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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Hello, my name is Madison, and I am a bc boardaholic, also. I don’t think there is a cure for this. I had to take deep relaxing breaths yesterday when the website was down….oh no, where were all of you? how were you ?

    DebC, so sorry about your Aunt Leah, but what a wonderful woman she was.

    Susan, thank goodness there is strength in numbers… hospital personnel can kick the cg’s out of a room, no matter how many we are….hope you are doing okay…check in when you can.

    NS, you know the chant is still furballs, furballs, furballs. I think I should have left Baby, my cat, in that box, because she stalks our staircase and that bad cat scratched me yesterday when I was coming down the stairs….But today she was nice and wanted to be held….I think Baby has a split personality. I may loan her out to a clinic to study different personalities.

    Karen, FANTASTIC, all your blood work came back normal. You deserve feeling good after all you have been through. How is your Dad?

    Tracey, what’s up? Have you scheduled an appointment? Let us know when you are going so the magic carpet can pick us up. If Susan can’t drive, we’ll designated a driver (no wine before you take the wheel).

    Welcome shokk.

    Vickie, glad you and Nate are feeling better. Yuck, strep throat. Glad you and Jeannie had lunch and can’t wait to see the pics. I have to admit I have developed crochet arm (right arm had frozen shoulder back in Sept.), but I am still managing to finish some square.

    Vickie 2, welcome. Now you don’t have to have your first cup of coffee by yourself. Nicki is GREAT about fixing some vittles and gathering us around the fire.

    Odalys, I just noticed that you brought that gorgeous hunk of man in the circle. WOW. I just love pilots.

    Cheri, I am sure you dd wanted your help when her son was sick. There is nothing like a mother to help when times are scary. I am glad her son is feeling better.

    Amy, can we have a naming contest for your new critters? Do you have any roosters? I can still remember the cock-a-doodle-do from my childhood. Roosters do not come with an off button.

    Liz, how is your FIL?

    Carrie, YEA on the B9 result for Denise.

    MB, hope you are feeling better.

    MENA---you had us worried. Glad to see you.

    Oh no, lunchtime is over and I have to work.

    Hello to everyone I missed, welcome all new, take care and see everyone tonight. Boardaholics have to come visit often.

    I really have to go, the phone is starting to ring, ring, ring,

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Hello Madison,

    no names for the critters as of yet. Well the male duck is names Uconn but thats the only 1 I have named. Cute story,,they came from a student of my SO and the family is moving to Australia so she knew my SO had a farm and would take care of them so she asked her if she wanted them. Well when she went to pick them up the girl had a 5 year old sister. The dad went into the chicken house to get them and hand them out and the first one he handed out the 5 year old said, nooooooooo not gladys, and the mother explained that the chickens couldnt go to Australia then the next one came out and she said nooooooooo,,not Ethyl and the mother explained again. The 5 year old then asked my SO,,well do you have a barn? My SO said yes I do,,the 5 year old said do you live in it? My SO said well I dont live in my barn but I have one. She then said will you feed them and love them and read stories to them? Needless to say the 5 year old decided they were going to a good home. It sure would be tough to move off like that and have to leave your animals though.

    ok let the naming contest begin...8 chickens, 1 rooster and 6 ducks all females except for the male named Uconn.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Since I'm such a big chicken about everything you can name one of them after me LOL!
    I think you should figure out which two ducks pick on each other the most and name them Cheri and Mena...sorry girls...couldn't help myself. Love ya both!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    oh vickie you arent a big chicken,,you fought the beast and kicked butt and thats not a chicken in my book.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    hmmm...your right...but they nearly have to sedate me to get me out of the car the day of my surgery!!! Seriously...fingerprints in the dashboard!!!
    Hugs Amy
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahahah chicken naming contest...
    ok the rooster should be romeo or stud muffin lol egbert.
    and here is a few chicken names... bee bee...yolk, daquiri, hip and hop,chipper,faye, dina,tweets,killer,daisy,rollie,ummm i will think of some more...heheheheh
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    In honor of our new wagon circle chickens: Let's do the chicken dance!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Oaky, alright, I'll admit it.

    I HAVE DONE THE CHICKEN DANCE a time or two in my life.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahaha i love the chicken.... check this chicken out!!!

    doing the chicken

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited January 2007
    Just have time for a brief HI. My grands are here till monday. Me thinks I'm gonna be tired. I'm feeling so much better today but still a bit dumpy.
    Have a great week, just in case I don't get a chance to pop back in.
    Hoping to see an update on Susan.

    Deb, your family is in my prayers. I'm sorry for your loss.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2007
    Hi CG's - I'm at work but had to sneek a peek. Boy, I'm addicted already and I haven't even figured out how to follow everyone's posts yet. This board goes by fast...I love it.
    I did see Madison noticed the hunk I brought in the other night. Glad you like him too. He is just yummy!!!! Shhhhh...DH can't find out or I'll be in big trouble.

    Just joking ladies......

    Back later...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    ok I will step forward and say I have done the chicken dance a time or two also.

    hmm thongs for some reason killer just doesnt seem like a name I would want for a pet chicken,,lol have to admit daquiri is kinda cute. could have a martini, a daquiri and a cosmo, margarita oh my and its not even 5 o clock yet buttttttttttt its awfully dang close. I would have to throw some wine names in there also for all my wine drinking circle girls also. I'm not a wine person, I can do my share of whining but the drinking it is just not for me. I try and I try and it looks like I should like it but I guess I am just not that sophisticated maybe. lol.

    come on clock,,move faster I am ready to hit the road running.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Amy, don't read the nighttime story with the book that is about "the sky is falling, the sky is falling?" Wasn't it Heny-Penny or a name similar to that? The little gals will never go to sleep because they will keep waiting for the roof to cave in.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2007
    Yep it was henny penny,,the sky is falling the sky is falling. Not only henny penny but ducky daddles, goosey loosey, turkey lurkey, and foxy loxy.

    Hmmm,,funny that I can remember a childhood story but cant remember what I did yesterday. lol

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hmmm...I'm thinking Colonel Saunders for the rooster LOL.
    Uploading pictures of me and Jeannie and her grandbaby Sam so I'll be back.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Well first of all this is ridiculous. I just made notes from alllllll the posts since I was here this morning. And now I cant read the darn things.

    Its very cold here in Chicago and come Monday they are saying the high is gonna be 4 degrees. I think I might have whined a little too much about having such a mild Winter. And my poor car is dirty again. Only snowed about an inch but enough salt and slush. Doesnt look new anymore.

    So I saw my PS today. Thought he was gonna say see ya in a year, but no, wants to see me in 3 months. I officially told him no mipples. So he says, I want to put in bigger implants. I said - no way, no day! Im done. And all I have to do is lose some weight, they will look bigger then. So there this puffiness under my boobs. He says whats this? I say its fat, its fat. Then I panicked and said it is fat isnt it. And guess what. Its fat. So I see him in 3 months, wants to see how much weight I lose. He is such a cutie.

    And I have another time restraint. Husband is cooking dinner. I have 20 mintues and thats not anywhere near as much time as I need.

    Susan: 24 hours post op. Day 1 and the worst day is over. Sending you a big hug. And would you please ask the nurse for a visitors bed. Distorted Humor and I need to sleep in comfort.

    Cheri: Thank you for the update on Susan. Tell her I have been thinking about her and ask her if she has any medical questions and stuff.

    Vickie2: New Vickie is really Vickie number 1. And Chemobrain is real. Still have it, just not as bad and I one year out of chemo.

    Vickie: Sounds like you and Jeannie had a grand time. I cant wait for the pictures. It was just the other night that my husband said to me "you all should find a central place to meet" but that sure would be tough. Alaska to Florida. My vote is New Orleans. Madison can host us all Ha ha ha.

    Jasmine: I met my husband 32 years ago dancing to the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B! I love to jitter bug.

    Anne: Have kept you in the middle of the circle. I hope things worked out.

    Mena: I was driving down 294 which goes right by Ohare airport. There was this huge billboard, had a picture of you in that bathing suit, and where to call! And Ha ha! I laughed at the lobotomy thingie. What kind of surgery is your son having?

    OK - I been given the word. 10 mintues - so I gotta be fast and furious.

    Colleen: Im the queen of thinking every symptom is cancer. My PCP gave me a talk about that last week.

    Cheri: Ahahahaha daily newspaper. That was good.

    Joyce and Denise: Hope you both had a good days.

    Jan: Dang, another surgery! Hate the thoughts of it. And when it comes to insurance companies this is a fact. Just like the oil companies, insurance companies are making huge and I mean huge profits. At the expense of us!

    Tracey: Glad the LE is getting better. Thanks for the laughes.

    MB and Sherloc: And everyone else that has a cold. I know why your sick. We didnt bring you to the medic tent. Liz and I have just been so busy. So make sure to come by. Lots of Chicken soup, blankets, and healing light. Oh and any medication of your choice.

    Amy: Unlike Tracey who could spit out 10 names without taking a breath. I need to think about it.

    Madison: I had big time withdrawal myself.

    Ok I gotta go. Hope I didnt miss anyone.

    See ya in the morning. That is after I exercise.

    Oh and did I say Margaret and Brenda that weight watchers sounds hard? It sounds hard to me.

    Love ya

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2007
    Dang it, lost my post.

    Shirley, you wanted to hear about Susan. I talked to her at the hospital this morning after she'd had a big breakfast of oatmeal & pancakes that she said wasn't bad food. Said the surgery went just fine and to tell you all she was doing well. She'd tried to call Robin before going to the hospital but couldn't reach her. Said she'd try her again after she got home. I'll call Susan again tomorrow at the hopital & give another update

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Ok Ladies...Lunch pictures with Jeannie
    But first
    Introducing baby Sam!!!

    And now Jeannie and Vickie1


    Had a lovely time! Thanks Jeannie!
    Need to take some notes and come back in a ya ladies!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Vickie: Awwwwww! Those are great.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2007
    Cheri, thank you for the update on Susan. I agree with Nicki, tomorrow will be a better day for her.

    Vickie, GREAT PICS.

    Well, I have to cook supper (But no CHICKEN tonight).....My mind is a whirlwind thinking of chicken it may be a vegetable night....

    Amy, my vet daughter loved doing her large animal rotation in vet school when they were taking care of the donkeys....

    See you later....

    Hum, Huey, Duey and Louey (oh, those were Disney Ducks).

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Vicke ~
    Really cool pics. Just a quick hi since I am just about ready to leave work. Yep, finally went to work today after a 2-day something or another with a BAD cold.

    I used to love doing the chicken dance. It was a riot. Still do it sometimes.

    Better go for now.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2007
    Ok Dinner was great. I had to come back cause NS, I forgot about you. I was saving you till last. What a great picture. Meowwwww! Meowwww! Today is almost over, that leaves tomorrow, then come Friday you will get the core biospy done. Going through this journey has taught us one thing and that the "count down."

    You asked about Valium. Thats pretty strong stuff. Its good, but really not used too much anymore and much more addicting than xanax and ativan. Now dont get me wrong they are addicting too. If I were you I would take whatever to help you get through this. I noticed this morning, Distorted Humor was pacing. Back and forth. After I gave him a treat, he confided he was worried about you. Says he will run the million for ya. And Win!!

    OK now I really have to go. Stay safe tonight everyone.

    Keeping our dear MJ in the middle of the circle.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
    Hi my name is Vickie1 and I am a boardaholic...I DO NOT NEED HELP...JUST DON'T LET OUR SITE GO DOWN AGAIN. Bout went crazy yesterday wondering when it would come back and praying it would!!!
    Nicki...lets hear the rooster story...sounds like it's a good one. I have one too that's pretty funny in a sick sort of way. I still have chemo brain after 8 months and was starting to freak out a bit but I guess its normal. My oncologist said that it will start to go away one year after your last then I'll probably have dementia!
    Vickie2...nice to have you here...our names are even spelled the same which is unusual as everyone wants to spell it with an i or a y.
    Colleen...everything gives me fear of reoccurance. Was freaking out on Sunday as I literally slept all day and was just totally wiped out. Only strep...yippee...which is a strange thing to say...happy it's strep and not the big C. you always get that much snow? I thought that Denver was generally pretty mild.
    Texassunrise...great poem...thank you.
    So happy that Susan is doing well.
    Anne...jump right in and join the sisterhood. Sending prayers your way.
    Mena...oh if you decide on the lobotomy...bring me along...pretty please! Why is your son having surgery? seeing you. How is hubby? Back to work and busy I hope. and Mena are quite a pair...always bring me a laugh and I'm gonna start watching those billboards!
    Madison...uhoh...looks like you've been picked as the central meeting point. Watch for a wagon train coming your way!
    Odalys...geez I gotta go back and find that hunk!
    Alwayshope...watched the Chicken Dance and ended up with the song stuck in my head. Sitting at my desk humming it and everyone thought that I'd lost my mind!

    NS...I GOT A RESPONSE FROM MARIO!!! Thank you thank you thank you. They want a statement from Suburban from the time I first became a customer so I'm calling Suburban tomorrow and having them fax it to me at work. You are a doll. Still chanting furballs for you daily!
    Ok...gotta go find something to eat...Nate raided the fridge and ate the leftovers as soon as we got home...I swear he has a wooden leg but it's good to see him eating again!
    Missing a bunch of you but you are all in my thoughts.
    Love you sisters,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    OMG! That is hilarious. Love that JD!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2007

    Me too...even though he steals my makeup and looks sexier than me...even when his hair is a mess!!! LOL

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2007
    hahah those are great!!!
    its not a chicken dance but its pretty funny!!!

    dance with me baby

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2007
    Hey ladies. Taking a break from life for a few...and of course I come here

    I want to know what the HECK you guys type in the search engines to find photos of sexy kangaroos and Jack Sparrow doing the chicken dance??? I never find the really good stuff….

    Don’t even get me started on chicken stories…I love the name Cr. Sanders for the rooster’s name. We had a white duck and a brown duck named Milk and Quackers. We had chickens named Fluffer and Duster, Henny and Penny, Fluffy and Puffy…you get the picture.

    Our birds also are the only animals in our family that have their names changed periodically… Like one of our Crested Polish hens. First we thought she was a Rooster so we named her IronClaw because she clutched your arms so hard when we would hold her. Then we found out she was a hen and she grew this amazing Carmen Miranda top knot of feathers, so her name became Fluffy. The she broke her leg and when we took her little splint off (Yes, we made a splint for our hen and fed her by hand for 5 weeks while it healed) Her name changed to Hoppy because she walks with a hop now. I know, we’re nuts, but you already knew that! LOL

    I love the idea of a drinking theme for the whole flock. Who is a famous bartender? That could be the rooster’s name. Let’s see….Frangelico could be nicknamed Fran. A red hen could be bloody Mary, Vermouth would be a good one, or Banshee ( a banana cream cocoa drink)

    You could have fun with a theme…..

    I love the photos of Sam, Jeannie and Vickie! Sam is already trying to pick up the ladies…he’s winking Toooooo cute

    I am getting ready to go to a family meeting to try and plan Aunt Leah’s funeral. I volunteered to write the obituary and need to get the spelling right for all the kids, grand kids and great grandkids.

    Love all of you
    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2007
    Oh my gosh my golly (what are those the lyrics to? does anyone know? or am I just the biggest geek that ever lived?)

    Sneaking in real quick while my son finishes up his homework, cause I know I'll be too tired later. OK, I know I was gone for a month, but I don't remember this many posts in just one day! What an amazing site and thread this is, with everyone checking in on each other and sharing a laugh or two. It's kind of like one big office or something, but the kind where everyone gets along!!

    OK, Vickie, OH MY GOODNESS what a cute picture!! So glad you guys had fun at lunch.

    Jan, Amy, Vicki and Vickie2, Denise, Madison, Tracey, AlwaysHope, Shirley, Odalys, Nicki, Cheri, Deb, NS, Susan, Mena, Liz, Karen, Joy, Anne, shokk, carrie, purpleMB, OK that's all I can remember (plus I cheated a little by scrolling!!) so to everyone around the circle good night, sweet dreams, and I have to be up early in the AM, so I'll be whipping up some pancakes from some crazily expensive pancake mix I got as a gift (Stonewall Kitchen) with blueberries or chocolate chips (my son is a fan of the chocolate chips!), butter and real maple syrup. We're maple syrup snobs here, well, sort of, it's real maple syrup, but it's from BJs... LOL
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    Wow this thread really moves VERY quickly. It can be very intimidating for fairly new (2-weeker on boards) like me. Also, being on the West Coast I seem to miss a lot unless I scroll several pages back.

    NS ~ Your GREAT idea of starting the Welcome to the Circle was and is wonderful.

    Has anyone here in the circle had a REDUCTION with a lumpectomy or at any time? Does the discoloring and scaring stay there forever? The lumpectomy scaring is also discolored and the doc says that scars are forever, but I am not so sure about that. I have talked to people that have had implants and their scars were gone before 6 mos. This is over 2 years.

    Colleen - Count me in for the Chocolate Chip pancakes.

    Is anyone watching the GREASE tryouts on Sunday nights? DH and I think some of them should go on American Idol.

    I guess I can't view the Circle movie. I tried at work and home today and no such luck.

    Better go for now. Take care all and lots of hugs.