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  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Sometimes when we are hurting,
    There's no one to feel our pain,
    That's when we need a friend,
    Till things are right again.

    Sometimes when tears fall from our eyes,
    There's no one there to see
    To hold us close and dry our eyes,
    From tears that fall so free


    Sometimes we want to share a smile,
    Or tell some secrets to,
    Someone we know will understand,
    All there is to me

    Sometimes we need to have someone,
    We know we can lean on,
    Someone to share those "sometimes" with,
    On days when things go wrong.

    We found that someone here
    Now "sometimes" come and go,
    Still we know when "sometimes" come
    You'll be the first to care.

    Circle Girls, you are special!!!

    Blessings to all, Brenda
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007

    Thanks Brenda

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    We ended up watching the Ilutionists(I think that's how you spell it). It was pretty good,I was surprised. Not too much happening around here. I didn't wake up with a headache but I can't get out of my funk. I have to work on that.DS wants the computer so I'll check back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Bredna: That was pretty. Thanks

    Joyce: Sounds like a good movie

    Lisa: So tell us more about curves. Do you work? What time to you go? Do they have showers? Ya know all the good stuff. Im still thinking about joining. Or going to a health club to swim.

    I officially started today. Went to my exercise room, didnt over do it. Stretched, used light hands weights and abdoer for 3 songs. I have a new CD with lots of my favorites. Today 3 songs, tomorrow 3 songs, mabye Tuesday 4. We'll see, but the new CD sure got me motivated.

    OK so Imlooking for some missing in action. Spartan, Kristin, Lynn48, Tgirl, Carrie, Deese, Vera, Baldeagle, and Robin. Where the heck are you all.

    Time for me go go enjoy the rest of my Sunday, so Ill see ya all in the morning. After my 3 song exercise.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hey girls. Woke up in that black hole this morning. Been quite awhile since I'd fallen into it. I don't intend to stay there. I've been scratching & crawling my way to the top to climb out. Haven't reached the top of it yet but I'm not giving into it like I used to would have. There have been so many times that I simply would've crawled back in bed & covered my head & did the 'Oh, woe is me' thing. I don't want it sucking me under anymore. Fight, fight , fight.

    Karen, hope you got some sleep after being up late.

    Nickie, I was disappointed when I first read you wanted donuts for breakfast. Sounds too much like how I live. Then later on you said you made eggs and all that good stuff. Look forwarding to having breakfast & coffee with you each morning.

    Margaret, thanks for asking about dd, she's doing better now. Hope your ankle gets better.

    Vicki, so sorry you & Nathaniel are both sick. My little Ethan had that a few weeks ago & his fever got up to 105 so Amber took him to the ER. They said he had inputigo(sp) or the flu. Put him on strong anti-biotics and he got over all of it except the sinus infection it just keeps hanging on.

    Shel, hoping your back gets better. Go to the dr.

    Odalys, sometimes that night shift is a hard one to pull. Hope you got some rest.

    Lisa, enjoy your movie tonight.

    Brenda, very sweet poem.

    NS, glad to see you've started posting regularly now. Once again, I loved the video. Took a long time to download it but it's worth the wait. Nice job.

    Mena. Glad you're back. It seems I was just a few steps behind you every place I went to look for you. Started at the Hooch tent...ahem...of course. Double backed to try & catch you at the Medic tent,heard you snuck on board the cruise ship. The last I saw of you was when you had Rod Stewarts song "If you think I'm Sexy" blaring while dancing with the 2 guys Vicki tossed overboard in a small raft floating away from the ship. You were but a captains hat & a smile!! Nice to see you made it safely back home.HAHAHA

    Well hell, feeling better already. Giving somebody some sh%t always makes me feel better. lol

    your pal
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Hey Cheri, that's my hand reaching down the hole to grab you. I gotcha!! The black hole is a terrible place to be.

    NS - Loved your movie! It was nice to see everyone's pics. I got a lump in my throat.
    What's up with that BS??? I had a bilat. with immediate reconstruction. What's his beef with that? I have my pressure taken on the good side. They didn't take any nodes on that side, although there is still a slight risk of LE.

    Vickie - I'm glad your DD is getting angry at that turd of a husband. It will be nice for her to come home, but I know what you mean about being sad the marriage didn't work out. Are you feeling better today? That flu is just awful. I like the idea of the Alaska cruise. We could put LauraB's husband on an ice floe and wave bye bye .

    Nicki - You make the best breakfasts! My headache disappeared yesterday, and now I'm fine. At one point it was so bad, I thought I would throw up.

    Boo - Gasparilla Day sounds like it has turned into a nightmare.

    Jeannie - Thanks for being such a great tour director. I didn't need pics, you said it all.

    Susan - Good luck with your surgery!

    Karen - I wish I could take sleeping pills. I am seeing my onc in a couple of weeks and I will ask what he can prescribe for me. I have been taking Advil PM, but it doesn't work that well.

    Kelly & Judy - Welcome!! There is always room for more. There's lots of love to go around.

    Ishop - I wish I was in Vegas right about now. I bet you had a blast!

    Not much going on here. We planned our camping trips and bike trips last night. It seems like we are going to have a very busy year! A big hello to all I missed. I hope everyone who is sick is getting better.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    BTW, I keep forgetting to ask. How do you go about copying your post and saving it?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hey Jan, thanks for the hand!

    After you write your post, click on left to make it turn all your words black and just trace it all then Right click & go to "copy" and click, then you when you want to come back & paste it just right click, go to "paste" & there it is.

    your pal
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Brenda, that was a beautiful poem.

    Nicki, our local cable broadcaster has exercise programs on demand - they start at like 10 minute quick workouts - do you think I do any of them - - nooooooo. I even have a gym at work - don't use that either. BUT, I have definitely started making better food choices.

    Cheri, by the time you read this I hope you've been able to scratch your way out of that black hole. Don't worry, we would have come and got you.

    Vickie, hope you and Nathaniel get over being sick very soon.

    Boo, I saw Gasparilla Day on my local news this morning!

    Jan, what I do is type my notes up in Word or Notepad and then copy it into my post OR I type my text and just make sure I hit control C to copy before I hit the continue button. That way if I get that frustrating message that the system can't continue or is invalid or whatever it is, all I have to do is then hit the control key and v to paste what I just copied and then hit the continue button.
  • Roxwooood
    Roxwooood Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    Mena-I love Sam on Top Chef too!! and I'm sorry to say, they eliminated 2 chefs, Elina (whatever her name was) and Sam!! My DH & I were livid!! I think they leave the most contraversial to boost ratings, so you know they left old Marcel in it, with his arch enemy (that little guy who's name begins with an I??? works as a chef in a Mexican Resturant). Anyways, he was my second favorite (looks like I would remember his name) right after Sam. So, I'm bummed out too. It reminds me of Project Runway. The finalists seemed to be picked to stir up ratings, although I do think the final 4 were very talented, I didn't think Jeffery deserved to win. I liked the classier stuff that the red head did, although I wasn't sorry to see her lose, after acting a fool, accusing Jeffery of cheating. I may not like him, but he consistently got his work done, during every challenge, and she had no valid reason to accuse him of cheating. And now, this Wednesday, we'll have a new reality on Bravo, starts after the finale of Top Chef, forgot the name, but it's a dscorator show. I love reality shows....thrive on 'em. Okay, it's almost February, and I think Amazing Race (all stars version) will be back soon, and Survivor will be back next week, I think. I can't compete, or too scared to try, so I live vicariously thru the contestants!! I loved Contender too, did anyone see it? Unfortunately, they did the second series on ESPN (of all things!) and I missed the whole thing. Okay, sorry for rambling, just one of my favorite subjects..... LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Well Nathaniel and I have spent the entire day sleeping and ready to do so again. This is one nasty bug but I think the Airborne is working as I feel better tonight. Sorry that I haven't looked up pics for our trip to Istanbul...maybe later and a cruise to Alaska sounds like fun...look out Deb here we come.
    No energy to read all the posts, read a few and thank you all for thinking of us. We'll bounce back.
    Love all you sisters!!
    Hugs but no kisses (trust me you don't want this creeping crud!!!). Stock up on the Airborne ladies.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good afternoon ladies - Checking in a little earlier today. The weather in Denver was great today - sunny and in the 40's, but by Tuesday its going to be in the 20's. More snow by the end of the week.

    Spent the day with Miriam - took her to get her hair trimmed, went to Build a Bear and out to lunch then running errands.
    Sheri - you were calmer with the mouse than I would have been, We had mice a few years ago and dh had to deal with the traps etc. We closed up all the "holes" and luckily no return (for now).
    NS - like Nickik, I drove myself to my second biopsy. DH went to the first, but I went work afterwards. You will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow - sending prayers and well wishes for - OMG - I just lost my thoughts - what were we calling those things? Well anyways, sending cyber hugs your way. Please post when you feel up to it and let us know how things went.
    Nicki - yummy breakfast - I ate a granola bar. Yeah - no headache - hope that continues tomorrow. I hear you about our partners.
    Margaret - 5 hours - went to bed way to late for 6 hours - got up at 8:15 (didn't go to bed till after 3am).
    Vickie - sending get well wishes to you and Nathaniel. Glad that the airborne is working. I have not tried it, but will keep it in mind. Thanks for the post about moving on - I copied it to a word document so I can print it out and keep to read and re-read.
    Jeannie - enjoy baby Sam.
    Mena - glad you are back. Hope your counts are back up soon. Cyber hugs to you from Denver.
    Tracey - new bed - how comfy!!! sleep tight.
    Shel - sorry your back is in so much pain. Hope you get relief soon.
    Brenda - BEAUTIFUL poem.. Thanks for sharing. Its a keeper.
    Cheri - sending you HUGS.
    Jan - Ativan with Melatonin seem to work best for well. My onc is supportive of whatever I need to sleep.
    Roxwood - I don't watch much TV anymore. don't have the patience for the "reality shows". DH, DD and I do watch 2 1/2 men and the new old Christine together on mondays. Thats about all the TV for me.

    My mom is so stressed about my dad. I wish I was closer to them so I could make some of the phone calls for my mom to get answers. she tells me that I don't understand how stressful it is for her (huh - I've been dealing with BC for the past year!!!). My mom wouldn't really let me talk to her about what she should do - she said it was upsetting her. So I guess I need to keep my mouth shut and just let her handle it however she wants.
    Got to go take DS to get his car - he had a flat to be fixed. The shop closes in 15 minutes.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Sending hugs to all.
    Here is the Blue Mosque



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2007
    Hi Nicki
    No I am retired so I can go to curves when they are open..but they are closed here after lunch for two hours.
    They have maybe 12 machines in a circle and have music playing..then tell you when to change machines. Makes it nice for no hogging the machines..Mine does not have a shower but I don't know about others. The good thing is you are out in a short time. I did go to a Y with a pool, but I caught something from it and so now keep away from public pools. Chlorine can only kill so many things, not everything..
    At any rate, I am going to give it a try!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007


    Black Sea
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Vicki, hope you & Nate feel better tomorrow. Think I'll skip this trip to Istanbul. First of all, we might not make it out alive. Plus, it sounds a little too educational for me. I want me some fun in the sun! I want to be able to afford some luxurious, posh hotel room w/room service & natives partying on the beach. I know where it is....Jamaica!! Can we go there next time, can we, can we? I love the way they talk. Now that's my kind of vacation, be waited on hand & foot by dark skinned men with pretty accents. Oh yeah.Have to wait til summer so my foot will be fixed, I haven't danced in 8 long yrs! I wanna go right now. Not that Istanbul is not a lovely place i'm sure, just not my cup of tea. I'm feeling better already.

    you pal
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Roxwood, I just started watching the new reality show on Food TV - Dinner Impossible or something like that. I like it. Survivor starts Feb. 8.

    Vickie, you and Nathaniel obviously need the sleep. Hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs (no kisses). Oh, I saw you posted some pictures. Istanbul looks pretty.

    Karen, try an Ativan. I don't take meds usually but when I need to sleep, I take an Ativan; even my husband takes one when heneeds a good night's sleep.

    SoCalLisa, I did like Curves when I went but I got bored with it after awhile. The music changes, which is good. Mine didn't have a shower either. Each facility is a little different; mine didn't close at lunch time.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Nicki ~ I too go to Curves and I go at lunchtime since it is ONLY 7-10 minutes from my work. I tried after work but since work got busier I am just too pooped. I was told that the Curves gyms do not have showers becase they do not want the liability of someone possibly slipping and hurting themselves, but at least mine does has enough things in their restrooms to be able to take a sponge bath before returning to work or somewhere after work out. I take my own deoderant (Love that Toms's Natural that we were told to use for RADS), but they supply the spray one as well as lotions, hairsprays and sometimes babywipes. It's fast and you are out of there with the after stretches in about 35-40 minutes. My gym has 13 machines and recovery (spring type boards) in between each machine, we also have a step machine (not all of the Curve gyms do.) so this means we go around the circuit twice, my girlfriends gym has to go around 2 1/2 times since they do not have as many machines. Another GREAT thing about Curves is you can travel anywhere (Worldwide) and get a guestpass to use at their gyms and bring it back and they will put you into the computer for credit. There are T-Shirts in increments of 100 times. I am working on my first 100 now. I am at 73. Could not go this past week since having the sinus/flu symptoms.

    Vickie - Beautiful pictures.

    Brenda - Thank you for the beautiful poem and Rose.

    Margaret - Our side of the bay does not have ON DEMAND yet. We are being cheated. DH and I did add on the DVR to our cable and love it. Thanks again for the photo instructions.

    Jan ~ Thank you for the Welcome. I will be sure to join all of you. This is a GREAT thread.

    Sheri ~ Hope the mice don't come back -- only seen them at work, not home.

    Tracey - Great idea for a bedroom, Enjoy! Don't know if you remember me but "Snow" you helped me a lot in Chat (TeddyJudy) when I was going through all of my craziness. You,Rhymee and Silly were my heros. Thank you for that.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Boy it's been a rough day. I haven't been able to rest yet. I've had a headache all day. Oh well, what is a girl to do when DH is out of town and 8 year old has a full schedule. I plan on taking an Ambien soon and crashing tonight. Gather around the camp fire CG's. It's going to be a cold night.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    NS, the video is great. My DH and I do a pretty good Cajun Two Step and have taught our three daughters some Cajun steps. Awesome. Remember to get a BIG room tomorrow, it will be very crowded with the entire CG group there. Furballs, furballs, furballs

    Vicki, thanks for the pink elephants…..I am sorry about you daughter and sil. The only think we want for our children is for them to be happy in their chosen career and marriage. What happened to commitment? Why can’t we waive the magic “Mom Wand” and make it better? My daughter ASKED her husband for a divorce (which will be final this month). I am still upset (although I know the reasons are valid)….they had purchased a home in our subdivision, her former MIL lives 2 doors down from their home (yep MIL couldn’t cut the apron strings…one of the problems)….so I find tears in my eyes and a sob in my heart every day because I drive in front of their homes to and from work. The fact that your daughter is angry now is better than seeing the pain on her face.
    Take care of Nathaniel, and yourself, it sounds like you have one bad bug.

    Nicki, those birds are confused. It has been a crazy winter. You are used to having snow and COLD weather in the Windy City. We had record lows in November, record highs in December and NOW we are going to have 5 straight days of 30 degree weather in the morning. Crazy…..

    Mena, we miss you.

    Sheri, we used to live around the sugar cane fields and when they would cut the cane to harvest, the little field mice would go scurrying all over…and one of their favor places to run was to run INTO THE HOUSE. Yep, we had mouse patrol from September to January during harvest time. My cat would go crazy sniffing around….I would say “go find them” and she would lead me to their hiding places (one time behind the dishwasher). I always knew when we had a mouse around because her meow would change and she would become very serious and stalk, stalk, stalk.

    Karen, I am sorry you are having trouble sleeping…the nights are sooo long. My rad onc gave me a RX for sleeping medicine…I take Temazepan (which is generic for Restoril)..I think it is a 15 mg dose, and I can take one or two at night, not every night, but when needed.

    Brenda, the poem was beautiful.

    Judy, I am going to try to remember to watch Nora Robert’s movie Monday night. I enjoy reading her books.

    Tracey, a jungle theme in a bedroom sounds mighty interesting… are going to have to take some pics to show us the end result.

    Kelly (Made), Alwayshop – welcome

    Cheri and Susan, you are only 30 minutes apart…..when you are both able to travel, it would be great if you could get together for a visit.

    Sue, oh my goodness, you had pirate show up and capture your city… Wasn’t Vicki looking for makeup that a certain pirate took….Seriously, I know what you mean by “Mardi Gras” madness. I don’t do New Orleans Mardi Gras parades anymore.

    Lisa, you have about talked me into visiting the curves close to my house….

    CY, nothing like retail therapy.

    DebC, Joyce, Amy, Denise, Margaret, Odalys, Jan, Jeannie, Lini, Sue, Judy 53, and all (I don’t mean to miss anyone)…..

    Well, almost time for lights out, tomorrow is a work day.

    NS, we will be there tomorrow. Susan is getting the magic carpet (so it won’t matter if there are blizzard conditions)….Amy is going to saddle up Mazer, DebC is making his favorite food, AND OFF WE GO

    Take care all. Madison
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    i wish you all the best tomorrow G ........... i'll be thinking about you all day.

    that photoshow was great, i just watched it and it made me smile!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Just checking in again -

    Margaret and Madison - I find that the Ativan with a Melatonin works best to help me sleep, but if I stay up too late, then I don't take them. I tried the Temazapan and it did not work - only took one.
    Vickie - you and Nathaniel rest up and get better soon. vickie we need you back as cruise director. how about Hawaii or Cancun next? I want some warm water and sand. Of course, I have not had a bathing suit on since mastectomy, so don't know what I would do, but I still want warm.
    NS - thinking about you - oh I remembered, we are all wishing for furballs - I couldn't remember what it was called on my earlier post.
    Odalys - sorry you are having a hard day. Hugs from denver.
    Cheri - no bad ankle here, but I am a horrible dancer - I have no rhythm and I am tone deaf. I love to watch people dance, but I don't dance. Looking forward to watching you dance on our summer cruise!!!
    I know several other gals here had doc appt last week and tests. Keep us posted. I am waiting for my blood work results from Thursday - hopefully I will have them by Tuesday. As long as I don't think about them, I am okay. Last night I was talking to someone about my wig and how even though I hardly ever wore it and won't wear it, I can't give it away. She kept going on about why if I won't wear it and why don't I give it away to some charity that gives wigs to cancer patients. I just about started crying. I couldn't explain how I felt it that I was afraid to give it away and it was best to just sit on my closet shelf. I can't really explain why - but it un-nerves to think about giving it away - yet I know I will never wear it again, even if I have a re-occurance. Does anyone else feel this way? I know that I am getting a little stressed as saturday is my one year anniversay. Last year this time, I was just starting this journey - spot compresion mammo, US, biopsy - all this coming up week. Well, I better go, just writing about it is going to bring me to tears. Besides, my hands are starting to stiffen up and hurt. thanks for listening.
    Wishing everyone a restlful night and hoping that tomorrow is a good day.
  • Made
    Made Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2007
    Cy - pampering sounds wonderful - so does the retail therapy (I admit one nice thing about all this is I finally get retail therapy)

    NS - what time is your biopsy tomorrow? Sending furballs your way!! I bet the cat is just picking up on you being upset - our dog was like that when I first heard. The video is awesome - thanks. As for that nurse - complain!! She'll never figure out that she's an insensitive creep until she is told. I'd have really gone off on her.
    Judy - a crab feed sounds so yummy!! Can you bring some for lunch tomorrow? I'm hoping to get to watch some of the Angel Falls movie - but I think its 4 nights - so I won't see it all - I just finished that book.
    Sheri - mice on the counter freak me out too - DH was just saying he needs to put traps out in the garage - means will have one in the house soon. Cat finally started mousing this year (she's 4) so hopefully they'll figure out not coming in is a good thing.
    Nicki - I'm employeed by the Network treating my bc. In fact old boss (radiologist) was the one to stick my breast for my nuclear scan (he used to be gorgous (10 years and a lot of pounds later) but I never did have any fantasies about him and boobs - now I regret that - seldom a girl gets to live out a fantasy and not be unfaithful )and most folks know me - however I have had a few people that treated me like an idiot. I think I'll start wearing my id too.
    Karen - my awake time is 2am. I'll send keep sleeping vibes tonight to you
    Vickie, I'm sorry about your daughter. She's lucky to have you behind her though. Thank you for posting the John Hopkins article - I've had a lot of questions that I haven't even been able to articulate yet. The article covered a lot of them and actually added some questions to my list for Thursday. I hope you and Nathaniel are over the icky - its been floating around here too. So far we've missed it (she says as she clorox wipes the whole house for the 2nd time today).
    Tracey - the room sounds so relaxing - love the theme.

    Today was suppose to finish cleaning the house (hadn't really been done since my surgery) but after church decided to try to remember how to knit. A friend had sent a scarf kit and I've been trying all week how to remember (I crochet now) I have been having very bizarre dreams - last night it was my grandma that taught me to knit. She told me something that made me feel better and when I woke at 2am I laid there thinking of what I'd been doing wrong - it worked - almost 1/2 done. House is semi clean - guess I'll make the kids help this week at night. Hope everyone has a good Monday - NS will be thinking of you and sending B9 vibes.

    Gentle Leftsided Hugs
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Evening Ladies! Made it back from NH, wasn't even as cold as we were expecting it to be - so that was great! Well, I'm really tired, so I can't make it through all 6 pages, but quickly...

    Cheri, Jeannie, Deb, and everyone else - YES! tomato soup and grilled cheese, the really good kind that you cook in lots of butter, cut into 4 sticks (for better dunking into the aforementioned soup) is one of my most favorite meals of all time. Will definitely have to make myself some tomorrow.

    Cheri and all - thanks for the input on the xanax, I had Ativan during chemo, and it really didn't do anything for me then, but I had some left afterwards, and it knocked me out for a good 10 hours or so. Unfortunately left me feeling weird and drugged the next day. I tend to be very sensitive to medication, which stinks a lot of the time. Will try to keep focusing on warm tea, my relaxation tape and the occasional tylenol PM!

    Shirley and Susan - the estring is definitely scary for us bc girls. It's even more so for er+ I'm sure, but in the warning book it just says "breast cancer" BUT... I had such pain (from dryness) that no amount of lubricant could overcome, I had zero sex drive (who wants to do something that hurts?) and it was just not good. I can't not even believe the difference the estring made, and within a week to 10 days at that. It's like normal again. So, you know, now we just don't have sex because we get into a fight or something, or we're too tired, but if we weren't, we could, cause it wouldn't hurt! LOL There was a thread with a lot of info about it on the Triple Negative board, and I'm sure there is something about it on that Mojo one (where is that?)

    OK, I had to stop reading after the first 2 pages, but I will catch the rest of the way up tomorrow.

    Laura - what a mess, sorry!
    Nicki - hey there, thanks for the note!! So, what's the deal, did your dh just learn to play guitar? or does he always serenade you? (cool, if so!)
    NS - hope all goes well tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you, along with about a zillion circle girls xoxox

    everyone else - sorry, gotta hit the sack... be well...
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies!
    hey judy of course i remember you!!! big hugssssss to you! glad your joining us here.... hope to see you more often now!!! it sure has been a long time! umm hero lol but i am glad you remember me to!
    yes my bedroom is coming along ... i started this before bc and now i am going to try to finish it...
    theme: jungle/tropical i even made a couple of palm trees and must say they came out nicely!
    the walls are a rainforest green and the ceiling is a blue black... even going to put glow in dark stars and a moon.. maybe... hehehe
    walmart has these things where you can put your tv on a stand off the ceiling so getting one of them and then wrapping it with a bush...
    i will take pic when completed this is my new mission... starting tomorrow....
    ok i need a beer so i can be beautiful again!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    OH Thongs....put some white twinkle lights on the the ones you use for a Christmas tree. Wouldn't that be cool to be like you are under the stars!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hi all,

    Colleen, thanks for explaining estring. I'm er+ ,won't work for me. I think there is some hot tomato soup by the campfire with your name on it!

    I'm gonna try and find some pictures from Istanbul. You know I've been thinking, since I'm taking the magic carpet to NS's procedure tomorrow, we could all jump on after it's over for a short trip to Turkey. That's were my magic carpet is from you know. I'll bring the big carpet and I'll have drugs and/or blankets and a pillow for you NS. The big carpet has lots of built ins and all our needs will be taken care of. It's magic after all.

    Sorry you are sick Vicki. Cheri I knew there was a black hole in Springfield, I didn't know there was one in Buffalo also. As soon as we can both walk, we'll have to get together!

    Brenda the poem was beautiful and NS the video brought back so many memories.

    love to all of you.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hmmm good idea jasmine i just might make it twinkle... oh i cant wait its going to look marvelous!!!
    hey ns just have to tell you again i showed the whole family that video and i am really impressed i think with a little editing you should send that to montel or someone... i think its just freakin awsome.... ty i really enjoyed it!!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    pictures of istanbul





  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    G, thinking about you tomorrow.
