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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, right behind you.....NS..thinking of you...

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    For Colleen and Jan,
    I didn't want the others to have to "endure" my story again!! The Dentist did nothing to me, I've been going to him for probably 25 years! They have always teased me that I can do my own procedures because I had been there so ofter. I've set there for 3 hours before with no problem! I have had more root canals then teeth! And all but one tooth has a crown. Anyhooooooo, I went in Oct. to have a loose crown replaced. It (the crown) didn't want to cooperate, it was on better than we thought. On and off, on and off, cleaning the area, fitting, adding a post, etc. All of a sudden I got this strange thing happen where I almost passed out. Like a burning (hot feeling) in my chest that moved up to my ears. It would last a few seconds and go away. Then it came back, this continued and the more it happened the more I freaked out. The Dentist and staff were great.............but a little freaked out also. (I know this post is gonna disappear cuz it's so long!) Long story short...they wouldn't let me drive and called my husband. Fine when I got home. Couple of weeks later it happened again and I went to the Dr., EKG was fine and I came home. That night I (for the first time ever) went to ER. Spent the night for observation (of course it didn't happen there!), Bloodwork, Stress Ultra, Cardiolite Stress and I guess the Heart is okay.
    Anyhow, my crown remained at the Dentist office for the past 3 months. I had to go today to have the job finished and the gum had grown over the socket. I was scared to death to go back..............association fear. Not that my problem was caused by the Dentist, but the fact that I was at the Dentist when it happened! These girls have basically held my hand ever since. I'm gonna push continue now and if this is deleted You WILL hear some not so pretty words!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,
    Still struggling to keep my head above water. Rehab for knee replacement is a lot of work. Every moment is scheduled to one set of exercises or another. The drugs are good though.

    NS, thinking about you. I'm here if you need me. Cheri are you getting into trouble again. Did you get Lini into trouble???Nicki, sorry about DaBears. but if it was someone else, I'm glad it was the Colts.

    Christine I like your new picture.

    Tina, woohoo!!!! for your great news.

    For all, I don't feel like I have much to contribute right now (except maybe "crummy buttons") but I sure am enjoying your stories. Have faith and be confident.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Sounds like an anxiety attack. I had those for years and they are frightening! I hope everything goes well.

    Susan-I need knee replacement and I am terrified of doing it. With my bc, I have endured so many surgeries that I don't want to do it. How is you rehab? I heard that can be tough. I hope you are doing well with it. Everyone I know who has had the surgery is very happy they did it. I'm still being a little scaredy cat .
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Hi CG's,

    Just have a minute to check in, but I've been thinking about NS all day and wanted to see if there was any news.

    Vickie, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. Sending big hugs your way.

    Tina, Yippee! Great news on your test results!

    Gotta go drive the kids around to their activities but I'll check in later when I have more time to take notes while I read!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Tina, Great News.

    Susan, glad you are getting good meds. It sounds like they are really working you hard in rehab.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Jan---SURGERY?!?!?!?!? Tell me about it so I know what to expect and what questions to ask. The only time it bends is when I don't want it to and it HURTS. Were any other fingers affected?

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi everyone,

    Sher – how was the HIDA? When do you get the results? I’m glad your DD is going to be there for you to recover from the surgery. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Lini – I read the other thread and didn’t see a single thing that would have upset someone. I chalk it up to persnippity mood. Please don’t leave.

    Cheri – glad to see your post worked. Not sure what that person was trying to tell you. I type in Word and then copy and paste.

    Lisaelder – I loved that story. Need to let my friend know what to do. LOL

    Susan – hugs. My mom said the rehab was brutal but she said to let you know to continue it (like you have a choice) and you will be really glad. She gets around great now.

    Nicki – they let my FIL out of the hospital today. I give up! His creat/bun is good. They said his bleeding could have been from taking too much NSAID. Hello? Isn’t that a GI bleed? His endoscope was clear but they didn’t do a colonoscopy. See why I’m giving up? We shall see what happens now. Glad you liked the story.

    NS – you’ve been on my mind all day. I was actually chanting furballs earlier to myself and my dog was looking at my like I was crazy. Hugs.

    Margaret – I thought the same about the commercials this year. The only one I really liked was the first one with paper/rock/scissors.

    Vickie – I’m so sorry about your cousin. My prayers are with you and the family at this time. So sad.

    Tracey – way to go! My DH almost won money but they were a point off.

    Denise – so glad your appointment went well. I have panic attacks (since BC) and I hate them.

    Colleen – so glad things are a bit better for you today.

    Kristin – did you call the doc? Hope you get to feeling better.

    MB – glad you checked in. I hope they figure out hubby’s problems. Let us know when you can.

    Jan – so glad you were able to visit with someone who is a long time survivor. That’s fantastic.

    DebC – a surprise? Oh goody! Thanks you are such a sweetie.

    Jeannie – I have been thinking of approaching our hospital administration to start a volunteer program for breast cancer patients. I would love to do something like that. Good for you!

    Tina – YES! Great news. I’m so happy for you.

    Sheri – sorry you had to work today. How much snow did you guys get?

    Christine – good to see you. I need you to teach me how to deal with curly hair. Mine came back super curly! I sometimes look like a brillo pad.

    Hello to everyone I’ve missed. I’m going to go see how cold it is. I may just take a walk.

    Hugs and Prayers

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Evening sisters,
    Only have a minute to check in, need to feed my little guy and get the house picked up a bit then crochet some more. Bitterly cold here and the drive home wasn't fun with the blowing drifting snow. Supposed to warm up to 20 degrees tomorrow...oh wow...big deal.
    Thank you all again for your kind word. I find it so hard to believe that she could be gone so very fast. She did have time to explain to her children and give her love to all so that was a good thing. Just not fair though.

    NS...where are you girl. It's really really cold but I will round up a posse and come find you if I have too. We are worried about you here. Sending love and hugs your way.
    Want to post to everyone...just no time right now. I will be back later and know I love you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Had a fair day - I think! GAve the CEU presentation, ended up with 55 social workers. The presentation was 'Emotional Intelligence When Dealing With A Crisis.' Gosh I used so many examples just from the different things we talk about. At the end, I asked if any of them had experienced a personal health crisis. Then told them my story. Told them about and all the friends I have made over the last 2 years. It was fun.

    Then off to day surgery for preop testing. Now mind you, Im excited about getting the port out. Its closure for me. So I sat there answering this nurses questions and Im in the same area I was when I had my surgery. Had big time anxiety attack. Could feel my heart pounding and just became very nervous. Flew outta there pretty fast. Didnt feel safe until I got home.

    Moreland: I was more nervous anticipating my one year anniversay. When it finially came it was anticlimatic. But your right, how are we supposed to act? And it seems like we have so many different anniversaries. Its a great stepping stone. Celebrate by celebrating life. And now onto the next stone.

    Margaret: The commercials were awful. I was so upset with the game, I took a xanax and tried to fall asleep. Someone always has to win and someone always has to lose. And Im happy it was the Colts. I do like Peyton Manning - he cracks me up in his commercials.

    Man oh man, I feel cheated with my computer time today. Husband just told me dinner in 10 minutes. So typing fast.

    Sherloc: Hoping the HIDA scan went well. I had alot more to tell ya, will try to catch up later.

    Tracey: You made me laugh. You are so sweet. I wish our quarterback would just go away! Exciting news about your friend getting feeling back after being paralyzed.

    Colleen: We are a special group. The support here is just wonderful.

    Krisitn: Working during chemo is hard. Glad you took off and let your onc know about the cold. He might want to put you on an antbiotic.

    LinI: I come to the circle cause I feel its a safe place. You would never hurt anyones feelings. So dont go away.

    Cheri: I was so worried when I saw your posts deleted. Felt better after you explained. Dont know what the heck that person was talking about though.

    PurpleMB: Darn, Im sorry about your husband. Hope they get to the bottom of it. Heart problems are scary

    Jan: Sure do understand you being nervous about the appt. Hope lunch with Bridget was grand.

    Dang! I gotta go. If I dont come back I will catch up in the morning. I still have lots of notes.

    Jeanette, Vickie Sheri, Christine, Amy, Denise, Susan, Gus, and Liz - I have notes for all of you. And I can read my writing.

    Tina: OMG yes sure do understand the working extra shift. The story about your patient was heartbreaking. Poor guy and only 20 years old. Big congrats on the normal scans.

    NS: Hoping to hear from ya soon.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2008
    Hi to all my CG friends,
    I've scanned a couple pages and think I have time to respond before DH needs to use MY computer for work. The nerve of Some people!!

    Vickie: I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. My heartfelt thoughts are with you. You are so dear.

    NS: No news yet? Hang in there....I'm with ya!

    Liz: Your story to Laura is perfect. I can see myself doing the samething. No room for cheaters.

    Colleen: I'm glad you're feeling better today. We are here to listen!

    Karen: Glad your surgery went well.

    Susan: Same to you, rehab can be a bite, but I'm glad you are on the mend.

    Deb: I empathize with you and mourning. Never easy. I'm glad you had time with your Aunt in the recent past.

    Jeannie: Stiffness, Oh yes, the wonders of Femara!

    Jan: I can relate with the car! No trouble with my car, but I'm sure it's a sight trying to hike my fat ass up into my husbands truck!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tina: Wonderful news!

    Tracy: I'm still pondering the Ganja. I've never heard it called that before! Reminds me of a party some 25 years ago when I bit into a Brownie.........yep, somebody put some green stuff in it. I almost puked, certain things jusst don't belong in my chocolate!!

    To all that I haven't mentioned. Love ya and you are in my thoughts.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    The surgery was not bad. It was done under local anesthetic. The pain was worse before the surgery. My thumbs would pop when I tried to bend them, and it hurt like hell! I was out of commission for a couple of days, but not bad. I still can't bend them all the way, but it is lots better!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Oh, no other fingers were really involved, but my little fingers pop a little. It's not bad enough for surgery. They are just a little stiff when I get up in the morning.

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    good evening ladies!

    Vickie so sorry to hear about your cousin. so sad.....

    ns sending postive thoughts your way and hoping your feeling better!

    Nicki sorry you team lost! I didn't really watch too much but I made sure I saw Prince. I love him, he always gives a great show.

    now is it my dirty mind or did his guitar look a little PHALIC?????

    Tracey we also know Ganja to be pot in these neck of the woods......
    those with Doc appoints and tests I hope all went well.

    I had my appointment today,very humilating. doc says fissure and hemmoriods(Yeah!) have script for meds. and bland diet for next couple of weeks. then referred for colonoscopy when I am healed up.more humiliation......

    my son's calling me to go see what he is doing will be back later!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hello ladies made me laugh. I always fly out of my doctors office too...and...don't feel safe till I get home! did your scan go? would think we would be past the point of humiliation by now...guess not and maybe never. That stinks. careful on your drive down tomorrow. Pack a blanket, extra mittens, a sweater etc. in your car. The wind chill is fierce.
    MB...thinking of you and your hubby.
    Hi Susan, Gus, Jan, Amy EVERYONE!
    I'm just exhausted...what the heck!
    Going to go climb in bed where it's warm but I'll be back later to see if we have any news on dear NS...
    Love you all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ladies....
    nikki here is a group pic of us watching the superbowl.....

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Wow, for the first time, in a long time, not at least pgs of posts to catch up on. Thankfully.
    I am making a big pot of Cajun something, sort of a mix betw Jamablaya, Gumbo and Red Beans and Rice... I'll call it Cajun Stew and since there is so much, there is some for all. For those of you that can not tolerate the spice, it's not that spicy and remember no one has stomach problems in the circle.

    I have someone to place in the middle of the circle, at least until her surgery next Wed. It is my SIL's sister, my good friend and Godmother my 11 y.o. niece. Her name is Jeanne, last week she had a colonoscopy after 6 mos of stomach problems, dx w/ colon cancer. Today they did a scan and I just got the word, it lit up all over. Damn, that scares me, but I know, so many can live long lives with mets, from our metsters here. She is 48, has a lazy ass for a husband and a 20 something y.o. daughter, the daughter's name is Shane, her boyfriend was also dx, last week w/ lymphoma. We know that is highly curable, but she jhas got to be so scared. I haven't talked to either one yet, but am in constant contact w/ my SIL, I gave her my newest copy of Women and Cancer, they have a cover story on women and colon cancer. Please pray for remember Jeanne and Shane. They have not had it easy to start with. Thanks.

    Hey Jan, it sounds like you had trigger fingers? I have had them of and onn for years, first dues to diabetes, then the AI's, sometimes it is better than other. My brother said the sugery was bad, but he longer has trigger fingers.

    Susan, glad to see you are at least reading our good wishes, post when you can. Keep warm!

    The snow is beautifully falling here, but it is FREEZING!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    HIDA scan update.
    didn't work the way they wanted it to. After close to an hour trying to get the IV in. Tech didn't even try, just went for the big guns and called a nurse. She poked and poked and finally called the radiologist. He got if on the first try. Wasted a lot of that numbing stuff today. Got the tracer in my vein then they start taking pictures. 90 minutes of that and my gallbladder still hasn't shown up on the screen. ???? where is it? Second part of the test is injection of some kind of hormone to make my gallbladder empty. Only problem is it hasn't filled yet. Can't do the second if the first hasn't worked. So they give me a lovely shot of morphine. Apparently it makes the valve into the gallbladder relax and that allows it to fill. Buttttt the morphine cancels out the hormone so they still can't do that part. Geeeeeez. Tech did say the not filling could indicate some kind of blockage. Will have to wait till I hear from doc, perhaps tomorrow.
    So now I'm a little bit stoned and feeling a lot less crabby than I was this morning. Gonna spend the evening with my kids. See you later. Thanks for the prayers.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Tracy--Are you in the picture?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Sropping by with a quick HOWDY.

    I had a nutty day. I knew it was too good to be true that the whole estended family held it together for my Aunt's memorial service. The true colors startedt o show just hours after the service. Sufice it to say that I'm glad to be able to leave the whole batch of them in my rear view mirror for a while...When you look up disfunctional in the dictionary the whole fam-damnly is pictured! Some things never change...

    ANYWAY...we had a beautiful sunny day. My cold is almost gone and we only have a 3 day week at school this week. I think the girls and I will have a jammie day on Thursday or Friday and lay around the house all day...we could all use it.

    I'll try and catch up later. For now, hugs to everyone

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    (((Deb)))...checking in one last time before I'm off to lala land. Hmmm...maybe we should have a pj party this weekend with all this cold nasty weather...what does everyone think...I'm thinking that I can swipe us all some pretty good jammies to wear! I'm really worried! Come out come out wherever you are!!!!
    Love ya all and hoping you all have sweet happy joy filled dreams.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi Christine...we will put Shane and Jeanne in the middle off the circle and keep them safe and sound. Hugs to you.
    Oh Shirley...what a nasty day...tomorrow will be better.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Sherloc..that medical team sounds sorry you had to put up with all that!!!
    Hugs, Lisa
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007

    This has been a rough few days...
    It is time for us to hook up our horses and circle our wagons around some of our dear sisters who need us the most right now..............
    I will take the first watch.

    We're circling you Gina. We've got you circled....
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2007
    NS where are you?

    Tina - great news. Celebrate!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Pulling the wagon in tighter.

    Socal, Naaa the tech and the nurse were fabulous. I just have really really crappy veins. Multiple pokes are the norm for me. Which is why I always get the numby stuff. The nurse was grand, she didn't even blink when I asked for it. They usually put up a fuss till the 3rd or 4th poke and the tears are falling. I always let them try once without the numby stuff. Every rare once in a while they can get it on the first try. It's not that they can't find the veins. They can get the needle in just fine, but as soon as they try to push the catheter in the vein blows. Not so bad with the numby stuff (don't ya just love my technical term), just get bruised from here to kingdom come. When I have surgery the nurses here at my hospital don't even try. They just let the anesthesiologist do it in the OR.
    OOOO and I forgot the best part....they even tried in my foot one time. Wasn't to bad.
    Anywhos thanks for the sympathy. I'm doing good right now. Morphine is my all time FAVORITE drug.
    See ya
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Oh my, 45 posts to catch up goes.

    Colleen, I hope you are feeling better. Can you feel the love around here?

    Kristen, I hope your scratchy throat and stuffed up head go away soon.

    Lini, we'll be here for you when you come back.

    MB, thinking of you.

    Jan, good luck with your 4 month checkup. It always causes anxiety even though you kow it shouldn't. Did you and Iresheyz have a nice lunch?

    Jeannie, good for you volunteering. I am on the ACS wait list for training but I don't know when it's supposed to take place.

    Tina, great news on the results. That's the way to end your day

    Denise, glad things went well at the dentist.

    Cheri, I thought that only happened if the pics were big so I don't know what you did.

    Liz, glad your FIL is out of the hospital. I liked the first commercial the best too.

    Christine, Jeanne and Shane are in the center circle.

    NS, we're missing you. Where are you?

    Good night all.

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2007
    Hi CG's ,
    I called G tonight because I was worried we had'nt heard from her all day She has heard nothing about her core results yet. Her computer went down some time this morning and the cable guy is suppose to come Tuesday to fix it. She asked me
    to please let you all know that she is okay and hopefully will be back Tuesday . FURBALLS, FURBALLS, FURBALLS !!

    Hugs to you all ~

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Carrie, thank you for the update on G.

    Waiting is so hard....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    I can't believe how tired I am. Came home from work and just about collapsed. Dinner was soup that needed to be heated up!!! After dinner, sat down to read the paper and fell asleep while DD was trying to read her report to me (talk about an interested mom!!!). I was just fading in and out. Now have my second wind!!! I just never thought a little surgery like CT would wipe me out so much. Index finger is tingling on and off - so that is good. I guess the true test will be when the stitches come out and the 1/2 cast off. It is driving me crazy - and looks so messy -tape that is coming off the fabric.
    Thanks again for everyones well wishes. It means so much to me. I know you all get it!!!!
    NS - how are you doing? Any news yet. Thinking of you.
    Liz - I type mostly with my left hand - writing is actually harder than typing.
    Colleen - even with food the pain meds make me quesy and loopy.
    Deb - so glad that you made it through mammo. Thanks for well wishes - don't you just love the bears's name. DD is so wonderful - i wanted to cry at her comment - so glad that DH told me about it.
    vickie - sorry to hear about your cousin
    Nickie - glad your presentation went well. Sorry pre-op visit was so hard. Where is your port. Mine was in my arm and they put it in and took it out with local anesthesia - plus a valium to put it in. Will be thinking of you when you get it out.
    Katz - glad you listened to your DH and stayed home. Feel better.
    Shirley - sorry the HIDA scan was so hard - keep us posted on the results.
    MB - keep us posted on DH.
    Tina - YEAH - we love good results.
    Jeanne - I did my dominant hand first.
    Biker and Bridget - how was lunch?
    Susan - sending you hugs. You are strong. Continue to recover and hope you aren't in too much pain.
    Shel - I've put off getting my colonoscopy - need to get through all the stuff with BC - now carpel tunnel. maybe this summer. Hope all is well with your tests. Sorry about the bland diet.
    Liz, Cheri123, Amy, Denise, Madison,Lisa, Cy, Nicki, Lini, Tracey and everyone else else here in the circle - i am thinking of you. Wishing everyone a feel good day tomorrow. Can you believe that it is predicted to be 65 degrees in Denver - was in teh 50's today and will be in 50's rest of the week after tomorrow. We may see pavement afterall!!!\
    KAren in Denver