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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    Grilled cheese and tomato soup! Yum, one of my favorites.

    Shel, that nurse was very rude. I'm lucky to get my blood work done at my oncs office. They are so nice and understanding about the arm thing. The only time I had trouble was after my hysterectomy and my veins kept "blowing". They didn't know what to do, so they called in the surgeon on call, who happens to be my surgeons partner. His wife had bc and he tried to convince me it was ok to use my "bad" arm. I was pretty out of it, but said, no way! I told my surgeon later. He was careful not to put down the other dr. in front of me, but I think he was surprised they tried to do that. I guess we have to really insist on these things!

    Tracey, how scarey about an avalanche. I hope you are in a safe area!

    Amy, that's pretty cold! When it gets cold here we wish it would just go ahead and snow. It keeps missing us.

    NS, Change doctors! That dr doesn't seem to be listening to you and is putting you through more than you should have to go through. I am praying for you right now.

    My brain can't ever seem to remember everything! I will remember to pray during the "divine hour". I had been taking restoril, but ran out, so I'm waking up every hour again. I'll be glad to get back on my meds. As far as dreams, this one scares me. I will actually dream that I am getting up to go to the bathroom and can't figure out why I can't go. It seems so real! I'm glad my body knows I'm dreaming and doesn't "let go" like I want it to! It would be very embarrassing to wake up and have peed in bed!

    I love crazy sock day. We do stuff like that at my school, too. We wear uniforms, so yesterday was a special jeans day. I couldn't think of a legitimate reason, so it was to celebrate my class being back together. I had a student leave for a couple of months and another one just get back from a mission trip to Guatamala. I guess it worked.

    I miss all of you when I am away for a few days at a time. You are truly jewels in my life. Thank you for all your help and support. I've been going through a slump for quite awhile now, but I know I can come here and feel at home. I'm so glad you are all here.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Morning girls. I missed a few day so now have to catch up. First -

    Mena - where are you? Hope you are doing ok.

    Cheri, thanks for the laugh about Rover.

    NS, you had a tough day the other day. That nurse has no business working in the BS' office. I'm glad you said something to her. Can we write letters of complaint? Oh, and I think you should stick to your first BS. My BS did the skin sparing but not nipple sparing bilateral. He felt that it was too risky to keep the nipple. I had an immediate free tram so can answer any question you have on that procedure. Good luck Monday and furball, furball, furball.

    Nicki, I'm one of those who usually wakes up at 3:00 a.m. When I did yesterday, I said a little prayer for everyone. This morning I was able to sleep until 4:30.

    Vickie, sorry things aren't going to work out for your daughter. I agree with you about this thread - it is the first and last one I check daily, even if I don't post, I at least check to see how everyone is. There is a true sisterhood in this forum.

    Jan, the child porn ring disgusts me. There isn't a punishment severe enough for them as far as I am concerned. I vote to let a few parents loose on the guy. And what was with the neighbors? If I heard kids crying and pleading, I certainly would have investigated.

    Shirley, I hope you are having a great time. Wasn't it an 8 hour ride, and with a cold no less?

    Shel, hope your back is feeling better. The nurse had no business making a comment like that to you. Because I had nodes removed from both sides, they have to take my BP from my calf and not one of them has batted an eye.

    Deb, hugs and hope the dark patches are gone soon. I love fried egg sandwiches - the egg still has to be a little soft though so I can dip my bread in it.

    Brenda, hope there is nothing wrong with your hubby. I know what it's like when they haven't gotten enough rest - my hubby is working every weekend cuz we have a wedding to help pay for and he doesn't want to take the money out of the bank. Like someone said, your hubby needs to take care of himself so he can help take care of you. My hubby does not see drs. either and had to go this week for skin growths. The dermatologist did give him an all clear though. You're right, the sisters here are the silver lining to the BC cloud - we're here for you.

    Lini, it could be shoes that have too high a heel or carrying a purse/backpack that is too heavy.

    Susan, big hugs to you.

    Judy, glad to see you joined the circle. Someone like Vickie or Nosurrender can tell you how to post your avatar (picture) better than I can. I have relaxed my standards a lot since BC; I figure if my house isn't perfect and you don't like it, don't come over. Check out the Mojo thread for the libido issues.

    Joy, unfortunately, I've had too many friends recently walk this same path and I've tried to help explain things to them, calm them down, or listen when they needed to vent.

    Madison and Sheri, saying a hi to you.

    It's taken me two hours to get through these posts! Time for me to get up and shower> Now my computer is going to act up> To all I missed, you are loved. Have a good day ladies and catch up with you later.


    P.S. Judy since you're new to this forum, make sure you copy what you type in case you lose it - I just typed all of this and if I hadn't copied it, I would have had to start all over....NOT.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good day ladies!!!!!!
    ok i want some tomato soup with grilled cheese... i am its just after 8 am here and i am at work starving and no lunch so i am staring longly at the snack well we do offer a continental breaky so maybe i will have some toast and a orange...
    another cold day here... so now i am tired cold and hungry
    nothing overly exciting going on in this part of the circle... oh but my new bed is in so i will pick it up after work... hopefully no more sore backs... someone earlier asked when does the thinking go away about every ache and pain being cancer... i dont think it does but it gets easier in time..
    ok i am going to get some toast i will check in a bit later!!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Something to ponder for the CGs. You know how everyone thinks Alaska is nothing but snow? There is an article in this am's paper here that Anchorage is having this bizarre winter with so much snow. They usually get 68 inches in an entire winter and they already have 74". Syracuse had 192" last winter! And that may be off a little since their high tech method of measurement here is a sheet of plywood out at the airport!! The difference, I think, is that here it warms a little and melts some of it before we get socked again. No wonder they call Syracuse the snowiest large city in the US. So when I say lake effect, I mean LAKE EFFECT! (The prevailing Canadian winds pick up moisture from Lake Ontario, hit land and dump it all over us.)

    Hey Deb---want some snow?

    I think we should all get up (after saying our prayers) at 3 a.m. and make grilled cheese sandwiches!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Wow! We get one inch a year and its 'idiots on ice'. Actually a little funny to watch our news reports on those days if you aren't the one having to get out.

    Vickie, thanks for posting a link to nifty knitter instructions. I actually bought one of these a couple of months ago too with big plans to knit cute little pink chemo hats and couldn't figure it out to save my life. It's been sitting in a junk drawer ever since.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I'm here...and pissed as hell!

    Went to see Caitie's guidance counselor yesterday (took day off). Talking with her really helped, and she's amazed how analytical I am about this whole mess. I told her about the CGs and she's happy I have the support.

    Thinking that the OW was out of the pic, and knowing I still wanted to work at fixing things, she said "time's on my side" and gave me some tips on how to handle any questions from Caitie, or changes in behavior (already noticable on her report card she brought home yesterday).

    I did the wifely thing and helped Ray apply for a job online (posted resume, answered 122 question assessment test). He also signed up for a seminar today put on by Dan Levine about voice-overs...a dream of his. I was happy for him and said "by all means go!"

    I'm still quiet around him...he asked if I went to my lawyer. I said "no, why should I"; he said "well, you said you have one". "I do" I said but I have no reason to see him. I then asked..."What about Alix? 9the lawyer from his 1st divorce in '90) and he said "I'm not using her; I'm going to contact the mediator since she's an attorney and see what that's about". All I said is that we need to talk.

    Guess what...should I be surprised? He didn't come home until 3am! SO the OW telling him she didn't want to see him anymore didn't even last a week. He's been taking his cell phone to bed with him all week (prob in hopes she'll call him).

    I wasn't going to say anything this morning as I was taking Caitie to her cheerleading class...other than, "Have a great time at the seminar, and I hope you stay awake." After I dropped Caitie off, I did a drive-by and sure enuf---tire tracks leading into her garage and he still has her opener.

    I'll let him come home and innocently ask how the seminar went, then ask him where he was last night. I'm giving him the opportunity to tell the truth...if he sidesteps the issue or says none of my business, I'm telling him it still is my business and that he has a choice to make and can't assume he can come and go---either he stop doing stupid things (like stay out late but not have the balls to stay overnight at her house--prob cuz she doesn't want her son to wake up w/Ray there) or pack his things and leave. I'm sure he'll fight me, but I'm standing my ground---he needs to be gone!

    I'm making plans to go out tonight (not sure where) since it's his turn w/Caitie's bedtime. I'm sure he'll be livid cuz I'm assuming he thinks he's going to the Hall for the weekly 9pm drawing (around $1800 right now)...too, too bad.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2007

    We had never met.I knew.She knew.She smiled.I smiled.In her eyes I saw the fear and the pain yet at the same time the hope and the faith.I saw those same eyes in the mirror every day.There were no words,none were needed.Our hearts were bound by invisible strings and our souls bound by sisterhood.Wordlessly,I "spoke"to her with my soul and she listened with hers.We each thought of the Day that we changed forever,we remembered the pain of the surgeries,the horrible sickness from chemo.We commiserated the deep sadness of losing our hair,our breasts,our nails,ourselves.We didn't talk of stages or lymph nodes or tumor size,we didn't need to.We were sisters,we knew each other as well as best friends for I am her and she is me....
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    A gracious good morning to all. Darn it! I mean afternoon!

    Lisaelder - That was beautiful.

    Sherndon - I have that EXACT peeing dream. I am always so thankful that I wasn't able to go in my dream. Me thinks I would wake up to soggy sheets .

    Put my name on the list of grilled cheese and tomato soup lovers. It has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.
    I seem to have caught the headache that is running rampant through here. It started yesterday and Advil doesn't touch it. I hope it's not a cold coming on.

    Nicki - Thanks for the omelet. The bacon was delicious. A little fat is good for the soul.

    Not much time to post right now. I have tons to do. We have to go to our annual "planning meeting", with the people we ride motorcycles with. It's just an excuse to get together and party. We plan our biking events, camping trips, etc. We will be going back to South Dakota in 2008. We have to pass through Chicago and maybe we can get together with the windy city gals. Oh well, it's pretty far away yet.

    I'll check in later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Gooooood Morning circle girls.

    At least it is still moring here in AK

    We are headed to my girl's 2nd cross country ski meet of the year, so I don't have time to do more than send big hugs to you all.

    All be back later in the day with a cup of cocoa (sugar free of course ) in hand

    Have a great day
    Deb C
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2007
    Hi Judy ~

    When do you stop thinking that anything that pops up could be cancer?

    Unforturnately - this only happens when you make that decision - decide in your mind that you are done with treatment and it will not come back. Repeat it over and over. Tell your onc about anything you don't like that lasts for a couple of week. Then forget about it and live your life. Do not give this disease one more second after treatment is done.


    Why do I become a "basket" case when company comes over and the house is not in the "order" I want it to be? This was even before BC.

    I can't help with the before BC but this is traumatizing and for some reason we feel that we have to be superwomen without bc - and still do after. Cut yourself some slack - enlist help in the house - you do not have to live up to anyone's standards.


    Why do I put my selfworth on the type of job I have and where I live?

    Ahhh...this is one of my societal pet peeves - we are taught this from a very early age and it differs from area to area and class to class. Unfortunately, this too is a decision you must make - you are the only one who can truly place a value on your own self worth.


    Why is my libido so screwed up since chemo? How long does it take to get it back?

    This can be hormones or body image or post-traumatic stress or all of the above. Give yourself time - accept your body - it does come back - but a lot of it is in you and how you feel about yourself. With my first husband I never got it back - after my divorce I had PLENTY with the men I dated - so I think it was how sexy I FELT and not the libido as much.


    Well ladies there are a few questions to help me with.

    Hope this helps you - WELCOME!!


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Good Afternoon to all,
    I'm trying to play catch up with the posts....IMPOSSIBLE! I would love to get at the nurse for you NS. Although, sounds like you pretty well put her in place!! Love it, I'm kinda known for doing the same! I know Xanax isn't the best. But after 9 years, it works for me. In previous posts I've said how my PCP wants to control my head drugs (for my convenience!) and the first thing he does is change some to a higher MG and lower the Xanax. For Sleep, about 3 years ago I was given (by my Shrink) and PCP agrees (for once), Phenegran. It is like a generic benedryl. 1 or 2 about 3 hours before bed. Non addictive and no side effects. I do sleep quite well. Xanax has never made me feel loopy. I have been on .5 three times a day. My dear PCP (who made the comment about "that was then". (Posted in 'I just don't feel good') decided I should wean off. He wants me to take 1/2 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. No promises yet!!
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Everyone,
    I haven't been on for almost a week cause I've been in beautiful, sunny Las Vegas. I'm dreading going back to the ice cold weather. My husband had a business meeting and my very best friend lives here. I'm at her house now using her computer. I'm going home tomorrow night and will make an attempt to catch up on all the posts Monday.

    I'm hoping everyone is doing as well as can be!

    Love, Sue
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Judy...check out this article about moving beyond treatment. I read it and it helps with a lot of what we all feel...actually might be a good one for all of us to read.
    Hugs and love
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Welcome "home" Sue...we've been cruising with our "borrowed" cruise ship...not sure where we are at the moment...lost at sea perhaps.
    Lisaelder...that was a very nice post. Thanks
    Sheri...kick the slump and come for a cruise. Sending you hugs.
    Jeannie...boy are you right about snow in Syracuse!! You are only about an hour and a half from me and you guys always get hammered! I try to stay as far away from the stuff as I can LOL.
    Hi Margaret...I talked to my daughter this morning and it looks like she'll be coming home. He was on the phone with the OW until 11pm last night after spending all day with her. Sarah asked him to get off the phone so they could talk and when he finally did he said he was to tired to talk. Well OW called at 2am and he jumped up and spent the rest of the night on the phone with her. Sarah is packing his bags!
    Gotta run...little guy hungry again...I'll be baaaccckkkk!
    Love ya all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007
    Ok, Vickie, I'm hopping on board. My parents are going on a real cruise in a week and I am so jealous! It sounds like so much fun.

    I ordered some of my prescriptions online today. I have to order a 3 month supply and still owed from a previous order, so I didn't think they'd let me be billed later again, but they did. I still didn't order arimidex, but will have my bp meds again. I really need them. My hands feel tight and my ankles are starting to swell.

    I am hoping we may finally get a decent snow fall tonight! I really love it when it comes down, but if I lived where you got too much, I probably wouldn't like it so much.

    I'm trying to get my quota of computer time in today. Worked on taxes for awhile, but need to get the updated version, so can't really do it yet. I'm hoping our tax return will get us back on track, at least a little!

    I had 4 15 year old boys spend the night last night, so I'm a little groggy today. At least I know what they are up to.

    Has the circle moved to the cruise ship, or is this a side trip? Those wagons are getting a little chilly here now in the winter.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon!!!
    Sue, how nice to be visiting warm Las Vegas. I'm tired of the cold. I want a few days in a row of 60 degrees.

    adrionna, I know what your mean. It's hard to keep up unless this is your full time job!!! Wouldn't that be nice.

    AlaskaDeb, hope you have a great day at the cross country meet.

    Sheri I have had the peeing dream. One time I actually started to pee. Woke me up instantly!!! and I made a beeline for the bathroom. I slept on a towel the rest of the night. LOL I guess this is in the TMI category.

    Jeannie, I like your suggestion. We can all set our alarm clocks for 3:00 AM and meet at the campfire for toasted cheese sandwiches.

    Lisaelder, that was beautiful what you wrote about Sisterhood. I hate cancer. This is all so unfair. I feel so much for all my sisters who have received this blow. And all the women I've met are so wonderful. Cancer must bring out the best is us. But it still sucks. We could have all been wonderful and met each other bowling or something. A bowling discussion group and we could talk about what size ball rolls down the alley the best. oh well.

    Madison, sending you a big hug!

    vickie, Captain Jack's makeup was really something. Way too much but on him it looked pretty good. He was kind of a metrosexual pirate. LOL

    Joyce, I hope your friend never hears those words.

    Tracey, stay warm. Hope there are no more avalanches!!

    Chemo, alwayshope, MargaretB and all hugs and a great big grin to you!!!

    Judy, I'm sorry not to answer your questions. They aren't easy ones and just too intense for me right now. Please come back and let us know how you are doing.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2007

    Susan, I had to laugh! At least I don't feel so bad about "almost" peeing in bed. It always amazes me how many of you can relate to these things. Maybe you're right, it's TMI, so we only share with our closest sisters.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Well its afternoon here in the chicago end of the circle. Im pouting cause, the cruise is over and I was so much enjoying that warm weather. I have been having a wonderful, relaxing day.

    Madision: Hard to explain what these boards and the friendships we make mean to us.

    Sheri: Hey, good to see you. It amazes me how little the people who work in healthcare understand about taking BP's and drawing blood from our arms. I have to remind everyone! All the time!

    Margaret: When it comes to husbands and doctors, I might have everyone beat. Husband hasnt been to a doctor in at least 20 years!

    Tracey: OMG! No food? I would be ravaging that snack machine, Chips an Doritos falling out of my mouth. Then would have gone to bed pouting.

    Jeannie: Im just smiling cause I had this very discussion with someone who went to College in Syracuse. Its a tough Winter there, thats for sure. And Lake effect snow. Well I live right by Lake Michigan and can understand that but Lake Ontario lake effect is so much worse.

    LauraB: Your story is so heartbreaking. Especially cause you and I went through this journey at the same time. We have know each other for almost 2 years!! You were always one step ahead of me, through surgery, chemo, hair loss, hey - the works. Anyways - Kick the darn goofball out. You have tried so hard. Time to take care of LauraB and Caitie. As much as you love him, think about what he is doing. To someone who has not yet recovered from bc. This is a cruel person indeed. Maybe next time you talk you should ask him why he hates you instead of why he doesnt love you anymore. He is rubbing this in your face. Please stand strong, definitely go out tonight - have some wine or whatever - kick his butt out. OK whew! enough of that.

    Lisaelder: I loved your post about "Sisterhood" - we certainly have it here.

    Jan: Dang, what is it with these headaches. Now today - Im good. No headache. So I dont know if its from not driving about or having an RX for an MRI of the Brain to schedule if my headaches dont go away. I truelly believe I am a certifiable nutcase.

    Debc: Enjoy and have fun with your daughter at the cross country meet. Talk to you later.

    Ginney: Oh my, you answered the questions with such elegance. What a great post.

    Adrionna: This is my take on things. The stress from having breast cancer is not describable to anyone that hasnt been there. The fear, grief, and panic attacks are overwhelming. To me, the only thing that helps is Ativan or Xanax. I take xanax. .5mg at night, every night. Sometimes I take .75mg which is pretty close to 1 mg. Despite these two meds being so helpful, in the USA the government has stepped in. All of a sudden "benzodiazepines" are not good for you. Then of course they prescribe one of the new antidepressants that are available. Which are probably good, but it takes about 2 weeks to feel the effects. My bc panic attacks came on sudden and with a mean spirit. Xanax took care of it right away. Xanax and Ativan are considered low cost drugs. For me $10.00 a prescription vs $40.00 a prescription for one of these new fangled antidepressants. OK - ranting is done.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Know what we had for lunch? Tomato soup and grilled cheese with BACON! This is known as gilding the lily.

    Deb---the only time we were allowed to have TV on before or during dinner---or to eat in the living room---was Sunday night! We always had Sunday dinner about 2ish and then sandwiches and soup in the living room so we could watch Disney World and the Ponderosa! I'm older than you are so maybe you never had the Ponderosa experience---I was in love with Little Joe Cartwright!

    NS---how's the headache today?

    Back to the crocheting!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Well how do you like that! Distorted Humor and my hsuband went to the Sunshine Stakes! So I got kicked off the computer before I could finish or say good-bye.

    Sue: OMG! You have to tell us everything about LasVegas. What casinos you went to and everything else. Im so jealous.

    Vickie: Just saying hi, cause now I gotta go again.

    Susan: Gald you were the first to admit needed a towel after the peeing dream.

    OK - everyone have a great evening. Hi and hello to everyone I didnt mention. NS where are you.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007
    I pushed his buttons...told him to be absolutely honest--and pretty sure he lied: "the hall stayed open later than normal, and I just needed to talk". I didn't bother mentioning the tire tracks. Told him he needs to with his FAMILY (God he hates it when I bring it up) or her place; it's not fair to me or his FAMILY that he comes/goes as he pleases. Asked him since he saw her last night why he still had the garage door opener "oh, I forgot I had it" (yeah, right!)

    A buddy of his at the hall aksed Ray what was going on with the OW...Ray tried to sidestep, but his buddy (Chops) said "people are talking and wondering what's going on" (it's such a Peyton Place there)...Ray finally said "things are bad at home and it looks like we're heading for a split" and Chops said "you'd do that after all you've been thru with Laura" and Ray said "you don't know how it's been these 5 years." Then Chops said "but what about your beautiful daughter" and Ray said "she'll be fine"---wrongo, buddy---we don't know that!

    Anyway, I told him that now I'M the one that looks stupid since I've allowed him to come/go as he pleases and I don't appreciate being looked at as the "dumb" one here. Told him he needs to decide. Asked again about his feelings for the OW and he said "what if I said there were?" which was enuf answer for me.

    Told him he needs to go because I can't deal with the hurt he's purposedly causing; he said he wasn't leaving the house, then I said "then you have to quit making stupid decisions and be a man and work through whichever way this goes."

    I'm not defending him by saying he's in turmoil---he definitely is, and told me to stop harping on him. I said I wouldn't keep asking if I knew I was getting satisfactory answers. I told him I'm going out; he said "good.....where? Oh, sorry, I shouldn't be asking". I'm not playing the game and lying, so said a friend's and left it at that.

    Don't know when or for how long, but I need to get away! Calgon, where are you!?!?!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited January 2007
    don't have long but i want to respond to laurab.

    laura.........i have been where you are numerous times with the same man. please, please, please believe me when i tell you that you are beating a dead horse by virtue of the tactics you are trying to gain control with.......take it from one who knows!

    giving ultimatums to these guys, and/or trying to reason with them is akin to chewing tinfoil for you, and pushing him further and further away.

    i can totally relate with wanting to save your marriage, but let him sink.......or he'll never swim......the more you try to control your situation, the more control you are actually losing (of both yourself and the situation).........and please trust me when i tell you that you will have absolutely no self esteem or self worth left in the end.

    i no longer post much about my situation, because it is complicated and often too painful, plus i have agreed to keep it between mike and i, but pm me (or jeannie) if you need help.........jeannie's advice is invaluable, and i have come a long way because of it!

    i hope you don't perceive this as picking on you, but i read your posts and i see me for the last 10 years, and it breaks my heart to see you in such turmoil.

    respectfully, michelle
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    afternoon ladies!!!!
    half hour till quiting time and man i am pooped out today... i am still nikki i had a fight with the snack machine and i won!!!
    ns hope your feeling good today...
    yay my new bed is in.. going to pick it up after work... hubby is at home painting the bedroom as i am doing a jungle theme in there... pained the celing a blue black and the walls amazon green and man it looks great...i found some palm trees at wall mart so i will pick up two of them next time i get to the city.. all i need now is a swing... hahahahahaha
    ok so no swing.... but i want to find some fish netting for the bed... well its just about time to go for the day so i see you ladies tonight....

    hugssss to all,,, deb,nikki, ns,cheri,mena,l2cmp,biker,silvergirl,purple, laura, beth,ugh i got chemo brain... so if i missed you i am so sorry i didnt take notes....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Try a sporting goods store for some fish netting

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2007

    What marriage are you trying to save here? You allow your husband to cheat on you, you make allowances for the way he treats you, you are worried about hurting his feelings, giving him chances to be honest... about what? you already know he is screwing around with someone else. How much more do you want to know? What are you teaching your daughter? roll over and be a doormat to a man who doesn't know the meaning of faithful, love, honour, respect.

    PLEASE, Laura kick his sorry ass to the curb now because if you think he is going to change you are wrong. A leopard doesn't change his spots. Once a cheater always a cheater. Will you ever trust him again? I know I wouldn't!

    Do yourself and Caitie a favor, show her what a strong independent woman like yourself can do without a cheating man hanging around dragging her self esteem and self worth into the sewer.
    This might sound harsh and I appologise for that but I have been there with hubby #1 and thank God every day I got the hell out.

    Wishing for the best for you, Tina
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2007

    Thanks, all.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    If it were me, I'd call a 24/7 locksmith the next time he was 'at the hall' and get all the door locks changed. Also, change the keys to the car doors. Start making small atm withdrawals ($50 or so) and socking it away someplace safe. Start canceling credit cards in both names and getting my own cards that he couldn't run up a huge bill for spite. But....that's just me!
  • Made
    Made Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2007
    OK - Don't feel bad if you tell me I have to wait - at the most its 3 months but at the best 1 month. I've been lurking for a few days and you guys are awesome - some of you have posted on my posts - hence how I found you all. Do you really have to be done to post or can you just be cancer free and participating in some preventative measures.

    Gentle Hugs on the left side.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Heck no! Pull up a wagon and park your horsie, Made. All are welcome and each of us adds a unique quality to the circle. From my understanding there are also some 'specialty' tents if you are into home brew or massage or whatever floats your boat/wagon.
  • Made
    Made Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2007
    Alwayshope - Thank you - setting up camp now (usually takes a while - very spoiled and pack everything including the kitchen sink)

    Whoa - done

    Hi all - little history - dx 12/15 with dcis and idc. Lumpectomy on 1/18 - clear margins, clear nodes. Waiting to hear radiation treatments - hoping for mammosite. I'm currently happily married - 17 years, 3 children 15 yr boy, 13 yr girl (for sale most days ) and 6 yr girl. I work in information systems for a large 5 hospital network system and am thankful I am in the mill through work - would hate to deal with this without 'connections'. (Used to work for the radiologists that found it) These days mostly sane (ok - as sane as I will ever get) but still have those dark thoughts once in a while. I think I'm funny - hope you do too , am a girlscout leader (cookies anyone?), catholic and a great wife (DH would have to vouch though). Love the idea of this post (and wondering how I get on the cruise).

    Peace and Gentle Left Sided hugs.