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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Had a grand time in spite of being sick as a pickin dog that just ate chocolate. EEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!
    We'll not quite that sick but you get the idea.
    92 Chevy SSR's, approx 180 old farts, lots of fun and silliness. A grand time was had by all. And what a cool site to see going down the highway. We looked like God had spilled a bag of skittles on the road.

    Darn Deb. Looks like I left just a bit to early. Could have used those lollipops.

    Hi Judy. Welcome to the circle. (Shirley aka Sherloc)

    Nicki, better than grilled cheese and tomato soup....tomato soup with elbow macaroni in it. yummmmmmm

    Madison, comforting indeed. Beautifully said.

    Sherndon, I had the same thing happen when I had my appendix fiasco in october. Veins kept blowing, I'm in horrid pain, what a mess it was. I told them to try my feet but they wouldn't for some reason. The surgeon came in and told the nurse to use my bc arm. She said, "she can't have iv there cause of blah blah blah....this man looked me in the eye and said "you know that is actually a myth, it won't hurt anything".....Gotta remember I had been in agony for two days by this sweet little me said....well doctor myth it may be but my onc told me no so it aint gonna happen. He then told the nurse if she couldn't get it in at the next try to put it in my neck.....JERK!!! The surgeon wasn't actually a bad sort....and do you recall he was HOT!!!! The nurse told me after he left that she would never put it in my bc arm because she learned in school that was a NO NO...anywhos, dear sweet lady that she was got it in at poke #16 and the vein held out till I woke up from surgery. Wasn't that lovely of it. After that it took them several more tries to get another one but I had lovely morphine pumping thru me at that point and didn't give a squat.

    Margaret, it was 8.5 hours. A longgggggg ride but I slept thru most of it. We did have a grand time.

    Jeannie, excellent plan. I'll see you at 3

    Jan, I hope it's not this cold either. Cause this cold sucks beans.

    ok head is pounding and every orafice is dripping. I'll be back tomorrow. Still have 3 pages to catch up on. Yikes. That will take half the day.

    hope I do this right. For those that have no clue what an SSR is... Hubby's is the black one with the flames.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    And my new magic carpet


    I think it compares favorably with sherloc's husband's car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...uh..well at least it flies.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007

    heheheheheh susan, your magic carpet looks a lot roomier.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Just wanting you to know that I'm praying for you. Please remember that we are with you in spirit.

    “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalms 30:5)

    Gentle hugs
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Sparky, praying for you that tomorrow goes well. You have many friends in here that love very much. You're the backbone of this Circle. Be well my friend.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007

    You are really busy this weekend!! It was page 191 last time I looked!

    Judy - hope you saw all of our answers to your questions - this thread moves very quickly!

    g - wishing you luck - and still chanting furballs, furballs...sending you a big hug {{{{{{{{{{g}}}}}}}}} Posted on your movie thread - thank you for including my girlie!!

    Welcome Made - and ArmyNavy - great to see you here! No requirements here - thank goodness!!

    Nicki - thank you and I love when you post what you've been thinking about - either I have too or I need DH has been here for me and I forget what he must be going through. I exercised today too!

    Cheri - glad your daughter is doing better - sorry about the black hole today and hope you're better by tomorrow..

    Vickie - I can never get over that picture of the guys in the um, eh, er, suits... hope you and Nathaniel feel better soon - keep resting..

    Boo - never heard of that but bummer it's gotten out of hand...

    Tracey - lol - your pictures - they are just too funny! That poor kitty!

    CY - sounds like a heavenly day - all that pampering...

    Margaret - doing well here! Exercise on demand? I'll have to check on that - great idea!

    Mena!! So happy to see you here? How are you?

    shel - sorry to hear about your back - hope it gets better soon...

    Odalys - I had a month-long cookie binge - well, some people call it the holidays...I call it "COOKIE TIME"!!

    Karen - so sorry about your Dad...

    Susan - beautiful pictures!!

    I think that's as far back as I can go today...

    Spent the weekend working on my side job and watching movies. I watched Titanic for the second time - hadn't since it came out. What a great movie - so well done - so beautiful - so bittersweet...

    Also continued my pictures of hair growth - it's mostly gray so it took a while to see but now you can see it. My sister told me Jamie Lee Curtis is wearing her hair natural - salt and pepper - I love it - she looks great! I might just do that - when I started dying there was just enough gray to make it look dull but, yeah, there's a LOT more!

    Whew - it's 9:15 and I think I've rambled on enough!

    Hugs to the circle...stop by the spa tent whenever you need it..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Hi all...Karen..I was thinking about what you were saying about keeping the wig..I did too..then I also remember I kept a maternity dress in the closet long after my having baby days were over(my decision)..just as a good luck charm that I would never need it again..maybe I was thinking the same thing again. Until you mentioned it, I really hadn't given it any thought. I finished chemo over five years ago now..Go figure...

    We saw an old Henry Aldridge movie tonight( what a hoot!!) and the man who played Henry(he is Jimmy Lyden our neighbor)told us about the golden age in film. He was also a director and producer. Now he is 83. Those were the days!! Anyhow it was fun!! mentioned taking Lyrica for neuropathy...I am thinking about asking my doc to switch me over from Neurontin. What do you think??

    Hugs everyone..Lisa
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    ok you guys bare with me for a minute!

    i just had an epiphany (did you feel the earth move lol?)

    ok longish story..........when i was in the keys, i was there for almost 2 weeks staying with my best friend and her hubby and her 2 babies. right from day one we had "money wars"........i constantly "argued" over every little penny spent, we would make a game of returning money to each other by hiding it everywhere. i would find my 100 dollars in my shoe, i would put it in the dryer, they would put it in my diet pepsi case, i would hide it in their hotdog buns etc etc etc.

    this went on for about 5 days, it was kind of fun, but i was frustrated too, so on day 6 i took off and bought groceries and gifts and snuck in a payment for dinner at a restaurant etc........that night i caught shit proper from my best friend and we did the money/shoe/freezer thing again (all the while laughing and loving each others company)

    long story short........i woke up the following morning at around 4am........her very spiritual/religious hubby was up as usual (he is a fishing charter captain so up very early) he reads the bible every morning, so i opted to leave him be, but as i was emptying the dishwasher and drinking my diet pepsi, he quietly looked up and said

    "michelle, you're a fabulous person.........everything will come back to you, relax a's going to come back to you" .......then he left for his charter.

    at first his statement pissed me off......."what the hell have i received for all my efforts?" "nothing but heartache!" but by the end of my trip i understood what he was saying, and i haven't forgotten it!

    it is coming back to me, i just needed to look at it in a different light.........i can't always "get my way", but i sure can appreciate what and who i have in my life!

    so that is my long winded way of saying thanks to you guys and my "sermon" for the month!

    now if i could just get off the basement floor with this back/elbow of mine, i'd be a "total convert" lol!

    g'night girls, thanks for listening!

    xo, michelle
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Shel -

    Don't you love when something big "clicks"?
    I hope your back gets better SOON! I don't want to pry and I have a BAD memory, so you may have already said...but is the mets in your back and causing the pain or is this something else? Can you go to a chiropractor or massage therapist? I hate that you are in pain.

    Deb C.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    my mets are ribs on the right, (i had a "new" spot on my hip but supposedly it's gone) waiting to hear about claviculor back is wrecked on the right side now, but thanks to a good friend i'm beginning to think its a pinched nerve as opposed to more mets, because my pinky, ring finger and middle finger are now numb, and my elbow is "wonky" too!

    i just can't sit, or lie in the bed because it's too soft......i'm just fine on the basement floor, on my back.

    hotub doesn't help, heat/ice doesn't help, narcotics don't help, muscle relaxers don't help, bitching doesn't i'm off to the doc in the morning.

    ........and yes, it is so cool when something clicks, i'm not usually very receptive to those types of conversations (actually, probably resistive), but somehow......that hit home with me!
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Ladies -
    Last check in for tonight.

    Karen ~ I had 10 wigs and gave away ONLY 4 of them. I kept the ones that were dear to me. I kept my sanity by wearing wigs and also hair that stuck to my baseball caps. Even wore an Oakland A's hat with the stuck on hair to the A's Breast Cancer game in Sept, 2005.

    Colleen ~ The thread is called I Want My Mojo Back. Come and join us.

    Thongs ~ Thank you for the welcome and glad you remember me. Also, DH and I stayed at a B&B that had the glow in the dark stars that Always was talking about on their ceiling in the room we stayed in. It was AWESOME. Yes, please do let us see pics when you are done.

    Laura ~ I wish you the best of luck. It's not easy to end a marriage. There is a lot of thinking to do. It took me 7 years before I left my first DH. We were married for 22+ years.

    NS ~ Wishing you the best tomorrow. Be thinking of you.

    Madison ~ I too am a Curves girl and LOVE it! I go at lunch time now since after work is tiring and difficult at times.

    Odalays ~ I feel for you. I have had headaches with sinus problems off and on since Last Wednesday. Hope you are feeling better.

    Margaret ~ Hope you are staying warm across the bay.

    Take care all CG's
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Michelle I agree with your friend. All the wonderful things you do will come back to you and you will be very happy!!

    Take care of your back. Hope you feel better soon.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    Pain just sucks! I had a pinched nerve while I was pregnant for my first baby. I had a lot of the same symptoms you are talking about…pain in my arm and the tingling…YUCK.

    I don’t know if you are into any of the alternative stuff, but if your doc says it’s OK, you might want to give acupuncture a try. I have NO earthly idea why it worked, but it totally got rid of my pain from the shingles that no pain pill could even touch. I told the gal that was working on me that if she was killing roosters in the back yard to make it work PLEASE don’t tell me! LOL. I was just kidding. She is very proper and scientific. She has a 6 year degree in Chinese medicine. It might be worth a try….

    Oh…what about one of those electric stimulation units…I think they are called a TENs unit…something like that. You stick a couple of little sticky electrodes to you back and the box sends a little electric current that gets rid of pain…

    Just brainstorming…I hate not having a good answer to pain.

    Good luck and let us know what the doc says.

    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    ok i need to get to bed i am seeing double!!!!
    luv you girls!!!!


    ugh time for bed... hahahahah my new bed oooooooooooo this should be comfy!
    tracey is drunking
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    tracey, hope you feel ok in the morning. LOL

    Shel, I'm with Deb. I had great success with acupuncture.

    going to bed.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    Ok if you want to see what my youngest daughter looks like just take a look at Mandy Moore! I swear Viola could pass as her twin!

    Grilled Cheese and tomato soup are what got me through chemo. nothing else tasted good!

    Joyce I saw that movie last week it was good.

    I spent most of today cleaning up my MIL's bedroom. They have clothing exchanges at her apartment complex. That women will bring up to her apartment anything thing she thinks is pretty even if it's not her size! Things were all over the floor in the closet and piled high on the chair in the bedroom. It took me 4 hours to clean it up! And she got mad cause I hasd stuff on her bed trying to organize it. I told her to get dressed and get out of the apartment for a wahile. She did but came back 5 mnutes later with yeat another shirt! I can't even put her jammies away caause the drawers are stuffed! I packed up my car with a bunch of stuff that she will never use but I had to tell her I was putting it in storage to get it out the door! I barely made a dent and will have to tackle the drawers another day. I'm exhausted! I do more cleaning at her place than I do my own!

    Tracy, you could get that mesquito netting to put around the bed! oh and the stores are coming out with the various patio lights you could use those too! I have fish nets but sorry I won't give them up. They are from Hawaii and are as old if not older than I am. I just know that they are in a box of stuff that my mom had when we lived in Hawaii. I was born there.
    Maybe when I redo the guest room I will use that stuff in there.

    Well it's getting laste and if I'm going to be awake to be ther with NS I'd better get a moving to bed.

    Slepp well sisters and NS we'll all be right there with you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    GEEEZ TRACEY...just got up and signed in and the first thing I saw was you seeing double post...freaked me out a bit as I thought I was seeing double on top of everything else LOL...whew.
    be back later
    wanted to you all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Seems to have been busy in this wagon train last night. But now its morning, and Im here for my early morning chit chat. Its cold outside! 3 degrees with a wind chill. I might even need my big winter coat lol. Its just so big and I hate driving around with it on. Its good for outside, but when I go inside to evaluate someone, I get really hot, really fast. And the darn thing is too big to carry around. Its funny. We here in the Chicago area still talk about the big snow storm of 67! The storm that totally crippled Chicago for days. Just celebrated that aniversary on 1-26 so I think I will take the cold weather and no snow.

    Gonna need some warm comfort food today. Im pretty sick of eggs even though I like the protein instead of carbs, but today I have a big pot of oatmeal with lots of toppings. And found a recipte for whole grain panckaes. The batter is ready, just need to flip those flapjacks when ya wake up. Some delicious, sugar free Raspberry Syrup. Homemade too. And as always, fresh fruit. I dont know about anyone else, but we are having some great deals here for Strawberries, black cherries, and plums - all from Chile - but oh so good. Its sort of strange eating black cherries this time of year. Im used to them around July 4th. Anyways, Im enjoying my first sip of coffee and loving every minute of it.

    Cheri: What a good description "black hole" I love it. Sometimes its alot easier to get sucked into that hole than fighting to climb out of it. Good news that your daughter continues to improve. Kidney/bladder infections are pretty serious stuff.

    Jan _ my you have a strong hand. So glad you were able to grab Cheri and pull her out. So what is it with all these headaches. I havent had nausea with mine yet. Actually no headache this whole week-end. So today will tell whether its driving and work causing it.

    Margaret: Im just gonna take one step at a time with getting back into exercising. We eat pretty healthy, although I was on South Beach for so long and Im eating more carbs now than Im used to. And of course the weight that I am gaining is in my belly again. My biggest problem is wake up hungry. If I can get past that, I would lose weight.

    Roxwood: Its funny. I never watch reality shows. But that is mostly cause my husband hates them.

    Vickie: Oh I hope your feeling better today. The pictures were great. But Im with Cheri, I need a warm beach and pools boys.

    Karen: So what did I miss. Whats going on with your dad. Ya know I see this everyday. One aging spouse taking care of another. It sure is stressful. Hope you get your blood test results today. I hate waiting. I never wore a wig. But I have all my hats. 15 of them, and I woke give any of them away. Actually some of them are stylish this year and I find myself wearing them occasionally - but then I always was a hat person. I can really understand not giving the wig away. Why shake up things that are now collecting dust.

    Lisasocal: Thanks for the input about curves. Im thinking about going there, and trying to figure out how to fit it in with work. Without showers, I could only do it after work. I get too sweaty. Part from exercise and part from just plain old hot flashes. My head especially sweats - so I would want to wash my hair. But from your description it sounds like it must be fun. Hard to do, exercise and have fun.

    Judy: You do curves too? Thanks for all the input about it. Might go check them out later today.

    Odalys: Here in Chicago, the news was showing all of the Bears getting off their plane when they arrived in Miami. Man I wish I was there. I was watching the news people and they had short sleeve shirts on! Ft. Lauderdale is one of my favorite places to visit.

    Madison: I laughed when you talked about mice with harvest. When I lived on the farm, we sure did have mice after they harvested the corn. And old farm houses sure have lots of places they can hide. Its funny. The Sunday paper had a big article on how to survive MardiGras. The biggest suggestion was to find a spot near a bathroom.

    Kelly: Good luck with your knitting. Im big on crocheting. Never could get the right groove to knit.

    Colleen: Husband is a local entertainer here in the Chicago area. So I get to hear his songs from the get go. When he is working on a new one I think I hear it 50 times or more. When I had my surgery, he put together a CD that they played while I have having my bil. mast. One of his songs that he recorded was "Take good care of my baby."

    Tracey: Your bedroom sounds like its gonna be so neat. And drunking lol. I did that Friday night. If you have a headache in the morning, at least you will know what its from.

    Susan: Turkey? At first I thought we were talking about food lol. Great pictures and I love your new magic carpet.

    Sherloc: I cant believe your BS said its a Myth. But that seems to be the general feeling I get from people in health care. So I ask, then why is it, I evaluate so many women who end up with lymphedema? Glad that nurse acted as your advocate. And great pictures.

    Ginney - exercise. One day at a time. I didnt do what I said I would and that was exercise this morning. So on my agenda today is to wear my pedometer all day, come home and exercise to my 3 songs. Thats all Im gonna focus on. Get through 3 songs. My hair came back salt and pepper and I loved the look. Pretty sophisticated. Then one day I was in Kohls and they gave me a senior citizen discount! Of course I took the discount, then went right to the beauty parlor and got the hair colored my natural black. Im a year out of chemo and what I find the hardest is that my hair is still so baby fine. I have to put lots of junk in it to style it. Otherwise I look like a flathead. But hey, I have hair.

    Lisa: I have heard many good things about Lyrica. Less side effects too.

    Shel: Great story. Its a keeper

    DebC: Just saying high.

    CherylCy: Im laughing at your story about your MIL. Hoarding and exchanging clothing. Thats pretty funny.

    OK! Its Monday, time to get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    NS: Just know we will be with you today. You will be in my thoughts all day. Good luck. Furballs, furballs, furballs.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Hi Shirley, welcome back. Sounds like you had a good time. What is an SSR? My hubby is car fanatic but doesn't belong to any clubs. How's your cold? They won't use your feet because most phlebotomists don't know how to draw blood or insert IVs in your feet - when I was in the hospital with my bilateral I had the IV's in my feet - that hurts like h@ll. If I need a blood draw, I have to call ahead and let them know that I need it in my foot.

    Susan, I love the magic carpet.

    G, good luck today - don't know if there will be room for you in the dr.'s office - with all of us there with you will be kinda crowded but we'll manage. Post as soon as you can.

    Ginney, yes, Comcast on demand has an exercise site so I use it once in awhile. They're always changing it so you never know what's going to be on there.

    Shel, hope your back gets better soon.

    Tracey, that pic was hard to look at first thing in the morning.

    Nicki, I'm ready for whole grain pancakes with raspberry syrup. I wonder how many WW points that will be? Since I had my tram, I don't have a belly, lower anyway. I'm carrying mine in my upper stomach. Where's purplemb - need exercises for toning up the upper half of my body.

    Cheri, I saw Jan lending you a helping hand to get out of that black hole. Hope you're doing well.

    Hello to everyone else I didn't mention.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, I'm glad someone is helping you out of the Black Hole. I am trying really hard not to fall in myself. We just made it through the weekend with no money, my dh put the gas from the lawn mower's gas can in my car so I can get to work and I woke up NOT seeing a mouse today. Now, my 15 year old son didn't get up for school again today. He says he's sick, and he might be. One of his friends who spent the night Friday night came down with the flu on Saturday, so it may be true. Unfortunately, he missed a day last week that was not excused, 2 days the week before that were excused by the dr. and a couple of days the week before that. I got a call from his Biology teacher on Friday. How's he going to pass if he keeps missing school? We went through this last year and I ended up homeschooling him the rest of the semester, even as I worked full time. He promised to go this year and up til now has been pulling it off. I just can't deal with this right now.

    Shel, I'm so glad for your epiphany. I've been a Christian all my life, but lately I'm having trouble seeing God in my life. Your story helps.

    I'm at work, I just finished typing a study guide, but I needed to talk to all of you. All I want to do right now is cry, but I have to put on a happy face.

    NS, please let us know how your appt goes.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2007
    Grrr lost my post.Am hurting to bad from 'roids hanging down to knees to sit here long enough to retype.Sorry if to much info but dang it they HURT!!!!I have to go for a spinal series this morning because of low back pain.NS we are with you today.Hugs to all of you I need to learn to copy and paste so I won't keep losing my posts.I have been thinking about Robintn anyone heard from her?Susan,loved those pics gonna show them to the kids.Nicki,I'll have 3 flapjacks please with real butter and hot maple syrup.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Morning All,

    Susan, I glad we have a climate controlled carpet for our ride this morning to see is cold today, even in the south...

    NS, we are with you.

    Vicki, hope you and Nate are feeling better.

    Sheri, at one time or another I think we all have had trouble seeing God in our lives...I will pray for you because I know when you are going through a hard time it is sometimes difficult to pray. When I was diagnosed with bc, it was like my prayer life instead I talked to God, not formal prayers, but talking like we would to a father when we need help.

    Tracey, I saw pink elephants Saturday night....I think I liked my pink elephants better..hehehe Even if I saw 2 of them they were cute...

    Michele, life is a journey, and nothing stays the same. I think as women (and mothers) we want control, but we don't have control. I am sure everyone of us here has had to stop and say WAIT, I need to appreciate this moment....I know each and every one of us has had moments when we want to freeze time so that those feelings never end....

    Nicki, I wish I could send you some warm weather this morning, but we had 28 degree weather in the South, so I KNOW it must be cold in the north....Stay warm.

    Hello all CG's that I missed, but I have to go outside and flag down Susan's the magic carpet.


    NS, furballs, furballs, furballs
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    I can related to the wig thing too. I have two - put one on for about 30 minutes one day, to darn hot, DID NOT like it and never wore one again. Now I have lots of hats, everyday hats, dress up hats and I still have them. I'm not ready to let go - guess that says It hasn't been long enough for me to be comfortable giving them away. In March will be a year for rads - all treatment. Maybe then I'll be ready to move more forward. I hope so.

    NS - thinking of you and we've got you covered. There is going to be a room full of gals there - look around. Hope this goes fast and smoothly for you.

    Shel, I feel for you with your back. Hubby's nightly "cocktail" is 1 1/2 to 2 Percocets and a 1 mg ativan so he can rest and sleep. I hope you get some relief and can get off the floor.

    I'll catch up later. Love to all, Brenda
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    Good morning, CGs,

    We had our first measureable snowfall of the season. It was only about 1", that's enough to be a pain in the butt.
    DH was stopped at the end of our driveway and his truck started sliding backwards. I have to food shop today, so I think I'll wait a bit until the sun melts some of the ice. I was bad this morning. I had pork roll and an egg, covered with cheese for breakfast. It was good. I was supposed to get blood work done this morning, but DH and I had way too much wine last night and I was afraid it would affect my results.LOL . I'll do it tomorrow or Wed.

    Vickie & Susan - Great pics of Istanbul. I would love to visit the Middle East sometime, but it is too dangerous right now. Our fantasy trip is much safer for now.

    Odalys - Another one joins the headache club! Must be something in the air. Maybe it's some kind of weird terrorist attack . Mine hadn't come back since I lost it on Sat.

    Karen - I know what you mean about tossing the wig. I didn't wear a wig, but I had short hair for many years. About 2 yrs. before dx, I decided to grow my hair long. Just when it was looking good, BAM, chemo. Now I am very superstitious about growing my hair. I prefer to keep it short now.

    Sherloc - That is a great pic of DH's SSR. At first I didn't know what an SSR was, but when I saw your pic, I remembered. The rally sounded like a lot of fun!

    Ginny - My hair came in salt & pepper also. I really like it and I'm not going to get locked into coloring again.

    Shel - Are you taking Arimidex? I have the same numbness in my fingers and "wonky" elbows. I developed carpal tunnel in both hands. Have you tried wearing a splint at night? I agree with Deb. Maybe you should check out accupuncture. I have heard a lot of great things about it.

    Margaret - IV in feet???? AAARRRGGHHHH! That gives me the willies!!!

    Sheri - Go ahead a cry if that's what you need. I always feel better after a big sob fest!

    I need to go get my act together and go food shopping. Ugh! Take care CGs and hugs to everyone that I missed.

    NS - You are in my prayers today. FURBALLS!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Only have a minute before dashing off to work but I wanted to say a few things.

    Sheri, I'm so sorry you are having a rough go of it now. Your son could be very scared right now. The post I lost the other day had a link for you for prescriptions: Hang in there, we're here with you.

    Lisa, this is the only forum I ever lose my post in so I just type my notes in Notepad and then copy them over to this forum. That way I don't have to remember to copy before I hit the continue button. I sent a card to RobinTN but I'll send her an email.

    Madison, I am not a churchgoer or overly religious but I do have my conversations with God all the time.

    Brenda, I HAD to get rid of my wigs. To me it was like keeping those clothes that are too small in the hopes I would fit into them. I didn't want the wigs hanging around so they were gone as soon as I didn't need them. I figured if I ever did, I would go out and buy new ones.

    Jan, yeah, IV in feet - horrible.

    NS, do you see us with you?

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    NS- Thinking about you today..Furballs..Furballs..Furballs!

    Sheri-Reading your post reminded me of what we went through w/h my son Sean. I have 4 boys and he is the third one. What a nightmare he was in High School!! Went to summer school twice. Ran away in Senior year (stayed w/h older brother for 2 weeks).He went to a Catholic High School and he didn't like the "Rules". If they had 30 demerits they couldn't graduate,he had 29,if you missed 25 days you couldn't graduate-he missed 24. They did not give him his cap and gown till Friday before he graduated. Right down to the wire!! He will be 20 next month and he is finally seeing the light..I hope. He is in his second year at Community college and doing well. Hang in there some just take longer to catch on. I can relate though it was a tough time.
    Kevin goes for his blood work today. Keep him in the circle.
    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Morning Ladies,
    Just popping in quick...still fighting the creeping crud but made it to work. I have Nathaniel here with me and he is in the televion room laying on the couch watching Jurassic Park!
    Joyce...keeping Kevin in my thoughts.
    Ok all...we'll find a warmer, safer place to visit.
    Hugs and love all around...back to work
    NS...we won't take anything but furballs!!! Get off the bus.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    I hope the magic carpet wasn't too cold this morning CG's. I had th heat all the way up. I see some of you used the refrigerator and microwave on the way. Don't worry about the dishes, the magic carpet comes with maid service!!!

    I'm glad you all liked the furball flags flying from the carpet. Might as well announce our intentions. And this way it will be so much easier to find it in the parking lot when we are ready to leave for Turkey (the country, not the food, Nicki)

    hugs NS

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007
    Good day all, wow almost 10 time today but hope to catch up soon...NS saw the post about the DR what jerks...good luck today..."furballs...package coming soon...hugs
    Nicki...whoo hoo 5000 steps I am so proud of find that old jump rope
    Lots of work today so sorry Ive missed so many but Have a horrific cold and hard time focusing ,,,not a good cold multi on my 3rd box of kleenex...
    To all I've miss hugs
    PS lili I was a sub for 12 years...loved working when I wanted
    hugs to all...making some chicken soup for all those in need...
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Happy Lunch Time Ladies! Just a quick check in, only had time to scan...

    Tracey - love the idea of the jungle/tropical theme, I've always wanted something like that, the funkiest room in my house is my son's bedroom, did it all up in red and black just before I was dx (wanted him to have a "safe haven" to rest his sweet head)

    OK, welcome to all the new ladies (and sorry to have to welcome you to the bc club, but you found the most fabulous chapter of the club - the Circle Girls!)

    There are some questions on posting, viewing, etc. There are probably some replies, I had 5 pages to scan and did it quickly. Nicki also sent me a PM and very specifically told me exactly what to do. The sad thing is, I still have one question - how do you all initiate the post? I click on the Circle Girls forum, click on the Circle Girls thread, read/scan the new pages since my last post, and then type my post in the little box that says "Quick Reply" at the bottom of the most recent post.