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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Ay yi yi! Same initial dx as me, no mets dx for me.

    Not thinking or writing clearly through my tears! Sorry!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,

    I want you all to know what a blessing it is to have this place as a safe haven when I'm feeling crappy. I've been really down today so, like a fool, I called a friend who clearly doesn't get how someone who is two years out from treatment can still think about cancer. WTF??!! Anyway, I was sitting at the laptop both angry and depressed, and my first thought was..."Head to the Wagon Circle"! Thank you all for that!

    Liz: Love the curtain rod story!

    Nicki: Good luck to your Bears! Since the Colts beat my boyfriend Tom Brady, I have to support the Bears in this matchup!

    Vickie: Just reading what you write about your daughter, I know that you will have a wonderful visit with her!

    NS: Still thinking good thoughts for you! I'm allergic to tape as well (I found out the hard way!), and the marks left from the skin reaction were actually worse than my biopsy scars.

    Laura: I wish I had good advice for you. I can only say this -- I have a neighbor whose husband is a serial cheater, and each time she waits for him to lose interest in the OW and then takes him back. I have watched her turn from a confident and strong woman to someone who has very little self esteem and who doesn't trust herself to do what she knows is right.

    Robin and Susan: Glad to see both of you! Take care of yourselves.

    Deb: Hope that you are doing OK today after the memorial service. I've been thinking of you today.

    CY: Congratulations!

    To Madison, Denise, Lisa, Shel, Odalys, Alwayshope, Margaret, Michelle, Anne, Sherloc, Judy, Vickie2, Sheri, Jan, Amy, Shirley, Brenda, Boo, Jeannie (and anyone else I've forgotten): I hope that you are all doing well!

    Hugs to all,
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007

    I was typing while you were posting. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and I'm sending prayers for you, your son and for your friend and her family. My darkest fears always surface when someone with my initial diagnosis develops mets.

    I see that you are in MA. I'm in southern NH. Please PM me if you need anything or if you'd like to talk!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    omg lizws

    i loved it.... awsome
    that is totally hillarious!!!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007

    Lizws, hilarious!!! Thanks for posting. I just love stories about women who know what they want and just go for it.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi Gals,

    Just checked in to see how everyone is doing, before my nose goes into my book while my DH watches football. (No cheering in this household - the Lions stink too badly!!!) It made it all the way up to 5 degrees here today, me and my fuzzy head are staying in where it's warm!

    Gus - I'm sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. People who haven't been where we are at try really really hard but they just don't get it. Sending hugs to you and hoping you feel better.

    Colleen - I'm so sorry for your friend and you too! It is scary the emotions that get roiled up when you hear about someone else's diagnois. Prayers for you, your son, your friend and her family.

    Deb C (the Queen of Jello Shots) - I wanna play with your game too! It sounds like lots of fun. Hot buttered rum is good, but my favorite warm up is Peppermint Patties (hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps). I'll make you one!

    Adrione - Good luck with the dentist. I don't know your story from October, but I don't need to. I hate the dentist. Actually, that's not true - I like the dentist; I just wish he'd keep his hands out of my mouth! Anyway, I'll be thinking of you.

    Lizws - That was a GREAT story. I laughed until I cried, then read it to the DH, who roared too. That would be so great to do!

    Time for my book. I'll check in tomorrow!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls, I am sorry I have not been posting, but I have just been so busy and not on the computer much! I have been keeping all the circle girls in my thoughts and prayers every night, though! I can't even begin to catch up (missed over 1000 posts) but wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I haven't forgotten you! I will try to stop in more! I really miss you all when I don't!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, big prays heading your way. So sad.

    Sue, sorry you are down. I come to this place because it is the only place where everyone understands.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, hope you enjoyed that video. That was my first time on youtube. Glad your daughter is coming home for a visit.

    Tracey, what appetizer did you decide to bring?

    Laura, I wish you could see what we see. I know you love your husband, but honestly, at some point in time you will look back at this and wonder how and why you put up with this kind of crap. If this were your daughter and her marriage, you wouldn't want to see her go through this situation.

    Joyce I wish Kevin a speedy recovery from Wednesdays surgery. Until then, he will be in the center circle.

    CY, congratulations on the soon to arrive grandson. Aren't grandkids the best? So far, I have one of each.

    Madison, I hope your back stops hurting soon.

    Sue, ((((hugs))))) what's good about being here is WE GET

    Liz, loved the story. That would be something I would do.

    Kristen, thanks for dropping in. We do miss you.

    Colleen, I'm sorry. I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better.

    Nicki, go Bears. The game is about to start.

    Love to all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007


    OK, back to the game, but WOW!! Happy for you and your Bears....
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Colleen so sorry to hear about your friend.prayers are being sent their way, so so sorry.....
    Liz hahahaha! great story! I love when people get what they deserve!!!!
    Nicki go bears!!!!
    Sue hope your feeling well today
    Ns how are you doing today???? special thoughts sent your way.
    kristen so nice to hear from you!!!! KIT
    Vicki guitar hero is a ps2 game that has a guitar hook up and you battle the bands!! way cool for kids and adults!!
    those who have appt's tomorrow good luck I will be thinking of you all!
    sorry i missed so many but the game is about to start here and I must go!!!
    love and prayers to all CG's ,enjoy your night!
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Colleen ~ Prayers are going out to you, your friend and her family, and your son.

    CY ~ Congratulations on the soon to be "new" arrival of your grandson.

    Joyce ~ Wish Kevin the best on his surgery and he is in the circle.

    NS ~ Hope you are feeling better today. I too had an allergic reaction to the tapes. The skin bubbled up and some of the skin broke. Used Cortisone ointment and it helped.

    Laura ~ Look into everything you possibly can. My boss who had cervical cancer and has something wrong with her ovaries that she had to have them radiated was just told recently that she had to pay her ex-husband $2,800 per month spousal support because he does not work, and needs to have some type of surgery on his knee before he can even work. He has a female attorney and hers is a male. They were married 22 years so she has 11 years of spousal support if he decides not to work. Please, Please, Please, check into ALL of your options. Don't GET SCREWED! Let him be the one to get SCREWED.

    Niki ~ Go Bears!

    For everyone else I forgot to mention - you are not forgotten. Prayers and Hugs go out to all of you.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies - way too many posts to catch up since I was last here on Thursday night. This is my first time on the computer and typing is a challenge!!! Wanted to update everyone on my CT surgery. All went well. The doc was surprised on how tight everything was - she said especially for such a small wrist. I have a half cast on - for two weeks until I get the stitches out on the 16th. . Depends how I move my hand is whether or not it is sore. They gave me Vicadin in the recovery room, but it may me loopy and quesy so I didn't take it any more. Percocet is even worse for me. My index finger is still all tingly and numb - wonder if it will go away. the other fingers are better. Now my left hand is bothering me more- the past two mornings it has been all tingly!!! So need to find a time to do it. They let me take my bear into the OR. The OR nurse wondered what her name was and I didn''t have one, so when I got home I asked Miriam and she said to name her "feel better". So that is who the bear is and she will come with me to the next two surgeries. DH kept all my other special trinkets with him. I am just surprised at how tired I am. I am so right handed, it is hard to not use it- but I need to be good. Thanks everyone for being right there with me - the waiting room was soo crowded!! It was so re-assuring to have you girls there keeping DH company and keeping watch over me.

    Now I need to go back and read all the posts I missed. Watching the game while writing - have to stop during the comericals!. Nicki - cheering on DA Bears!.
    Be back later.
    Karen in Denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    NS, keep yourself calm. I know you're scared but everything is gonna all work out. You'll see.

    Cy, congrats on your new grandbaby being a boy. I have only GS, would sure like to have a baby girl in the family, so would my daughter.

    Liz, the greatest of storys!! Loved it.

    I'v missed so many but my thoughts are with you. I slept especially late, seem to have my days & nights mixed up lately. My daughter & SIL came to get the rest of their things moved out this afternoon and my dh went back to work today. This house that's been so rowdy & noisy is awfully quiet tonight. I end up losing furniture every time she moves out. We were packed in here now I have 2 empty spare bedrooms. Not even beds in them. I let her have about anything she wanted to take. Doesn't matter. It's more important for her house to look cute than it is mine. I have a sofa sleeper if I have company before I get bedrooms set back up. This house is sure quiet, did I mention that? Both my little GS are still sick. Fevers alright but still throwing up. The 2yr old is the sickest she may have to end up taking him back to the dr. When my dd moved in with her 2 boys almost 2 years ago, we painted and now I have one bright blue bedroom with dinosaur border! That's a decorating challenge, guess I'll just keep it for the boys when they come. Did I mention how quiet the house is?

    I'm not into football but I hope everyones team one today or tonight, whenever they play.

    best wishes
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Thoughts and prayers to all that are recovering from surgeries, mourning family and friends, sick kids. Colleen, very sorry to hear about your friend and NO you are not being self centered.
    Liz, loved the story.
    Laura, I've kept my mouth shut over your situation..I know if I open it, I won't shut it. (Been there done it several years ago.)
    NS: Hope you hear good news soon.
    Dentist tomorrow....I have never been scared of the dentist. My whole mouth is constructed of root canals and crowns. It's what happened to me in his chair in Oct. that has me freaked out! I am going to go tomorrow and prove to myself that it won't happen again! Please keep the magic carpet heated up in case I call for back up!!
    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Denise, we'll keep the magic carpet ready if you need us tomorrow. The other girls won't let me drive,though. Something about some loops I did last time. So Amy took away my magic keys. TeeHee
    You're going to do fine this time, no panic attacks. You can do it.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    good evenings - I'm back to catch up ----

    NS - been thinking about you all weekend. So sorry the biopsy was so painful - I"m praying for furballs - B9, B9, B9, B9. thanks for you well wishes friday.
    Judy - hooray on your weight loss goal.
    Deb - your b'day party sounded great! Hope you had a jello shot for me - I don't think I've ever had one. what a fun present. Hoping your daughter's team mate heals quickly.
    Cy - good news!
    Colleen - hope your drive to NH was an easy one. Sorry about your friend's SIL. Sending prayers to you, SIL, friend and everyone else.
    Sue - know what you mean about follow up visit - my 3 month check up was about 10 days agoand I was a wreck.
    RobinTn - welcome back
    Susan - glad you are home - sorry you are in so much pain. Hope the surgery was a success and that you will be up and around (and no pain) quickly).
    Thank you again to Shirley, cheri123, Margaret, Newvickie, Nicki, Madison, Brenda and everyone else who was with me on friday.

    I need to tell you what Miriam said to my DH friday morning - Miriam told Craig that she can't cry when mommy has surgery as she needs to be strong for mommy. So sweet, and so wise beyond her years.

    Need to go - typing is hard on the hands. I am so tired and feeling cranky and irrietable. Just when I start to feel good, I get to start over. Hopefully, it won't take as long this time. Recon is just 7 weeks away and need to find time to do the left hand!!!
    Nicki - it sure is soggy in your part of the circle. Hoping da Bears make a come back.

    Karen in denver
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Nicki -I'm sorry that your Bears did not win the title. But they sure played a good game and got it off to a great start. I just realized that it is not rain in your end of the cirlce, but Odayls - in Miami. Can I still have chemobrain almost 7 months after finishing chemo? Brain just is not what it used to be.

    See you all tomorrow. Going to go for a walk and try to get to bed early. Its off to work again tomorrow!!!!
    Karen in Denver
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Good evening girls,

    I’m listening/watching the game. I was so hoping Da Bears would pull this out.

    NS – I’m still chanting furballs. But I know that whatever the results are, you will get through this. I have a horrible time taking pain pills also. Have you ever tried Mepergan? It’s Demerol with phenergan in it. I can’t use anything but paper tape either. You’d think they’d invent thinks for those of us with these problems. What time do we get the results? Do I need to get up early?

    Odalys – I’m sure things will be crazy there with whoever wins tonight. I’m glad you have a good seat from the couch.

    DebC – gentle hugs. I do the exact same thing when around grieving people. I have a very hard time attending services. We’ll be with you. I want to come play your game also. I can see us all now. LOL

    CY – retail therapy from bed! How nice is that? I tried sewing but never had the patience for it.

    Denise – I am a major space cadet when I have to go to the dentist. You will do great. Just focus on the now and try to forget the past. I have a wonderful dentist now and he truly helps ease my fears.

    Sher – thanks for the birthday wishes for my kiddo. I can’t believe my baby is 25!

    Lini – a Hoe Down is a party with square dancing, hay bales, etc. At least that’s what I’m picturing. LOL

    Mena – where are you? How’s your son?

    Susan – so glad you’re home. Sorry you’re still in so much pain. When do you start PT? Good to see you.

    Vickie – thanks for the links. As always, you do such great work. I’m glad to hear your DD is coming for a visit. I live in “tornado alley”. I hate seeing the devastation in Florida.

    Laura – hope you read my curtain rod story. I thought of you. Do what you have to for yourself and Caitie. I’m glad to see you getting mad. I can’t type what I’m thinking about the spousal support. Don’t let Ray wear you down. We’re here for you. What type of work does Ray do?

    Tracey – how was the party? What did you end up taking?

    Jas – you found some great links for Laura. How are you doing? Tell Doris hi for me please. I have her home number but not cell.
    Joyce – Kevin is in my thoughts and prayers. As are you.
    Madison – I bet you’re really enjoying your visit with your daughter. Sorry about the back pain. Sleeping in is good for you sometimes.

    Lisa – and what are you doing at the frat house? Hmmmmm? Do tell.

    Colleen – I completely understood your post. I’m so sorry about your friend’s sister-in-law. Your son sounds like a wonderful “young man”. Keeping you all in the inner circle.

    Gus – I don’t even discuss myself with friends anymore. They don’t get it. Neither does anyone else except everyone here.

    Robin – hugs my dear. Don’t stay away please.

    Anne – glad you guys liked the story. I thought it was very fitting for Laura.

    Kristin – being busy is good at times. Glad you checked in. How are things going?

    Margaret – I could see myself doing something like that also.

    Michele – good to see you.

    Karen – I’m impressed you’re even typing. Hopefully you’ll be able to get the left one done soon.

    Cheri – sorry the house is so quiet. It wasn’t your driving that got to me, it was the loops. I almost fell off the magic carpet. Guess we need to put seat belts on it now.

    Sher – the grands go home tomorrow?

    Nicki – sorry about Da Bears. I was so sure they would win. No, they didn’t keep me 3 hours after my port was put in. The whole thing start to finish took around 3 hours I think. As far as the FIL – I talked with my SIL tonight. Nobody knows for sure what’s going on with him. I told her to find out for sure about the GI bleed as he’s still severely anemic and received more blood today. Also ask her to find out if they’ve done a colonoscopy and if they’re going to do a CT scan. So we shall see what happens tomorrow.

    I’ve missed many but always know you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey Nicki - Sorry about your Bears! But they sure got off to a great start!

    Sue - Sorry you were having a down day, and glad you thought of the Circle after your conversation. At least my non-bco friends are mostly really supportive and TRY to get it!! Thanks for your kind words, I'm feeling a bit better now, it just really hit me hard right then you know? We're in NH every other weekend just about (Attitash), where do you live?

    Anne - thanks for the good thoughts! Yikes, 5 degrees, that's way too cold!! BTW I love the "chocolate makes me think" (Clearly I haven't had enough, cause I can't remember if I've already told you that!!)

    Madison, Margaret and Michele (Hey! The 3 M's) thanks for the good thoughts. It's amazing how it lifts you up just to hear someone say they're thinking of you.

    Karen - glad the surgery went well. percocet and vicodin make me nauseous as well, but I'm usually OK if I eat some crackers with them. Hope you continue to feel better, and less tired.

    Cheri - sorry the grands are still sick!!

    Denise - thanks! What happened in October at the dentist? Yikes, good luck tommorrow.

    Karen - doesn't it just break your heart when they are strong for us?

    Cy - congrats!

    Liz - thanks to you too...

    OK, I'm losing focus, but just wanted to say a big, big thank you to each and every one of you. Where else can you go and just say, "hey, can someone say something nice to me, I'm having a kind of a bad day" and get immediately rewarded with such beautiful and heartfelt words of encouragement? If I was trying to teach my son a lesson, like being savvy to advertising gimmicks, I would say, "too good to be true!" But you know what, it's not too good to be true at all, it's just the Circle Girls!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007

    Hey Judy!! Sorry I missed you!! Nighty night for real now!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    nic............i just got home, sorry about "dabears"........but hey, at least they got as far as the "bowl"!

    maybe next year????????

    having been "second best" all my life, i kind of tend to find the good in the underdog lol!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007

    All is quiet tonight. Good night CG's. Hope evryone is not too dissapointed with the game.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    dang nikki.... i should of went for the other team then we would of won!!! dang it......
    but i did win 150 bucks for the score at the 3rd quarter!!!
    hugssssss nikki..
    next is hockey!
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    NS ~ Best of luck on the results tomorrow which will be B9 B9 B9 (Furballs)~ At least you get your results right away. It took me 3 weeks to get mine after my first biopsy. This last time with mammo and ultrasound took 4 days... I pressed it. Believe me if I ever have to have any tests I will Press and Press and Press for results, so much so they will get tired of hearing from me.

    Nicki ~ Sorry about daBears.

    Take care and sweet dreams everyone.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good evening Circle Girls-

    I made it through the memorial service. I just hate being in a room with so many people who are mourning. It was so filled with emotion. Just being around that makes me melancholy and tired. I have reconciled my loss of my Aunt and I have no regrets...knowing I spent so much time with her the past 4 years makes it easier to have her gone now…I know, it sounds weird, but it’s true.

    Susan – I was glad to see you posting. Rest and heal. Sending you big hugs.

    Judy – Howdy…have you learned everyone’s name yet LOL…just kidding. I’m glad to see you posting.

    Robin - Glad to see you posting. Don’t stay gone too long…we worry

    CY – your sewing projects sound like fun…post photos when you get done…OK? Glad you liked the jello shots

    Margaret – Thanks for the coffee this morning. I needed it! My dance game is called TV Dance Pad plug-n-play. It is a knock off of the Dance Dance Revolution games that you can play on the X-Box and Play Station games. We don’t have nay of the game systems, so it always seemed silly to get one just because I wanted to try the dance game. My hubby found this one and we are having fun with it so far.

    Lini – not THAT kind of hoe!! LOL… It is like a square dance. I could never do the dances, but I was a cowgirl in my teens and still love to hear the music. Somewhere I still have a denim prairie skirt with lace on the bottom and a pair of engraved boots. You always make me laugh

    Vickie- SO glad your DD is coming home for a visit. I hope she can resolve some of her relationship problems. Sending you both hugs.

    Tracey – How was the party?? Glad you didn’t have to drive. That would have put a damper on the fun.

    LauraB – I wish I had some wisdom to pass on. I have a great hubby and no experience with someone who cheats…maybe because I always told my Dh that he would only get one chance to cheat on me so it BETTER be worth it because I would shoot his a$$ if I ever found out. I was only partially kidding….I hope things resolve however you want them too…big hugs.

    Joyce – Keeping Kevin in the center of the circle. Sending hugs

    Madison – Sorry your leg is hurting but glad you got to visit with your daughter. Hope you feel better soon.

    Nicki – Oh man… I’m sorry about your Bears! BOY was it raining! I still gotta love Prince. I had SUCH a case of the hots for him in college. He can still sing too! I hope you are not too disappointed…there is always next year.

    Liz – LOL at your curtain rod story! Too funny. I had a vindictive friend in college who trashed her cheating boyfriend’s car. She hid sardines in the seats and slid them down in all the heating vents and put limburger cheese on the engine block. He never did get the smell out….served his cheating butt right!

    Colleen – sending prayers to your friend, her SIL and your son. I’m sending YOU an extra-special hug and will keep you close. I know what you mean about the fear coming back when others get bad news. It is hard to stay rational about something so emotional. Just be kind to yourself. You’ll do fine.

    Oh Sue – I’m sorry your friend didn’t “get it”. It is hard when people just can’t give us what we need from them. Sometimes they are trying, but they are just too clueless about what we have been through. I’m sorry you have hit a rough patch. Just remember that it WILL get better. Be kind to yourself. Get some rest hon. Sending big hugs.

    Anne – LOL about the Lions…or the lay-downs as we affectionately call them. They are bad most years aren’t they…but somehow we still manage to start each year thinking they MIGHT be better. Hope you enjoyed your book. Thanks for the peppermint patty YUM!

    Kristin – Glad to see you posting. How has your treatment been going??

    Karen – I was glad to see you posting! I hope you recover quickly…don’t push your hand too fast! I’m glad Feel Better bear got to come with you

    Cheri – It was sweet of you to let your DD take what she needed. Maybe you can do something fun in the empty bedrooms. Sorry your grand’s are still sick…poor babies. I’m sure the house is too quiet. Sending you hugs too.

    Denise – We will be there at the dentist tomorrow. Maybe they will let ME drive the carpet….

    Dear NS – I know the days are long right now and the nights are longer, but we are here for you…..furballs my friend…furballs.

    Oh my…my brain is just too tired to catch up with the rest of the posts! I hope you all know that I think of you often and fondly! If you didn’t read my post a few pages back, I’m planning a little Circle Girl surprise. I need your address if you want me to send you a little fun in a month or so…..send me a PM with your address.

    I’ll be back tomorrow ladies

    Hugs to all
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    ack i did end up having to drive so i only had 2....
    and i took stuffed grape leaves... a pretzel mix and a bread and ganja mix thingy!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    LOL Tracey - now it is MY turn to laugh! Ganja means pot to me! good old MaryJane. Please tell me you didn't mix pot in your bread LOL.

    Who thinks she knows what Hoe and Hoochie both mean...LOL
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Niki sorry the bears didn't quite make it. They sure started off good!

    Collen saying special prayers for you, you son and your firends family.

    Kristen good to see you again. We were starting to worry,

    Robin glad you're back with us we were really getting worried about you too

    Karen don't try to do too much to fast! glad the surgery went well.

    Mind just went blank. I'm tired fromt he drive home so think I'll turn in early tonight

    Hugs and prayers for everyone in the circle,

    Oh NS the ER doc said that sometimes they get there steristrips on too tight and it causes blisters around the edges where it's pulling. it did it to me too so I used a little alchohal (sp) to loosen teh edges so it wouldn't tear the skin.

    Ok off to bed
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Judy thank you for helping me keep the faith! I have to beat this rap- for all us triple negs!!

    Odalys, what rain they had tonight!!! I am glad you were inside!! I also call BC "before cancer".. I miss my bc world so much!

    Deb, I am so glad you had the bestest of birthdays... I cannot think of anyone more deserving! I stayed off line all day today... no wine, but I had a hamburger for the first time in about ten years! MAN! THEY ARE GOOD!!! Beats the hell out of flax seeds!

    CY another baby!!! OOOH will have to update the movie!!!

    Nicki, my Barinese sister... I don't know what I would do without you. I am sorry about the Bears. I was watching and thought they were going to win- when their kicker got up to make another completed field goal, Jim Nance said "you really can't watch a kicker and see him miss!" And I thought "hey Jim, perhaps you need to watch more of my team the Jets... they miss ALL THE TIME!!"

    Margaret, I pmd you how I do the movies. I wing it with a program that came on my computer. If it was anything I had to think about and load myself I would be a gonner!

    Lini, I agree! Shel rocks! I thought the same thing about the ho-down!

    Vickie!! yay your daughter is coming home!!!

    Tracey, you kill me with your photos!

    Laura, you have gotten some GREAT advice. I can only echo it. Say NO to mediation, get your own lawyer and screw everything else. The fact that he took your baby to that woman's house is grounds for hanging- not divorce!! Hang in there!!

    Joy, Kevin is in my prayers. He has a nice warm spot in the center of the circle until his surgery and then after he can come back and recover.

    Madison, how nice your daughter came for a visit! I hope she can stay a while. I am so sorry about your back. My sister takes Ristoril for hers and it helps her a lot. I hope it helps you too. There is nothing worse than back pain. Thank you for the furball chant... it means so much. It has been so cold here- I have been snuggled in my afghan... I love it so much! My dad came down for a visit today and he cried when he saw it and when he read the letter and saw some of the other beautiful and thoughtful things you girls have sent me...

    Liz, I love that story! I read that in a book once- it was part of a novel I think- I have always thought it the ULTIMATE in payback! Thank you for bringing it back- I haven't seen it since I read it- I think it was in a book by Fanny Phlag (sp?) not sure- she is the one who wrote Fried Green Tomatoes. I never heard of that pain killer... I better write it down just in case!

    yo Shel- Second Best my aunt fanny!!! You're the top!

    Deb, sorry about that memorial service today... but it is a beautiful thing to be able to say you have no regrets and you spent the time you did with the person you loved. I wouldn't expect anything else from you!

    Oh Colleen, I am sorry about your friend. I also know how you feel... my dear friend died this fall... we were dx'd at the same time and she had the same dx as me. Scared me very very much. Just remember, we are all different. We all have our own immune systems and different ways of reacting to things and no two cancers are the same. They always say BC like it is one disease like the bird flu... but as we know- so many things come in to play... so rest your mind, but come hang out in the inner circle until you feel better!

    Gus/Sue... you are so right. when in doubt, when down, when you need a soft place to land- COME HERE!! I have heard of more and more people who are allergic to those darn strips! The blisters are actually not healing but the inscisions have closed up... insane!

    Anne, I have always wanted to tell you- I LOVE your avatar. WHAT a great picture!

    Denise- oh my! The dentist- again??? GOOD LUCK!!!

    Kristin girl! Don't worry about catching up- I am just SO GLAD to see you!! Are you ok? Things going smoothly??

    Michelle, thank you so much. Today was ok until my dad left. Then I got to thinking again! I have to stop doing that!!

    judy, your skin sounds the same as mine! I have no cortisone. I have to wait until tomorrow I guess.

    karen! You are back!! I am so glad to see you! I have been worried about you! Don't overdue. Remember, they cut a lot of nerves, i am sure it is only natural that you feel tingling. Take care of yourself- so happy to see you- you ONE YEAR SURVIVOR!

    Cheri, wanna come and help me stay calm?? I don't think it is working on my own!!!

    I am officially terrified of answering the phone this week. maybe I will skip town!!