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  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Glad to hear NS is gone due to tech difficulties,
    G- come & post when you can.
    Thanks for the prayers for Jeannne and Shane, I know they are so scared now. My niece and nephew think cancer is so easy because of me and their "grandma" Joan both dx with bc in 2002. They think Aunt Jeannne might just be sick, some surgery and lose her hair (hopefully, that is it) Luckily they do not remember their real grandma dying from lung ca in 1993.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, I didn't have the gallbladder thing but I did have the blocked kidney about 4 years ago. They put me on the cold hard xray table inject die take a pic wait take another pic this went on for almost two hours. they decided to schedule a ct the next morning. Guess what the die still had not gone through. they could see it backed up on the CT. needless to say they wheeled my butt into surgery! after several months I wound up with another surgery to remove the 4" of scar tissue the first doctor caused.

    Doing much better now!

    MB sometimes when they put a stint in then another area shows a weakness that needs a stint too. hope thats all it is and the hubby well be OK
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Gonna make a quick try at this again. My other post was alright but on down the posts the page got wider. May have been because of the large pic posted. I'd heard that was what caused the width but there was no pic on it when I first posted so I don't know.

    Jan, sounds like you enjoyed your lunch with Bridget. If Christine had wanted to take the magic carpet she would've had to drive because.....

    Amy confiscated my magic keys! TeeHee. I just wanted to see if a magic carpet could fly in loops like an airplane. It can. It could've been the upside down circle 8's I was flying, too. LOL I had a great time. Course I had the parachute,seat belts,helmet & driver side air bag. I'd say I've had my turn I gave up the magic keys willingly.

    Denise, glad your dentist appt. went alright. Told ya.

    Susan, after all we've been thru together how could you possibly think I had anything to do with Lini getting into trouble? I agree it did look suspicious with her post right above one of mine that was deleted. I checked it out tho and I'm not sure our Lini was the one PMS-ing.

    NS, you know we are all worried but if you found out something today then you can talk about it when you feel up to it or else after you sober up after the party. Depends on the news. I imagine you have a whole lot of messages so I'm not gonna send you one. Just know my thoughts & prayers are with you.

    The girl that had let me know my posts had made the page wide today pm'd me tonight to try & help me figure out what went wrong. She thought I was using Notepad or some other program is what the 80 columns thing was all about. Actually, I just write below the last post, copy & paste just like I've always done. So we decided it must've been some kind of glitch in the system.

    I appreciated you girls that were concerned about me leaving. Shoot, ya couldn't blast me outta this Circle. I like it here too much. But it's always nice to feel wanted.

    I've rushed through this cos I'm anxious to see if it'll post alright. Sorry to all those I missed but my thoughts are with you and I wish you all a good evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Carrie, thank you so much for coming on & letting us know Sparky's alright. We've all been so worried about her.

    your pal
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Thank you Carrie...

    Stopped in quickly to see how NS is - I haven't been on in a couple of days and WHOA!! Page after page of posts!!

    I won't be able to catch up until another day - yikes...

    NS - hope you get good news tomorrow...

    I'm in the circle around you...

    Much love and warm hugs,

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    NS ~ We are still chanting Furballs Furballs Furballs for ya. We hope your computer is up and running too! We miss you.

    Carrie ~ Thank you for the update on NS.

    Denise ~ Glad your dentist appointment went well.

    Karen ~ Glad your surgery went well, and that you will be feeling better soon.

    Colleen ~ Still praying for you, your son and your friends family.

    Madison & Vicki ~ Have a GREAT time with your daughters.

    Vickie ~ So sorry about your cousin. Don’t feel guilty about you living.

    Shirley ~ Good luck with your scan today

    Susan ~ Hope you are doing well.

    Tina ~ Fantastic news on your test results.

    Lini ~ Wording accidents happen, don’t fret.

    Tina ~ Yippee! Great news on your test results!

    Margaret ~ There were very few Good commercials this year. I really liked the Taco Bell one with the Lions.

    Tracey ~ Where are you in the picture --- pretty cute by the way.

    To everyone else I am missing lots of hugs go out to all of you.

    Now on another note: Tonight my step-son called and someone got into his bank accounts by using his pin number (he swears that NO-ONE knows his pin number and he has his card right with him) and WIPED him out of EVERYTHING. He is ONLY 26 (Single and living on his own with a few guys in Berkeley, CA.) The bank is investigating everything now. Please everyone say a prayer they are able to help him recover his losses. I know this has NOTHING to do with ILLNESS, but as we all know MONEY unfortunately is what we need to survive on. He called tonight to ask us if we could help him with his March’s rent if they do not recover the money for him by then. Of course my husband told him we would.

    Hugs and Prayers to all of you,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well it's till very cold here in the Chicago end of the circle. 6 degrees below zero. They say the high will be 3 above! I have this really nice "down" coat that I bought about 6 years ago. It looks brand new cause I never had to wear it much. Well I pulled that sucker out this morning. I will be walking in and out of hospitals all day. Yesterday I was way too dressed up for this cold weather. Today its gonna be boots and the works.

    Coffee is brewing and have lots of other stuff to drink that will warm you up when you wake up. I woke up at my usual time, but spent 45 minutes just catching up. WE sure are a talkative bunch - but I love it. Cant imagine starting my day without talking to all of you.

    Carrie: Thank you so much for the update on Gina. We all have been very worried about her. What an awful time for her computer to go down. That would take me from being maniac to psycho in a short bit of time.

    Vickie: It was pretty funny when you think about it. I didnt know I could walk/run that fast. And I thought about you. Where was my xanax when I needed it. Well guess what, now Im carrying one with me! The PJ party sounds grand. Seems like when Im home, I live in my PJ's.

    Christine: Sorry to hear about Jeanne and Shane. Seems like there are alot of people out there that need our help and prayers. Of course put them in the middle of the circle. sometimes we forget the fears that our children go through. Especially at such a young age.

    Silvergirl: Yep, its been 20 months since my "big surgery." I was supposed to have my port out when I had my exchange surgery last year, but my tumor markers went a little bit above normal and the onc put the kabosh on the port coming out. I was so frustrated then, cause I thought - they dont have confidence that I have fought this thing bc. So Im just glad to have closure. Good luck with your MRI. The volunteering sounds great and you will be wonderful at it.

    Amy: Ive decided. We want Mazer to be our quarterback next year. She will charm all the boys.

    Denise: That sure was a scary story about your dentist. No wonder you were so nervous about going there again.

    Susan: Glad your getting better each day and even happier you are exercising - ALL THE TIME. I had an angiogram about 10 years ago, and they gave me something IV. I dont know what it was, but I do remember saying the silliest things.

    Liz: If I were you I would throw my hands up in the air too. You FIL is bleeding from somewhere. They have to give him blood cause his counts are low. Yet they didnt do a complete work up? Grrrrrr! You would have thought they would have done a colonoscopy. Bleeding from the NSAIDS! What the heck does that mean. Like you said, isnt that a GI bleed? Hope things settle down for you. I used you an as example in my presentation yesterday. Someone trying to recover from a life altering illness and having to cope with aging, frail parents. A challenge to most social workers.

    Michelle: I know what you mean. The tests sounded yucky to me. Been poked and prodded almost everywhere. Dont want to messed around with anywhere else.

    Tracey: That is a great picture. Which one is you? I really need to go out and buy a camera.

    Sherloc: Im glad the scan is over. So if it is the gallbladder, will they remove it? Being a nurse, I sort of chuckled when I heard your story about the IV's and your veins. I used to call the veins worms. Would find what I thought was a good one and it would either wiggle away from me or collapse. I finially decided, starting IV's was not something I was good at. So I always called the experts in to start IV's for my patients.

    Karen: My goodness, of course your tired. I cant believe you went to work only 2 days after your surgery. Your body was just telling you enough is enough. My port is under my left clavicle. Goes into the "big" vein. I dont know if that makes a difference. All I know, is I think my surgeon is making a bigger deal about it, but he has always led me in the right direction. Its just creepy, being in the surgical area again. I cant believe your having such warm weather. Bet its messy with all that snow melting. Looks like the cold front for Chicago is here to stay for at least a week. Amazing, when it finially gets up to 20 degrees, thats gonna feel warm.

    Debc: I laughed when you mentioned dysfunctional family. Seems like thats more common than not. My family is so dysfunctional its pathetic.

    Cheri: I still dont understand the post thing. Never had a post cause a wider screen. Usually that happens when someone posts a picture. And to be perfectly honest, a larger screen never bothers me. So is the girl sending you messages someone from the circle? Its so cold, we have to have a warm breakfast. One that sticks to your gut lol. So I have all kinds of warm cereals. Oatmeal, Farina, and my favorite Maltomeal. Lots of toppings and of course a bowel of fresh fruit. Mango is the fruit of the day!

    Ginney: Glad to see you. Hope all is going well

    Judy: The story about your sons debit card is pretty scary. We live from paycheck to paycheck, so I cant imagine what I would do if someone stole my pin number.

    PurpleMB: I will be thinking of you and your husband today. Hoping things go well. Hate to see him have to go through another angiogram and relive all that. Sending you a big hug.

    Gus (Sue): Hoping your feeling better. I just love your avatar. Makes me smile when I see you post.

    Sheri: Glad you peaked in to say hello. What is with all these days off? Its gotta make a mother goofy.

    Anne: Just saying hello.

    Lini: I read your post in the other thread. You said nothing wrong, and if you dont come to the circle, we will come get you. And I will even have Cheri drive the magic carpet so it will be a heck of a drive.

    OK - time to go. Wish this day was over and its just started. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    NS- Furballs..Furballs...Furballs

    Susan-Hope your recouperating well.
    I am trying to keep up but I am not concentrating well. We have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 5:30. At least he will be the first case. This is the first surgery that will not be done in a children's hospital. They do have an adolesant advocate who called yesterday.They all keep telling us how painfull this surgey is,NOT HELPING!!! It is so hard to watch your child in pain and not be able to do anything to help.Thank you for keeping him in your parayers.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Morning Girls!

    Stopping by to grab a cup of coffee and say hello. Need to get a project finished by noon for work, and then I'm going to treat myself with a nice long leisurely read of all the posts - yeah!

    Tracey - Is that a ping pong table I see? I'm so jealous! I love ping pong, had a table in our basement when we were kids.

    I already forget who found out, but thanks for the update on NS.

    And yes Nicki, I feel the love!! I really feel MUCH better today. No more dark, scary, obsessive thoughts for now (well, at least only just the usual one or two that can be "turned off" with a stern talking to myself!!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    Thanks for the wakeup Nicki...I so look forward to your posts in the morning.
    Glad to hear that NS hasn't heard any news yet...we can still pray and chant FURBALLS! I was so very worried.
    Oh thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear son. What kind of advocate can only talk about pain!! Aren't they supposed to be supportive and offer comfort and hope as well.
    Ok...I really have to get to work as the auditors are here all week and it's a zoo!
    Hugs to Madison, Sue, Liz, Cheri, Gus, Tracey, Judy, Margaret, Lini, Christine, Tina, Carrie, Denise, Vickie2, Boobbuster...everyone.
    Love ya
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Carrie, thanks for letting us know. I would have called her but didn't have her phone number.

    Karen, welcome back. Your body needs rest so make sure you get plenty of it.

    Cheri, the posts look fine now.

    Judy, I hope the situation with your SS gets resolved. That happened to a friend of mine; she doesn't know how it happened.

    Nicki, your weather is way too cold for me.

    Joyce, good luck with the surgery tomorrow. Chemo brain but I can't remember what kind of surgery he is having.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Wow, Shirley, sorry for the hard time with the HIDA scan.

    Michele, sounds like you had just as much fun at the proctologist. Good for you for going, though. Some people can never get themselves to go for those kind of appointments which can get them in a mess of trouble if they are ignoring issues! I love Prince too (leftover from high school) but I was not able to stay up late enough on Sunday to watch the half time show! I am so lame these days I have to laugh!

    Deb, I hear you about extended families. I love mine to death, but I am sure glad to live in another state sometimes! They are great, just in SMALL doses! LOL

    Chistine, I will keep Shane and Jeanne in my prayers.

    Carrie, thanks for the update on NS!

    Karen, glad you hand is still feeling OK. Take care and let the healing continue!

    Judy, so sorry your son has to go through that. I have had my identity stolen TWICE, and each time I was able to straighten it all out although it was a pain in the ass. Lots of paperwork and phone calls. The good news is they caught the lady the first time. The second time they never found the culprit. I hope he gets it resolved soon and with a minimum of frustration!

    Joyce, I am keeping your son in my prayers big-time. I cannot imagine how it must feel to have to watch your child go through these things. You are one strong woman and your son is lucky to have you to help him through!

    I did stay home from work again…one more day just to make sure that I am better. Hugs to everyone this morning! Kristin
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All,

    Still to fuzzy headed to read all the posts ( had a bad time last night with back and legs)....Can't decided whether to call the orthoped or not....just one more doctor appointment....

    Just let me know when and where the magic carpet needs to be headed today and I'll hop on....

    Will check back in later today when my thought process clears up a bit....

    Take Care M
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Morning everyone,

    Carrie, thanks for letting us know how NS is doing. I kept checking but nothing here. I can't imagine how scared she is

    Joyce sending prayers for your son, you and the family. This is one of those times that the strings to Mom's heart is just pulled tight.

    Susan, sounds like you are doing pretty good. Those exercises are something else!!! It will be worth doing them in the long run.

    Tina - so glad to hear of good test results.

    Karen - don't push. I'm not a good one to take that info
    but it just sets you back more and more.

    Shirley, sorry that happened on the scan. I was so upset and stressed out with them thinking it WASN"T my gallbladder and I just KNEW that it was - I probably would have not handled all that well. Add pain to the mix too.

    Cheri - your post was fine. I came to read shortly after you posted and all was OK. I think the picture Tracey posted was large and that made all the stuff wider. Tracey, others have ask, so I'll ask too, which one is you?

    RobinTN, check in again.

    Amy, Silvergirl, Biker, Ginny, good to see that you checked in.

    Wish you northern gals had kept this cold weather. I'm actually having to wear a winter coat now!!!!

    Hubby and I got MRI results of his spine yesterday. Going to try epidural steroid injection before surgery. Has part of a disc pressing on the nerve in the low lumbar area. Doctor said the space between the disc is so small he doesn't think he could even get an instrument in between but could only probably remove the piece on the nere.

    I've missed many - have a great day. NS, keeping you close in our heart, thoughts and prayers.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls...sorry missed so much but very busy with work and life in general.

    NS...thinking of you. (((hugs)))ps beautiful pic on the other thread.

    Carrie...saw Denise on the other thread too, good to hear from her.

    I've just been so busy with all of this snow/showers and ice threats. I've been up 24hrs for 2 days last week. Really wiping me out, but if I try to slow down, all men cry "wimp"

    Calling the doctor again today. Had problems with my recon breast with swelling and pain. He put me on antib. for 1 week and it didn't help, so back for tests. He thinks maybe be lyphmodema in the breast (not arm) or blood clot.

    Miss you all so much.xoxo

    ps Mena are you ok???
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I am the one who pm'd Cheri about her line length. I never asked her to delete her posts so I'm not sure why that extreme measure was used. I merely asked her if she could set her line length/page width to 80 columns so in the future her posts would fit within the page. It wasn't intended to be that BIG of a deal, only a suggestion. I thought she was using an editor like Wordpad or Notepad to cut and paste from but it appears to have been a system glitch of some kind.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good morning everyone!

    It is freakin' cold here today. All the area schools opened 2 hours late. It was 2 degrees when I woke up. I know it's not as cold as Nicki and DebC, but for here it's pretty nipply . I've started taking Melatonin to sleep and it is making me very groggy in the morning. Unfortunately, it's not helping me to sleep. I need to ask my onc to prescribe something, although I don't know what. I can't take Ambien since I hallucinate (wasn't that fun).

    Carrie, thanks for the update on NS. I was really starting to worry when she hadn't been posting.

    Christine, yes I had trigger thumbs. It started during chemo and got worse after I started the Arimidex. I got cortisone shots in both (aaarrrrggggghhh), but it didn't help. So, I had the surgery done. It is much better now.

    Sherloc, sorry the HIDA scan was so bad for you. I can't imagine putting up with all those needle sticks, you poor thing! My hospital gives me the numby stuff every time they start an IV. What a Godsend!!

    Margaret, yes I had a great time with Irisheyzs. We had such a good time, we are going to meet again, this time with our DH's in tow.

    Cheri, you are right. I did forget about the carpet key confiscation. Next time, it's my turn to drive. I'll try to be a little less scarey! My DH is the crazy driver in the family.

    Joyce, I hope your son's surgery goes well. That is a very stressful situation.

    Judy, that is terrible news about your step son. I still have a hard time believing that there are people in this world who can do that. I am one of those trusting, believe the best about everyone, people. I could never fathom stealing someone's money or identity!

    Vickie, a PJ party sounds just right. I'll get the fireplace going and you bring the hot toddies! We can stay up all night telling silly stories and playing games. Maybe throw in a prank phone call for good measure. We could call those guys who tried to crash the cruise! Give them a taste of their own medicine!

    Brenda, I hope the epidural works for your husband. I know several people who had it done and it really did help, although one of them had to get three injections before she got relief.

    I'm sitting here still trying to shake the fog out of my brain. I should get up and start moving. That will probably help. I'll check in later.

    Hugs to all!!
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Girls,

    It's been a long time since I posted but I have checked in every now and again and keep constant prayers going for all of you. You're always on my mind. And you've been so busy that I can't catch up with you all!

    WOW, January was a busy month. My son had speed skating competitions every weekend in January and I started a .8 position at the hospital, so it seems I am working all the time! This past weekend we were in Winnipeg for the North American Long Track competition. It was COLD! So cold that they cancelled the races on Sunday (-37C with wind chill of -50C) and my car blew two seals because of it too. Didn't find out until after the 14hr car ride home and the next morning there was NO OIL in my car! Thankfully there was enough to get us home without seizing the engine. There goes a grand to get those repairs done!

    Nicki, sorry about your Bears. I was driving so didn't see the game, but thought of you cheering those guys on!

    NS, chanting FURBALLS with everyone else. Hope your computer is fixed today.

    Cheri, haven't been able to keep up with it all, but have you been to massage or chiro for your back/leg problems? Hope you find something to help you soon.

    Hey, this flying carpet sounds fun, can you bring it up north for us Canadians to have a ride!

    Vicki, I remember reading a while back that your daughter was having some difficulties and may be moving back north. I hope all is well.

    Lots of new women on since I last posted. I will have to try and read back some to get some history. This is the most wonderful forum though! Glad you found it too.

    I am having a couple of issues. Went for my six month mammo beginning of this month and now they see 'shadows' on the other breast and I have to follow up in 6 months. This is really bugging me as I don't have dense breasts and they've never seen anything before. And the next mammo will be at the same time as I had the one last year that found the cancer the first time. Is it stupid to be paranoid because of that?

    Anyhow, I have a gazillion things to catch up on after the weekend and before I go back to work.

    You girls are the best. Hugs and prayers to all.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Morning all!

    Carrie-thanks for the update on NS. I was worried when she didnt post. Hate to hear she has computer problems on top of everything else so hopefully it will get resolved when the tech comes out.

    Nicki-Mazer is excited to be the new QB. She always thought she would get to kick extra points because she likes to practice her kicking but if a QB is what you need then she is all for it. I know you are excited to get your port out. I was very excited when I got mine out because I hated it being there. My veins suck so I really need it now but dont want another one unless I just have to.

    Jan-sorry you arent sleeping well. That is always the least of my problems. I sleep like a log 99% of the time. I think I got it from my dad because my mom has always had problems sleeping. glad yo enjoyed your lunch. its always exciting to meet somebody from the boards.

    tgirl-glad to see you checking in. Hope they figure out whats wrong.

    Mena-need an update on you and your son. come out come out wherever you areeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Judy-sorry to hear that about your step son. I had my purse stolen before and its an awful feeling. You just feel so violated. Hopefully they will catch them or whoever it was.

    vickie-a PJ party sounds like a great idea. We all need cute slippers to wear too. We can stay up late and laugh and giggle like teenage girls.

    Cheri123-oh my gosh, Nicki gave you permission to drive again. Whats the world coming to?? I guess I better get my dramamine and my safety harness to strap on with and hang on for dear life. I think I will wear my motorcycle helmet also. Take no offense,,lol.

    Joyce-thinking of you and your son and hoping his surgery goes well.

    Brenda-my mom does the epidural thing for her back and it really hellps her so hopefully it will work for you husband. Back pain is awful.

    Sherloc-sorry about the scan. Your veins sound alot like mine. Hopefully they will figure out whats going on soon.

    karen-glad you seem to be healing ok. I have drifted off when my son would be reading something to me also. You wake up feeling like a dog that you couldnt stay awake. Been there,,done that.

    Christine-moving your family members to the center of the cirlce. that is so much for one family to handle.

    DebC-I know it wasnt meant to be funny about the statement about your family but its reassuring to know my family is not the only one out there. They are fine in small doses but sometimes enough is enough.

    Kristin-sorry you arent feeling well but hopefully another day off will be just what you need.

    Silvergirl-the volunteer program sounds great and you will do an excellent job no doubt.

    ginney-hope things are going well for you.

    Lini-dont make the posse come drag you out. I read the post and nothing seemed wrong with it to me so come back to the circle where everything is A-ok.

    ok gotta go find some caffeine around this work place. I walked out of the house this morning without my starbucks. Thats when you know its not a good day. How could I leave without my coffee??

    house update-no power yet. They said they were coming out yesterday to set poles and pull the lines but nothing happened. I called but they havent called me back so I am in limbo. I hate not knowing whats going on. Yep,,control freak coming out. Maybe today,,crossing my fingers.

    ok off to hunt down some caffeine and then I will check back in later. Hello to everyone I missed!


    hey Lynn you posted while I posted. Happy birthday to you! sorry about the breast issue but at least they are staying on top of it. I know that doesnt calm your fears though. Hugs to you.
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone ~
    I will catch up later... running a little behind for work.

    Lynn ~ No, it is NOT stupid to be paranoid at ANY time.

    Hugs all ~ will write later.
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Checking in...I've laid low because things are so topsy turvy.

    Contrary to what a lot of folks told me, I ended up speaking with the OW yesterday (we were to do lunch but she was at home with her son---both with that stomach bug). We had an enlightening 45-minute conversation. I was civil and pleasant, as was she. She heard things Ray never mentioned to her (his unemployment 5 years ago that started this whole mess, the effect it's having on Caitie, my continued love and support of him)....bottom line: she was telling him that she couldn't continue being his scape-goat (she has enuf on her plate with her own problems) and would ask for the garage door opener back. I believe both of them---there's not been anything physical between them, but the emotional cheating was there. She got in far too deep and knows it's important she "gets out" now. She said "I can really tell how much you love him...just from the fact that you called me."

    I'm pretty sure she's already told him as he was cold to me yesterday, and insisted on getting my lawyer's contact info---I did NOT give it to him (told him his lawyer had to call me for it, but she can't since I've got my own counsel).

    He spoke (but didn't have the nerve to sit one-on-one) with his best friend of 30+ years and reiterated it's over, he's done, time to move on...hearing from his friend's wife (who doesn't pull punches) feels like I've been kicked in the gut, although it's nothing different than what Ray's told me.

    My lawyer said no problem in giving his number, but doesn't matter either way---if he's going to file, he's going to file (my lawyer wants to counter-file!) but I'll wait until it happens---I can do nothing at that point, or go full bear!

    My dad's going to call Ray....despite my own mom thinking I'm at fault on this, my dad isn't so sure---there were things he saw in Ray that I never did. Dad's going to ask him "you can honestly, truthfully tell me you've done EVERYTHING in your power to salvage this marriage" (knowing the things I've already told Dad), and if Ray says yes, Dad's going to lay the guilt about how this is going to affect their ONLY grandchild, let alone me, and that Ray's not man enough to face his own demons (drinking, lack of self-worth, etc.)

    Some would say don't get your family involved, but Ray was insistent I tell him what my parents said (though I refused)...he said it mattered to him! I guess it doesn't matter enough, does it?! Dad calling him can't hurt an already desperate situation.

    Taking it day-by-day. Ray's step-dad is due for surgery and will need someone to stay at his home while he recovers---Ray's already offered to his sister, so the time apart will be good for us (plus gives him a legal reason to move out--if only temporarily). I need some downtime and concentrate on myself and little Caitie.

    I have a followup w/my PS tomorrow---my implant should be settled enough from the 11/14/06 surgery that I'm moving forward with the nipple and tatooing (wasn't going to do it before, but now am bound determined to finish!) If anyone has any insight on the procedure, I'd much appreciate it!

    Love you all,
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey Ladies

    Well, work is done for the moment, I didn't make it through all the posts (I had this weekend to catch up on too!) but did a pretty good job...

    Liz - curtain rod story, hilarious!

    Deb - sorry about the memorial service and your family, it's amazing how crazy folks can act isn't it? Thanks so much for the special hug, I could feel it all the way over here on the East coast!

    Tracey - ganja, gannoush, LOL and yes, where are you?

    CY - hi there, hope you're feeling good today!

    NS - I remember your posts about your friend, and yes, the normal/rationale side of me is largely back, it's so nice that we allow each other to go to the "dark side", and then gently pull each other back. Hope your computer troubles are over and your results are in and all clear!

    Vickie - I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin, don't feel guilty, the worst thing that has happened to us is the worst thing that has happened to us - you don't have to feel bad if someone else has it "even worse", you deserve the same love, support and encouragement that you provide everyone else. As Ellen DeGeneres would say, "right back at ya!"

    AlwaysHope - revelie is too funny!

    Lisa - yes, the resilience of children is an amazing thing, I often have to remind myself that lots of times we get way more worried about things (simple things I mean) than they do, my son is oblivious half the time to minor little playground slights and the like that would have me in tears!

    Madison - what, your DH wants to use the computer for work! the nerve! LOL

    Nicki - glad you weren't too disappointed, sounds like your seminar went really well!!

    Margaret - I agree, the superbowl commercials were kind of lame...

    Shirley - sorry about the HIDA scan trauma! I've been having pretty consistent pain on my right side, just under rib cage, which I alternative tell myself if gas or my gall bladder. Have appt with onc next week (regular 3 month) and I will mention it then... Blech! What a great gift (painter) that's really cool!

    Kristin - are you feeling better?

    HI LINI!!!!

    purplemb - hope DH is doing better today

    Jan/Bridget - how was lunch ladies??

    Jeanne - I think I remember you asking about Reach for Recovery. Weird that they are so disorganized. Good for you for taking matters into your own hands! Have a note here that says, "MRI" hope it means you had one and the results were clear!

    Tina - woo hoo to great scan results!!! yeah!!

    Cheri, Amy, Susan - hey there!! hugs to you all

    Michele - yikes! sorry hon!

    Christine - positive thoughts for Jeanne

    Margaret - yes, it's amazing how you can feel the love right through the screen!!!

    Carrie - thanks for the NS update

    OK, off again, hope this doesn't get lost in cyber land!!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007

    BTW A friend stopped by today, and I asked her if she had heard about our mutual friends SIL. I could tell by her reaction that she had, and that she was upset/worried that I had heard about it. Basically, they were trying to shield me from it, or at least make sure I heard about it in a gentle way. I have to say, they are more upset with the friend who told me than I am. It's not like it's not happening, it's not like she should have to pretend that everything is OK. Not at all. But it is kind of nice to know that my friends get it enough to try to look out for me, and that they have my best interests at heart.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Just dropped in to see if there was any word from NS. I'll check back later. Gina, hang in there - we are all there with you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Well the temperature went up to 9 degress. Just high enough for snow! It was way to slippery to drive around so I came home. Took me 2 hours, but Im home before the rush hour starts.

    NS: Missing you a bunch. Cant wait for your computer to be working again. Its not the same here without you.

    Lynn: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It was so good to see you. I was missing you and the speed skating stories. I remember the picture you posted way back when. And BTW .8 is just like full time. Thats alot of hours. Sorry to hear about the shadows seen and hoping its no anything. Im finding, because of bc they are always looking at things very closely. I dont know if thats good or bad!

    Joy: HOping your sons surgery goes well. We will be with ya tomorrow morning. We know the waiting room can get very lonely.

    Colleen: You sure do have good friends.

    Vickie: I hate Auditors! Sending you a big hug.

    Brenda: Im hoping the epidural gives your husband some pain relief. With a compressed nerve, now I understand why he is in so much pain.

    TGirl: Its so good to see you post again. Hoping its not lymphedema or a blood clot and that it gets better soon.

    Jasmine: I wasnt making a big deal about it. Im very computer illiterate. So I didnt understand what Cheri was saying. Still dont lol. I dont copy and paste my posts. Dont know how to do that. Just keep editing them.

    LauraB: This whole situation with Ray just amazes me. What is wrong with him? You dad is right, he has a drinking problem and terrible self esteem. I dont understand this spousal support thing. He is the one that is cheating, he is the one that wants a divorce - so why should you pay him anything? And that goes vice versa if it was the woman cheating and wanting a divorce.

    Tough situation talking to the OW. See how strong you really are? Good that Ray is gonna take care of his father, and it would be better if the OW keeps her word and stops seeing him. That would give him plenty of time to think. And I like the idea that he is the one that left the house.

    My PS talked to me about mipples and tatoos. Said it was an easy procedure. But I didnt have it done. Dont blame you for it though. I would do it too. Hard enough going through treatment with bc, doubly hard with having issues with Ray.

    Amy: whoo hooo! DaBears can get a quarterback and a kicker. So how are you heating the house without power?

    Judy, Margaret, Kristin, and Madison - Ill catch up with you later. My DH is feeling ignored. Seems Im always on the computer instead of spending time with him.

    See ya all later.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Il'm doing a quick check to see if G has been on yet. Wow, if we don't hear soon, we'll have to turn our wagons in to "nut houses!"
    Good luck Gina!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hello to all, and the best wishes for all who are having personal procedures or whose families are having procedures/problems.
    Deb: Show me a family that isn't dysfunctional!! Love them to death but WAAAAA!
    I'll be back later....gonna surprise DH and not be on the Computer when he comes home tonight!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hi you guys!

    i keep checking to hear from G too!

    my macbook is on the fritz again so i don't get near mackenzie's computer too often, but i'm thinking of you all, everyday.

    deb......dysfunctional is my married AND maiden name lololol!

    LAURA........nobody, is going to "guilt" that man of yours into anything!!!!.. i read a great book called "stop your divorce, or at least the heartache"..........the best advice i ever got in all my years of struggling with mike. leave him be........the more you vie for power, the more you play games, the more you try to guilt or reason with him, the WORSE it's going to get! let him wallow in silence for a while.........IT'LL DRIVE HIM NUTS, AND YOU'LL HAVE SOME PIECE OF MIND BECAUSE ONCE YOU REALLY DO LET HIM HAVE HIS WAY, HE WON'T WANT IT ANYMORE! you may wind up divorced anyhow (i am headed there too), but you'll have taken back control of YOUR life in a constructive way.

    everybody else............i can't keep up with the posts, except to say LINI...........i'm not sure what thread or whom you've offended, but they'll get over it........we have all offended or been offended at some point here.......that's life! so you better come back or i'll hop a plane and be on your doorstep!!!!!!!!!

    love to all............shel!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    Only have a minute...auditors aaauuuggghhh!!!
    Gina...the men in little white coats are inching closer to my wagon...they just know I'm about to lose my mind with worry!
    Denise is right...gonna have to rename our thread to circle the nuthouses girls!
    love and hugs to all
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2007
    Shel....your advice makes a heck of a lot of sense! Silence is new rule! I'll just smile demurely, look hot, pretend I could give a rat's a**, and let him fester! I just keep trying to tell myself...."this isn't a result of MY problems/faults/misgivings---HE'S the one with the issues!"

    Wanting a divorce is probably one of the most selfish acts you can commit---especially with a child involved. Where the heck is his head (the one on his shoulders?!?!)

    Nicki--you know me pretty well, and know enough about him--absolutely amazing, isn't it!?!