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  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Shirley, Like Lisa, my gallbladder problems NEVER showed up on ultrasound or CT. I also had a very inflammed gallbladder and sludge. I even went to the ER with my pain. THe pain started in chemo, took a few months break and then started again and I hurt for months. Because NOTHING showed up on regular test, even when I went to ER and they did an US - my oncologist even suggested I was having "unresolved issues related to my breast cancer" and wanted me to see his friend, a psychiatrist. I was so d----- mad; I hurt and it wasn't in my head!!!!!!!! I could even press where my gallbladder was and I could make it hurt. Last June/July my liver function test took a jump - oncologist ask me how much I had drank the night before I had my blood work. I don't drink that much and that remark upset me too. GI guy did scope on me similar to what they have suggested; he also felt the jump in my liver function test were an indication something was blocking one of my ducts. My problem was found by him. I am still very angry at my oncologist - not sure how I am going to handle going back to him. He is one of two at the cancer center that does breast cancer and I was told he was the best of the two. Good luck. I never had stones so that is why nothing ever showed up with conventional scans.

    Vicki, hope you guys are feeling better.

    Susan, just wanted to take a moment and wish you well. Sorry that you are having your surgery so late in the day.

    Guys, I am trying to cover for hubby and do most of the slicing and working the counter too during lunch at our business. Even my Provigil for fatigue isn't carrying me through and I am just very tired - not worth anything when I get home. This is my time to go to the blues tent or whatever. I know you are tired of hearing this but I don't understand why I have had such a time with fatigue and so much trouble bouncing back. I hate this - HATE it. I finished chemo Dec. 2005, rads March 2006 and had my gallbladder removed Nov. 2006. My hubby tells me it is because in 2 years I have had 4 major surgeries, diagnosed with BC, had chemo and rads. I don't know - I read and you guys just mention it occasionally and I keep thinking what is wrong with me. Anyway, I may not be here much.

    Have left many out. I didn't take notes.

    NS - I can't believe that happened. Now to get ready for it again. Do they think we have nerves of steel?

    Hugs and blessings,

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007

    Here is my theory...if they won't let you eat after midnight I would have a big and I mean BIG midnight snack if I were you girlfriend...At least a huge glass of water. One thing I remember from my last surgery is they gave me ice chips to chew on while I waited...late in the day for a start time kinda stinks.

    I will be there with bells on, making sure all the nurses are nice and the doctors are hunky...or at least that they give you the good drugs so you don't care

    we got your back girlfriend

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Odalys, I guess that'd be me on nite duty. Great pic you posted one of the best i've ever seen of him. The late shift might be alot better than usual.

    Liz, that'd be great to have a get together in Springfield with Susan & I! Where are you from again?

    Brenda, pay attention to your dh he's right. You've had major trauma to your body which is naturally going to make you feel fatigued. Even one surgery is hard on a person. Look at all you been thru. Lighten up on yourself. I'm so fatigued I don't want to do anything but sit at this computer. Shame on you for feeling bad about venting here, we all understand. BTW, how is dh? Chest x-ray??

    Susan, best of luck tomorrow. You'll be fine. Give me a call when you feel up to it.

    To all I missed, NS,Mena,Tracey,Deb,Vickie,Shirley,Amy,Madiaon,Margaret,Sue,Judy,and those that my feeble mind can't think of, have a good nights rest & best wishes for good or better health. I luvs ya, girls!

    My daughter is at the ER again tonight but not for herself this time. My little 2yr old GS, Kevin, is really sick. He's had a cold but got worse over the week-end. Last night his fever shot up to 105. Scared my dd to death. She managed to get it down but he's got a bad cough, runny nose etc. She couldn't get him in to see the dr. today so she was holding off until they could see him tomorrow. But he just kept getting worse with those fevers. So she & her dh dropped the 2 other boys off with me & took Kevin to the ER. She's called a few times updating me. I was afraid it was pneumonia because of his deep cough but they did a chest xray & said it wasn't. But when they first got there his fever was the lowest it'd been all day at 101.2 and while they were sitting there waiting on test results she went after the dr & told her the baby was too hot again. They took it & it was 104.3! So I'm just hangin round waiting to see what's wrong with the little guy. Her husband was going to take her out for dinner since it's her birthday then this happened. She's really scared for Kevin. The 31st of this month marks the 1 yr anniversary of the day her infant,Gavin, died of SIDS. What a nightmare. Right here at home. So she's extra careful about her boys. Anyway, he's got medical care now so he should be fine. I'm sure they'll give him anti-biotics.
    Thanks for letting me vent girls.

    your friend
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Ok, I heard from my dd. Kevin has a severe ear infection, strep throat and influenza. They told her he was very sick & sending breathing treatments home with them & all kinds of medicine. I'm sooo glad she went ahead & took him tonight. Just thought I'd let you all know the outcome since I'd bent your ear while I nervously rattled on. lol

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, poor little guy. I'm glad she took him in also. I'm in North central Oklahoma.

    Brenda, give yourself time to heal. Your body has been through a lot. It takes awhile to recoup.

    Deb, I agree with the midnight snack.

    Sher, hope your new tests figures out what that pain is. My cousin is scheduled to have one of those for her gallbladder also.

    Okay, waiting for a phone call from DH. He drove to Wichita. His dad is in ICU.

    Hugs kids,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening ladies - we sure are a chatty bunch!! Could you imagine us all in a room together - oh I can and what a fun time that would be!!! Maybe one day I will get to meet some of you wonderful gals.

    NS - I am so sorry that your test was postponed. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. I am still holding out for furballs and B9. Keeping you in my thoughts. I may be a little distracted on friday as that is when I have my carpel tunnel surgery, but when I am lucid and not stress, I will be thinking about you.
    Can someone explain about the bus?
    Jan - don't let your PS blow you off...he has to make things to your satisfaction. My expanders are quite lopsided and my PS says he will make things even when he does the exchange surgery. I sure hope so. Let us know what the PS says tomorrow.
    Susan - Good luck tomorrow - remind me - is it the knee replacement surgery? I will have you in my thoughts. Post and let us know how your surgry goes when you are up to it.
    Denise - my sympathies on the loss of your oldest son. Thanks for sharing your story.
    Tracey - B9 B9 B9 - sending cyber hugs from Denver.
    Lisa - you get it!!! Thanks for posting the beautiful rose.
    Shel - your friend is right - "its going to come back to you"
    Brenda - your body is still healing - your last surgery was not that long ago. I know it is hard to be patient. I know, I have to tae a step back and look how I was doing a couple months ago to realize that I am better today than then. Don''t be so hard on yourself- and come here and whine all you want.
    Cy - hugs - you are a good dil.
    Sheri - I feel your pain with your son. My 17 year old son did not play school well last year - for a long time I blamed it on me getting cancer. He is now 1 semester behind and instead of graduating this spring won't graduate till the end of the year. Noah is quite bright, but is not a student. He transfered schools this year - and is having a better year - but still does the bare minimum. On the positive side, he has had the same job at Dairy Queen for one and one half years. If you ever want to chat more, PM me.
    Lisa - sorry for the spinal tests - (I can't read my writing). Keep us posted.
    Brenda - I was never a hat person before BC. Only wore hats to synagogue or in the bitter cold.
    Jan - I was also growing my hair at time of BC diagnosis. I was going to donate my hair for Locks for Love. I was so stressed when I thought I might miss out on this opportunity as I didn't quite have 10 inches to donate. I called them and they said that between 6 and 10 inches they donate the hair to their supplier. I was so relieved to hear this and did mail them my 8" pony tail. People compliment me on my hair now - many people say they like it better than it was long - and ask me if I am going to cut it or what. I just tell them I don't know, and I will decide what I want to do when I want to do it. But what you said about growing hair spooks you makes sense to me. I just don't know what I will do with my hair. so far, I haven't needed a trim or cut. My hair is almost 2" long and i have a full head of hair - but like everything else it is one day at a time.
    Susan - the magic carpet was wonderful - just the right temp.
    Shirly - hope your head feels better. What is your surgery tomorrow?
    Cheri - happy b'day to your daughter.
    Nicki - my dad had back surgery on the 17th. He was supposed to go home the day after surgery. Well things did not go as planned. The doc said the surgery was successful, but there was more damage than he thought. Well dad now has numbness in his left leg and can't bare weight on it (or walk). so dad is in rehab - Manor Care. My mother is stressed to the max and says the past week has been a nightmare and hat shen she talks about it she has heart palpitations. It is hard being in Colorado and them in Florida - but harder that my mom doesn't want talk. I offered to make calls for her - to try to get answers and she said thanks but no thanks. Mom says the doctor did not say that this could be a side effect - but they keep saying that it is not permenant, that due to the damage and his age, this is to be expected. I wrote my mom and said to ask her doctor for something for the anxiety - but she will probably get mad at me for that. Oh well, I'll just keep checking in with them and keep my mouth shut.

    Please keep my girlfriend Barbara (she's the one who had the scare) and her husband Michael in your thoughts, prayers and the inner circle. they need it. Michael had luekemia in 2002. Well, following treatment he did wll till this past may 2006 when he was diagnosed with leukemia again - one was ACL the other AML and I don't remember which is which. He had a stem cell transplant the end of June 2006. Well Michael had a bone marrow biopsy and they got the results today - and there are leukemia cells. They are going to lower his immunosuppressants and monitor him for 3 months. Barbara says he feels okay - but she is scared!!! When she left me a message to call her she just said "call me". I am so worried and scared for them. Michael is only 52. Barbara is one of my dearest friends. Even though she does not have BC, as a co-survivor for her husband, she gets it!!!

    To everyone one, I left out, I am not ignoring you, just on overload. To Susan and Shirley - good luck tomorrow. Tracey and Shel - think B9 and furballs.

    Lastly - all the talk about grilled cheese and tomato soup - tonight I made grilled cheese and Campbells vegetarian vegtable soup (the only one that is kosher) for dinner for me and Miriam. Umm, Umm, good.
    Need to go do some work for work - I am feeling so far behind. Sending hugs from Denver.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Cheri - poor Kevin. I hope he feels better soon. Glad she took him to the ER. Kids temps can spike so soon. How scary for you and your daughter. Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandson. I'm at a loss for sad.

    Good night CG's. I need to get to bed cause tomorrow is a work day.

    Be well,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    oh my goodness - I took so long to write that there were 3 posts while I was writing. Cheri thanks for updating us on your grandson. Hopefully he will now start to be on the mend.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2007
    Ya know, pre BC I never thought of myself as a "drama queen". I bet the rest of you didn't either. But doesn't it just seem as if it is one thing after another. If not for us, a close friend or member of the family.

    Best wishes for those with strep throat, gallbladders, headaches, colds, those in ERs, those who were jerked around by their doctors and didn't get their biopsy, those with weirdo gynos, brains that do a jig in your head, teen-agers and hormones etc, etc.

    we are all wonderful circle girls. A little drama never hurt anybody. LOL

    Tracey, I just noticed the tag line. "Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder" I love it.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Night all.

    NS, I'm still irritated that you have to continue waiting - unfair but we'll wait with you.

    Vickie, strep throat sucks. You and Nathaniel will be up and about soon.

    Nicki, how was the pizza? I haven't had pizza in ages. Yum. For all of us who are watching WW points, we can't have any more grilled cheese sandwiches.

    Susan, good luck with your surgery.

    Cheri, are you driving the magic carpet Friday? Susan wanted a wheelchair and blankets. Hope Kevin is feeling better. It's a good thing your daughter took him to the hospital

    Denise, thanks for giving me hope about my son. He still has a ways to go - he's almost 21 but because of his ADHD, he's developmentally about 18.

    Tracey, hope the swelling goes down soon.

    Mena, where are you???????

    Liz, I finally got smart - after having him quit twice, I wasn't going to bite the third time. Did I tell you that he decided he wanted to be a chef and go to the culinary institute so we went to their open house - HA - $42k - I told him that if he went to a community college in SF which has a culinary program and finished his two years and got his AA out of it THEN I would pay the $42k for him to go. Did I mention that I have a new gourmet kitchen that he has yet to really cook in? Kids.....

    Shirley, aren't grandkids great? Love your story. Is your hubby into cars as much as mine? Do you ever go to things like the Good Guys?

    SoCalLisa, loved the rose.

    Odalys, won't take you long to get to know everyone.

    Brenda, cut yourself some slack. You've been through a lot and your body is telling you to slow down. Don't leave when you need us most. I am exhausted every night - after dinner and dishes are done, I park myself on the couch with my laptop and I don't move until it is bedtime.

    Karen, the magic carpet is on Page 195, about one-third of the way down the page.

    Hi Madison, Lisa, Shel, Colleen, Jan, Deb; anyone I missed we'll catch up later.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Hi sisters,
    Sorry I have not been here tonight but I am just so burnt out. This is really cruel and unusual punishment. I had such nerves yesterday and was a wreck when I drove to the office this morning and they laid me out, laid out all the instruments, started the sono and changed their mind!
    If my bs would take my insurance he would have operated the proper way by now. Since we don't know what to do about me not having a surgeon and them NOT wanting to wait around with the fact that these all may be the beast back- they are sending me for the stupid core at the radiologist's place.... which if you remember is where we started.
    But the thing is- if it is b9 I STILL have to get an excisional because they do not want whatever the hell those are in my breast... if it is NOT b9 I have to get a bilateral. It would be so much easier to just go straight to excisional. But my surgeon stopped taking my insurance, the insurance company will not pay any of the hospital costs if I use an out of network doctor - so even if I paid him out of pocket- I would have to pay the entire hospital, anesthesia, and pathology bill out of pocket as well.
    The doc in his office that does take my insurance is a creep and I wouldn't let him operate on a dog. The next best choice here is a doctor that USED to be in that practice but left to start her own... she just stopped taking my insurance too.

    Please note- I have Oxford- part of United Health Care. I pay over $700 a month for this -- it isn't some rinky-dink insurance plan.

    ANYWAY- I don't want to talk any more about me...
    I really want to wish my sweet SUSAN GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!!! Me and Fluffy will be there and he promises not to shed in the OR!

    Shirley... I had a hida scan twice. It is the easiest test. You lie there and they have a camera over your abdomen and they give you die to see how long it takes to pass through your bile ducts and gall bladder. It is cool to watch on the screen. It is a painless test and ACCURATE! Good luck with that.
    MB- the package arrived and you are one talented lady!! And so thoughtful... thank you so much!

    Colleen, thanks for checking on me! To initiate a post at the top of each forum there is a box that says "post" - hit that and it leads you to a blank page where you have to fill in a title and tab down to the post body. If you want to reply to someone just hit the reply button OR fill in the quick reply section.

    Deb, thank you for the prayers - yes! I could feel the love!!

    Odalys, glad to see you posting! I bet your neck of the woods is a hoppin right now!!!!

    Shirley you are killing me with the the Trouble with Tribbles!!!! LOLOL!!!

    Cheri, I am sorry you aren't feeling well and I pray Kevin gets better! It is really hard to EVER understand families... I know I will never figure out mine!

    Jan thank you for the chants! I hope your ps STRAIGHTENS you out!! I know mine are lopsided, and I didn't have a mast. So maybe if I do have to have the bilateral I will finally get them normal again.

    Amy, thank you for the telling me you will still hang in there with me... I have to say this ain't easy. I don't know what is worse, the first time or the second time around... I think the second time because we know so much more now. Ignorance really can be bliss! Are you talking about Maine Maine?? I used to spend my summers in Deer Isle. I LOVE MAINE!

    Margaret, I am sorry you are also having trouble with your son. I don't have kids, but i know plenty of successful people who were troubled as kids and turned out to be late bloomers... Some only after their 20s were through!

    Vickie, STREP is the worst! I am writing a you a note for the rest of the week and you send it to your boss and I WILL TELL HIM you are staying HOME!

    Sheri- you remember Indiana Jones and his thing with snakes??? THAT IS ME with mice!!! Fill up any holes in the walls or by pipes with either steel wool or that spray called Great Stuff. And remember, a mouse can fit through a hole the size of a pencil! I have someone on his way for you!!

    Nicki, my friend, thanks for everything you do... my doc offered me an rx for valium today but i told him I had the xanax. I wonder, should I have taken it?

    Madison my sister! I am SO HAPPY you liked the movie!!! You know we come from the same roots! I will have to send you my families LA history... I bet we are related!

    Tracey- I REFUSE to let anything happen to you! If the beast wants to take me on fine- but it is staying the hell away from your clavical! I MEAN IT!!!

    Liz, I hope everything goes well with your inlaws... you have had a long road with them... And I am so happy about your pap!! I wish I had your markers! they are great!!!

    Judy, thanks for the wishes...I see you have an avatar! Sorry I was too late to help you! I hope you saw you are in our circle movie!! I hope you feel better. About the wigs, IF I have to do it again I want to get a better quality one. I called it Mrs. Doubtfire but I really should have called it Roadkill. I lost a dear friend this fall to the beast and she had the most realistic beautiful wigs i ever saw. She was the one person you could say "YOU LOOK GREAT" to in chemo and really really mean it!

    here is a tactical question for you girls- is it poor form for me to ask her DH where she bought her wigs, if I have to get one again? Is that in totally bad taste??? We were close friends, so maybe it would be ok?

    Beautiful Rose Lisa! I am actually happy we are getting below freezing in NY now because if we don't the roses suffer. They actually do better if we have a cold, snowy winter- fewer diseases like black spot.

    Naniam, I just want to fly to NC and take over for you in the kitchen... I was a very fast chef- got a lot done in little time. How I would love to relieve both you and your dh!!

    karen, thank you for your good wishes... RIGHT BACK AT YA for your carpal tunnel surgery!! i will find a way to be there! The bus means the beast... as in getting on the cancer bus again.

    Denise, thank you for checking on me...
    I am so sorry about your son. I lost my brother five years ago - in fact the anniversary was the 25th. I know my mother has never gotten over it. (((Denise))))

    DEESE- the other Denise- gets her thyroid bx results tomorrow!! B9 B9 B9!!

    Speaking of-- how is my Christine doing??? healing ok???? Hang in there!!

    Shel, I am sorry you are hurting. I want to tell you about the epiphany I had about you a long time ago--- it is: This woman is marked for HAPPINESS.... and it is coming. I just know it!

    Mena, so glad the movie-ette cheered you up!!! Miss you!


    Love you all...
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Just coming in before beddy bye time to say goodnight and to wish all of the you the best for tomorrow. I will check in with all of you tomorrow. This time I hope to get some sleep. I will read a little of Nora Roberts Blue Smoke then dreamland.

    I have to go to work tomorrow. There is just too much to do.

    Vickie ~ Thank you for caring. I have had strep before and this does not feel anything like it. I do not have any fever, in fact it is low 96.8. When I had strep my temp was around 102.2 and higher.

    Take care all and check with you mananna.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007
    NS, was really sorry to hear you have to wait again! and that the ins won't cover anything if your BS does tye work That suscks!

    On the note with the wigs, I'm sure you will have a pleasant way to bring up where your friend got her wigs from. The other thing I used to like going to look at wigs, way before dx, just to see how life like there were and also for hair styles.

    I had really long hair when I was dx. I cut almost 2 feet off and donated it. I was going to have a wig made of my own hair but the cost was too much for me. I've donated my hair about 4 times in the last 10 years. I think I'm ready to let it grow back out again. I put a foil in it to blend the grey, white & silver with the brown, blond and red better. and yes I have that many colors in my hair naturally. It's the texture that is really hard for me to get use to this time around.

    Well it's late and I need to get some rest so I can get to work early tomorrow.

    Susan, We will be with you. you will be up and about in no time.

    Love prayers and hugs to all
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited January 2007

    One other note about pets and mulitple parents. Did you know that a cat can concieve severral times during her pregnacy and thats why get so the runt of the little being so small! She didn't have a much time in the womb as the others. Yes they can have several fathers! Glad that can' happen to us!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Margaret, you bet I'll drive the magic carpet for Susans surgery. I'm so excited about you think it'll fly loops like airplanes? Won't all you girls just love that if it does? Just think of the fun of hanging upside down at a high altitude and a fast rate of speed! Ummm, maybe you should drive I'm not so sure I'd be safe.

    NS, ask about the wigs.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2007
    Morning all.I have been up since 1:30 am,this insomnia sucks.I got the results of my spinal series.It is arthritis.YEAH!!!Never thought I'd be happy to have any illness lol.Has anybody had stomach cramping with tamoxifen?I am on herceptin too so don't really know where it is coming from.Well.I am going to go back to sleep until time to wake up kids for school.Hope everyone has a great day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Lisa, My sleep cycles have been a mess since treatment too. I was up at 3 am. Its a strange world when you root for good ole arthritis.

    Guess I'll put on a pot of coffee and watch the sun come up. Gonna put on some John Denver...feeling like visiting the 70's again.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Seems like Im having computer problems. Took me 45 mintues to just get on this site. So Im gonna save my post and read what all happened last night. If I dont come back - you all know why.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Website has been down BUT

    The magic carpet has made the rounds so we can be with Susan today.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Wow ~ it is nice to know that the website was down and not something wrong with this computer. I tried several times to get on this morning and finally gave up.

    Took off work again: Found out what I have. Get this, I am actually getting better huh, that's what NP says. It is a bad cold that can linger on. The cough portion can take up to 2-3 weeks. I was told to get some nasal spray called "Ocean's Spray" so I did. I was also told that my headaches are from pressure. Because I have high blood pressure I cannot take any decongestants. No antibiotics were given because my throat was actually getting better. I told her that I was taking Benydrly at night, and she said she can understand why I am taking it because of my lack of sleep, then she said but it won't do a thing for you except make you drowsy. That is for allergies and "you" have a COLD. It will take time and don't push it, get a lot of rest, drink fluids every hour that I am awake. I also told her that I was forcing myself to eat even though nothing tasted good not even CHOCOLATE. She was more concerned about fluids then solids. You know the "ole" chicken soup thing.

    I am going to go and try and take a nap. I'll check with all you later.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Wow,,finally got on here. I thought I was going to need a xanax when I couldnt get my discussion board fix. phewwwwwww,,thank goodness I got on.

    Susan, jumping on the magic carpet when it swings by Alabama and will be there for your surgery. We may have to kick cheri123 out of the drivers seat if she gets too wild though,,,we all know how she can be. Shes a wild one I tell ya!

    Lisa-I do the stomach cramps on occasion also and I am on herceptin. I also take xeloda though so thought it was from that but could be herceptin. Could just be the major mix of cocktails going into my body,,who knows?

    NS-chanting furballs still for ya. There is enough of us on here dealing with mets so I think you should be excused. Part of me agrees with you that the second time is worse because you do know more but then the other part of me says i kicked your A$$ before and I will do it again. Its a total mix of emotions for sure. I like it best at my favorite place,,the land of denial.

    Mena,,,missing you girl. I know you probably dont have the energy to sign on but when you do please know you were missed.

    vickie-sorry to hear you and nathanel are sick. Rest and take your meds because strep throat is awful. Been there done that.

    Nicki-hope your work day went well and your cat is finally coming out of heat. Crazy animals. the things we put up with for them.

    Deb-Hoping you all are still having your warm front of 32 degrees. We are still expecting ice on Wednesday and Thursday so could get exciting around here.

    ok power update,,the tree crew came out yesterday and cut their path through for the poles but they didnt finish because they left their machinery. Hopefully they are finishing today and setting me some poles and pulling lines but I bet that doesnt happen till Wednesday or Thursday and wont happen then if the weather doesnt cooperate.

    Farm update--got 6 ducks and 8 chickens and 1 rooster. There are Araucanas, Red Island Reds and barred rocks. The ducks are muscoys. One of the ducks has been named Uconn but got to name all of the others.

    gotta run and get some financing papers done for people on their heat pumps but will be back.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Good morning girls-

    I have tried to post a couple of times this morning and keep getting kicked off…we’ll see if this one works.

    We got our January thaw this week. It was 45 degrees here yesterday, so our beautiful snow is turning to puddles and slush. Now, if it was REALLY going to be spring I would be jumping up and down….but NO. We still have months of winter left, so all this will do is make things icy as all get-out until we get a new snow.

    Someone asked about how much light we have right now. The sun comes up about 9:00 in the morning and sets about 5:30 right now. We are gaining about 6 minutes of daylight each day.

    Big hugs to Susan and anyone else going in for surgeries, treatments, tests…

    I’ll check in later…let’s see if I can get this to post….

    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Yikes! Couldn't get into the circle this morning - what a bummer! Lost at least 2 posts before giving up, oh well...

    NS - sorry to hear about the day, the insurance company, the doctor, the whole ball of wax! Just ridiculous and I'm just so sorry!

    That's all for now, back later.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Wow! I promise I didn't do anything after I posted this morning to crash bco. Kind of makes one paranoid that as soon as they finish posting the site breaks.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    lol jas i dont think its your fault.. hahahaha well maybe
    i am spose to work tonight but just phone the manager and he is going to cover my shift... my arm is so swollen and i am really stressing on the swollen lymph node it sure makes the area around it tender and sore...
    so i figure i am going to go lay down and watch the tube for a bit... so i check in later

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thongs, is there any possibility you got bit by a bug or spider of some type? Remember, a swollen lymph node could just mean an infection of some type not necessarily cancer spread.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    happy day girls. 11:41 and I just got out of bed. I am feeling so much better.

    Vicki, how are you feeling? Have the meds kicked in yet?

    Praying for Susan today.

    Socal, been doing what I do and am figuring this issue is my gallbladder. I have faith in my surgeon. He will figure it out.
    I'm having lumpectomy next wed. They tell me the lump/bump/thingy is B9 but just knowing it's in there is stressing me out.

    Brenda, thanks for the gallbladder story. After reading pages and pages I've come to the same conclusion. All my onc had to say about my pain is "I don't think this is related to your breast cancer Mrs Larson". Pretty much his canned answer for all my aches and pains. Tho I have to give him credit. He has never once suggested they are in my head.
    Give yourself a break and get some rest. We are not superwomen. Why do we try to be?

    Cheri, hugs for Kevin. Poor baby.

    Liz, thanks bunches. Prayers for your cousin.

    Karen, my surgery is next week. Lumpectomy. Thanks for thinking of me.

    Susan, I have often been accused of being "slightly dramatic". I even have a t-shirt that says so. hehehe

    Margaret, grands are better than buttered toast. Hubby has been been a car fanatic, tho never into the social aspect of it. He just likes to buy cars. This one is mid-life crisis #27 I do believe. Also our first car rally. I had a great time so I think we'll be doing it again.

    NS, glad to make you smile. I do try.
    Thanks for the tips for the HIDA scan. Painless is what I like to hear.

    lovely sunrise jasmin. That pic looks familiar.
    You broke the boards???? hahahahhahahhahah
    I was wondering what happened this morning.

    rest well and get better Judy. Chicken soup is the only thing that sounds good to me. I've been forcing myself to eat for days.

    Off to find some chicken soup. See you later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Wow! Talk about anxiety and withdrawal. I spent my usual time this morning which was almost 2 hours trying to get on the boards. I knew it wasnt my computer cause I could get to other places really easy. Nothing worse than waking up at 5:00am and not being able to talk to any of you. I am so addicted!!

    Our dear Susan is at the hospital right now. Surgery scheduled for 4:00pm. I'm sure she is scared and nervous, and like Madison said, the magic carpet was working - Mazer and Distorted Humor can fly - so I know she knows we are all with her right now. GOOD LUCK SUSAN!

    I took notes this morning on everyones posts, but I gotta tell ya, they dont make any sense to me now. Go figure. So if I miss someone you know I didnt mean to.

    Tracey: I would be freaking out about the Lymph nodes. I did see a post from Zar - and I do remember her from the chat. Lots of things can cause swollen lymph nodes. Have you been sick lately? Cold? Flu? I just read you 2nd post. Sure sounds like an infection and sounds like you need to go to the doctor! Please, please go have someone look at it.

    OK - this is amazing. I fiially got to read alot of the posts. Sure was alot of stuff going on this morning. And none of us could get on! So glad things got fixed and back to normal. BTW - the chat wasnt working either. The boards were down for a short bit of time it seems.

    Sherloc: SSR! Looks like SSRI! One is a car and one is a form of antidepressants lol. I'll take both thank you very much.

    Brenda: Hmmmm finished chemo December 2005 here also! Good days and bad days, yes indeed - I do understand. And now your hands are full. Husband sick, working hard - man, you must be exhausted. Of course we will put you in the middle of the circle. And a massage is in order.

    Karen: My goodness. Im giving a CEU presentation to social workers at Northwestern Hospital on Monday. Its title "Emotional Intelligence when dealing with crisis." Im gonna use your post if you dont mind. It really describes a family being in crisis. The description you just gave about your mom and dad. Thats what I do everyday. Evaluate this situation and coordiante care. So heres my take on whats going on.
    ...Im a bit concerned if your dad has numbness after surgery that he didnt have before. But then there is probably some swelling and hopefully now each day he gets better.
    ...Manor Care is my competition! They are nation wide and good for rehabilitation. Maybe not as good as Whitehall lol. Anyways, good place for your dad to be. Get some acute rehab which will be daily 2x/day. Get him strong and safe - then home. When he goes home he will be eligible for home health services. More PT, OT at home.
    ...Mom just doesnt want to give up her control and independence. And of course doesnt want to worry her daughter who is recovering from bc. Shes being a mom. At least she is getting a respite from taking care of your dad - so thats good.

    ...What a sad story about Barbara. Susan said "Drama Queen" and I liked it. Seems like our life is one big drama. With real stuff, real issues. Fears, anxieties. Seemed alot easier to handle all this stuff when I didnt have bc. I was alot stronger then.

    Liz: Oh my! Gonna use your story as an example also. Want the social workers to understand what a crisis is. Cant believe you FIL is in ICU. Its one thing after another! And your poor husband. He has all this and you to worry about. Whew!!!! What tumor markers did they draw? Ca15-3? Sounds like your results were normal. Thats good and dont you stay away.

    Cheri: OMG! What another crisis. Geez what is going on. The first thing I thought with that high of a temp was ear infection and Im sure glad they went to emergency room. What has happened with healthcare lately. Ya cant see your doctor when your sick! Im just shaking my head. And your poor daughter, its her birthday, her baby is sick, and she has to deal with the one year anniversary of Gavin passing. Im humbled.

    Odalys: I laughed at the topless girls!! Since Im in a Western suburb of Chicago, and a die hard Bears fans, Im wanting so much to be on South Beach. Actually the Colts are staying at the Marriot Harbour Beach Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale which is my favorite place to stay. So I would love to be there too. Funny thing this year Illinois against Indiana.

    NS: Ok Im trying to understand what going on and Im angry. Insurance once again is dictating how a patient should be treated. I have Unicare PPO. My onc is not a preferred provider. His partner is. So they just use the right billing number. Why cant your surgeon do that? This is ridiculous. For some reason I didnt realize they were gonna do an excisional biopsy. Pieces to the puzzle dont fit. I understand your thoughts, I wouldnt want to change oncs, pcp, surgeon, ps. So here we go - roller coaster ride - once again. Jiminiy Cricket.

    Lisa: I dont know, I didnt realize you were waiting for test results. You must have been so scared. So a big CONGRATULATIONS - yeah Arthritis, pleasant words to a bc girls ears.

    Debc: Your cold weather moved south. It was 9 degrees here in Chicago this morning and with the wind chill. Oh my. Sounds like you get your fair share of sunlight - not that it makes things warmer. The TV made it sound like you were in total darkness.

    Judy: Have you tried mucinex? Its a tablet form of whats in Robitussin plain cough syrup, but no yucky taste. Works great on breaking up mucous in the sinuses and chest. Anyways just a thought. Oh and when I had my cold, I used Benadryl - its helped.

    Jasmine: It was a beautiful sunrise and then we crashed.

    CY: Didnt know about the runt thing. Very interesting. I always favored the runts, especially if she/he was black.

    Margaret: You are so good. You keep up your efforts. But really, the pizza wasnt that fattening. How many points is it?

    Colleen: Seems like when there are reoccurances or mets people get back on the bus. At least thats my understanding of it.

    OK - thats enough! Mdison, Adrionna, Denise, Vickie - Im sending you big hugs. I just had too much to say and ran out of time. Have a great evening and hopefully I will see ya in the morning.

    OMG: Amy - Distorted Humor is feeling a little sad today, so he sure appreciates the energy from Mazer.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's,

    OMG, I went to reply to Thongs and there were a couple more posts. Okay, it's going to take me a while to catch up with everyone. I think I need to have a pen and paper ready to take notes (thanks for the tip chemosabi).

    Chemosabi - I will try to find some pics from all the super bowl festivities to post.

    Thongs - Strange about your arm, I hope the swelling goes down soon. BTW- your avatar brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Do you mind me asking how you came up with the name?

    Does anyone here keep in touch with Designing Diva, I sure miss hearing from her and hope she is okay.

    more later....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Odalys: OMG I will be jumping for joy if you get pictures. Designing Diva - one of my favorite persons I have met here. I have a special place in my heart for her. Havent talked to her in months. Maybe puppyfive will know.

    Ok, gotta go for real this time.
