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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Wake up sweet Nicki...need your early morning views.
    Bitter cold here...below zero with wind chills of -15 degrees...not looking forward to the ride to work! thoughts, positive energy, prayers are all coming your way today. We will be with you no matter carry you through or celebrate furballs. You are loved.

    I didn't post much yesterday...lost a cousin my age (45) to brain cancer. very not fair. Left behind a loving husband, two teenagers and two in children in their early 20's. It all happened so very fast. Such a sweet women, kind, giving, loving and now gone. Selfishly thinking "there but for the grace of God goes I"! I look at Nathaniel and think of Sarah and pray that I can be here long enough to see Nathaniel grown and graduated from school...oh I feel so guilty for thinking of myself when her family is suffering and she is gone. I just simply feel terrible.

    I'll be back later to check on all of you.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Dang I wish we had some sound on this board. I found a wav file for revelie! Wouldn't that just put a knot in everyone's britches.

    NS when do you get the results? I'm keeping you in my prayers for that lucky bingo number we like - B9.

    So, while everyone was losing their shirts and shoelaces betting on the superbowl, I finally found my way to the local knitting club that meets near me. I had a great time and was so inspired by some of the work those other ladies are doing. Its truly incredible seeing the creativity and artistry you can get from a simple ball of yarn and two pointy needles.

    Laura, you seem like a lady whose got it going on in the grey matter area. I know you'll do what you need to do to secure the financial future of your precious daughter. You're right, it is all about her. Teach her to be strong, fierce, kind, smart, confident....just like her mother. I look at your avatar picture and you are what so many of us wish we could be....gorgeous! Your husband is a fool because he will be surprised at how many other men will find you to be desirable. Don't settle for less than the best for yourself or for your daughter. You both deserve the best.

    Well, another Monday, another day, another dime (inflation, don't ya know). Here's to us all....may there be a cure soon and may we all get what we deserve in this life....the BEST!
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2007
    Good morning Circle Girls,
    Oh,Vickie,I am so sorry about the loss of your cousin.Don't feel guilty we all feel the way you do,it's human nature.

    Liz,loved that story.The ultimate revenge!!!

    Colleen,I will say a prayer for her.And for Warren.Thank goodness are so resilient.

    Sue,I hear ya!No one understands us like each other.

    Karen,glad your surgery is done.Feel better soon.

    Denise,good luck at the dentist.OOh I hate em!We will be with ya.

    so glad you are back.Love ya,girl.

    NS,you are always on my mind and in my prayers.Hang in there,hon.

    Sorry bout your Bears.But on the other Peyton DID play for TN lol.

    Laura,all I can say is good luck.You just follow your heart.

    All those I missed,Have a good day and love you all.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, you are right...where is Nicki. I am going to have to make some strong coffee and send it her way...I am sorry about your cousin. So young, so beautiful, so much of life left to live, so sad for her family.
    Nicki, so sorry about the Bears. The rain was terrible during the game.
    NS, thinking about you today.
    Deb, memorial services are sad, but as you said you spent time with her and was able to celebrate her life. What a gift to have had someone so wonderful in your life.
    Susan and Karen, hope you are getting better every day.
    A Good Morning to all (dh is hovering outside the study to get back on the computer).....I need to sign off now...
    Take Care, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Wow! I really did sleep late. Needing a strong cup of coffee right now and something for my headache.

    The SuperBowl was a big disappointment. We just dont have a quarterback. But Im glad the Colts won. Peyton deserved it. For some reason, I wasnt heart broken. Maybe thats because the Bears actually made it to the Superbowl. WEll, whatever! The people here in Chicago are calling for Rex Grossman's head. But I must admit, watching Hester run back the ball the first play was way more than exciting. Both me and my husband were screaming. Freaked out the dog. He started barking. The whole house was in a frenzy.

    Its very cold here in the Chicago end of the circle. -9 degrees and thats actual temp, not wind chill. Gonna be driving about in this stuff all day long. Dress warm I say!

    Im gonna have a busy day. Giving that big presentation at Northwestern - feeling some butterflies, but hey I like to talk so I know it will go well. Then its off for preop testing which is really no biggie. I have waiting for this moment - having the port out means closure for me. Geez its been 20 months since my original surgery!

    I have read all the posts, and this wont be my usual early morning wake up. Just dont have enough time. But I will try!

    Liz: That was a really funny story. I loved it. Sorry about your FIL. Something is causing the anemia. How are his kidneys functioning? Sure sounds like he is bleeding from somewhere.

    Colleen: Sorry to hear about your friends SIL. I understood everything you were saying. Its always scary and Im sad when I hear about someone experiencing progression of this disease. And your poor son - he must be scared.

    Gus - I do believe that people who dont have to live with bc and its fears everyday just dont get it. How can they? You dont know what its like until you are told those words "you have breast cancer" - Im 2 years out and Im not over this. I dont think I will ever be over it. Im hoping that if any family members come to the circle, they will not be offended, but get an true understanding of what we go through everyday.

    Karen: Man it was good to hear from you. Im so glad the surgery went well. Hope your feeling better soon.

    Vickie: Im sorry about your cousin. And good morning to ya.

    OK - I have officially run out of time.

    Anne, Kristin, Michelle, Judy, Cheri, Denise, DebC, CY, Jasmine, and Lisa. Good morning to ya all. Maybe I will catch up with this evening.

    Tracey: whoo hooo $150.00 - I would be running out today and spending every cent of it.

    Kristin: Good to see you check in. We have missed you.

    NS: Hoping you get those results today! Whatever it is, its time to move forward. Im still thinking furballs. I will have you on my mind all day. In fact, Distorted Humor is in your house right now. He decided to sit with you for awhile. He's not scared of cats - but he is scred of mice!!

    Thanks for all the well wishes about the Bears. It was a great year.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    I'm getting a late start this morning. Who has coffee going?

    Tracey, I laughed when I saw your appetizer - ganja is pot to me too!

    Vickie, so sorry about your cousin. Life sometimes is not fair.

    Always, love the idea about revelie.....Nicki would be blowing it every morning to get us up for coffee.

    Nicki, sorry about the Bears. Was it my imagination or did the commercials seem to fall short this year?

    NS, will be thinking of you all day today. Fingers crossed for B9. Hang in there; we're all there with you.

    Everyone else, I'm running late so have a good day and I'll catch up later.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    I was just going to read this morning, but, Vickie, I had to send a hug to you. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. You are in my prayers.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Having HIDA scan at 1pm today. No food, drink, or smoking after 7 so I'm up early guzzling coffee and chain smoking. How pathetic is that?
    Gonna browse thru the last few pages but not even gonna try to catch up.

    NS, is today the day? FURBALLS!!!!
    You know I don't know anyone that doesn't react to that stupid tape. I don't know why they still use it. When I had my appendix out in october the surgeon used super glue. It was cool as cool could be. And even better, no rash. Gonna ask the surgeon about it on wednesday. Maybe its use depends on where the incision is?

    Nicki, I'm sorry about the Bears. Went to a "SuperBowl Party" yesterday. Hubby was the only one watching the game. The rest of us were to busy stuffing our faces and playing a game called "Would you rather". Had a good time.
    Did stop to watch the half time show. I've always thought someone needs to tell Prince he is a man. I think he's a little confused.
    And o my the rain. I hope all those people got paid well.
    -9 yikes!!

    Liz, daughter is coming today so grandma duty is over. She will be staying till after my surgery on wednesday. I think??
    I love the story. Something my evil twin with do with pleasure. DO NOT MESS WITH A WOMAN!!

    Colleen, I am sorry about your friend. Praying for Jenn and your son.

    Karen, glad your feeling better. No Typing!!!!! Just read. We know your here.

    Cheri, hugs for your empty nest. I think I heard a pin drop. My vote for the dinosaur room is the most totally cool and outrageous play room little boys could ever imagine.
    I think I've mentioned that my daughter has just moved hours and hours away from me. Sniff sniff. One of my oldest friends is a decorative painter. She does the coolest things with walls. She also charges $75 a hour. Sooooo not rich person that I am, I hired her daughter. The daughter is one of my daughters dear friends. She inherited her moms amazing talent. But is just starting out so only charging $15 an hour. That I could get past hubby without him having a heart attack. So this is my house warming gift to them. Painting the kids rooms. Well that was long and drawn out. Geez I'm babbling. Anywhos daughter tells me the rooms look fabulous.

    Denise, hugs for you for your dentist appt. I have to have major drugs before I go to the dentist.

    Tracey, $150!!!! Cool, your buying dinner.

    Judy, my first path report took almost two weeks. Silly me didn't know I could call the doc for results. Now I know better.

    Debbie, my son was a DDR champ in high school. What a great way to exercise.
    I love surprises. Address coming up.

    Vicki, hugs to you and prayers for your cousins family.

    Hi Jas, Tipping my glass with you. HERES TO US!!!!

    Off for another pot of coffee. Have a great day one and all. Love and hugs to those not mentioned by name. You are all in my prayers daily. Anne, got your PM. I am proud. Our sailor boys ROCK!! I'm sure your Army boy rocks as well. Talked to my kidlet yesterday. He said he probably does know your son. How cool is that.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning cg's
    well nikki i am glad your not to heartbroken cause i felt so bad... your right the qb sucks...
    lol well i said bread and ganja thing it really was a baba gannouj ( eggplant dip) ok i said i had two maybe it wass 4 and the other gangja...
    this superbowl party was pretty fun... our friend that was paralyzed in a bad car accident got to come home for the weekend...they said he would be a quad but has great movement in his arms and now he is getting feeling in his legs... yayyyyy!!!! another friend had way to much to drink i feel so bad for her....she is a bad alcoholic and if she doesnt watch it she is going to start to run into serious health problems i am sure!!!
    well i should get the kids up for school so i see ya all later!!!
    hmmmmmmm gangja bread LOL
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Morning Ladies

    Thanks again for all the support last night. I am feeling a bit better today, and distracted anyway by work, school, life, etc.

    Just wanted to say again, (though it's not like we all don't know it!!) what a special place this is. It's the "I understand how you feel" (when you know they REALLY Do!) that goes along with the "chin up, not all cancers are the same, etc." (which we all know is true) that makes the difference. Cause believe you me, if someone who doesn't get it tells me not to worry, I want to punch them! LOL When so many who do get, way too many than ever should, tell me, "don't worry, you will be OK", I am soothed, and feel calmer, and realize how lucky I am to be here. So thanks again Circle Girls!

    There is a quote, as usual I have no idea who said it, but it goes, "Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared, it means you are scared and you do it anyway." (Or something like that...) So here's to the bravest group of women I know, who are scared, but not only keep on living their lives, but offering support to others too. You're the best!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Good morning CGs!

    I stayed home from work today with a stuffed up head and scratchy throat. Normally, I would go to work unless I had a 102 degree fever, but my DH convinced me that I had better take it easy on myself, considering that I am in the middle of chemo. Plus, it was 7.3 degrees this morning, with a windchill of -15. You would think with all that, I would enjoy being able to relax at home, but no, I feel guilty that I am not at work. *Sigh* I will never learn!

    NS, you are in my thoughts and prayers today! Whatever happens, you will be able to deal with it, and we will be here right behind you if times ever get tough!

    Karen, glad your surgery is over and hope you continue to heal well!

    Nicki, I did not watch the SuperBowl (it started at 6:30 here and I went to bed at 7:00 last night!) but I was so hoping the Bears would win for you. Especially since the Eagles did not make it! Or the Steelers (I am a Pittsburgher at heart). But they had a great run and we have next year to look forward to!

    Deb, glad you got through the memorial service OK. It is great that you have so many memories of your aunt to take with you as you move forward!

    Michele, it’s great to see you again! I hope all is well!

    Vickie, sorry about your cousin. I know what you mean – ‘there but for the grace of God go I’. My sister was visiting me this weekend and commented that I have been through the worst in the past few years. I said to her ‘no way, there are much worse things that can happen, and I am just thankful for all my blessings and for every day that God gives me here on this earth.’ I think I freaked her out a little, (LOL!), but I know you girls understand what I mean.

    Laura, I don’t have any advice but I am pulling for you!

    Shirley, good luck with your HIDA scan today. What is a HIDA scan, anyway? I hope it is a piece of cake test and that you get the best possible results!

    Hello to Cheryl, Colleen, Tracey, Shel, Anne, Margaret, Madison, Lisa, and everyone!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    I think that I will not post for a few days. I'm PMSing and it's showing up in my posting. I just offended someone on a thread that I didn't belong on (I've been working at being more careful with this), and I've been negative about the Superbowl. So taking a break. I'll be back when the "flow" starts. Have fun!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by cheri123

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Just a quick hello...I seem to be falling behind at work...hmmmm..maybe too much time reading the 9 pages of posts since I last visited....and lots of work to do ...

    Hope all had a good super bowl dad calls every SB day to wish me a happy of like a holiday...

    hugs to all recovering...prayers and healing light...
    lini...don't go ...we understand....

    Well I probably won't be on too making me nuts...back to Dr Friday and more tests Tues...maybe the stent isn't working? we will see....been taking lots of nitro since off we go again...I know the prayers in this room are powerful,and my DH believes in all of thanks ahead of time....(no wonder my head is pounding witha headache..)

    be good and stay strong...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Poor Lini

    Where's 'aunt flo' when you really need her???!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by cheri123

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning CGs,

    To all the Bears fans, what a disappointment! I was pulling for them, but I'm glad for Peyton Manning that he finally got his ring. My son had a party and I didn't get a chance to see a lot of the game. An old friend was also at the party and she is a 28 yr. survivor of 2 bouts of BC. We had a whole lot to talk about. She is doing phenomonally well.
    I see my onc for my 4 month check up this Fri. I always get a little nervous, especially since I had my yearly major bloodwork done for this visit. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I try not to be so negative, but it's not always easy!

    I'm meeting Irisheyz (Bridget) for lunch today. She lives near me. It should be fun!

    NS-I understand your nervousness about your biopsy results. I'd be jumping out of my skin right now. I was lucky when I had my original biopsy. No one thought it was cancer, so I wasn't waiting for any news. Imagine my surprise. I have the same reaction to tape that you do. I still have scars from the tape from surgery last Oct.!

    Margaret-We did have a nice visit with BIL in Jersey. They live is a very nice area, where a lot of sports team members from Philadelphia live.

    Laura-Spousal support????? Is he nuts??? I can't believe it even came out of his mouth. After what he has put you through, he should pay you through the nose for the rest of your life! Hang tough, girlfriend!!

    lizws-That was one of the funniest things I have ever read. It is the perfect revenge!

    Colleen-We are putting Jenn in the center of the circle.

    Karen-Glad your CT surgery went well. I'm sure you will be feeling better in a few days. When I had my thumbs done, they were pretty sore for a few days.

    Vickie-Sorry about your cousin. That is never easy. Don't feel guilty. We all have those thoughts about being glad to be alive.

    Shirley-Don't worry about the HIDA scan. It is a total piece of cake! No pain, just long.

    Deb-I also thought that Ganga was the old Happy Smoke! On that note.....

    Tracey-Well, well,well.....Ganga bread

    Ns-I am thinking B9 Furballs so hard, I think my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head!!!!

    Gotta get moving! I am on vacation this week, since my boss is in the Bahamas. Oh Boo Hoo ! I will have a little more time to catch up. That is, when I get breaks from painting the bathroom.

    Big hugs to everyone I missed!!!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Wow----do we talk a lot, or what?

    SO and I must be the only people on the planet who didn't watch the super bowl but still kinda disappointed Da Bears lost. Born and raised in Milwaukee---still have a soft spot for the mid western boys! Besides---lived in Baltimore for 32 years and still haven't forgiven the Colts for sneaking out of town in the middle of the night!

    Nicki---so I'm sorry they lost too. My girlfriend just had her port out and her goofy surgeon told her they would just stand on her foot and give it a yank. Since I'm big on black humor (and so is she), made us both laugh. Twenty months huh? By the time my tattoo is done will be almost 2 years for me too---who knew it would take this long?

    NS---for some reason I have "phone" written next to your name but don't know why---and cant find what I was referring to when I scroll back. Just know we are all holding you up today and every day, no matter what the news is. Of course we all want Furballs! I remember! I meant PM me with your phone number if you want a listening ear.

    Deb---So sorry to hear about your Aunt Leah. There have been too many funerals in my family the last 10 years and it is a huge emotional drain---but I know you will handle it just like you handle everything else---well and with grace. Did you get my PM? And Happy Birthday, if you didn't! A surprise? I love surprises! Tell me, tell me, pleeeeeze----what is it, huh? Huh? HUH?

    Susan--glad you are home and on the mend. Just don't push it too hard too soon. Pain is there to tell you something.

    Karen---give yourself time to mend too. Had the same surgery a few years ago. The first hand was easy---no stiffness or pain. The second (and dominant) hand stiffened up like a board and took me awhile to get it back to normal. But my fingers don't go to sleep any more and I don't drop things with gay abandon either---at least not from carpal tunnel stuff. You can hardly see the tiny scars in my palms either.

    Vickie---So glad your daughter can take some time and come home for a few days. Getting away from the situation is the best thing for her right now. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. News like that scares all of us survivors so don't feel guilty---very human to react that way. I will be taking care of Sam one day a week starting February 21---coming down Tuesday nite and going home Wednesday nite---so maybe we will have lunch together on a regular basis if I come down early on Tuesday! Have already become addicted to your Wegman's which is much bigger than mine, and Greenstar. Also have 6 more squares---I'll just keep them until I have another pile.

    Colleen---Also sorry to hear about your friend and her family. It seems like there has been too many such stories told in the Circle lately. I will remember them in my prayers and ask for peace and healing for all of you.

    Purple---when in July will you be here? Don't want to go wandering off if I have the opportunity to meet a sister, you know!

    Tracey---ganja dip? Boy, things really ARE different in Canada! New York state still has the Rockefeller Laws (possession in any amount) so there isn't much of that kind of snack around here unless you're interested in a felony conviction! They're too busy stealing farm fertilizer for the meth labs anyway!

    Laura---Just remember what we have all told you. There's a lot of good advice here from your sisters. Glad to see you getting mad---it's what you need to move forward and get this creep to stop victimizing you and Caitie. He's a master manipulator and deserves everything the deliverence wagon has to offer for taking your daughter to the OW's house. How very confusing for a 6 year old---shame on him! Be sure to tell your attorney about that. And whatever you do---don't use the mediator! OK---I'll get off my soapbox now.

    Sue---You're right. Nobody gets it like your sisters here. Had lunch last week with my own sister who informed me BC is all I ever talk about. When the surgeon told them my nodes appeared clear she said she figured we would just go back to normal. Told her that's a little hard to do when someone is poking, testing, bloodletting you every few weeks and they keep finding stuff "we just need to check on"---not to mention endless months of recon stuff. When I told her the only time you know you've been "cured" of BC is when you die from something else, she laughed! I love her dearly but it's evident I just need to stop trying to 'splain this experience to her---she just doesn't get it! My SO understands better than just about everyone else, and he's a guy! But then, he gets almost as scared as I do.

    Going for the first MRI tomorrow, if we don't get hammered with Lake Effect snow, which they are forecasting. Think I'll ask them to do the Lone Ranger first since that's the one with crud we're "watching". Wednesday Frank(enboob).

    Guess what? I have an appointment with the Director of Volunteers at the hospital right after the MRI. I had my mast there and was very impressed with the volunteer program they had for BC patients. Got tired of waiting for the American Cancer Society---called them six or eight months ago and they still haven't called back for training for the Reach For Recovery program so I think I'll just go hang out at St. Joseph's---they were happy to hear from me.

    After the MRI Wednesday I go see the hand/ortho guy to fix this blinkin' trigger thumb. What a clumsy nuisance---thank you Arimidex. Which they took me off of---am also on a holiday from the Femara to see if the joint crap is just me. Guess what---after a week? It's just me. Mel Brooks' Two Thousand Year Old Man has nothing on me when I first get up in the morning! Anybody know if this goes away after the five years on meds? Not that I should get excited about that since I still have three and a half years to go.

    That's it, sisters. You must admit---when I get it in gear and start typing I can be a real Chatty Cathy. Hugs to all II've missed. Out of sight is not necessarily out of mind but I can only fit so many notes on one little sticky.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Just popping in quick here at work.
    Thank you ALL for your sweet kind words. Losing her was really a blow. So very full of life and gone so very fast. I just can't seem to comprehend it. But...on to other things.
    LINI...I SENT YOU A PM...I can't imagine you offending anyone and we need and want you here. I'll come swipe those toe socks to force you to come back and find me!
    NS...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers all day!
    JEANNIE...would love to see you again.
    NICKI...gonna have to come sneak in your wagon and tweak those toes of yours sleephead LOL. Sorry about the Bears...I have never watched the superbowl but watched a bit of it last night just for the heck of it.
    KRISTIN...welcome back! Take care of that cold...mine was miserable and I am still exhausted from it and can't breath when I lay down.
    (((ROBIN)))...come rant with are loved here.
    KAREN...Happy your surgery went well. Rest and take care of yourself.
    SHIRLEY...We are all with you today for your test...I don't think anyone is letting Cheri drive as it seems she has a bit of trouble with it (not that I have any room to talk!)
    Madison, MB, Alwayshope, Cheri, Jan, Liz, Susan, Deb, Tracey, Margaret, Colleen EVERYONE...sending you love and warm hugs.
    Love Vickie
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Snuck in during work for a quick peek! Lini, tried to send you a PM but your PM box is full! Full from everyone sending you PMs saying you would never, ever intentionally offend or hurt anyone, and that you are not in the slightest bit negative I'm sure!!!!

    I'm sorry you feel sad. Take whatever time you need of course, but remember, we need you here, cause you're nice, and funny, and we like you....
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, I remember that quote. But don't ask me what movie it's from

    Kristin, HIDA scan is to check gallbladder ejection fraction. Whatever the hell that is. They inject you with a tracer, then wait, then scan, then inject you with some kind of hormone that makes your gallbladder do whatever it's supposed to do. Everyone is telling me it's easy except for the doctor who said when I asked if pain was involved "well we are trying to recreate your pain" We'll see how it goes.

    Hugs lini

    Cheri, why are you deleting your posts? Whats wrong?

    MB hubby is back up to the top of my prayer list.

    Thanks Jan, easy is what I want to hear.

    Jeannie, took over a month for my aches and pains and stuck fingers to get back to normal after I stopped arimidex. I'm sure it's the same with the other AI's

    Thanks Vicki, I didn't mind Cheri's driving. It was a bit of a thrill.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Lini offend someone? Did I miss something? Nah, never happen.

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2007
    Morning girls,

    I really have to learn how to say no!! I was working 7-3 shift yesterday and we got a sick call for afternoons, 3-11 and they know I am a pushover and will never say no.
    They were ultimately right, I worked until 1pm last night after getting there at 6.30 am. Nutty Nurse Nicki will remember those days, you too Miss Shel!
    I got home after a particularly gruelling evening, a patient we have had since November some time had to endure a below knee ampulation, The vascular and ortho guys have feen trying to save this leg all this time and the time came to give up the fight and that day was yesterday Poor boy is just 20 yrs old. I was bawling along with the rest of his family and bad day turned into bad night.
    I somehow equated his fight for his leg as similar to our fight with bc, silimar but different. I have been reading of some of our dear sisters (MJ) for instance who have fought the good fight and now must let it go

    This also impacted me as I think you all know I am waiting on many scan and ultrasound reports and each day I reach a higher state of anxiety over it. My husband lost his first wife to IBC in 1994 and he is always ready for the worst and has been in a depression all this week.

    Fast forward to this morning.....BONE SCAN..CLEAR.....ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND AND BREAST ULTRASOUND....CLEAR AND ALL LABS WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS, sorry for screaming but you girls GET IT, you really do!
    Hubby cried, I feel so bad for him, he just thinks of it all the time and I don't know what to do for him. I feel so guilty for getting bc since he already lost one wife to the beast. He is so wonderful and treats me like the royalty I am

    just wanted to share my happy news this am.

    love all you circle girls,

    love Tina

    ~laugh lots ~ smile often ~ talk gently ~
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    So much to catch up on. I wish I could respond to everyone personally, but sneaking a minute here at work.

    NS, we are here with you as you wait for your results. Praying for good ones.

    Nicki, sorry about the game, but it was a pretty good one. My dh was for the colts, so our house was happy last night.

    Karen, glad your surgery went well. Let your wrist rest!

    Jasmine, knitting groups are so much fun. I did a lot of knitting during the game last night.

    Vickie, glad your DD is coming to visit. You will be so glad to have her with you.

    Nothing too exciting here right now. My son's school was out for snow, but mine wasn't. It's been pretty cold for our parts. I'm feeling a little better. I got some of my meds again. It's surprising how much they really do help.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hi Ladies,
    I will post quickly, then go back and read a bit to see how everyone is doing.
    THANK YOU all for coming to the Dentist with me! You all behaved and were quite quiet..........but I had to chuckle everytime I saw the Dentist look over his shoulder!! Everything went FINE! No repeats of last time! CMB, I'll fill ya in later. Okay, off to read and see how everyone is doing.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Nicki and all Bears fans, sorry- I was hoping they won (except for a lil part of me that remembers they are related to the Cubs, our biggest rival)Still, I was cheering for daBears!

    Vickie- I am sorry about your cousin. We were having this conversation yesterday, maybe it is our age; when people our age are getting dx with cancers, sick with other diseases and sometimes even dying. I have had 3 friends, i heard of over the past week with this type of news, but only one I am really close to. I am sorry for you and your family is in my thoughts.

    NS- it seems like we are all allergic to those crazy strips. At my recent surgery I told, NO steri-strips and he complied. Only paper tape for me too. Do they have you putting some anti-biotic cream on the sores? Still praying for good results.

    Jan and Bridget have a fun lunch, I am off today and would love to join you, but it is geographicaly, not an option.

    Tracey- are you Lebanese! Grapeleaves and Baba Gannouj, that is the food I grew up eating!

    Yeah Tina- Thanks for sharing your good news!

    Laura- I told my friend who was getting divorced, you have got to get mad, before you can move on. Luckily, I had a civil and friendly divorce, can you imagine? plus there were no kids involved. I am rooting for you, stay strong.

    Jeannie- Good luck with the volunteering. That is a good sign of moving beyond.

    Susan- are you staying warm? Brrrr, it is in the single digits here. Hope you are resting and comfy. I think of you often, but always when I am 270 heading south to 44
    (I will be getting on 44 east, but see that 44 west to Springfield sign, one day... I'll make that turn!)
    Warm Hugs...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    OK, I had a big long post written this morning but it made the page real wide. I didn't know I was the cause of it but i was. One of the girls pm'd me to let me know and told me sorta what to do about it, but not how to do it. I didn't want to ask her because I hardly know her so I PM'd some of the girls I know pretty well to see if they could help me figure out what it waa she was telling me to do. Didn't recieve a message back so I went ahead & deleted cos I know its aggravating to read a whole page of posts when it's huge across your screen. I hate it. I did get one response after I deleted but she didn't know what the girl was talking about either. So, since i've never had that problem before I thought maybe it was just a fluke. So, I'm trying one more time. Shorter version & I didn't have all these extra posts to respond to yet, so if it works, will read & post again.

    Karen, glad your surgery went well. Don't overdo it and hope you heal quickly.

    Colleen,glad your're feeling better today and prayers for your family as well as your friends family.

    Deb, relieved that your Memorial Service is over.

    Madison & Vicki both have daughters coming home to visit, that's great.

    NS, of course I'll come over & help keep you calm. Although I'm not sure how 'calm' you'll be. We'll sit around telling storied and laughing all day or night or both.I pray that at least you know something soon, but always pray for B9.

    Vickie, so sorry about your cousin. What you were feeling is just human nature. We all feel like that when someone we know gets real sick.

    Nicki, sorry bout those Bears.

    Shirley, good luck with your scan today (prolly already over by now) Great housewarming gift for your dd. I'm sure you really miss her.

    Susan,hope your healing well & quickly. Will talk to you soon.

    Tina, congrats on your good news!

    Lini, I'm sure whatever happened was nothing to worry about.

    Hey to Tracey,Cy,Always,Lisa,Madison,Margaret,Anne,Judy, Amy.Vickie2 and everyone else that my mind can't think of. Wishing you all a great day.

    Oh Yeah, what I was asked to do to keep my post the right size was something like: line length of 80 columns. I do not have a clue what that means. If anybody else does they can either post how to do it or pm me. we'll see if I have a problem with this one.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi everyone!

    I'm back from my lunch with Bridget. It was really great to talk to someone who GETS IT!! Aw..Christine, I'm sure Cheri would have picked you up on the magic carpet and you both could have joined us! Oh well, next time.

    Lini-I can't imagine how you could have offended anyone???
    Wazup with that?

    Jeannie-I don't know if I told you or not that my thumbs got stuck straight from Arimidex. Both operated on and that was no fun. I feel like an 80 yr. old when I have been sitting for more than 10 min. I swear, it's worth the price of admission to see me get out of my car when I get to work .

    Tina-Great news on your test results!! We all sweat bullets waiting to hear. Boy, that bc is always lurking in the background, waiting to pop right up in your face. At least that's the way I see it in my head.

    Denise-Waht happened at the dentist?? I work for a dentist and I can't imagine what he must have done to you.

    Cheri-I don't know what you did to make the post big either. Whenever I see them like that, I wonder what the hell happened?

    NS-What's happening girl? Any news yet? The waiting is the worst part. Everything just HAS to be ok. I am willing it to be so. Jeez, I wish it was that easy. If it were, I'd wish all of us back to the time before bc entered our lives, and make everyone immune.

    Hugs to everyone, Vickie 1 &2, Shel, Margaret, ((Laura)), Shirley, Boo, Odalys, Nicki, Amy, Tracey, Karen, DebC, Brenda, SoCal, Susan, Madison, Cy and anyone else I have missed.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    good afternoon all,

    Busy day here at work so dropping in for a quick check to see if we had any word from NS and the furballs. yep, still chanting furballs, furballs, furballs on my end of the circle. NS hoping you are able to relax some and wish I could tell you not to read what you shouldnt be but we all do it because its human. Hang in there girl and we are with you regardless.

    Nicki-no reason to apologize for Distorted humors behavior. I think Mazer was just as guilty taunting him with her big smile and licking her lips. I did question her on it and she swears she was only getting the cinnamon roll icing off her mouth. uh huh,,yeah right like I wasnt her age once. Mazer said sorry about those bears also and she is going to start working on her throwing arm because she smelled a weakness in the quarterback.

    LauraB-glad to see you getting angry. He is commiting adultery so go get him. He can try the spousal support because I remember you saying something before about you made the money but you arent asking for the divorce he is and he already has another woman so that wont look good in front of any judge. He wants to move on so he can move on with his little paycheck and work 2 jobs or whatever he has to do to support himself. Thinking of you and wishing you lots of encouragement as you grow through this difficult time.

    vickie-Loved your men statements,,I died laughing when I read them. I hope your daughter gets to come to see you soon because I know you are both excited. Loved the beer bong and made me think about the funnel also. Not that I have ever done either one but I have "read" stories.

    Cheri123-yep magic carpet keys are taken away. I have never been one to get car sick but those loops got me. You were much more behaved riding than driving. I must admit though, there is nothing wrong with having some fun.

    Deb-speaking of fun-wow those jello shots went over with a bang didnt they? I was actually at a bar Saturday night after the rodeo and they were serving jello shots and I just started laughing and of course had to have one in honor of you. I also must say that gonga has the same meaning to me. Congrats on your daughters making record time.

    Lini-dont go away. The circle is a safe place so please dont go.

    madison-glad your daughter came home to visit you. Where is she stationed?

    Shirley-hope your scan went well today.

    karen-glad to hear your surgery went well. I know you are glad that its over.

    susan-great to see you checking in. Mazer enjoyed kicking her heels up at the nurses. It was funny to see them turn around and wonder what smacked them. She told me it wouldnt be long and you would be kicking your heels up before long.

    RobinTN-hello there and great to see you posting. Stick with us and we will get you through this. chemo sucks no doubt about it.

    Hello to everyone else that I missed,,Anne, Judy, Vickie2, Lisa, Cy, Boo and to everyone else that I have failed to mention. My mind can only hold so much info.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    NS...thinking of you and praying hard...any results yet?
    Love and hugs