

    NS - did you make the movie and then uploaded it to photobucket or did you use photobucket?

    BTW- this is one weird winter. We had one cold day last week and today our temps are suppose to drop 40 degrees going down to the high 40's by tomorrow morning. I guess I better bring out my sweaters. Got to go now. I need to do something about this headache.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Well I tried to watch the movie by NS. Im having problems cause it keeps stopping. But oh what a trip down memory lane. This is great NS. I have to go back and see the second half, but Distorted Humor is sure prancing around. He got to be a movie star.

    Odalys: I think one of these reasons so many are getting the flu and colds is cause of the weather. Cold, warm - people dont know how to dress.

    OK - my computer time is up. Gonna go read the Sunday paper.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007

    My kids have been bugging me to get a cat, but I really didn't want another animal right now. I may have to rethink my position!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    NS that video is wonderful..what fun!!

    Mena..good to see you.......

    Liz and Sherloc...feeling better, I hope

    Tonight we are going to see an old movie at our of the Henry Aldrich films..the actor who played him is a neighbor and he does these showings
    occasionally as a fundraiser for our Optimist Club.

    I have to say I like Curves alot more than our local Y. Noone at the Y speaks to anyone else working out and lots of people really hog the machines there...So Curves it is. Also fun just to have the ladies at Curves..and its fast!!
    Just hope I can stick to it!!

    My mind is drawing a blank at the moment...maybe that is not so unusual..

    Hugs to all..Lisa
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Sheri, I actually like mice. I think they are cute and I used to have a hamster when I was young. But now I know about hantavirus and other illnesses they carry so I do my best to keep them out of my house and garage. If you don't already have pets or small children to worry about you can get some dcon and set out the bait boxes where you see signs like their stool droppings or stuff that has been shredded for nesting.

    Get rid of any cardboard boxes, paper or anything they can use to make a nest. I used to save the boxes that things came in. Now I toss them. Put any foods in plastic tight sealing containers. This includes rice, oatmeal, cereals, etc. I store my bread in the fridge now. Just a few things I have done.

    Wear gloves to handle any dead rodents you find. Do not touch them. Use a mix of bleach and water to spray their droppings or nesting materials before you disturb it. If you try to sweep or vacuum it will stir up the microscopic particles into the air.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    I am so petrified of Mice that I'm sitting at the computer desk with my feet up on it............!