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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    G - I am so sorry! What a nightmare for you. I'm assuming there was some very valid reason not to do the mammo first - geesh! I hope you continue to rest well, and you know we are all pulling for furballs for you!

    Everyone else, hey there and hope all is well! I'm sneaking in when I shouldn't be (supposed to be working) cause I'm leaving for NH in a few hours. Will get dreadfully behind again, so will just jump back in when I get back either Sunday night or Monday AM and not stress about what I've missed!

    I'm very jealous that I'm missing the toga party though!! The jello shots look so pretty Deb! Have a fabulous time girls!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007

    They do the mammo after the procedure to take a picture of the clips. Clips can move and this way they have documentation. My clip moved quite a distance away from my original core biopsy site. Thank goodness they had documentation otherwise they may have missed the 4mm ILC when during the excisional.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good day ladies....
    its 11:25 am here and i am at work till 3
    ns.... ugh 17 times....i have been thinking about you all day!!! i am glad this part is over.... now i know its more waiting and i am not a good waiter.... just want you to know you are a very special person to me... and it may look bad right now but its going to be either b9 or stage 1....i am not sure if this is a recurrence or is it your other breast?

    deb........omg look at all those jello shooters.... whhhhooooooooooottt party in debs wagon... no particual colour as i will drink them all if your not looking.... but i will need a hangover wagon...

    laura i am sorry this is getting worse for need to stay strong and dont let him walk all over you anymore!!!! your a beautiful woman!!!

    i have to work all this weekend again but after work sunday i am going out to a friends ranch to watch the super bowl... i dont even know who is playing but i will go for the food, entertainment and of course the adult beverages..............LOL.... so i need to find me a designated driver!!!
    bbl today
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007 time to read every post this AM...Whoever asked if we can start early on the jello shots better hurry up, I started last night!

    G~ sending you the gentlest of hugs. You are a brave (and I don't use that word lightly) beautiful woman. Get some rest and we will be here no matter what!

    Sending love to everyone else who has surgeries and tests today.

    I think we should start the party as soon as anyone is ready...and I'M READY! We are Circle Girls. We are sisters. We need to laugh in the face of the beast and let it know it WILL NOT WIN! Sisterhood is stronger than any pansy-a$$ rogue cells.

    Off to find a few laurel crowns for our wariours to wear to the party.

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    found a gold crown for our wariours! Party on girls
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Found some seating for the party
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007

    Deb - can I call on you the next time my son needs pictures for a school project? We had quite a time trying to find examples of "mechanical energy" and some other kind of energy I can't even remember the name of, never mind find a picture for!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    A few drinks to get us started
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    Mmmmmmmmmm're singin' my song!

    I was just checking in to see how NS and Pepper are...

    (((NS)))...glad to see you made it through okay...hope the pain lessens and you have a chance to rest...sounds like a major ordeal! Once again, your spirit is amazing.

    (((Pepper)))...sending you gentle hugs & good thoughts for today.


    PS: And a big hug & hello to all you others!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon circle girls,

    wow that a nice magic carpet ride this morning. Sorry Cheri but you may have lost your drivers seat after the stunt you pulled the last time. We were holding on for dear life and you were laughing the entire time. Thank goodness we had a good driver this time because we had lots of ground to cover.

    NS-sorry Mazer was disturbing during the procedure but she was trying to keep your mind busy. She was kinda bored since the doctor behaved so she decided to flirt a bit with distorted humor. I gave her the talk when we got back but she just rolled her eyes at me and smacked her lips trying to get all the cinnamon bun off of them. Glad you are home and I am still sticking to my chant of furballs, furballs, furballs. By the way,,your a hottie! For some reason I thought you were older,,I guess its because you are so wise,,ya think? Thinking of you and hoping the pain isnt too bad.

    karen-hoping your procedure is going well. I know you will be glad to have this behind you. Mazer promised she wouldnt act the same way that she did while NS was getting her surgery done. We will seeeeeeeeeee.

    Mena-hope your son is doing ok from his knee? surgery. How did the lobotomy go? Did your daughter live through it?

    Susan-listen to the doctors and dont over do it. We miss you around here though and cant wait to have you back.

    pepper-I know you dont drop by here often but thinking of you today and hoping for excellent results.

    boy I tell ya, our medic wagon is going to be busy with all these surgeries going on. I can lend everyone a pupster to cuddle with if that helps any? Believe me I have enough to go around.

    Deb-toga partyyyyyyyyyyyyy,,wooohoooooooooo. jello shots too! I want red. happy birthday a day early since I dont usually sign on over the weekend. I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I read that beer gives you the farts. Not sure what was so funny about it but it sure gave me a big laugh. Especially since I drank beer last night,,,,watch out.

    Tracey-hoping your work day goes by fast. Enjoy the super bowl even if you dont know whos playing,,lol. Super bowl parties are the best. Just remember to say Go bears and you will be all right!

    Nickie-speaking of da bears. I bet you are getting awfully excited about sundays game. I sure hope they win. Loved your rooster story and shared it with my SO last night over dinner. Thanks for breakfast this morning,,it was great. Normally I am not up at that time but I knew the magic carpet would be by to get mazer and myself early so we got up to be ready. I sure didnt want to get left. I also took my dramamine because I wasnt sure if Cheri was driving or not?!?!

    Vickie-looks like the party is coming together. Deb has been out borrowing all kinds of things. Nice mirror you got there,,think we can keep it?

    madison-you are doing an excellent job covering for Vickie. Extra jello shots for you!

    Colleen-have fun in NH. We will miss you.

    Judy-congrats on losing the big 10. You are doing excellent.

    LauraB-glad to see you popping in. We hae been worried about you. Hang in there girl. We've got your back,,dont you worry.

    ok got to go get some work done but I will be checking back in no doubt. Amy
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007

    This is the time to live up to your screen name, girl! No Surrender! I am so sorry you had to live through your procedure this morning, but you made it. I'm sending healing thoughts, restful sleep, and prayers your way.

    Gentle hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies just checking in say TGIF!
    ns glad your home, sorry it was so tuff! keeping postive thoughts for you!

    DEb, pom martini's are one of my faves! but beer or wine are also fine!!!! I think we should make our toga's pink!

    I hope everyone is ready to have a good weekend!
    it's very cold here and getting colder each day, we haven't had any snow yet, keep waiting for the big one.
    Nicki ready for some football????

    I am mentally trying to get ready for my app't on Monday. proctologist,never been 1 st time. any heads up advice?? may have to get colonoscopy. have been having issues in that area, anyone else? I hope it's just hemmoriods(sorry if TMI) it's been going on for 3 or 4 months now......really embarrassed to go but more afraid not to!

    I will be checking back in soon! have a great day!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    i love doing these but i usually blow them out

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I knew there was something odd about those dwarves. Whew, now I understand why they were ALL after me.

    I am REALLY gonna need some of those jello shots in Deb's refrig...

    Michele, I had a colonscopy done in December (at the advise of my onc)....all clear, don't have to do IT again for 5 years. They do knock you out so you don't remember ANYTHING.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    NS, you know I wish that magic carpet could land on your doorstep RIGHT NOW because I promise you we WOULD all be there with you RIGHT NOW to help.

    HUGS, Madison
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls, as usual it’s going to take me awhile to get caught up. I did see a TOGA party is planned. I’m glad to see that we’re starting early. I slipped on the snow/ice day before yesterday and have hurt my back. Nothing is helping so I’m going to stay in the Hoochie tent tonight. LOL FIL is still in the hospital. My husband’s family doesn’t ask a question. Not sure what's going on. I haven’t gone up there since I can’t move.

    NS, sorry you had to go through the biopsies. I’m still chanting furballs until we know otherwise. Whatever happens, know that we’re here for you. You are an amazing woman. Gentle hugs.

    Peggy, so good to see you.

    DebC so sorry about your Aunt Leah. I loved the story of the penny. Did you “borrow” all those things?

    Tracey have a good time at the party. Who cares who’s playing as long as there’s good food, friends and booze! LOL BTW it’s the Bears vs. Colts.

    Mena, hope your son is doing okay and how did the lobotomy go? I can so relate to wanting to do that. How are you?

    Vickie, love the pics of the dwarfs! LOL I fall into each category.

    Michele, hope your appt goes well on Monday. Hope it’s just hemorrhoids.

    Cheri did you get this nasty weather? Thanks for checking with Susan. Glad to hear she’s doing well.

    Sher, how are the grands?

    Nicki, you’re not getting excited about Sunday are you? My son’s birthday is Sunday and he’s got a big bash planned. LOL

    I’ve missed many so am going to go read and will bbl.

    So good to meet all the new ladies.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Om my lord!! Good Evening Everyone: I havent even begun to read all of your posts but theres 2 pages so I guess Ill be taking alot of notes. And TGIF! Husband is working at a pub tonight so no time limits!! I can eat dinner whenever I want. Nananananana.

    Its 9 degress here with a windchill below zero. I froze my booty off cause I wanted to get gas. Its gonna be colder than that on Monday - so we really are having a cold, cold week.

    Toga Party? Im all in, but if ya all dont mind, Im coming in my warm winter jammies, with my warm slippers and my big warm robe. Hey Deb, I look like Im from Alaska lol.

    Ok! Now that I read all the posts, Im gonna put a pink toga over my pink jammies.!

    OK! I am sooooooo excited about the Bears. Its been 21 yeears. It's been so much fun here in Chicago. Everyone in the area, and I mean everyone wore Bears stuff today. Cars driving with Bears flags. Remember when spandex was popular? Well I have a pair of white spandex pants that go just below my knees. Look just like what football players wear. So I went to work today looking like Brian Urlacher. The city is just going crazy. On Sunday, Im just gonna suck on a xanax lollipop all through the game. Im so hoping we win. And its weird, cause we are playing the Colts. Now remember, Indiana is only about a 30 to 45 minute drive from Chicago. Too weird. And both teams have such class. OK enough about football. But some of you asked and IM GOING CRAZY WITH EXCITEMENT!

    Once again I have taken notes and once again I cant read half of what I wrote! Whats up with that? But here we go!!

    Margaret: I hate those nights when I dont sleep well and I still think its too weird about the 3:00am thing. They talked about the 3:00 thing in the movie "White Noise" which I actually thought was pretty good. I liked it more the second time around. And Yippeeeee I found a breakfast you could eat on WW.

    Madison and Vickie#1: What are we gonna do with the 2 of you. Im the one following behind giving all the excuses!! Although I did hear that Madison did a great job driving and directing. Vickie the magic mirror and dwarves were great. It made me think of a song I hear alot. Your Beuatifulllll Your Beautifulllllll Your Beautifulllllll to me.

    Odalys: There is so much Bear stuff here, but Im so jealous. My best friend flew into Miami last night. She's going to the Superbowl, South Beach (has private pass) and hopefully on Sunday night will be living it up. Heard it was 78 degrees there today. Dang, I need to move to Florida.

    Judy: OMG, congratulations on the wt. loss. I figure now I wont start until after my port comes out which is this coming Thursday. Then Im gonna get serious cause my PS challenged me.

    LauraB: Im an "Thats Okay" or "Whatever" kind of gal. And listen up, this is a Toga party, we want the down and dirty, but only if we can bash Ray this week-end. Bashing seems to go very well with Pinot Grigio and Deb "blue" jello shots. We might not have blue umbrellas and we might not have pool boys, but we do have men in Togas. Im glad to see some of your humor back, because way back when on the chat - you sure made me laugh and smile an awful lot.

    Colleen: Hope you have a grand time in NH! But Imr eally gonna miss ya. Want a jello shot for before you go?

    Lini: I love how you just sneak in. Always good to see you.

    Tracey: I have to tell ya, you brought tears to my eyes. You have always been such a great support on the chat and here on the boards. You kinds words to NS were admired by me. Now! Since you didnt know who was playing at the Super Bowl, and now you know one of them are my beloved Bears. Please go into the party with a purpose and cheer for my guys. They must win or I will be a shattered, heartbroken person.

    OK! OMG! For one minute I was knocked off my computer. Came back on and went to the Welcome thread and thought - I lost everything!!!! Oh Im so glad I didnt lose what I wrote. Please, please, please - dont feel lost here for everyone thats new. Just start now and dont worry about what happened even 2 hours ago. You dont have to answer everyone.

    Peggy! Now you litenhere girl! This is a Toga party. We need to relax, cause way too much has happened the last week or 2. So you need to have a few jello shots and just relax. I sure miss your humor!!! And since I burned all my Barbie dolls - geez! what else do I have?

    Amy: Oh I must apologize. Ya see we still have a problem in this household. My one female animal is still in heat. So the male cat tries to hump her, the male dog walks around licking like he has a piece of taffy stuck on his lip and well Distort Humor, he did alot of smelling today. Poor Mazer, she is such a lady, and he knows he has to wait, but he was a little excited this morning. Someone please tell me when will this end.

    Michellle: I sure hope everything goes well with you appointment on Monday. My doctors keep pushing for a colonoscopy and I keep saying "Whatever". But the proctologist reminds me of one of my favoite Seinfelds TV shows. Where Kramer mistakenly get the licensce plates of a protologist and its ASSMAN! Hope you smiled for a bit, but hey, good luck Monday.

    Liz: I knew it. In my heart I thought rule out GI bleed. Hope your FIL is ok. Man Im so sorry about your back. Im in the hoochie tent with you. And Im celebrating tonight, so you can find me under the bar. Seems I have a funny little cigarette to smoke tonight.

    Brenda: Oh my, what a great idea. We need the chocolate fountain tongith. I just loved the Sister Circle. It says it all. And Snowflake, Im in love with Snowflake. Habe always been partial to Albino anything. Cats, Dogs, Squirels, and now a Dear.

    Anne: OMG Im still laughing. Ahahahahaha and what will we be putting in the fountain. Im dying here.

    Ok! So my big sage for the day which doesnt comapre to everything that is going on. I get my port out Thursday. They are making such a big deal about this is makes me sick. All I want is a local. But nooooooo! Monday I have to go for "pre op testing" Whats up with that - again! They are putting me out with IV anesthesia! Everytime I go to that outpatient surgery department I freak out. 5 surgeries later!! Only have to work 3 days this week. Now I really feel like a drama queen, but they are making a big drama out of this.

    OK my friends, Im getting hungry. Time to go scurry up some food. Pork Cutlets tonight, no gravy and a nice Salad with Balsamic Vinegar imported from Italy.

    Have a great evening and TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! If I'm not passed out from all these jello shots Ill be back later. Otherwise I will see ya in the morning.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    NS: Today has been a rough one thats for sure. Please take something stronger than plain Tylenol. And now, just sit back - cant do anything over the week-end. Just spend some time with us.

    Karen: By now your surgery is over and Im hoping all is well.

    Pepper: Like someone else said, we dont see you much here, but many of us know whats going on and we are thinking about you.

    Mena: Hoping your sons surgery went well. And your such a teese. In one day and out the next. We miss ya girl.

    Susan: 3 days post op. Moving towards rehab and out of that clinical setting, I hope soon. Have been thinking about you all week, especially when I had to evaluate people with total knee replacements.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    beer bong anyone???????that goes with Toga doesn't it????

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    TOGA!!! My toga is black and sexy, 'cause I feel like it.

    Nicki - Are you calling me a "sneaky little B...."? Reminds me of my BC.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Ahahaha LIni! I just love to see you!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    We haven't had a concert in awhile and every good Toga party needs some good music. How about:

    Louie, Louie
    Walk Like An Egyptian
    Stray Cat Strut

    Any suggestions??
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Happy Friday girls.
    Just a fly by. Not going to be able to make the party. My daughter would be seriously pissed if I let the kids loose in the hoochie tent. Maybe I'll peek in after bedtime.

    Liz, the grands are wearing me out but Im having a grand time.

    NS, glad your home, sorry you can't take pain meds. Pack on the ice girlfriend and rest.

    Prayers for Karen. Her surgery is probably done. Praying all went well.

    Prayers for Mena's son. A youngun with knee problems. OUCH!!

    Prayers still going for Susan. Are you home yet?

    Thats my update. If I don't get to check in before Monday keep me in your thoughts. Having HIDA scan, hoping they find a defunct gallbladder. Love you all to bits.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007



    You are so beautiful
    To me
    You are so beautiful
    To me
    Can't you see
    You're everything I hoped for
    You're everything I need
    You are so beautiful
    To me

    You are so wonderful
    To me
    You are so wonderful
    To me
    Can't you see
    You're everything I hoped for
    You're everything I need
    You are so wonderful
    To me

    You are so beautiful
    To me
    You are so beautiful
    To me
    Can't you see
    You're everything I hoped for
    You're everything I need
    You are so beautiful
    To me

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ummm...borrowed a beer bong from the neighbors...heehee.
    I had never seen one till now!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi ya girls. I'm gearing up for the great Toga party this week-end. I sure could use a good time to ease some of the stress. I say we eat, drink and be merry! Leave all our worries and carries behind us. WooHoo let the good times roll! Haven't had a jello shot in years. I could use several and may have several.

    Deb, you gotta a birthday this week-end, too? Cool. You got us some great stuff for the party.

    Cy, thanks for the advice on the scars for Judy & I.

    Karen, hoping all went well in surgery.

    Mena, your son should be out of surgery by now. Let him know we're all thinking of him. How bout you? You feeling up to chemo yet?

    Vickie, I always have your back. Great mirror, sticky fingers! I have one sorta like that at home when I look in it I just close my eyes and imagine myself looking however I want to.

    Nicki, breakfast this morning sounded so...healthy. How about in the morning you cook us up some sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits & gravy?? Maybe even some pancakes with maple syrup & butter. Now thatsa breakfast!

    Sheri, so you're having a local to get your port out? I had just a local when I had it put in. When mine comes out I want to be sound asleep.

    Brenda, my dh wanted to know if you ever lived in Olney, Ill. He said that was the home of the White Squirrel. I loved the pic of the Albino deer. I've never seen one.

    Anne, glad things are going well for you & your dh.

    Laura, nice to see you posting. Loved your little funny. I copied it, hope you don't mind.

    To Liz,Colleen,Judy,Michele,Peggy,Lisa,Carrie,Denise,Vicky2,Madison,Tracey and anyone else I missed, have a lovely evening & hope all is well with you.

    I talked to Susan today. They're not keeping her as doped up as before so she's not feeling quite as good as yesterday. But they've got her using that walker and she thinks she'll go home tomorrow. She sends her love to all. She also asked about NS but I didn't have any info at the time so will let her know tomorrow when I talk to her.

    You all know I have only one child. I spoiled her quite a bit & now we spoil each other. She just turned 24 this past monday. Well, she's jealous of my computer. Yep. Says I don't pay as much attention to her anymore. lol So, I'm making it a point when she comes over not to be on here. I'm so used to her living here the past 2 years that her & her family don't seem like company but I guess they actually a way. So silly.

    your friend
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2007
    the seven dwarves are too much! Now which one gets the red shooters?
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    NS ... glad you are home. So sorry you had to go through that. Gentle hugs to you sister... and chanting FURBALLS

    SUSAN... hope you are doing well. Are you home? Gentle hugs to you too

    No time to catch up right now, just wanted to check in on NS. Will be back later
    Hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Sparky, so sorry you had a rough day of it. Just relax & try not to worry about anything. I had 2 biopsys (not near as severe as yours) and they did a mammogram after both of them. Glad you liked your dr.

    Prayers for you