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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Robin!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back sweetie. So good to see you!


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon girls,

    It is so cold here I’m hibernating. I haven’t had jello shots in a long time. The sugar free ones are pretty good. LOL Also had some Pinot Grigio. Hmmm maybe that’s why I slept in.

    Robin - it’s so good to see you here. We were getting ready to send out the search party.

    Nicki - I had my port put in via IV anesthesia. Had to do all the pre-op also. Had mine out when I had the exchange surgery. You’ll do great. Are you getting ready for tomorrow? Italian Beef sounds wonderful. I was on Celexa before Lexapro. I dreamed a lot on it.

    Holly – I loved the article. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Cheri – none of us sing off-key in the circle. You sounded great. However, I was a bit concerned when you got on the table. Did Mena teach you that?

    Adrionna – fantastic weight loss. How are you doing it?

    Vickie1 – thanks for the links. Hope you’re home from the store and are warm. I’m so glad your daughter is okay.

    Margaret – I haven’t had eggs benedict in years. Oh that sounds so good.

    Madison – I’m joining you in the hung over tent.

    NS – hope you’re resting and the pain is easing a bit.

    Tracey – glad to hear about the node going down! I hate when I don’t have internet service. Glad you can get on at work.

    I’m going to go make some brownies for my son’s birthday tomorrow. I’ll make extra’s for us.

    Judy, Vickie2 and Marsha where are you guys?

    Hugs to everyone I’ve missed.

    Be back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007

    Good morning Nicki and all!

    Here's one for you Nicki

    OK! This was a gift from Vickie. If you havent listened to it, you must. This song really describes what kind of person I am and why I changed my signature.

    I have listened to it at least 10 times already. Put it in my favorite so I can listen to it each morning when I wake up.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,
    I am home. I'm in a lof of pain. You all kept me going. I could hear Mazer outside the door headbutting the nasty nurse. I called Her Nurse Ratched. Thanks all of you for thinking of me. I'll be back when I'm a little stronger.

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Just stopped in quickly...sorry I missed the toga party last night! From the sounds of everyone's headaches, maybe good thing I did!?!

    Same ol crap here...surprising but he didn't go out last nite. Prob wanted to stay close to home because he had a surprise when he went to the bank and my paycheck wasn't there! I only put in as much as 1/2 of joint expenses. Did a spreadsheet too that I can show him. Since this is what he wants, then we go halves on everything--which means he's in the hole $200 before next payday! LOL

    He hasn't seen the sheet yet, but he will! He tried to talk w/me today saying how he heard from the mediator, that any profit we get from the sale of the house part of it will go into a trust for Caitie (I agreed with that) but since I don't want mediation, anything else we might make will be "wasted" on lawyers. We couldn't talk any longer because Caitie came up and didn't want to leave.

    He's still seeing the OW and that's pissing me off. I told him today Caitie is NOT to go to the hall again, and is NOT to go to the OWs...ever. (Long story but Caitie's been there 2x in last week!) I may just ask my lawyer about this: If Ray would break off ALL ties (phone, hall, "visits") to the OW I will consider (that's JUST consider) going with him to the mediator to see what it's all about--it doesn't mean that I will go forward with mediation. He breaks that promise just one time and no mediator. Any thoughts?

    I have to do what's best for me and Caitie...I'm having 2nd thoughts about making this uglier by using lawyers. Oh I hate being wishy-washy! Tuesday I was wanting him back; now I'm hating the thought of him!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited February 2007

    Thanks Liz.I wont stay away to long.I miss all of you to much.Susan I am glad you are home.Did you get my pm?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Hope everyone's day is going well. Now that Vickie introduced my to youtube, Ive been playing with it. I just downloaded "Believe" by Cher. This song is perfect for you LauraB. But I dont know how to get it from there to here. So manybe when Vickie comes back she can help. It sure is a motivator.

    Gus (Sue) its so good to see you again. I just love you avatar.

    Boo: I will have a special plate of Italian Beef just for you. I didnt realize you couldnt get it everywhere. My goodness its been an Italian staple since I was a little girl.

    Madison: The get together sounds like fun. And starting tomorrow morning Im gonna be sooooooo nervous. Go Bears!

    CherylG: So the Roctobtober Girls are meeting in my home town. Chicago is, my kind of town. Im not an organizer, but I will participate.

    Christine: Your hair looks so gosh darn cute. Mine is still short. I keep cutting it. Cant decided what I want to do with it yet.

    Jeannie: Oh more jello shots! You are such a party girl.

    Robin: Oh my goodness its so good to hear from you. Ya know we have all been worried about you. Glad your back. See ya in the hoochie tent.

    Sheri: Distorted Humor raised his ears when he heard Kentucky. Goofy horse, wants to go back and visit ChurchHill Downs.

    Tracey: Go Bears! See now you have a team to root for. Its much more fun that way. Hate that your computer is down.

    Christine and Liz: I have been on Celexa since Tusday night. I have had night mares every night. I think it was Wednesday, my husband woke me up cause I was shouting out in my sleep. Its gotta be the Celexa. They are weird dreams too. I was on Lexapro for about 5 yearss. Never had problems, but insurance wont pay for it so I changed to Celexa. Mood wise its helping, but these dreams better not have any meaning.

    Jan: Man oh man that dinner sounded good. I may make that myself next week.

    Liz: Did they keep you 3 hours after the surgery?

    LauraB: I cant talk about "him" cause I would like to kick his boys! Really hard. Im not very good at advice - I think you should discuss everything with the lawyer. And oh - I would definitely stop your Caitie from going to the OW! She is learning all the wrong things here!!

    Susan: Oh my it was so good seeing your friendly smile. Im glad the surgery went well and that your home. Pain should start getting better now each day. Dont forget to do your exercises.

    NS: Toga! Toga! You just relax. We will brings the shots to you.

    OK everyone, this is OT! I dont understand the rating system. I rated a few of the thread 5 star. It showed 5 star and then all of a sudden went to a one, two, or three star. How does that happen. How can you get something rated 5 star and keep it that way?

    Ok gotta go. Im checking out youtube again. I have a new toy.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Sorry to be a 'nosinski' but:

    ... that any profit we get from the sale of the house part of it will go into a trust for Caitie (I agreed with that)

    Who exactly will be in control of that trust and therefore the money??? I would stick with a lawyer. This is just my personal opinion though and it doesn't necessarily mean it is the right thing for you. I would have trouble trusting a man who has already shown himself to be a liar and untrustworthy.

    Good for you on the money side. You will need any money you set aside for you and your daughter. So many fathers seem to 'forget' child support payments.

    Also, I wanted to say, don't be afraid to play the breast cancer card either. You do not know the future and hopefully you will never have bc issues again but you will need everything you can get just in case. A good lawyer will use a potential serious illness to push for as much money and benefits as they can get for you. This includes a share in any future retirement benefits he may accrue, making sure you and your daughter are legally included on life insurance policies, his requirement to continue to provide health insurance for you and your daughter, etc.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    HOLY MOLEY...I THOUGHT WE'D LOST OUR THREAD!!! Just blurry eyed me couldn't find it LOL. Yup...boardaholic.

    Nathaniel has been hogging the computer and I've been napping so I need to catch back up again.

    Nicki...if you find a video you like at youtube just go to the top of your screen to the address bar (where it says www.whatever)click on it to highlight it, right click, click copy, come here and when your ready to post you just right click again and click on paste...ta da...there it is!! Have fun!

    ROBINTN!!!! Big hugs to you and welcome "home". We have missed you here, join the toga party. Truly happy to see you again.

    LauraB...just sending hugs your way.

    Is everyone hung's been a little quiet here today!
    What happened to Vickie2? Haven't seen her in a bit...was kind of fun to have two of us running around.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    So glad to see your smiling face again! Take care of yourself...we have been thinking of you.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    I'm ready for toga party part 2. My dh had a day off today and we've been just hanging around watching dvds of Quantum Leap. It's too cold to go out and do anything and we've enjoyed just hanging out together.

    Hey, we could have our party here in Kentucky for the Kentucky Derby! Distorted Humor and Mazer would sure have a good time. It's not for a couple more months. When we moved here I was introduced to some local favorites like Derby Pie. Yum.

    Son will be taking over the computer in a few minutes. Have a great evening everyone.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls!

    Just have time for a quick jello shot on my way to a party here in frigid Michigan. Gotta make sure I have anti-freeze to get there!

    I was talking with a lady from my church today and she told me something that gave me a lot of hope that I thought I'd share. This sweet person told me that 3 days ago she celebrated 20 years as a BC survivor. I wanna be just like her in 20 years!

    Gotta run!
    Hugs to all,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    i have to run out to my nephews hockey game, but holy shit it's great to see robin back onboard!!!!!!!!!

    i'll jump back in later on girls, do a few jello shots for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Welcome home Susan

    Hi Robin, good to see you.

    Happy Birthday Liz's son.
    Took the grands on a nice long walk and they are sleeping like the little angels they are.
    Got a PM from Anne (ArmyNavyMom)telling me her son is at the same school mine is. How cool is that.
    20 years. Thats even cooler.

    Someone have a few jello shots for me. I'll be reading fairy tales. See you later.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    TOGA TOGA TOGAGood evening ladies!

    Feeling the buzz, had a few! having a sleepover ,my niece is here and my son, we are cracking up playing guitar hero and boy drinking alcohol doesn't helpLOL!!! I am really bad!!!!! maybe the pom martini's and jello shots will make me better!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok...gonna rant for a minute. I hate men. What a bunch of insensitive, unfeeling, uncaring bunch of friggin jerks they can be...there...I said it. My apologizes to all the wonderful men that I think are out there I just personally haven't seen one in a LONG time. Won't go into details and bore the daylights of you all but I'm sick of getting disappointed and bawling...SO I'M DONE! Just call me Vickie the hormone deprived, Xanex addicted nun.

    Ok...there...that's out of my system for the time being and now I want to know where all the party girls are? Come out come out wherever you are. I'm sitting here listening to the wind literally howl outside with a glass of wine a jello shooter and dopey by my side feeding me Xanex. It's a wee bit chilly in this toga so we need to kick this party up and do some dancing!

    NS...miss you girl and hope your feeling better. Check out your poem! Lots of love coming your way from all over the place.
    Madison and Cheri...yooohooo...where are you!
    RobinTN and LauraB...come have some jello shooters and we'll tell dumb men jokes...I'll start. Two men were out hunting and run across some track. One says, "Hey...looks like bear tracks to me." The other says, "Don't be stupid, those are moose tracks." They follow the tracks, arguing for a couple of miles and run across a women in the woods. She asks them what they are doing and they tell her they are following the moose or bear tracks to which she replies " Your both idiots...those are train tracks!" Ok...not too funny but I can do better.

    Nicki...did you see my post telling you how to post the youtube videos here...waiting to see what you come up with.

    Meeeennnnaaaa...we miss you!
    Still looking for Vickie2...geez...did we scare her away with our howling at the moon.
    Oh my...too many missing ladies...
    Hurry back Shirley and Shel...need some laughter here.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    Vickie would you like to come play guitar hero with us? it sure is a blast!!!!

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    ROBINTN... Soooooo glad to see you back. Missed you!

    SUSANMCM... glad you are home, hope the pain diminishes quickly. Good to see your smiling face again.

    Nicki... yep Rocktoberfest in Chicago. I was thinking I would like to go too, but since I rarely post there felt like I would be intruding. Meeting Ravdeb and the far away ladies would be great though... and meeting you too would be an added bonus!

    CHRISTINE.... love your hair! It's quite long ... does that mean we get to keep our chemo curls?? I would be sad to see mine go.

    NS.. hope you are feeling a little less uncomfortable. Still chanting FURBALLS and B9 for you hun.

    Well, have to get some work done now. Sorry for missing so many but know that I am thinking of you always.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    WooHoo...what a great b-day I'm having! Thanks for all the good wishes.

    I just got back from my daughters cross country ski meet. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. The kids had fun and both improved their best time. A girl from their team broke her leg though, so it freaked us all out. The course was really fast and she fell on a steep downhill...poor baby. I hope she heals up fast. When they said there was a skier down on the course and she was out of sight in the woods I freaked! My Carol was out on the course and was actually only about a minute behind the girl that got hurt. My heart was in my throat until the coach yelled to me that it was not Carol...whew.

    John got me a silly gift that I have been wanting. It is a dance video game that has a pad you hop around on. We tried it and I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. I am SO uncoordinated it is unreal. It really got my heart racing though, so it is good exercise.

    I have switched from jello shooters to hot buttered rum. I was in the mood for something warm after all day outdoors. I have my toga on over my long undies and I have my big slippers on. I have an hour or two to toga until my b-day dinner. Who wants to play my new dance game

    I love you all
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Michele...guitar hero???
    I'm game for anything (well almost LOL) but fill me in cuz...never heard of it.
    Hugs and passing you a jello shooter
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    Deb...glad you had a happy birthday...I wanna play and I'm uncoordinated too...we'll both be wetting our pants!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Passing Vickie a depends and letting her have a turn on my dance game...gotta burn of the chili and cake I had for lunch!!!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited February 2007
    newvickie: I hate men also.this marriage has left such a bitter taste in my mouth i dont know if i will ever get over it again.I think i am just going to be cellibut i have been for the past 5 years anyway why not a life time less heartaches that way.
    Boy do I hate em..
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK ladies, I am planning a little surprise for all my circle girl sisters….just a little something fun to bring some sunshine to a long winter. It won’t be ready for a few weeks, but I will need your addresses to send it to you all.

    SO….PM me your address if you want a surprise! I already have addresses for those of you that did the Holiday card exchange….but everyone else, drop me a PM…OK?

    This is gonna be FUN

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Vickie: I still cant seem to do it. Maybe cause I saved it in my favorites.

    I had to stop quickly at the Toga party. So many parties tonight. I'll take a blue and orange jello shot thank you and then Im off to a Bears party at the pub when my husbad in playing tonight.

    Chicago is going crazy!!!!

    See ya all in the morning.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Good night girls,
    Gina, hope you're feeling better. My powers tell me you will be fine!
    Susan, glad that you are home and on the mend.
    Vickie, I hope your son is feeling better.
    And to all that I haven't mentioned.........same goes for you!

    Okay, for those who remember my "dire" story of Oct/Nov...I am going back to the Dentist on Monday. I can do this, I can do this..................I know it had nothing to do with the Dentist, but tell my mind that! My appt. is at 10am and I'm already trying to figure out how I can get two Xanax in before I go!

    Deb, I've heard of that game. I am the queen of no coordination and I can wet myself without jiggling around! Sounds like fun to me!!
    Love to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey Nicki...just let me know what you want to post and I'll find it and post it for you.
    A surprise from Deb...oh I have something to look forward ya Deb.
    RobinTN...just sendin ya a me anytime and we'll have a rant session!!!
    Jigglin off to many jello shooters and wine...
    Love ya all
    See ya in the morning
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Just an aside..Two years ago, I was at the frat house that spawned Animal House. Didn't see that they left any Togas hanging around. I will be there again in June...I will check it out again...or is the plural of Toga, togae???
    Hugs, Lisa
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ya ladies...
    got my net back....
    well i need to take a appy for the super bowl any suggestions?????
    i am now a offical bears fan.... just for my buds nikki...
    got off work today and a friend got us a whole wack of plywood thats going to save on some cost.... to do our roof... he is a contruction guy and i think we just about got enough to do the roof...
    i must behave as i have to cheer on those bears tomoorow

    whooooohoooooooo go bears go! go bears go!!!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    Hello CG's, hope everyone is having a good Saturday night.

    Chemosabi, Tracey and all the football fans, I posted this on another thread but will post here just for you.

    Count down to the big game! Ok, here is the latest from the super bowl front...

    Weather is in the 60's...beautiful night. Many, many parties going on tonight both in South Beach and Hollywwod Beach. Food tasting parties - the convention center has been transformed with NFL chefs who are all preparing their favorite dishes to raise money for the food bank- a favorite seems to be "Pink shrimp pasta". There are also drinks, drinks, drinks. Multi million $$$$ "let's go crazy" jets for all those "celebs" arriving on the red carpet. Many, many, concerts...from KC and the Sunshine band to Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. One hotel has been transformed for a Playboy bash. Artist Romero Brito designs are everywhere (you will see his art in all costumes tomorrow). Lot's of skinny cheerleaders wearing very skimpy bikinis. Lots of fire works!!!

    Geeze...I'm so excited and I'm not even a football fan. I have the best view from the best seat couch. Keep you posted!