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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    Nicki - I am so glad that you were there for the patient. thanks for the update on your visit with the PS. sounds like it was a hard visit.
    Sholle - welcome
    Alwayshope - loved the pictures - and good choice for a song
    Anne - will do - keep everyone in my prayers and thoughts
    cmb - thanks
    Cheri - thanks for the update on little Kevin and on Susan - glad to hear that her surgery went well and that she is doing okay.
    Mena - sending hugs to you and your son for his surgery on friday = refresh my memory and what type of surgery is it?
    Jan - when is your surgery in March - my exchange is 3/23.
    Amy - you can have the snow and cold - its only the end of January and I am sick of this weather all ready - much colder and snowier than normal
    Vickie and Jeannie - great pics - the baby is one little cutie!!!! My DH asked who the pictures were and I told him and was just about in tears when I said Vickie and Jeannie two sisters who have been down this road.
    Madison - my dad is still not doing well - my mother finally got hold of the docs at the Cleveland Clinic in Boca and he has an appt tomorrow. I hope they get some answers. its been two weeks since the surgery and he still can't bear weight on his left leg. My mom is stressed to the max - said if they knew this was a possibility they would not have done the surgery. I probably won't hear from my mother till tomorrow as she does not want to talk about it. Thanks for asking.

    Gals, I thought I was doing okay this week (last year this week was the start of the testing/diagnosis). Well, tonight leaving work, I started to take a dive. I called my DH to tell him that I was on the way home and I was picking Miriam up from her after school activity and I started to cry. I had tears when I told him who Vickie and Jeannie were. Tonight, my emotions are on my sleeve. I can just cry at anything. One year ago tomorrow is when I went for my biopsy and I left knowing in my heart that it was cancer (partially because the radiologist said I would have to tell my daughter when I said I was worried about telling DD who was away at college. That was Thursday 2/2/06 and I got the results on Friday 2/3/06. That is part of the reason I opted to have the carpel tunnel surgery this friday. I am going to go to work in the morning - I am normally at the elementary school on fridays, but i am going to go to the high school instead. I am hoping the distraction will help me get through the morning. I don't have to be at the clinic till 11:30 - so will leave just a little bit short of work 1/2 day. I just want toget throught his weekend. I am not worried about the carpel tunnel surgery, but the emotions of the 1st anniversay.
    Mena, NS, MB, Odalys, Tracey , Deb and everyone else I left off, I hope you are doing well. Stay warm to the gals in the frigid temps. To the others send the sunshine our way - its been cloudy in Denver and we usually have sun - over 300/days/year - so when it is gone I miss it. Got to get ready to go for my nightly walk with DH and dogs - need to dress warm and it is in the teens.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's -
    I can't stay away for even a day anymore. Page 201 now, wow- you are a talkative (and lovable) bunch. It just takes me so long to catch up. This is the first thread/forum that I usually come to.
    Deb, I am sorry about your Aunt Leah. I know your written words will do her proud. It is amazing how we find the words, when our hearts are so heavy.
    NS- hey sister, two more days and you can be moving forward. I know the "waiting is the hardest part" Thanks for always remembering me. I think of you often. Every time, I see your avatar, I think of my Sophie. They look like sibs, but she is LH black. I will be keeping you close and keep posting, even if the insurance people piss you off! It is such a scam, with my diabetes, my ins. is $950. month. It's funny too, how some ins co. don't pay for preventitive measures, but will pay for your outcome treatments, (like smoking cessation and cancer?)I hope the new doc works out for you and you approve of his bedside mannner.
    Susan!!! I was praying hard for you. I am glad to hear you are resting, hope you are in not too much pain. I thought today, when I heard of snow in Springfield, I thought, I hope Susan can see it from her bed. I love to watch the "seasons" Especially winter, when I am safe inside, with nowhere to go.
    I musta missed Mena's post, but if she was here, Come Back!
    Everytime I think of Mena, I remember when she posed for that... I think it was a Swimsuit Calendar, have you all seen it? NS uses a shot of it in her Circle Movie.
    OK, gonna check a few other threads, while watching the rest of Idol and looking forward to the finale of Top Chef,
    hey NS, I DO NOT want Marcel, even though our restaurant has a similar name (he's got the French male version and he thinks he's hot stuff)
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2007

    One more thing, for all of you with little or no hair. I am posting and updated pic in Moving Beyond. One from last Christmas and my newest with high-lights and long curls. Remember, I had these curls before chemo.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    I'm lighting a candle for your aunt Leah.


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi ladies,

    Hope everyone is having a good evening. I’ve taken some notes so here goes…

    Susan – I hope you are resting and healing well.

    Vickie – I hope the Cipro has kicked in and you and your son are feeling better.

    Cheri – How is Kevin doing?

    Shirley – What day are you having the lumpectomy? I hope all goes well. I know how you must feel. I also had a lumpectomy. It’s not too bad.

    Tracey – Any news on the lymph node?

    Colleen – I remember that song…I my gosh my golly….but can’t remember who sings it. Love chocolate chip pancakes!!!

    Judy - Are you still unable to view the circle movie? Does your computer have a pop-up blocker? If so, disable it and try to view the movie again.

    Karen – I can relate to the first year anniversary blues. It’s perfectly normal to feel emotional. We are still so raw and our lives have not gone back to normal yet.
    Good luck on your surgery this Friday.

    Thongs- Thanks for all the links, had a good laugh.

    I Love the pics, such cute baby and good looking ladies.

    Ok, I’ve been reading and posting for a while and am very tired. Sorry for not responding to everyone tonight. It’s late and I have to get to bed. The alarm will be going off very early tomorrow.

    Sending warm hugs to all the CG’s. Good night.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hi girls................i'm here, just have a lot going on.

    i'm a little worried that that laurab is not posting...........laura i hope you're not "put out" because we gave you tough love!


    LADIES................g'night and best wishes to all.

    tty all laptop is on the fritz again, so i can only log on when my teenager is otherwise engaged lol!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007

    shel- miss you girl, but I think of you often. I wish things would take a turn for you. You deserve some laughs and smiles. Visit the drinking thread, there is some GREAT news there!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow it's been busy!
    Hi my name is Cheryl T or CY and I'm a BCO CG Boardaholic! I was so frustrated last night when I couldn't get on I tried for hours. So I'm glad it's back up tonight.
    I'm on the west coast too and CHAT moved too fast fo me, cause I have to look at what I'm typing and by the time I looked back up at the screen it just went whizzing by leaving me befuddled! So I was very happy to find these boards. And evern happeier when NS started this Wagon Circle. It has become HOME!

    Just a few notes taken as it has been almost three hours to catch up on the posts!

    First and fore most Wlecome, Shokk, Vickie2 & Annie!

    Cheri thank you for check on our dear Susan!

    Robbie hope you are healing quickly, loved the poem!

    Laura hope you are hanging in there dear,. we're pulling for you!

    Mena, hope your sons knee, (if I remember right), surgery goes well!

    Shel hope your back is feeling better!

    Anne, praying that things went well for you today.

    Vickie & Jeannie and little Sam too awesome pics

    Deb, prayers are also with your family tonight.

    Ok throwing some wood on the campfires to keep every one warm
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Hello CG's - wow - I cannot believe how fast this board moves! I'll have to catch up later but wanted to give an update since I haven't been on much lately.

    Had my CT scan last Friday - was looking forward to it since I felt better and had good response from chemo. Monday my good breast was sore. I felt it and there was a firm area. Freaked out since I was seeing onc today just put it out of my head. Thought about it more and remembered exercising without support - so wrote it off as a pulled something.

    Today went to the onc. The last liver enzyme is NORMAL!! YAY! The liver lesion went from 2.3cm to 0.7cm with chemo. YAY! Then I mentioned the breast soreness but that I was due for my mammogram so wouldn't worry about it until that's done. He just looked at me. Let me say that I LOVE my onc and the fact that he is so real.

    Then he said "well - you won't be getting mammos while you're in treatment - and that will be a long time. We would only do surgery to remove something that causes too much pain." I was like, hmmmm...really? He then said (and I love this) - "We do surgery on breasts as a preventative measure. The horses are already out of the corral - we don't care about the one that's still in it."

    LOL - gosh - it makes so much sense! So in a way - it's very liberating - no more mammos - no more worrying about my breast!! Oh - and the pain is just about gone - yeah - nothing there but an old boob that couldn't take the exercise!

    Anywaysssssss.....a good visit and I'm very happy about it.

    Tomorrow I'll get out the double tabs and catch up on ya'll...

    Hugs to the CGs!

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Cy ~ Where on the West Coast are you? I am in Northern California. I agree with you this thread FLIES. The Welcome One is easier for me at least for now until I can get used to a lot of reading.

    Odalys ~ I tried your route of unblocking the photobucket sight and the movie still does not come in. Am I suppossed to do something else? Whenever anyone has sent a movie to me it just pops right in.

    Ladies from what I can read - my prayers and wishes go out to all of you.

    Good night until tomorrow.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Judy, I'm in Seattle. Although I grew up in San Diego not far from LisaSocal.
    I only get to get on here once a day so I use my last post of the night as a time line of how far back I need to read if I want to read everyones posts, ( which can and sometimes does take hours and I usually do read every post. But I can see where I am going to have to slow down on my visits here and really get cracking on getting things done at home. My office is a mess and if it hadn't been for Vickie mentioning that today was the last day of the month I might have missed filing my state taxes again!
    Like it or not I really need to gather all my tax stuff for all the businesses and personal stuff and get it organized. My I say that every year. But seriously I really need to get ortganized. I also have to find out why some of my medical didn't get paid before the time for appeals runs out.

    By the way Judy I'm also a triple neg.

    Ginney, so glad the visit went well and it was only exercise that made you sore!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Wake up Nicki LOL!
    Missing your morning post.
    Gotta get ready for ladies are a late night bunch! You all were playing as I was sleeping.
    Love ya all and will check back later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Ahahahaha Vickie, Ive just been reading all the posts. Hmmmm took me 40 minutes, just from last night to now. You beat me again you little stinker.

    Had another good night, although I must have been having a nightmare - dont remember it, but my husband said I was screaming in my sleep and he had to wake me up. Wish I could remember what it was.

    Smack! Im wiping my lips from eating those chocolate chips pancakes. What a pleasure to wake up and smell the aroma of pancakes. When I was a little girl, nothing got me out of bed faster than smelling pancakes.

    The rooster story is silly. I have always been like Amy. If there is a stray, I bring them in. When I was a little girl I brought home all sorts of animals. And one day, in Chicago mind you, I find this Rooster casually walking in our front yard. So of course I made the Rooster my pet. Put him in the garage. My father insisted we needed to bring him "to the farm" so my bright eyed idea. Went into the house and got 4 eggs. Put them in the garage with the rooster. Went and got my father, yelling with joy - look, look, we dont have to give him away. He will give us eggs for free! The eggs were spoiled and you got it, my father sent the rooster to the farm. And I didnt understand why until years later.

    Judy: Im glad your feeling better from your cold. I agree with what someone else said. In the beginning the boards move fast, well they still do, but now Im used to it. I remember when I first went to the chat, I was so overwhelmed - it moved way to fast for me. Then I became a "chat expert." Somehow managed to talk to everyone. Just keep coming here. You dont have to talk to everyone all the time. But there are lots of ladies here ready to give you support and make you laugh too.

    Vickie1: Im so excited about you pursuing Suburban. Remember Im Italian so I dont get mad, I get even. For me, nothing is sweeter to my ears that good old fashioned revenge on someone or something that treated me so poorly like Suburban did to you. Hope your feeling better today.

    Debc: I loved the names Milk and Quackers! That one made me laugh. My cats are Wesley and Leslie. I know you will do a great job writing the Obit. Sending you lots of hugs.

    Colleen: I dont remember why you had to get up early, but Im sure glad you did. I loved the pancakes, and enjoying not having to make breakfast this morning.

    Karen: Your dad should not have this numbness 2 weeks out of surgery. Something doesnt smell right, so Im glad your mom is getting a second opinion for him. I had one of those sad moments yesterday myself. It was very busy at my PS office. Lots of people in the waiting room. Im seeig these young gals who are going there for esthetic reasons. Ya know - getting bigger boobs and stuff like that. And Im looking at them and know "they're in the money" if you know what I mean. As I sat there I was thinking about how Im just sick about all of this. It has taken a peice of life away from me that I will never get back. Then Im thinking about not having money and how life is so unfair cause look at these rich young ladies. But as I sat there, a patient came out. Another person going through treatment from bc. She was bald so I knew she was getting chemo. That brought me out of that black hole. I thought, well at least Im past that now. So good luck with your surgery tomorrow. We will be there. Its a good thing Mazer and Distored Humor can fly. Pretty long distance from Florida to Denver. We have NS and you to watch over.

    Christine: Your sounding so good. Glad you are recovering from your surgery well. You are so right about insurance companies. You would think they would want you to do preventative measures. One of the things stopping me from quitting smoking is I cant afford the cost of a nicotine patch, lozenge, or the newer pills that are now available. Oh I just cant think about it, cause I get too mad.

    Ginney: Thats was great news. And Im glad the soreness you felt is going away. So the treatment is working. Yipppeee! Im so happy for you.

    Shel: So glad to see you drop in. I miss you when your not here. I was thinking the same thing about LauraB. Wondering where she is and what is happening.

    Madison, Odaly,s and CY - hope you have a wonderful day.

    OK, time to go. Gonna try and fit some exercise in this morning before I get ready for work.

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday. Thats right its not Friday yet. Ha - chemo brain didnt get me mixed up like it did a few weeks back. And I remember, my tooth brush is green and husbands is white. Have to repeat that every morning or I forget.

    See ya all later

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Hi everyone,

    It's been a while since I posted, but I've been reading along. I had a lot of stuff going on at work, new boss, board meeting in St. Louis plus just regular stuff.

    We're supposed to get a couple of inches of snow here today. The schools have already closed and it's totally dry out there. I'm sure all the milk and bread will be gone from the stores by 9 am. LOL

    We had a fire in the hotel I was staying at in St. Louis at 1:30 am Sunday morning. The place has 12 floors and you guessed it - I was on 12. So after I woke up enough to realize what was happening, I dressed and then realized I HAD to pee. No way was I going out in the cold having to pee. So I took time for that, grabbed my boob (not letting that 2K be reduced to a silicon puddle) and laptop and trudged down 11 flights of stairs. We could smell burning plastic all the way down. We got down to the 2nd floor and the firemen told us we could go back, the fire was out, but the elevators weren't working yet. So back up I went, but a lot slower. I had to stop twice just to catch my breath. I got a survey on Monday from the hotel and they said in it they hoped they made the stay memorable......yep, they did that.

    Scary part of the whole thing was there were no Sheraton staff to be found and except for the alarm and announcement, there was no room indications for people to know there was a problem. We have a lot of deaf folks in our organization and they would have had no indication that there was a problem. And this is the conference hotel for July. And the fire...a couple called the staff before they went to dinner complaining that the heat would not come on in their room. The hotel sent a tech (not a maintainance person) who told them to turn it up to 75 and go to dinner and it would be warm when they returned. They did, it was and they went to bed only to be awaken by a boom and smoke and fire pouring out the unit. They got out ok, but someone should be let go over that one. And it just gives me another worry for July.

    Yeah Susan...hope you get home soon.

    NS - FURBALLS!!!!!!!

    DebC - I'm so sorry about your aunt. She sounds like a wonderful woman.

    Everyone else - big hugs.

    Betty from soon to be snowy TN
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Betty: Oh my what a scary story about the fire. Im glad your ok. I myself would have had a hard time walking up all those flights of stairs.

    Dont stay away, we miss you when your not here.

  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2007
    Thats good...I"ve been done since I'll get my brain back soon!!!

    Vickie 2
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yes, Vickie2. We've just put your brain in cold storage until you are done with treatment. I hope you kept your claim check!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Ginny, Yea - good report. Glad there is nothing to worry about in the other breast.

    Shel - good to see you post. How is your back and are you still working on moving to Fla?

    Betty, THAT is a scary story on the hotel. Years ago our church had a young married family man staying at a hotel that caught fire and it was a bad fire - he didn't make it out. He worked for Nestle and they were having a meeting there.

    Not snowing much here at the moment but they are calling for 2-4 inches but up to a half inch of ice. Hope they miss the ice part as we will loose power with a half inch and living off to ourselves in the woods, we are the last to get power back.

    Nicki, WW really isn't that hard. Margaret likes the one where you count points; I've tried that in the past and prefer the Core plan. It really isn't hard as long as you eat core foods, you don't count points. THen you have so many points each week to use for bread, ice cream, - things that aren't core. At least, in my head, I am not constantly thinking about food or "dieting" as my food feels like "normal" food. My "core foods" for breakfast will be regular instant oatmeal with sweet and low and a diced banana in it. I can eat that and it is good!!!

    Great pictures of Vicki and Jeannie. Of course, I loved Sam.

    Christine, so good to hear from you. Love your hair!!

    Karen, when August 19th and 24th rolled around last year, I had a hard time. I didn't think it would hit me quite like it did but it was like moving in slow motion and reliving the diagnosis, my family's faces, re-excision and SNB. NS helped me deal with that and I thought it wasn't normal but she told me it was quiet normal. Best thing I can tell you is to stay busy.

    Robbie, hope you are OK.

    Cheri, Amy, not sure who else - did you get caught in bad weather?

    NS - thinking of you. Hope you are getting some things settled with the new BS recommended to you.

    Anne - hope you and your family are OK with the family issues that you were resolving.

    Peggy, you disappeared again!!! Check in.

    OK, need to get ready for work and see if we get this darn snow and ice they say is coming.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    So ten years ago did anyone like Betty think that they would be telling a story and they would have a sentence that included the words "I took the time to grab my boob" or come to think of it "and my laptop".........just a thought....

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Good morning Cg's. I'm baaaaack! was hard to stay away but needed a break from the big C.

    I have tried to read a little to see how everyone is doing.

    Deb sorry for your loss.
    Ns sorry to see no resolve yet, I will keep you in my prayers.
    welcome to some new girls. great place for support!

    I know I missed alot, and I saw we had our own saddness right here, thats when I need to take a break. I have been dealing with some of my own issues and with everyone elses it just got to me.....I hate this disease!!!!

    I have a proctologists appt on Monday, due to some issues I have been having, nervous of course about that. could we have anything else humiliating to deal with?!
    My PS no longer takes my insurance and I was just about to finalize my reconstruction. so now I in search of a new PS, which is very frustrating!

    on a better note. my cousin's baby anthony is out of NICU and improving every day. has some weakness on left side, but he is very alert! yeah for that! he is not home yet but as long as he is improving we are very happy!

    so I will try to catch up throughout the next couple of days, that is going to be job in itself!

    have a wonderful day, and boy did i miss you gals!!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Morning, not too much time this morning. I was delayed watching the finale for Top Chef.

    Colleen, when did I miss chocolate chip pancakes?

    Karen, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I'm sorry you even have to talk about a cancerversary but you are here with us and we will help you get through the tough times. Sometimes we just have to look around and see someone in a worse circumstance than us to bring us back huh? Glad you came out of the black hole.

    Shel, any news on the Keys yet?

    Ginney, great news on the liver enzyme.

    Deb, the names were hilarious.

    Betty, that sure was a way to make your hotel stay memorable wasn't it? I wouldn't have been able to get back to sleep after that.

    Michele, hope all goes well with the protologist. Glad baby Anthony is out of NICU.

    Hugs to all, will catch up later. Off to work.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning All,

    I had one of those flu like nights when all I could do was curl on the sofa and not move. I think it is the HT I am on that makes me feel that way every now and then.

    Anyway, Amy there is a drink called a screaming orgasm....and a B52.....although with children I wouldn't want to be calling for SO and have to explain anything.

    Michele, Great that Anthony is out of NICU. Babies are so resilient…before long you will be telling us he is crawling, walking and talking. If you have an appointment Monday, we’ll get the magic carpet ready…

    Betty, oh my, grab the boob and the laptop….THANK GOODNESS you are okay…

    Karen, I agree with Nicki and am glad your Dad is getting a second opinion. AND OF COURSE, we’ll be there for you tomorrow.

    Pretty soon, we’ll all get frequent flyer miles….

    Nicki, I know what you mean about those getting PS because they want bigger, better boobs. I went to “the beauty gallery” (in our city) Monday night to get my hair cut, first time there….and will probably be my last time… reality in that place……There is a young girl in our office who is “enhanced”….but she is a sweetie, young, and like a mamma hen, I’ve taken her under my wing…..

    Vickie, how are you and Nate? Better? Time to get into more mischief….

    Ginney, GREAT NEWS on the scan and the enzyme level.

    I am at work, so I need to work, so I have to say Bye to you all.

    Oh wait, how is Susan?

    Just let me know when the magic carpet is coming my way, I’ll be ready.

    Hugs to all I missed. Madison
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hey ya'll.............i've had 2 conference calls from mariner's hospital and one from fisherman's hospital in the keys.

    both sound extremely promising, but this is a huge undertaking as i need to think about selling my house and getting out of my lease on my jeep, and buying a condo in the keys and getting recprocity as an RN etc............i am leaning towards taking off, and my daughter is all for it, but it's not going to be easy............then again, what has been easy this last little while lol?

    in the meantime, returning to work "here" is just a frigging nightmare as the insurance company is a pain in my ass, and the amount of running around for notes and letters and documents is just getting on my last nerve! you'd think they'd be happy to see me return to work, as opposed to making my life hell!

    anyhow............i hope everyone is well. i'm off to a couple of appts and out for thai food with a friend, be back later (if i can get at this computer once my kid gets home !)

    ............sure would be nice if my macbook worked for more than a few days in a row lol!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    I am over here in the animal tent helping Amy and I keep thinking about chicken names.......what about Chemo (chicken that loses alot of feathers), Hot Flash (the chicken with the worse attitude), Rad (the chicken that thinks she is all that),Bilateral (the chicken with the smallest chest, Lumpectomy (the chicken that has one breast larger then the other) and finally Mipple because I will never say nipple for the male chicken maybe just DH..........

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Ladies ~
    Just stopped in for some quick pancakes. Hope I am not too late.

    Got to get to work. I am in accounting and real BUSY!
    Hugs to all with catch up later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Just time for a quick howdy...

    Thank you to all of you that send good wishes and prayers for my family. My Aunt Leah's memorial will be this Sunday. I finished writing her obituary and feel good about how it came out.

    I posted a little poem a few weeks ago about finding pennies. Basicly the poem siad that pennies were sent from Angels to make us smile. Less than an hour after Leah died I walked out the door and a penny was laying in the snow at my feet. I think Leah must have been on the express flight to heaven

    I don't have time to reply to everyone, but sending hugs and love to all of you...missing the folks that are not stopping by...

    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    wow...again...look at all the love we share in just a few thing my boss doesn't know how long it takes me to read back just for a

    and no time for notes sorry...

    Christine...LOVE the picture...whoo hoo....glad you feeling better so take it easy if you can ... thoughts are with you
    Jeannie & Vickie1 loved the pictures...we will have to plan our meeting this summer...July I'll be in Syracue...
    Nicki....just hugs as my brain went
    sorry trying to work on cold medications...LOTS...and I fog out a bit take care all...I have a new load of firewood for the fire..and I made some chilli and corn bread...either for lunch or dinner...
    Take care all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    By the time I finish reading, I don't have time to post! So much, but I love hearing about all of you.

    NS, please send your kitty. We still haven't found the mouse yet, but I think I heard it in the walls. My dh thinks it's looking for warmth because it's been so cold lately. Amy, sorry, but you have to keep your feet up a little longer.

    My son stayed home again yesterday, that's 3 days in a row just this week. My dh took him to the dr. This is the 4th time since Christmas he's been in. They tested for strep and flu, but they were negative. They did blood work to check for mono. We don't have results for that yet. I don't really want him to have it, but it sure would explain a lot.

    I have my 3 month onc visit today. I actually get blood work done every month, but I will see the dr. today. No new symptoms, but it always is scary. If my hemoglobin is low I have to get a shot. That's the worst part.

    The snow keeps skipping us. Everyone thought for sure we would have a snow day today, but there was barely a dusting. Just one good snow is all I ask!

    It's nice to see some new names. Yes, I'm a boardaholic. I just have to squeeze in my time.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Hey All- I am not gonna let myself get so behind anymore, so I am checking in mid-day.
    Betty, I am glad you have your prioritites straight. Grab the boob and laptop! Sorry, it happened in St. Louis, my hometown!
    Nicki- I have two cousins, lifetime chain-smokers, both quit smoke over a week ago from the ear thing. I am impressed. I am looking for some dark choc-chip pancakes. My new thing is 85% cocoa dark chocolate (Lindt) hardly any sugar or carbs and delicious!
    MB, thanks for the god wishes. I am feeling so much better. Let's hope I can get by with 1/2 thyroid and no meds.
    shel-if you make it to the Keys to live, I am definetly coming to visit. Never been than far south in the US.
    NS-tomorrow is Friday! Can it be here any sooner?
    Have a great day CG's!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey ladies

    Missed my morning check-in, and will miss tonight too, so I'm glad I'm able to sneak in now!

    Karen - congrats on your 1 year anniversary, and I'm sorry that you have to have a 1 year anniversary. I totally get the emotional rollercoaster of it all. Hoping you make it through the rest of today and tomorrow as well as you can.

    ChristineK - loving those curls!!

    Shel - I was wondering the same thing about laurab. I only really learned about her as I was reading and reading, trying to catch up from my one month hiatus, and I guess I missed the tough love part! Good luck with your 2 conference calls, I hope something good comes out of it!

    CY - How are you?!? A big me too as far as organization! I promise myself every year, and I never follow through. My office still looks like a bomb went off, and I'd rather sit on the couch or read a book than clean it. The odd thing is, I can always find what I need. I guess I generally know which pile things are in - there's a method to my madness!

    Ginney - woo hoo on the liver results and good visit!! I never knew that about the breast/mamms either. You always have such a positive outlook, I'm so glad the test results were positive to match!!!

    Judy - I know! Crazy fast! I just decided that I read what I can (generally everything), when I can (usually that day), and that I won't feel guilty if I don't have time or if I don't respond to/include everyone. I swear that was what was part of my checking out for a while. I had been away for a weekend, and then back for only 3 days and away again for a week. I barely had time to check in, and when I got back there were over 200 posts and I just felt overwhelmed and out of the loop. So don't do that! It's silly! Do what you can, give what you can, and take what you need. (Like George Bailey!)

    Nicki - hilarious rooster story. That's exactly why I love kids so much, I love the stuff they do. OK, so you're exercising again! (or still?) Last time, you were my virtual buddy that got my butt moving. I need to get started again. Next week, I promise!!! (Or maybe tomorrow?)

    Betty - Oh my goodness, what a story! I'm so glad you, and everyone, were OK, and I agree, that is pretty scary about the management. On another note, I just asked my fiance, "if the house was burning down, what 2 things would you grab?" (I swear we just had this conversation on Tuesday!) I said I would take my ultrasound picture of my son (I have it framed, is that weird?) and this little statue thing of a mother and son that I love. I happened to be sitting in the bedroom when I asked this question, and they were both right in front of me. Well, whenever I read, "I grabbed my boob and my laptop" I just about fell over laughing. That is just hilarious! As someone said, who would have ever thought those words would come out of your mouth? (Kind of like when I was in the supermarket with my son, age 3 at the time, and said, very calmly I might add, "honey, please don't take your penis out in the grocery store" LOL

    Shokk - ok, my note says, "electricity now and then" which relates to my son's science fair project, which relates to something you said in your post... Hhhmmm... OK, I'm sure it will come to me! LOL

    Michele - nice to see you, sorry you've been feeling down, glad you checked in and great news about baby Anthony...

    Margaret - OK, more pancakes tomorrow for everyone! How about we add some maple sausage and more of that half coffee half hot chocolate drink just for kicks? I'll start up the grill at 7:30am (that's early for me!)

    Odalys, Vickie2, AlwaysHope, Brenda, Madison, DebC, and NS - hey there!!

    OK, I'm off, hoping this post doesn't get lost in cyberland!