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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi ya girls. Party still goin' on? Gosh we have so many new threads & people it's wonderful. Ain't we got fun?

    Vickie, I loved the video. Last night I looked just like the girl singing the song becaue of my magic mirror. I really like Youtbe but since I live in the sticks my internet carrier is called "Backwoods Dial-up" so it takes forever for me to download videos. But it's worth it.

    Liz,yes it was Mena that taught me to dance on three legged bar tables. I'm jussa lil ole country gal and don't know much bout them there big city ways like Mena does. She's been showin' me the ropes.

    Susan, go glad to see you at home & posting. Hopefully, your pain will become more tolerable. If you need anything give me a call.

    Laura. I know your world is in such turmoil. I'm glad to see you being wiser about the paycheck issue, it's a start. It's sad to see someone hurting just be careful and use your head and realize that man cannot be trusted. You're alot more understanding than me, I would've snapped a long time ago. Be careful.

    NS, hope you're feeling better today and try not to worry.

    Mena, time to come out and play.

    Hey to Nicki,Vickie2,Gus,Michele,Madison,Brenda,Boo,CherylG,Jeannie,Sheri,Tracy,Jan,Robin,Judy,Odalys,Amy and CherylCy,Shirley and to all those I might've missed,Carrie,Denise and Anne. You all have a nice evening & sleep well. And Joyce & Lisa. Geez, I just keep thinking of friends here. That's a good thing! You all have enhanced my life so much.

    God Bless,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Susan you are back!! Please, rest and heal... I have been thinking about you my sister!!

    has anyone heard from Karen??? I pray everything went ok with her surgery...

    Robin- you need to be here- we want you here so we can help you!

    girls, I can't thank you enough for all the beautiful support and love you have shown me. I didn't have a good day.

    I had an allergic reaction to the steri-strips they put on me. I am allergic to all tape except paper tape. They said this was hypo-allergenic but it wasn't. It was the thickest steri strips I have ever seen. I have blisters all over that breast and when i took the tape off they tore open. It is really painful and black and blue. I wish they would invent a pain killer for people like me who can't take them!

    I also started thinking about what "news" I may hear next week. I remember when I was first dx'd. It is like two separate lives. I have my life before and my life after. And my life changed forever the day my surgeon turned in his chair, reaching for an ACS booklet and said "Let me tell you about your cancer"- he didn't say " You have cancer" he said it that way. That instant my old life was over. And I was thinking about that happening again next week, only I am not so sure what will happen this time. I guess I am a bit freaked. So I have been trying to stay off line because I keep wandering to sites that I do not need to see right now, such as recon that has gone wrong, new chemo combos for triple negs, etc. I am TRYING to live in Furball Denial land.

    I had a friend come over today. She is a good friend. Beautiful, never sick a day in her life and can eat anything she wants and never gains an ounce. She was telling me her "problems"... I was sitting there thinking- OMG- i WISH I had your problems!!! Can we trade??

    She is a pilot and leaving for another trip tomorrow. So I was thinking that when she gets back I may be in another world.. a new cancer land world.

    Sorry, I think that all this waiting and all the delays have just crept up on me!

    Deb, I sure hope you are still celebrating your birthday!!

    I am imagining all of you having your toga party, I am snuggled in my afghan and meditating on a photograph of a beautiful garden with a pond and a drawbridge. All of this helps so much.

    I have also been making one of my movies for my mother who is having a big birthday next week. I have my grandmother's old photo album so I have all her baby pictures... that has been fun.

    I am taking requests for the next movie- as soon as I am done with mom's I will be ready to make the next one. Let me know!!

    Thank you for being my sisters. I couldn't ask for a greater gift in all the world and I cherish each of you.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening CG's

    NS ~ Hope you are feeling better and remember we are all chanting B9 for the one they said looked bad.

    Mena ~ Hope your son is doing well.

    I am not as good as the rest of you yet in remembering everyone so I will just say..... Hi and I wish everyone well to everyone I missed.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    Oh, NS. I wish there was something I could say to make your worries and sadness go away. I know what you mean about the two lifes. I often think bc stands for before cancer. I pray that you find some peace during this difficult time and for B9 results!!!!!

    Robin - glad you checked in. I often think about you and hope you feel better soon.

    To all the CG's - It's really quiet around the camp fire, hope everyone is enjoying this Saturday night.

    I'm sending lost of love, hugs, and positive energy to all the CG's who are in need tonight.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Girls, I am ALL partied out. I had a super b-day. I loved all the rhymes you all wrote me...THANKS! The togas party was sweet. Maybe next weekend we should have a hoe-down....I am about to take a Loooooong hot bath and hit the hay.

    NS~ Stay OFF the scary web sites! meditate on your garden spot, have a glass of wine...or two, wrap that blanket around you and feel our love. Monday will bring whatever it brings, and we will be here no matter what. For today get some rest and treat your poor sore boob to a cool ice pack. Big hugs.

    Tomorrow is Leah's memorial service. It will be a hard day...I'm not so good with goodbyes. Actually, I already said goodbye, but tomorrow I have to deal with a whole bunch of grieving people, and that is always SO hard for me. I kind of soak in all that angst and's kind of hard to explain, but it is hard for me to be in such a large group of people with that strong of a batch of emotions.

    Sleep well my friends
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow Those jello shooters were good, are there any left?
    I stayed in bed till noon then did some retail therapy. Got some really cute fabric tyo make cloth books with. There one that is titled "Learning to Pray for Children" It have several simple prayers I learned as a child and some old fashion pictures. I'm going to make two of them for my two older granddaughters. I have thre more colorful ones for my grandson and youngest granddaughter and one for the grandbaby on the way. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl so I can get the material for the blanket picked out.

    I know I'm feeling better cause I want to sew again! I even picked out some patterns for some shirts for my girls.

    We had rain all day today after it being dry and cold for quite a while now. Warmed it up a bit thank goodness.

    Going to walk the perimiter after I throw some wood on the fires.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone! Its down right frigid here this morning. 12 below zero and thats without the windchill! So you can find me in my teepee! Its warm inside. No way I could be sitting by a campfire this morning. So 6 more weeks of this. I cant wait til we start seeing some signs of Spring. Today Im gonna stay in my jammies all day long.

    Well today is the day. Its Superbowl! Im praying so hard that DaBears win. I know Im gonna be filled with anxiety all day and the game is so late!

    Vickie: The song Im looking to post is called "Believe" by Cher. I think she wrote it for any woman who is having men issues. I down loaded it yesterday afternoon and my poor husband goes - is that how you feel about me? Ah, I just laughed. There is one scene in the video where she is saying "Im strong" and man oh man - you feel strong and liberated.

    Anne: I loved the before cancer idea. Cant quite remember who I was, only know who I am now.

    Sherloc: You sound so busy, but also like your having alot of fun with your grandchildren.

    Debc: Im laughing. I myself have thought about the dance video game. I love video games and why not get exercise while you playing them. Oh and a surprise? I cannot wait.

    Denise: Oh some of us really get the creeps when we have to go to the dentist. Good luck with your appointment.

    Odalys: I sure did enjoy your description of all the Super Bowl festivities. Felt like I was there for a momemt. Im getting confused with my notes. Was it you who mentioned the bc=before cancer.

    Tracey: Thanks for the pic of the Bears. Im gald your computer is up again. Im not a very good cook. My favorite appetizer when its an adult group is to get a fresh pineapple. Slice it length wise so you can put the strips on skewers. Soak the pinapple in Captain Morgans spiced rum. I love drinking the juice with the rum when they are all gone. Another appetizer I like to make is cut up Italian sausage and mushroom caps. Marinate them in your favorite spices. I like red wine, but sometimes you can use balsamic vinegar too. Then sautee them. Put one mushroom and one slice of sausage on a tooth pic. This may not be low calorie, but its always a hit. Have fun at the Superbowl Party. And remember Go Bears!!

    NS: Guess what? Your human. I would love to tell you to stop searching the internet, but I know I would be doing the same thing. Thats how I found! Sad, your friend didnt know what your going through. Nothing worse than having to listen to someone elses problems when you have this big weight hanging heavy in your heart. But hey, thats what we are here for. You can say whatever you want here. Hang in there. Deal with what is real, dont get lost in the world of "what ifs"

    Michelle: I wrote something down, but for the life of me I cant read it. So Im saying hello.

    LauraB: How did things go last night?

    Im thinking this old gal is gonna go climb back into bed. Its cold! I hate subzero temps. And tomorrow I will having to be outside in it all day. Guess I better get my down coat from the closet. Gonna need it. I sure am glad I filled up the car Friday. It was 9 degrees then - geez that sounds like a warm spell now.

    Go Bears

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    It's early here but I have coffee ready for those who had too many jello shots.

    Jan, hope you had a nice visit with DH's brother and family. My sister lives in NJ and I visited there or the first time in Nov.

    Robin, so glad you posted. Please do not stay away so long - we worry about you.

    Susan, how are you doing?

    Laura, did I read that right and he's taken Caitie to the other woman's house twice in the last week? If I read that right, I would be immensely po'd. You'll do the right thing.

    Vickie, I think a lot of us agree that men are a bunch of insensitive, unfeeling, uncaring bunch of friggin jerks. On another subject, if I did this right, this one is for you:

    Deb, hope you had a nice birthday. What's the name of the dancing thing? Good luck with Leah's memorial service.

    Denise, what are you having done with your teeth? Good luck tomorrow.

    G, I'm sorry you are having to go through the worry of this crap all over again. I wish I were there to give you a hug and tell you everything will be all right. Praying for B9. When things calm down for you, can you tell me how to make a movie? Have only done that accidentally on my phone.

    Nicki, go Bears. I can deal with the cold weather, what I hate is getting shocked every time I touch something. We've been having some nice spring weather during the day.

    I missed a lot this morning but will catch up with everyone later - probably after the Super Bowl.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    First of all let me say - ROBIN, ROBIN, ROBIN!!!! I've missed you and it's so good to hear from you. You are always in my prayers.

    Second of all - I read something that Shel wrote on another post. Shel, you brought tears to my eyes. You are so strong, amazing, and full of life. You inspire me to LIVE, LIVE, LIVE!!!!

    Susan, G, Mena, and everyone else having troubles, pain, procedures - Praying for healing and comfort.

    Margaret - I'm glad that I crack you up. If I can make one person laugh a day, then I've had a great day. Even if it is at the expense of myself.

    Deb - "Hoe down"? In my neck-of-the-woods that also has the same connotation as "hooch". LOL!! Hoochies and Hoes? Somehow my mind always goes there.

    Nicki and everyone else - Have a great Superbowl Sunday. I know that it is the Superbowl today, but that's it. Don't know where it is, who's playing, don't even have a menu ready. Slacking over here, but who cares?? I'll have fun even if I don't know what's going on. I take it that I should be rooting for da Bears?? Who are they playing??

    Oh, one last thing - Vickie-Thanks for all of the songs. You are the best party giver. I always have a grand time!!!

    Well, off to church and another soccer game.

    Best to everyone always,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey you go

    See you all later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Woohoo Margaret! Great video...thank you.
    Ok...out to brave the cold again this morning and let me tell you IT IS COLD!!! Wind chill advisory for today and tomorrow which really stinks. Only going to be in the teens all week. Hope that groundhog knew what he was talking about as I am more than ready for an early spring!

    My DD is coming home for a short visit!!!! She doesn't know exactly when yet as she is short staffed at work with the tornado and doing a lot of the supervision of the relief efforts...delivering water, canned goods, etc. She says it is very very sad. I can hardly wait to see her.

    I love you are my strength and my sisters
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies....
    7:45 and i am at work already.... not to busy last night as we only had 26 ppl in house...
    it quite chilly today and were spose to get some flurries...
    nikki are you ready to rock? whoooohoooooo are you ready to roll?? go bears go the bears are gonna kick some seriously cute butts..
    gonna be a busy day after work i still need a appy then i have to drive 1/2 just to get to the party.... even better i think i have found a designated driver
    its gonna be party time.... us canadian dont need a excuse to party... hehehehe i am gonna cheer for the bears and watch those amazingly funny commercials.....
    ok nikki get your party pants on!!!!


  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Morning all. Have to fill you in on yesterday. When he got back from the hall in the afternoon, he started talking again. I broke the news about the money and he got extremely pissed (big surprise). I told him "fair's fair and since YOU want this to happen, and the mediator would've suggested this anyway, that it's the way it's going to be." He said "you're out to screw me" and I replied "nope, you've already done that to yourself and your family".

    We talked (argued) more and he continues to bring up past (dead) issues---he just can't let go. He brought up the sex thing and I admitted to him I lost desire -- not just hormonely after Caitie was born, but because of his drinking and lack of tenderness. He didn't like that--but seemed intrigued that I told him I had bought a sexy negligee that was hanging in my closet (tuff titties,'s no longer for you!)

    He wants this to be civil (so do I, but for the sake of Caitie---not his) and we actually started talking civil. I then told him despite all the past mistakes and hurt on both sides, I was willing to really work at this TOGETHER and had faith in both of us that we could overcome these issues. He actually agreed....until I told him that he would need to break off all ties with the OW and quit coming/going as if he was single because he wasn't. Well that set him off and of course he tried to blame me " just can't let it go".

    He's been in contact with his attorney (even brought up that I'd have to pay spousal?!) and wants the name/phone number of mine first thing tomorrow (I have it memorized but told him it was at the office). He's NOT getting the number until I talk with my lawyer first. Ray's thinking that the 4 of us would meet first before any retainers were required---who knows about that.

    I talked with my Dad last night (his 70th b-day) and explained the latest. When Ray found out my parents finally knew, he wanted to know their reaction. All I said was not surprised, but still shocked. Dad's going to call Ray at work tomorrow (hell, can't hurt) and tell him what he really thinks....that if Ray is insistent that nothing can be done to salvage the marriage and keep Caitie's family together, that Dad has lost all respect for Ray as a man! We'll see how THAT guilt plays out!

    Anyway, when Ray gets back from shopping (told him he could get stuff for himself and his Dad, I would take care of Caitie and me he said "don't start that" and I said "I just don't need you throwing some other excuse like 'I do all the shopping' at me." He said "don't be silly."

    As for my "errands" today...I'm not going to tell him where I'm going. I need space from him and have something I need to accomplish. It may be wrong, but it's something I have to do, so will fill everyone in later (IF it happens).

    As for the Superbowl---he'll go down to the hall to pick up our numbers (we each bought a $25 square) but will be back to pig out on shrimp, wings, and pizza. GO BEARS!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    Laura - some guys just don't get it no matter how much we try. My exhusb was also a real jerk. But, one day I realized I needed to respect myself first. If I hadn't divorced him I would have never met my current husband. We've been married for 12 years now and he is a real sweet heart.

    Here is a song that says it all

    Remember..."When the horse is dead, get off". Your daughter will respect you for it and you will love yourself more.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I found some links on the web that maybe you could use, its up to you:

    Common Sense Steps to Protect Yourself in a Divorce
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Odalys...thanks for the link! I needed to hear that!

    Hope...thanks for YOUR link! I needed to see some of that. Seemed to be geared towards men whose wives want the divorce, but everything seems to apply on either side.

    Will keep everyone posted on the events of the day.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yes, it was directed at men but I thought the suggestions were non-gender based even if the website wasn't.

    One suggestion I might add is to rent a PO Box for your personal correspondence in the future. That way any new bank account statements, correspondence with your attorney, etc., cannont be intercepted by your spouse. I would also change the address for any 401k statements from your work to this PO box.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    He's been in contact with his attorney (even brought up that I'd have to pay spousal?!)

    Okay, I just can't stop thinking about this line in your post. I has me really irrate. This guy would be so low as to demand 'spousal support' from a cancer patient????

    Doesn't this guy have a job? If he can support himself then I doubt he would be awarded spousal support. In fact, I think that you would be more likely to get this as a cancer patient than he would.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    I agree with with AlwaysHope. It's extremely important to plan your scape (sort of speak). Get a PO Box, get a seperate bank account (if you don't have one already). Send a letter to your creditors letting them know you will not be responsible for charges accumulated after today. Keep a copy, you will need them later. Pay off any joint accounts (if you can) and then close them so your name does not appear on any future expenses. Also, if you don't have a credit card on your own, get one now! It may be very difficult to stablish credit later on and after a divorce, credit ratings tend to drop. Very important to do all this on your own (keep it confidential). Get a safety deposit box if necessary and store any vaulables, jewelry, deeds, childs documents...birth certificate, and any other important papers you may need later on. Do not share information with him or he will use it against you later on. Believe me I learned this lesson the hard way. My ex left me with $12,000 worth of debt and then turned around and filled for bankrupcy. I was left holding the bag. grrrrrrrrr

    Girlfriend, I can tell you some stories. He went as far as stalcking me for 1 1/2 years. Did you ever see the movie "sleeping with the enemy?" I thought I would never get away from him. But I did, and I am stronger and wiser today. Well, I don't want to bore everyone else with my story so if you want PM me and we can chat more.

    Be brave, stand your ground, and kick his cheating ass to the curve! You deserve someone who will love you and respect you. Your daughter needs to learn that all men don't behave this way.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hey jasmine...
    ya that statement had me riled up to....
    i would be telling him he is going to have to pay.... and also for child support...
    laura this guy is walking all over you and you are allowing it..... pack his stuff and leave it on the doorstep ..... you dont need this crap in your life...
    if my hubby was coming and going between home and another woman he would be long gone.... that is just disgusting... what a pig...self centered @#$$%$^%&%$....
    as long as you tolerate this he is going to keep doing it....
    just my thoughts
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007

    Spousal support??? Yes, I've heard that one before. It does not matter what he says. They are just words coming out of his mouth. It's horse poopoo. Do you have an attorney? If not, get one. This will not be a friendly divorce and you need someone who can protect your (and your daughter's) legal rights. Don't worry too much about what he says and look at his behavior, his actions. I don't know the whole story (will try to go back and read some of your earlier posts) but he is the adulterer. In some states he lost his case already! Do you know if Ohio a 50/50 state? Please get an attorney ASAP.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    laura check out this link ok....

    divorce in ohio

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Just checking in....Susan,I hope you are feeling better.
    NS-Still hoping for furballs
    Vickie-enjoy your time w/h your daughter
    Everyone else,I am thinking of you all. I have been following along but things have been crazy here.Kevin goes in for his surgery on Wednesday,please keep him in the circle. I am staying w/h him so I will check in when we get home.
    Take Care,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Judy, Vickie2, Anne & Marsha hope you are starting to find this thread a little easier to navigate. it does move fast but "Don't Worry" just jump in wherever you feel comfortable at.

    No I have to go get ready. We have to drop groceries off at MIL then off to friends for the Superbowl.

    Ok before I go We going to have another grandson Hayden Joshua is due in May! it's going to be a BOY! now I have to start shopping for a boy. All I have is girl stuff.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Hope, Odalys and Tracey...thanks for listening--and fighting for me! Yes, I have an attorney (not yet on retainer) whom I've met with once (loved him) and spoken a number of times as I've updated him with the chain of events. I also have a name of another that actually went up against Ray's lawyer (his sister used Ray's lawyer when she filed for divorce---Ray's attorney was chewed up, spit out, and stomped all over...nothing like admitting to his sister "I'm not confident with this case" because his sister was insistent her ex was hiding money---it's a full disclosure state. To this day, Ray's sister says she got what she paid for, and it would serve Ray right if he used her--Alix [the lawyer] was useless!)

    I will NOT give the hubby my lawyer's phone number until I speak with my attorney. My guy suggested the separate bank account, although didn't suggest the 50/50 split of expenses (but prob would have)...with the sh*t being thrown at me, I know I'll make some mistakes along the way.

    Ohio is a 50/50 so I'll need to concern myself with my 401k and pension--the 401k will prob be where I tap from if expenses get too high (unlike Ray, I have financial options---he doesn't have a pot to piss in, which is why he's panicking). Bottom line...Ray's showing it's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY while I know it's all about Caitie.

    He can file tomorrow if that's what he thinks (prob won't---he hates driving to downtown Cleveland! And it's gonna be more-than-nipply cold here tomorrow).

    Bottom line---regardless of what Ray threatens, rants about, pouts about, etc.----this is ALL ABOUT CAITIE! I'll come out fine (sh*t---I beat the beast, didn't I!?!)

    Hanging tough...
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning, oops, Afternoon All,

    Air Force daughter came in on leave at 12:30 a.m., so we stayed up late to visit. I have back problems and my legs started acting up last night (pain radiates down my legs), so I took 2 sleeping pills-I take Temazepam (Ristoril ) (rather than pain med) and slept until 9:00 this morning. Visits from adult children and wonderful, but hectic.
    NS, we are still hoping for furballs. My daughter started crying when I told her how special you are, as all of you are....she now holds all of you in her heart also.
    Joyce, Kevin will be in the circle.
    Laura, I don't know what to have some tough decisions to make...Yes, I believe spousal support does exist....divorce laws have changed in the last 5-10-15 years. Only a lawyer in your state will know what is best for you.
    Nicki, thinking about you 'cause Da Bears are going to be on the field soon..I think I hear the cheers from Chicago all the way down South…..It was such a trip down memory lane seeing the Joni Mitchell clip.
    Tracey, you are going to a Super Bowl party...have fun.
    Vickie, enjoy time with your daughter. I am sure Nathaniel is excited to be able to visit with his sister. I haven't been able to pick up my crochet needle today, been busy visiting.
    DebC, glad you had a good birthday. Did you make a BIG wish and blow out all the candles. You are making a surprise? You are the greatest!!!
    Robin, everyone worries when you don't visit….hope you are better.
    Susan, take care, one step at a time, don’t try to do too much.
    Denise, I am not a fan of dentist either…take ALL the Xanax you need dear….
    Lisa, you were at the frat house that spawned Animal House? I bet you haven’t told us the ENTIRE story… I bet you can find some great togas for us when you return in June.
    CY, a GRANDSON on the way. Fantastic.

    Hugs to all I have missed, my brain is still foggy, my darn back is not happy and I really do need to change out of my pj’s (I mean it is 1:30 p.m. over here)..Vickie may send the “wake-up Squad” over here soon. Odalys, Alwayshope, Margaret, Michelle, Anne, Sherloc, Judy, Gus, Sheri, Vickie2, Sheri, Jan, Amy, Shirley, Brenda, Boo, Jeannie take care.

    Nicki, thinking of you and Da Bears…..

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007

    Hey you go

    See you all later

    LauraB: I asked Vickie to get this from youtube, just for you. Its written for you. Called "Believe" by Cher.

    Spousal support? It takes one kind of creepy, slimey worm to even mention that to someone who is recovering from breast cancer. Definitely talk to the lawyer in the morning.

    He is so mean spirited!

    To everyone else and quick hello. My anxiety has already begun. Just watching all the pre superbowl programs and enjoying this year. Go Bears!

    See ya all in the morning.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls, I'll be back in awhile but thought I'd post this for Laura.


    She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes,
    crates and suitcases.

    On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things.

    On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful
    dining room table by candlelight, put on some soft background
    and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of
    Chardonnay. When she had finished, she went into each and every room

    and stuffed half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar, into the hollow of all of
    the curtain rods.
    She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.

    When the husband returned with his new girlfriend, all was bliss
    for the first few days.
    Then slowly, the house began to smell.

    They tried everything .. cleaning, mopping, and airing the
    place out.
    Vents were checked for dead rodents, and carpets were steam cleaned.
    Air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought
    in to set off gas canisters, during which they had to move out for a
    few days, and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool
    carpeting. Nothing worked.
    People stopped coming over to visit.
    Repairmen refused to work in the house.
    The maid quit.
    Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided
    to move. A month later, even though they had cut their price in half,
    they could not find a buyer for their stinky house.

    Word got out, and eventually, even the local realtors refused to return
    their calls. Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the
    bank to purchase a new place.

    The ex-wife called the man, and asked how things were going. He
    told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely, and said
    that she missed her old home terribly, and would be willing to reduce her
    divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back.

    Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed
    to a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only
    if she were to sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and within the
    hour his lawyers delivered the paperwork.

    A week later the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched
    the moving company pack everything to take to their new home,including
    the curtain rods.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls

    Back from NH, don't have time to read the 132 posts yet (!) but need some prayers for a friend's family...

    First and foremost: My friend (who gave me my neulasta shots during chemo so I wouldn't have to do it myself!) sister-in-law was dx last Feb, she has just been dx with extensive mets (bone, brain, liver, lung) and has weeks/months to live. She has a 9 year old daughter. Do you know, I'm not even sure of her first name, but I think it's Jenn. Please send your powerful thoughts and prayers to her and her family.

    Secondly, and more selfishly: My 10 year old son is good friends with my same friend's 10 year old son. Needless to say, they have talked about his aunt. So, some positive thoughts to my Warren would also be appreciated. He's maintaining that he's not worried about me, but I know he's just saying that. (At 10, he's already "the strong one", which breaks my heart.)

    Last, and most selfishly: Same dx as me, so making me cry a few tears for myself in addition to tears for her. Could use a boost...

    OK, will be back later to catch up, find out how the party was, and learn what else is going on. Right now need to manage the "re-entry" from being away all weekend, and make sure the #%$$)_##% science fair poster that's due tomorrow gets done!!!

    Thanks in advance, for everything....
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    BTW, weeks/months according to the docs, I realize that no one really knows that, didn't mean to sound negative, just really freaked out right now...

    I know you guys understand...