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  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    Deb - I find solo pennies all over the house. On the dresser, on the opposite side of the dresser, on my DH's night stand, on the washer, on the dryer, on the tv stand. You get the picture. My DH picks them up where ever he sees them. I believe head side up only. Then he can't part with them. He has a mountain of pennies in his nightstand drawer just from the past year. He emailed that same poem to me right around the time of my bilat.

    My Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007

    Hey lini!!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    Hey Miss Colleen with the pretty blue eyes!!!
    I just looked up your pix. You have such blue eyes.
    Mine a poopy brown, so I notice stuff like that.
    Oh, and am I glad science project is over with.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon ladies. We have a couple inches of snow here and very cold temps. They cancelled school again today. My dd is convinced they do that to try & drive her crazy. She's cooped up in her house with 5 & 8 yr. old boys plus a sick 2yr old baby. Times like these I'm kinda glad they got their own place.

    I called Susan at the hospital earlier. She's been up on a walker but when I talked to her she wasn't in any condition to be walking. They have her doped up. She thought she'd be getting out either tomorrow or saturday. She seems to be doing well. I'll call her & check up on her again tomorrow and let you all know. She is such a sweetie.

    Judy, yes, I have had a lumpectomy and breast reduction. They removed 9 lbs. off my chest. So my scars are very large and thick, especially on the side of the bad breast. They scars don't bother me though. I figure my surgery was a little more drastic than implants, but don't know. My breast is hard on the side & a little tender to the tuch, they say it's scar tissue.

    Vicki & Jeannie, cute pics.

    Karen, hope all goes well with your carpel tunnel surgery tomorrow. I'm sorry you're having a tough time with your anniversary date. I went through my whole tx in a daze and don't know exact dates on anything. I do know I had surgery in Nov. 05. I guess my anniversary date came & went & I didn't realize it. I know it is very emotional for some people. Hoping you feel better.

    Christine, love the new "do". How pretty you are.

    Mena, hope your son does well tomorrow with his knee surgery and that you are feeling better.

    Ginney, so glad your dr. visit went well and it sounds like you have a great dr.

    Michele, glad your little Anthony is out of ICU.

    NS, all our prayers will be with you tomorrow.

    I know I missed several but I'm sure I'll be back a few more times before the end of the day. I have an addiction, ya know. I am a boardaholic.

    your pal
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    I'm here lol.

    Reading lots, not posting much, but still love you all!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hello everyone...
    I didn't take notes, but Christine you look gorgeous! WHAT A great picture!

    Is Susan ok today?

    Sheri, The Mouser is on his way!

    Lini, I have pennies everyplace too. I was always taught to save the "wheaties"

    Cheri, I hope your gs is better!

    Naniam, I hope you and your dh are better!

    Ginney girl! So happy about your news!

    MB- i am taking one step at a time!
    Colleen good to see you back as a regular again!

    Vicki are you and Nathaniel feeling better??

    Madison, looks like I will have to admit my addiction too- but I don't want a 12 step to stop from coming here!! So Baby plays the same trick that Fluff does! He lies innocently looking at me like little Mr. Sunshine and as soon as I walk by- SWIPE!
    I have been napping with my afghan and he isn't allowed near it- he is VERY ANNOYED!

    Karen- don't you have your surgery tomorrow??? GOOD LUCK GIRL!!!!

    Dearest Deb, I am soooo sorry about your Aunt. There are some people in this world who touch us in a special way, and it sounds like Leah was one of those people. You are in my prayers.

    Nicki, thank you for your help!! I love you girl!

    What fabulous pictures of Jeannie and Vickie!! and SAM!

    Margaret, Mena, Christine and all the other Top Chef fans- all I can say is YAY~! I thought we were going to have another Project Runway Jeffrey on our hands again. Is it me or does Padma seem like a b*****?????

    Tracey, what is up with your swollen node?? You crack me up with the chickens- I was just getting used to the penguins and kangaroos!

    Judy I am so happy you like it here at the circle!! I cannot understand why you can't see the movie. Everyone else can. Maybe you have a block of some sort on your computer? I wish I could post it so it plays in Windows Media Player- but someone has to tell me how. If I knew that it would look a lot better!

    Amy I can hear you howling! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

    Odalys, your tag line is one of my favorite sayings!

    Shel, I feel ya right there next to me! love you girl!

    Jan, you like my little boy?? You can't call him Kitty- you have to say "here Mr. Handsome!" he is so conceited you wouldn't believe it! He really thinks he IS the cats a$$!

    Michelle, SO GLAD ABOUT THE BABY!!

    CY, Cheryl G, Shirley, Robbie, Shokk, Denise, Deese, Carrie, Jasmine, Kelly, Peggy, armynavymom, Betty, Vickie2, I hope you all are doing ok- I am sending you hugs!

    OK, that is as much as I can remember, if I left anyone out, please forgive me. I am not operating on all cylinders today. I am trying to stay calm... even though I think Saddam Hussein thought up this procedure I am having tomorrow. We are expecting snow overnight so this will be my Mini's first sleigh ride!!

    I was told today to NOT expect to hear "furball" but screw that. I can think positively and prove them all wrong!!!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    NS-I do wish they were "wheaties"

    I went back a few pages. Didn't realize that there was a picture of Vickie and Jeannie. I've come to the conclusion that only beautiful women get BC because there sure aren't any ugly ones here.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007

    I have seen your picture and that is TRUE!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007

    Please join the Round up roll call!! It is a separate post and will help us keep each other straight for all the new girls!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Hello to all,

    Little late checking in today as it has been busy at work.

    susan-thinking of you and hope the drugs are working well for you. heres to a speedy recovery.

    Karen-hope your surgery for CT goes well tomorrow. The magic carpet will be up and moving and then we will be out and about on Friday also for NS.

    NS-furballs, furballs, furballs and whatever the outcome you have us. Now, if that doesnt scare you,,nothing will, lol. Hope you will be able to relax a bit tonight but I know thats probably wishful thinking. mazer will be there with bells on tomorrow and promises to behave. If the BS says it doesnt look like furballs though I think Mazer might forget her promise.

    Deb-loved your penny story and I agree with you. Your aunt must have been on the magic carpet and was moving on. I know when you looked down and saw the penny it brought a smile to your face. I also loved your chicken story about the splint. I dont think your family is crazy at all because I would have done the same thing.

    Shokk-thanks for all the help with the animals. They all love their attention so its great to have you around. Did you bring your poop scooper?

    Hi sige-nice to see you dropping by.

    Mena-hope the lobotomy was a success and that your son does great with his surgery. I know you have got to be asking yourself,,does it ever end? By the way, thats a nice picture of you on the billboards around town,,lol.

    Nicki-loved the rooster story. I can remember for the life of me trying to figure out who the hen layed eggs if you didnt have a rooster and it just didnt add up but I would walk out and there would be another egg the next day. I am sure mother was dreading those questions when I would ask them.

    Colleen-thanks for mentioning science project. I am supposed to be figuring out something for my son to do. 7th grade science??? any suggestions anyone?

    Betty-I died laughing about the boob and laptop statement. I for one wouldnt grab my boob but now my laptop would be a different story. If I was home I would grab my dogs and make sure I had clothes on but my boobs wouldnt even cross my mind. I would have to find them first before I could grab them.

    Ginney-excellent news. Toasting to you in celebration. Congrats!

    Michelle-glad to hear the baby is getting better. Hes a fighter isnt he!

    Christine-love the new picture and you are right about waiting to check in here. It doesnt take long to get behind.

    Cheri-thanks for the susan update. I hope the baby is getting better.

    Colleen-I happen to like your 7:30 time being early. I can deal with that but I cant deal with that newvickie and nicki early time. Somethings just wrong with them to wake up at that hour I think.

    lini-thanks for rubbing it in that your science project is over with. My sons isnt due till march and he told me last night about it, which is shocking,,I am surprised I found out this early.

    Shel-glad the phone interviews are working out for you. If its meant to be it will be and things will start falling into place. Wave at me when you go by.

    Sherndon-putting my feet up a little higher on the desk and I have released NS cat at your house to help you find the critter. I've got 2 rat terriers but I honestly think they would be as afraid of the mouse as me so I wont send them. One of them is not much bigger than a mouse. She isnt even 3 pounds.

    Judy-the board does move fast but just pick up what you can and go with it. Thats what I do. Sometimes I amaze myself at what I remember and then sometimes I think I will remember and start typing and draw a blank. I just go with it whatever it might be.

    MB-hope your cold is improving. Hows the husband doing?

    Madison-you must be busy preparing for all of us to show up at your house. You will hear the clomping of horse and donkey feet and know we are close.

    We didnt really get the ice that was predicted but it was still enough to delay school for 2 hours. I tell you around here if its predicted you can bet school will be delayed. Ok Deb you can stop laughing now. I had to stop to get uhhh adult beverages on my way home last night and there was no bread or milk in sight. You can see what my priorties are.

    ok gonna run and finish up here at work. 50 more minutes. Oh still no power yet dangit. I dont know about today but I am not holding my breath.

    Love to everyone. Amy
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Howdy, time for a quick sneak peak again!

    Lini - we always want what we don't have!! My eyes are offically "hazel" I think, they look blue or green, depending on what I'm wearing, and I always look like a devil in pictures - they haven't created a red eye reduction yet that can get the red out for me!! Of course, I love brown hair and brown eyes. Was trying for dark brown hair with my new hair, but my hairdresser says it won't look right on me (whatever that means!!) Nice to see you in any event!

    Cheri - they crack me up with the snow days, though we have had nary a flake here this year so no snow days so far. Pretty much my school district calls off school for 6 inches or less, already plowed, but has school whenever there's a blizzard that peaks at 2pm, making it impossible to get the kids home. It's really crazy, though I don't envy the poor person in charge of the school/no school decision! Thanks for the Susan update!

    Hey Sige!

    Hey G! Glad to see you posting! That's really great that they're telling you not to be positive (sarcasm) Idiots! You keep right on thinking positive, you know we all are!

    Amy - Well, my son is only 5th grade, but he's doing "How has the way we use electricity changed?" The title is a little off, but what the heck. Basically, he's going to show a regular lightbulb Vs. an energy saving lightbulb. He's going to show my "portable" radio/cassette player from the 90s (a boom box) Vs. my Sony Walkman Vs. an iPod. You get the idea. I'm pretty sure a 7th grader could do a lot with it. And yes, I agree, getting up at 5:30am or whatever crazy time Nicki gets up is not "getting up early" it's called "waking up in the middle of the night" In my book, if the suns not up, it's not daytime yet! (Except for Deb and any other Alaska sisters!)

    OK, I'm sure I still missed someone, but I need to hightail it out of here!!

    Sweet dreams to one and all...
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh my goodness, we have a busy day tomorrow.

    Who is driving the magic carpet?

    We need to be with Karen for her surgery AND

    NS, furballs, furballs, furballs.

    Do you think we have time to stop and say hello to Susan?

    We sure are racking up some frequent flyer miles. We are going to have to plan one heck of a trip when everyone is better.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007

    So ten years ago did anyone like Betty think that they would be telling a story and they would have a sentence that included the words "I took the time to grab my boob" or come to think of it "and my laptop".........just a thought....

    I certainly didn't think I would. LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: I swore I was not gonna take notes. Just pop in and say hello. I have 2 pages, and of course my husband has already told me I have 30 minutes before dinner is ready.

    Sohere we go - on a fast roll.

    Susan: Hope your doing well today. I was really glad to hear you were up and walked with the walker. That is right where you should be. Keep taking the pain meds, but dont get up alone.

    We have a big job tomorrow. Have to be with NS for the core biopsy and have to be with Karen for her 1yr anniversary and surgery. Distorted Humor is ready and Im sure Susan wont mind us borrowing the Magic Carpet. Hey, we steal it all the time anyway.

    Shel: The idea of moving to the Keys sounds really exciting, but also alot of work. But it sure sounds like fun too. And what the heck, why are they giving you a hard time about going back to work. How soon they forget there is a nursing shortage.

    Brenda: Im almost hopeless. But I think Im going back on South Beach. When I did it, I lost alot of weight. And I dont have to think, just dont eat things with sugar.

    Shokk: That was a great analogy. "I took time to grab my boob." Poor Betty, but that statement really made me laugh.

    Michelle: Sometimes it just gets to ya. But Im so addicted. Even when it gets to me I cant stay away, and if you take it away like the other day, well then I need a xanax. And another dang story with insurance. I say we need to to band together. Im so mad, Im ready to lobby. Im so glad about Anthony. Thats the name of my first grand child.

    Karen: Dont you worry. If you get scared we will be there with you. Just wont be holding you hand as they will be doing surgery there. But we will be able to rub the brow of your forehead and assure you all is ok.

    Madison: The fact is I hate being broke and not being able to do things. I want a hair cut, I gotta wait until pay day. My best friend has "alot" of money. She just left Ohare on a plane to Miami. She's going to the Superbowl, South Beach. She's gonna have so much fun. And this is her 3rd time there in 6 months. Think I will pout a bit and get her to take me next time, as there are no vacations planned in this household for a while.

    DebC: I understand the penny thing. When my sister passed away at 46 she always loved Butterflies. When I left the hospital I saw a Monark and I knew she was with me.

    Sherdon: OMG! I hope its not a female and making a nest!! You should get a little kitty. There are so many that need homes, they are easy to take care of, something to love, and they are micers!! And ya know what, it could be Mono. Hope your onc appointment went well.

    OK running outta time. Going faster!!

    Christine: What the heck is the ear thing?

    Peggy!!!! My good friend. I think about you everyday.

    Colleen: Im off the exercise wagon. Im with you, wanna start together next week? Im in. Get my port out one week from today. So even if I dont exercise for 4 days, Ill start dieting. My PS has challenged me so Im gonna lose weight.

    Cheri: Doped up is ok. Susan needs dope to walk, just shouldnt walk alone. Thanks so much for the updates. I miss her smiling face here in the circle.

    Oh Im so talkative. Geez!

    CherylG: Where the heck are you?

    Vickie1: Where are you?

    Hello to Vickie 2, Jasmine, Margaret, Judy, LIni, and of course my dear Amy.

    Amy: I want you to name "my chicken" BB Queen! Stands for "Bulliten Board Queen."

    OK! Gotta go. Its meal time. See ya in the morning.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies,
    I'm here and have been lurking but not posting yet today...sorry to be neglecting you all. Being a bookeeper at the beginning of the year is a's a good thing I love my job!!!
    NS...I saw your, you are beautiful!! Of course I wouldn't have expected anything less.
    Gotta go borrow something to make up for my absence so I'll be back in a bit.
    oh...yup...we are feeling better.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    My favorite song and you are the angels on the street that are always there to pick me up.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Vickie- I LOVE the song. I'm not usually a country music girl, but I like this one

    Deb C
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    Hi Everyone
    Haven't posted lately. Been very busy at work and decided tot ake a mental health break. Was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the bad news these days. But I'm back now
    Impossible to catch up .... no time to take notes

    NS.... saw your picture on the Roll Call thread (another great idea). You are simply beautiful. You actually look exactly like I pictured. I will be there with the rest of the Circle tomorrow holding your hand and whispering encouragement in your ear.

    SUSANMCM... my thoughts are with you, hope you will be home and on the mend real soon. We miss your smiling face and kind words on the boards.

    THONGS .... where on earth do you find all those great pics!!!!! You always make me smile

    DEBC ... so sorry to hear about your Aunt. Hugs to you. I see you are back at work also. Isn't it great to get out and away from BC for a bit?? I am so exhausted at the end of the day .... but it's great to get back to "semi normal"

    Gotta go now
    Hugs and prayers to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    I love that song too lifted my spirits through chemo! I like country music but I like lots of other kinds too. Don't be swiping all my chocolate either LOL. Actually I will share with all my sisters. I can't wait till July...what fun we could have...just don't make me do the "she hates me's" LOL.
    Karen...I know all about the anniversary...I was "offically" dx'd the day after Nathaniels 7th birthday. I still have moments when all I have to do is look at him and have to go to the garage and cry my eyes the whole..."it's not fair" thing...sending you hugs.
    Betty...that was quite a story...grabbing your boobs and laptop!
    Sheri...hope your appointment went ok.
    ChristineK...your hair looks marvelous as do you! I sooo hope to keep my curls but it's not looking like I will...don't care...its HAIR!!!
    Nicki...loved the rooster story. If I get time I'll post mine tomorrow. See you in the morning LOL...
    I'm eating breakfast at Colleens in the morning before work!
    NS...I got a response from you letter!!! I have to send them statements from Suburban Energy for the past four years...they assigned me a case manager and a reference number! Thank you thank you thank you...look out Suburban Energy! You are the greatest.
    Lini...THAT'S IT...ONLY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN GET BC...LOOK AT ALL OF US!! You better stick around here a bit more...I'm cooking up something good for this weekend.
    Cheri...thanks for the update on Susan.
    Mena...let us know about your son. Still pretty interested in the lobotomy LOL.
    Look out Madison as we are on our way!
    Shel...I am hoping and praying that all your wishes for a new job and life come true. I love Florida and can come visit you if my daughter ends up staying there.
    Tracey...did you get that node checked out yet? I truly think it's nothing...maybe an infection.
    Peggy...miss you when your not here!
    Amy...glad to see you have help with the animals. Have you picked names for the new additions yet? I'd never keep them straight!!! Nathaniel names his goldfish and knows who is who...I have no clue!
    Sending hugs to everyone.
    Missing soooo many and I'm sorry...just still tired out and off to bed to see if maybe I can sleep.
    Love you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok...back again.
    HELP ME...I can't come up with a fun weekend cyber party. We could dance naked around the bonfire and howl at the moon but I'm hoping someone can help me out here and give me some ideas...been sick this week and I'm ready now to head out to "borrow" some party supplies! Kind of homesick for the wagon circle so I think we should stay "home" this weekend and I'll bring the fun to us...sooo...what shall it be ladies?
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Hi Peggy, Colleen.

    Christine, love the new look.

    Mena, if you didn't see Top Chef, skip my post so you can be surprised.

    NS, good luck tomorrow. I'm glad it turned out like it did. And how did Padma get the job? I liked the other host better. Did you like how Marcel really put the blame on everyone else - definitely not a team player. I'll look into sharing your movie so everyone can see it.

    Susan, hope you are doing well.

    Karen, good luck to you tomorrow as well.

    So Madison is going to be our hostess huh? Are you ready for us?

    Shel, I'm with Nicki. The Keys sounds fun and exciting.

    Vickie, where's NS' picture? I missed it. I'd love to know what NS wrote for you that got the ball rolling on the Suburban issue.

    Weight Watchers chili I'm cooking smells so good. Back later.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hey Vickie- I vote for a good old fashion TOGA party!!!! Toga, toga, TOGA!
    Deb C
    Who has a red silk sheet all ready to TOGA. I'm a party animal, but a CLASSY party animal LOL
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    COURTESY OF ALASKA DEB!!! PARTY ANIMAL THAT SHE IS. No sleeping after two drinks Deb...who knows what Cheri and Mena might do to you LOL!

    Margaret...NS's picture is posted under the "Roll Call" thread...she's a beauty as we all are.
    Hugs and sweet dreams dear sisters,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Vicki! They assigned you a case manager?? THAT MEANS THEY WILL BE CONTACTING THEM! Oh that sure gets their attention!!! All you needed was to make it "personal" with the AG- works every time!!!

    Margaret- that would be great if you could tell me how to put them on a site like photobucket but one that is video sharing for Windows Media Player. I liked Billy Joel's wife better as the host. You could tell that Padma hated Elia. And Marcel showed what a little whiney weasel he really is!

    Madison and Nicki, you all go straight to Karen's surgery with the carpet- I have to be there so early I don't want you two flying it in the dark!

    Toga party! LOL Deb!

    Amy, I love Mazer- tell her not to start anything until after they are done ok??

    Colleen- as far as I am concerned I am still NED until a path report tells me different!

    Cheryl I am so glad you checked in!

    MB- I took more steps today than yesterday!

    I am forgetting a bunch of you...I have to go to bed early- I hate that!

    I am nervous about the pain tomorrow. Three cores through the nipple is not my idea of fun, especially when I can't take pain killers because I am allergic to all of them! But I won't know anything until probably Monday so as far as I am concerned- I am going to be NED at the Toga Party!

    Love you all -- good luck Karen!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    NS, just wanted to wish you well tomorrow. We're with you. And that was Billy Joel's wife?

    Karen, good luck to you too.

    And isn't Mena's son having surgery tomorrow too?

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ladies....
    been a long day.... well it was a long night last night as i had company till 11:00 pm then had to work today...
    ok i just want to share my good news.... my lymph node is gone down in swelling......... whooooohooooooooo..... i can hardly feel it now......
    by tomorrow i am sure it will all be gone!!!!
    so anyways going to work on some homework and bbl
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Ok Judy and Cheri on yor scars you really need to message the scar tissue to break it up, after letting the inital healing to take place. If you don't message it and break it up it will adhear to the tissue around it and get "stuck" and then it hurts when you stretch it. So start with gentle circles and then strat deepening the message after a few days. it may take a while to lossen up the scar tissue but keep at it as you can tolerate it. You will have to do this for several years. I had my knuckle in my thumb replaced a few years ago and my therapist told me I have to keep messaging the scar to keep it loose so I can move my thumb.

    Anne, I hope things worked out for you yesterday.

    NS I can't remember the name of our three fires. I wanted to add them to the picture of our circle I did. it's kinda crude as I'm not an artist and was playing at work when I did it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Tracey, that's just great news! I'm so glad for you. I know you're very relieved.

    your pal