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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    I have tons to do this morning. Boy was it cold and dark when I jumped on the magic carpet this morning! I was glad you had the heat cranked Susan. Oh...and it was me that left the coffee cup and oatmeal bowl on the floor next to the big red pillows...glad we have maids...male of course. I love a guy that cleans

    G- we are with you. Can you feel the love?

    Be back later for furball news
    Deb C

    RobinTN...hugs if you are reading and not posting
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    And then when I click Continue, I don't get the option of seeing it, saving it, clicking Edit or whatever, it just posts it! (see above LOL)

    So I think I'm going astray on the very first step! Where should I click to have the other options? (Really, there are things I'm quite good at, technology is just not one of them!)

    NS - still thinking about you, every minute today...

    Enjoy the rest of the day ladies. I'm book until after my son's bedtime tonight....
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's,

    I'm at work and only have a minute. Just wanted to tell you it's Super Bowl XLI madness around here. They are spending millions of dollars making sure the stadium is in prestine conditions. Mother nature is also behaving, temps in 50's-60's range today, will dip to 40's tonight but should be back up to the 70's within a couple of days. Would you believe some folks living near the stadium are renting their home for $7,000!! There are no hotel rooms available. BTW- They're working hard to make sure there are no wardrobe malfunctions during half-time! Hahahah....

    Got to go now.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Dears. The dripping seems to have stopped. Maybe that means I'm on the mend? Tho my brain still hurts like the dickens. Praying for furballs today.

    Welcome Kelly.

    Jasmin, massage pretty please.

    Hi liz. Hope your head is feeling better.

    Hugs Vicki, praying for you. This is one kick ass cold/flu/whatever the hell it is. Haven't felt this crappy in ages and ages.
    It was my grands....I'm sorry

    NS, found a brave soul who knows just what to do with those furballs
    The movie was grand. Thanks.

    Jeannie, I'm a major history buff. Istanbul it is.

    Cheri, hugs to you hon. Kidlets moving on is a sadddddd but a very good thing. I'm glad your daughter is feeling better and you got your electricity back without trouble.

    Sue, well the boats sound pretty.

    Tracey, that is just wrong....who would do that to a cat?

    CY, armpit waxing is relaxing? hmmmmmmm

    Sheri, mice, egads!!!! call the exterminator.

    Margaret, can you add me to the gathering list. It's lonely up here in the mountains.

    Mena, good to see you.

    Head is pounding. Got another 2 pages in. I'm never gonna finish at this rate.....Love you all to bits.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Good morning girls. Yes, it is still morning here. I think maybe I was sick yesterday & didn't realize it. I'd been sooo tired all day, felt blah, and last night I had to get up out of bed after i first laid down & throw up!! So, I don't know what's wrong with me. Don't feel too bad this morning but have a trace of a sicky stomach and headache.

    Ginney, My hairs always been a very dark brown & I had to start coloring a few years back. Now that it's growing back after chemo it's almost all gray. I'm too young to look that danged old. So L'Oreal & I got together & had us a little party. Now its a mousy brown with gray roots. No winning! But at least I'm getting hair.

    Lisa, I had Neuropathy before I had bc and my Neuro put me on Neurontin. They kept increasing the strength but it just wasn't doing any good. So mu Neuro started me on the Lyrica. Man, the bottoms of my feet stopped feeling like they were on fire and it works so much better. Might make you sleepy, it doesn't me but not much does. I take it 3 times a day. You might ask if its right for you because it's been good for me. My onc told me the chemo might increase the Neuropathy & it sure did!

    Tracy, how's the drunking workin for ya today? lol

    Susan, living only 30 miles apart we must get soon as at least one of us can walk. lol Good luck on surgery tomorrow.

    Cy, I understand about the MIL. Mine came down to live with us for 8 months last year. She has Alzheimers & she was a handful! Bless her heart, she did some real strange things.

    Nicki, hey thanks for breakfast. I love oatmeal. With butter, sugar and milk.

    Shel, so sorry you're having such a bad time with the pain. Hope you start feeling better.

    Jan, thanks for the hand you stuck down in the black hole for me yesterday. Remember though, be careful that you don't do that & fall down in it, too. lol

    NS, you know we're all waiting to hear how your appt. went so let us know. Our prayers are with you.

    Sheri, I know bout those hard times I've lived through some myself. Things will get better.

    Vicki, hope you & Nathaniel are feeling better today. I think I might've caught a little of that yesterday myself.

    Hey to Margaret,Shirley,Lisa,Madison,Colleen,Brenda. Hope you all are doing well and also anyone I'v missed.

    Where is Carrie & Denise?

    Mena, you're beginning to stay away more than you're here. I don't like that. I guess I'll wonder on down to the Hooch tent & see if you're in there...ahem...again.

    Today is my daughters 24th birthday. Wow, I should be that age time just goes to fast. They're coming over later & I imagine I'll buy a cake & a present. Funny thing, since I cant walk she'll have to pick out her own cake & present! It's the thought that counts.

    Point to ponder. Family. I come from a very large family, youngest of 8 children, my Mother raised us alone. We've always been very close. I thought. Now I'm not so sure. If a couple of sisters knew something important that they knew you wondered & worried about & needed to know, why wouldn't they tell you? They say because they didn't want to get involved. I don't understand. And I'm angry. But I'll get over it, the anger part that is. Makes me wonder who you can really trust in this life.

    Your pal,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hi everybody,
    haven't had a chance to read anything... yesterday was pretty rough. Turns out I worried myself for nothing. My surgeon discovered that he could not do the procedure after all once he set everything up because his machine is not sensitive enough to accurately get to all three.
    I have to go BACK to the radiology place on FRIDAY!

    And all of this crap is happening because they are trying to save a step before surgery.

    Anyway- I am a cranky and tired CG today.

    I will try to catch up with you all later....

    Thank you for all your prayers and furball chants... hope they last til Friday.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    NS - There is nothing worse than being ready for a procedure and having it cancelled. Stay away from the bus this week and we will keep on with the Furball Chants!

    Cherie - Don't worry about me falling into the hole. I've been there so many times, it just doesn't scare me anymore!

    I can't remember who was asking about where to go to post a reply.....There is a blue area above every post and one of the options says "reply". Just click on there and it will take you where you can post and edit.

    I have to see my ps tomorrow about my lop-sided boobs. I know he is going to blow me off and I don't know quite what to do. I know I should be happy that I have boobs, but when you make that kind of decision, you want them to look right. I never expected to be able to pose for Playboy, but I at least wanted them to be pretty much the same. One of them is nice and soft, but the other one is hard and higher than the other. Thankfully the nice one is on my bc side, so I won't have to mess with that one. Sorry for venting. I have to get out of the pissy tent and maybe get over to the hoochie tent! I shouldn't let myself get upset until I hear what he has to say.

    Talk to you all later!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    NS-the chant can last as long as it needs to and then hopefully a big celebration in the end. Always nice to have reason for a party. Sorry you are having to go through all of this and hate feeling helpless on the other end.

    Nicki-Thanks for the oatmeal this morning and I will have mind as mentioned above with butter, sugar and milk.

    susan the magic carpet was perfect this morning. There shouldnt be a huge mess because I know Mazer was very excited to see so much food left out. I guess we better get it stocked back up for friday because it sounds like thats the official day now for ns.

    ok I was laughing out loud at all the kitty and dog stories. I lived through that once before. My rat terrier hates cats with a passion but needless to say even though he is a neutered male he thought the cat was awfully cute and she thought he was just as cute. She would rub up against him and he would get all excited. Needless to say, once the "season" passed he forgot all about how cute she once was,,,,just like a man.

    Great pyreneese mixed pups in the circle,,,now that will be something to see. Those are the best dogs though. I had thoughts of getting one when I moved to the farm but since somebody felt the need to donate me 4 whatever pups the great pyreneese got put on hold.

    newvickie-hope you and nathaniel are feeling better. Must be all that traveling you have been doing lately and going from one climate to the other,,lol.

    lauraB-sorry to hear you are still having a rough time. There has been lots of good advice given to you and I do wish you the best. Your big concern is for your daughter and how the divorce will effect her but please think about how you are living now and the effects on her. ok enough said on that.

    Shel38-sorry you are having such a painful time now.

    Deb-alabama cold is colder than the 22 that it was. We were 18 last night. We might even get snow/ice on Wednesday so that could be exciting. If we do be sure to check a local Alabama news online because you will laugh your butt of at the stories and how many places are closed. Chances are they could close with the prediction of snow.

    Mena-glad to see you popping your head into the wagon circle for a bit. I know how those blood counts can mess with you for sure. I agree about the fatigue statement at times also. Sorry you had to miss a treatment and thinking of you.

    Cheri-about your sisters,,,they are probably thinking you have enough on your plate and by them not telling you things is helping you. A good old fashioned talk might get things ironed out there. Worth a shot anyway.

    Jan-you said something I was going to reply to but for the life of me I cant remember what it was,,,,maybe it will come back to me.

    Sherndon-sounds like the play is going well. Those are sure alot of work and I know you are excited. i am also excited to hear you ordered some meds. And as far as the mice???????? Thats one thing that turns me into a glorified girly girl. I can handle alot of things but mice is not one of them. I would have died in my steps. I dont know why they bother me like they do but boy they get to me. Almost have my feet on my desk now just thinking about it.

    Snowman n thongs you are having some really cold weather. Alabama would be in a state of panic if we had that.

    odalys-wow 7000 for a home rental! I bet things are really clicking around there. clothing malfunction,,,,lol!

    Oh now I remember what I was going to say to Jan,,it was about Maine. That is my favorite vacation. SO's family has land their and her entire family goes there every year around the 4th and we all have campers and camp out. Its about 11 acres and a lake for swimming. Its the greatest. Not thinking we will make it this year with the house project going on but I am already upset thinking that we wont be going. Sacrifices I know but you dont have to like them.

    ok with the talk of tomato soup and grilled cheese you certainly made me hungry. That must be a comfort food throughout the US. Guess what I am craving??? lol

    ok gotta run and I know I missed so many but it took all my time catching up on post. Will be back soon though.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Amy, my Great Pyrenese is mixed w/Border Collie so she's very smart. I have no idea what these puppies will turn out looking like. I want all of you to know that we raised Rover to be a "good" girl, no sex before marriage. Once she left the safety of this big backyard I think she must've been gang raped. Cos I just know she wouldn't have acted so permiscuous(sp). She comes from a good home. lol But I bet we end up having puppies which are one of my very favorite things in this life. I am crazy for them! If they just didn't have to all grow up & could stay little & furry.

    your pal
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Amy, I just saw that Barbaro was put down. How sad. Poor Mazer must be in mourning . I'm sure Distorted Humor is sulking in his stall also.
    Wow, that's quite a hike from Alabama to Maine. Where in Maine do you go? We are going to Acadia National Park and then on to Baxter State Park. Hopefully, we'll get lots of motorcycling in! I want to see some moose. We didn't see any last summer in Yellowstone .
    I didn't think it got so cold in Alabama. I'll bet they do shut everything down when bad weather comes in! Jeez, here we are used to snow every winter, and they still empty the stores of milk, bread and eggs. It's not like we get snowed in for days!

    Cheri - All I can think about is your poor gang-raped doggie . What if the puppies come out looking like 5 different breeds! Could that happen? From Chihuahua to Great Dane. OMG!! Too funny!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Cheri-might need to check into pressing charges on the gang rape. I bet Rover isnt talking though so would be hard to find out who did it exactly until maybe some DNA test after they are born. Poor,,Poor Rover. Might better start working on some adoption papers and doing some home studies so you have some places in mind. I know I could never get rid of them and if I could I would say dont you ever get rid of it because if you decide you dont want it,,bring it back.

    Jan-Liberty Maine is the closest place that you might could find on a map. It is quiet the drive from Alabama but well worth it. We have gone to Acadia and Bangor and Augusta. Funny story. We flew once there before 9/11 and we walked into the airport to fly home and got greeted by first names as we were standing there talking before checking in. Talk about small!!! We also took off and had to Boston to get on a bigger place because this was a crop duster. We started going down and I turned around to SO (yes, there was no side by side seats) to say,,we are going down and we havent been in the air long enough to be in Boston. She said shut up dont say that. I said well,,look out, she said No I am not looking out I am closing my eyes. I said well do whatever but if we are going down I am gonna know it by watching. Well sure enough out of the fog I see pavement and then we immediatley go straight back up. i turn around to see her eyes as big as saucers saying dont tell me anything,,i couldnt resist so I said you know we are cicling. We circled and landed again and the pilot stands up and says wow that was one he!! of a landing,,you all want to do that again? We were in Rockland Maine and the airport was a double wide trailer. Making memeories I suppose because we had to go inside and wait do to the extreme fog and they finally got a rental car and took all 5 of us back to Augusta to try it again tomorrow and put us up in a Motel. I dont know why it didnt scare me but it never did. We did see the prettiest rainbow across the harbor when we were driving back and had an extra night in Maine so it was all fun.

    Liberty Maine is where the Liberty T shirts come from that are called Liberty Graphics. Might not sound familiar but that is their claim to fame and thats the only thing in that town besides beer stores. Man,,,I wanna go! Do you think I could hide out in your camper and you not notice?

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    NS I'm still chanting furball and the maids will have plenty of time to clean up before Friday. I think I'll be home from the hospital before then but if I'm not I know some of you ( Nicki, Vicki or was it Amy) know how to get access to the magic carpet so go get it and then swing by and get me. I'd like a wheel chair and blankets please.

    I just hear about Barbaro. After all that poor horse and his owners and his doctors have been through. They said he would just be in too much pain the rest of his life. So sad.

    Jan, I think that is what happens, why we get some funny looking yet adorable dogs. I'm not a vet though, I just play one on TV. LOL
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Joyce and Sheri, my son did the same thing as Joyce's son; in March, 3 months before graduation, I had to put him in an alternative high school where they gave you your credits differently and I didn't know if he was going to graduate. We didn't know until the week before graduation if he would graduate but he did, with a 3.2 GPA compared to the 1.2 he had in regular high school. He is now almost 21 and has quit his local community college twice and is now talking about going to night school so he doesn't have to quit his job. This time he knows that he has to pay for it first and I will reimburse him when he completes each semester.

    Odalys, I heard that cheap seats way up top are $3,200 each, $1,000 more than last year!

    Shirley, you have to come down out of the mountain and visit us.

    Nicki, I did have oatmeal this morning (had to sneak in some brown sugar and raisings) and decided to forgo my usual egg scramble and hash browns.

    NS, sorry to hear you have to go back. We'll be there with you of course.

    Susan, get the magic carpet heated up for Friday so we can go with G. Oh, just remembered surgery for you but we'll come by and get you.

    Back to work.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Yes, Jan. Depends on how many male dogs got in on the molesting of Rover. It was a several day period so her puppies could look all different. There's probably many different fathers. And of course there wouldn't be a thouroghbred in the bunch since the incident was 'gang related'. I guess she's in shock cos she's not said a word about it. Although...she does have an odd smile on her face. If my little rat terrier or mini-pin coulda had a ladder they'd be funny looking pups! I overheard the two of them making a deal to hoist the other one up but they were still too short. Oh, the whining & cries of misery going on around here! (And that was just me cos the power had been out so long!) But my two little dogs were almost as whiny as me. lol

    your pal
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    NS...well that is just plain crap. Darn the waiting and you can come here regardless of what kind of mood your in...we love you just the same. Still praying for furballs and for you to get off the bus...hmmm...maybe I need to steal the bus!

    MB...we have missed is everything going?

    Odalys...oh how I wish I were in Florida...bitter cold and windy here and supposed to be colder tomorrow.

    Cheri...happy birthday to your daughter. Mine is 25 and Nathaniel is 8...what a joy they are!

    Margaret...went to the doctors today from work. Nathaniel and I both have strep throat! I have never had strep throat before...guess that's why I slept all day yesterday. Have our prescriptions in hand and on to better health in a day or two.

    Sad about Barbaro...I had a draft horse named Buck that was such a doll. He was a gelding and he weighed in at 2200 lbs. Can you say HUGE! What a baby he was. He went down in the pasture one day and I couldn't get him up...called a friend with a horse trailer and took him to Cornell. Sarah was 13 at the time and the only way he would stay on his feet in the stall was if she was in there with him. The minute she would leave he'd go down again and she'd go in crying her eyes out begging him to get up and he would. The vets were freaking out about her being in there as he was in so much pain they were afraid he would hurt her accidently...she told them that there was no way that horse would ever hurt her. They decided to do surgery to see what the problem was and quoted a price of $5000.00...way over our budget. They came back with a counter offer of 1500.00 as he was such a wonderful horse so we said ok. His intestines were full of tumors and they said it would be better not to wake him back up and they put him down...I cried, Sarah cried, the vets cried, and the dog we had was soooo lost for over a month. No more horses for me. I miss him to this day.

    Makes me think of what you've been through Shel...sending you hugs.

    Oh gosh...missing so many...where are all our girls...we need to find so many. RobinTN...getting worried.
    Too tired to type any more...time for meds and a nap.
    Sorry to all who I missed,
    Love you all though,
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    Has anyone heard from Robin lately? I hope she's ok.

    Vickie, what a sad story about your horse! Sorry you have strep. Wow, you've never had it before? Lucky you.

    NS, what a pain! I'm sure you just want to find out once and for all. We're waiting with you every step of the way.

    Amy, Kentucky was pretty cold last night, too. It was 12 degrees when I went to work today. I'm pulling for a nice, big snowfall.

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words. I really need them right now. I have cried more the last couple of weeks than anyother time in my life.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Just got home from work and have been reading everyones posts. And then I stopped. Silence. Im crying my eyes out. I just found out about Barbaro. I saw the news this morning and he couldnt step on the foot they did surgery on. And I thought they might have to put him down. He was a beautiful horse.

    And I have so much to say to all of you, but my husband just got put out cause I wasnt answering him. I was thinking about what I wanted to write. And now he just came into the computer room shaking my shoulder so I would listen to what he has to say. Geez!

    NS: Im not sure what step they are saving. I think at this point they want to know what they are dealing with, and you do too. Its a big disappointment thats for sure. Another delay when all you want to do is get this over with and move forward. Im sending you the biggest hug. Hope you took some xanax!!

    OK - I have 1/2 hour (words from the cook and husband who is feeling ignored) Tonights menu is home made pizza. The dough is from scratch. Fresh mozzarella cheese. Imported plum tomatoes from Italy, chopped and spread on top. Just name your toppings. I personally will have sausage, tiny pieces so I get one with every bite.

    Margaret: Ahaha I dont know how many points, but I know 7 grains pancakes are healthy. And Im one of those people who has all my old clothes. Someday, Im gonna fit into them again.

    Sheri: Yep, sounds like your son is dealing with stuff too. He reminds me of my husband who missed his whole third semester. Just cut classes everyday. Somehow, he managed to graduate.

    Lisa: I laughed at the real butter and hot maple syrup.

    Brenda: Im sorry you husband is still in so much pain. I hope they find out whats going on.

    Jan: Im laughing. Blew off the blood tests for wine. My boobs are uneven too. The one with bc is smaller than the prophylactic. But hey, I look ok in a bathing suit.

    Vickie: I cant believe you went to work sick. You need to rest to get over this cold.

    Sherloc: Yes, I had the mother of all colds. So I know what your going through. Hoping your better soon.

    Susan: You must be getting nervous. What time is the surgery scheduled tomorrow?

    colleen: You have to click the box that says preview your reply. Then it lets you look at your post and add if you want to. Then save it.

    DebC: All I can say is I heard on the news this morning that a city in Alaska just saw its first sunrise in a while.

    Odalys: Im so jealous. I would have loved to be on South Beath last night.

    Cheri: Stomach flu is going around. And your the Baby sister! The others are always going to try and be your protectors.

    Amy: Im laughing so hard about the cats and the dogs. My poor mister (my dog) is paranoid now. I must have yelled at him a hundred million times to "leave her alone." (My female cat)

    MB: Its a start, its a start.

    OK! time is up. If I missed anyone, you know I still love ya.

    See ya in the morning.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    NS, sorry you have to go back Friday. The chant will last as long as necessary.

    Vickie, so glad you and Nate say the doc and will start an antibiotic for strep throat. No wonder you were both feeling so horrible.

    It is sad about Barbaro...

    I will talk to you all later.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Sheri, I called Robin and left a message. I sure hope she is doing ok. If she calls after I leave for the hospital tomorrow I'll have dh take a message and talk to her. I'm hoping she'll just get on here and report, darnit!!

    Cheri, you are too funny

    Oh, the whining & cries of misery going on around here! (And that was just me cos the power had been out so long!)

    Yes, Margaret there are several here who know how to "borrow" the magic carpet without asking. Just come by and get me.

    Yes, Nicki, the Barbaro news is so sad. I was really hoping for the best. And Vicki that must remind you of your sweet horse. You and Nathaniel get well, here.

    gotta run, lots to do yet. surgery isn't scheduled till 4:00pm tomorrow and THEY STILL WON'T LET ME EAT PAST MIDNIGHT!!! Boy did I pitch a fit. At least I'll have time to check in before I go. LOL
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Oh yes, I posted in the Circle Girls are Stars thread. I need help in figuring out what names to add to the stars. If your name is not on there, please post on that thread. And I'll add it. Same if you want something for a friend. I'm just too dense to handle all these threads at the same time. Need some help!!! don't want to leave anyone out. post there, not here. easier for my poor brain.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Just checking in to find out how NS was. That's a total bummer. Do they know what they put us through when they cancel and reschedule crap? The chant goes on. Furballs!
    Susan, I know you'll be fine tomorrow, but me and hundreds of others will be with you. Let us know how things go.
    Joyce, Sheri and Margaret, The Son from "hell", huh! Been there, done that! My oldest Son was 2 weeks from graduation when he was killed in accident. My youngest was a year younger....I lived to tell the story!! Because of my grief, he got out of hand without me even realizing it. Seems wierd to say that, but it did. His way of grieving I guess. Barely made it out of school. (he had no problem getting out of school, what I mean is barely graduated.) Followed by several DUI and Underage Drinking, we lived in a small town and I knew every cop around. Midnight panic calls, picking him up in the middle of night, court name it. forward .....He is now 28, moved to AZ 3 years ago to get away and start over. He is now a Journeyman Plumber with the plumbing local out there. Has bought a new truck, new house and is getting married in November. THERE IS A REASON MOTHERS NEVER GIVE UP ON THEIR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've got to read and catch up, but hugs to all I've forgotten.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies...
    wow i slept in big time today ... lol wonder why... probaly from the drunking omg hahahah
    so my daughter hurt her foot and i had to get up to take her to the doctors and i was in the shower and found some swollen lymph nodes under my ear... ok i am freaking out... when i took my kid to the doc's i had him look and its very swollen so i had a blood test done ( ca-125) and if the swelling doesnt go down to go see him in a week...
    it was just yesterday i was talking with zarowny from the chat site and she has mets to her subclavical i am really freaking out...
    hey ns i am still thinking of you!!! hugssss girlfriend!!!
    well i will be back shortly got to figure someting out for supper!!!
    i really hope its nothing for both of us ns!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls!

    Okey dokey I am as usual lost. Know that I’m always thinking of you guys daily. Thinks are once again crazy here. My mother-in-law is doing remarkably well. Even the doctor is surprised. My father-in-law was put in the hospital earlier today and was flown to a larger hospital awhile ago. I know he’s severely dehydrated because he hasn’t been eating/drinking which is causing his heart/kidneys to act up. I’ll know more later I guess.
    On a happier note, my pap smear came back normal! Yiipppeeeee. No more weirdo gyn/onc. LOL

    Nicki, my markers were 17.9 which are down from 3 months ago. I see my oncologist tomorrow. Of course I still have the lingering thought that something isn’t quite right. Need to pull my head out and move on. Ahhh for it to be that easy. Right? Thanks for thinking of me.

    NS – crap! Sorry you have to wait. Still chanting furballs hon. Love the video.

    Sher – love the SSR! I hope you’re feeling better. The joys of grands sharing.

    Vickie – hope you and Nathaniel are resting. I’ve never had strep throat either. My son used to get it a lot when he was young.

    MB – so good to see you. Thanks again my friend.

    Cheri – you are Susan are close to each other. I’m about 6 hours away. We could make a weekend in Springfield sometime. That would be really fun to meet with you guys. My son will be 25 on the 4th. They grow up fast don’t they? Happy Birthday to your daughter. Glad she’s feeling better.

    Susan – you will do great! My mom has had 2 knee replacements and 2 revisions. She always amazed me at how fast she was up and walking. Let us know how you are.

    Amy – I love animals. I could see myself having as many as you. Hope you’re feeling well.

    Mena – I’ll make cheesecake if you’ll come out and play. Any flavor you want.

    Sheri – Sorry about your son. I had the same problems with mine. When he was 13 I pulled him out of school and home schooled him. It wasn’t easy but I felt it was best. He graduated at 16. Hang in there.

    Odalys – I bet it is wild there. Wish I had a house near the stadium. LOL

    Tracey – sorry about your nodes. Did they give you any antibiotics? Could be an infection. Let us know! Crap Crap Crap! I hate this frickin disease. I didn’t know about Zar! Bless her heart. She’s been through so much for such a young woman. Give her my love if you see her again. I haven’t had a chance to get into chat.

    Margaret – my son is doing on-line school right now. He chose not to return for awhile. I do the same thing; I’ll pay for it after he finishes the semester. Makes him more accountable that way.

    Wow I typed more than I thought I would.

    I’ve missed many I know. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's ~
    Stayed home from work again. Still have this sinus/flu symptoms: headaches, runny nose then stuffiness, unable to sleep (only got 1 hour last night) and just plain weak. No CURVES again today. Any ideas on remedies to help me? It will be 1 week tomorrow.

    NS ~ Please let us know how everything went. We were all with you.

    Sheri - I had the same problem with my daughter in Middle School and again in her first years of High School. Things will change, you must have patience. She is now 29 and a Marketing Manager in San Diego, CA. I think it is just plain HORMONES flying at the ages of 13-16. My husband teaches English, Biology and Sci-Fi at a Catholic High School and says yes the rules are stiff, but they feel the kids will either make or break themselves. He also said that some kids will do things on purpose to get kicked out in order to be with their friends at the public schools. Your son is pushing your buttons pretty heavily. Good luck with him and take lots of VALIUM.

    Tracey - I had to take a double take on the pic --- I thought I was seeing double myself or my sinus's have really gone to my eyes. Glad that bed is so comfy.

    Ladies talking about wigs ~ I was one of the fortunate ones, they never did get hot for me unless I wore them all day and night. I wore the baseball cap with the stuck on hair (bought from Paula Young) quite a bit. They were fun. I wore my wigs of different colors to work. Donated 4 of them to the Oncs office and kept 6.

    Well ladies I am going to try and take a nap (hopefully anyway.) It is almost 5:00 pm here in Northern California.

    I will check with all of you later this evening before "What About Brian" comes on.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    back for another couple of pages. Lets see how far I get this time. Slept the day away. Brain is no longer doing a jig in my head. Hmmmmm maybe I'm on the mend.
    Talked to my surgeon this morning. My abd u/s was clear. He still thinks my pain is from gallbladder so on monday I get to have something called a HIDA scan? I think he wants to either confirm or rule it out before surgery on wednesday, so he can take it out if needed????? Well at least this time I get to have a cup of coffee in the morning.

    Shel, emergency room? What'd I miss?

    Socal, I'm feeling a little better for the moment. Glad your liking Curves.
    No showers at my Curves either. Maybe they figure they don't need em cause no one ever breaks a sweat....unless of course we're flashing.

    A beautiful poem Brenda. Thank you.

    Nicki, good for you. Three songs at a time will get you where you want to go.

    Judy, my Curves has been working on getting the step machine for ever and ever. Don't think we're ever gonna see it. We do the circuit twice as well. Takes exactly 33 minutes from start to finish with stretching. I just hit 273 workouts last week. We don't get t-shirts. We get Curves Bucks so we can "buy" stuff from the catalog.

    Cheri, hugs to little Ethan. Poor baby. Sinus infections are the pits.
    Silly story....talked to my grandson this morning. He is 6. Telling him about my poor pitiful cold and such. While conversing he was sniffling too. I said, "Your sniffling, do you have a cold too?". He said, "No Grandma, I just have boogers and I snort a lot"

    Colleen, thanks for the estring explanation. I might get desperate enough one of these days to try it. My onc approved it for me even tho I'm er+.

    Tracey, I used to have glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. They were very cool.

    Susan, my onc approved the estring. I was 98% er+. He said the amount of estrogen is so minimal that it doesn't get into your blood stream????
    Beautiful pics.

    Jan, no one knows what an SSR is until they see one. It was a lot of fun. The best part....hubby didn't waste a single penny in the casino. Yehaw!!

    Sheri, I can't seem to find your comments about your son and school but I'll add my dear sons story as well. Brilliant kid, no common sense. Screwed around for most of high school. His final requirement to graduate was an A on his history final. No A, no cap and gown. Final was the day before graduation. We didn't find out he passed until the morning of. Grrrrrrr. But he did AND he played the National Anthem for the event. Jimmy Hendrix style no less. Got a standing ovation. Of course the fact that everyone was already standing has nothing to do with it. It was a sight for a mommies eyes. Got himself in the paper and everything.
    Now he 20 years old and an honor student at Navy Nuke School. He is still an idiot with no common sense but at least he's getting paid.

    Hi MB, good to see you. I'm sorry you have been sick as well. I do believe we have had enough of this cold. Time to put it back on the shelf till next year.

    Cheri, happy birthday to your girl.

    NS, geez louise......who's steps are they saving. Furball prayers are good for as long as needed.

    Margaret I will be happy to come down off my mountain. Just tell me when.

    Vicki, strep throat? O my.

    Susan, I'll be praying tomorrow. No food or drink....that is just cruel. The least the could do is let us come in early and give us drugs.

    Tracey, Zar needs all our prayers. She is a bit fragile right now.

    Liz, YEHAW on the pap!! I am sorry about your father in law.

    I DID IT!!!!! Finished all the pages. Yehaw, lets have a party. Corned Beef and taters for supper. See you all tomorrow.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Evening sisters,
    Only got a minute or two...sooooo tired out, ache all over...this is reallllly nasty crap!
    Judy...go to the doctors. They told me today that there are all kinds of infections going around. Me and Nathaniel both have strep throat and I've never had strep before. Maybe you have an infection...get better soon.

    Tracey...hoping the nodes are nothing. Maybe your coming down with something too. Hopefully that's all it is.

    Susan...with you tomorrow, I'll stay back and wear a mask so you don't my creeping crud! Let us know as soon as you can how you are.

    Liz...weirdo gyno...that brought a laugh. I used to have one of those! Everything will be fine.

    NS, Cheri, Mena, Susan, Tracey, Shel, RobinTN, Nicki, Sheri, MB, Denise, Colleen, Jan, Madison, everyone...hugs and love.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    ahh..Shirley...hugs to you snuck in on me.
    Missed Brenda's poem...will look for it tomorrow.
    Shel and the ER...missed that too...what's up Shel?
    Hugs and love again
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Didn't go and take my nap yet as planned. Went back and read some of everyone's posts.

    NS ~ Crap that is awful. I hope everything goes well on Friday. Not fun waiting though.

    Tracey - Yes, please go and get checked. About a month ago I had a bump where the SNB was and went right away. Luckily it was scar tissue.

    I am sorry to hear about Barbaro. That's a sad thing to have to go through.

    Now, I am really going to take a nap. My eyes are drooping. Check with all of you later.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Just a note to Sherloc...the only doctor who KNEW my problems were gall bladder dispite the negative scans was my surgeon...and she was RIGHT...a day after it came out I was a new woman!! ( It was severely inflammed and had alot of sludge). I had seen three GI docs who had no clue at all and even had wrong diagnoses..
    I saw this about the HIDA test:

    A hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan can determine whether there is ductal obstruction, leakage of bile, or both.

    For what ever that is worth...

    I think I missed it..what surgery are you having??
    Or is it my chemobrain...

    Good about the Pap Liz..I agree about weirdo gyns

    Vickie..hope you feel better soon Ditto to Thongsie and everyone else in the dispensary tent.For all of you sending this rose that was blooming in my neigbors yard today:

    Must up some fajitas for the campfire!!

    Hugs, Lisa
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Wow, so many posts. Glad to be part of such a large group. It's going to take me a while to get to know everyone.

    Vickie - hope you feel better soon.

    Susan - good luck tomorrow, keep us posted.

    Who is on night duty? Look who dropped by to keep us company....


    Yummy!!! And, he is a pilot. Hmmmmmm.....

    Mena, where are you? Come join the fun.

    Chemosabi, South Beach is wild. I haven't been there in a while because I think Steven is a little young to be exposed to all the topless girls.

    I hope all the headaches are gone. Mine went away with Advil cold and sinus. I think it's probably this weird weather causing havoc on our sinuses.

    Got to go now, more later....