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  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    I had a Tram but they could not save the nipple because the tumor was behind it. I look like I have a bullseye in the middle of my boob. I am going in 3/2 for the nipple,silicone implants on the right side (I am lopsided now). I developed a little rupture on my tram area so he is going to fix it while I am under. I want to get it all done at once. I am glad your BS is seeing you Monday. We will all be there with you.
    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    NS...don't know if this helps but I had multifocal IDC with three tumors the largest was 5cm and highly highly aggressive...2 positive nodes. Here I am boobs but what the heck...fought that sucker and won. When they first read my mammo they said...Pallative care as I was dx'd as stage 4 and they assumed it was throughout my body. Had all the tests and scans known to man and guess what...they were WRONG!!! Stage III because of the lymph node but got clean margins and the chemo before surgery took care of the nodes. Just offering encouragement as we are all different but boy did mine look bad...and wasn' you sister and still praying for furballs.
    Glad you all liked the link. I bought the CD and book for my dear sweet daughter for Christmas and she loves it. It's just so sweet and yes Shirley it makes me cry too. Makes me wish I were a kid again I guess.
    Looks like my sweet girl may be coming home. Not much hope left for the marriage as hard as she is trying. He spent today with the other girl while she was working and actually told her so. He says he wants to see what its like to be single!!! What an idiot...he was single before he met her and they've only been married a little over a year. She said he can't be single and married at the same time so "See ya sucker"...boy he doesn't know what he's losing. His family is furious with him as are all his one understands. They were such a perfect heart is just aching for her. DAMN!
    LauraB...where are you...not supposed to leave when you need us the most.
    Shel...sending you hugs.
    Jeannie...I'll join you for grilled cheese and tomato soup anytime.
    Oh geez..who posted about their cat being in heat and the dog chasing it around. You are not going to believe this cat is in heat and my new shitzu puppy must think he's a cat because ummm...well you know LOL!!! The cat is alternating between teasing and growling and the puppy is thinking he's in love...insane.
    Gotta get busy on my taxes quick.
    I love you all. I feel so at home here and I don't know what I would do without you. I can't even describe what this site and this circle means to me. I would truly be lost and alone without all of you. I love to come here and make you smile and laugh, take you to far away places for mini vacations. I love that you pick me up and dust me off whenever I need it. This is the first place I come in the morning and the last place I check at night. You are my strength, my hope, my wonderful, darling sweet sisters..
    Feelin a bit sappy,
    I love one and all,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Vickie-You put into words what I feel-thank you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Jeannie, I'd love to join you for grilled cheese & tomato soup. I thought we were the only ones that ate like that.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Hi girls,
    NS - I was given the choice of saving my nipples by my ps, BS came in and told me that nipples are still breast tissue. I got rid of them. When push comes to shove, it just isn't worth it to save the nips. I am still praying for furballs. Ya gotta have FAITH!!! Oh.. I still don't have mipples .

    On a more serious note...I am totally freaked out right now. I don't know if this story made anyone's local news, but I am about ready to puke (excuse me). Outside of Philadelphia, they broke up a child porn ring. It is absolutely the most horrific thing I have ever heard. The neighbors heard kids crying and pleading. Why weren't they at these people's door??? There are police reports and nothing was done. WTF!!!! What is happening in this world. I am just devestated. It is so upseting, that I can't even get into specifics with you. The guy had a million images on his computer. ONE MILLION!!! Death is too good. I vote for death by extreme torture.

    I'm sorry to dump this on you guys, but I am so bummed out by this. I feel sick to my stomach. Sorry, I had to vent.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Jan...oh that is truly horrible. Words can't describe how horrible. You certainly can vent all you want. Death by extreme bet. No excuse. I don't believe a criminal of this nature even deserves a trial...the evidence is there...the crime is done. Execution!
    Vent and dump all you's why we are here.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    On a happier note, we are trying to get our next trip together. We are going to Maine this summer. We bought a motorhome last fall and will be towing our motorcycle behind us. We will be going to Acadia National Park for 3 days and then up to Baxter State Park for 3 days. I can hardly wait! My grandmother was from Hanover, Maine, but I've never been there. My great,great,great Grandfather has an exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art. I would like to stop there and see that. I have his sketchbooks and pencil drawings. My mom gave them to me cause she said that I would never sell them, unlike my sisters! HaHa!

    Well, it is still frigid here. I'm going to hop on board Vickie's cruise ship and keep on cruisin'. It must be warmer there !
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Oh Vickie,
    this guy has been caught, dead to rights!!! I can't think of a death bad enough to fit the crimes. I just feel llike something inside me collapses when I think about this. Vickie, there was a 3 month baby involved. OMG, how does this shit happen????? I just don't know.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Jan-I live in Philly and did hear about that one. My husband is a policeman in the special victims unit in Philadelphia. The horror stories he comes home with! I don't know how he deals with it. It is hard when there are kids involved. Ialways wanted to go back to Maine. I was there as a kid,maybe someday.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    You all have convinced me that I need some "See's" Candy. I have no idea what they are, but you must send some to Michigan so we can share the wonder!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    I feel sorry for your husband. Dealing with crime is so depressing. I have the utmost respect for the Philly police. They have to deal with so much. Humanity just sucks! I am up in the Lehigh Valley and crime is not much better here. It's sad. That story is the worst thing I've ever heard though. Power to the Police!!!! I don't know how your husband stays sane. You are a special person, being married to an SVU officer.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Good night CGs, I'm going downstairs to watch a movie with DH. I'll check in over the week end!

    Love you all!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Denise, only have a second but here's the link to See's Candy - as NS if they aren't the best:

    Be back later to catch up with everyone.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    I'm really out of here this time. Have a great weekend one and all.

    I vote for slow death by torture.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Jeannie – My absolutely favorite meal in the whole world is grilled cheese and tomato soup! When I was a little girl we use to eat it for dinner while we watched Walt Disney World. It was the only time we got to eat in the living room with the TV on. In the summer we had chocolate milk and in the winter we got hot chocolate. It is my most beloved comfort food…thought I was the only one. OH and I absolutely HATE it when someone confides something in me that I KNOW will only end in grief. Especially if they won’t listen to reason. If they don’t want advice I always wonder why they start the conversation….maybe unloading their own stress…I don’t know. I have been in that situation several times and it stinks. It is truly a no-win situation. All you can do is be there to help pick up the pieces and make sure that when the poop hits the fan it stays off you and your family. Hugs and pass those garlic olives. I have some vodka that would go nicely with them…

    Christine- So glad you are getting back up to speed. I am looking forward to seeing your new photo.

    Brenda – hope you are getting some sleep and that hubby is feeling better.

    Madison – I had heard of the hour of divine mercy years ago, but had forgotten about it. I’m up a lot at that time…it’s always a good time to talk to the man upstairs.

    Shel – So sorry about the back pain. Have you ever tried acupuncture? It worked great for me….Hope you had fun getting dolled up Go get them girlfriend.

    Ginney – I love denial is my favorite vacation spot…when I’m not hiding behind the bar that is I always love your posts….keep smiling

    Karen – So sorry you had a bummer of a doc appointment. Hang in there girl. I’m triple negative, so no AI’s for me, but I understand they can be rough. I hope your mom and dad are doing better.

    CY – pleurisy really stinks! I hope you get over it soon. Don’t give up on the edema going away yet. Sometimes it can still get better LONG after surgery. Have you seen a lymphodema therapist? It could be LE in your chest.

    Nicki – Thanks for breakfast! Yum….strawberries. Sounds like lots of us got up late this morning. You know haw when women spend a lot of time together their menstrual periods end up on the same cycles? Well, maybe we are all getting on the same SLEEP cycles LOL

    Amy – I laughed about your dream that you had already showered and gotten ready for your day. I had weird dreams all night last night. I dreamed TWICE that I had gotten up and done the dishes, but the darn things were still there when I really got up. I hope your Alabama cold is letting up a bit. It was 33 degrees here today and all the kids were taking off their coats and running around in shirtsleeves during recess. It felt positively balmy in the sun. If you think about it, it was 60 degrees warmer than it was 2 weeks ago. I guess it is all in the perspective…LOL Keep cozy. I hope the veins got all plump and ready. Sending you hugs. Give Mazer a scritch behind the ears for me.

    Lini – I didn’t know you worked at a school…how did I miss that? Ironically we had silly slipper day today. I bet your socks were a hit.

    Tracey – sorry you have to work the weekend. Hope you get a bit of relaxing time in there too!

    Shirley – Passing you a Xanax lollypop and hoping your cold bets better…Hmmmm…Xanax as a cure for the common cold…You may not get over your cold, but you won’t care! LOL

    Colleen – Hope you have a good trip to NH even if it’s cold. See you Sunday….talk to your PCP about sleeping pills. I only use my Ambien once a week or so now, but it works great for me.

    NS…Oh, I SO would have kicked some major bootie at your appointment! That nurse, and I use that term loosely, was WAY out of line. Furballs I say! Sending you hugs. My two sister kitties were frisky and acting like it was spring today. Two fat old ladies acting like kittens…too funny. I love walks on the beach, even in the cold.

    Cheri – I laughed so hard about your dog story! I got a great visual on that one LOL. I am glad to hear that your DD is doing better.

    Jan – I sleep with earplugs sometimes too. I woke up one morning with my cat licking my face…just about jumped out of my skin. I hate the chin hairs too! I call them my Billy goat hairs. I think it is a dirty trick that just about the time I started to get chin hairs, my near vision started to get bad enough I couldn’t see the darn things to pluck them!

    I have almost quit watching the news lately. I know it is not good to burry my head in the sand, but sometimes I just can’t bear how evil humans can be. I think there will be a special circle in hell for people who do evil things to kids. It just makes me heartsick and so so mad.

    I’m doing a lot better mood wise the past day or so. At least when I am getting bummed out lately, the little dark patches are getting shorter and shorter. We will get through all this together my friends.

    To all of you I missed, I’m sending gentle hugs.

    Deb C
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Just have a moment to check in. Have read and caught up with everyones post.

    NS - my thoughts on the nurse and the arrogant surgeon you saw yesterday echos everyone else's. I get so angry and frustrated with the "system" sometimes. I get frustrated that you found a doctor that you felt "cared about YOU" and took care of you and YOU trusted and then he isn't in your network of doctors anymore. I don't want you to have to search for a new doctor at this point in time but if someone from radiology told you that you didn't want this guy, then with the strong feelings you had anyway in trying to deal with him - RUN LIKE H----!!!!!! I am so glad you came back at that nurse too.

    Shel, it would have been OK to cry AFTER you told that nurse/lab person what an absolute b---- she was and you hoped you were the one drawing her blood after she had gone through BC surgery and treatment. So far, that has not happened to me. Even at the PCP's office, his nurse has never had a problem with not taking my BP in my BC arm. I had 8 lymph nodes removed; maybe not enough to cause me any problems but I am not going to take that chance.

    I can't tell you how much it means when I come and read and you ask about my husband. Cheri, percocet can be addictive if taken long enough. Between taking 2 percocet at bedtime, along with a Soma (muscle relaxant) he slept pretty good last night. Today he walked out on the back porch and said he just walked out there and had such a terrible pain he thought he was going to have to crawl back inside. He had left me a very loving note taped to the bathroom mirror this morning. He is a smoker. He went to a pulmonary doctor every year for a physical. Hold on, here comes another horror story - for over 20 years I have ask him to have the pulmonary doctor order a chest x-ray. For over 20 years he has not had a chest x-ray. The doctor told him when he listened to his lungs they sound good (I have said over and over there can be things wrong with your lungs besides emphysema and sounding good doesn't add up to not getting a chest x-ray in a smoker). Richard really feels bad right now and maybe some of it two is my recent bout with BC but he is sure giving me the impression that he thinks something else is going on besides just back/disc problems. I truly don't think so but it kind of makes you uneasy with him thinking it. He has looked tired and for the last couple of months even if we have a quiet weekend, he never gets rested. Everyone has thought it was because he was worried about me and was putting in some extra hours covering at work. I finished rads in March and then had lots of problem with pain from my gallbladder and then it was removed in Nov. Just like all of you, things just seem to keep happening - not really bad things but just stuff to worry about and wear you down. With what some of you are experiencing, I don't mean to whine over simple things.

    I'm glad that you guys are here - thanks for letting me vent and share . His note to me this morning really worked on me emotionally and then I realized he is worried there is something wrong other than his back.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful night. I know none of us ever wanted to meet on a BC website - we are names without faces but we have a bond that brings us close and lets us share our fears and everyday lives. Because of that BC FINALLY has one thing that I found good in this experience.

    Love you sisters!!!!!!!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2007
    Our class won Crazy Sock Day. Ring Pops for everyone.

    Deb-I'm a sub at our local elementary school. Work when I want to work, don't work when I don't want to. It's perfect!!

    NS- Any chance that the chocolate is causing the headaches?? I get massive headaches from too much chocolate. Furballs, furballs, furballs. I love furry balls. Oh, did I say that?? Ooops!!

    Shel - I swear were connected. My back has been killing me too. I'm hoping that it's just the big shoes that I've been wearing and the new boobettes. I get lower back pain every winter. This year its upper too. I hate shoes, love flip-flops. Could it be too high of shoes throwing your posture off??

    Christine - Happy that everything is doing better.

    Drinking a bit tonight. Haven't done this for quite awhile. I think that I'll head over to the other "best" thread.

    Love you guys. Prayers to all!!

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Well, somehow I missed an entire page that I didn't read. Add it up to just being tired.

    NS - Sooooo thankful something will be done on Monday. I think I am going to hug your BS neck on Monday - yes, I'm coming too. In fact, he might need to allow extra time for your visit so all of us can give him a hug for not letting this go on any longer. FURBALLS

    Ok, I'm gone. LOL
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2007
    Shirley - Having a cold really stinks. Hope you feel better soon.

    NS - Oh my! RUN do not walk to a new BS office. Noone should be subjected to attitude and idiocy while in the middle of a BC scare. These people should not be dealing with BC patients. Glad to hear your 1st BC will see you.

    Cheri - Great Pyrenese and ? cross puppies! That could be really interesting.

    Vickie - Loved the movie. Really beautiful

    Shel - Yikes that tech was an idiot.

    Jan - Your trip plans sound great. I always wanted a motor home.

    Deb - Glad your feeling better.

    Brenda - I'm sorry your DH is feeling poorly. I know my DH has neglected his own health over this past year because of my battle. I'm just starting to come out of my treatment fog and realise this. Told him the best thing he can do for me is take care of himself because I need him. Men are so stubborn when it comes admitting anything is wrong. Hope your hubby feels better soon.
    Well ladies it's past my bedtime.
    Wishing all a restful nights sleep

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    A few Xanax lollypops to share. The one with the heart is the special, extra heavy duty one, but I removed all the drooling, stagering side effects LOL

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Brenda, when I read your post it worried me. Please talk your dh into having a chest x-ray at least & blood work would be great. Don't put it off. It's probably just a pinched nerve in his back or something but both of you will rest better if he has it checked out. If HE'S starting to worry then it's time to take action. In case it does happen to be something worse then it's best to catch things early. I sure don't want to scare you but I had a brother in a similar situation & early detection would have been a great thing with him. You're such a nice lady & I bet your dh is nice too & you've been through so much that if he gets this seen about then it'll put both your minds at ease. Hope I finally worded this right. I've re-wrote it several times. My intent is not to frighten you but to enlighten you.

    Having the best of intentions,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Guess what I had for dinner...Tomato soup and a fried egg sandwich. I didn’t have any velveta cheese or white bread to make a grilled cheese like mama use to make. It really hit the spot

    Good night sweet ladies.

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Hi all,
    I finally got time to get online. As usual it's been a busy day for all of you.

    NS, I am so looking forward to your furball report. I'm sending you hugs and prayers. Just keep taking deep breath and know that we are here for you. You are not alone. I'll be with you on Monday. Glad you gave that nurse what for.

    Deb, tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches were one of my favorites also. I'm glad you are feeling better and passing out xanax lolly pops. I like something sweet at the end of a meal.

    Brenda, I'm sorry your husband is feeling so bad. Is he going to keep trying to figure out what is wrong. I guess we can use the same rule for him. If it lasts more than 2 weeks, go to a doctor and figure it out. Don't feel bad about all the help you have required. He may be worn out but if the situation was reversed you would be there for him, right. Tell him we all said hi and we hope his back is better soon.

    Cheri, how nice to hear from you. Hope all the tree trimming and cleaning up is going ok at your house. I get distressed when I see how low some of the power lines are around our house. They are low and saggy and don't look good at all. Hope they get them fixed soon. And how's your daughter doing? When are you having your surgery?

    Vicki, that's sad about your daughter and her dh. well, i guess ex-dh. Men are fickle. How long will it be before he regrets this and wants her back again. He will regret it and then it will be too late. Give her a hug from us! I love that you get sappy to about this place. I know I do to. I love the circle.

    Jan, your trip sounds like fun. I've never been to Maine either and I really like to go. That's one of the things we were going to do after we retired and moved here. I hope it works out. The money just isn't stretching as far as we thought. I seem to need as much money now as when I was working!!!!

    Nicki I'm counting on you to get me through this. Actually I went to the hospital for pre-admission and I'm feeling a lot better. I know it will be painful but I won't have to do chemo and rads afterwards. hee hee

    colleen, I do take tylenol pm when I need to sleep. It actually works too well for me. I also have ativan left over from chemo and I only take a half a pill. Why are you having trouble sleeping? sorry if this is a dumb question. I still haven't caught up with everything that is going on. And what is e-string??

    Karen I have stiffness, joint pain and fatigue from Arimidex. I hate the stuff, but every female doctor I talk to tells me to keep taking it...if it was them, they would take it, etc. etc.

    shel, you should have punched her and said, "i save my right arm for this!!!"

    amy, snow groceries? what did i miss?
    tracey, an avalanche? oh my goodness!
    sherloc, please take care of yourself and get better soon.

    Ok, it's 1:00am. I'm never up this late. I just ran out of steam. I'll see all you wonderful women tomorrow. Hello to everyone. And a hug to everyone too.

    God Bless,
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    I was told that I can ask any questions I want so hear goes. When do you stop thinking that anything that pops up could be cancer?

    Why do I become a "basket" case when company comes over and the house is not in the "order" I want it to be? This was even before BC.

    Why do I put my selfworth on the type of job I have and where I live?

    Why is my libido so screwed up since chemo? How long does it take to get it back?

    Well ladies there are a few questions to help me with.

    Thank you for inviting me to join you.

    Judy (TeddyJudy in Chat, 2 years out, IDC Stage I, Grade 3, Triple Negatives, Lumpectomy w/Reduction)
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Got another question: How are you ladies putting postage stamp pictures next to your sign ons? What program and size are you ladies using?
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Margaret ~
    I noticed that you were dx'd in December, 2004 and so was I. Mine was on December 28, 2004, Lumpectomy Februrary 8, 2005 4 A/C 33 Rads. I am triple negatives so treatments stopped for me August 15, 2006.

    I also noticed you live in the San Franciso Bay Area Where? I live in San Leandro.

    I wrote you under another thread that I created "How to Make Frieds that are Girls.

    Take care
    2 years out, IDC Stage I, Grade 3 Lumpectomy w/reduction, Triple Negatives
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone! Its another cold day. Gosh I sound like a broken record. Seems like Im saying that every morning. Bit then cold is relative. 22 degrees! Could be 10 below zero with bad snow storms. So I will continue to enjoy this mild Winter here in the Chicago end of the circle. Its not too windy, so I decided to put my coat, gloves, and hat on. I left my teepee for a little bit and just decided to sit by the campfire and reflect. This has been a tough week for many sisters. And then I think about why this thread was started. Sort of brings a tear to my eye. We give so much support to each other. Those who dont have breast cancer, they just do get it.

    One of this statements I really dislike is "I know how you feel." "Or Im high risk and Im walking down the same road." Unless you hear those words - you dont know how I feel and your not walking down the same road. And thats why I come here. Cause you all know how I really feel.

    Now Im not meloncholy this morning, just thankful.

    After just reading all the posts from last night its amazing. I had grilled cheese! Its one of my favorite comfort foods.

    Cheri: Have omelets to order this morning. Can make then as each of you wake up. With all kinds of ingrediants. Bacon is cooking - now I now its high fat, but its Saturday. And the aroma from the bacon is penetrating the wagon circle. It stinks not liking your doctors. If I needed a new pcp, I would be pretty upset. In fact his son is going to med school, and I joke with him all the time, that when he retires, his son can take over my case.

    Sherloc: Im so glad you asked. I dont know what an estring is either. Hoping your feeling better today.

    NS: Well its good news that you BS is gonna take over the case. My lump was behind the nipple too. I dont know mych about immediate silicone implants. I had to have the expanders with fills. And still no mipples here. I finially see my PS next week, but I have decided against them. I know you are scared - fast growing is probably echoing in your head. So Imhoping you get the surgery scheduled as soon as possible. Do you have a PS already? Anyways, we will all be there Monday. Distorted Humor is on the war path. He wants to find that nurse and leave her a big pile of stuff to slip in. furballs! furballs! furballs!

    Jeannie: Grilled cheese and tomatoe soup, what could be better?

    Vickie: It was me with the cat in heat. Your story is funny. Sounds just like what is going on in this household. I keep yelling at my dog, and then the darn female goes and rubs his face. She is teasing him. Im telling ya, the animals in this house rule.

    Jan: The child porn story - well its just disgusting. Im imagining the neighbors hearing faint cries in the night and not doing anything about it. Gives me goose bumps. I really feel the laws are too easy on people like this. They should be locked up for good. There is no rehabilitation for they. Why? Cause they like it! A vacation in Maine sounds wonderful. Well actually I wiould settle for any vacation.

    Debc: It is sort of weird. Even though we all live in different time zones - sures does seem like we have the same sleep cycles. I didnt sleep too well last night. Husband was watching tv in the bedroom. Had to wake up to watch a movie called "Billy the Kid and Dracula." If I had ear plugs, I would have used them. Now the stinker is sound asleep with the TV off of course! Fried egg sandwich sounds so good. Might have one today myself.

    Amy: Im just trying to picture is 22 degrees in Alabama. Something is just wrong with that picture.

    Brenda: Boy oh boy, sounds like your husband is scared. I think maybe you should go with him to his doctor appointment Find out whats really going on. As far as Percocet being addictive. Well so is Darvocet, Vicodin, Xanax, Ativan and a whole list of others. He needs the percocet now. Worry about addiction later. Get the pain under control, find out whats wrong, fix whats wrong, then ween off the percocet.

    Lini: Wooo Hoooo your class won. Thats great. I had a wee bit of wine myself last night. Well actually more than a wee bit.

    Susuan: So glad to see you again. Boy that surgery date is coming fast. It sees like only yesterday we were talking about it. I know your gonna do just fine though. And yes, you will have a totally different outlook after surgery. Your focus will be rehab, not treatment for bc. We will all be there for ya.

    Judy: Im thinking about your questions. Dont know how to answer them specifically. I was also a big chat person. On the chat I was Nicki.nnn - Im almost 2 years out and still havent moved beyond. Wonder if I ever will. Still trying to find myself. The old me and I think that person is gone forever, but the new me aint so bad.

    OK! Im thinking I might go back to bad and catch up on the sleep I lost last night. Hope you all have a wonderful morning and Ill be back later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Nicki and All, I have been trying to put into words what it feels like to be with all of you and it is hard because I feel words can't express the depth of feelings that flow through my heart and soul....

    The day we heard Diane had passed I felt that the earth shuddered and I could not help but think it was all of us, collectively, releasing a heartbreaking sob at the loss of a bc sister....

    There is a connection, beyond the ability of words to describe, that seems to happen to all who come here and visit the circle....

    AND isn't that a wonderful, comforting feeling.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    Nicky-I know what you mean with I am high risk so I am walking down the same road. I have a friend that is high risk she actually said at least you are past the fear of getting BC,I have to live w/h the fear of getting it. What the he** does that mean? None of us wants to be in this group. I would love to just be in the high risk and know what I do now.I try to pass on my story to my family and friends. If I help at least one person I am happy.
    I do find comfort here because you all know what I feel.I do have the support of my husband and family but they do not get it.You are right untill you hear the words "you have cancer",you do not know how I feel.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good morning ladies...yup...slept in! Bitter cold and windy here to with dangerous wind chills but gotta go out and get groceries. Don't know where all the food I buy goes...can't seem to fill this little guy of mine up!
    NS...don't return the knitter you bought...I'll find you directions for it when I get back home. It an easier one to use and you can do more with it. Furball forever! happy to see your smiling face!
    Lini..yipppee your class won! That must have been a riot.
    Madison...we do have such a wonderful connection here. One that I couldn't possibly do without. will always find comfort are loved.
    Up at 3am and it is weird...a connection with all of you. As I was laying there praying I was thinking of you and wondering how many of use were awake at the same time. I almost got up to post but it was cold in here so I stayed under the covers and just sent healing prayers for all and don't even remember falling back to sleep.
    Ok...gotta run or I'll get nothing done this morning.
    Are we still cruising or are we missing our wagons...I am just a wee bit homesick and pretty darn sick of Captain Jack swiping my makeup!
    Uhh..Cheri..I think I spotted those strange guys in your cabin last Mena hiding in there too?
    Love ya sisters
    Oh drooling Xanex...that's for me!!! Gonna try to cut back on them if I can.