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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hey NS, Insurance Companies Suck. They totally run our health now. My Mom also has United HealthCare and they do some different things. This "stay in the network" crap gets ridiculous. I pray for B9 Furballs on Friday..I'm so sorry that you have felt the loss of a words, just sorry. Just tell your Mom for me that I understand.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Wow, I left this morning all bummed cuz I couldn't check in. Thought it was my Computer, glad to hear it wasn't! Geez, are we addicted or what?!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Okay Girls, It's going to take me the rest of the night to catch up on some posts! Before I do I thought I'd post and wish everyone well with all that is going on in your lifes. Hoping to hear how Susan's surgery went soon. Don't remember who was having Carpal Tunnel surgery....hope all is well with you. They want to do surgery on me for Tendenitis....I like to call it "femaraitis!"
    Hugs to all,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited January 2007
    Evening girls,

    Glad to know it wasn’t just me that couldn’t get on earlier this morning. I saw my oncologist today and he said see ya in 3 months. That’s always good to hear. He said he wasn’t concerned about my headaches but if they continued and I got concerned he would do a scan. Just to call him and let him know. I’m thinking they’re caused from stress and possibly grinding my teeth at night. FIL is still in ICU. They put him on dialysis to lower his highly elevated potassium level. He also received 2 units of blood. DH said they’re not sure where he’s losing it. They’re going to run more tests but DH doesn’t know what.

    Okay, who had the torn rotator cuff? I remember someone did. Did you have that repaired?

    Nicki, anytime you want the whole family crisis story, let me know. I’ll be happy to help you out. They run the CA 15-3. The lab they use has a ref. range of 0.00 – 51.60 U/ml. My markers have been 27.20, 19.10, 17.90, 19.70 and the last one was 17.90. I’ve always found it odd how labs have different ranges. I’m just glad we’re in the normal range. BTW, what is MCV? I can’t remember.

    Sher, I called my cousin earlier today. She doesn’t have to have the HIDA scan. They discovered her abd. Pain is from diverticulitis. She says she’s doing better now. I know they’ll get you fixed up. Will be thinking of you when you get the lumpectomy. I agree, the only good lump is one in a jar. Hope your soup is helping.

    Karen, my aunt had CT surgery several years ago. She said it’s the best thing she ever did. I know another lady who is experiencing the same as you. She’s concerned about surgery as you were. I’ll be thinking of you on Friday.

    Tracey, gentle hugs my friend. I’m thinking infection/cellulites. Did they do any lab other than the CA 125?

    Margaret, good for you! It’s hard to make our kids grow up isn’t it? I had to laugh, my son wanted to go to a high dollar culinary school years ago. Sounds like about the same amount of money. So what does he do? He goes to medical school. Dropped out when my “family crisis” began in September 2004 and hasn’t returned fulltime. Ahh the joys of kids.

    NS, I hate insurance companies. Wish there was some trick I knew to help you out. I like Nicki’s suggestion. So sorry you have to endure all this. It sucks. As far as the wigs, I’d ask. Of course if it were my husband he’d just look at you like HUH? He would have no idea.

    CY, interesting on the runts. I never knew that.

    Cheri, next time I’ll drive the magic carpet. I got a wee bit carpet sick. LOL You went a bit wild with those loops my friend.

    Susan, I know you did great and hope you have good drugs.

    Lisaelder, isn’t it great to hear arthritis? I felt the same way last month.

    Jas, you’re sunset was so pretty, it messed the site up. LOL Thanks for sharing.

    Judy, hope you’re beginning to feel a bit better. I am a big believer in Airborne and Mucinex. Lots of liquids and rest.

    Amy, hope you have power soon. Glad to know they’re getting close. I love hearing about your animals.

    Vickie, hope you and Nathaniel are feeling better.

    Shel, Robin, Deese, Carrie and everyone else, where are you?

    MB hope you’re feeling better as well.

    I’ve missed many I know. The ole brain isn’t working tonight.

    See ya later,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Quite an anxiety filled day not to be able to get in the Circle, wasn't it. I guess it makes us realize how much it means to us.

    LisaE, feels funny to say this but Congratulations on the arthritis!

    Judy, glad you found out what was wrong with you & start to feel better soon.

    Tracey, try not to panic, I understand you being scared. But everything will work out fine.

    Shirley, glad you're feeling better today.

    Hey to NS,Mena,Vicki,Amy, Liz,Colleen,Deb,Carrie,Denise,Madison,Margaret,Judy,Oalys,Karen,Puppy,Susan,Ginney,Shel,Brenda,Joyce,Laura, and to any friends my brain dead mind missed, wishing you all good health, good test results and happiness.

    A little about my evening & day. I got about 2 hours sleep last night. My little grandson, Kevin, was so sick. My dd was scared & called me off & on all night. She thought he was doing better today but he couldn't keep his medicine down & his fever started to rise again. She was able to get him into his regular dr. She came over & I had to help her with a suppositorie for his stomach so he could keep medicine down. He is so fussy, bless his little heart. I hope he has a better night tonigt. So any of you that are young mothers out there that think your job will be over when your kids turn 18 it doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes grandmas have a very active role in their grandchildrens raising. So instead of having time for yourself & your spouse to enjoy growing older together & doing all the things you always promised yourself you'd do when your kids were grown, it doesn't always happen like that. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

    There's probably been a dozen posts since I started this one, it's taken me forever. Dd & all 3 grandsons are here so it's a little chaotic. Wishing you all well. BTW, I am very proud to be involved with the Circle. You all are wonderful, kind, good ladies. It is a safe haven when we feel broken. There's no other place that could ever compare with the compassion & understanding that comes from being a part of this. When I was a total stranger just a couple of months ago I read a few pages of this thread & new I'd come home. I make alot of jokes & love to cut up & tease, but I take what this Circle stands for very seriously.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good evening ladies
    odalys, i am glad my avitar makes you smile... well to make a long story short i have been going to the chat room since i was dx in 03 my real name tracey was to common and one day the ladies all left and all signed back in as tracey all different it was very comical but i wanted something more original so i came into chat one day with the name wild thang... well one of my friends in the uk accidently called me a thong and well it just went from there and it stuck.... so i have decided to keep it...
    well ladies i have had a bad day i am stressing out about this swollen lymph node ( its right under my ear) i know it could be a infection but i have never noticed having anything like this before... maybe i am just more intune to my body now after having cancer ... i dont know ..i feel scared and i feel like i am falling and i cant stop.... hopefully i will feel better tomorrow... ty ladies for all the concern... it does make me feel so much better
    well i am going to try to get some homework done and i will be hanging out a little bit so see you soon!
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2007
    Godd Evening Beautiful CG's,
    I just wanted to let you know that Denise went to get her
    thyroid biopsy results today and they are b9 !!!

    G still doing the chant FURBALL FURBALLS FURBALL !!

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening CG's ~
    Tracey ~ Like you used to tell me on every little thing in CHAT 2 years ago. DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. Only take in what you KNOW. Do you remember telling me those things?

    I wished (guess I was too stupid at the time) I would have written to all cybersisters in the different catagories on these message boards. I never did, and I regret it now. I could have started with the Waitiing for diagnosis and moved on from there. It took me 3 weeks to get results after my biopsy and if it wasn't for me having a blood pressure check-up it would have been an additional week. My doctor was on vacation for 2+ weeks (Christmas and New Year's 2004)and the doctor I saw for the blood pressure check was surprised that NO-ONE called me to give me the results so that I could move on to see the several doctors that were in line (5 total)before being able to have the surgery. I tell anyone I hear that is waiting for results to push it and call all the time to see if they are in. Had I been on these boards at the time I KNOW I would have found peace and relief from all of my wonderful sisters. I have ONLY been on the message boards 2 weeks and already I am hooked.

    I had a few complications (Hematoma in the good breast since I had a reduction, and had to go back in for surgery 2 weeks after the BC surgery), an analphalactic reaction to the Nupogen shot given to me at home by my husband, and severe illness from my 4th and last A/C chemo dose. Once again I wish I was here then, but luckily I had my Chat sisters to help me through, but being on the West Coast I did not always have them at night.

    I wish all of you well and I am passing the word in Chat for the NEWBIES to come and visit us.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Ok, I didn't think I was addicted to this thread, but apparently I am because I was getting so frustrated when I couldn't get in this morning.

    I'm waiting for dinner to cook so thought I'd check in on everyone. Tonight's dinner is a Weight Watcher's King Ranch Casserole (got to just get in there and get the weight off - hope it tastes good so hubby and son will eat it and not realize it's WW).

    NS, that is so frustrating for you. I know what it's like to be physched up to have a procedure done and then it's cancelled - they cancelled my bilateral the afternoon before I was supposed to have it done. And if you are not comfortable with the dr., I'd find another one quick. $700 a month is a lot of money to pay to not be able to find a dr. you like. Ask about the wigs.

    Susan, hope your surgery went ok.Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.

    Vickie, how's the strep? Antibiotics should have been working by now so I hope the two of you are up and running around.

    Cheri, I forgot to ask Susan about the weight limit on the magic carpet - there are going to be sooooooo many of us on it for NS and as an FYI, I don't like roller coasters so don't do any aerobatics ok? I hope little Kevin is doing better soon.

    Lisa, arthritis - glad to hear that's what it is.

    Always, what a beautiful sunrise.

    Judy, hope the cold is getting better.

    Deb, how long does it take someone to adjust to the light in Alaska?

    Tracey, has the swelling gone down at all since I read your earlier post. I wish I was there to give you a hug and tell you it's going to be ok.

    Shirley, my husband is in the garage right now pounding away on car #???? This one is a 69 Camaro - that's his favorite cars. Oh well, at least I know where he is all the time!

    Odalys, open up notepad and type in there; that way you can read on the board without it timing out or scrolling back and forth between posts. Then you can copy the whole thing from notepad and paste it into the reply box. That way even if your post doesn't take, you still have it in notepad so you can copy it again. I gave up taking notes.

    Liz, good job on the 3 month checkup.

    Nicki, my brother-in-law was involved in a severe worker's comp injury a few years ago and last year discovered that he has a slow growing brain tumor and has to have it operated on. The worker's comp case is supposed to be settling in the near future and he has said he would rather die from this tumor than die on the operating table because then his wife and young son would have nothing so he lives with his choice right now.

    Carrie, awesome news for Deese.

    I'll catch up with the others I missed. Dinner is ready. Be back later.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening ladies,

    I never sign on at home but tonight actually had some spare time, whatever that is and thought I would do a nightly sign on. I was kinda hoping there might be some word about Susans surgery but guess that was a bit optimistic since she was only scheduled for 4.

    Cheri-I am sure your daughter appreciates you being there and being able to help. I know I sure appreciate my parents and never tell them like I should.

    Judy-I didnt write too much when I first started in 04 either and wished I had but cant change that now and sure glad I found the circle to call home.

    NS-Thinking of you and hope you are getting some rest without worrying but I know how hard that is. Still in my chant mode of furballs and crossing my fingers. I know you cant wait for Friday but yet dread it also. Weird emotions for the body to try to figure out.

    Carrie-Wonderful news on the B9 results for Denise...wooohoooo now thats a reason to celebrate!

    Thongs-glad to hear the stories of the thongs so just where do you get the avatar? Did you make it yourself? I love the name and it also brings a smile to my face. Now you talking about homework doesnt bring the same smile and boy do I not miss those days. Congrats to you for pursuing your dreams.

    Liz-great news on the see ya in 3 months! Grinding teeth will for sure cause the headaches so maybe if you can control that the headaches will get better. Not really sure how to control the stress in our lives but if you figure that one out be sure and let me know.

    Adrionna-I felt the same way this morning when I couldnt get signed on here but knew it had to be this website because I could get everywhere else.

    I look around my house and all the dogs are crashed and I have to wonder why they are so tired? I mean really, they have all day to sleep when they want and I am out working yet they are all piled up as if they were busy chasing away bad things all day. Go figure.

    No eggs today from the new chickens are ducks so I nicely told them they need to earn their keep or else before I locked them in for the night,,lol.

    ok off to see what else is going on. Might even check out the chat tonight.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Checking in before bed.

    Cheri, hope your grandson is feeling better.

    Susan, Hope all went well with your surgery this afternoon. Thinking of you. Miss you. Can't wait to hear from someone that you are OK.

    Deese, wonderful, wonderful that your thyroid biopsy is B9.

    CatherineF - where are you? All OK?

    NS - thinking of you. Sending lots of love. NOt the same around here when you are gone.

    Vicki - hope you and Nathaniel are doing better.

    Not sure if any of you are scheduled to get more bad weather on THurs or not. They saw we will start as snow and then it will turn to ice - I hope they miss the ice!!

    Everyone - take care. Been a long day and I didn't take notes. Don't mean to overlook or appear rude or not caring.

    Hugs everyone, Brenda
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    As I get caught up on all the postings, here is a quick Super Bowl update - Security is extremely tight. They have banned tailgating, back packs, bottles, banners, horns and noisemakers, even camera lenses larger than 6 inches. Geese...All these restrictions will sure put a damper on some of the festivities. But I guess this is real life after 9/11. I think it’s going to be pure madness...they are expecting 70,000 people but only have 11,000 stadium-side parking spots. I'm glad I don't live close to the stadium.
    More later...
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    Praying Susan is ok!!! and her surgery was success!!! Love you SUSAN!

    CY, thanks - I think i will ask him if I have to get one. I just had my hair cut after my FIFTH anniversary!! I swore I would never let ANYONE touch it until I reached the five year mark... It is shoulder length now. I am so not into the thought of maybe having to do this all over again....I am still praying I don't!

    Nicki, I couldn't get on here either!!

    Madison, I knew you would find a way to jump start the magic carpet for us!

    Judy, I hope you are feeling better!!!

    Oh Amy, I love Denial Land!! But I am with you- like Charlie Daniels says to the Devil " I beat you once you SOB and I'll do it again!"

    Colleen thanks. I know - I was lost today too!!

    Tracey, when do you see the doc about your node thing??

    Shirley, so glad you are better! I hope everyone who is feeling sick gets better soon too! I am glad I was able to put your mind at ease about the HIDA. It is funny, I know so many girls who have either had gallbladder flares or gallbladder surgery post chemo- I bet it messes with our systems even there.

    Nicki, I will 'splain about the insurance company below... and about the breast surgeon!

    Hi Odalys, DD is doing great and is as wonderful as ever!!

    Denise, thank you. Next time I talk with my mom I will pass that along!!

    Liz, you are right, I am sure that my friend's husband will be clueless...maybe I will ask her daughter instead!

    Cheri, I sure hope your GS is better soon! You are such a pal! Your words are so true! I love what you wrote!

    Tracey, I know how you are feeling... don't worry- you won't fall because we are here to catch you... always. You know- girls who have had bc are allowed to get swollen glands from other things too- try not to go "there"- I have been "there" too many times this week and it isn't a nice place- you are too sweet. Wait and see, I bet you got one of my cat's furballs stuck in there too!

    Carrie! I feel like singing that song from the Wizard of Oz-- you're out of the woods- you're out of the dark!- FINALLY Deesie's problems are over!!!

    Margaret! They cancelled your bilateral the day before???OMG! i would never have survived THAT!

    Amy thanks for your continued chants... I really think the stress will kill me before anything else will!

    I finally have been given a NEW recommendation for a GREAT BS who takes my insurance! I still have to get the cores on Friday... because it may take awhile before I get in to see him. The ideal situation would be an excisional now. But the thinking is, if it is what they suspect, the core then straight to bilateral... but in my head I am thinking B9 and then excisional and that is it. Either way I will have to have real surgery- wish I could get it done by excisional alone.
    But at least I have found someone GOOD. he is someone that docs send THEIR family to. That is good enough for me!

    MB- did I read you aren't feeling well? I hope you got my PM! I wore my pedometer today! (not going to tell how little I walked!!)

    I hope everyone is ok that is under the weather and pray that Susan is getting good drugs and is healing nicely....

    Love you girls!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Just checking in to say nighty-night. It's freezing here and supposed to be snowing before the morning. I actually wouldn't mind a little snow...

    Shirley - so glad you're feeling better! Keep the chicken soup going and you'll be right as rain in no time.

    Nicki - I know! I very much look forward to your daily morning updates. It was really frustrating not to be able to get on this morning! That's very cool about your DH, I'm in awe of anyone who can sing, or entertain, I can't carry a tune in a bucket!

    Odayls - Thanks for keeping us posted on the super bowl! When I first read your last post, quickly, I thought they had also banned 6 inch geese! LOL

    Lizws - woohoo to see you in 3 months! Love that! I get terrible headaches from clenching/grinding my teeth. They are very distinct, as the pain literally starts in my jaw and then goes up along my ears. I've tried those mouthpieces, but I can't sleep with something in my mouth. (What a strange statement! tee hee!) I sometimes put a warm washcloth or a heating pad along my jawline before going to sleep to try to relax those muscles.

    Cheri - so sorry to hear about your little grandson Kevin! I hope he has a better night tonight (and you and your dd too!)

    Tracey - try not to stress too much about the lymph node, easier said than done I know. It just sucks that every "normal" ache and pain is now a stressful event for us. Take good care of yourself, and keep us posted.

    Carrie - thanks for letting us know about Denise - great news!

    Hey Judy! I'm another triple neg girl. Nice to see you hear. I've been out of the loop for the last month or so, but back at it again. Yes, it really is addicting. Where else do you find so many women who "get it"? I've got lots of great supportive friends, but they don't understand the way you ladies do (and I sincerely hope and pray that they never, ever do!)

    Margaret - what is a King Ranch Casserole? I will eat just about any kind of soup or casserole (my mother would never believe that - I was a separate sections, nothing can touch anything else on my plate kind of a kid!) but I've never heard of King Ranch. Details please!

    Amy, Brenda, Deb, (((Susan))), Vickie, NS, Karen, shoot, my mind is going blank, everyone have a great night!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hi ladies...
    yes i made my own avator well i got the snowman and i put a thong on it... lol
    i am so tired out today i slept most of the day and am thinking of going to bed already.... its only 8:30...
    i got a chapter done in my course so i am only a few days behind...i figure if i go to bed maybe i will start reading the next chapter...
    hey ns how you holding out there.... i can imagine...picture me and you sitting at the fireside nice and warm and having a nice drink..
    i already seen the doctor about the swelling node and have done a ca 125 test... doc says to come see him next week as it really could be anything... but cmb is right every ache and pain now is not going so unoticed.... i have never told anyone this but at first it was really bad when i was first out of tx i even thought i had cancer in my toe... lol
    i guess i kinda expect it to recure as i lost my mom to lung cancer when i was 20 and i figured i was going to follow her dont get me wrong i am a very positive person but after dealing with this crap it sure plays games with your mind....
    so i will try not to stress here and i will follow it up next week...hey ns was it you that said your cat was following you around.... my dang dog hasnt left my side today, hubby says dog knows i am stressing and just wants to me near me.... i guess animals are good at sensing things.
    well i am off to bed i think....
    loves and hugssssssssss to all of you woman... you are what gives me the courage!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Tracey - I really am going to bed now, but just had to share my list:
    bone mets to ribs, right hip, and shin (yes, I said shin!)
    brain mets
    liver mets
    lung mets
    breast recur
    new cancer in good breast (only justified concern so far, found calcs in good side, have to go every 6 months for mamms to be safe) "safe" Hah!

    I am half crazed lunatic (every headache, muscle ache or gas pain in cancer), half calm rationale mature adult (I'm sure it's nothing.) Of course, I once developed a urinary tract infection after reading an article about them in the Sunday Globe. (Really!) As someone once said to me, "if a witch doctor told you you'd be dead in 3 days, you'd be dead in 3 days, you're that suggestable."

    OK, hope this isn't coming across all wrong, mean it to be funny... xoxo
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Okay, CG's here is the link to Super Bowl Mania:
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007
    Tonite's chuckle:

    Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in and around your home.


    Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut the door as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure.

    Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn't effective enough.


    Visit your garage at 3AM when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled. Turn over and repeat with the other breast.


    Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts.

    Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.


    AND, just a thought for all the women out there........

    MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown,

    Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?.........And

    When we have real trouble it's HISterectomy!!!!

    Send this to all women to have a laugh AND, don't forget to have a mammogram!!!!!!

    Especially like exercise #3.

    NS---We are all so bummed that you have to wait---AGAIN. But we are also glad to hear you've found a good BS.

    No notes---just tired me sitting here saying goodnight.

    Ohhh-oooh. Almost forgot. Pap came back neg. Stitches came out of the nip today and I look gawjus. Onc has taken me off all meds for two weeks to find out if joint pain is just me. And I am being sent for annual booby MRIs next week. They make me a little nuts since every single one of the four I've had has found something that doesn't belong there. Have grown 5 cysts this year---3 complex. Keep your fingers crossed.

    And guess what? Vickie and I are having lunch together tomorrow! She will post pictures since I still don't have a clue how I did it the one time it worked!

    Carrie and Denise---what great news! Now we just have that one stubborn case of furballs to rectify and we're back in business.

    To all I missed---sweet dreams. I always figure I'l remember everyone I want to talk to and then go brain dead when it's time to type!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    American Idol is on so I'm going to be quick. It amazes me how some people will let ther friends and family embarrass themselves so bad on TV.

    Hi Brenda, Amy

    Odalys, I'm glad you don't live close to the stadium. I hate crowds.

    NS, I had gone into the nuclear med room to get the dye injected for my sentinel node biopsy and they sent me across the hall to get my registration bands. I came back 5 minutes later and they looked at me and told me that my surgery had been cancelled. I told them they were mistaken but they insisted they weren't. Apparently some idiot had scheduled my operation in the day unit not realizing it was a 15 hr. surgery and when they realized their mistake they couldn't find an operating room. Talk about livid - I started crying and my husband started yelling. I did end up getting my surgery a week later and they put me in a private room.

    Colleen, a king ranch casserole is made with leftover cooked chicken, cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, rotel tomatoes or diced tomatoes with chilis, corn tortillas, and cheese. This one was a Weight Watcher's recipe. It was really good - my husband had seconds. PM me if you want the recipe.

    Jeannie, fingers crossed.

    Hugs to everyone else.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    I just got home from the hospital. My 86 year old great Aunt Leah just passed away. She was a many MANY year cancer survivor. She had uterine cancer in the 1970’s and thyroid cancer years before that. She told me about her cobalt radiation treatment for the uterine cancer…they put her in a lead lined room by herself for a number of hours with a radioactive metal rod inserted in her vagina…somehow it made my 33 rad treatments seem like no big deal. She was one of my biggest supporters during treatment and she always told me I would beat cancer because Cancer DID NOT kill her, so it wouldn’t get me. She lived a full life.

    Leah was a wonderful woman. She became a registered nurse at the age of 55. In fact, she just finished her continuing education to keep her RN license current 2 weeks ago. She had congestive heart failure, but was basically well until a week ago…she lived independently and was happy.

    I’m sad she is gone, but you know what? Her whole family was there. We all told her we loved her and she went very peacefully. I hope for us all that we live, and die, as well.

    Rest in Peace with the Lord Aunt Leah
    Thanks for letting me share
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Deb, my condolences on your Great Aunt Leah. She sounded like a wonderful woman. I'm so glad you had the chance to say good-bye to her & that she went peacefully.

    Best Wishes,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evning ladies -

    Good news - all my blood work came back normal - tumor markers were WNL. CEA 125 is quite low - but it should be as I have no ovaries. CA27-29 is higher than last time,but still good. Anyone know why the CA27-29 keeps changing everytime - I've had three since finishing chemo - the second one was lower than the first and now this one is a little higher. But don't get me wrong, they are all WNL - just curious. Does anyone get written copies of the bloood work, or just the general results. When I was in chemo, I always got the print out of the blood work. Just wondering how improtant it is to hve copies of everything. I have all the pathology reports from biopsies and all my mammos and MRI - don't plan to take them back as there is nothing left to mammo.
    Susan - hope everything went well with your surgery today. Keeping you in my thoughts.
    NS -glad that you found a good BS. Hope you can get in soon. Keeping you in my thoughts for friday. What time is your procedure? My surgery is scheduled for 1:30 on friday. Why the magic 5 years to get a hair cut. When people ask me what I am going to do with my hair, I just say that I don't know. I figure, I don't have to make any decisions about my hair. yes it is cute right now - but I get to choose what I want to do with it.
    Silvergirl - I love you practice exercises for a mammo. I don't have anything left to mammo, so I won't be able to try them out. Think my 20 year old DD would appreciate the humor in this?
    Cy - you stay up even later than I do. tonight I am going to try to go to bed after the news. I over slept this morning. Fortunately the dog woke up my dd and she got me up. We got out of the house in record time. The Ativan has worked well the past couple nights, but I just didn't have enough time in bed sleeping.
    Lori - sorry to hear you are dealing with arthritis at your age, but sure glad that that is all it is.
    Alwayshope - beautiful picture.
    Judy - feel better. DH and DD both use saline nose drops on a regular basis to help with their sinuses.
    Tracey - hugs - hope tomorrow will be a better day for you. I know the waiting is the hardest part. Sending you good thoughts for only good news.
    Shirley- keep us posted on your surgery next week. Please remind us, as I know I will probably forget - brain just isn't as good as it was before all this.
    Carrie - tell Denise a big HOORAY for the B9 thyroid test results. I always love to hear good news.
    Nicki - feel free to use wahtever you want/need from my post. Let me know how your presentation goes.
    Cheri - hope your little Kevin is on the mend. Poor little fellow.
    Liz - thanks
    Vickie - how are you and Nathaniel feeling
    Margaret - my ds - 17 1/2 years also has ADHD. Very bright/gifted, but sure not the student. He no longer takes any meds - his choice. Life is always a challenge and never boring with him. sometimes I think that our family is so dysfunctional!!!!!
    MB - how is dh - how is he doing back at work?

    Denver is getting more snow starting tomorrow and by friday it is going to be in the single digits - some predictions are for 7 degrees - only supposed to get a few inches of snow. In the 21 years we have been in Colorado, I don;'t remember the snow staying on the ground so long,. The neiborhood streets are still awful. It has been a long winter weather wise so far.
    Wishing everyone sweet dreams, restful sleep and a feel good day tomorrow.
    Need to go put the splint back on as my right hand is way too tingly.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited January 2007

    howdy cgs my name is shokk and I have been observing "not lurking" this thread for many months......I came here because of ns.....I too am triple negative and she had been very encouraging to me on the triple negative thread.....anyway one year ago today I heard that famous sentence that we have all shared "you have breast cancer" I can't believe it has been exactly one year....I just want to say that I am all of ya'lls bigest fan each and everyone of you....I really am very private but I just want ya'll to know that I am over taking care of the livestock if that is ok with Amy.....I had horses growing up....just observing and wishes all of us peace and happiness........

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007

    Deb - your post came through while I was writing mine. I am so sorry about the loss of your great aunt Leah. Cherish those memories. She sounds like she was an incredible lady. I love the name - that is my oldest daughter's name. Sending you hugs from Denver.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited January 2007

    Oh and one more it true that in the summer time that all of ya'll get together around the campfire and beat drums without any clothes on and dance..........and actually howl at the moon or is that just rumor...........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Sweet Darling Sister!
    WooHoo...Thank God for Cipro! Feeling better, Nate is going back to school today and I'm off to work and meeting dear Jeanette for lunch!!! So excited!! I will take and post pictures tonight.
    Welcome got it. Campfires, drums, naked dancing, howling at the moon. We actually stood knee deep in the ocean a week or so ago and mooned bc! Welcome to you and its great that you found us. Jump right in and make yourself at home.
    No time to write..gotta jump in the shower and get ready to head out but I will take a break this morning and catch up.
    Hope Susan is doing well, B9 results for Denise YIPPEE, NS...still chanting FURBALLS!!! Maybe I'm howling furballs...LOL.
    Love ya all
    Be back later
  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2007
    good morning ladies....boy I'm confused...I can't figure this out....sorry to be so slow...I can't find my last post....I see there is another new Vickie....hope to figure this out soon & get involved..

    Vickie 2
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I sure am glad the boards are fixed, up and running. Had big time withdrawal yesterday morning. I took my new antidepresant last night. Celexa. So far so good, slept like a baby.

    Moreland mom: Congrtulations. Your found the main circle - and by accident lol. Hope your morning is starting out good. Im glad you found the main "circle the wagons" thread, cause like I told you, if I had to go back and forth to talk to everyone, I would certainly end up in the fruitcake tent.

    Im still sleepy eyed. Waiting for my coffee to be done. First sip always tastes the best. And poor Cheri didnt get any breakfast yesterday as I was too busy and frustrated trying to get on the boards. Im glad its fixed. Its very cold here in the Chicago end of the circle. So when you wake up come on to my teepee. Nice and warm there. Feeling like omelets today. So the fixing are ready. Can even do egg white omelets for those who want one. Me? Im gonna have a swiss cheese omelet. And some Canadian Bacon - which is cooking right now and the aroma is penetrating the wagon circle.

    Liz: Man, this is ashamed what is going on with your FIL. Having a relative in ICU is pretty awful. Hope he doesnt have to stay on dialysis permanently. Sending you a hug and give a hug to your husband too. MCV? Hmmm I know its part the the CBC but Ive never payed attention to it. An elevation there just doesnt catch my eye. So I wouldnt worry about it. My tumor markers vary. I always thought they should be 0 - but then realized not so. Not even for someone who hasnt had bc. So Ill keep my results. At 30 they are in the normal range. My lab - the normal is below 32.

    OK! before I go on, I have to tell you my story from yesterday. So Im in morning report and one of our patients went to the hospital the day before for a "small procedure." Now mind you, morning report has the Administrator, the Director of Nursing, the ADON, and nurse casemanager, a social worker, and the Director of our rehab. Inteeligent people? So anyways, I know I have to go visit her (the patient) at the hospital. And I was surprized they kept someone overnight for a small procedure. So I asked "what procedure did she have done." This lady recently had a lumpectomy. So they told me "well she had to go have more muscle removed." I looked at them all in shock. Said "So she didnt get clean margins." They all looked at me like - so whats the big deal. Oooh it made me so upset. Here we have health professionals and they didnt understand she had to go back and have a mastectomy! What a world we live in. Geeeesh!

    Cheri: Once a mother, always a mother. Sorry about your sick grandchild and hoping he is better today.

    Tracey: It was fun hearing the background of your name. I came on the chat in April 2005, and by then you were already snowmen in thongs. Got a good chuckle. And I was wondering how you class is going. You better keep up with that homework. Somehow I missed that you already saw your doctor. Im with Liz, besides a ca125 did they do other blood work. CBC comes to mind. Wondering if your WBCs or Lymphs are elevated. Anyways hope your doing better today.

    Carrie: Yippppeeee! I remembered Deese was gonna get the results on the 30th. Thought about the both of you yesterday and wondered what the results were. Finially, finially, Deese got a break.

    Judy: I found the chat room by accident while I was frantically researching stuff about bc. I was known on the chat as Nicki.nnn - anyways, my 1st 8 months of treatment I was on the chat for hours each day. Never even knew what the discussion boards were. One day checked them out and thought geessh - this works better for me cause of work. And Ive been here ever since. And definitely invite new people. Its a wonderful place to be. So much support, so much friendship, and some laughter too.

    Vickie: I didnt see a post from you. Sure miss it when your not here. Guess this cold thing has you and Nate down. Hoping you both feel better today. And hoping you didnt go to work.

    Margaret: Oh what a sad story about your BIL. I see lots of people who have recovered from brain surgery, but it sure is scary. Only sending healing thoughts their way.

    NS: I jumped for joy when I heard you got a new BS. Maybe your old BS can get you an appointment sooner. When I was first diagnosed, it was my PCP who told me. After I freaked out, I told him I wanted an appointment with a surgeon ASAP. Also told him I wanted the same surgeon he would refer his wife to. He called the surgeons office and I got in the next day. And its already Wednesday - so Friday is almost here. BTW - loved your quote.

    Amy: My cats have been around longer than my dog. So the dog, well - he thinks he is a cat. They are all nocturnal. Up all night and sleep all day. I have a funny rooster story, need to tell you about it sometime, when I have more time.

    Brenda: Oh man, Im hoping its snow and not ice. I can deal with snow.

    Odalys: My best friend is arriving in Miami Thursday night. She will be staying with a male friend there. He told her about the tight security. Said she wont even be able to get to South Beach without a hotel pass. Cant blame them though. Ya need tight security - we will never forget 911.

    Colleen: Fears of reoccurance. Yes, I have that too. Every ache or pain - the first thought is bc. Glad my PCP understands and can redirect my thinking - or I would be one big mess.

    Jeannie: Funny mammogram story. Im so glad the nip is good. Finially - its been a long haul for you. You must take pictures when you have lunch with Vickie1. Yes we have 2 Vickies now.

    Debc: So sorry about your Aunt Leah. Sure sounds like she lived a long and happy life. Thats what its all about.

    Karen: I cant believe all the snow you guys are getting. Wonder if you will have flooding once the stuff starts to melt.

    Shoff: Welcome. Im laughing, cause once Winter is over - I planon running naked through the forest in celebration. But howling at the campfire. Thats great. We will need to have a howling party.

    I finially have my appointment with my PS today. I keep cancelling them, but this one I will keep. My decision is no nips - so it will probably be my last visit with him. Gonna feel pretty eerie since I have been seeing him at least monthly for the last 19 months.

    OK! Got some time left. Gonna go check out some other areas here on the boards, just to see whats going on. Hoping you all have a wonderful day.

  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2007
    As we walk our path of life,
    We meet people everyday.
    Most are simply met by chance.
    But, some are sent our way.

    These become special friends
    Whose bond we can't explain;
    The ones who understand us
    And share our joy and pain.

    Their love contains no boundaries.
    So, even we are apart.
    Their presence enhances us
    With a warmth felt in the heart.

    This love becomes a passageway,
    When even the miles disappear.
    And so, these friends, God sends our way,
    Remain forever near.
  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2007
    I hear ya about the coffee!!!! I get up & have that first cup in silence!!! Its awesome...

    I look forward to getting to know everyone....I'm glad to hear that the problem yesterday a.m. wasn't mine! I thought once again that I really am computer illiterate..

    Vickie 2