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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Hey! this is great. Usually this early in the morning Im the only one awake.

    Texas Sunrise: Great, great poem.

    Vickie2: Sure am glad you found us. Tipping my cup of coffee to ya this morning (its hazelnut flavored) and saying cheers.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Deb, sorry about Aunt Leah. She sounds like someone I would have wanted to know. That's great that her whole family was able to be there to say goodbye.

    Karen, glad your blood work is normal. I never kept copies of mine. We'll be thinking of you Friday as well. My son quit taking his meds as well. One of these days he will find his niche.

    Shokk, welcome. Glad NS talked you into paying us a visit. Pull up a chair and share some coffee with me. Oh, I've been known to howl at the moon (and dance around naked) :-)

    Moreland Mom, nothing to figure out. Just jump right in and go with the flow. Posts happen pretty quick around here so your previous post is probably a few pages back. Come share some coffee with me and Shokk.

    Nicki, my coffee is done. Come visit with us. Are you making the zip lock omelettes? I'll bring my fat free cheese for mine.

    Texas Sunrise, loved it. Thank you.

    NS, great news about the BS.

    Vickie, have a great lunch with Jeanette.

    Anyone hear from Susan?

    I'm going to check the circle to see who else will join us for coffee and some of Nicki's omelettes. More later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Morning Happy Campers. Too bad we can't get sound or I would play some Boogie Woogie Bugle music to get this joint jumping. Its Wednesday which means that Friday is only 2 days away! Hallelujah!

  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2007
    Ok..maybe thats where it is.....Now you mentioned ckng the circle what is that? Ya'll are probably ready to sene me packing!!!

    Ya'll are making me hungry & I usually don't eat breakfast...I have had enough coffee though!!!! That tamoxifin just keeps those hotflashes coming & I don't enjoy the coffee as much as I use to...

    Vickie 2
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2007
    Deb - So sorry about your Aunt. She sounds like a lady with an attitude we should all emulate!

    I'd like to request thoughts, prayers and positive vibes today as my hubby and I are facing the resolution to some tough home-type issues. I suppose the good news is that we have each other to lean on, but I'm not looking forward to the day.

    I know this is sort of an odd first post on this list, but I just recently found y'all. I've been reading to catch up and learn everyone's name. This is quite a party.

    Better stop playing and start working.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2007

    Vickie is having lunch with JEANNIE!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Haha Nicki...I beat you this morning!! You have to go back a page to see my post though.

    Jeannie is having lunch with VICKIE!!! WOO HOO CAN'T WAIT.

    Feeling better and thank God for Cipro. I have worked all week (too much to keep up with here to take off) and have brought Nathaniel to work with me as I have a loveseat in my office so he could sleep.

    Vickie2...welcome to you...we have lots of fun here and its a great place to be.

    NS...still chanting for you...((()))
    Susan...hope you are doing well.
    Brenda...good to see you!
    Cheri and Mena seem to be those two are up to no good.
    Hugs to Tracey, Deese, Margaret...oh everyone!!!
    Deb...just caught the news about your Leah and sending hugs, love and an "I'm sorry."
    I'll never catch up at this rate...way too much to do here at work but know that I'm thinking if every one of you. I am soooo board addicted!! We are going to have to have a support group for BC Board Addiction at this rate!
    Love you all...welcome all new girls...our family is growing day by day!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2007
    Good Morning, Anne, Vickie 2(there is another Brenda too in the Circle Spa Vickie so I sign there as Bren), an Shokk. Sometimes our chemo brain kicks in and don't feel left out if we overlook some names sometimes - it moves fast and often I only skim post and then I miss a lot.
    WELCOME!! Anne, will put your request in my morning prayers

    Deb, sorry about your aunt. I worked in the hospital at the time they were doing the radium implants. Not pleasant. May she rest in peace now. She is having - no more nights, no more pain, no more tears; never crying again. THose are words to a special song to me.

    AlwaysHope/Jasmine (sorry, but its really hard for my brain to switch gears) yes IT IS WEDNESDAY!!! Not sure I can boogie yet though.

    Tracey hope you are feeling better. Karen, you going to get more snow? Cheri, hope your family had a good night.

    Margaret, that casserole sounds wonderful but on WW core, I can't have ANY cream soups. So guess will wait.

    Everyone else _ HELLO, have a wonderful day.

    NS, praying that the new BS can see you tomorrow and not have to do the core. PRAYING!!!!!!!!

    Time to hit the shower and get my rear in high gear. Need to dress this cut from the slicer that I am trying to hide from my hubby.

    Sun is out here today but it is cold - bad weather called for tomorrow.

    Love to all, Brenda
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Morning Ladies! Freezing cold again here! I'm also going to brew up a big pot of half hot chocolate, half coffee (it has a name but I don't remember it.) With cream and sugar and whip cream too. Help yourself...

    Jeannie - woo hoo to anything that negative I say! Have a great lunch with Vickie.

    Margaret - that is inexusable re the SNB! I can't believe they would make you go through injections twice. Thanks for the casserole description. It sounds a lot like one my mom used to make when we were kids, only with more flavor LOL (She was Irish through and through, an amazing baker, but not much of a cook if you know what I mean. Salt and pepper were her only spices...) You might just inspire me to whip it up tonight, I can easily add the tomatoes and cheese to make it Big Ranch (or whatever it was called.) BTW did you family realize it was WW?

    Deb - I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt Leah. You are right, it sounds like she lived a good life, and was surrounded by family at the end. That's the way to do it!

    Karen - No blood work for me, which alternatively drives me crazy and maybe makes me less stressed I guess. I go to Dana Farber in Boston, which is a fairly well-respected cancer center, and their "policy" is not to do routine blood work, only if there are symptoms. Of course, I think this greatly adds to my little problem that every ache and pain means mets. I don't like it that it's up to me to decide whether or not the symptom is something to follow up on or not you know? I guess I know myself too well, and I am entirely capable of "making myself sick", for example, giving myself a stomach ache from worrying or whatever. Anyway, I'm glad your blood work all came back WNL.

    Skokk - Welcome to the circle from another triple neg girl. I don't post much on the triple neg forum (don't really have time to go anywhere else than the circle!), and sometimes it freaks me out a bit. I have the same aversion to the word "lurking", it sounds so creepy or something! LOL Anyway, a big welcome to you, we're so glad you're here!

    Vickie - Glad you and Nate are feeling better, and you get to have a fun lunch today with Jeannie - yeah!

    MorelandMom - Hang in there, you'll figure out the posting stuff eventually (I still am not expert at it by any means, but am able to get the post to where I want it to at least! I'm the queen of "Quick Reply") And a big welcome to you too.

    Nicki - glad you slept well, good luck at the PS today.

    Anne - jump right in and ask for all the help you need, it's kind of what we do around here...

    NS - thinking about you girl

    Susan - hope all is well, thinking about you too

    Well heck, thinking about everyone of course! Have a good day today CGs!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007

    Debi C - I'm so sorry about the loss of your aunt. God be with you and your family.

  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for all the welcomes...I really appreciate it...I'm glad to see somebody mention chemo brain! I have that at least I'm sure I do......I thought it was just a joke...but I swear its there!!!

    Vickie 2
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Nope, chemobrain is real. I lost tons of stuff during chemo that I'm just now finding in the oddest places in my house. It does get better once you are done with treatment.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Carrie, Congrats on Deeses good news! Thanks for passing that along. Now how are you doing?

    Karen, glad your dr. appt. went well.

    Vickie, so good that you & Nathaniel are all better.

    Vickie 2, welcome. You may have posted your last post over on the thread titled Welcome. Or not. There's a little snag to having this many pages on one thread & thats our posts vanishing into thin air! We've all lost posts, some of us have many times. There's a few tricks to it though. The way I do mine is after I write it then I copy and if it comes up saying page is no longer valid then I come back & can paste and there it is ready to hit continue.

    Nicki, thanks for another great breakfast & hot coffee. You know the boards went down again last night in the wee hours but came back up just so they'd be ready for you. Ya know having your daily early posting is like reading a morning newspaper for some. lol

    Texas Sunrise, very nice poem to start the day.

    Anne, welcome and prayers have gone up for you & your husband. Hoping all is well.

    I want to thank everyone for asking about my little grandson that's sick. I didn't get any late night phone calls so I'm assuming he slept much better. He should be feeling more like himself by today, although not over it yet.

    I just talked to Susan in the hospital and she sounded great. Her surgery went fine and she thinks she'll be getting out probably on friday.She wanted all of you to know she was doing well. She said before she went in she'd tried to call Robin but never reached her so she doesn't know what's going on with her.

    Hoping everyone has a good day,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2007
    DebC-Sorry to hear about your aunt. She sounds like a special lady
    Susan- hope your doing well
    NS- I'm still chanting furballs for you.
    So many new people here,welcome. I just wanted to stop in an say hi. About chemobrain,I still have it one month out of treatment.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2007 must kidnap Marcel and bring him to my Deliverance Wagon so he and his fool hair cannot compete tonight on Top Chef!

    Cheri, did you give some men my phone number by mistake last night? I've been getting calls since 4 number is for emergencies, mon Cheri...yours is for business...I thought we discussed this...

    Love to everyone's going to take me awhile to catch son is having surgery on Friday and my daughter, well, I'm going to give her a lobotomy today if anyone's interested in observing...I'm alone with teenagers...maybe I need some frontal lobe adjustments myself...chemo brain just ain't doing the trick when it comes to them...xo
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    OMG!! I miss one day here and I've been reading posts for 1 1/2 hrs.!!
    I saw my ps yesterday, and I am having yet one more surgery in March. . He says it will be fairly simple and I only need to miss one day of work. I developed fluid around one implant again and he is going to try to resolve that.

    NS - I'm SO GLAD that you have found another bs. I still don't understand why they won't just do the excisional surgery and skip the core biopsy. Furballs, furballs, furballs!! I'm glad you love Maine also. We are going for the first time in July. I can't wait! Oh, ask about the wigs. I'm sure he won't mind.

    Karen - I'm glad you got good test results!

    Carrie - Yeah for Denise also. B9!!

    Cheri - I hope poor little Kevin is feeling better. My grandsons both ended up in the hospital with the flu, when they were infants. That is real scary.

    Amy - You can sneak into the motorhome any time you want! That's quite a menagerie you have down on the farm!!

    DebC - So sorry to hear about Aunt Leah. That's the way I want to go....Live a good long life and not let the beast get me. I want to die of old age.

    Shokk - A big CG welcome to you. Yes, the rumors are true. We lose our clothes regularly, dance, howl, beat drums, and moon bc. Don't tell anyone, they will all want to come .

    Margaret - I can't believe they cancelled your surgery right before. I would have been crying too.

    Nicki - I really wonder about those so called "intelligent" people who happen to be in charge. It boggles the mind. I don't have nips either, so welcome to the club

    Vickie - I'm so glad that you and Nate are better! That was awful.

    Please forgive me if I missed any of you. I know I did. Big hugs to everyone. Have a great day!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2007
    Vickie 2, you are now officially in the "circle." You found your way to us.

    Anne, if someone hasn't already put you there, I just moved you to the middle of the circle so we can be there for you for today's issues.

    Mena is around, she's watching Top Chef. Mena, come play.

    Brenda, that makes my decision easy then; will stick with counting points rather than core - but I'm not good at counding points either.

    Colleen, I didn't tell them it was WW until AFTER they gave me their review. Both hubby and son took leftovers to work today.

    Cheri, thanks for the update on Susan. We'll "see" her Friday when we go with NS.

    Mena, just saw your post. I hate there a stronger word than hate? Good luck with your son's surgery Friday.

    Off to work. Bye ladies.


    P.S. This is like being in a chat - 12 new posts since I got out of the shower!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    P.S. This is like being in a chat - 12 new posts since I got out of the shower!

    Yes, but you don't get vertigo from the screen scroll!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    good morning cg's
    well i think if i dont go back to bed i will feel better.... stayed way to long in bed yesterday....
    i have today off it was my reg scheduled day off so i am going to catch up on my homework.... my lyphadema arm feels better looks like the swelling has come down some to..
    another chilly day here its about -10 so i got lots of wood for the fire and i will be keeping it roaring nicely for anyone that wants to join me...
    oh ya before i forget the jungle bedroom is coming along i hope to have most of it put back together by the weekend...
    have a great day ladies....
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2007

    Ok no time to catch up today...after missing you all yesterday.and trying to read back....but DH & I took the day off Tuesday after I picked him up early on Monday...sick day...loaded up on cold pills slept drank tea and snuggled under the afgans...

    welcome to all that came in...this is the greatest place...and what we aren't supposed to run around without wonder I have a

    Liz & NS glad the pont express was fast and timely...hugs to you
    Nicki...I hope you can straighten some of those professionals out...hmmm...

    Mena have you been hiding from me ..I promise I only make you exercise if you want to...teenagers...hmmm I have a couple of 20yr olds that are making me nuts...

    Vicki & Jeannie enjoy lunch
    Susan thinking of you hugs

    and all I missed hugs and healing light....
    MB be back soon

    Ps cold is finally going away...whoo hoo only a half box of kleenex today
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Hello. My name is Cheri and I'm a BC boardaholic.

    <Group> Hi Cheri.

    (There you go,Vicki,your support group)

    Mena. Dear Mena. I was afraid you were going to have one of your...uh...spells. Try & think back I realize its taxing for you. We were at the Hooch tent, you had several too many. You started to talk about your younger days when you made all that money, I tried to talk you into going home but you insisted on writing your phone # on that billboard where it said 'For a good time call...'

    Your friend
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Mena, you got some 'splainin to do!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahah mena you are a dear you know and i love you!!!!
    but ummmm......

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007

    Takes the cutiepie out of kangaroos for me!!! LOL!!!

    Hey girls- do you realize we are at page 200??? and over 80,000 hits?!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2007
    CALL 976-MEOW

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007
    Page 200??? 80,000 hits??? WOW!!! NS, how are you holding up today? I work for a dentist and I handle the insurance. I can tell you that insurance companies really bite. They just looove to dictate treatment. The reimbursement levels for most docs are so low, that a lot of them drop out of the networks. I know we've dropped a few. You pay an arm and a leg for your premiums and they give you a hard time about paying for your treatment. Grrr! There was a big stink in Philly several years ago, concerning the huge (crap, chemo brain strikes again. I've lost the word) amount of money that Blue Shield had left over. It was an obscene amount. I hope everything works out ok with the new surgeon.

    One of our patients was dx just as I was finishing tx. She was in last night and she is facing the beast again. This time it is a different cancer and she has to get a bilat. mast. It has been 2 years since her original dx, she was taking Tamoxifen and it didn't work for her.

    I really hate hearing that crap . Sometimes it seems that life isn't fair. No, it doesn't seem that way, life really isn't fair. None of us should have had to face this.

    Enough, I'm giving myself a headache. Take care.

    Oh yeah, that Roo is definately over the top
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited January 2007

    Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Morning girls well guess I should say afternoon!

    Wow we are a busy group here with 200 pages and all those hits.

    NS-Send that kitty to Sherndon,,she was the one with the little mouse visiting her and I still have my feet on my desk until I hear that its caught. Hope you are hanging in there today and keeping control of those thoughts so that your mind doesnt wonder. I've changed my furball chant to the furball howl since the secret is out that we howl at the moon. I figure no use pretending now.

    mena-you might want to get with Cheri on giving your phone number out because I noticed it on a few bill boards way down here in Alabama so if you notice any good ol' boys calling you,,well you will know where they got your #. I tell ya, that Cheri gets around to leave your number down here in the south. Hope the lobotomy goes well today and my son will be 13 next year so please be sure and take notes in case I need them. I hope it doesnt take you long though because we miss ya around here.

    Snowman-wow what a pic! I think thats all I can say about that. It's kinda scary though.

    Biker-ok I will have my bags packed and promise to be quiet in the motor home and you will never know I am there. I do have a thing for motorcycles though but my Kawasaki dirt bike doesnt hold a match to your Harley. Maybe mine will grow up some day. I happen to really enjoy riding in the dirt though so better keep my dirtbike and 4 wheeler and just dream for the Harley.

    Ok chemo brain me cant remember who was going to help out with the animals but I sure dont mind. Not sure if you have met Mazer yet but she is a 9 month old baby donkey that is my sweet lil angel,,well there is something holding her her halo and I think it might be horns at times. Shes as sweet as can be and loves to be loved on. I've done the horse thing also but donkeys have a perfect personality and I have fallen in love. i also have goats that I truly love but mazer steals my heart. She gets all excited when I walk down to feed them but hasnt got the donkey noise going for herself yet. Shes a squeaker when it comes to that but it makes her proud.

    Nicki-thanks for the breakfast this morning. It was great! Canadian bacon hit the spot. Cant wait to hear the rooster story.

    Deb-so sorry to hear about aunt leah but it sounds as if you could pick the way to go that would certainly be a good choice. She lived a full life and had you all by her side. I also had an aunt that went through cobalt chemo,,man those are some stories. She lived to be 91.

    Man, I hate it when I start typing and go blank. Makes ya feel kinda stupid.

    hello to all the new ones dropping in and this is a great safe place to hang out. We laugh, we cry, we joke and believe it or not we can be serious at times also. Pull yourself up a chair and warm your butts by the fire. its cold out even in Alabama so I know its gotta be cold everywhere else. Well except for odallys that is hanging out in sunny florida.

    newvickie-glad you are feeling better. By now you are enjoying your lunch and be sure and post pictures. Cant wait to see.

    vickie2-glad to see you dropping by. Pull yourself up a chair and enjoy.

    Liz-sorry to hear about your fil. Thats a tough time your family is going through.

    Colleen-nothing wrong with having reoccurence fears. I didnt have them and look at me so you just keep right on with your fears. by the way, your coffee mixture sounded good this morning. Mind making enough to share with me?

    karen-wow-still getting hit with snow. Send some to me! You have to be tired of it by now.

    Joy-only 1 month out of chemo with chemo brain thoughts. Once you have chemo you can use chemo brain forever.

    Anne-thinking of you today as you make those tough home kindof decisions. Wishing you the best.

    ok man, I really need to take notes. For some reason its like a challenge to try to remember things but then I am afraid I will hurt some feelings by forgetting somebody. I guess we all do it though.

    ok off to get some work done.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    woo hoo...afternoon ladies...
    I only have a sec as I am still at work and need to get things done (last day of the month...phooey).
    Just had a wonderful lunch with Jeannie. Oh ladies she is just a doll, sweet as can be. We had a great time, got some pictures, saw and will try to post pictures of Samuel and she brought a whole bag of squares for the afghan project! She has been working her fingers to the bone...beautiful squares from a beautiful lady.
    We all need to find a central meeting place and really circle the wagons some day...wouldn't it be grand.
    Hugs to all
    back to work
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Deb, I'm truly sorry about the passing of your Aunt. Blessings to your family.
    Jeannie, Love your mammo jokes!!
    Tracy, My husband had a lump on the back of his neck for several years. It would fill, leak, go away and come back again. This fall he developed one behind his ear. Hard, but eventually filled with gunk. He went to the doctors and found it to be a "blocked duct", they took both of them out and no problems since!